#Archie Battersbee
joemerl · 7 months
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aikoiya · 7 months
This is horrifying...
Like, I had no idea that this is what free Healthcare would allow the government to do!
God bless Indi Gregory, Archie Battersbee, & Alfie Evans.
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Archie Battersbee: l’esito naturale del processo eutanasico
Archie Battersbee: l’esito naturale del processo eutanasico
La vera componente imprescindibile dell’atto eutanasico è la deliberata uccisione di un essere umano innocente. Che questo venga poi fatto per “motivi pietosi” e col consenso o meno del malato è solo accidentale. (more…)
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quehaylondres · 2 years
Archie Battersbee: Justicia británica decide quitarle el soporte vital al menor
Archie Battersbee: Justicia británica decide quitarle el soporte vital al menor
La Corte de Apelaciones del Reino Unido rechazó este lunes posponer más allá del martes la retirada del apoyo vital al niño de 12 años Archie Battersbee, que según los médicos se encuentra en muerte cerebral. El joven se encontraba en estado de coma desde el pasado 7 abril, luego de haber practicado un reto de Tik Tok. El Gobierno británico había pedido al tribunal que valorara la petición del…
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skippyv20 · 2 years
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thewtcho · 2 years
Archie Battersbee’s parents, Paul and Hollie, want him to be taken off life support.
Archie Battersbee’s parents, Paul and Hollie, want him to be taken off life support.
In this article, we will read about “Archie Battersbee’s parents, Paul and Hollie, want him to be taken off life support. Archie Battersbee’s parents, Paul and Hollie, want him to be taken off life support.Archie Battersbee, 12, has been referred to by doctors in the UK as “brain-dead.” After the court ruled that he should be taken off life support, his mother is fighting in court to keep her son…
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invisibleicewands · 1 year
Michael Sheen: ‘I find it very hard to accept actors playing Welsh characters when they aren’t Welsh’
Has he taken the concept of authentic casting to a whole new level? Ahead of his latest BBC drama Best Interests, the star explains all
Michael Sheen has had it with the Prince of Wales. Not the man, but the title. “I think it’s ridiculous,” he says. “It’s just silly. I see no reason why the title should continue. Certainly not with someone who’s not Welsh.” 
“That’s not the majority view,” he adds, with resignation. “So, whatever the majority of people want, I’m sure will continue.” 
The star of Frost/Nixon and proud son of Port Talbot is chatting via video from a bucolic spot close to his hometown (a deer has just wandered into view), but even at a distance, it’s not hard to see that Sheen is a man ofstrong convictions.
He has spoken in the past about the opportunity to retire the title after the death of Elizabeth II, as a gesture to “put some of the wrongs of the past right”. In 2020, he returned the OBE he was “honoured” to have received in 2009 when he felt it would make him a hypocrite to give a lecture about how the English king Edward I “put a stranglehold on Wales” at the turn of the 14th century. 
When we chat, he’s about to begin shooting his TV directing debut The Way – co-created with playwright James Graham and documentary-maker Adam Curtis, about a family caught in a civil uprising, set in and around Port Talbot. The BBC project is the first from the production company that he set up with Sherlock producer Bethan Jones to focus on telling Welsh stories because, “You can shout about how bad it is, but if you want to see something be different then do it, you know?”
The 54-year-old is one of the actors of his generation, a stage star in his twenties (The Telegraph’s Charles Spencer called him “outrageously charismatic”) who went on to create unforgettable screen portraits of Tony Blair (The Queen, The Deal), Chris Tarrant (Quiz) and Brian Clough (The Damned United), alongside his David Frost in Peter Morgan’s play and film about the 1977 interviews that brought down the US president. Recently, Sheen has gained a whole new tranche of fans playing a very arch angel opposite David Tennant’s insouciant demon in Amazon’s Good Omens – not technically gay characters according to the Terry Pratchett-Neil Gaiman source novel, but seemingly in love.
Tennant and he have a natural chemistry on and off screen, Sheen says, adding that “he stops me being too grumpy”. He is a little on the grumpy side. In one exchange, in which I suggest he is a supporter of Welsh independence, he responds hotly: “Show me where it says that. I don’t believe I’ve ever said that.” Sam Mendes compared Sheen to fellow Welsh stars Anthony Hopkins and Richard Burton – “fiery, mercurial, unpredictable”. 
But he shares a warm screen chemistry with Sharon Horgan in Jack Thorne’s moving new four-part drama Best Interests. They play the parents of a child with cerebral palsy, the adorable Marnie (played by Dublin actor Niamh Moriarty), who suffers a seizure that leaves her without brain function. The couple find themselves on opposite sides of an unbearable decision: whether or not to switch off their daughter’s life support. Very few will make it through the drama without tears, but the issues it raises will be familiar to all who have followed recent legal battles over 12-year-old Archie Battersbee and baby Alfie Evans. 
