#At the end of the day we're all Undertale fans anyway
under-lore · 9 months
Do you have any thoughts on darkmarxsoul's attempt at debunking Narrachara?
Little bit of story time :
I was actually online on Reddit back when this was posted, and saw it in "new" on the r/Undertale subreddit & quickly read through it just a couple hours after it was published.
Funnily enough, every single point made in that post was something that i had already addressed and disproven in UNAP a few months prior. (UNAP is an analysis project of mine regarding the UT narrator, currently 300+ pages of pure text long, still unpublished.) To be blunt, Dark's post didn't bring up any new points to the table at all as far as NarraChara theory is concerned, it was really just regurgitating older remarks from other people over the years in a more formatted way. So it was never much of a 'debunk' there anyways...
I actually remember sitting there in front of my computer for a good 5-10 minutes, wondering wether or not i should copy paste all of the relevant parts of UNAP into the comment section since well, i had already written out everything so that wouldn't take more than 20 seconds to do.
But at the time, i had just gotten done with a big UT lore related argument already, and you could clearly see from the comment section that OP was an extremely stubborn (and honestly kinda toxic ?) person. Meaning that given the sheer size of what i would be pasting, i might be signing myself into at least 10h of Reddit arguing before they'd be convinced which didn't sound very fun for me at the time.
Since at that point, i checked their profile history and saw that OP had barely just recently gotten back into Undertale a few weeks prior & that i also didn't really wanna spoil contents that were to be part of UNAP that early, i eventually figured that it wasn't worth the effort and just let it be instead. In other words, i got lazy, imagining that this person would either eventually realise the problems with their post by themself or (more likely) just lose interest in the topic altogether.
Unfortunately, as it turned out, i was wrong about that last part.
Dark later on went out to become an active, but also one of the most insulting and toxic (& often confidently-stating-openly-incorrect-things-in-a-lot-of-topics) member of the UT theorist community on not only just Reddit, but also a few other media like Twitter as well. (Although never quite reaching the toxicity level of a certain other person either.) I don't intend to be rude to Dark's nor to sound entitled here, but they are frankly just not a good theorist neither by game knowledge nor by their behavior with others and i would be being dishonest if i pretended otherwise here or just ignored the "toxic behavior" part of them altogether.
Frankly, now, i kinda regret that i didn't prevent all that from happening when i had the chance... Maybe if i hadn't gotten lazy that day and pasted a response as soon as it was posted, things could have turned out a bit different for them.
Honestly, I sort of blame myself for letting darkmarxsoul become what they are now.
But well...
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
(Gary anon) Yup, makes me not looking forward to the excuses fans will come up with when Ash defeats Cynthia; even with the battle being a long-awaited dream since DP. And, if Ash vs Leon isn't a full battle... (I'm gonna guess it's probably an "effort" to make Hop look more pitiful. And I couldn't tell ya if the side that wants to uplift him, by downplaying his brother. Or the other side that grows tired of friendly rivals and likes to dunk on them often) I think that's one of the sole
(Part 2) reasons why I put off looking at Undertale, besides the *multiple paths and endings. (*Which Let's Players were given a hard time about) Sans alone perfectly describes the era of when that game dropped. At least it didn't cause Toby Fox to quit, but I believe the fandom did stress him out at points when it really blew up. (People really need to understand how much game developing [and animation] is time-consuming; and unfortunately, some things have to be dropped in order stuff to)
(Part 3) (work. And the fact some folks are not being paid enough for the crunch time they do. Some complaints I understand, but please learn the process first) Have to find the time to read the whole series in full; the RBY saga I remember finishing with bits and pieces of everything else. As far as Blue, I remember him eventually being this big brother mentor to Silver, which isn't too unlike what's apparently happening in Pokemon Masters currently. Just with different personalities. And him
(Part4) training under Chuck when he was younger. (I think the one thing I would have preferred is Blastoise not being unveiled under their Johto battle, but rather Gary's prelim matches to give some type of build up. And Ash deducing himself to bring back Charizard rather than Brock doing it) I still think we're kinda owed a childhood flashback, besides that very brief 'at the movies' one.
