#Barbara Harrison
fdmlovesfashion · 1 year
ART for KIDS: The New York Center for Children celebrates Spring
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pinkyringprvnce · 2 years
Rewatching 'Nikita': "Free"
Back to rewatching Nikita and this time Ryan arrests Birkhoff to help Nikita disable Alex's kill chip.
The first time I watched Nikita, it’d already gone off the air. But I distinctly remember seeing the promos when I watched Smallville. So when I saw it in my Netflix recommendations, I knew I had to watch it. It’s been a while since then so I decided why not rewatch it? So now I’m binging the show from the beginning all over again. Last time, I watched the 11th episode so now I’m onto the 12th…
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yljil · 10 months
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because you're sweet and lovely, girl, i love you
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good-to-drive · 26 days
George would have been such a menace if he'd been able to text... texting Tom Petty at 3 am to tell him he's beautiful and leaving Paul on read for days straight
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fandomsarefamily1966 · 8 months
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franklyimissparis · 3 months
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Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach on their Wedding Day, on April 27, 1981💐💐💐
Via @beatles.muses on Instagram💐
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beatleswings · 2 months
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ringos-sexynose · 1 year
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International Women’s Day 💫
Jane, Linda, Nancy, Cynthia, Yoko, May, Pattie, Olivia, Maureen and Barbara
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harrisonarchive · 1 month
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At the Romanian Angel Appeal luncheon, 1990.
Duane Eddy’s “The Trembler” appears on the Romanian Angel Appeal charity album, Nobody’s Child. You can read more about that song in the recent in memoriam post for Duane Eddy, here. First, a look at the backstory of “Nobody’s Child” and how the album came about — “I went into some orphanages [in Romania]. George was in the studio with the Wilburys, and he phoned me, and I said, ‘I’m in Bucharest.’ ‘What are you doing there?’ Somehow I bumped into Dave Stewart on the way down there — I mean not on the road but somewhere in the days before — and he said, ‘Oh I’m going to give you two songs, I’m going to give you a song so that, you know, you could put it out as a single to raise money.’ And I told George that, I said, ‘I have this song from Dave Stewart so if you have any time and you think of it, maybe you guys could do a song.’ You know, I went to sleep and I woke up in the morning, and they had stopped what they were doing and they recorded that song. […] He knew, you know, George knew I wouldn’t ask, and he knew tones of my voice and obviously knew it was serious and how I was feeling there. Because it was pretty horrific. And in fact the Romanian Angel Appeal’s still going. It had been adopted as a program by the government there, so they’re still helping children.” - Olivia Harrison, Dark Horse Radio, 2018 “The Duane Eddy track was something that Jeff Lynne and myself had done with Duane on an album which came out in 1988 but to this day I don’t think I’ve seen a copy of it. The thing for me that was interesting was that the song originated from a tune that Ravi Shankar made up. I really liked that idea, Duane Eddy plays Ravi Shankar! […] My role in this is much different to the concert for Bangla Desh because with that I organized the live show *and* the film *and* the record and there was all the horror of getting the problems sorted out afterwards. This was more rallying around the troops and getting out the best record as possible that will get the appeal as much money as possible. It’s nothing compared to what Olivia and all the carpenters and electricians who are giving their time for free are doing. This is just my small contribution.” - George Harrison, Q, 1990 (x)
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rolloroberson · 8 months
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The Wedding of Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach attended by George and Olivia Harrison, Paul, Linda, and James McCartney along with Gianni Gregorini(son of Barbara Bach) photographed by Terry O’Neill.
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gallery-blue · 8 months
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Photography by ​Jack Harrison
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harrisongslimited · 8 months
George Picture of the Day 10-2-23
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George and Olivia, Ringo and Barbara and some other friends. I believe this was taken after the stabbing attempt on George's life. He looks pale and is sitting down.
thanks to owner
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rodeoromeo · 11 months
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new favorite genre of photo <333
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creepswrites · 1 year
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The idea for this story came to me in a dream, hope you guys enjoy!! Billy Lenz just needs some friends, honestly. I also really really love Black Christmas, its one of my favorite movies, so I hope I write Billy well :')) let me know if you're interested in a part 2!!
