skierunner · 8 hours
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skierunner · 9 hours
“can straight men be romantically and sexually attracted to men?” sure, I’m not a cop
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skierunner · 9 hours
my blog is a safe space for me. the rest of you are in danger i think
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skierunner · 12 hours
Hair model who???
I swear Star Wars robbed us of giving quin some more interesting hairstyles. I’ve always found dreads to be some of the most beautiful and versatile hairstyles out there, so I hope I did them some justice here 💛
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Quinlan I think would have def braided aaylas silka beads into his hair before he took her on as a Padawan, ya know just for safekeeping 🩵
Also just lemme know if you guys want more info on wth I mean by “married vos” and his tattoos cuz I have some THOUGHTS (inspired by fic Resilience on ao3, though the account is unfortunately orphaned)
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skierunner · 12 hours
I found this image and all I can think of is someone threatening Kix
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skierunner · 12 hours
I know and enjoy the headcanon that Cody really committed to the jetpack life after seeing Anakin throw Rex around, but.
Cody was part of the Sky Corps (jetpack clones) from early on. I hc he trained for the specialization before the war even started. He's already thinking running into a sea of droids and applying, of all things, his h2h combat training is a good idea. He's already like that. He's BEEN like that.
He was like that before he met Obi-Wan and the disaster lineage. He might not be unhinged (most of the time) or going in half-cocked, but that just means he does all this crazy stuff fully prepared and without being unhinged. He's thought it through and still decided it was a good idea often enough that now that's just how he operates.
You *could* cast Cody as brain cell holder, but not in the way that image is usually used. Understand that brain cell is being held by someone who doesn't run out of fucks to give because he never had any. If you want to chill, someone else might have to hold it.
Competent? Yes. Practical? Always. Normal? Nope.
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skierunner · 12 hours
when obi-wan said 'I won't kill anakin' and then spent the entire rest of his life following through on that. fuck everyone else obi-wan I respect you yoda should've taken you at your fucking word
'boohoo why did he walk away and not kill anakin this time either even with all the suffering he'll go on to cause if he lets him go' he's told you why very clearly you just didn't believe him I guess!! desperately not killing anakin is obi-wan's main export. it's his universal constant, his life's work, his magnum opus. he gets creative about not killing that guy. he tries to send anakin's teenage twink son to do the job for him because he simply can't. he fucking... peaces out and dies to avoid killing anakin. that's like his whole deal. whether he's right to be like this is another entirely separate conversation but it is what he is
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skierunner · 22 hours
The Smooch™
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The war is over. Cheering crowds are heard all across the galaxy.
The senate was brought down by Anakin Skywalker and the Jedi Order, who put their last trust in Anakin.
Meanwhile in the outer rim, Commander Cody and General Obi Wan Kenobi defeated General Grievous' Droid Army. As the Peace is announced, the 212th bursts out in loud cheering and everyone is relieved, some maybe a little too relieved. The Commander cannot control his Emotion, and with great joy he falls into Obi - Wans arms.
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skierunner · 1 day
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she did warn him
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skierunner · 1 day
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Peculiar Vintage
Uh oh, maybe shouldn’t have betrayed your second when he’s a notoriously petty Force-user
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skierunner · 1 day
While still ballsy, this is like, the *best* tactical option in this scenario. Saber wielders do best mid to long range, where they can deflect your weapons and fry you if you get to close. You need to get past that defense!
What's a lightsaber wielder gonna do when you body them? Try to slice you and end up skewering themselves in the process? Little space sheyshkabob with 5 clones and an asthmatic cyborg? No! They've been practicing by enforcing rest cycles (read: naps) on General Kenobi via dog piling for two months now! This isn't spontaneous, this is Battle Drill 2-Alpha!
Sometimes it just hits me all over again how fucking insane Cody is. Like, Grievous is an enemy general who regularly kills Jedi, is armed with four (4!!!!!) lightsabers, and has in canon wiped out entire battalions full of clones when Jedi try to confront him. And Cody just. balls to the wall goes for it and full-on tackles the bastard. Dog-piles the guy who's killed more Jedi than probably any one single person. And he punches Grievous in his (metal!!!) face while he's at it.
And! His men follow his lead.
What the hell kind of charisma and pure brass balls do you have to have for that. Honestly.