Best Interests is “heartbreaking” at times, he admits, which makes the humour that he and Horgan bring to it all the more important. They hadn’t worked together before. “That relationship had to do a lot of heavy lifting. Sharon and I didn’t know each other very well … but straight from the off, we had a very similar sense of humour and made each other laugh.” Moriarty’s is a break-out performance – one scene involving make-up beautifully captures the parent-child relationship. She has cerebral palsy that affects her legs, a condition called spastic diplegia, but she’s not the only disabled actor in the piece. 
Bafta-winner Lenny Rush, 14, who in real-life has a condition that affects his growth, is brilliant as George, who sets his cap at Marnie. Mat Fraser, who plays a legal advocate in Best Interests and portrayed Shakespeare’s Richard III in 2017, has a thalidomide impairment, which likely gave him an insight into Richard’s sense of “my deformity”. 
Thorne, who experienced a chronic medical condition in his twenties, has said in the past that disabled people have been “utterly and totally” failed by the TV industry. In Best Interests, one parent of a child with a disability states baldly that people “hate” disabled people. “I think people can feel very uncomfortable around people with disabilities,” Sheen says. “A lot of the time it’s just to do with ignorance about, ‘Oh gosh, I don’t know, what should I do?’ It can make interaction quite awkward at times, and it can bring out people’s fears.”
The fact that there were several people with disabilities working on the project, he says, was striking because it brought home how rarely he had seen it before. It leads into a discussion of how far actors can credibly play identities they don’t personally inhabit. Sheen has thought about it: “You know, seeing people playing Welsh characters who are not Welsh, I find, it’s very hard for me to accept that. Not particularly on a point of principle, but just knowing that that’s not the case.
“That’s a very different end of the spectrum, but a part like Richard III is such a great character to play, it would be sad to think that that character, you know, is no longer available or appropriate for actors to play who don’t have disabilities, but that’s because I’m just not used to it yet, I suppose. Because I fully accept that I’m  not going to be playing Othello any time soon.
“Again, it’s not particularly a point of principle, but personally, I haven’t seen many actors who have come from quite privileged backgrounds being particularly compelling as people from working-class backgrounds. If you haven’t experienced something, you know, the extreme example is, well, if you haven’t murdered someone, can you play a murderer?”
In 2021, it was reported that Sheen intended to be a “not-for-profit” actor, after selling his own properties to ensure the Homeless World Cup that he had organised in Cardiff in 2019 went ahead when funders withdrew. So, what is a not-for-profit actor?
“There’s no such thing,” he says. “In that interview, I talked about how the ideal I was aiming towards was working like a not-for-profit company. When I put the money into the Homeless World Cup, since then I only owe money, so in terms of profits, there are no profits. I put as much of the money I make as I possibly can into either funding and supporting what other people are doing that I believe in, or starting up projects myself.” 
It’s a measure of Sheen’s confidence that he knows the parts will keep coming. He has become a father again in his 50s; he and his partner, 28-year-old Swedish actor Anna Lundberg, have two young daughters. “My knees creak a lot more,” he says. “It’s a lot harder to get up and down off the floor when you’re playing with the baby.” 
Sheen also has a grown-up daughter, Lily Mo Sheen, 24, from an earlier relationship with British actress Kate Beckinsale. “When my eldest daughter was born, I was still trying to make my way in my career and having to make harder choices about whether to work away from home and how much time to be away and all that stuff,” he says. “This time around, that’s not as difficult as I’m more established as an actor. Physically, it’s hard. But the one thing that is always the same is, you know, poo doesn’t smell any better.”
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
LONDON (AP) — Britain’s Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to prevent a hospital withdrawing life support from a 12-year-old boy with catastrophic brain damage, rejecting a bid by his parents to extend his treatment.
The parents of Archie Battersbee had aske Supreme Court justices to block a lower court’s ruling that the Royal London Hospital can turn off the boy’s ventilator and stop other interventions that are keeping him alive.
Archie’s treatment had been due to end at noon Tuesday, but the hospital said it would await the decision of the Supreme Court.
Justices at the U.K.'s top court said Archie had “no prospect of any meaningful recovery,” and even with continued treatment would die in the next few weeks from organ and heart failure. The judges agreed with a lower court that continuing treatment “serves only to protract his death.”
Archie's mother, Hollie Dance, said the family would “fight until the end," but it was unclear what legal options they have left.
