#And is the whole Owen and FBI thing done now?
chaosandwolves · 1 year
What was that episode??
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messymindofmine · 1 year
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How long is this Owen hate thing going to go on? It's honestly kind of funny how people seem to just look for reasons to hate on him. I feel like 404 just gave them even more reason to do so while simultaneously deifying the Reyes'. The thing is, my problem isn't even with the characters, I like them all. My problem is with the double standards. The Reyes' are obviously not perfect either. And even though Carlos’s relationship with them seems to be better, the fact that he didn't feel like he could go to them after him and TK broke up shows that things are still not great between them. Not to mention Gabriel's comment about how Carlos should have corrected Andrea's mistake in 211 rather than think about why their son wouldn't feel comfortable introducing his boyfriend to them in the first place.
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I think Carlos’s face says it all here. Mind you, this was after Bad Call yet apparently Gabriel still doesn't recognize his mistakes with Carlos. Not only that but now apparently we need do add the fact that he felt like such a disappointment to them that he married a woman and they just let him go through with it despite knowing he was gay. I love the scenes we got with Gabriel in 404 but I don't like how it seems that even those have been weaponized against Owen. Yes, Gabriel saved his son and it was beautiful but Owen has done the same more than once. I mean, the episode is meant to be a parallel of Bad Call where Owen and Carlos were the ones that teamed up. Not to mention when TK got shot in 108, Owen sat with him the whole time stroking his face and talking to him. He apparently didn't even leave the hospital for a shower. When TK woke up, it was his dad he called for before he even opened his eyes and Owen was right there. And then Owen saved him again in 110.
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Even the scene where TK revives Carlos is a parallel to Owen reviving TK in the pilot
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Look, there's no denying that Owen is flawed and to be fair it is easier to focus on Owen's flaws since he's the main character and we see more of him but that still doesn't make the double standard any less unfair. Owen didn't ignore TK at all in 404. He picked up the phone despite the FBI lady not wanting him too. He looked at her like she was crazy for even thinking that he wouldn't pick up the phone bc "it's my son" and gave TK the best advice he could with what he knew. And he did this while the FBI lady badgered him and almost took the phone out of his hand. Yet there's literally people saying that it would be a good thing if Owen died and cheering on the FBI lady for making that comment.
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I also don't buy the argument that Owen hasn't been apologetic about his mistakes. Out of all three parents, Owen is the one that is actually seen reflecting on his mistakes and and apologizing. People go after him for the "about to be a father" comment yet Owen himself expressed regret for it unprompted. He did it again in 316 when in the midst of his own struggles and dealing with his trauma, he called TK up just to tell TK that he loved him and that he was proud of him. He apologized for the distance between them and promised to do better. And we know they're going to be talking in 408. That closeness they had that we all were so charmed by in s1 existed for a reason. And we now know that the reason we haven't seen it in a while is going to be addressed.
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Look, I love all three of the parents plus Gwyn but at the end of the day parents are human and all humans make mistakes and have flaws. I like how the show reminds us of that. What I don't like is the double standard and the way people look for reasons to hate on Owen. It's gotten to the point where I have to filter tags and be very careful what fics I read bc I'm not interested in anything that just makes Owen out to be this awful parent when that's very far from what he actually is. My biggest pet peeve with fandoms in general is double standards and the ones people have for Owen compared to the Reyes' and even Gwyn are too glaring for me to just ignore
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
WITSEC Part 2: Alone - Will Halstead x Reader
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Prequel: Moments
Part One: Got You
Tagging: @daniacat​   @misscharlielulu​   @cosmic-psychickitty​   @tonio-dawson​     @brianbabygirlzvonecek​   @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff​ @ikbenplant​     @gummybabey​    @rosaliedepp​    @annieradcliff​   @mrspeacem1nusone​   @sowrongitslottie​   @readingbookelf​    @earthtolottie​   @crazy4chickennuggets​   @cixrosie​     @halsteadloversworld​   @zaidatorcuatomorgado​   @horny-and-sad27​    @oneandonlychicago​     @lxna-mikaelsxn​   @1234-angelika​   @wolfers-stuff​      @directioner5life​   @bradshawsdarlin​  @aaronhtchnrs @mysoulisasunflower @luckyladycreator2 @willhalstead-rhodes @zephyrmonkey @bluecrush129 @thespottedcreature @celilice1 @whoreforhondo
Will’s life is a chaos.
It’s not just that he’s been thrust into the Witness Protection program, it’s seeing you again after all this time. He hadn’t known that you were back, not before the shooting but now it’s all he could think about. He wonders how long you’ve been back in Chicago. He rubs his hands over his face, palms scratching over the stubble of his cheeks as he looks out of the window of his apartment in Central City, Phoenix.
It’s warm here, too warm and he hates it. He’s a Chicago boy at heart and the heat, it gets to him. He runs the AC 24/7 in a bid to get some relief from the oppressive temperature. He thinks the electric bill will drive the FBI crazy and he takes a sick sense of satisfaction in it.  
He knows he has left a mess back in Chicago. He sees the images flipping through his head like some obscene scrapbook.
Natalie crying her heart out on the steps of the church, hands clasped over her heart as she begs for him to explain.
You outside the warehouse, silent and dutiful with smudges of Tim’s blood marring your skin from where Will had touched you with copper-stained fingertips.
The disparity wasn’t lost on him.
Two different women.
One that he was technically still engaged too.
And the other…
A woman he was so frighteningly in love with, it felt like he was being ripped apart all over again when he was put on that plane to Phoenix. The connection the two of you had, it was forged on a deeper level than anything else he’d ever known and that hadn’t changed in your absence, he was a fool to think it had.
After a month trapped here in Arizona, he could see that Natalie had only ever been a placeholder. He had still been hurting. Their first kiss only two months after you’d left. He had still been feeling your absence acutely.
It had started casual, a couple of drinks, then a few dates. He almost forgot about you in the hustle and bustle of his life, the world turned, patients came and went. He was in a good space, looking forward to becoming a husband, and a stepfather when his world imploded. The cracks he had papered over began to show. The foundations of their relationship had been rocky to begin with, he just hadn’t realised how much until he looked back.
There were red flags, little things he should have realised that were indicators of problems to come. Like telling him to shave his beard because she hated it, sneaking out in the early hours of the morning before Owen woke up. Each and very compromise chipped away at his self-esteem because in his heart he knew he wasn’t good enough, but the problem was Will Halstead wasn’t a quitter. He kept on trying to please Natalie, to make things perfect, because perfection was what she desired and living up to that standard meant that she wouldn’t leave him.
When he got caught up with the Burkes and the FBI he had lied. He had kept it all a secret, tried to deal with it himself, because the whole thing, it would have been too much for Natalie. He had done what he could to protect her, and it had all come crumbling down.
He knew it would have been different if it was you. He would have come to you straight away, he would have told you everything, the two of you would have figured it out. Instead, he was here alone in an apartment in Arizona, contemplating all the wrong turns he had taken up until this point.
He should have gone with you to Virginia, but he’d just taken the attending job at Chicago Med and his mentor Doctor Rowan’s health had been declining. It wasn’t the right time. You had understood that.
These thoughts, they went around his head in circles driving him crazy. He was stuck in stasis and the world was carrying on without him. There was no determination of how long he would be here, his life was essentially on hold. He couldn’t progress, he couldn’t move on. He was simply stuck in the moment.
Throughout the day he managed to keep his anxiety under control, but it was always there writhing like a leviathan in the pit of his stomach. At night it was worse. When he did sleep, he dreamt of Tim Burke pulling the trigger, the gunshot reverberating throughout his body as crimson blossomed across his shirt. He could see the smoke from the gun, taste the cordite in his mouth, feel the bullet burrowing into his flesh. He always woke with a jolt, a racing heart and empty lungs as he stared at the cracks in the recently painted ceiling. Sometimes he reached out for you. It was an instinctual, visceral need, a comfort he sought out during his deepest strife.
It broke his heart when his hand hit cool sheets anf he realised you weren’t there, that no one was.
Big Fan of Will! Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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(Warning: this is a rant. I can’t help it.)
Okay, so...I’m just not feeling this whole Nancy and Agent Park thing. And I know it’s not going to last. He’s not going to become the love of her life. He’s not going to become a series regular. He’s not going to be a serious contender for Nancy’s heart. And I know he is only here for one reason and one reason only: to allow the writers to drag out the Nace slow burn for yet another season. But I don’t even care, because two episodes in, it already feels so forced and I hate that.
Maybe I’d be okay with it if I hadn’t been on social media lately, but the way that the writers, showrunners, and even some of the cast are on Twitter and Instagram trying to brainwash us all into believing Nark (or “Agent Nancy” or whatever the ship is called) is “hot” is just kind of...annoying? Like, why are they pushing the Nark agenda so hard on us? They didn’t do this last season when Gil was introduced as Nancy’s new love interest. So, why now? Are they legitimately trying to decide if they want to go with Nace after all?
I know it’s supposedly going to be a good season for Nace, but since there are only 13 episodes total and the second episode in already didn’t have any Nace interactions (I don’t count standing next to each other at the morgue or asking about the peas or even sending a text as being interaction at this point—after the season 2 finale and the season 3 premiere, I think we should kinda be beyond all that tiny crumb BS, don’t you?), I’m really kind of worried about how this season is going to play out. Thirteen episodes is NOT enough episodes to comfortably cram in everything they seem to want to: Tempy, the prophecies, a serial killer, Ace getting himself into trouble with the whole Mr. Bobbsey thing, new love interest for Nancy, George and Nick’s future wedding, Bess finding love, etc. I worry that either nothing will happen with Nace in season 3, or something will but it will feel very rushed and out of place since Nancy is now supposedly going to be falling for FBI Guy, and Ace is still (for some reason) with Amanda.
I guess I’m just confused. Nace Nation makes up like 98% of the Nancy Drew fandom. The writers and creators must know they hit the jackpot with those two. So why does it suddenly feel like they’re trying to push us away? It’s one thing to introduce a new love interest who is obviously just a placeholder until Ace gets his act together and realizes he loves Nancy and dumps Amanda for her, but it’s another thing to be trying to convince us that this new guy is any sort of ACTUAL competition for Ace. And why does it seem like they’re desperate to start a shipping war? This fandom has been one of the most peaceful, non-toxic ones I’ve ever seen. Why try to ruin it?
And the “hot af” scene? Sorry, but I disagree. That tired old cliched moment of two characters being pressed up against each other with their faces close during an intense scene and having a *moment* while looking at each other has been done way too many times—just on this show alone! It happened with Nancy and Nick in season 1 and Nancy and Gil in season 2 (I can’t remember if it happened with Owen or not) and now Nancy and Agent Park in season 3? Just stop, already! Nancy and Ace have never had that moment with each other but still manage to be hot together (safe-cracking scene, anyone?). All they have to do is stand close or look at each other and you can feel their chemistry. We’ve never had to be TOLD Nace is great together. We’ve been SHOWN they’re great together. That’s what’s so great about that. That’s why almost everyone has fallen in love with them. Everyone can keep trying to sell me on this thing with Agent Park being “hot” but I’m sorry, I’m just not buying it.
And please, don’t get me started on the age difference (I highly doubt an FBI profiler is too far under the age of 30). That’s a whole other rant for another day!
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myheartrevealedocs · 4 years
Untouchable Ch 21: Elephant’s Memory (S3E16)
Warnings: murder, mentions of terrorism, mentions of drugs and addiction
Ch 20 | Ch 22
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“I’m proud of you,” Spencer said, speaking up for the first time on their drive.
“You’re proud of me?” she asked, startled.
“Yes,” he argued. “Look at you! You’ve got a car now. Twenty-four years old, teaching two college classes and working for the FBI.”
“I’m more proud of you!” she shot back. “A full year sober! I can’t imagine how difficult it has been for you.”
“Thank you for coming with me.” Spencer sunk slightly in the passenger seat.
After the death of Ryan Phillips in front of the two of them, Spencer had been struggling with his cravings again. He hadn’t relapsed, of course, but he was plagued by nightmares and a lack of motivation. When he admitted this to Lydia, she’d suggested he look up some support meetings nearby. Tonight was going to be his first time attending the Beltway Clean Cops group.