Billy Lenz + Sorority Girls (platonic)
Summary: "Hello?" She spoke softly. "Are you alright?" Jess's expression melted from confusion to concern. Billy nodded quickly, chewing on the skin on his lips. Surely she knew about Claire and was asking just to see if he'd lie. She'll know he lied and then she'll- "Do you need help?" Jess's voice cut through Billy's spiraling thoughts and his head snapped over to where she now stood beside him. WARNING: minor violence, mental health issues, discussion of pregnancy & related issues (Billy is NOT SA'd)
Billy stared vacantly at Claire Harrison, watching her as she packed her bags in preparation to leave. Christmas was in a few days and many of the sorority girls had planned to leave. Watching Claire play with the cat, Claud, Billy chewed anxiously on his fingernails as he stayed hidden in his spot in his closet. Sneaking into the sorority itself hadn't been difficult. Attic windows were rarely locked. Moving about had required precision and caution on Billy's part since the girls were still unpredictable to him, but he could change that. He could make them predictable.
People were predictable when they were afraid.
Snapping himself back to the moment, Billy watched carefully as Claire gravitated closer and closer to his hiding spot in the closet. His recent phone call had really rattled the girls earlier - Claire especially. He'd been calling the house for a few weeks now but only recently snuck in, feeling bolder than he had in weeks.
There was no rhyme or reason to choosing these girls. Maybe parts of them reminded him of Agnes, of his mother, or of something entirely different. Billy didn't have a reason for killing the way he did.
(The little girl in the park had been an accident. Just an accident. She'd seen him sneaking around and he had to kill her or else she'd call someone. Then Billy would be in trouble. And Billy didn't want to be in trouble.)
The rustling of Claire moving to grab something in the closet had Billy lunging for her throat, grabbing the startled girl around the neck and slamming her head into the wall, immediately knocking her unconscious. Billy just stared at his hands, watching them shake as they gripped her neck, before lifting her up into his arms.
Hauling her up into the attic took some doing but he was stronger than his lankier appearance let on.
The attic itself was dark, dusty, and quiet. Just the way Billy liked it. Wooden planks made up the floor that gave his hands tiny splinters for him to pull out with his teeth, cobwebs covering all the old clothes, boxes, props the sorority used when promoting themselves for new members, and clouded windowpanes from years without cleaning.
A sole, comfortable rocking chair was set up by the window. Tying the girl to the rocking chair had been easy. So was wrapping a cloth around her mouth so she couldn't scream if she awoke. Billy ignored the way his hands shook as he worked, mumbling to himself as he did so. Mama had to be in her usual spot, his mind cried. Right by the windowsill with Agnes just like he remembered.
Kneeling in front of the chair, Billy Lenz stared at the unconscious girl. Brown hair, big doe eyes, and a softness to her that Billy craved. The opposite of everything his mother was but very accurate to the version of herself that he made in his head. Billy remembered his mother to appear very kind and approachable, sweet, and delicate to Agnes.
Billy always made her angry, always got in her way. He remembered the way her face would twist and contort whenever he was in a room with her. As though to share her space was an insult that Billy could never hope to apologize for.
His mother was always crueler and scarier when she was yelling at him.
But she wasn't yelling now. He glanced up nervously at the unconscious girl before focusing his attention back on the dirty attic floors. He had control now. His mother was gone and his sister was gone. He was in control now.
"Little baby bumpin', daddy's gone a-huntin', gone to fetch a rabbit skin to wrap his baby Agnes in..." He sang softly to himself, voice cracking slightly, as he took the leg of the chair and rocked it slowly, eyes fixed to the spot where the girls shoes scuffed the dusty wooden floor.
Hearing the muffled sounds of the sorority girls' voices, Billy lifted his head slowly. Most of the girls were leaving for the Christmas break but a few would be staying behind, for one reason or another. The girl Barb was staying - he overheard that phone call right before calling the house.
Calling the sorority house. Yes, he'd done that. Stupid Billy, he hissed in his own head. Stupid, stupid Billy. It had been such an impulse, such a horrible idea from a horrible, horrible boy-
"Hello Peter?" The girl's voice pulled him from his thoughts, listening intently as she spoke. "I just want to talk to you." Her voice was low, hard to make out. Billy crept towards the door that led the attic and opened it slowly to hear better. Jess, he was able to identify. He was always hyperaware of their voices - and of the girls themselves - at all times. "Nothing's the matter, I just need to talk to you. In person. It's important." Billy stared at the carpeted floor of the sorority house from his spot, hovering over the ladder. He couldn't climb down but he didn't need to see the girls face to see her frustrated expression.
