beetleb0ng · 2 months
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save me weed leave mask. weed leaf mask save me
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tapiyokai · 2 years
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Love my lil campsite 🌸
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pinkgirlz2273 · 1 year
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I also made Isabelle wears a MEJOTAUS cute strawberry hoodie.💖🍓I’ve also draw her before the end of December (she also looks kawaii🥹🥹) Even, I wanted to makes some of these Japanese styles of my artwork, but even I just literally don’t make realistic drawing like my auntie does.😂
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Her dancing lol🤣🤣
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szepkerekkocka · 30 days
A DPD azt írta, az utánvétes összegeket különböző megállapodások alapján továbbítják a webshopoknak, többnyire hetente, mindig ugyanazon a napon. Ők minden panaszosnak javasolják, hogy forduljon mihamarabb a rendőrséghez, és ha rendőrségi határozatot kapnak arról, hogy a nyomozás ideje alatt tartsák vissza a még át nem utalt összeget, akkor ezt megteszik.
Az ORFK azt írta lapunknak, hogy ha a webshopból megrendelt, kifizetett árut nem kapja meg a vevő, vagy nem azt kapja, amit rendelt, és bűncselekmény vagy egyéb jogsértés gyanúja merül fel, feljelentést tehet náluk online vagy akár személyesen is. Hozzátették, az okozott kár megtérülése érdekében fontos lehet, hogy minél előbb tegyünk feljelentést, a nyomozó hatóság ugyanis ekkor tud hatékony intézkedéseket tenni. Az eset körülményeinek vizsgálata után a rendőrség nyomozást vagy szabálysértési eljárást rendelhet el, és a nyomozás elrendelése után a büntetőeljárásól szóló törvény alapján megteheti, hogy a kifizetett összeget lefoglalja.
Hozzátették, a hibás, nem megfelelő termékek megküldésével kapcsolatban a területileg illetékes fogyasztóvédelmi hatóságok járnak el — kérelem alapján, vagy hivatalból —, fogyasztóvédelmi szempontból vizsgálják a vállalkozás piaci magatartását. Külföldi céggel szembeni panasz esetére pedig javasolták, hogy forduljunk az Európai Fogyasztói Központhoz. És hogy ne váljunk csalás áldozatává, olvasgassuk, amit a Kiberpajzson írnak.
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
roma, 13 giugno: carlo e nello rosselli_ “giustizia e libertà, per questo morirono, per questo vivono”
  cliccare per ingrandire Tavola rotonda e inaugurazione della mostra dedicata ai Fratelli Rosselli in occasione della ricorrenza dell’assassinio di Carlo e Nello Rosselli (avvenuto a Bagnoles-de-l’Orne il 9 giugno 1937) CARLO e NELLO ROSSELLI “Giustizia e Libertà, per questo morirono, per questo vivono” Mostra e iniziativa a cura della Fondazione Circolo Fratelli Rosselli e della FIAP –…
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stromcuzewon · 1 year
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it's summer at stroms camp motherfuckers! vacation dad mode, activate!
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Protecția Consumatorului, recomandări înainte de Black Friday .. Cum să vă feriți de o mare țeapă!
Protecția Consumatorului, recomandări înainte de Black Friday .. Cum să vă feriți de o mare țeapă!
Cumpărătorii trebuie să se informeze cât mai complet asupra produselor pe care intenţionează să le achiziţioneze în perioada marilor reduceri de preţuri, cum este şi Black Friday, dar şi să consulte site-urile care afişează preţuri comparative pentru acelaşi produs, recomandă directorul general al Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor (ANPC), Paul Anghel, într-o postare pe…
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stiridinromania · 2 years
Vin vremuri negre! ANPC a anuntat ca va ajuta persoanele fizice sa intre in insolventa
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Persoanele aflate în dificultate financiară pot găsi sprijin la ANPC, prin Direcția de Insolventa a Persoanelor Fizice, transmite ANPC in comunicatul de astazi. Acestia sustin ca vin in sprijinul persoanelor aflate in imposibilitate de plata, in contextul măririi dobânzilor bancare și interbancare și al creșterii inflației din ultima perioadă. Se prevad vremuri inegre intr-adevar, intrucat la momentul actual romanii care au accesat credite bazate pe ROBOR au ajuns sa plateasca si cu 75% mai mult la un credit fata de acum 1 an. Pentru cei cu credite IRCC, cresterea este intradevar amanata, dar cu siguranta va veni la iarna sau in primavara, cand se asteapta ca acesta sa ajunga la o valoare de cel putin 5%, dupa cum transmit unii analisti financiari. Astfel, prin Direcția de Insolvență a Persoanelor Fizice din cadrul ANPC, consumatorii care au accesat credite, au acumulat datorii și nu le mai pot face față, pot apela la procedura specifică, de insolvență a persoanelor fizice, prev��zută de Legea nr. 151/2015. Prin procedura de insolvență a persoanelor fizice, este reglementată situația în care datoriile persoanelor fizice pot fi reeșalonate pe o perioadă de 5 ani, cu posibilitatea de prelungire încă 1 an. Persoanele fizice care au bunuri sau venituri urmăribile și nu se încadrează pentru procedura pe bază de plan de rambursare, pot opta pentru procedura prin lichidare de active. Persoanele fizice care au peste vârsta standard de pensionare și au pierdut jumătate sau total capacitatea de muncă, pot beneficia de ștergerea datoriei, în cazul în care valoarea acesteia este de maximum 10 salarii minime pe economie. Persoanele interesate să acceseze aceste proceduri se pot informa de pe site-ul ANPC, la linkul https://anpc.ro/ce-este-insolventa-persoanelor-fizice/ sau pot lua legătura cu birourile teritoriale de insolvență din cadrul comisariatelor județene pentru protecția consumatorilor. Read the full article
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ooooh i came across a standoff between constructs and bokoblins and got them to fight each other >:)
oh man. there were more bokoblins but the constructs OBLITERATED them.......not looking good for me
i made it just BARELY. had to break out the bomb arrows
the loot is GOOD though. delicious.