(Part 5) Chances of Journeys rectifying that has largely dwindled. Eh, I'm not losing sleep over it, just a bonus at this point. But yeah, OS writing hurt some things. (Hmm, heard we might get more episode titles this week, possibly up to 3. We know 2 of those will be the rest of the first round) We'll see how TRio fares in this tournament.
Yeah, that's going to be a whole thing.
Could be. Could be both sides doing that also.
Yeah, the fandom put me off of it for quite a while too. (It took two years for me to cave and finally watch a couple LPs. I wish I'd been able to experience it without any spoilers, but I cried the first time I saw the true pacifist ending anyway.) Yeah, people pressuring LPers to do things a certain way were kind of... missing the point? Because in a game where most of your choices have some kind of consequence, people should get to make their choices and see what happens.
Yeah, I'm kind of amazed at how Toby Fox managed to handle... all of that. And to this day he's still active on social media sometimes.
Yeah. Game development takes so much time and effort and the people who do it are not being paid enough.
Yeah, same. I managed to get my hands on the first four volumes a few years back and I've read and reread those and that's basically it, but I've heard interesting things.
Blue and Silver actually interacting sounds so good, I love them. (Reminds me, I need to try to pick Masters back up.)
Oh, yeah, that would've been good.
Despite how much the chances of it have dwindled, I'm still yearning for a childhood flashback. Would love to see the boys at their most baby so much. I'll be fine if it doesn't happen but if it does, it'll be fantastic.
Ooh, episode titles. That'll be interesting.
Yeah, we'll see! Here's hoping all goes well!
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lutiaskokopelli · 3 years
Hello! I'm sorry I haven't got a chance to talk to you in a whille, so how are you doing today?
Hi! Don't worry about that, every message you leave makes my day no matter whether it takes a while to arrive or not! Besides, it's summer, so I'm not expecting a lot of people to spend their days online haha. Even when I come to my lab, practically everyone is on vacations right now. I hope you're doing alright yourself!
As for myself, there's not much surprise there but I'm busy as ever haha. I've had two weeks of vacation in the end of July, but they probably weren't enough to fully recover -- I'll probably take one or two more weeks in September or October to recover a bit more. I'm working now, but I'm being chill.
It's frustrating when experiments don't work and I keep getting errors when I try to run my simulations, but that part is just research for you. We're called researchers after all, not finders lmao (although it'd be great for everyone if it were the case, but I guess having science advance a thousand times faster would have both its perks and its cons. It already advances fast enough for humans to not be able to catch up properly.)
As for my stories -- Unfortunately for everyone's sanity, mine included, I've fallen back into my old Undertale hyperfixation for the nth time, which means that I'm working not only on TFS, but also on my old Undertale fanfic, which I'm loving far too much to abandon. (To be fair, it'd be more accurate to say that I'm less Undertale trash than I'd be "LWtQ trash." The Undertale fandom is... something.) I wish I weren't that addicted to it, but its plot is just so intricate aaaaaaa If you thought TFS had a complex plot, then you have no idea what my stories are like when I actually HAVE a plot planned from start to end. It's the type of story where every single sentence in the narration (and in some characters' dialogue) can be read a number of different ways, depending on what you already know of the plot. It's not the type of story for everyone of course -- either you love that sort of plot or it's the type of story that gives you headaches. But since I'm personally a reader of the first category, I just can't help but love even more writing that sort of story.
(As for my Gravity Falls comic, my motivation is nonexistent. Good thing is that it means I won't work on a third story at the same time as the other two, cons is that it means I can't even find the motivation to finish the summary I wanted to give the readers because I've reached the point in my notes where it's just written "stuff happens here" without any details, and therefore I can't exactly close that chapter just yet.)
Anyway. Rest assured, I don't plan on working on that Undertale fanfic as often as I work on TFS, let alone on updating it as fast as I should update TFS. Heck, I don't really plan on posting anything until I've written at least a few more chapters, so I could have a buffer of chapters to post slowly and all. But I'll admit it's a bit hard to put it down these days and do anything else. Still, now that the basic preparations are over, I'll go back to drawing TFS. I really want to finish the remastered version and catch up to where we left off as fast as possible.
