#Azusa Canyon
menacing-ayu · 2 years
with a very special friend for the first time in two and half years.
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He’s also the owner of Crystal Trophy, the SR500/400 that Shinya has built several years ago.
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The reason why Crystal Trophy is still at our workshop is that when Shinya build this, he was imagining the owner, our friend, riding dashingly an SR through the canyon to Crystal Lake so this project will not be completed until we see the owner rides it up there. We've tried before but there was always something standing in the way, like running out of time, sudden weather changes, minor mechanical problems, etc., and then the pandemic... So we still haven’t achieved it yet.
完成したはずなのになぜ未だにチャボにあるかと言うと、木村氏はこの友人がSRでクリスタルレイクまでの山道をヒラヒラと乗る姿を思い描いて制作にあたったので、その姿を拝むまではこのプロジェクトはコンプリートしない、ということで今まで何度かトライしているのに、ある時は時間切れ、ある時はちょっとしたメカトラブル、またある時は途中でお天気が突然悪化など、さまざまな理由で叶わずにいたため。そうこうしている内にパンデミック… (↑ここまでは何度か来ているけど、これより上のクリスタルレイクまでどうしても行けず)
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So, this would be our 4th attempt and today was the day. We passed Crystal Lake and made it to Crystal Lake Cafe on the top! Finally, the project was completed. 👏🏼
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We had such a wonderful Sunday 😊
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ride365 · 9 months
I love that motorcyclists wave to each other.
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jwong2000 · 11 months
Ride Report - Crystal Lake
49.56 miles, 4:37 moving time, 5,515 ft ascent Julie, Ryan, Hank, Kirk, Mike W., Gregg D., Gary, Rob, John, Joe, Gregg M., Paul G. Mile 0: Start at Encanto Park in Duarte. Weather was a little overcast, but we knew that was going to burn off and warm up. Rolled across the bridge and rode up the San Gabriel River Trail. Mile 6: Cross over to Hwy 39 Azusa Canyon. And we rode this all the way to…
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lyriumsings · 4 months
Ok, let’s get this over with here’s everything that was wrong with this ATLA adaptation. I’m gonna try to start from the beginning there’s a lot lmao:
I didn’t care for them showing the genocide of the air nomads. This is what i feel like what they meant by wanting to “appeal to GOT fans” it felt like it was trying to be edgy. Changing Aang to “needing to clear his head” instead of literally running away from his responsibilities because he’s a scared goddamn child was pure stupidity. And takes so much away from him. Even the scenes going back and showing Aang “being so much more special” than the other kids was so stupid. He wasn’t “so much more special” that’s the point. Up until Aang discovered he was the Avatar he was normal! He lived a normal life his friends treated him like everyone else! that’s literally WHY he ran away! Because they instantly started treating him differently after it became known he was the Avatar!!
Holy shit all the shit they tried to shove together in the arcs. From omashu to the southern air temple to sokka’s fucking ice berg trials. It was clunky, cheap, and downright disrespectful to the source material and I 100% support the creators leaving lmfao cuz this shit is a joke.
So much happens with so little explanation but at the same time core character traits are overexplained. They’re constantly saying “oh you’re so kind, you’re so fierce, etc” having characters verbally DESCRIBE other characters charter traits, instead of fucking showing it. Katara for example (just one of the many characters they fucking butchered but i digress) in the opening scene when Katara screams at Sokka for his sexist remarks and breaks the ice that showed just how unconsciously powerful she is at water bending. She is a prodigy. This is shown to you literally in the opening moments of the show. After discovering Aang in the iceberg Katara runs head first at the iceberg with Sokka’s boomerang to bust it open. This shows that Katara is impulsive and rash but kind and caring. She is literally breaking open the ice having no idea what it will do in the name of helping someone who clearly needs help (who realistically would most likely be dead) but she tried. Like that whole opening of ATLA told you so much about her character WITHOUT LITERALLY HOLDING YOUR HAND AND TELLING YOU. Then taking out Sokka’s sexism and letting him unlearn it was pure fucking lazy. Reducing Katara to “younger sister who needs to grow up” was a bad joke.
Like listen i’m not a “oh my god it should’ve been frame for frame like the cartoon” like there’s room for acceptable changes and space to add to the narrative. The way they got into Omashu was an acceptable change (not the jet part but hitching a ride was fine), adding Lu Tan’s funeral was GREAT it ADDED to the overall story and added depth to Iroh, even the bit with the Earth Kingdom soldier was good. Adding in Ozai’s little dogs at Azusa showing him pushing her behind the scenes and pitting her against Zuko was also nice imo. Like these are things they could’ve added and worked with the original creators on. Even the part where in the bar they’re like in the background easter-egging about the canyon episode like that was fine anything that was pure filler could’ve been mentioned in that way. But that’s the thing with ATLA few things are PURE filler. Almost every ep arc serves a genuine purpose, which is why shoving it all in a blender and hoping for the best was really not it.
