#Anti rina
timelessbibliophile · 9 months
my irl friend and I finally hate watched through all of s4, and our watching experience was basically summarized in the following things:
Getting rlly sad at not seeing EJ every single second on screen
"This plot is so Glee"
"WHO ARE YOU WHY ARE YOU HERE" at random characters that appeared
Yelling slay every time Gina's mom opened her mouth
Ricky Bowen hate club (we realized we just love joshua bassett and actually hate Ricky)
Realizing this show has no real consequences for actions for anyone except for EJ
My friend (a casual viewer) saying Ashlyn likes Maddox and asking what happened to Big Red, me replying with "this hasn't been addressed, they're still together"
"Sofia Wylie is stunning"
Getting annoyed at the rina scenes
Googling the ai ej cover of scream after ricky's version (we usually love joshua's voice and covers, but this one did not fit his voice at all)
Random pause to search caitlin reilly's tiktok and google sofia wylie's height (she looks super tall 'cause we're short queens)
Agreeing the cheating plot sucked and ruined seb's and Big red's characters
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aquariusshadow · 11 months
ngl seeing r*na do the "lets keep our relationship a secret" trope thing in the trailer is already making me go "ugh...seriously?" like it's the final season; portwell got scuffed last season unfairly and yet i'm supposed to believe r*na will be endgame and that's the trope they wanna do? (also it says a lot that gina doesnt feel comfortable enough in their relationship to just be normal about it and not hide it, especially since nini is gone and ej was...not in the trailer at all???? like h u h?)
what made portwell so appealing over r*na was how healthy the relationship seemed in s2 and the mutual respect for each other. there were no secrets, no 'hiding their relationship' (or in s2's case, a budding friendship), just two people who just cared about each other and it was healthy
granted this is just a trailer for the final season and everything is out of context, but that quote really just rubbed me the wrong way 🤷‍♀️
it's also kinda frustrating cuz i liked r*na in s1 and i still think they have really good chemistry so there is a part of me that's kinda rooting for them? in the sense of "if theyre gonna be endgame at least let it be decently written"
sigh, frankly i just miss portwell, we could've had it all
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naturallyobsessed · 2 years
"She remembered. She remembered the lottery ticket"
*closes laptop* wow! What a great way to end the season!
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 9 months
I can't help but feel a little betrayed by the writers when Gina said that Ricky made her feel so seen. Not after EJ told her that she was the bravest person he ever met when he thought of her. Not only that but the couch scene in s2 cemented that between EJ and Gina. Even though s3 was rough for them I think that the circumstances weren't in their favor. This isn't hate to anyone by any means! Just a confused and slightly sad PW shipper here. 🤧
okay yeah same i did feel a little upset in that moment because on the one hand. sofia acted that moment so well and it tugged on my heartstrings and it made me happy she felt that way with ricky. but then i was like but. you were so seen by EJ!!!! i would argue even more so!! i just think these two characters will always understand each other on a different level than anyone else. the way they put their 100% into everything they do. their shared parental pressure. i could go on and on.
and in season 2 when she was feeling so unseen, when ricky was so distracted, it was EJ who saw her! it was EJ asking her how she was doing genuinely during the quincinerea scene. it was EJ seeing her and understanding her in the couch scene. it was EJ showing up with a granola bar when she most needed it. EJ saying she's the bravest person he's ever met my heart is broken EJ. saw. gina. even this season when he wasn't interacting with her the advice he gave to ricky showed just how well he knows Gina, how seen she is by him!
and anon this definitely doesn't come across as hate and i think if anyone sees it that way they have a problem with not letting people have different interpretations of the show.