He'd already heard Jess talk to Phyl about the pregnancy.
In his own, twisted way, Billy wanted her to get the abortion too. Remembering his own childhood, remembering Agnes' life, he didn't want to see Jess turn into his mother. Though he could bear to see her annoying boyfriend meet his father's demise.
Billy hadn't been the one to kill his dad, after all. Maybe it would do Jess some good to embody his mother just a little bit.
"Peter, it's important!" Jess huffed again. "I'm not telling you over the phone because it needs to be in person." Billy felt out of his body as he crept down the ladder slowly. "Peter-" Jess huffed before angrily hanging up the phone. Billy made his way to the banister of the stairs and crouched down, watching Jess wrap her arms around herself. She stared at the fire for a moment before turning to sit on the couch. "Honestly, the nerve of that boy..." She huffed to herself before noticing a shadow on the floor and looking up at the stairs.
Both she and Billy jolted in surprise when her eyes landed on him. "Oh, are you from the party?" Jess asked, making Billy's head tilt slightly. "You should head home, it's late." She rubbed her eyes for a moment. "Unless you're keeping one of the girls company...?" Normally she didn't mind whatever boys her sorority sisters invited over but something about this guy gave her the creeps. She pushed the thought from her mind as quick as it came because, no, that was irrational. Sure he looked dirty and startled but that didn't mean he was dangerous!
Billy, however, stared at her with wide eyes, partially out of fear and largely out of confusion. Why would he be keeping them company? Did she know about Claire? Oh god-
"Hello?" She spoke softly. "Are you alright?" Jess's expression melted from confusion to concern. Billy nodded quickly, chewing on the skin on his lips. Surely she knew about Claire and was asking just to see if he'd lie. She'll know he lied and then she'll- "Do you need help?" Jess's voice cut through Billy's spiraling thoughts and his head snapped over to where she now stood beside him, her look of concern reminding him of the social worker- When had she come up the stairs?
"Help." He repeated, mimicking her tone. She raised an eyebrow at that, a nervous smile on her face.
"Do you know where you are?" She spoke softly, looking Billy up and down as he slowly stood up. Billy hated that look and quelled the urge to dig his fingernails into her neck by digging them into the thick fabric of the hem of his sweater instead.
"No." He said quietly, eyes locked on the floor. He was out of his depth here. He wasn't supposed to be found. He hissed softly, gripping his hair in frustration and yanking, trying to ground himself. Why had he climbed down, what was he doing, everything was going to be ruined-
His franticness seemed to alarm her. "It's alright," she gently took his wrists and tugged gently in hopes he'd move his arms. He stared up at her with wide, fearful eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help."
For a moment, Billy believed her. Jess seemed kind, genuinely concerned about him. His eyes flickered between her face and her hands as he mumbled to himself. "Do you want something to drink? Maybe sitting down will help." She let go of him gently and Billy felt the weight in his chest lift slightly. Drinks would be good, yeah.
He let Jess take his hand and walk him downstairs.
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The downstairs kitchen wasn't anything phenomenal. Plain but useful, decorated to the nines for Christmas like everything else in the house. Jess busied herself with making hot cocoa for the strange man and eyed him curiously as he sat down in one of the old dining room chairs, staring at her.
He was interesting. The green turtleneck he wore reminded her briefly of Peter but his messy, dark brown curls made him different. Green eyes obscured by hair that seemed to stare into her very soul the longer she looked. He was dirty and covered in dust, like he'd been crawling around the attic or something. She looked away, feeling his eyes bore holes into her. He was odd.
But something about him made her feel sympathetic. Afraid, absolutely, but she worried about him.
Cutting a piece of the warm pumpkin cake Barb made and grabbing a candy cane, she brought the steaming mug into the dining room and set the small plate and cocoa in front of the man, who continued to stare up at her.
"We have marshmallows and whipped cream if you want that as well," she hummed as she sat down. Billy glanced at the cake curiously before taking the fork in a shaking hand and eating vigorously.