“I’m more than happy to come along!”
The two of them sat in the back of the room, listening calmly to different people talk about their situations. Spencer had just gotten the courage to take the stage when Lydia got a text from Hotch.
Briefing in 30. Can’t get ahold of Reid. Please tell him.
Lydia dropped her head into her hands. Could it not wait just a few more moments? He had barely started speaking aloud and Lydia could see him trying to ignore the buzzing phone in his pocket.
“Hi. Uh… My name’s, uh, Spencer, and I’m uh… I don’t really know what I am.”
“Hello Spencer,” the crowd greeted.
“This is my- This is my first meeting,” he sputtered, his eyes locking with Lydia’s every few seconds. “I guess I, uh… I know I had a… a problem with Dilaudid, but… I stopped. My girlfriend helped me to stop about a year ago. I thought it was over, but recently I’ve really been… your literature uses the term ‘craving’. It started about a month ago. A- A suspect was murdered in front of me. A kid. And I thought that I could save that kid, but I couldn’t, and… Sorry.” He pulled out his phone, rejecting another call from their boss.  “I’ve seen a lot of that stuff before, but for some reason that kid’s face is really, uh… stuck in my brain. You know? It’s really- I can’t… And I want to forget… about him. And I just want to escape.”
Once again, he pulled his phone from his pocket and stepped away from the microphone, mumbling his apologies. Lydia got up and ran around to the side door to follow him out.
“I’m sorry,” she said as they met up and started walking to the car. “I didn’t want to interrupt you-”
“It’s fine,” he breezed. “Let’s just… get this over with.”
~ ~ ~
“Sorry we’re late,” Spencer announced as he and Lydia jogged into the conference room..
“Do I want to know what you two were up to?” Morgan teased.
Lydia was quick to cover Spencer’s secret for him. “You sound as if going to the movies is scandalous.”
“Movies, hm?” Rossi  joined. “Tell us what the movie was about.”
“Wouldn’t know. We didn’t get to finish it.”
Both boys gave the couple a look. Spencer started to shrink in his seat, but Lydia kept up her stance, not wanting them to push for anymore answers.
“I know it’s late,” Hotch interrupted. “I know we’re tired, but we’ve got two dead cops.”
“Alright.” JJ opened up the file in front of her and continued briefing the team, pointing to what looked to be a massive house fire displayed on the scene. “The resident, Rod Norris, was DOA. They’re still trying to ID the remains of the second victim, whom they believe is his 16-year-old daughter Jordan. From the condition of the remains, she would have had to have been inside the house, close to the source of the blast.”
“Clearly they used the bombing to set the officers up for an ambush,” Emily noted.
Spencer nodded. “It’s a well-established terrorist tactic. The first wave takes out civilians, the second wave takes out first responders.”
“The locals are thinking terrorism?” Morgan asked. “In West Bune, Texas?”
JJ nodded. “Not exactly a tier-one target, but DHS did issue a terror alert for the border states yesterday, just due to the timing and nature of the attacks.”
As the team argued about the chances of this being an actual terrorist attack, Lydia looked over her file. An explosive went off in Rod Norris’s house, and when two cops arrived on the scene, they were shot. Hotch probably wanted her working on identifying the explosive and seeing if there is any evidence to recover from the house.
Simple enough.
~ ~ ~
“The blast was localized here,” Lydia announced as she walked onto the scene. “The room was sealed off. There’s plastic and duct tape on the doors and windows.”
“Cordite,” Rossi added as he smelled something on the ground. “Gunpowder.”
Reid was looking through his file. “Yeah. They found a dozen canisters, it says.”
Rossi and Prentiss put their heads together, determining where Jordan and Rod were standing when the explosion happened. Lydia ran her fingers over the door frames. Whoever set this up wouldn’t need to clean up their evidence. There was no way she could recover anything out of the pile of ashes that used to be the Norris house.
“They didn’t care about the rest of the house,” Spencer said, more to Lydia than the others. “The whole thing’s designed to focus the blast on whoever came through that door.”
“If that’s true, something had to trigger the blast,” she reasoned.
Emily held up a charred box of cigarettes. “Rod Norris was a smoker.”
Lydia glanced at the floor where all the gunpowder had been set. Drop a hot cigarette on that? Kaboom.
“I’ve been working with you profilers long enough to know that no terrorist is going to watch Rod Norris long enough to know that he was going to enter through this door and be smoking a cigarette at a specific time,” Lydia replied. “This is too personal.”
~ ~ ~
The more they learned, the more the case reeked of personal problems.
Their unsub was a boy named Owen Savage. His father was one of the responding officers on the Norris scene. He’d staged the explosion to kill Jordan Norris’s dad and look like Jordan had died too. Then, when his father showed up, he shot him and his partner. They were pretty sure that Jordan wasn’t a part of the murders and was either a hostage or was completely unaware of the situation. She had been dating Owen for a long time, so it was likely she had agreed to leave with him, without checking in with her father.
Lydia had been talking with Garcia about the teens’ families when she saw Spencer storm away out of the corner of her eye. He had just… left.
Finishing up her conversation, she ran over to Hotch.
“Did you send Spencer away?”
“Have you seen how he’s been acting?” Hotch snapped.
She wasn’t surprised to hear that Spencer was moody. Leaving that meeting so suddenly was hard for him and he was still dealing with Ryan Phillips’s death. Working on another teen-involved case was probably not helping.
“Lydia, you two promised-”
“This isn’t a relationship thing!” she defended before he could say anything else. “He’s dealing with something else. The only reason I’m involved is because he told me about it. Please just…”
“Talk to him,” Hotch ordered. “His passive aggressive attitude is going to get him into trouble. The town’s already pissed we’re here.”
Lydia nodded, switching topics. “I heard that Officer Lett’s wife freaked out on you guys earlier. I’m sorry.”
“The police are under a lot of pressure to find who did this. They don’t need some angsty teen from the FBI telling them they’re stupid as well.”
She blinked. “He called someone stupid?”
“Talk to him,” Hotch repeated, ignoring her question.
“Yes, sir.”
~ ~ ~
“Has she calmed yet?” Lydia asked Emily.
They had been able to get in contact with Jordan Norris and tell her about what Owen had done, convincing her to run away from him and join them in the station, but she still didn’t fully trust them. It’d taken much persuasion and a lot of promises not to hurt Owen for her to give up where he was hiding. And now she was sobbing, half in fear, half in shame, in one of the private rooms in the station.
“No,” Emily replied, bluntly, on her way to get the girl another cup of water. “Did you hear from Hotch?”
Lydia nodded. “Owen wasn’t at the ranch. He left a note, I guess, about returning his mother’s necklace.”
Emily simply shrugged. “He can’t have gotten far. I’m sure the rest of the team will find him.”
She walked back to the grieving girl, who JJ was currently comforting, leaving Lydia alone in the bullpen of the station. That is, until Spencer came rushing in, brushing past her to get to their evidence boards.
“Spencer?” she called, already on his heels. “Why are you back?”
“They think he’s going to his mother’s grave,” he breathed, yanking a photo from the board and then looking around for Jordan.
“Isn’t he?” she demanded, seeing that the picture he had grabbed was the photo of Owen’s mother that he kept on his laptop. She was smiling, pointing to her necklace, which said ‘Hope’.
Hotch had assumed by Owen’s note that Owen was taking that necklace to his mother’s grave, as a way of ‘giving it back’ to her. But when Spencer interrupted Jordan and JJ’s conversation, throwing the photo in the young girl’s face, Lydia understood what he was thinking.
“He was gone when we got to the ranch. I want to save his life, but I need to ask you a question. This necklace-- he gave it to you?”
He spoke so fast, it was hard to differentiate between sentences, but Jordan took a second to process what he had said, then nodded. “I left it at the ranch.”
“He’s coming here,” Spencer said, already on his way out of the station.
Lydia jumped in front of him, already holding up a hand to stop him. “He’s going to do everything he can to get to Jordan.”
“I can’t let him do this, Lydia,” he hissed, trying to push past her. “It’s a suicide mission. I won’t let him die.”
“I know this is hard for you,” she told him, still maintaining eye contact to keep him in place. “But I can’t let you do this alone. Tell me the plan, and we walk out together.”
He glanced at the door, clearly anxious to leave before Owen got there. But his eyes were somewhat relieved to tell her what he was going to do. “Leave your gun. He wants to go down shooting. If we don’t have weapons, he has no reason to kill us. The only thing he wants more than death, is to apologize to Jordan so… I have to make it clear that that’s still an option.”
Lydia was already pulling her gun from its holster, setting it down on the desk beside her. “Okay. Let’s do this.”
He nodded, sternly, and unarmed, the two of them walked out of the station, side by side.
The sun was unbearable outside. The two of them could barely see Owen’s dark figure approaching down the block, but the shotgun across his chest was hard to miss. Lydia’s hands were already up, her palms facing outwards. Spencer followed suit as the boy saw them approaching and aimed his weapon in their direction.
“Reid!” Prentiss screamed, leaving the station just in time to watch them walk into danger. “Ambers!”
The two of them ignored her, Spencer stepping forward to speak. “Owen, we don’t have guns on us. My name is Spencer, this is Lydia, we’re with the FBI, and we’re here to help you.”
“Yeah?” he cried. “I need you to stay back.”
There were tires squealing behind them and Lydia finally glanced behind her to see a black SUV with Rossi, Morgan, and Hotch inside pull up behind them. As Spencer continued, they threw open the doors and positioned themselves behind them, guns at the ready.
“I know the only reason you joined the wrestling team was for your father. I know that he blamed you for what happened-”
“Stay back! Right where you are!”
“-I also know the only reason you killed Rod Norris and Kyle Borden was to protect Jordan. I know the harder you tried, the worse it got, and it felt like everyone just stood there watching you suffer, and not a single person even tried to help.”
“They didn’t,” Owen sobbed. “They didn’t.”
“I know you want to escape… and forget. Believe me when I say I know… I know exactly how that feels.”
Lydia, listened to him speak. This case with Owen was really hard for him. She knew that he was dealing with cravings, but the way he spoke to Owen made her think it was something more. She’d never imagined that highschool was easy for Spencer. He was only 12 at the time. But there was clearly something specific on his mind.
Lydia kept glancing back so that she could position herself between Owen and the rest of the team. Hotch was going to kill her later. She was certain of it. But she was convinced that they were more likely to shoot Owen than Owen was likely to shoot her or Spencer. And for Spencer’s sake, she’d do anything to keep Owen from dying.
“Owen, there’s so much more for you out there,” Lydia finally spoke up.
“No. No, I’m already dead.”
“You aren’t dead,” she promised. “If you die, you’re going to leave Jordan. And right now, she’s in the station begging us not to hurt you.”
“You don’t want to leave her like your mother left you,” Spencer agreed.
“Ok.” Owen’s head shook wildly, trying to keep the upper hand on the situation. “Bring her to me. Bring her outside.”
“I can’t bring her outside,” Spencer quickly told him. “But, if you put the gun down, I swear to god, I’ll take you to her. I promise, nobody will hurt you. You’ll say goodbye to her, and you’ll give her the necklace. Alright? So what do you say? Let’s put the gun down. Let’s go inside.”
Lydia could see the battle in Owen’s mind, so she added, “Owen, Jordan loves you so much. If not for your sake, come in peacefully for hers. She’s been through so much, don’t let her live with this on her conscience as well.”
Finally, he nodded, reaching underneath his overcoat and taking the strap of the shotgun off his shoulder. Pointing it away, he stepped forward and put the weapon softly on the ground.
Now that he was unarmed, Lydia stepped to the side and let the team see Owen, his arms already above his head.
“They have to cuff you now, Owen,” Lydia told him calmly, trying to maintain eye contact with him so he didn’t see all the FBI agents running towards him and freak out. Spencer moved the gun aside and stepped up next to her. “You did so good, Owen. I know this is scary, but just stay calm. I promise we’re taking you to Jordan right now.”
“You two okay?” Morgan asked as he grabbed Owen's arms and locked them behind his back.
Spencer nodded, patting the boy down and pulling a knife from his belt as well as his mother’s necklace. “We’re fine.”
Lydia turned and finally made eye contact with Hotch. A very, very pissed off Hotch.