as a confused and slightly sad PW shipper I'm here for you <3 i know I've expressed a lot of positive feelings about this season and the closure around portwell, but i don't want any PWs who are upset about this season to feel alone bc i definitely struggled with a lot of it. for a lot of the r*na content i had to for my sanity be like "okay. this is fine. would portwell better fit this (or a variation of this)? yes. does this apply to portwell? yes. but i will ignore this and focus on r*na being cute"
(there are valid things about the r*na ship and they have their unique aspects that make them work, and i think this season handled their relationship well in certain respects. but moments like the "i feel so seen" scene are frustrating examples of the writers highlighting a positive for r*na that also fits portwell, maybe even better, and just make my heart sad thinking about what we could have had)
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nanceluvbot · 2 years
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currently screaming into a pillow hbu
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leabethchase · 2 years
Fuck that finale
I had to stop watching the show after episode 3 because I could tell the bullshit road they were going down. But I caught up for the finale and honestly, I really wish I didn't.
It's not even Portwell's break up that has me mad. I always said that if they broke up I could handle it as long as it wasn't for the sole purpose of a Rina get together.
And even though I don't like Rina as a pair, that's not even why I hated this season. I genuinely think I would have been ok with Rina if they hadn't used EJ and his entire character growth as a stepping stool to lead to Rina. They took everything good about him and made it into something bad when all he ever wanted was a summer with the girl he loved at his second home. And then the play got thrown into his lap, and even then he wanted it to be perfect for Gina so she could shine and to also impress his dad, and at the end of the day Gina left him for a boy who stole his first gf and his dad couldn't even be proud of him. And even then he still called Ricky a brother and handled it so well. He deserved so much better than that, SO MUCH BETTER.
And then for them to make it seem like what Portwell has was never even real or genuine? BULLSHIT!
And then to make Gina the one to bare her soul out to Ricky AGAIN? Gina deserved to be the one on the receiving end of a heartfelt speech from Ricky if you were gonna make them happen. Gina has been putting herself out there for him over and over again, he should have been the one to confess to her. She deserved that (even if I'm a little salty with her right now)
Honestly season 3 was just one disappointment after another. I genuinely don't think I'm going to watch season 4, who knows.
I still love the cast though, especially Sofia, Matt, Josh, and Dara. So this page will be to support them. And I'll still post about Portwell goodness because they still have my heart and I'm going to pretend like season 3 never happened.
And lastly, Tim, screw you
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dayas · 2 years
Wait I have a Genuine Question.
And this is no hate!! But…
What has Ricky actually done for Gina?
EJ bought her a plane ticket so she could be in the show she worked her ass off for, drove her home from the airport, asked how she was and boosted her self esteem, swooped in to be her exercise partner & swooped in again when the undercover mission went south and respected her when he thought he wasn’t what/who she wanted.
Ashlyn let her stay at her place so she wouldn’t have to move away, offered Gina a spot with her and Kourtney for their audition song and hyped her when she came up. She also supported her going after EJ because that was what made G happy.
Heck, even Nini basically said Gina was solid af in the moment they had together! Their friendship grew as well with equal support on all sides.
By contrast, has Ricky done anything for Gina just because he wanted to, out of the kindness of his heart, or anything like that? All I remember is Gina constantly running after him/trying to make a connection. They did connect in S1 due to their similar situations/natures but at the same time, the only scene I remember of Ricky doing anything for her was the car ride back to her house.
It just seems like she’s always making the first move with Ricky/chasing, but everyone else puts her first and reaches out/chases her instead.
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caswensworld · 2 years
Can we stop hating on EJ? A boy who’s literally trying to hold everything together? Why are y’all hating on him and only him? Y’all aren’t hating on Ricky! Why? Because he’s the main guy or you just want him to be with Gina? EJ doesn’t deserve the hate he’s getting
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Tim Federle cares more about fan service than making an actually well written show
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I don't understand why the writers made EJ lose two girlfriends to the same guy what lesson are they trying to teach him that no one will love for who he is and he will always be a second choice. If Rina really has been the plan since Homecoming like Tim said they should of never made Portwell happen there are other ways Rina could of happen that don't involve EJ getting his heart broken again. No offense Ricky is not that great of a guy I prefer EJ over Ricky.