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skierunner · 1 day
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skierunner · 1 day
Yea, for I was copying the Bible. And it came to pass that I wrote "gaudium", or joy, when the intended word was "gladium" or sword. And all of the other monks did mock me with cruel words and jests. And when I did recite the Scripture at dinner, I coughed, and Brother Abelard did ask if I had meant to say "gaudium". And on the way to the dormitories I did tell of my encounter with the fearsome black hen of Cheshire, and Brother William asketh of me why I had not slain it with my gladium. And so it came to pass that I took a vow of silence and ceased to speak with all worldly men. Amen.
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skierunner · 2 days
So a few months ago there was the discourse about would you rather meet a man or a bear in the woods. I didn't want to touch it while the discourse was hot and everyone dug in hard because those are not good conditions for nuance, but I waited until today, June 1st, for a specific reason.
I'm not going to take a position in the bear vs man debate because I don't think it matters. What is really being asked here is how afraid are you of men? Specifically, unexpected men who are, perhaps, strange.
People have a lot of very real fear of men that comes from a lot of very real places. Back when I was first transitioning in 2015 and 2016, I decided to start presenting as a woman in public even though I did not pass in the slightest.
I live in a red state. I knew other trans women who had been attacked by men, raped by men. I knew I was taking a risk by putting myself out there. I was the only visibly trans person in the area of campus I frequented, and people made sure I never forgot that. Most were harmless enough and the worst I got from them was curious stares. Others were more aggressive, even the occasional threat. I had to avoid public bathrooms, of course, and always be aware of my surroundings.
I know how frightening it is to be alone at night while a pair of men are following behind you and not knowing if they are just going in the same direction or if they want to start something - made all the worse for the constant low level threat I had been living under for over a year by just being visibly trans in a place where many are openly hostile to queer people. You have to remember, this was at the height of the first wave of bathroom law discussions, a lot of people were very angry about trans women in particular. My daily life was terrifying at times. I was never the subject of direct violence, but I knew trans women who had been.
I want you to keep all that in mind.
So man or bear is really the question "how afraid of men are you?", and the question that logically follows is "What if there was a strange man at night in a deserted parking lot?" or "What if you were alone in an elevator with a man?" or "What if you met a strange man in the woman's bathroom?"
My state recently passed an anti trans bathroom bill. The rhetoric they used was about protecting women and children from "strange men", aka trans women.
Conservatives hijack fear for their bigoted agenda.
When I first started presenting as a woman the campus apartment complex was designed for young families. The buildings were in a large square with playgrounds in the center, and there were often children playing. I quickly noticed that when I took my daughter out to play, often several children would immediately stop what they were doing and run back inside. It didn't take me long to confirm that the parents were so afraid of "the strange man who wears skirts" that their children were under strict instructions to literally run away as soon as they saw me.
"How afraid are you of a strange man being near your children?"
I mentioned above that I had to avoid public bathrooms. This was not because of men. It was because of women who were so afraid of random men that they might get violent or call someone like the police to be violent for them if I ever accidentally presented myself in a way that could be interpreted as threatening, when my mere presence could be seen as a threat. If I was in the library studying and I realized that it was just me and one other woman I would get up and leave because she might decide that stranger danger was happening.
Your fear is real. Your fear might even come from lived experiences. None of that prevents the fact that your fear can be violent. Women's fear of men is one of the driving forces of transmisogyny because it is so easy to hijack. And it isn't just trans women. Other trans people experience this, and other queer people too. Racial minorities, homeless people, neurodivergent people, disabled people.
When you uncritically engage with questions like man or bear, when you uncritically validate a culture of reactive fear, you are paving the way for conservatives and bigots to push their agenda. And that is why I waited until pride month. You cannot engage and contribute to the culture of reactive fear without contributing to queerphobia of all varieties. The sensationalist culture of reactive fear is a serious queer issue, and everyone just forgot that for a week as they argued over man or bear. I'm not saying that "man" is the right answer. I am saying that uncritically engaging with such obvious click bait trading on reactive fear is a problem. Everyone fucked up.
It is not a moral failing to experience fear, but it is a moral responsibility to keep a handle on that fear and know how it might harm others.
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skierunner · 2 days
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reblog to be eaten by this thing
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skierunner · 2 days
OMG the Department of Labor just this morning issued a new rule about how to classify contractors vs employees... uber and lyft are gonna get WRECKED
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skierunner · 2 days
i let him hit cause. uh. well i’m gonna be honest it’s cause i fucked up my parry timing
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