Archie was found unconscious at home with a ligature over his head on April 7. His parents believe he may have been taking part in an online challenge that went wrong.
Doctors believe Archie is brain-stem dead and say continued life-support treatment is not in his best interests. Several British courts have agreed.
The family appealed to the U.N. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and wanted the withdrawal of treatment put on hold while the committee examines the case.
“We do not understand what the rush is and why all of our wishes are being denied,” Dance said.
The case is the latest in the U.K. that has pitted the judgment of doctors against the wishes of families. In several cases, including this one, the families have been backed by a religious pressure group, Christian Concern.
Under British law, it is common for courts to intervene when parents and doctors disagree on the treatment of a child. In such cases, the rights of the child take primacy over the parents’ right to decide what’s best for their offspring.
On Monday, the Court of Appeal said that "every day that (Archie) continues to be given life-sustaining treatment is contrary to his best interests and, so, a stay, even for a short time, is against his best interests.”
A panel of three Supreme Court judges said it could only overturn that ruling “if it is satisfied that the Court of Appeal has made an error of law or principle." It said it “is not persuaded that there is an arguable case that the Court of Appeal has so erred.”
“The panel reaches this conclusion with a heavy heart and wishes to extend its deep sympathy to Archie’s parents at this very sad time,” the court said.
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kon-igi · 2 years
Doc, hai seguito il caso di Archie Battersbee? Cosa ne pensi?
Che è un argomento più complicato della 'semplice' eutanasia... e quelle virgolette ti dicono che razza di vespaio etico-scientifico sono situazioni simili.
Per semplificare (e la situazione a livello medico è tutt'altro che semplificabile) le persone possono essere morte anche se il cuore batte ancora.
Esistono, infatti, diversi livelli di coscienza nel danno cerebrale (indipendentemente dalle cause), sulla base delle quali possiamo PRESUMERE la possibilità che la persona riemerga o meno da tale stato:
Stato minimamente cosciente
Stato vegetativo
Stato vegetativo persistente
Stato Dépassé
Per non gonadosfringervi con dettagli tecnici altamente indigeribili, vi basti sapere che il piccolo Archie si trovava in stato vegetativo di quarto stadio a causa di un'anossia cerebrale, cioè di una mancanza di ossigeno così protratta da aver causato danni irreversibili al cervello.
Danni così irreversibili che le funzioni vitali vegetative come respiro, battito cardiaco, minzione etc - normalmente presenti e più o meno autonome negli altri stati - hanno avuto bisogno del supporto meccanico di respiratore, monitor cardiaco, catetere vescicale per il loro mantenimento.
In medicina non esistono certezze ma nella maggior parte dei paesi la medicina legale afferma che un paziente a cui sia stata fatta diagnosi di morte cerebrale (in Italia da un neurologo, da un anestesista e da un medico legale che abbiano fatto valutazione tecnico-strumentale prolungata per 6 ore) non è più in alcun modo recuperabile e che per la persona deve essere cessata qualsiasi tipo di prestazione sanitaria, in quanto a tutti gli effetti morta.
Per concludere, da una parte c'è il dolore dei genitori, a quali TUTTO È SCUSATO poiché si sono aggrappati a una flebile speranza irrazionale, e poi ci sono GLI SCIACALLI in tunica che, soprattutto qua in Italia, gradiscono essere gli unici depositari della dispensa di vita e morte, l'una e l'altra sempre a sproposito e, soprattutto, a comodo loro.
Nessun paziente si è mai risvegliato dallo Stato Dépassé. Mai.
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
An NHS hospital is asking the Court of Protection to authorise removal of life-saving medical treatment from a 19-year-old girl, effectively condemning her to death. Unlike in similar cases such as Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans and Archie Battersbee, the girl – anonymised by the court as ‘ST’ – is conscious, able to speak, and has instructed her own lawyers to argue that she should be kept alive and allowed to go to Canada for experimental treatment which would give her a chance of survival. ST is suffering from a rare genetic mitochondrial disease similar to that of Charlie Gard, the baby whose life support was withdrawn as a result of a bitterly fought high-profile legal case in 2017. ST’s condition causes chronic muscle weakness, loss of hearing and damage to her kidneys. She is dependent on regular dialysis and other intensive care, but the condition does not affect the functioning of her brain. The hospital argues that while ST’s prognosis is uncertain and she may survive for some months, her condition is deteriorating and she is therefore “actively dying”. The NHS trust has asked the court to approve a “palliative care plan” for ST which would mean she is no longer given dialysis and would die from kidney failure within a few days. Two psychiatric experts instructed by the hospital have examined ST and have told the court that she is not suffering from any mental health illness and has the mental capacity to make decisions about her own medical treatment.