i saw a sky block fall, so i tried riding it...ultimately it didn't seem to go anywhere before i ran out of time. maybe my ability needs an upgrade?
being in forests makes me nervous now lol
found a well that led all the way down into the underworld lol. there was like an anpc who wanted to know about all the wells in hyrule so she could see them all.....maybe not this one lady
found another one of those shadow guys!!!! i saved, i'm gonna poke him
oh he just vanished!!! weird...i thought he'd fight me lol
the folly in coming down here of course is that i dont have any readily available checkpoints like lightroot trees...i see two in the distance but one is REALLY high, so if i can't get to the other one i can't fast travel back here once i'm forced to travel away. and down to 3 hearts already!!
found a gloom hinox. absolutely no fucking way, i'm gonna have to go around
found a tall structure that is definitely NOT a lightroot tree
"kakariko abandoned mine" holy fuck
i found a car you can drive around!!!!
and a forge construct...pleeeease let me fast travel back here omg
YOOOO theres yiga architecture down here.................
lmao i wonder if gloom koga is down here somewhere
all of this is of course fucking metal but it's for nothing if i can't find a checkpoint....
omg theres a guy down here
oh my god that was harrowing
I MADE IT TO A LIGHT TREE..........wonderful news. that was a huge fucking climb, it was really high up. or possibly i was very low down lol
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kiyomari · 2 years
A Leaf in the Wind
Ladies and gentlemen! I'm coming to you live from Republic City's Pro-bending Arena, where tonight the best in the world continue their quest for a spot in the finals. Grab your snacks and grab your kids because this next match is gonna be a doozy!
Airbenders have been integrated into probending, but are often considered to be the weakest team member. Jinora, who has mastered many techniques and done pro-bending sparring with Korra, seeks to prove the world wrong. Her upstart team, the Wulong Forest Winged Lemurs, have shaken the pro-bending world as both a new team and one with an extremely strong airbender. If they can just win this match against crowd favorite, the Zaofu Shirshus, they’ll be in the finals! However, all of Jinora’s teammates have been knocked out, and she’s the last one standing…
Forever grateful to @hipster-rapunzel and Gner0 💕
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Extra lore/headcanons:
Kai saves the newspaper article
He also starts going to her fan events and public appearances (even after he starts pro-bending himself he still goes when he can, but incognito)
After this, it becomes common for pro-bending hopefuls to do 1-2 years in the Air Nation Peace Corps as part of their early training. Some even take up hybrid schedules- working with the ANPC in the off-season or being available for local short-range missions.
Kai sneaks/cons his way into the stadium for the finals
He ofc couldn't get a good seat, but actually ended up sitting next to incognito Korra who came to watch her protege’s match (she has to sit at the back because she is very loud and also a very public figure)
When Korra trained her, Korra would just use all the elements. (Even later when they brought in more people for full practice matches haha)
Jinora's signature moves:
Using small blasts of air for momentum
Both to recover balance
And gain more height, often springing off of a teammates hands/step up
Shockwave when coming down
Dead stop earth disks
About the Zaofu Shirshus:
Zeng Jie is nonbinary :)
Ryeo Sung- Sung means ‘one on the verge of winning’ (I was messing with a name generator and when it gave me that definition for "Sung" I knew I had to fit it into the name of the last opponent standing 😂)
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beetleb0ng · 3 months
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cozy camper <3
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pacosemnoticias · 9 days
Proteção Civil com 300 operacionais para apoiar peregrinos em Fátima
A Autoridade Nacional de Emergência e Proteção Civil (ANEPC) vai ter cerca 300 operacionais para prestar assistência aos peregrinos que se deslocam ao Santuário de Fátima, numa operação que decorre entre hoje e amanhã.