Jess felt her brow furrow. With how he was acting, she wondered when the last time he ate was. There was no way Barb's cooking was this good. "Do you know your name?" She asked hesitantly, feeling the mans eyes on her. She wasn't sure if he had a head injury or just didn't want to speak but if he was dealing with amnesia, her work may be cut out for her there.
It was snowing too much to drive out to a hospital right now...
"...Billy." He mumbled quietly, cutting Jess from her thoughts.
"Well Billy," he liked the way she said his name with her accent, "it's nice to meet you. My name is Jess."
"Jess." Billy repeated, mimicking her accent to the best of her ability. Jess seemed somewhat amused by it, giving him a light smile.
"You're very fond of voices, aren't you?" Billy shrugged, sipping on the cocoa and finally taking his eyes off her. "What other voices can you do?"
Billy's head snapped up harshly, staring Jess down. Usually people were annoyed by Billy doing voices, never asked him to do more. He was too loud, too annoying, too- "Tonight, one of these three contestants will become champion, and win a 1975 automobile, $10,000 in cash, or $25,000 in cash. And now, let's meet the star of Jeopardy!, Art Fleming!" Billy lowered the octave of his voice, repeating the lines he'd heard from the TV a few nights ago.
Jess laughed and Billy felt himself freeze. "Wow, okay. So you can do a lot of voices then." Her smile was infectious and Billy could feel himself smiling. He nodded shyly, drinking from the mug again. "Well, I'm sure Barb will get a kick out of that too." Blinking at the name, Billy hummed in thought. Barb was the girl staying behind who wanted to visit her mother. Skiing, he recalled. "Do you have somewhere to stay?" Billy glanced up at Jess, staring her down.
"...No." He said softly, chewing at the skin on his fingers anxiously. Jess didn't seem surprised but frowned slightly.
"Well, I suppose you can sleep on the couch. I'll give a note to the girls still here that you're downstairs so they don't freak out." Billy nodded as Jess took the empty dishes from him, leaving him to chew thoughtfully on the candy cane. "I'll grab you some blankets and pillows, wait here!" Jess smiled before hurrying upstairs, socked feet padding on the carpeted stairs.
The spare closet at the end of the hall by the attic usually had extra blankets and pillows inside for emergencies. When she opened the small closet, Jess busied herself by grabbing a thick, wool blanket and a plain white pillow and used her hip to shut the door. She paused when she noticed the attic door was open and rolled her eyes, reaching up to shut it. Really, Barb and Phyll should've shut it after getting decorations!
Lord knows the draft up there would give them all dreadful colds.
Jess quietly shut off the upstairs lights on her way back down, almost relieved to see Billy had made himself at home on the couch, staring blankly at the fire until he heard the girl approach him.
Billy watched her cautiously, biting the candy cane and sucking it to a sharp point. Grinning to himself, he started laughing quietly. How had he gotten himself into this- this mess?! Biting down on the candy cane to hold it in his mouth freed up his hands to pull anxiously at his curly hair.
Jess set the blankets and pillows down cautiously beside her before looking him over. "Do you want a shower or anything? I'm not sure how many spare clothes I have but, if you want to get clean, I can-"
A knock at the door made Billy shriek, like he'd been stabbed.
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Jess froze, yelping as well when her guest shrieked, covering his ears with his hands. That... was odd, but she tried to push it down. "It's alright Billy, probably just late-night carolers or something," she tried to reassure him calmly as Billy peered at her nervously. "I'll go check, it's alright." Jess stood from the couch and made her way to the window and peeled back the curtains, frowning at the figure of a single man standing there.
When she looked back over at the couch, Billy wasn't anywhere to be seen. As she looked around frantically, Peter pounded again on the door, begging to be let in. Jess sighed, more annoyed than anything. So first Peter wanted to wait and now he was suddenly interested in what she had to say? Honestly, sometimes it was like he loved that piano more than her.
First, she needed to find where Billy ran off to. Out of the corner of her eye, Jess spotted movement in the kitchen and let out a relieved sigh. "It's alright Billy, it's just my boyfriend Peter..."
Poking his head out into the entryway of the hall, he simply stared at her. Those big green eyes once again made her feel unsettled except for the fact he didn't seem... dangerous? He was weird for sure but the girl didn't think he was that dangerous. After all, she was in college for psychology. She'd recognize anything hostile in him.
