doctor-ciel · 3 hours
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In their defence, a lot of it is sand.
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doctor-ciel · 4 hours
a lot of the coverage of the Palestinian genocide is focusing on the US student protests and the narrative is constantly in danger of shifting away from what the protests are actually about and a lot of the language is now speaking in terms of police brutality, silencing of free speech, etc. It's not a radical thing to say that this isn't exactly helpful to the Palestinian cause if the actual reasons for the protests aren't constantly front and center. A lot of people have already made this point. I do not think the genie can necessarily be put back in the bottle with how the protests and the police reaction to them are entering the public consciousness of the USian people. A lot of people are or will become aware of these protests through the lense of these simply being instances of police brutality, and police brutality is a critical issue that many USamericans are very passionate about thus making it difficult to reframe the context of these images of police slamming white professors into pavement towards awareness of Israels decades long illegal occupation and systematic and indiscriminate displacement and murder of Palestinians. What I feel needs to be done is try to reframe these images flooding the internet not *away* from issues of police brutality and homesoil fascism, but in the wider context of imperialist governments taking the lessons they learn oppressing "foreign peoples" and turning them inwards. That police brutality is not disconnected from imperialist mass murder. That the one thing connecting the assaulted USian protester and the trans israeli denied gender affirming care for refusing to serve in the fascist Israeli military and the Palestinian child buried alive for the crime of being Palestinian... the one thing connecting them is that, sooner or later, they are all victims of power. Our rights are granted to us inequitably, unevenly, and are just as quickly stripped away when we do not serve the interests of fascist power. We are either a tool of the state or an enemy of the state. The Palestinian, not the innocent or the guilty but the human being Palestinian, is murdered because she can not be useful to the state while she is still breathing. She can never have the "privilege" of being a tool. I'll say it again: We outside of Palestine who can go to protests, who have families, who are able bodied, who can work, who can keep their head down or speak without immediate retaliation have the "honor" of choosing to be a tool of the state or an enemy of the state. The Palestinian has no choice.
There will always be an armed cop ready to arrest you and kill your brother as long as there is a bomb ready to drop on the heads of Palestinian children. Fascism trickles up and inward.
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doctor-ciel · 4 hours
For example, 7x3=21, 5x9=45, etc. If you do, what is it?
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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doctor-ciel · 5 hours
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⬇⬇⬇ marcille 🤝 nozaki ⬇⬇⬇
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doctor-ciel · 7 hours
wenis comp
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doctor-ciel · 7 hours
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for some reason people really love my luna and celestia designs so i drew them again with some little changes :-) yay!
she doesnt know how to dance btw
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doctor-ciel · 7 hours
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doctor-ciel · 8 hours
yeah Romeo and Juliet suuucks they should’ve both survived at the end and lived happily ever after instead. but of course the writer kills them both off for shock value.
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doctor-ciel · 8 hours
I feel like I may have EDS, but I’m really not sure. Recently I’ve injured myself and can’t move as I did before (especially my hands). What type doctor diagnosed you with EDS? I’m looking up signs of EDS online and a many of the figures hit a little too close to home, but I’ve never been super flexible, like I can’t do the splits or anything like that.
Ooft, ouch. Sorry about the injury :(
So there's a difference between flexible (muscles, tendons) and hypermobile (joint), so it's very possible to have EDS and be hypermobile but not hyper-flexible!
I'm not considered overly flexible (I can't do the splits either!), but a lot of my joints are hypermobile, which is why I was diagnosed with hEDS (hypermobile EDS) and not cEDS (classical EDS).
I was evaluated by a specialist almost by sheer chance. I went to see her about my mast cell issues, and when she shook my hand upon greeting me, she looked down at how my finger joints flexed in her hand, looked back up a my face, and said, "Oh, this is now an ehlers danlos screening."
So that's how I got diagnosed. After years of being told I wasn't flexible enough by rheumatologists, an expert recognized that I was hypermobile instead and diagnosed me correctly based on a series of tests. Since then, I've been able to visit EDS-aware physical therapists who have all confirmed that my body is weird and needs special attention to hypermobility muscle retraining.
It can be really overwhelming trying to find a knowledgeable healthcare provider, so if you haven't already, I'd recommend checking out the Ehlers Danlos Society healthcare professional directory:
This is a curated list of EDS-aware and EDS-specialist doctors from patients around the world. Hopefully, you'll be able to find someone or at least a better idea of where to start.
Good luck with your health journey-- I hope things can improve for you soon.
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doctor-ciel · 9 hours
Sending my unconditional love to addicts and people with horrible compulsions and people who are suicidal and everyone who feels utterly alone and all the psychotic people who society disdains and the homeless and people who feel lost and everyone who doesn't want to get better and people seeking vindication and people who can't let go and people who are undesired. I love you all so much.
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doctor-ciel · 9 hours
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Because folks liked my latest pigeon comic so much, here's another pigeon piece!
I made this a couple years ago for a sadly now defunct publication called Pipe Wrench. I hope this piece helps spread more pigeon love.
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doctor-ciel · 9 hours
thinking more about authorial insecurity in fiction... it truly is frustrating to me when an author is clearly ashamed of their own premises, or is preemptively responding to imagined criticism. this is where you get a lot of unfunny humor about how stupid genre conventions are and how Unrealistic fantastical/speculative elements are. like ultimately the reason that authors undercut and overexplain their own works is because they're insecure about audience reaction and want to get ahead of the haters by proclaiming that they're Not Cringe. this will not work because I, the ultimate hater, will eventually find them and make one million posts about how much I despise irony poisoning
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doctor-ciel · 9 hours
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doctor-ciel · 9 hours
I think an underappreciated element of Leia's character is that even after days or weeks of ruthless interrogation interspersed with torture, she still had the presence of mind to identify a feature of the Stormtrooper who barged into her cell that she could mock.
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doctor-ciel · 9 hours
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doctor-ciel · 9 hours
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Greetings bugs and worms!
This comic is a little different than what I usually do but I worked real hard on it—Maybe I'll make more infographic stuff in the future this ended up being fun. Hope you learned something new :)
If you are still curious and want to learn more about OCD, you can visit the International OCD Foundation's website. I also recommend this amazing TED ED video "Starving The Monster", which was my first introduction to the disorder and this video by John Green about his own experience with OCD.
The IOCDF's website can also help you find support groups, therapy, and has lots of online guides and resources as well if you or a loved one is struggling with the disorder. It is very comprehensive!
Reblog to teach your followers about OCD
(But also not reblogging doesn't make you evil, silly goose)
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doctor-ciel · 9 hours
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