Even Appa and Momo were reduced to like a mode of transportation (i also didn’t like this in legend of Korra bison became more like cars had less personality and purpose and were just A Way To Get Around i get why bc there were so many etc etc but still) and like a pet. When they’re not! they’re genuine characters! ESPECIALLY APPA! They play crucial roles in the plot they have a purpose and agency they’re not just “funky animal side kicks” which is what they feel reduced to, to me. Appa is so vital to the group and episode that is 90% silence and is just about his time away from aang is literally one of the best episodes in atla.
I haven’t even finished the whole thing yet this is just my thoughts so far based on what i remember rn through my disappointed rage lmao so ✨i’ll be back✨
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dunebrainrotmtg · 14 days
MTG x Dune Crossover
View the entire deck on Archidekt! [link]
Main Deck
Anointed Procession: Updated Art (no name change)
Arcane Signet: Atreides Ducal Signet
Baru, Wurmspeaker: Paul Muad'dib Usul, Wormrider
Canyon Jerboa: Muad'dib, Desert Mouse
Courser of Kruphix: Spice Harvester
Desert Nomads: Fremen
Desert of the Fervent: Updated Art (no name change)
Desert of the Indomitable: Updated Art (no name change)
Desert of the True: Updated Art (no name change)
Elvish Piper: Gurney Halleck, Balliset Warrior
Emeria Angel: Sietch Tabr Sayyadina
Enlightened Tutor: Bene Gesserit
Ghired, Mirror of the Wilds: Paul Muad'dib Atreides
Hazezon, Shaper of Sand: Stilgar, Naib of Seitch Tabr
Idol of Oblivion: Updated Art of Salusan Bull Head (no name change)
Impact Tremors: Fremen Thumper
Jetmir, Nexus of Revels: Paul, Lisan al Gaib
Lifegift: Spice Melange
Lotus Cobra: Lotus Nahya
Maja, Bretagard Protector: Duncan Idaho
Map the Frontier: Cultivating Desert Power
Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation // Temple of Civilization: Paul, Kwisatz Haderach
Parallel Lives: Updated Art (no name change)
Queen Allenal of Ruadach: Lady Jessica, Mother of Paul
Radha, Heart of Keld: Chani Sihaya Kynes
Rampaging Baloths: Rampaging Salusan Bulls
Retreat to Emeria: Retreat to Seitch Tabr
Soul Warden: Sihaya, Desert Spring Tears
Tireless Provisioner: Shadout Mapes
Tireless Tracker: Thuwir Hawat
Tribute to the World Tree: Tribute to the Missionaria Protectiva
Tunneling Geopede: Wormsign
Warleader's Call: Voice from the Outer World
Worldspine Wurm: Shai-Hulud, Grandfather of the Desert
Azusa's Many Journeys: Paul's Many Journeys
Blackblade Reforged: Crysknife, Tooth of Shai-Hulud
King Darien XLVIII: Duke Leto Atredies, Father of Paul
Mother of Runes: Lady Jessica, Reverend Mother
Retreat to Kazandu: Retreat to Cave of Birds
Sandblast: Spice Blow
Trailblazer's Boots: Stillsuit Boots
Wall of Omens: Shield Wall of Arrakeen
Zendikar's Roil: Desert Djinn
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Went hiking with my buddy Bill today in Azusa. We hiked a 6-mile round-trip of the rugged Azusa Canyon in the San Gabriel Mountains all the way to the abandoned nuclear escape tunnels. Windy and freezing cold at higher elevation. We were wiped out by the end, and stopped by the famous Clandestino Gastro-Bar for some meat, and beers. The waiting line was long and to kill the time, I walked over to the nearby Azusa City Hall to do a sketch. Azusa City Hall HIMI gouache on 90 lb sketchbook 5.1x8.3x2 Sketched live on location from 1:48 PM to 2:19 PM, 31 minutes January 7 2024
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usaccidents · 1 year
IRWINDALE, CA (May 1, 2023) — John Shin faces charges in a fatal hit-and-run pedestrian accident near Azusa Canyon Road and Nubia Street.