~ ~ ~
The night had hit fast and the whole plane was quiet. Lydia leaned into Spencer’s shoulder, her mind drifting with everything that had happened on the case. As much as she had to be worried about, her mind kept coming back to the same point: despite how stressed he was, Spencer told her the plan. He let her come with him. And that said volumes about the trust between the two of them. She knew that. She could see it so clearly now.
The strong connection she felt to him in the moment, couldn’t even be broken when Hotch sat down across from the two of them, his face a state of unwavering seriousness.
“You two knowingly jeopardize your lives and the lives of others. I should fire you both.”
Reid bit down on his lip nervously. “You have to understand that this was entirely my idea, sir.”
“Ambers?” Hotch addressed. “Do you believe Reid deserves the blame for this?”
“No, sir.”
Despite his clear anger, Lydia knew that Hotch wasn’t going to fire them. In fact, she doubted they’d get much punishment at all. He was good at understanding the intentions of his team.
He looked at Spencer again. “You’re the smartest kid in the room, but you’re not the only one in that room. You pull something like this again, don’t expect lenience from me. The same goes for you, Lydia. Am I clear?”
Spencer nodded immediately, “Yes, sir,” with Lydia following suit.
“It won’t happen again.”
“Thank you,” Spencer added.
“What were you thinking?”
Lydia dropped her hand over her boyfriend’s and waited patiently for him to answer. She may have followed him into the line of fire, but in the end, it was his decision, which would have happened with or without her.
“I was thinking that that would have been the second time a kid died in front of me.”
“You’re keeping score.” Hotch shook his head in warning. “Just like Owen.”
“It was my turn to save one,” Spencer joked, without much of the humor.
“It doesn’t work like that.”
“It should.”
Lydia listened intently to their conversation. This was obviously a talk the Spence needed to have with his boss on his own. They both needed to address the death of Ryan Phillips.
“I know it’s painful when the person you identify with is the bad guy,” Hotch told him and Spencer’s eyes fell to his intertwined fingers with Lydia.
“What does that make me?”
“Good at the job.” For the first time that night, there seemed to be a hint of a smile on his face.
Lydia leaned back onto her boyfriend’s shoulder as the unit chief stood up, but he continued to speak to them as he stepped into the walkway of the jet.
“I know it’s none of my business, but when we land, I think you should go and catch the rest of that movie.”
Lydia almost stupidly asked him what he was referring to, forgetting all about the cover she had set up for them at the beginning of the case to excuse their tardiness.
“He has to know that was a lie,” Spencer mumbled into her hair.
“No doubt,” she agreed. “But I think he knows that whatever it was was important to the two of us. That’s all that really matters, right?”
“Right,” he whispered, tiredly drifting off against her side.
Tags: @kris-stuff, @wooya1224, @arthurmorrgans, @anotherr-fine-mess, @eddysocs
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openheart12 · 4 years
Hi, yes, hello beautiful! Can you write a fic where MC accidentally sends Ethan her entire fanfic folder by mistake 😂🤣
How To Get Away With Fanfiction
I’m reliving my embarrassment 😭 but it is done and idk wtf happened with this lmao. This is also to make up for earlier kmjhygfd
Only tagging @ao719 @oofchoices @loveellamae @burnsoslow because no one else should have to read this unless they click on the read more and if they do... god bless. And thank you to Maroe for helping me come up with some of these ideas!
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It had been a long day at work when Dr. Gertrude-Sue Claws made her way home to do the one thing that relaxed her; writing fanfiction.
She had thought of the perfect idea for Spirit and Rainbow Dash and her fingers flew across the keyboard.
There was something about the multi colors in his mane and tail that drew him to her. He lived by the phrase, “hump ‘em and dump ‘em,” which he planned on doing with Rainbow Dash, but not without consent because horse jail wasn’t fun. He had heard the horror stories from his human friends, Kurns and Bryce.
“Rainbow Dash,” he neighed.
“Spirit…” She neighed back in response, she knew all about his...extracurricular activities. He was the biggest fuck horse out of the herd. Ever since Rain had died from drowning, god bless, he hadn’t been the same. It was also why he paid more attention to Rainbow Dash because she had Rain in the first part of her name.
“Let’s do this,” he smirked with his horse mouth.
“Fine…” She turned her back to him as he reared on his hind legs and mounted her, letting out a series of neighs.
She laughed silently to herself before moving on her Owen Hunt fic and she knew how much she was going to enjoy this one especially.
Owen was walking through the halls when he saw five women stalking towards him like cats, one even had whiskers drawn on her face. “Anitah with the h, get him!” He heard one of them command and watched as she came up to him, kicking him in no man's land. He felt them drag him into an empty exam room.
“MAROE! You got the chainsaw?”
“Nah bruh, Bears and Rams were in charge of that,” she explained.
Anything but Krista, cocked her half shaved eyebrow at Burns and Ella. “Y’all got the chainsaw?”
“No, but I have the cream for the burn I’m about to inflict,” Burns snickered to herself at her own joke, the others joining in before getting back to business.
“Burns, Ella, go scope out the cafeteria for some good food because I can’t kill in good faith on an empty stomach and as me and Ella say, we always get food first,” Anything but Krista said, turning her attention to the two people left, throwing them both a knife. Then proceeded to stab Owen numerous times, but making sure not to hit any major organs yet.
“We need a blender,” Anitah with the h announced.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Anything but Krista and MAROE said at the same time, looking at each other and bursting into laughter at the jinx.
“If that was making a human smoothie, then yes. We’ll show him that no one messes with Derek Christopher Shepherd,” Anitah with the h said smugly, pulling a blender out from behind her back and plugging it into the wall.
“You...you pulled that out of your jacket?” MAROE asked in a surprising tone.
“Y’all don’t keep blenders in yours?” Anitah with the h asked as if that wasn’t common, but it was good to know that she was always prepared.
Suddenly, the walkie talkie came to life, “Team Bears/Rams to Team CA, what y’all want from here? Over and out.”
“Team CA to Team Bears/Rams, we want CookOut. Over and out.” Anything but Krista responded. “It’s about time y’all tried a little piece of heaven,” she looked at Anitah with the h and MAROE.
“That’s a negative ghost rider, the closest CookOut is on the other side of the country. Over and out.”
“Well you better get on your way because you two also need to try a little piece of heaven, we’ll save the good stuff for when you get back. Over and out.” The trio resumed their slice and dice game, taking a short break to play Choices because the latest chapter of The Nanny Affair had just been released and even Owen wasn’t going to keep them away from Sam Dalton.
A couple hours later, Burns and Ella arrived with the food, handing out their respective trays to their respective orderers, they were able to keep the milkshakes from melting by their cold hearts.
“Ahhh gimme my milkshake,” Anything but Krista snatched it from Burns’ hand, earning a slap on her hand from her adoptive mother and a threat of taking away her pony...again.
“Yooo this shake hits different,” Ella exclaimed.
“You could even say that it slaps,” MAROE added making her squeak.
“It’s the one good thing North Carolina has to offer for me,” Anything but Krista chimed in, fist bumping Anitah with the h because the struggle was real. The cows really did outnumber the people, they just hoped that there wouldn’t be a cow revolution because that would be awful except the yeehaw folk would probably survive since they did have a song called “A Country Boy Can Survive.” 
“Burns, we left you the honor of picking the perfect weather for us to dispose of the body which is more like liquid at this point. We need rain, thunder, and lightning to erase all of the evidence. Watching “Forensic Files” has finally come in handy. And Ella, we need you to pretend to be a nurse or something to help us get out of here. I’ll be honest, I haven’t thought that far ahead…” Anything but Krista admitted, but they expected that from her so they already had a plan in place.
“If anyone happens to see Derek Shepherd, I ask that you tell me,” MAROE added.
“Not if I find him first,” Anything but Krista said.
“He’s like fifty four years old…” Burns said being ever the good adoptive mother.
“Then I call Spencer Reid!” Anything but Krista exclaimed.
“I have Lucifer then,” MAROE challenged knowing that would get under her skin. 
“Children, calm yourselves.” Burns shook her head.
“Hey, I’ll be eighteen in like a number amount of months,” Anything but Krista said.
“I’ll be eighteen before you,” MAROE said, sticking out her tongue.
“I’Ll Be EiGhTeEn BeFoRe YoU,” she repeated, placing her hands on her hips and doing that Spongebob meme. After thinking of a better comeback, she grabbed her knife she used on Owen earlier and plunged it into MAROE’s back.
“Et tu, Brute?” MAROE said with shock in her voice before her body crumpled on the ground.
“Yes, bye bitch.”
The other three just stared as the blood drained from her body before turning their attention to Anything but Krista. They were the epitome of 👁👄👁.
“What? She wanted to “due” anyway. And at her funeral we can play “To Be So Lonely” because well she will be lol.”
“Anywaysss, we gonna get food or what?” Ella asked as she covered Owen’s body with a sheet.
“Wings?” Burns suggested and they all agreed. After arriving at the restaurant, they were very shocked to see MAROE sitting at a table waiting for them.
“It’s the trying to kill me for me,” she said upon taking their seats, glaring at Anything But Krista specifically.
“It’s the stealing my fictional husbands for me,” she retaliated.
“It’s the acting like children for me,” Burns' authoritative voice came.
“Sorry,” they both murmured as they looked over the menus to order their food. The rest of their lunch going smoothly, their victims already forgotten about. Don’t mess with hangry chicks who hate Owent Cunt.
“So who’s next?” Anitah with the h asked.
“Ahh you’ve gotten the first taste of blood and now you’re addicted,” Burns observed. She would make for a good profiler for the FBI at Quantico. She would have a cool nickname; Cunt Punter.
“Why not just kill everyone we hate?” Ella questioned.
“That’s a great idea! I say we kill Guy and Vanessa,” Anything but Krista suggested.
“And Landrat!” MAROE added, the whole group agreeing, finishing their lunch before getting to their killing spree.
Gertrude-Sue was laughing at her made up characters and story when she received an email from Ethonk Remy to send him a folder that she had. Goggle Drive was acting stupid so she didn’t realize that she had shared her fanfiction folder with her boss before it was too late. She saw a little giraffe pop up in the right hand corner telling her that he was already viewing what was inside the folder.
“Holy donkey claws,” she cried out loud, smacking her hands against her face.
Meanwhile, Ethonk was going through her folder when he came across a document and his eyes went wide. “What are they doing with the dog?” He said to himself.
Wonder pets, wonder pets
We're on our way
To help a friend and save the day
We're not too big
And we're not too tough
But when we work together, we've got the right stuff
Gooo wonder pets yaaaaay!
The phone
The phone is ringing
The phone
We'll be right there
The phone
The phone is ringing
There's an animal in trouble
There's an animal in trouble
There's an animal in trouble somewhere
“What the hell are Wonder Pets?” He continued inspecting the different documents ranging from murder of one Owen Cunt, horses having sexual intercourse, Wonder Pets stuff, four kids and a dog where they did questionable things with each other, a sponge and a starfish were high on marijuana, a game where Gertrude-Sue had made him and her a family that looked way too realistic for his liking, two bunnies who kept hopping around with one of their little brothers, and multiple documents about Matthew Gray Gubler, Tom Holland, Tom Ellis, Patrick Dempsey, and Harry Styles which were all quite disturbing.
He took out his phone to call her. “Hey uh, Gert, what is this?”
“Oh well you see, the funny thing is that I accidentally sent you the wrong folder so if you could just pretend like this never happened, that would be fantastic. Okay thanks bye. I’m sending you the right one this time.” And she hung up, ready to throw herself off a cliff at her stupidity.
One thing was for sure, she would never make this mistake again.
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goodpeachtea · 4 years
𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘, 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥. (𝟎𝟐)
 Summary: People could say that Baby was crazy, so they could say that hell is more preferable than spending a day with her. Baby agreed. But no one could say that the girl was not a genius or that she was like everyone else. Baby Jones was special - yes, she could be a nicer special type, but anyway, special.
Couple: Spencer Reid x OC.
Words: 4.2K
Warnings: PTSD. Panic attack. Mentions of suicide, drugs, torture and kidnapping. Cigarettes. Under-age drinking.