TL;DR: I'm extremely busy with both PhD stuff and fan-stories stuff, and I'm definitely tired both physically and emotionally, but as always I love what I do too much to give up on anything haha. I'm doing my best to look after myself and stay as reasonable as possible. I hope I'll be able to post again soon!
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indecisive-v · 3 years
ama just ended!! funkin related shit has been recorded under the cut as per usual. this time og copied text is uncolored, and purple text is paraphrased by me
Q: Do you have a favorite Friday Night Funkin’ mod at the current moment?
A: MordeTwi Magic
Q: Do you have a format in mind for the built-in mod support, or are you saving that for later?
A: depends what you mean by 'format'. stuff like charting will probably always be constantly changing until we have most levels of the game done, since we'd essentially want modding tools to be basically DEVELOPMENT tools as much as possible, and dev tools change as project goes on
Q: Favorite FNF character?
A: Girlfriend
Q: Have you tried (or are going to try) getting Friday Night Funkin' on other consoles?
A: It's totally possible, we just gotta get in contact, figure out what we're feeling it with, and get folks to make the backend for it
Q: Are you worried about the game itself being overshadowed by fan content (and by extension modding), or is it a non-issue for you?
A: we can see the grand picture of what we want out of FNF, and thats what separates us from any of the fan mod stuff
Q: What do you think of the reliance of Game Banana in the current modding scene?
A: it makes me very happy to see sans undertale over fnf boyfriend mod sit side by side on the same website as counter strike surf maps
Q: Hey, Mr. Muffin, what’s the release schedule for “new” Friday Night content looking like?
A: make stuf til its ready for an update
Q: Will there be something like an "extras" gallery where we can look at concept art and stuff?
A: if there is, it would be super cool. we dont just want some concept art image viewer in-game and call it a day.
Q: Will characters from stuff that ISN'T Newgrounds-related show up in FNF?
A: probably happening sooner than later, so yea
Q: Have you guys thought of hiring famous modders? (KadeDev, SugarRatio, etc)
A: no, we wont hire based off of fame
Q: Are you for or against Friday Night Funkin' mods and/or fangames being sold or otherwise distributed commercially (as long as they're open source obviously)?
A: Not against it, but why would anyone put up paywalls this early anyway?? Even the vanilla game is free rn so it seems kinda weird. But it's cool for em to take donations
Q: Are you okay with people going to the game’s source code, compiling it and getting the whole full game for free?
A: That's the point, my guy.
Q: Did you play test any of FNF yourself, and if so did you ever have trouble beating specific weeks or songs?
A: I've only beat Guns once or twice, but I've had others play test and do better than me
Q: If FNF hadn't gotten so popular, what would you be doing right now?
A: Still workin' on it. That was the plan, getting popular was just a surprise bonus. We'd be less focused on it though since we wouldn't have like 2 million Kickstarter bucks
Q: Got plans for FNF's anniversary? Anything cool?
A: Thinkin about it, but... monkey ball...
Q: Do you think the direction of 'let's make the hardest mod ever' will have some impact on the difficulty of the final version of the game?
A: I don't think we're influenced much by mods. We're NOT in the modding community at all
Q: Is there an fnf modder that is your friend or whose relationship with you is closer than other modders?
A: prob siivagunner crew technically
Q: Do you worry about how mods might execute ideas that you were eventually gonna do?
A: yeah, cuz usually when they do it, they dont do it as cool as we had in mind, and we'd have to show them how its done, lol!!!!
Q: How do you feel about the majority of fans that are basically children? Will the game have more mature content in the future to keep them away?
A: i think people see it as something we need to "actively combat" but genuinely i dont think any of us care. we just are going to make the game how we want to make it, and forcing these edgy things or whatev to "scare of the dumb kids XDDD" will just come across as cringe i think!!
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doctor-ciel · 5 years
"What is OneShot and why should I play it?"
Ah, what a wonderful question. OneShot is an indie RPG with a 97% rating on Steam and a 98% from Google users. Its developer is Little Cat Feet and its composer is Casey Gu. It's a really cute metafictional game with interesting gameplay and endearing characters! Its description on Steam says, "OneShot is a surreal top down Puzzle/Adventure game with unique gameplay capabilities. You are to guide a child through a mysterious world on a mission to restore its long-dead sun. The world knows you exist."