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whitepolaris · 1 year
Bridge to Nowhere
Rising out of nothingness in the great voids of the Azusa Canyons is a weird structure that has come to be called the Bridge to Nowhere. An account of the oddball history behind this strange bridge can be found posted on the Internet by Christopher Earls Brennen at www.darkat.com/mstory/wild.html. It reads:
The Bridge to Nowhere is one of the most bizarre artifacts to be found in the San Gabriel Mountains. Back in the 1920s, Los Angeles County planned to build a highway all the way up the East Fork canyon to the Mine Gulch Junction. From there the road would climb over Blue Ridge and drop down into Wrightwood. It would be among the most scenic roads in America. Construction began in 1929, most of the work being done by County prison work crews. By the mid-1930s the highway had reached The Narrows (2800 ft) where the East Fork flows through a very deep gorge, the deepest in Southern California. There it was necessary to construct a concrete bridge high above the waters of the gorge. A tunnel was also chiselled out of sheer rock. However, the winter after this difficult construction task had been completed, an unprecedented storm arrived on March 1-2, 1938, depositing many inches of rain on the San Gabriel Mountains. The result was a tremendous flood that roared down the East Fork, obliterating everything in its path including more than five miles of the painstakingly constructed highway. Only the bridge was high enough above the waters to be virtually untouched. The futility of the project having been so emphatically demonstrated, the County abandoned their plans leaving a brand new concrete road bridge standing along in the middle of the wilderness more than five miles from the nearest highway. It became a popular destination for hikers who dubbed it the “Bridge to Nowhere.”
Going Nowhere on the Bridge to Nowhere
In Azusa Canyons, famous for dead body Mafia drop-offs, cults-you name it-lies the Bridge to Nowhere. It’s located by a four to six hour hike up a river after the end of the East Fork Road cul-de-sac. The bridge is a full-on cement monster with two supposed tunnels on opposing sides that conjoin two hillsides. How far the tunnels go into the hillside I cannot say. What is known is that for the amount that there are no roads leading to or from it. Many roads travel through the canyon, but little by little they are being shut down to cars. Hikes and bikes are still allowed for those who are daring enough. 
There is a road that was closed off very early due to rains and rockslides that care common in this canyon. This road, called Shoemaker, might have been the road that led to the Bridge to Nowhere. Other roads, like Azusa itself, hold greater mystery. A boulder trashed Azusa Canyon road at its highest point, and it has been swallowed into the road, creating a blocked single lane nightmare. Many of the roads in this canyon are open only seasonally because of the rockslides, and many people die here each year. The canyon is vast enough that the bodies never can be found. The whole area is laced with secrets and unexplained mysteries. 
We departed East Folk cul-de-sac at 10:48 for our rough trip to the Bridge to Nowhere. Both my friend the Pharmer and I knew we were in for a bit of a hike as we traveled over a river, rocks large and small, trails, and steep cliffs. The bridge itself is five miles into the canyon; however, the many obstacles that lie in your way make this trip a treacherous seven miles over severe terrain. It was much longer and more exhausting than either of us would have thought, and with just two beers, a bag of pretzels, and one canteen of water, the sun was wasting us. The longer we traveled the more our thirst grew. You don’t just go to the Bridge to Nowhere and take pictures of yourself next to it to look cool. You’re beaten to a pulp upon arrival, and the return trip is twice as exhausting if you go back the same way you came. 
One of the things about this exhausting trip is once you are on the bridge all your problems-everything that you struggle with in your life-seem small, and anything seems possible. This feeling of accomplishment is difficult to describe. 
This edge goes on for about another 400 feet on a narrow path to a severe steep gorge. Standing on the bridge it’s about a three, maybe four-hundred-foot drop. The gorge is narrow and the only way to continue on the road would be to tunnel. This image is just an example of the terrain on the way to the bridge. It severely differs from paths, to depleted road segments, to large rounded rocks, to small paths, to strange current rivers. -Paintchips
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arlocamsetup · 1 year
Call +1 323-521-4389: Arlo Pro 4 Camera Support in Los Angeles
Phone Number/Call us at +1 323 521 4389 for Arlo Pro 2, 3, & 4 Camera Customer Support Service of indoor and outdoor security in Acton, Adams-Normandie, Agoura Hills, Agua Dulce, Alhambra, Alondra Park, Altadena, Antelope Acres, Arcadia, Arleta, Arlington, Heights, Artesia, Athens, Atwater Village, Avalon, Avocado Heights, Azusa, Baldwin Hills, Baldwin Park, Bandini, Bassett, Bel Air, Bell, Bell Gardens, Bellflower, Beverly Crest, Beverly Glen, Beverly Grove, Beverly Hills, Beverlywood, Bouquet Canyon, Boyle Heights, Bradbury, Brentwood, Broadway-Manchester, Burbank, Calabasas, Canoga Park, Canyon Country, Carson, Carthay, Castaic, Central Avenue, and Cerritos.
