#Bedlund pls
ajcrowlor · 2 months
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so @thegirlwithmanynames immediately wrote this on the magnet when i put it up like? 2? 3? years ago and like. yeah. it sure is buddy !!!
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mybrainproblems · 1 year
look. the levels of "you know, i always thought i could be a good dancer if i wanted to be" in 15x10 are just. so much to me!!
the more i think about s15, the more i see the little callbacks and easter eggs to earlier seasons. (the writers did their homework!) we have what i think is probably the most recognized/cited one, "daddy's blunt instrument" which predates every writer working on s15. i guess arguments could be made for singer but i just don't see him making that sort of contribution to a berens-penned ep. but there are so many other little things and i do think dean's line about thinking he could've been a good dancer is both a metaphor and a callback to 07x16 out with the old.
which like.
it was also something of a metaphor in s7. you have the literal meaning of dean seeing the ballet shoes in s7 and clearly being drawn to them in a way that sam isn't, the references to both black swan and swan lake. (and clearly a knowledge of swan lake given the reference to prince siegfried.) but you also have the metaphorical meaning of the shoes with dean being drawn to something that is perceived to be non-masculine and "delicate" and nothing like hunting. that he wants to have that in some capacity. and then we get a reference back to that in 15x10!! the acknowledgement that he always thought he could be a good dancer if he wanted to be. said with wistfulness! and it's said as they watch garth and bess dancing together. the face he makes when sam jokes he was good at the macarena and totally brushes off what dean is saying. given the lamp. given everything in the episode. yes, it's about dancing and wanting normalcy. it's about settling down and having a life. it's about dancing with someone.
you ask "why lamp?" you fucking know why. and so does andrew dabb.
also: references to swan lake the ep before cas returns is uh. a lot. this is however an instance where i'm not 100% onboard with it being an intentional destiel thing.
* there is literally nothing delicate about dance/dancers tho, it's literally just perception. i had friends who danced and they were pure muscle and grace. it's wild.
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angelsdean · 2 months
i need bedlund (hungry freak cas understander, much to say about destiel) and robbie thompson (queer nerd dean understander, wrote first destiel confession with dean saying "i love you" FIRST) to put their heads and pens together and work on s16. like pls. i need it
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rogerpodger132 · 6 days
My needs and wants for SPN S16
• The Destiel confession to be acknowledged in some way (it doesn’t need to be a conversation but they can’t just brush it aside)
• Dean saving Cas from The Empty and it coming full circle. Cas saved Dean from eternal damnation, Dean saves Cas from eternal darkness.
• Eileen. Enough said
• Jack to live with the Winchesters and have as normal as a childhood as he can (for being in an adult body)
• Nobody dies
• Writers who care about the characters and not just the money (Bedlund you are my only hope)
• Dean to be written how Jensen wants.
• A good happy ending.
• A destiel kiss (preferably with Dean initiating it)
• Random hunt filler episodes like in the early seasons but Cas joins this time
• Sam and Dean body swap AU (for shits and giggles)
• More tension between destiel than any other season
• Sam learning ASL for Eileen
• Canon destiel
• Human!impala (and it’s a man, pls don’t have Dean sexualize a car.)
• Crowley (I seriously considered putting this in my list of needs, just think of the nicknames he’d have given Jack)
• More platonic sastiel
• A callback to werepire. It can literally be just a passing line but please, it would be so funny.
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loveinterestcastiel · 21 days
pls explain urself in the tags
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anevermadebed · 1 year
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#i think it’s fine bc it’s out of the way and also we’re cool. at the same time i’d rather swallow a tablespoon of hot sauce than see someone
My Top Posts in 2022:
the problem with a lot of no supernatural element aus is the failure to capture the essence of cas (insane) which is why the ones that work are like “cas calls dean’s garlic bread closeted.” or “cas did NOT bring this research before the ethics review board.” or “cas is literally secretly a part of a crime family. also he rides a motorcycle.”
841 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
i think to block ppl there should be an optional exit survey. like i want the data. when was i too annoying to bear?
1,133 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
so the thing is. in the trap, when dean says “i hope it’s not too late.” it is. it’s too late. cas already made the deal. they’re doomed.
1,361 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
if kripke wanted to actually serve cunt he should have followed through on the plan for dean to kill john. in this version, dean kills john bc john was going to kill sam. john should have stuck around as a ghost haunting dean until after 3x10 “i dont deserve what he put on me and i don’t deserve to go to hell.” after that, dean salts and burns john’s jacket.
this would make s4 “you don’t think you deserve to be saved” go absolutely crazy. cas saves him bc it’s an order but later he knows he would have saved him anyway! bc sometimes you have to disobey your god! sometimes you have to kill him.
1,636 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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IF i become famous pls note i find the concept of rpf hilarious. like i won’t be secretly dating my friends but you are welcome to lie on the internet with gif sets.