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princessmadafu · 2 years
Prayers for Archie and his family
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I have been following the case of Archie Battersbee in England, and while we can all understand the desperation and heartbreak of his parents, there comes a point where you have to accept that Archie's medical team has done its very best and can do no more for him. I'm not praying for a miracle, just that his family has time to say their goodbyes, and that when Archie is called to Heaven he'll go gently and painlessly, surrounded by love and soft angel wings and find his eternal peace. Love and strength to his parents. Prayers and thanks also for his medical and legal teams who are facing their own heartache.
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Archie Battersbee's body was legally declared dead on May 31st, his mother was using his corpse to grift money from people. I agree with your statement on keeping people on life support, but this isn't an example of that. Look up Hollie Dance / Lisa Pittaway / Ella Carter / Archie Battersbee / Lauren Summers/ Dignity For All / Archie's Army / Spread The Purple Wave on the kiwifarms to get more information on this completely fucked situation.
This is one of the only times I'm gonna say this, but I'm just gonna assume you're right because I don't have the energy to look shit up right now. Regardless of whether or not his parents are exploiting this for financial gain, everything I said previously is still true. The decision to take a child off life support should be left solely up to the parent or parents, regardless of the reason.
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Morte cerebrale e dignità, le domande del caso Archie Battersbee
Morte cerebrale e dignità, le domande del caso Archie Battersbee
Tra le tante questioni sollevate dalla vicenda del caso Archie Battersbee, il 12enne morto sabato scorso in un ospedale di Londra dopo il distacco del ventilatore voluto dai medici e ordinato dai giudici, merita sottolineare le strumentalizzazioni della morte cerebrale. E l’ambiguità del concetto di dignità umana. (more…)
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
the archie battersbee case is so fucked up bc the news doesn't really highlight the fact that his mum is xtian and being supported by an xtian legal org. so bc she is taught to have a persecution complex and believe that secular ppl are evil and have no morals etc she is unable to hear that her child is straight up brainstem dead and will never be able to recover not even on a medical miracle even if his body was like reanimated the parts that make him a conscious human being are permanently gone forever etc., and instead believes that like the government is trying to kill her child (who is just waiting on a miracle any second to wake up) bc they want to spite god or whatever.
its so stupid but it still makes me feel really bad for her bc she is going through the most horrific experience and then having the opportunity to at least peacefully say goodbye to her son taken from her by this delusion & when he inevitably does die she'll never have closure bc she'll always feel like if she had just been able to convince the infidels then he wouldve woken up any minute and she wouldve got her son back:(
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for Margaret who is having tests done in the hospital.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is mourning the loss of her father.  Prayers and good thoughts for her family. Prayers and good thoughts for Dave Meyers going through chemo treatments.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having dealing with challenging pain in both hips and walking is difficult.
Prayers and good thoughts for Archie Battersbee and his mother.  We pray for Archie as he prepares to go home to heaven.   We pray for his mother to have peace in her heart and to accept that Archie’s earth life has ended.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is very worried about her senior aged parents.  The relationship between her and her parents is somewhat distant.  She has been praying for them to all be closer.
Prayers and good thoughts for Kaitlyn and her family. She is 20 weeks pregnant with her 1st child, and there is little amniotic fluid. The prognosis is very poor & a termination has been suggested. They need a miracle, but also the strength to accept God's Will in their lives.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James’ great grandmother and family.  His great grandmother is nearing her life here on earth, and will be going home to heaven.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend whose father has just passed away.  Prayers for the family. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s neighbor’s family.  They are mourning his loss.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s father with Parkinson’s.  We pray for strength for him and family as they face challenges.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s grandfather who had a stroke and is in a coma.  Prayers also for the family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who was misdiagnosed with MRSA.  She has been suffering from a variety of infections, the doctors now consulting with infectious disease specialists.  She is in isolation.