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Em comunicado, a ANEPC refere que a "Operação Fátima 2024" terá a duração de dois dias, com início no domingo, durante os quais "será assegurada a prestação de assistência e socorro aos milhares de peregrinos que se deslocam ao Santuário de Fátima para as cerimónias religiosas".
A operação, realizada através do Comando Sub-regional de Emergência e Proteção Civil do Médio Tejo, "visa aumentar a capacidade e rapidez de intervenção dos dispositivos que materializam o Sistema Integrado de Operações de Proteção e Socorro e o Sistema Integrado de Emergência Médica, bem como, assegurar uma coordenação institucional efetiva e permanente no âmbito das estruturas de proteção civil", refere a Proteção Civil.
A ANPC acrescenta que se pretende também "garantir a mobilização, prontidão, empenhamento e gestão do emprego dos meios e recursos de proteção e socorro e antecipar as capacidades de reforço especializado, através da pré-formatação e pré-posicionamento de meios e recursos e efetivar uma matriz de planeamento flexível que permitirá minimizar o impacto do grande afluxo de cidadãos aos locais de celebração".
Na operação participam cerca de 300 operacionais, provenientes da estrutura operacional da ANEPC e dos corpos de bombeiros da região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, do Serviço Municipal de Proteção Civil de Ourém, da Força Especial de Proteção Civil da ANEPC, do Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica, da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, da Guarda Nacional Republicana e do Corpo Nacional de Escutas.
Estão ainda envolvidas outras entidades civis e religiosas, como a Associação de Servitas de Nossa Senhora de Fátima e a Unidade Local de Saúde do Médio Tejo.
A ANEPC indica também que, junto ao recinto do Santuário, será instalado o comando operacional de todas as forças e entidades que integram o dispositivo, através da instalação de um Posto de Comando Operacional no Colégio de São Miguel, tendo deslocado para o local o Centro Tático de Comando.
A peregrinação internacional aniversária de maio ao Santuário de Fátima, 107 anos depois dos acontecimentos na Cova da Iria, é presidida pelo cardeal Juan José Omella, arcebispo de Barcelona, Espanha.
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Associazioni partigiani, 'protocollo con Mim, bene ma è tardi'
E’ stato firmato oggi il rinnovo del protocollo d’Intesa col ministro dell’Istruzione e del merito.     Il protocollo è stato sottoscritto dalle associazioni partigiane Anpi, Fivl, Fiap e Anpc, dalla Confederazione italiana fra le associazioni combattentistiche e partigiane e dall’Associazione nazionale combattenti forze armate regolari Guerra di Liberazione. “Si tratta di un risultato positivo,…
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actualitatea · 1 month
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farhan1012 · 3 months
Air Traffic Management Market Industry Outlook, Size, Growth Factors and Forecast 2034
The Air Traffic Management market report offered by Reports Intellect is meant to serve as a helpful means to evaluate the market together with an exhaustive scrutiny and crystal-clear statistics linked to this market. The report consists of the drivers and restraints of the Air Traffic Management Market accompanied by their impact on the demand over the forecast period. Additionally, the report includes the study of prospects available in the market on a global level. With tables and figures helping evaluate the Global Air Traffic Management market, this research offers key statistics on the state of the industry and is a beneficial source of guidance and direction for companies and entities interested in the market. This report comes along with an additional Excel data-sheet suite taking quantitative data from all numeric forecasts offered in the study.
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Key players offered in the market: Honeywell BAE Systems Harris Raytheon Saab AB Thales Group Northrop Grumman Indra Sistemas ANPC Comsoft Solution
Additionally, it takes account of the prominent players of the Air Traffic Management market with insights including market share, product specifications, key strategies, contact details, and company profiles. Similarly, the report involves the market computed CAGR of the market created on previous records regarding the market and existing market trends accompanied by future developments. It also divulges the future impact of enforcing regulations and policies on the expansion of the Air Traffic Management Market.
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The estimates for all segments including type and application/end-user have been provided on a regional basis for the forecast period from 2024 to 2034. We have applied a mix of bottom-up and top-down methods for market estimation, analyzing the crucial regional markets, dynamics, and trends for numerous applications. Moreover, the fastest & slowest growing market segments are pointed out in the study to give out significant insights into each core element of the market.
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
da oggi e fino al 25 aprile, a roma: festa della Resistenza
Far conoscere in modo più approfondito una pagina fondamentale della storia cittadina, nazionale ed europea, come è stata quella della lotta per la Liberazione tra il 1943 e il 1945 e avere un’occasione per confrontarsi con i valori e i principi su cui si fonda la nostra Repubblica democratica. Sono queste le motivazioni alla base della Festa della Resistenza, che si tiene oggi, domani e…
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