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Charter Oak, Chatsworth, Chinatown, Citrus, City of Industry, Claremont, Commerce, Compton, Covina, Crenshaw, Crystalaire, Cudahy, Culver City, Del Aire, Del Sur, Diamond Bar, Downey, Duarte, Eagle Rock, East Los Angeles, East Pasadena, East Rancho Dominguez, East San Gabriel, Echo Park, El Camino Village, El Monte, El Segundo, El Sereno, Elizabeth Lake, Encino, Expo Park, Fairmont, Firestone Park, Florence, Gardena, Glassell Park, Glendale, Glendora, Gorman, Graham, Granada Hills, Green Meadows, Green Valley, and Hacienda Heights.
Hancock Park, Harbor City, Hawaiian Gardens, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Hi Vista, Hidden Hills, Highland Park, Hollywood, Huntington Park, Inglewood, Irwindale, Juniper Hills, Kagel Canyon, Kinneloa Mesa, Koreatown, La Canada Flintridge, La Crescenta, La Habra Heights, La Mirada, La Puente, La Verne, Ladera Heights, Lake Balboa, Lake Hughes, Lake Los Angeles, Lake View Terrace, Lakewood, Lancaster, Lawndale, Lennox, Leona Valley, Lincoln Heights, Littlerock, Llano, Lomita, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Feliz, Los Nietos, Lynwood, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Mar Vista
Marina Del Rey, Maywood, Mid-Wilshire, Mint Canyon, Miracle Mile, Mission Hills, Monrovia, Monte Nido, Montebello, Montecito, Heights, Monterey Park, Montrose, Mount Washington, Newhall, North El Monte, North Hills, North Hollywood, North Whittier, Northeast Antelope Valley, Northridge, Northwest Palmdale, Norwalk, Pacific Palisades, Pacoima, Palmdale, Palms, Palos Verdes Estates, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Panorama City, Paramount, Pasadena, Pearblossom, Pico Rivera, Pico-Robertson, Pico-Union, Playa Del Rey, Playa Vista, Pomona, Porter Ranch, Quartz Hill, Ramona, Rancho Dominguez, Rancho Palos Verdes, and Rancho Park.
Redondo Beach, Reseda, Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Estates, Rosemead, Rowland Heights, San Dimas, San Fernando, San Gabriel, San Marino, San Pasqual, San Pedro, Santa Clarita, Santa Fe Springs, Santa Monica, Sawtelle, Shadow Hills, Sherman Oaks, Sierra Madre, Signal Hill, Silver Lake, South El Monte, South Gate, South Park, South Pasadena, South San Gabriel, South San Jose Hills, South Whittier, Southeast Antelope Valley, Stevenson Ranch, Studio City, Sun Valley, Sun Village, Sunland, Sylmar, Tarzana, Temple City, Toluca Lake, Topanga, Torrance, Tujunga, Tujunga Canyons, Unincorporated Catalina Island, and Unincorporated Santa Monica Mountains.
Universal City, University Park, Val Verde, Valencia, Valinda, Valley Glen, Valley Village, Valyermo, Van Nuys, Venice, Verdugo City, Vermont Knolls, Vermont Square, Vermont Vista, Vermont-Slauson, Vernon, View Park-Windsor Hills, Vincent, Walnut, Walnut Park Watts, West Athens, West Carson, West Compton, West Covina, West Hills, West Hollywood, West Los Angeles, West Puente Valley, West Whittier, Westchester, Westlake, Westlake Village, Westmont, Westwood, Whittier, Willowbrook, Wilmington, Winnetka, and Woodland Hills.
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justrates · 2 years
Victor hummings ranch
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Fellow American College of Physicians member American Academy Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Lieutenant Medical Corps, United States Naval Reserve, 1950-1952, Korea. Diplomate American Board Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (board directors Rochester, Minnesota chapter 1976-1988).