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            (𝟎𝟐). 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖳𝖤𝖭𝖳𝖧 𝖠𝖭𝖭𝖨𝖵𝖤𝖱𝖲𝖠𝖱𝖸
   BABY’S CHRISTMAS WERE NEVER FORECASTED. This phenomenon happened because December 25th was not just what everyone celebrated as Christmas, but it was three more things: Baby Jones’ birthday, the anniversary of the death of her family, and the anniversary of the day she was kidnapped. Believe what you want, the little redhead has every right to enter a state of depression, anger and madness while it snows outside and normal children celebrate the date with their absolutely alive parents.
   That day for Jones was always a roller coaster of events. On the first anniversary of the-day-that-everything-went-wrong, in 1998, the 9-year-old, so young but so broken, tried to commit suicide. In the second, all the ideas that went through her head were homicide. In the fifth, Baby Jones caused a commotion and despair by fleeing the Sunshine Orphanage to visit 19 graves in Washington, covering 10 miles. In the ninth, Baby ended up in the emergency by alcohol intoxication.
   The Tenth Anniversary was the current one. Honestly, Baby was really committed to the (almost) promise she made to David Rossi. She was, really. If you asked her what happened that day, she wouldn’t be able to explain. Not because she was drunk, drugged or insane. She was none of those previous things - so I don’t lie, I will say that at least she was not at the apex of any of those things. Baby was just so sad that something needed to be done. And she did. Oh, she certainly did.
   Everything could have happened. Literally, everything. Nothing was a limit for Baby Jones, especially a Baby Jones at the peak of her grief. What happened was particularly unique. Of all the scenarios that the (now) short-haired redhead could imagine, she didn’t expect to end up handcuffed in the FBI building on Christmas Day.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2007.
   Baby hated snow. Don’t come up with all that magic, beauty and blah blah blah. For Baby, almost nothing was worse than Christmas Eve and everything that involved that day - the tree, decorations, snow, music and the hated Christmas spirit. The only Jones alive made a point of trying to bring everyone down with her in those days (she didn’t try very hard, but she didn’t pretend to be happy to cheer up the rest of the kids) and of course she couldn’t, because “Christmas is such an incredible time”. In December, she just wanted to die.
– You’re so boring, Baby! – Exclaimed Max, a 7-year-old boy who also lived in the Sunshine Orphanage, nudging the older one, who sighed deeply, concentrating all her strength so as not to strangle him. – You should help us decorate the Christmas tree, we never have something like this here. It’s fun, I promise! Stop being a killjoy!
– Max, have you heard of the phrase “fuck off”?
   Baby smiled when she saw the brat’s astonished face when he heard her swear, watching him run away from her and towards one of the women who took care of the children at the Orphanage. “Denise, Baby said a bad word again!”, he shouted as the redhead rolled her eyes and muttered “blabbermouth”. Denise, a blonde woman who loved all the control she could exercise over children, gave Jones a sharp look, who showed her tongue as a naughty child - and it’s very difficult to find differences between Baby and naughty children.
– Go straight to your room. Congratulations, you just lost your dinner!
   The almost 18-year-old teenager raised her eyebrows, holding the older woman’s disapproving look at her. She got up from the couch she was on, showing the middle finger to little Max, who was laughing at the girl’s misfortune. “If you want to eat breakfast, I advise you to improve this behavior, young lady!”, the blonde said, with an angry expression. Baby J. smiled fakely at the woman as she walked up the first few steps, watching the other narrow her eyes. The girl with golden red hair went up the stairs, mumbling “bitch” as she went to her room.
   Baby slammed the door of her room hard - not to provoke the controlling blonde downstairs, but out of pure tension that agonized her head and body. She locked it quickly, closing the windows and lowering the blind, knowing that even if she smoked the smell would dissipate and no one would bother her for hours on end (besides she herself). Bored, she looked around her, watching her room for something to do.
   The teenager with hair that reminded the dawn and freckles that were golden specks on her skin arched her eyebrows as she captured an idea from her brain about what to do to pass the time. She bit her lip, carefully locking the door, listening to the sounds of plates and cutlery downstairs. She knelt beside her bed, searching with her hands for the notebook that were taped to the wood of the furniture.
   The notebook was almost a diary for her. There, the most personal things in her life were sheltered. Written in angled and spaced handwriting, there were no emotional reports about Baby’s feelings or her complaints about her day-to-day life. Those paper sheets filled messily and with determination were all about the informations on the Jones Case that could take her to a closure.
   She glanced at the digital clock nearby, dinner time being 7 pm. Jones then looked at the black-lined notebook, prepared to read the information and theories she had already memorized backwards, hoping to get something new so that everything would be cleared up before the anniversary of her family’s death. The redhead flipped through the pages with frequently used marks, more and more aggressive as the time went, the realization slowly slapping her in the face that her hands were tied and she would not be able to solve the crime that defined her life - and the death of 19 people. Baby looked at her watch again, widening her eyes and punching the floor she was sitting in frustration, noting that it was already 11 pm and the whole house was quiet and dark.
   The teenager felt a little better when she realized that the little orphan Sophie was not going to sleep in the same room with her that night, the two women who took care of all 10 children who lived in the house knowing about Baby’s dangerous historic on Christmas Day and preventing a possible accident with the little girl. Jones got up from the cold floor, beginning to feel her heart stir and her fingers that did not want to stop moving as she paced. Baby thought again about her failure with her family, the tenth anniversary that she would not be able to resolve her inner demons and offer a worthy end for her relatives. She punched the door with an adrenaline rush, no longer caring whether the noise would bother the other habitants of the residence.
   Everyone knew the rules that were not spoken. That day, don’t mess with Jones. It doesn’t matter if you are only concerned about her health or if you want to cheer her up. No. Do not try.    The nightmare that was that day started with the fact that during the 24 hours she endured, no time she would be able to sleep. That’s how it started. Four red zeros on her alarm clock signaled that Baby Jones was doomed to misery for the next few moments. The redhead sighed, murmuring an ironic “happy birthday” to herself, blowing out the fire from the match she used to light a cigarette. She stared into nothingness, putting death between her lips and knowing that things were going to change - for better or for worse.    All that was needed was a brief glance. In a second, she was in her room smoking and trying not to cry. The next, Baby was back. Panic invaded her chest when she realized that she was lying on the floor, her eyes going to the clock hanging on the wall with a splash of blood: 20:11.    It’s amazing how a situation can change from one minute to the next. It’s amazing how the Jones family couldn’t be happier at 8:10 pm and a minute later they faced the worst moment of their life (or the end of it) face to face. And it all happened for Baby.    A shot was the first thing that warned the Jones that everything would go downhill. The immediately dead body of Mary Jones - Baby’s loving aunt - fell to the floor with a loud thump, screams being heard throughout the suburban home. Baby Jones went to the floor under the influence of her parents, Marie Ann and Thomas, who saw an armed shadow in front of the open door. At the same time, everything and nothing went through their minds, adrenaline and agony dominating their senses. They wanted to send their daughter run away from the house, while their eyes alternated among all their children: she, Amelie, Owen and little AJ, who was on the other side of the room, with no idea what was going on. But when they looked at Baby again, all they managed to pay attention to was the stranger behind her.
   The eight-year-old girl felt hands grabbing her as her parents screamed, asking for mercy. She struggled, feeling the hot tears on her face and the tightening the long, manicured nails on her skin, leaving marks because of the fight that had already been won. It was when his father advanced on the woman with black hair as the night that the second shot was heard, Baby feeling a pain she never felt before - and probably never will again - gasping and sinking in countless feelings. Little Jones sobbed, watching Marie Ann cry over her husband’s dead body.    Baby J.’s vision was blurred, everything was spinning and her screams of horror did not stop the situation, which happened in the blink of an eye. One, two, three, four shots. No way out. The little redhead couldn’t breathe and the strong, motherly grip of the woman who held her only made it worse. Baby saw three unknown men at her home and suddenly those three were almost all the males left. Giving up on struggling, Jones only managed to cry desperately when she saw her sister walking away in shock from Baby’s lifeless older brother, Owen. 
   Baby opened her eyes, feeling the damp on her face and the lump in her throat. She felt her chest rise and fall at an accelerated frequency and her head sinking into the pillow, gulping and scrambling up from the bed, drying the tears that seemed not to end. When trying to get up, the girl fell to the ground without even a resistance, feeling the tremor in her legs and hands. Jones put her hands on her chest, unable to breathe and panicking even more.
   So she just did what she needed to do. Baby cried. Panic spread throughout her body as she sobbed and searched for air, tears making everything worse. In fetal position, she clasped her hands tightly, not from physical pain but from mental pain, feeling her nails pierce the skin.
   Baby felt like she was going to die. “Maybe it’s better this way, maybe I have to give up,” she thought, her body softening and the feeling of something in her hand that was under the bed. The only Jones alive closed her eyes strongly and deeply regretted it, feeling the tightness in her heart get worse.
– Oh, my love, don’t cry.
   She felt the fingers running through her vivid hair, the tightness on her wrist and the tears in her eyes. “Please, let me out!”, she cried out with all her might, shifting and listening to the frustrated sigh of the man in front of her. “Why can’t you just be a good girl, huh? A good daughter? I love you, Baby, but… you’re just making things worse for you”, Jones ignored the man, who was still touching her hair affectionately, speaking tenderly.
– You are not my father and you never will be! You killed him and I hate you! – She yelled in the midst of tears, the scary Ryan Copper’s face tensing and his jaw clenching.
– I don’t accept this behavior under my roof! I struggle, I fight, I do everything to give you a great life and that’s what I get. – He squeezed the girl’s orange hair, pulling her face closer and staying millimeters away. – If this behavior does not improve by tomorrow morning, you will have serious problems, young lady. Honey, feel free. 
   Blue eyes blinked in fear, shifting her attention from the man who went from one extreme to the other in a snap of the fingers to the woman with black hair and a disturbing smile, a knife in one hand and a whip in the other. It was only Baby’s first day there, but she knew she wasn’t going to last long and maybe she would never leave that filthy, empty cellar again. Baby Jones heard the whip crack before she felt it burn on her skin.
   She opened her eyes, pulling what was under her bed into view. Baby felt the dust on the piece of photographic paper, smiling weakly and feeling the agitation in her chest lessen. She saw her parents hugging each other tightly, smiling at each other. Her mother, Marie Ann, had a big belly, sheltering who would become AJ in the future. The older brothers were on the floor, laughing and fighting over something and Baby was beside them, concentrated on a Rubik’s Cube.
   Her breathing was soon regulated and she bit her lip in a failed attempt to hold her tears, looking at that photo and soon holding it close to her chest. “I miss you”, Baby J. whispered so low that even she couldn’t hear herself. The girl spent about an hour in that position, crying and calming down, in a cycle, again and again. When she finally had the courage to get up, she felt dizzy, remembering the horrifying touches in her hair from one of the men who had kidnapped her. That affection seemed so real that it scared Baby more than anything. She felt a chill on her back, terror. The girl could feel everything even after 10 years. Those despicable hands in her hair, face, arm.
   Baby rushed to the bathroom, kneeled on the toilet coughing and throwing up. The day hadn’t even started and it was already one of the worst in Baby’s life (and that was a tough competition). The teen weakly got up, looking to herself in the mirror and just knowing what to do to repress that memories of the touches. Being a nervous wreck, she rushed to grab the scissors she always used to cut the hair of the other kids in the house - as lovely as this may seem (and it is), Baby make sure to threat the youngers with the sharp object, not wanting to be seem as a big sister. The tears were nearly stopping while cutting sloppily more than 10 inches of red hair, not caring by the mess she made on the sink or the length her hair was going to be. Jones didn’t really care for her hair, but made sure the pixie cut was acceptable.
– Booze. Yeah, I need booze. – The eighteen-year-old girl whispered, rubbing her eyes and preparing to be extremely silent.
   In a house with so many children - and one of them being the problematic Jones - the two women who lived there needed a little alcohol from time to time (having to hide for the same reason that they needed to have it). Baby grabbed her bag, making a grimace at the sound of a creak and snore as she opened her bedroom door, freezing for a moment, not wanting to be caught and punished. She went down the stairs carefully, kneeling on the floor and facing the last step when she reached the first floor. “Eureka!”, murmured a excited Baby, “or should I say “tequila!”?”.