Peter's incessant knocking was grating on her nerves. "One moment Billy," she sighed before turning on her heel and marching to the front door. After a bit of a jiggle of the tricky handle, it opened.
"Jess! Leaving me to freeze out there? After I came all this way?" Peter pouted dramatically, shrugging off his jacket and pushing past Jess into the sorority house.
She crossed her arms over her chest. "I didn't think you'd be coming. You said you were getting rest, tomorrow's important to you."
"Well, you piqued my interest," Peter explained with an insincere smile. "Besides, I can't sleep if something's on your mind. What's going on?" Slowly, Peter's eyes shifted to behind Jess and he looked alarmed. "Who's THIS?"
Jess looked over her shoulder at Billy, who stood in the entryway to the kitchen with a candy cane stuffed in his mouth, the point aimed at Peter. If looks could kill, her boyfriend would be ash at her feet. "That's Billy," Jess smiled, "he's from the party earlier."
"So... why's he downstairs with you alone?" Peter gave a concerned look to Jess. "Jess, sweetie, is he bothering you? Just say the word and I'll-"
"Pig bitch..." Billy muttered, voice slurred by the candy cane. Jess felt herself freeze. That voice. She had thought it familiar at first but that phrase... only one person she knew said that. The Moaner. The horrible, awful Moaner on the phone who was now in the house. Had been in the house the whole time. Oh my god he was in the house and she fed him and offered him to spend the night?!
Jess felt close to fainting but she held it together.
"What did you say?" Peter snapped at Billy, glaring him down.
"Rotten pig bitch!" Billy shrieked in a high pitched at the other man before retreating back into the kitchen, a soft shattering noise of glass made Jess flinch slightly.
Now she had a choice to make: she could tell Peter about the phone calls, tell him about the Moaner, about how for the past few weeks he had been calling the house and disturbing her and her sisters. Or. Or she could tell him about the baby, brush off the Moaner's - Billy's - antics and tell him what he came to hear about.
Steadying herself, Jess moved to sit on the couch. If she said something about Billy, Peter may try to pick a fight him, a fight she was uncertain he'd win. Or call the cops. And lord knows what would happen if Billy found out she sold him out. She wasn't sure how strong he was but he was nearly the same size as her boyfriend. Besides, there was something about him that confused Jess. Billy was just a walking contradiction.
There was simply no way the Moaner who screamed profanities was the same man who was too anxious to meet her eyes. Right?
Jess didn't like her odds.
"I'm pregnant," is what she settled on saying. Peter's eyes went wide. His slowly growing grin was not at all what she'd expected.
"Jess that's wonderful!"
"I don't want it Peter," Jess sighed. She'd been afraid of this reaction, quietly hoping he'd be as opposed to having it as she was. "I want to get an abortion."
Peter blinked at her like she'd grown two heads. "What?"
"I don't want it. I'm not going to keep it." She sat down on the couch, crossing her arms over her chest to mask her trembling.
Peter was quiet as she spoke, sitting beside her on the couch. "Jess. Listen to me very carefully. You are not going to abort that baby."
Jess turned to him with wide eyes. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me! We'll get married and you'll keep the baby. It'll be perfect!" He smiled at her but all Jess felt was nausea.
"Peter, I don't want that. I have things I want to do that a baby will prevent me from doing. I don't want to play housewife for you with a baby I don't want." She stood up, forcefully pulling her wrist from him when he grabbed her. "Let go-!"
"No, listen to me!" Peter practically snarled, voice oozing with malice. "You don't get to decide-"
"SHUT UP!" A voice shrieked before a glass cup struck Peter in the eye, breaking into shards that scratched his cheek as they fell. Jess's eyes snapped over to Billy, hand clenching a sharpened candy cane and glaring daggers at Peter.
As her boyfriend recoiled, Jess stepped in front of him. "Billy! It's- it's alright! He's not going-"
Billy shrieked, voice higher than usual, gripping his hair with the hand not holding the candy cane. "NASTY, DIRTY PIG BITCH!" He snapped stumbling backwards until he hit a wall. He crumpled with a sob and pointed the sharpened candy cane at Peter with tears streaming down his face.