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"Metafictional, you say? Does that mean it's like Undertale or Doki Doki Literature Club?"
Oneshot was actually made before either of them! It was first released in 2014, while Undertale came out in 2015 and DDLC in 2017. It also had a Solstice update in 2016, but I'll talk about that later.
In terms how similar it is to them, I'd say Oneshot is by far more like Undertale than DDLC. The only way it's similar to DDLC at all is that it directly breaks the fourth wall, rather than "leaning" on it like Undertale does. But aside from that, the two games aren't alike at all. First of all, it's not a horror game. In fact, as far as I recall, there is little to no horror elements in the whole game. That's not to say it's saccharine, of course, in fact it's far from it. Speaking of which.......
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"I'm really not in the mood to cry. Should I play this game?"
Absolutely not. Chalk that up to another way this game is similar to Undertale(note that I'm only comparing it to Undertale and DDLC because they're the most popular indie meta games -- I could talk about Oneshot's similarities to OFF, for example, but that's a post for another day). Anyways, Oneshot is a VERY emotional game. Without going into too spoiler-y territory, it gets you to care about the characters and the world a LOT, and then puts you in very stressful situations regarding them.
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"What was the "Solstice update" you were talking about earlier?"
For the longest time, Oneshot had about half or less the content it has now, had lower quality sprites, and also if you closed the game you couldn't play it again(which, I mean there were reasons behind that, but it's nice that they removed that bit). The whole game was made in one month, but it was free to download.
Then, one day in 2016, an update came out, called the "Solstice Update." I am CERTAINLY not going to tell you what the update was about or the details of how it impacted the game, but for now all you need to know is that it doubled the content, added more to the story, and showed us characters that were only hinted at in the original iteration of the game.
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"I'm starting to like the idea of this game, but I'm still on the fence. What are some things about the game that you like that will seal the deal for me?"
Oh boy, I'm glad you asked! As I said before, the characters are endearing, and they also have good character design. The world building is amazing, and focuses on a few specific things that really make the game unique(for example, clovers, libraries, robots, luminescent rocks called "phosphor", rams, the sun, etc.). It also takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, but not neccesarily our world, and (and this is important) it also isn't one of those gritty hellscape worlds where life sucks. The art and soundtrack are also amazing, in fact I'm listening to the soundtrack as I type this. The plot is fantastic, well-paced, and has moments of tension while also having lots of cute and fun-filled moments. The gameplay is unique, but I won't spoil how. And if none of this is working for you, then the main character is a cat child named Niko who loves pancakes, and if that alone isn't the cutest fucking thing, then I don't know what to tell you, you heartless person.
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"Should I really get into it?"
I mean, I just wrote a paragraph talking about all the things I love about it, so this may be just a bit biased, but....... yes. Yes you should. The fandom may be small and relatively inactive, but we could always use more members, and I also don't think anyone should miss out on an opportunity to play a game as amazing as this.
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“Alright, you’ve convinced me. How do I get into this?”
If you want to play the game yourself, you can buy it on Steam for $9.99, or buy the soundtrack bundle for $18.87. If you can't or don't want to buy it, this is a good playthrough of it that includes the Solstice content(if you watch these, I'd look up how to get to the Solstice content after you watch the all endings video, otherwise you might be very confused). Here is the official OneShot trailer.
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"I have watched the trailer and played the game and holy shit you were right, this game is amazing! But the fandom is so small and inactive! What should I do?"
As Ghandi says, be the change you wish to see in the world! We can't do much to make other people join the fandom, but we can produce content ourselves! Make fanart, fanfic, and edits, no matter how "skilled" you might consider yourself to be! In fact, if you are a new or unskilled artist, fandoms like these are the perfect place to master your art! I can assure you that every work is appreciated by the underfed fans, and there's not a whole lot of pressure to make masterpieces here! We're all just appreciating this game together. If you're looking for some good OneShot blogs, I'd recommend @daylightsavings, @daily-niko, @here-at-the-eleventh-hour, @oneshotfanbase, @asktheoneshotcast, and @incorrect-oneshot-quotes-blog
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