   When she sneaked out of what they said was her home, it didn't take long for Baby to end up in the same spot of a few previous nights, when she got a call from the longtime acquaintance, David Rossi. This time, her brain didn't work the same way, especially after several sips of the alcohol in her hands. Baby Jones had her (not so) great idea when she was halfway through the bottle, getting dizzy when she got up quickly, totally excited about what she was going to do. Come on, she was already eighteen! Jones could do whatever she wanted, right?
   Baby J. took the first bus of the day out of Alexandria with the money she had saved, sitting away from the few other passengers and sipping from the bottle of tequila hidden in her bag from time to time. In a little over an hour, the young and not-so-innocent girl headed for her final destination.
– Excuse me! Good night, I want to visit David Rossi, if possible. – Baby said in her sweetest tone, winking her blue eyes at the receptionist.    The woman smirked, raising her eyebrows, not even bothering to look at Baby. It was not the rarest thing in the world for people to try to enter the FBI building and visit the famous author who was Rossi. "Agent Rossi is not expecting company and there's no autograph session going on now, child. You can go out that door," the brunette nodded the exit with her head as Baby Jones grimaced, determined to enter that building in Quantico. – You didn't understand, he knows me. – The 18-year-old explained, still trying to win over the receptionist, even though she suspected that the facade of being an innocent and kind child would not catch on. – Miss, please leave or I will call the security.    "Hey, now you're just being ... you know what? Nevermind! Call Rossi and say that Baby Jones has come to visit. Go, see for yourself, call!", Baby crossed her arms, almost tripping over her own feet as she leaned against the desk of the secretary who was beginning to have doubts if the girl was really just a fan. Reluctantly, the brunette, Miss Parker, picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Italian-American's office, staring at Jones with suspicion throughout the process. – Sir? Yes, there someone here that claims know you, her name is Baby Jones. Yes, Baby Jones, sir. – She seemed nervous about talking to David, looking at the floor constantly, looking up at the redhead with interest. – Of course, sir. Guard! – Hanging up the call, secretary Parker nodded to a large, menacing FBI security, Baby's eyes widening. – But I did not do anything! That jerk! Rossi didn't ...?
   “Follow Miss Jones up to the fifth floor", the older one said to the guard, who waved quickly, looking at the smaller one whose smile was growing on her face. Parker handed the girl an FBI visitor's badge, trying not to doubt David Rossi's sanity by letting the girl go up to the BAU upon hearing Baby exclaim "that's what I'm talking about!". 
   The eyes of serious security remained on the petit girl the entire time, noticing her strange behavior and trying to solve the mystery about whether that slight smell of alcohol he smelled was just an impression. The ride in the elevator was quick to the relief of Jones, who soon left the cubicle and smiled awkwardly at the man twice as tall. "I need... you know, go to the bathroom," Baby laughed embarrassed to the security (her acting skills were surprisingly good when it came to trick someone).
– Go to the end of the corridor and turn right, miss.
– Thank you very much. – Baby smiled and took quick, sloppy steps to the pointed direction, looking around and smirking to herself, noticing the calm movement of the building and no people around her.
   She read the signs on the doors, looking for a specific room, hoping that the seriously frightening security guard wouldn't come looking. Baby gave a slight "hooray" when she found what she came to, biting her lips when remembering that she needed to be silent, looking around and entering the agile room like a cat. The redhead clapped her hands excitedly when she saw a room full of files and a computer full of horrible cases that she would love to have a look at.
   Soon, Jones was digging through the numerous unresolved case documents, having already looked at the resolved case reports - she liked to deduce things about the suspect and then see if she got it right. She completely ignored the computer, knowing it would have a password and that her technological skills were not enough to hack the FBI. 
   Baby thanked for not being drunk enough to not know what she was doing, but to be a little more excited and happy than usual. Unfortunately, her current condition was not enough to pay much attention to the light noise the door made when it opened, only noticing the presence of someone else there when she heard a false cough, startling her.
– Miss, you are not an agent. – Said the handsome man, a little surprised by the situation and looking at the visitor's badge attached to the girl's black leather jacket.
– Huh, are you... sure?
– Yes, I’m sure. What are you doing here, miss?
– I think I getting myself in serious problems. – Baby laughed awkwardly, scratching her neck and seeing the badge with the name Grant Anderson on the clothes of the FBI agent who looked at her with extreme suspicion, prepared to solve that problem that was having an extremely strange girl accessing FBI files.
   Agent Anderson insisted on staying close to the girl, with his hand on her shoulder, with the suspicion that she would run away from there while he took her to the office of one of his bosses. Jones threw a smile and a wink at the security guard who escorted her to that floor, even though deep down she was a little afraid that the problem she created it would jeopardize her possible BAU spot.
   Two knocking on Aaron Hotchner's door was all it took for Baby Marie Jones to be in real trouble, walking in and facing a way-too-serious-looking man and a blonde lady. Unfortunately for the short-haired redhead, in that room there was not only the BAU Unit Chief but the all-powerful Section Chief, Erin Strauss. Anderson was afraid to say anything, the bosses' sharp eyes cutting him off, but he soon managed to announce the situation to both. "This girl was reading case documents, she was stealing some too," he explained, Baby looking at him ugly, opening her mouth in surprise. "I wasn't stealing! I was just... borrowing... for an undetermined period of time."
– What?! Handcuff her. How did she get in here? – Asked Strauss, squinting, irritated by the security breach, wondering if that child could be part of an illegal organization. Agent Hotchner, however, was looking at the girl with curiosity, finding her strangely familiar.
– She has a visitor’s badge. 
– What’s her name? 
– You know I’m right in front of you and you can ask me yourself, right? – Jones asked, her gaze going from Anderson to Strauss, who didn't have a very good expression.
   “What’s your name?”, the Section Chief of the BAU sighed, seeing the girl actually think to answer, looking to Aaron and remembering him. “Bring David Rossi here and we’ll answer all your questions!”, ordered the kid, seeing the two big bosses exchanging looks. 
– “We?”
– Yeah, me and him. Trust me, you are not going to regret it, this is gonna be super duper fun! – She smiled excitedly, seeing that the three people in the room were not understanding anything and were not sure how to act in the face of the unusual situation.
   “Why I’m not surprised that you caused that much of a problem in such a short period of time?”, asked David Rossi, drawing attention and sighing deeply to see what he was up to and how the next few hours would be somewhat unpleasant. Baby, lightly drunk and unfiltered, grinned when she saw the older man enter the room. “When I was told you were here I already knew that my day wouldn't go as planned, but you could have caused a minor problem, don't you think, Baby?”.
– Well, you can say whatever you want, but you must admit that's gonna be a damn good story to tell.
– Baby Marie Jones. – Murmured Hotch, finally remembering where he knew those red hair and striking eyes, seeing the girl do jazz hands, exclaiming “surprise!”. He couldn’t forget that case even if we wanted.
– Can somebody explain what is happening? – Asked Strauss, as Anderson left the room, closing the door and seeing the curious looks of the other BAU agents regarding that little meeting.
– So...!
– You! You don’t speak a word, miss. – David pointed his finger at the youngest, who took off her imaginary hat in a gesture of understanding, the sound of handcuffs filling the room, the girl laughing, but going quiet. – Erin, sit down, please. We have a lot to talk. Tell me, how do you fell about breaking some rules? 
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omnivorousshipper · 4 years
Scenes I want in the F&F Series #5: Hey Sister
Summary: Letty tells the truth about the time she spent with Owen Shaw and his crew
Deckard leaned back in his chair, simply watching the party going around him. It was odd to see the people he had been hunting only a few months ago look so happy and comfortable in his presence. He could see Parker and Pearce in a corner, heads nearly knocking together by how fiercely they were talking to each other. Deckard had a feeling they were talking about the crew’s new resident hacker, who was adamantly ignoring the two idiots by talking to Hobbs and his daughter. 
Minutely shaking his head, Deckard could see the disaster that was ultimately going to happen between those three. Hopefully someone else caught Parker or Pearce’s eye. And soon. 
Looking around further, Deckard couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto his face as he spotted Toretto holding his son, rocking the baby and gently whispering to him. The man’s face was relaxed, soft around the eyes as he watched his son try to grab at him and giggling like crazy. 
Deckard couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 
He couldn’t wait until he was in the man’s position. 
But, his thoughts were taken away from laughing babies and irritated potential lovers as Deckard tracked Ortiz’s progress as she made her way over to him. 
Deckard simply nodded at her as she took a seat next to him. Smirking, she raised an eyebrow at him. 
“This what you do for fun, Shaw? Sit around, watching everyone else enjoying themselves?”
“You all have your fun, I have mine,” Deckard shrugged, but mirrored her smirk. 
Out of all of them, Ortiz was the one Deckard knew who would be able to handle just anything thrown at her. Like Hobbs, she had training. Very familiar training if Deckard thought about it. 
They were both quiet for a moment, Ortiz staring at her Toretto and the baby, while Deckard simply took a drink from his beer. Putting the bottle down, Deckard fixed her with a look. 
“I know you’re not here for small talk. What do you want?” Deckard kept his voice light and not demanding like he wanted to. He wasn’t around enemies, not any longer. He needed to play nice. 
She turned back to him, eyes hard as she stared at him. But she hesitated. 
Deckard felt his back straightening, sensing that something important was going to be said. 
Finally, Ortiz let out a sigh and looked away from him, a hair coming up to tuck some of her hair behind her ear. The almost bashful movement surprised Deckard. She simply hadn’t seemed like one for nervous tics. 
“I was just wondering how you brother was.”
Deckard’s eyebrows rose and hit his nonexistent hairline. 
“He’s fine. Why?”
“I…” She started, but paused and sighed. 
Deckard could see that she was struggling with something internally and had to wonder what Owen had done to her. His little brother did like his mind games, after all. 
Patiently, Deckard waited as Ortiz took a deep breath and turned to him. Gone was her hesitation and was replaced by fierce determination. 
“When Braga sent his goon after me and made me have my little accident, your brother was the first person I saw when I woke up.” Ortiz said firmly, holding his gaze. “He didn’t lie to me. Not exactly. He abso-fucking-lutely didn’t tell me the whole truth, but he didn’t lie. He told me that I was a criminal. I had worked with a crew and then tried to work with the FBI, who screwed me over. Everyone was convinced I was dead. That if I wanted, I could have a completely different life.”
Deckard nodded, letting her tell her story. 
“I didn’t have anything. I couldn’t remember anyone. Hell, I almost didn’t remember my own fucking name, man. I didn’t know what to do. So, I took his offer.” She sighed and finally looked away from him to stare down at her own beer. “I’m not sure what I expected. But I wasn’t expecting him to whisk me off to London, a city I’ve never even thought about visiting. There I was, new city, new country, new people. I had no damn clue what I was doing.”
She glanced back up at him. 
“But what I did know was that your brother was there for me. He got me an apartment, showed me around the city. Where to buy groceries. What to avoid. How to find the street races that happened right under the police’s noses.” She said quietly. “He took care of me.”
Deckard’s lips thinned as Ortiz picked up more energy, explaining further. 
“He had offered me a place in his crew, but before he even introduced me to them, he demanded that I be trained.” She let out a small chuckle as she remembered. “I was so pissed off. I told him that I could easily kick his ass, and you know what he did? He did only a few moves and had me on my back in seconds. The bastard was just so fucking smug, I had to prove him wrong.”
“So he trained you.” Deckard spoke for the first time. 
“Yeah.” Ortiz sighed. “He’s a real ball-buster, your brother. Never let up. Everyday, he would kick my ass, teaching me how to properly fight, how to actually kill. Later, he would take me out on the streets and showed me how to steal a hundred wallets in one afternoon. For several months, that’s what my days were like. Just training with him.”
“You two got close.”
Letty nodded. 
“It felt so nice to have someone there for me. No matter what, he would be there. Some days, we didn’t even train. We just- hung out.” She said quietly, not looking at Deckard again, almost ashamed. “I felt like I could talk to him about anything. He encouraged me to try and remember what my favorite foods, songs, places, and other things were. He never actually stopped me from looking into my past. But, after spending so much time with him, I didn’t want to look for anyone from my old life. Not when Owen was for me in my new one.”