EXACTLY! It made no sense to follow the same insecurities in seasons one and three with EJ wondering about Ricky’s relationship with his girlfriend. It felt like awful deja vu. He deserves so much better than that! I feel like Portwell was done so well up until mid season three, and if the goal was to break them up to get rina together, then why were they together in the first place?! I feel like rina would make more sense to me as a ship if portwell hadn’t happened, I would like it more for sure. And yes, EJ>Ricky.
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timelessbibliophile · 11 months
IF pw gets back together i want gina to chase ej not the other way around 🤭
They're not getting back together, but if they did, Gina would have to make it up to EJ for how she treated him. EJ obviously needs to apologize too, but Gina treated him far worse than he treated her, so if they were to get back together she would need to show him she thinks he is who makes her happiest and she wants to pursue things again.
The way things ended in s3... it just left me with such a sour taste. It's the way they showed ZERO respect for the ship and the shippers. She ran to Ricky the SECOND she and EJ broke up. The fact that he was not even surprised just makes my heart break for him. But you know what? I won't get into this again because it just makes me so upset lol
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differentlyweird · 2 years
EJ Caswell Deserves Better
I am so angry at how they handled EJ storyline this season. Never in my life would I have thought that I would be advocating for EJ Caswell of all characters,but here I am.
EJ deserves so much better. All he wanted was to make the play good,so that everyone would get to show off how amazing they are. So that he could stay in Salt Lake City to be with Gina. I know he neglected Gina this season , and that is completely his fault. However all he wanted was to be appreciated and he still didn’t get that. All he wanted was to prove to his dad that he was worth it, and his own father hung up on him instead of telling him. He wanted to prove to Gina that he was going to fight to stay because he knows Gina’s never had certainty.He still ended up being second choice like always. I understand that in season one he did things that were horrible and Nini had a right to break up with him;but he changed and put in the work to become a better person. He has shown time and time again that he will never ever stop trying to be a better person. This season he was so selfless,caring and scared. This boy is 18 years old and had to direct a camp play that was going to be broadcasted to 63 countries around the world. Keep in mind he has never done anything like this before and he still pulled it off.
Also one more thing and I know people might get angry at this. I don’t mean to start an argument nor do I want to be arguing with people in my mentions. But Ricky does not put in the work to be the lead or in my opinion to be with Gina. He is very talented and I do like him but the fact that he doesn’t put the same amount of effort into the show like all the other characters is just disrespectful because there are people that work really hard. I don’t like that Ricky has kind of had everything handed to him when it comes to being the lead or being with Gina I just feel like he hasn’t put in enough work or effort to be worthy of Gina. We know he has feelings for Gina but Gina‘s confession scene needed to be Ricky‘s because Ricky has not plainly said his feelings out loud for Gina. I feel as though it’s been Gina putting herself out there or dealing with her feelings throughout Rina’s journey.I know there’s been build up but I just feel like it hasn’t been handled very well. Regardless of Portwell or Rina. Gina deserves to be told how much she’s loved
Not to mention the fact that EJ has chosen time and time again when it comes to Ricky to be the bigger person. He had every right to get mad at Ricky and Gina,but he didn’t because he knew that he cared about both of them. Whether he liked it or not they were going to be together. He deserves to express his feelings fully without feeling like he’s going to hurt anybody. He deserves to be mad at Ricky even if it’s just for a little while. Even when he had the chance he chose to take the high road.  I hope in season four we see him at community college or something furthering his interest in filmmaking. I really hope we see him thrive and heal from everyone’s rejection. I want to see him confident in himself and his future. More about that here
I want him to know that he deserves to be someone’s first choice. That he deserves to be appreciated and loved. I want him to find his family/people.