Prayers and good thoughts for our Novenas Baby James,  James is still going and he’s started some physical therapy to catch up on some milestones. He’s a bit behind because of his time in hospital, but otherwise he’s a persistent little one with four teeth already! I can’t believe we’re just a couple.of weeks from his first birthday.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her family.  We pray for her daughter who is an alcoholic.  We pray for her children.  We pray for her oldest son who is trying to get his life back on track.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is going to be audited before approval of disability payments.  Praying all works in her favor.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has had knee surgery and is having complications.  She is feeling overwhelmed and scared.  She now has found out she has cancer.  Praying for her healing.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her two cats.  She is very overwhelmed.  Her mother is entering last stage of life, she is dealing with someone difficult in her life, her fears are coming to be true.  She needs prayers for strength in the times ahead.  She is also dealing with an evil landlord.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has recently moved to the US and is seeking employment. Prayers and good thoughts for the disabled children left in institutions by caregivers who have fled. Prayers for all as they struggle.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend who is in horrible pain caused by a pinched nerve in her shoulder, and extreme pain in her hip. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter and grandchildren age 3 yrs and 18 months.  Her daughter makes too much money for government assistance.  She can’t afford therapy for both.  Our friend helps her as much as she can, but they need help.  They need a miracle.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is suffering from heart failure, and feeling so poorly.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s godmother and family.  Her son passed away unexpectedly from cancer.  Prayers for the family for their loss.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend, K and K’s daughter.  Her daughter is sober at this time, we pray this continues.  We pray for K who is feeling very anxious.  We pray to Saint Monica to intercede on her behalf.   Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffers from bouts of depression, and is feeling alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our little 9 yr old Novenas boy who has had a bone marrow transplant and is having some complications.  He is a fighter, but he and his family could really use prayers to help them through the tougher days. (Prayers and good thoughts for our 9 yr old Novenas boy.  He has had his bone marrow surgery  recently.  We pray for his quick recovery, that the surgery was a success, and that he will have a great prognosis.)
Prayers and good thoughts for Richard, who is recovering well, but still struggles with speech.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who had Covid a few weeks ago & haven’t felt right since. Her doctors say she has Long Covid Symptoms! She suffers from anxiety, depression, insomnia and panic attacks. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 18 month old granddaughter Allie, who is very, very sick fighting a skin disease in the hospital. Dr’s think she had some type of autoimmune disease & will be battling skin problems her whole life! Dr’s have put her on some type of cancer medicine to see if that will give her some relief
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is has surgery for bilateral mastectomy, and is recovering.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 18 year old daughter who is healing and taking steps forward.  She is still struggling.
Prayers and good thoughts for Carol.  Carol is very overwhelmed by life’s trials.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s cousin who has 4 children, and has terminal cancer.
Prayers and good thoughts for our 8 month old Novenas boy who has had a bone marrow transplant.  Praying for his complete healing and quick recovery.  Praying for him to have a long, healthy, happy life.  Prayers for his family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is estranged from her daughter.  Our friend is overwhelmed with worry.  Praying they will reconcile.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James’ “heart” brother William.  He has had surgery and is now recovering, we pray for him to stay strong. He is doing well. We pray for his family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose mother has pancreatic cancer once again.  It is terminal.  Praying for peace, comfort and for all the family to feel God’s loving presence.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband from our Novenas, who is battling pancreatic cancer.  He is just out of the hospital.  He is not worse, so that is a blessing.    His 7yr old son is having a hard time.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend little m who is mourning the loss of her beloved husband, and she is feeling weak & quite tired.  He was her caregiver as well.  We pray for God to place earth angels on her path, to ease her burdens as she moves forward.  
Prayer and good thoughts for our friend’s friend.  She has just had surgery to remove cancer from her arm, but is too ill to have skin graft. Now her cancer is returning and she will need another op or radiotherapy.   Tests ongoing.  She has underlying health conditions and her husband has Alzheimers.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  We are praying she doesn’t have a relapse, and can go forward in good health.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who had bowel surgery.  Prayers for his ongoing healing and more energy.
Prayers and good thoughts for Hunnymae who is mourning the loss of her precious sweet furbaby…dear Hunny Mae
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend Storm who is struggling with life’s trials.  Praying for her burdens to be lifted.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend Finding the Way Anon and her family who are going through many trials right now.  Praying for their burdens to be lifted.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend PG.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend in Kyiv and her family
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 5 yr old son who has speech delay/echolalia.  Our friend is quite sure he has ADHD , but am now worried that the echolalia means she needs to consider ASD as well.  Also, please pray for our friend as she is so stressed.
If I left anyone out, please let me know…if there are updates or corrections required…please let me know….
God Bless you and thank you for joining us in prayers and good thoughts…🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
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thewtcho · 2 years
Archie Battersbee’s Internet Challenge and Accident: “Brain Damage”
Archie Battersbee’s Internet Challenge and Accident: “Brain Damage”
In this article, we will read about “Archie Battersbee’s Internet Challenge and Accident: “Brain Damage” Archie Battersbee’s Internet Challenge and Accident: “Brain Damage”Media debate has erupted around the Ligature Over Head online challenge. After a little kid named Archie Battersbee suffered severe brain injury, the trend has drawn attention. By strangling them, the Ligature Over Head online…
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