She took a breath, and looked up at the sky. Deckard could see that her eyes were wet, but didn’t say anything. 
“When I finally started working with the crew, I noticed that he acted differently. He wasn’t carefree like he was around me. No, he was now the boss of the crew and acted like it. At first, I liked that he didn’t treat me differently from everyone, it meant that I was able to prove myself to them and get their respect through my own merits.”
“But something changed.” Deckard said softly, sympathetically. 
“It was when he started working for Cipher,” Letty admitted, voice barely above a whisper. “He seemed to always be too busy to spend time with me. He seemed to avoid me and never treated me like I wasn’t his friend- like I was anybody else in the crew. I- I missed him. And then Dom showed up, and well. Things went to shit.”
She said the last words bluntly, a joyless smile playing cruelly on her lips. 
“But when I heard he had  fallen out of that damn plane, I-” She stopped and took a breath. “I was scared. I was scared shitless that he was going to die. I wanted to keep tabs on him, but Hobbs wouldn’t tell me anything, but he couldn’t. Owen was in such deep shit, they kept his files and recovery extremely secret. And then you showed up.”
Deckard could see the resentment and lingering hatred in her eyes, but didn’t fault her a bit. 
“But I knew he was going to be fine. He’s too much of a fighter and a nuisance to just kick the bucket.” Letty smirked at him. “But, during this whole thing with Dom: learning that he has a son and that you and your brother helped save him. It just made me wonder…”
She trailed off.
Deckard stayed quiet. 
“You know what the sad thing is?” She asked him suddenly. “He said I was like the sister he never had.”
Deckard’s whole body stiffened and he had to physically stop his face from twisting into anger, disappointment, and a million other emotions. Letty seemed oblivious to this.
“Did he.” Deckard said, voice neutral.
“Yeah. I actually felt honored when he told me that,” she sighed. “Because I actually thought the same thing about him. He would have made a great older brother, even though I bet he’s an annoying little brother.”
Deckard gave her a small smile at that. 
“You really do miss him.” It wasn’t a question. 
“Yeah. It’s been weird pulling jobs without him.”
Deckard nodded. He could understand that. Owen always had a certain presence around him. One that took up the whole room and demanded everyone’s attention to be on him at all times. He shone bright and fierce, and Deckard wasn’t surprised that Letty had fallen under his spell. Owen just drew people to him.
“I’ll make him call you.” Deckard said simply, keeping eye contact with Letty and watched her eyes go wide. 
“I- thank you. I really appreciate that.”
“But,” Deckard said firmly. “Keep in mind that while you got to see a side of Owen that not many get to, you don’t know him like I do. There’s a lot you still don’t know about him.”
Letty nodded in understanding, but Deckard could see the defiance in her. 
“I know, but I still want to talk to him. I want what we had back. He doesn’t get to run away from me.”
“If you need any help tracking him down and pinning him until he actually listens, just give me a call. Little arsehole needs to be taken down a peg every now and then.” Deckard smiled at her. 
They both laughed at the idea, and while Deckard could see the excitement in her eyes at the idea of Owen being back in her life, Deckard knew he would have to talk to Owen. His little brother seemed to have forgotten certain parts of their childhood if he claimed Hattie didn’t exist. 
But, as Deckard listened to Letty’s carefree laughter, he had to wonder what it would be like with two little sisters. 
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aegialia · 5 years
Fancasting a Reroll of the Fast & the Furious Movies:
As Paulo said in the past, when it comes to something like the star wars trilogies, he’d want to play through each series independent of each other because so much of each story is dependent on things working out exactly as they did in the past movies. In light of that, here is my ideal casting for every single F&F movie done as a reroll:
The Fast and The Furious
Carolyn as Dominic Toretto: partially because I desperately want to hear her do a Vin Diesel voice and partially because I think her brand of absurdism and 4th wall breaking would be great for Dom
Joz as Brian: if there’s ever been a role made for Joz, it’s the hot-headed FBI agent undercover with a street-racing gang
Pitr as Letty: is this casting just because I want to hear Pitr say ‘I smell...skanks’? Yes, mostly, but I also would love to see the farce that would be Pitr and Carolyn acting as a couple
Andy as Mia: based on Aladdin, Andy’s great at taking a female character not given all that much to do and doing something delightful with her. TBH, I’d also be fine with Mia being an NPC and having Andy or Paulo be the GM, she’s got a pretty thin role in this movie. The same goes for Vince and the other members of the racing crew.
2 Fast 2 Furious
Joz as Brian again
Pitr as Roman Pierce: Pitr’s always great as the snarky friend and his mischievous, blow-shit-up dynamic with Joz works great for Brian and Roman’s dynamic in this movie
Jon Miller as Tej Parker: Am I typecasting Jon as the geeky tech guy? Absolutely, but him and Pitr also would be great as Tej and Roman
Andy as  Monica Fuentes: TBH I forgot this character existed before I read the wikipedia page, so, like Mia, she can either be Andy or an NPC 
The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
I hate this movie so much I won’t enough time thinking about it to cast it
Fast & Furious
Joz as Brian
Carolyn as Dom: there’s basically nothing I want as much as to see Carolyn Faye Kramer playing a grieving Vin Diesel
Andy as Mia: Mia actually has something to do in this movie and I still think Andy could be good as her
Scott as Gisele: I feel like all Scott wants to do is be sexy and have an accent, so let’s let him
Fast Five
Joz as Brian and Carolyn as Dom
Jon and Pitr reprising their roles as Tej and Roman
Scott as Gisele again
Tim Nolan as Han: I feel like he’d do good as the kinda badass, kinda awkward guy
Paulo as Mia: this is because I want
Andy as GM: based on how he ran ‘John Wick’, Andy is fucking great at handling complicated action sequences without it getting boring or confusing. I’d love to see him run a heist, so Paulo gets to be a player and take over Andy’s old role
Elena and Hobbs are gonna be NPCs in this one
Fast & Furious 6
Time for a reshuffle!
I want this run as kinda PvP, with Owen Shaw and Letty getting to scheme and do stuff independent of the movie and of the other players, so
Jon as GM: he’s got experience with PVP and keeping a story moving even when the PCs are in completely different places (looking at you, Aladdin)
Pitr as Letty: I think he’d still be good as Letty, even now that she’s a more serious character
Lisa Kopitsky as Owen Shaw: I think she could play a good villain and I want to get to know her as a performer more 
Joz as Luke Hobbs: look me in the eyes and tell me Joz Vammer was not made to play Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson
Andy as Brian: man, I’m really giving Andy some thankless roles. Given that Mia now has absolutely nothing to do in this one, Andy gets to take over as the slightly retired family man
Scott and Tim stay as Gisele and Han
Carolyn as Dom: again, I just want to see Carolyn Faye Kramer as a grieving Vin Diesel
Either Tej and Roman turn into NPCs for this movie and Paulo isn’t involved OR Paulo and Jonathan West play them OR they’re NPCs but Paulo is acting like Tim in most episodes and helping Jon run this monstrosity of a cast
Furious 7
Another shuffle, but less dramatic
Joz and Carolyn keep their parts as Hobbs and Dom
Jon and Pitr are Tej and Roman again
Scott as Ramsey: again, he just wants to be sexy and have an accent. Also, I think his dynamic with Jon and Pitr would work well with the character’s
Andy as Brian: Andy has the most dad energy out of the cast, so he gets Brian again
Tim or Lisa as Letty: here’s where I’m conflicted, I can’t decide if I care more about having Letty be played by the same person throughout her whole emotional arc, and thus giving this role to Pitr and making Tim or Lisa Roman, or if I want the Pitr-Scott-Jon dynamic, which is admittedly very fun for the Roman-Ramsey-Tej, but is a more minor and less emotionally important aspect. Or maybe I throw it all out, have Jon GM, Pitr is Letty, Paulo is Ramsey, and Roman and Tej are NPCs (or Paulo plays both of them à la the children in Jurassic Park and Ramsey’s the NPC)! I don’t know!
The Fate of the Furious
I think this one should also be PvP
Andy as GM: I think he can handle the PvP and he’d be great with the complicated, crazy fight scenes and stunts
Carolyn as Dom still
Lisa as Cipher: again, I get the feeling she’d be great as a villain 
Joz as Hobbs and Pitr as Letty again
Jon as Deckard Shaw: a morally grey guy whose fighting style would require tactics, complicated stats, and lots of fun goodies sounds exactly right for jon
I think I’d make Ramsey, Tej, Roman, and the Nobodies NPCs in this so we’d have fairly even teams of PCs
With all the complexity of this and the PvP aspect, Paulo and Tim are gonna have to be helping
On the other hand, we could also have Scott-as-Roman, Tim-as-Tej, and Paulo-as-Ramsey and just give Cipher as much absurd power as in the movie
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
Gonna change stuff up for this!
Pitr as Deckard Shaw: I wanna hear Pitr try and do a Jason Statham voice, tbh. Also, Pitr and Joz act enough like siblings already that I think they’d do well as playing the Shaws
Jon as Hobbs: I feel like Jon would enjoy playing a character strong enough to pull a helicopter down to earth with his bare hands. I think he’d also enjoy playing a character who frequently and thoroughly shows up Pitr’s character
Joz as Hattie Shaw: Hattie is enough of a genuine badass that I don’t feel like I’m just casting Joz as the girl, also, I feel like ‘injecting yourself with a supervirus so the bad guy doesn’t get it’ is an extremely Joz Vamer move
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X-Files Season 11 Spoilers Index
** Last updated: March 21, 2018, 16:30 GMT**
WARNING: This post contains all the spoilers about the upcoming season of “The X-Files” (11th); proceed at your own risk. The post will be updated with the newest info as soon as they are confirmed.