Internal applications, then our B2B based Bizapedia Pro API™ might be the answer for you. Victor Cummings, American Rehabilitation medical educator. The Ranch 2 Fire is actively burning in the San Gabriel Mountains in Azusa and has scorched 1,400 acres and remains at 3 containment as of Sunday. If you are looking for something more than a web based search utility and need to automate company and officer searches from within your () Smoke from the Ranch Fire in Azusa Canyon is impacting the Victor Valley with many residents even reporting ash falling on Sunday. Into the purest, then, of all the hummings on the brine. WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE ADVANCED SEARCH FORM? at different places on the same rota-ranch and deals with a slightly different set of gall. Utilize our advanced search form to filter the search results by Company Name, City, State, Postal Code, Filing Jurisdiction, Entity Type, Registered Agent,įile Number, Filing Status, and Business Category. While logged in and authenticated, you will not be asked to solve any complicated Recaptcha V2 challenges. In addition, all pages on Bizapedia will be served to you completely ad freeĪnd you will be granted access to view every profile in its entirety, even if the company chooses to hide the private information on their profile from the general public. Impressive Custom Log (Western Red Cedar) on a Specta. Your entire office will be able to use your search subscription. house located at 1266 Bradley Ranch Vw, Victor, CO 80860 sold for 1,490,000 on Sep 17, 2021.
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ride365 · 9 months
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Azusa canyon, in case the graffiti didn’t give it away.
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jwong2000 · 8 months
Ride Report - Cogswell Dam Ride
55 miles, 4:15 moving time, 3,241 ft ascent Lynda, Trevor, John, Paul G, Paul M, Ahmed, Mike W, Gregg D., Marisa, Joe Perfect Fall Day in SoCal. Sunny cool morning, deep blue skies. Mile 0: Start from Sierra Madre Starbucks. Mile 8: Pick up at Encanto Park Duarte Mile 10: San Gabriel River Trail North. End. Keep on Hwy 39, Azusa Canyon. Light head winds. Sun was a bit lower in the…
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denverworksheet · 2 years
Brush fire north of Azusa grows to 100 acres in Angeles National Forest
Highway 39 is closed north of Azusa and there is no access to San Gabriel Canyon, officials with the Angeles National Forest said.
from California https://ift.tt/8eRdQJk
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robertbturnerfl · 2 years
Lem Garcia Law, Accident & Injury Lawyers Announces the Expansion of Their Service Area to Include Baldwin Park
West Covina, California, United States – June 16, 2022 — Lem Garcia Law, a company that specializes in personal injury cases, is pleased to announce the expansion of its service area to Baldwin Park, California. This expansion means that residents of Baldwin Park now have access to the company’s high-quality legal representation in personal injury and car accident cases. According to owner and founder Lem Garcia, “We are excited to expand our services to the residents of Baldwin Park. Those who  get into a traffic accident and need a lawyer will now have access to our experienced and qualified team of professionals.” Lem Garcia Law has a proven track record of success in representing accident victims and their families, and we look forward to helping even more people in the Baldwin Park community get the justice and compensation they deserve.”
With a population of over 75,000 people, Baldwin Park is a diverse community with a strong sense of civic pride. There is a thriving business district in the city, as well as a number of parks and recreational facilities. Recent reports show that the city is growing rapidly, and as a consequence there has been an increase in vehicle accidents across Los Angeles County which would correlate with the increased traffic in the area. Baldwin Park Road, Azusa Canyon Road, and Ramona Boulevard are some of the busiest roads in Los Angeles County where traffic accidents are most likely to occur. And, because of its proximity to major highways and public transportation, such as the San Gabriel River Freeway, vehicle accidents are inevitable.
Lem Garcia Law is excited to be a part of this city and all that it has  to offer. The law firm has successfully represented clients in a number of different practice areas, thanks to the wide range of legal services it provides. Among these are car accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, truck accidents, bicycle accidents, and wrongful deaths. Lem Garcia Law was established in 2014 with a few thousand dollars of the founders own money, the assistance of family members, and Craigslist furniture. It is one of Southern California’s fastest-growing and most respected personal injury law firms, having won $1 million, $500,000, and $265,000 for clients. Lem attributes his firm’s success to doing what is best for his clients and providing excellent personal service and results.
For more information about Lem Garcia Law and its expansion into Baldwin Park, CA, please visit their website at https://www.lemgarcialaw.com/
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Company Name:Lem Garcia LawContact Person:Lem GarciaPhone:(626) 777-2211Address:1720 W Cameron Ave. #210City:West CovinaState:CACountry:United StatesWebsite:https://www.lemgarcialaw.com/
source https://presssynergy.com/newsroom/lem-garcia-law-accident-injury-lawyers-announces-the-expansion-of-their-service-area-to-include-baldwin-park/ from Press Synergy https://presssynergy1.blogspot.com/2022/06/lem-garcia-law-accident-injury-lawyers.html
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usaccidents · 1 year
IRWINDALE, CA (May 1, 2023) — John Shin faces charges in a fatal hit-and-run pedestrian accident near Azusa Canyon Road and Nubia Street.
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worm-god · 3 years
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Canyon Accident Azusa Canyon, Azusa, California 8/20
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