10,353 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
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heckinwacky · 3 years
pspspspsp bedlund
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louisdotmp3 · 3 years
well folks, this fic rec has everything - it’s sorted into: trueform cas, human cas, trans dean, dean character studies, endverse, weednatural, and the extremely exclusive list of au’s that i actually like.  (there’s a lot of human cas in here.)  i tried to make this consist mostly of stuff that at least i haven’t seen rec’d often, so hopefully u’ll find something new!  but ofc there’s some classics in here.
some descriptions i’ve kept from the ao3 description (those are in quotes) and for other’s i’ve written my own (not in quotes).
trueform cas
the reach of human sense by perilously (E, 4.5k)
cas is feeling weird about dean never having seen his true form and then they work it out so can and dean enacts praise kink on cas
Then I am, yes, the Bible that teaches you of freedom by orphan (E, 17k)
“Well. The Apocalypse was one thing. Thousand-foot-tall multi-limbed horror-angels smashing up the planet was something totally different...” or, cas is in an earthly approximation of his true form and they’re well and truly into the apocalypse, but also there’s some trueform grace sex
Yield by Gemmiel (E, 2.5k) (and it’s first part Merge)
dean and cas explore angel sex and merging cas’ grace and dean’s soul
human cas
Stories Are Made of Mistakes by wildhoneypie (T, 4.9k)
“In which Cas is human and doesn't understand basic concepts like: clothing, Mythbusters, moisturizer, and Greek food. Dean is...Dean and doesn't understand basic concepts like: boyfriends, language, how to tell your friend that he's a walking miracle, and when not to quip.”
Snippets by saltyfeathers (Not Rated, 6.4k)
season 8, cas is human, cas is depressed.
More Than Ever by Sass_Master (E, 20k) from the Dream of Now series
cas decides to become human and dean is an unbearable asshole about it because he’s a man with abandonment and self-worth issues and never learned how to process an emotion.  (it has a happy ending.)  and also the rest of the works in the series are very worth it - but especially these:
Learning to Live by Sass_Master (E, 15k) from the Dream of Now series
explores dean’s internalized homophobia (and cas’ lack of it)
A Given Thing by Sass_Master (E, 20k) from the Dream of Now series
explores dean and cas navigating their way through d/s dynamics with purpose for the first time
Après by imogenbyknight (E, 24k)
set after the end of s8, cas falls to earth in france, and dean comes to paris to get him.  (cas gets to wear a sweater.)
the taste of gravel in the mouth by deathbanjo (E, 22k)
“This is what Cas gave up Heaven for: greasy diner food, shitty motel rooms with even shittier cable, long car rides spent in complete silence except for the same six tapes playing over and over again, and a burnt-out husk of a man who can barely hold a conversation anymore.”
trans dean
No one ever wants to say by marshmallowfluff (M, 58k, incomplete)
canon reimagining with trans dean up until 2.01 written by a trans author.  first chapter is john’s pov, second chapter is sam’s pov.  i cannot recommend this one enough !!  when i imagine what sam and dean’s childhood was like, this is the first fic that comes to mind.
on vessels by flightsofangels (Not Rated, 1.9k)
head in my hands this fic has everything - trans dean, cas loving dean like worship, like dean is god, cas wanting to possess dean as the only way he can process his feelings,,,
dean character studies
Formal and Shining and Complete by pollutedstar (T, 3.2k)
dean and his intelligence, and how he and his intelligence is perceived and treated by other people
Blessed Are Those Who Hunger by pollutedstar (T, 3.6k)
dean and his complicated relationship with food
we’ll find a new home by sleepyvan (G, 7.8k)
“After Cas comes home, Dean starts cooking like crazy. He thinks he might be compensating for something.”
Epilogue by Jayne L (E, 27k)
endverse cas gets sent back in time to 2009
to think that we could stay the same by cipherwriter (T, 6.5k)
“cas has all he needs; himself, his creation, and enough power to continue this cycle for a long time. he's fine. dean wants to take care of him anyway.“ or, the bedlund cockroach fic
you and me in the war of the end times by stickthelanding (E, 4.8k)
dean and cas and weed over the years (yes cas does start growing weed in the bunker)
untitled by tumblr user perlukafarinn (nsfw, 433)
AU where dean and cas are both hunters who occasionally work together and also hook up
ex-angel of grass and group sex by @goodbi-bitch (M, 3.3k)
thee endverse shotgunning fic
Departure Strategy by  choranaptyxic and emmbrancsxx0 (E, 39k)
“Castiel works for the Departure Network, a semi-legal organization dealing in assisted suicides for the terminally ill. When he’s put on Mary Winchester’s case, he meets Dean and Sam. Dean hates Mary’s decision to follow through with the plan and, by extension, hates Castiel. But, as the two get to know each other, something begins to grow between them, and Castiel finds himself breaking the first rule of his job: Don’t get attached.“
Four Letter Word For Intercourse by bendingsignpost
i probably wouldn’t have read this if everyone hadn’t gone through a phase of being obsessed with it but it is actually that good.  i mean it’s both dean getting therapized via phone sex and also a uni au, what’s not to like?
if u have any recs that might fit in these categories......send them over pls & thank u
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queerbobbysinger · 3 years
bedlund and gamble remain the funniest/best showrunners in my mind anyhow. this is not a moral stance or judgement pls dont @ me i know theyre all bad
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muslim-flint · 3 years
tagged by @rothfaux for 9 people you want to know better or catch up with, thank u gil <3
last song: Thibault Courtois by shay
last film: jane eyre (2011). cary joji fukunaga hand in marriage pls
currently reading: REreading actually, the CHERUB saga by robert muchamore. formative when i was 12 and i love me some regressing
currently watching: mostly movies tbh so not really any tv show im binging.... im on a michael fassbender streak these days :/ half thirst watch half genuine interest in his acting sjfjjs
currently craving: a burger so im making one. EFFICIENCY
tagged : @thursdaygirlgn @sharkselfies @bedlund @transjewdean @little-water-lily @im-the-punk-who @roentgen @virginwhoredichotomy @aztatine219 and whoever wanna do it
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