Season 11 will consist of “eight standalone episodes, and two mythology episodes.” (X)
Promotional Videos / Cast Chats
NY Comic-Con Official Trailer - Link#2 - Hungarian - Italian - Spanish - Russian
Help Without Trust
Nothing hurts like the truth
Season 10 Cliffhanger
The Mulder and Scully relationship
We Need Your Help, Even If We Don't Trust You 
Promo #7 - LQ - HQ
Unwrapping The X-Files: Retro Chemistry
Promo 9 - What To Expect This Season 
Instagram sponsored post
Declassified: The End Of The World
Show & Not Tell: Gillian Anderson
Visions Of The Future
Cast Promotional Photos: SpoilerTV Season 11 Poster: SpoilerTV First look pictures: http://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/the-x-files/257640/x-files-season-11-release-date-trailer-cast-story-details-more
‘1 month’ Countdown Poster: https://twitter.com/thexfiles/status/936988343136526338
     Episode 11x01 Title: “My Struggle III” Airdate: January 3, 2018 Written & Directed by: Chris Carter Synopsys:  Picking up after the last event series' cliffhanger, Mulder and Scully learn that they aren't the only ones desperately searching for their long-lost son, William. The very fate of the world may depend on it. (X) Promo pictures:  xfilesbtvs , xfilesnews , SpolierTV Sneak Peeks:  Scully Can't Find Her Son Featurette: Visions Of The Future Cast Info:
Recurring cast: Mitch Pilleggi, Annabeth Gish, William B. Davis, Chris Owens, Lauren Ambrose, Robbie Amell
Guest stars: Barbara Hershey (as Erika Price), Jeremy Schuetze (as Young Cigarette Smoking Man), AC Peterson (as Mr Y), Jett Klyne (Young Jeffrey Spender) (X) (X), Anjali Jay (Dr. Joyet)
Additional info about this episode:
Scully is involved in a car crash (Link to the video): this scene was filmed on August 17
episode one delves into the Cigarette Smoking Man’s (William B. Davis) backstory and apparent family ties to Mulder (X)
“We start the season right up from where the season finale left off with that big helicopter and takes you right from there,” David Madden (Fox entertainment chairman) says. “You’ll be launched into a very urgent adventure that has a lot to do with William — Mulder and Scully’s kid. (X)
Barbara Hershey will play Erika Price, a powerful figure who represents a mysterious organization. (X)
Barbara Hershey will have a recurring role in season 11. (X) 
Season 11 will also explore the motive behind one of the biggest shockers of last season: loyal ally Agent Reyes (Annabeth Gish) confessing that she’s in league with the Cigarette Smoking Man. (X)
   Episode 11x02 Title: “This” (X) Airdate:  January 10, 2018 Written & Directed by: Glen Morgan Synopsys: An old friend reaches out to Mulder and Scully in a seemingly impossible way, revealing a chilling secret.  (X) Promo pictures: SpoilerTV , xfilesnews Promos: Hungarian Promo Sneak Peeks: Scully & Mulder Wake Up To A Shootout  Featurette:  The Lone Gunman Cast Info:
Recurring cast: Dean Haglund, Mitch Pileggi
Guest stars:
Additional info about this episode:
“the second hour opens with a time jump to put distance between Mulder and Scully and the events of the premiere” (X)
Glen Morgan tells Den of Geek that one of his episodes is a throwback.“I looked at it like The X-Files does North by Northwest” referencing Alfred Hitchcock’s 1959 thriller in which a milquetoast Cary Grant is mistaken for a government agent by foreign spies, and is pursued across the country. “It’s not a monster-of-the-week, it’s more like a Mulder and Scully on the run type thing.” (X)
   Episode 11x03 Title: “Plus One” Airdate:  January 17, 2018 Written by: Chris Carter Directed by: Kevin Hooks Synopsys: A spate of deaths, in which the victims were plagued by their own doppelgangers, lead Mulder and Scully to a pair of twins playing a dangerous game. (X) Promo pictures: SpoilerTV Promos:  FOX - Link #2 - Australian Promo - Promo #2 - Hungarian Promo - Promo #3 Sneak Peeks: 1 Cast Info:
Recurring cast:
Guest stars:  Karin Konoval
Additional info about this episode:
“episode three is a darkly comedic hour, penned by Carter, focusing on doubles and doppelgängers“ (X)
Karin Konoval will play four different roles (2 of which are males) (X)
   Episode 11x04 Title: “The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat” (X) Airdate: January 24, 2018 Written & Directed by: Darin Morgan Synopsys:  The episode explores “the idea of The Mandela Effect, in which large groups of people remember an alternate history, Mulder and Scully find out how the X-Files themselves may really have originated.” (X) Promo pictures:  xfilesnews Promo: FOX - Russian Sneak Peeks: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 Cast Info:
Recurring cast:
Guest stars:  Brian Huskey
Additional info about this episode:
Episode 11x05 Title: “Ghouli”  (X) Airdate:  January 31, 2018 Written & Directed by: James Wong Synopsys: When a pair of teenage girls attack one another, each believing the other to be a monster, Mulder and Scully find that their investigation could possibly lead back to their long-lost son, William.  (X) Promo: FOX Promo - Hungarian - Russian - Australian - Australian HQ - Canadian Promo pictures: xfilesnews -  Sneak Peeks: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - The Mystery Surrounding William Cast Info:
Recurring cast: William B. Davis, Mitch Pileggi
Guest stars: Miles Robbins (Jackson Van De Kamp), Robyn Bradley (Mrs. Van de Kamp), Troy Anthony Young (Mr. Van De Kamp), Chanelle Peloso (Emily Van De Kamp), Madeleine Arthur (Sarah Turner), Louis Ferreira (Detective Costa), Sarah Jeffery (Brianna Stapleton), Mackenzie Murdock (Gas Station Attendant), Sunita Prasad (Dr. Aliyeh Scholz), Zak Santiago (Mr. Green),  Austin Dunn [he is listed as Miles Robbins’s double in episodes #5-8-10]
Additional info about this episode:
“Speaking to IGN at NYCC, Anderson said William will have an "elusive" relationship with his parents, showing up by the fifth episode.” (X)
“Anderson told me the actor “looks like a normal kid” and Duchovny offered this cryptic tease when I asked him which of his parents William most resembles: “He resembles two people that aren’t Mulder and Scully. And when you read this back [after watching the episodes] you’ll figure this out.” (X)
“Anderson tells TV Guide that the search for William will bring Mulder and Scully "closer together," although she acknowledges that Scully is much more passionate about finding him. But while Mulder isn't as invested in finding his son, he remains devoted to being a much-needed support system for Scully throughout this trying mission.” (X)
Episode 11x06 Title: Kitten Airdate: February 7, 2018 Written by: Gabe Rotter Directed by: Carol Banker Synopsys:  Skinner goes AWOL when his past comes back to haunt him. As Mulder and Scully try to track him down, their growing mistrust of him reaches its apex (X) Promo pictures: SpoilerTV - xfilesnews Promo: FOX - Russian Sneak Peeks: Cast Info:
Recurring cast: Mitch Pilleggi, James Pickens Jr. (as Alvin Kersh)
Guest stars:  Haley Joel Osment
Additional info about this episode:
“You’re going to find out a lot more about his past,” Mitch Pilleggi told Ausiello just before taking the stage. “Fans will find out who he is, where he comes from and why he is the way he is.” Pileggi promises that the installment — Season 11’s sixth (out of 10) — will reveal his cranky FBI boss to be much more than just a guy “who sits in the office bitching at Scully and Mulder,” adding, “Ultimately, he is their champion.” (X)
“there is some speculation that Osment might be joining the X-Files cast as the younger version of Skinner himself. Especially considering what series’ creator Chris Carter had to say after The X-Files Season 11 trailer was released at New York Comic-Con on October 8.At the NYCC panel, Carter revealed the backstory episode will feature Skinner as a young man, and now TVLine ventures a guess the role could go to Osment. At the same time, Empire Online has his character pegged as a possible relative of Skinner’s.” (X)
“I’m so excited because in previous episodes in the original run of the show, you had one episode where Mulder was trying to resign, you had Skinner talking about his experience with the paranormal in Vietnam," Pileggi explained. "They go there. So it’s really cool. I’m very excited about it, I just read the script and it’s really cool.” (X)
“We learn more about Skinner and more about his connections to Mulder and Scully and how he’s been a loyal advocate of theirs at his own expense.” (X)
    Episode 11x07 Title: Rm9sbG93ZXJz Airdate:  February 28, 2018 Written by: Kristen Cloke, Shannon Hamblin Directed by: Glen Morgan Synopsys:  In a world of ever-increasing automation and artificial intelligence, Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) find themselves targets in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Promos: FOX - Promo #2 - Hungarian - Russian Promo pictures: XFiles news - SpoilerTV Sneak Peeks: #1 - #2 Additional info about this episode:
Episode 7 sounds like a winner, and we mean “sounds” figuratively because it seems like there won’t be much sound to hear in it at all.“It probably has 15, 20 lines of dialogue in the whole episode,” Duchovny said. “It was really a ballsy move on everybody’s part. I think putting up an hour of television on a network that has maybe 20 lines in it and still be riveting, I’m sure not all of us believed it. It’s one of our more special episodes that we’ve done in a long time.”Anderson said [...] “It’s really interesting as an actor to work on something that has no dialogue, because you don’t want to end up miming what you would say were you to have dialogue,” (X)
   Episode 11x08 Title: Familiar (X) Airdate: March 7, 2018 Written by: Benjamin Van Allen Directed by: Holly Dale (X) Synopsys: Mulder and Scully investigate the brutal animal attack of a little boy in Connecticut while suspecting darker forces are at play. Promo: FOX Promo pictures: XFiles News, SpoilerTV Sneak Peeks: #1 - #2 - #3 Cast Info:
Guest stars: Alex Carter (Chief Strong), Jason Gray-Stanford (Officer Eggers), Erin Chambers (Anna Strong), Sharon Taylor (Diana Eggers), Roger Cross (Officer Wentworth), Sebastian Billingsley-Rodriguez (Andrew Eggers), Michael Q. Adams (Pastor), Emma Oliver (Emily Strong)
Additional info about this episode:
   Episode 11x09 Title:  Nothing Lasts Forever Airdate: March 14, 2018 Written by: Karen Nielsen  Directed by: James Wong Synopsys: While investigating human organ theft, Mulder and Scully uncover a mysterious cult consumed with macabre rituals. Promo pictures: SpoilerTV Promo: FOX - Hungarian Sneak Peeks: #1 - #2 Cast Info:
Guest stars: Carlena Britch (Juliet 'La Avispa' Bocanegra), Guy Fauchon (Dr. Dave), Aidan Kahn (Agent Colquitt), Albert Nicholas (Agent Bludworth), Austin Dunn  [he is listed as Miles Robbins’s double in episodes #5-9-10]
Additional info about this episode:Glen Morgan and James Wong, who penned the classic hour “Home,” are writing the eighth installment, which is “similarly messed up” in tone. (X)
    Episode 11x10 Title: My Struggle IV Airdate:  March 21, 2018 Written & Directed by: Chris Carter Synopsys:  Mulder and Scully rush to find an on-the-run William (guest star Miles Robbins) while the Cigarette Smoking Man (guest star William B. Davis) pushes forward with his ultimate plan. Unconfirmed spoilers from Reddit (⚠️ Very detailed!): Here Promo pictures: XFilesNews Promo: End-Season Trailer - FOX promo - Russian - Hungarian (LQ) - Revised Trailer Sneak Peeks: #1 - #2 - #3 Cast Info:
Recurring cast: Mitch Pilleggi, Annabeth Gish, William B. Davis,  Miles Robbins, Barbara Hershey (as Erika Price),  Joel McHale (X)
Guest stars: Sarah Jeffery (Brianna Stapleton) and Madeleine Arthur (Sarah Turner) [they are both listed to appear in episode 5, too], Bentley Hixson (William 5 years old) Austin Dunn (William 15 years old)  [he is also listed as Miles Robbins’s double in episodes #5-8-10]
Additional info about this episode:
“Episode 10 is William’s struggle.” (X)
The episode will most probably end on a cliffhanger (X)
The episode ends on a cliffhanger. [...] expect deaths.Emphasis on plural. (X)
He also reveals that the final minutes of the episode will leave viewers stunned, teasing, “I'm calling this one of the biggest cliffhangers we've ever had.” (X)
A Family Affair…Also in the episode, David Duchovny’s daughter West makes her acting debut. Carter says, “It was the first time I ever worked with her because it was the first time she'd ever worked; this was her screen debut. She came in, she was poised, she was prepared. She also made it her own; she came in with, you know, some attitude and that attitude was also a part of the character. She had worked on it hard.” Keep your eyes peeled for the young actress as "Maddy." (X)
    That’s all I guess. If you find that something is missing, please PM me. Thank you!
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Moving On ~ Chpt 5
Things were going well, surprisingly well. Bex had yet to meet the sister but she had met quite a few new faces that added to their tree. She had made herself an asset and the Capello’s couldn’t risk letting her loose. With the help of Nolan Cooper, Owen Collins and William Phillips; pack mules working for the Capello’s turned criminal informants for Bex and Declan, Bex was able to bring in two more agents with her for the pack mule job. Agents Miles Stewart and Gabriel Parker helped Bex fill in the rest of the photos for the Capello soldier role.
There was Piero Damiani, Samuele Capello and Jasper King. With each of these men revealed more pieces to the puzzle were uncovered. They uncovered that a few of the Damiani’s were involved. The Damiani’s were Luka’s mother’s family. Piero was the younger brother to Michele, who was placed as a Capo for the Capello family. Samuele was a nephew to Giovanni and the younger brother to Nicolas, who is another capo and the eldest son to Alessandro, the younger brother to Giovanni and the consigliere to the family. A capo is like a captain leading soldiers. A consigliere is the counselor or advisor to the boss.
Not everything can be smooth sailing however. Bex was touching up her make up when Lua stormed into the bathroom. She was staying at his apartment for the weekend since the Capello’s were throwing a benefit dinner for Senator Julian Roberts. The sound of the door slamming against the wall startled her, causing her to poke herself in the eye with her mascara wand.
“Do you think I’m an idiot?!” Luka yelled as Bex blinked constantly until the burning sensation stopped.
“No, I think I’m the idiot for stabbing myself in the eye with my mascara!” She replied.
“Now is not the time for your wit, Rebecca.” He hissed as he pulled her to face him. “Declan told me he knew you when he worked for the feds. Are you using me? Did you think you would get away with it?”
Bex froze, her eye was still burning like mad but she needed to focus in order to get out of this. “Babe -”
“Don’t babe me. Tell me the truth, Rebecca.”