Jess was... confused, to say the least. She glanced at Peter, who held his face in shock, and then to Billy who had an arm wrapped around himself and was whispering and mumbling frantically, though she was able to make out the name "Agnes" in the whispers.
"Jess, who the hell is this guy?!" Peter roared, Jess flinched slightly.
She really, truly, did not know.
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"I'm having a baby!" Constance Lenz grinned at her boyfriend. The two had been struggling to have a child but finally, finally, it'd worked.. The twelve year old boy who Constance had locked in the attic after her husband tragically "died of a heart attack."
But Billy knew. He'd seen her kill his dad. And now his mom was having another child.
And Agnes had been precious. Billy had been enamored with her immediately, sometimes creeping down from his attic room to see her asleep in his crib. He'd mastered sneaking around the house now, stealing food and water when everyone was asleep. And he'd see Agnes.
Then, Christmas morning, when Agnes was five years old, Billy made an appearance.
She'd never met him before, not really. He'd watch her sleep - green eyes boring holes into the toddler as she'd slept. He felt insanely protective of her, wanting her to have a good childhood and living vicariously through that. He'd watched his mom hold her and rock with her in a rocking chair, watched them make sugar cookies together...
And it was like he was completely forgotten. Completely stripped of personhood. Now he was just a memory locked away in the closet.
So here he was. Staring down his five year old sister as she played with her toys by the Christmas tree. Mommy and daddy had gone into the kitchen to get breakfast ready. The stove was currently burning the side of daddy's face as mommy bled out on the floor - the both of them with various candy canes lodged in their necks and stained bright red.
The blood still dripped from the puncture wounds. Billy had gotten good at sharpening the sticks down to points.
Agnes just looked up at him. Of course she didn't recognize him. She didn't know him but he knew her.
"Little baby bumpin', daddy's gone a-huntin', gone to fetch a rabbit skin to wrap his baby Agnes in..." He sang softly, lifting the five year old up into his arms. Agnes clung to her doll and didn't protest when Billy sat in the rocking chair, rocking his little sister the way he'd seen his mother do.
She was five. She didn't have a strong concept of danger yet. The blood staining Billy's hands didn't bother her.
Billy stared ahead at nothing, just repeating the lullaby over and over. Tears fell silently down his cheeks. He felt covered in dirt and blood and he clung to his baby sister like a lifeline.
The police didn't have a difficult time finding the killer. The killer who was sat by the Christmas tree with Agnes Lenz in his lap, babbling incoherent nonsense. "Agnes," he whispered to the slumbering baby as the officers drew their guns on him, "don't tell them what we did, Agnes."
As if a toddler had any hand in what happened.
"Billy?" Jess's voice was louder then the memories. Memories of Agnes sobbing. Her and Billy being separated. The trial that had ended when signs of neglect had been littered on Billy's body. Bruises, malnourishment, just a ratty and dirty seventeen-year-old boy who lost control.
He'd been let go. Regular therapist visits had been required. But Billy had run away, went north to Canada. Where he was now.
"Billy?" Jess again. Billy finally looked up at her, tears streaming down his face. She looked worried, perched on her knees as she reached for his face, brushing hair away. "What's wrong?"
"Agnes?" He choked out, feeling bile rise.
"Who's Agnes?" She asked softly. Her nasty boyfriend stood behind her, glaring at him, but Billy ignored him.
Billy bit his tongue as he hummed to himself. "Little baby bumpin'..." He cooed, staring blankly at his lap.
"He's insane, Jess." Peter spat with a roll of his eyes. "Let's just call the cops and they'll take him back to whatever asylum he came from. Lock him up and throw away the key."
"No!" Billy shrieked, more tears falling. "No! No! No!" He lunged at Peter, grabbing at him. The two scuffled, Peter yelling at Jess to call the police.
The poor girl stands there, freeze taking over her entire body.
Then Barb and Phyllis come downstairs dressed in their bedclothes. Barb opens her mouth to ask what was going on just as Billy tackled Peter to the ground, screaming and hitting him.
Jess ran over, grabbing Billy around his chest and dragging him off her boyfriend, reassuring him that things were okay. God, what a world she was in where The Moaner was sobbing in her arms as he tried to beat the shit out of her boyfriend for whatever reason.
She sunk to the floor, holding Billy, who scratched desperately at her arms and shrieked.
This was going to be a long night...
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