If you want to think he’s lesser than Ricky just because he screwed up TWO WEEKS OF SUMMER with Gina, fine but acting like he’s better than Ricky as a whole is a lie
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juste-des-trucs · 2 years
if my portwells are not surviving this season all I ask is for a heartbreaking scene. I refuse to believe they'll let go of what they found so easily.
Even if they are putting on a brave face during the brake up talk I WANT A SCENE WITH EJ TALKING TO ASH ABOUT IT (I'll acept Val too).
On the other hand I'm 99% sure they will remain victorious
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
I don’t understand why they couldn’t have left Portwell as a cute high school relationship where they're unfortunately going two different directions, realize that together, communicate about their future, and come to a respectful breakup where they’ll have their good memories, and they’ll always care about each other in some way. That’s more consistent with these characters, it respects the shippers and the characters, and it’s something that happens in real life. I still think with the Portwell we saw in season 2 they could have worked out (like, they’ve always been in somewhat different places, like him having his future planned out and hers always being up in the air as discussed in the couch scene, but they still understood each other and connected, that’s part of why they work so well), but if the writers needed to break them up, that would at least be better than destroying them and making them out of character. 
Seriously, why did the writers act like Portwell was bad and would never work? And now, acting like Gina didn’t have feelings for EJ. I feel like I’m being gaslit as a viewer. How can you spend all of season 2 making me not want to ship R*na, pouring everything into making Portwell one of the best relationships ever, give two characters incredible growth, and then try to backtrack and act like none of that happened. When I saw the way these characters looked at each other and acted around each other. This is bad writing, plain and simple. 
It’s not just a matter of liking one ship more than the other. If R*na was handled better, if they found a way to handle Portwell respectfully in a way that made sense, I could have been on board. Imagine if they had let Portwell unfold more like Jack and Gina’s airport episode, where they’re cute and fun but at the end of the day Ricky is the one she really feels things for. Because the way they wrote Portwell, it feels real and important and they’re so clearly in love and happy together. It’s not just this cute little midgame ship, they have a connection like I’ve never seen. They fake date, they scheme together, they do so much for each other and they have so much effort put into their relationship only to have it torn apart and treated like it was never important. 
Also, once again, EJ has fallen in love with a girl and she doesn’t love him back (Gina was definitely in love with him too but whatever the writers want to gaslight us into believing I guess. Which is so dumb because you can love more than one person in your life. Why did they feel the need to completely destroy every bit of Portwell after working so hard to make us ship them). Pointing this out isn’t prioritizing EJ in the relationship, it’s pointing out the crappy writing. Why are we doing this again. I think the writers must hate EJ or something because he never gets serious songs, of the main four he has the least time spent on him (other than this season with Nini being gone), and the writing this season for him was just awful. 
And this sucks for Gina because she’s having to put in the emotional work again with Ricky, which I discussed in this post so I won’t get into again. Do they hate Gina too? She wanted the guy who shows up, and Ricky hasn’t really done that yet, not in a meaningful way because it was just him hanging out with Gina because he didn’t have any responsibilities while the only reason EJ wasn’t “showing up” for her like normal this season was the pressure on him, and he still found ways to encourage her and make sweet gestures like picking her flowers. Ricky should be putting in so much more work. 
It’s sad for so many reasons but in large part because it’s going to be hard to watch the show from here with how all the relationships were handled. I wish I could love R*na and ignore the bad writing, but I can’t. And they could have been such a cute couple. 
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nanceluvbot · 2 years
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oh they are the CUTEST
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dailyportwell · 2 years
Can Gina stop prioritizing Ricky now???He's treated her like shit since the show started.I mean,the only thing I remember is him giving her a ride back home.And ONLY because she told him to after he snapped at her for no reason at all.Even nini would be better than Ricky for Gina.(Ofc,if that happens,I'm suing Disney :) )But why are they making her try so hard,for someone who would not even care about their relationship,when the boy of her dreams is right there!
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