“Fine, Luka, you want to know the truth? You got played but not by me. Declan’s just jealous of us and wanted us to split. I am no way working with the feds. I avoid them. They take all you worked for away from you. Why would I want to work for them?”
“You swear on your life that you are not working for them?”
Bex nodded. “I swear on my life that I’m not working for the feds.”
Luka breathed a sigh of relief. He had been more heartbroken than anything when Declan had told him that. Bex had made working for the family fun and he didn’t mind it so much anymore. If their relationship had been a whole lie he would have gone mad. He wiped a mascara tainted tear away and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry that I didn’t trust you and that I made you poke your eye with your mascara. How about I make it up to you by treating you to a good time tonight?”
Bex smiled, glad that this seemed to have blown over. She vowed to herself though that she would have a few choice words with Declan tonight. “Sounds like a plan to me. Just need to get my shoes on and I’m ready to go.”
They arrived shortly to the Library of Congress. The main lobby before reaching the many rows of books was being used as the ballroom of sorts where all of the guests could mix and mingle. Bex always loved coming to the library. She could get lost in it for hours taking in the architecture or reading one of the many books they had and have done so on multiple occasions.
When the two arrived, Declan met Bex’s gaze with a shocked one. He had hoped that his plan would have worked. He knew that Bex was close, knew how good Bex was and he couldn’t have her ruin what he had going for him. He knew that as soon as the Capello’s came down, he would be out of a job and out of a life of freedom.
Luka kissed Bex’s cheek, smiling apologetically as he is beckoned away to do some work related things. Bex replies with a reassuring smile before giving him a sweet kiss. As Luka left, a waiter with a tray of champagne walked by and Bex plucked a flute off before making her way to where Declan was standing. She stood next to him, looking out at the party goers and sipping on her drink. “Well, you certainly get an A plus for effort.” Bex finally said.
Declan chuckled uncomfortably, maybe he could talk her out of this, maybe he could even talk her into joining the Capello’s like he did. “You’re getting awfully close, Bex but it seems like you’re really enjoying Luka’s company. Are you sure you really want to take down the Capello’s?”
Bex snorted. “Yeah, I should get an Oscar after this case. Luka’s alright, not my cup of tea though. So why exactly did you try to get me killed? Don’t you want this case to be over? You can finally go home and not have to watch your back.”
He popped one of the horderves in his mouth, thoroughly chewing it before answering. “You don’t get it Bex. I don’t want this to end. I won’t be able to have my life back if it does.”
Then it clicked and Bex nearly dropped her drink. She turned to finally face Declan with wide eyes and she swore her jaw was on the floor. The look on his face confirmed what she had pieced together. He was no longer working for the FBI, he was working for the Capello’s. She slowly began to back away. “I’m not going to stop, not until you and this whole operation is stopped.”
Bex had to leave. She couldn’t breathe. It felt like she had been hit in the stomach. All that she believed about her fellow agents had been ripped out from under her. She needed to leave. She needed to figure this out, wrap her head around it. She needed Mike.
“Whoa, you don’t look so good.” A voice said before an arm was wrapped around her shoulders.
Bex looked over and there was the person she was hoping to meet tonight. “Yeah, it must have been something I ate. You’re Izzy, right? Your brother talks a lot about you.” She smiled.
The other woman returned the smile. “Yeah, that would be me. Luka speaks a lot about you as well, Bex. How about we sneak away and take a seat until whatever has you down passes?”
Bex nodded. “That sounds lovely.”
The two walk further into the library and stop to sit when the music can no longer be heard. “I’ll have to make sure to tell Luka to yell at the cook for making you not feel well.”
Bex laughed. “He would do it too but that’s not necessary. Thank you though.”
“You know, I didn’t really want to even come to this thing? Everyone in that room either knows what my family does or is completely clueless that the senator is on our payroll.”
“Senator Roberts is on your payroll?” Bex asked, oh this night was just getting better.
“Yeah, you didn’t know? He’s the one leading the whole keep our second amendment rights battle so it’ll be easier for dad to transport his weapons and ammo.” Izzy rolled her eyes, clearly not agreeing with her father’s practices.
“Huh, I honestly had no clue. I’m just the money girl.” Bex laughed.
“Oh, trust me, to Luka you are much more than the money girl.”
The two shared a smile before Izzy stood. “I guess I better get back out there before father sends the search party. Take all the time you need. I’ll let Luka know you aren’t feeling well.”
“Thanks, Izzy but I think I’m just gonna sneak out the side and head home. I’m not going to be much company right now anyways.”
Izzy nodded. “I wish I could do the same thing. You feel better then. It was good to finally meet you Bex.”
“You as well, Izzy and thanks.” The two women gave each other a hug before going their separate ways.
Bex pulled out her phone and gave Mike a call as she made her way out of the library. When he didn’t answer the first time, she began to worry and called him once again, thankfully he answered the second time.
“Hey, sorry I didn’t answer at first. Was finishing up some stuff at the bank and didn’t want to lose count.” He apologized.
“I’m just glad you’re okay. Are you still there?” Bex asked as she stood on the street trying to flag down a taxi.
“Yeah, what’s wrong? Aren’t you supposed to be at the gala thing tonight?”
“Yeah but I’ve got some info that just can’t wait. Meet you at the bank or should I go somewhere else?”
“No, the bank’s good. I’ll see you in a few then?”
Bex finally got one to stop as she answered. “Yeah, just got a cab. See you soon.” As she got into the back of the car, they hung up. Bex told the address to the driver and the rest of the ride was quiet as she contemplated what she had to do next. This case just got so much bigger than what she was anticipating.
Mike met her outside, offering her his coat when he noticed her shiver a bit at the cool breeze. She took it gratefully and followed him inside. “You look beautiful, by the way. I’m sure he forgot to tell you that.”
“Mike Warren, are you jealous?” She teased.
“What? No.” He emphasized with a shake of his head causing Bex to giggle.
She wrapped her arms around his and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Thanks, Mike.”
He smiled and patted her hands with his. “Now what is this urgent information or did you just say that cause you missed me?” He teased her once they settled into his makeshift office.
Bex giggled. “You got me. It’s really only because I missed you.”
“Really?” Mike asked, shocked that his teasing was actually right.
Bex smiled. “No, that’s not it really but I have missed you. We’ll have to have a jelly crescent eating party when this is all over.” She laughed causing Mike to join in with her.
“Well, that certainly sounds like a plan to me. So what did you find out tonight?”
Bex took a deep breath to prepare herself for what she was about to say next. “Declan has been burned. He is now on the payroll and who knows how long that’s been going on. Oh, and Senator Roberts is also linked with the Capello’s. He’s leading their little make sure gun laws are still wide open as possible so it doesn’t hurt their business.”
Mike couldn’t respond right away. He was processing through what Bex had just told him. He was afraid something like this could be happening. This was why he was nervous to take this case so close after all that happened at Graceland. He too took a deep breath before speaking, after all he had Bex and this wasn’t Graceland and everything was going to work out, right? “Well, then it looks like we need to factor these two in our takedown plan.”
Bex nodded. “Looks like it, indeed.”
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xmasqoo-haineke · 3 years
Tom Anderson MySpace creator
Tom AndersonFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other people named Tom Anderson, see
Tom Anderson (disambiguation)
.Tom Anderson
Anderson in 2008
BornThomas Anderson
November 8, 1970 (age 50)
San Diego
, U.S.
Alma mater
University of California, Berkeley
(B.A., English, 1997)
University of California, Los Angeles
(M.A., Film, 2000)
Internet entrepreneur
Known forCo-founder of
Thomas Anderson (born November 8, 1970)[3] is an American co-founder of the social networking website Myspace, which he founded in 2003 with Chris DeWolfe.[4] He was later president of Myspace and a strategic adviser for the company until he left in 2009.[2][5] Anderson is popularly known as "Tom from Myspace" and "Myspace Tom", because, until 2010, he would automatically be assigned as the first "friend" of new Myspace users upon the creation of their profiles.
1Early life
3Media appearances
4Personal life
6External links
Early life[edit]
Anderson's father was an entrepreneur.[6] As a teenager at San Pasqual High in Escondido, California, Anderson was a computer hacker under the pseudonym "Lord Flathead" (friends with Bill Landreth), and prompted a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raid after he cracked the security of Chase Manhattan Bank. He was not arrested because of his young age (14).[7][8]
Anderson studied English and rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley, prior to becoming the lead singer of a band called "Swank".[6] Anderson then lived in Taiwan for some time, before returning to the United States to study for a degree in critical film studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.[4][9]
Anderson was a product tester and copywriter at XDrive, a digital storage company in 2000, where he first met DeWolfe.[9] He initially joined XDrive as a product tester after answering a flyer advertisement, while still at film school and looking to earn extra money.[10] After XDrive went bankrupt in 2001, he and DeWolfe founded the direct marketing company ResponseBase.[4][9] They sold ResponseBase to Brad Greenspan's eUniverse in late 2002.[6]
With other eUniverse employees, Anderson set up the first pages of Myspace in August 2003. He founded the site partly as a reaction to Friendster and its policy of blocking accounts that did not use real names.[11] Intermix Media was then founded as the successor of eUniverse, and it was under Intermix that Myspace garnered the level of popularity for which it is notable. When Intermix Media and Myspace were sold to News Corp, Anderson became president of the company.[4]
Myspace was sold to News Corp in 2005 for $580 million.[12] Following the News Corp acquisition, Anderson said: "Before [the acquisition], I could do whatever I wanted. Now it takes more time to get people to agree on things. All the budget reviews and processes. That can be a pain. But it's not stopping us."[6] Reuters quoted an unnamed News Corp executive as saying: "Tom [Anderson] was responsible for the product, but ended up being a complete bottleneck on getting things done."[13] Anderson was replaced as president in April 2009 by News Corp;[14] by 2010, he was no longer the default friend on Myspace, and was replaced by a profile called "Today On MySpace," or "T.O.M."[15]
In late May 2012, Anderson announced that he would be joining RocketFrog Interactive as an adviser to the 16-person Los Angeles–based company, which created a Facebook app.[12] However, in a September 2014 interview, Anderson did not mention any advisory roles in his life at the time, while his Twitter blurb in November 2018 read: "Enjoying being retired” and similarly in January 2021, “Enjoying the good life / New Hobby: Photography.”[16] He explained in the interview that he is not interested in returning to his previous vocation, but concluded: "I'll never say 'never' because, more than anything, I like the idea that anything can happen. I don't know exactly where my life will lead. Adventure and the unknown has always been appealing to me."[17]
Media appearances[edit]
Anderson made a cameo appearance in the 2009 American comedy-drama film Funny People starring Adam Sandler.[18]
Personal life[edit]
Anderson is active on other social media platforms, including Facebook and Reddit. Following an experience with photography at the 2011 Burning Man festival, Anderson's interest in his own photography was piqued. In a September 2014 ABC Newsinterview, Anderson credited friend and photographer Trey Ratcliff for facilitating his skill development and explained: "I'm not necessarily trying to represent nature exactly. I'm trying to make something beautiful like a painter would." Anderson travels globally with friends to locations such as Thailand and Myanmar, where he primarily focuses upon landscape images.[17]
Anderson also explained in September 2014 that his personal interests have always been diverse:
If you knew me before Myspace, you'd probably thought I'd have been a scholar teaching philosophy in a university my whole life. If you met me before college, you'd probably have thought I'd be a musician for my entire life ... I like change.[17]
^ Jump up to: a b "Entry: Tom Anderson", NNDB
^ Jump up to: a b Angwin, Julia (March 29, 2009). "Putting Your Best Faces Forward". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved February 14, 2010.
^ Bennett, Jessica (October 27, 2007). "Is Age Just a Number?". The Daily Beast. Newsweek. Archived from the original on October 29, 2007. Retrieved December 21, 2011.
^ Jump up to: a b c d Gibson, Owen (June 23, 2008). "200 million friends and counting". The Guardian. London. Retrieved February 24, 2010.
^ Rosenbush, Steve (July 29, 2005). "MySpace: WhoseSpace?". BusinessWeek. Retrieved February 14,2010.
^ Jump up to: a b c d Sellers, Patricia (August 29, 2006). "MySpace cowboys". Fortune. Retrieved December 21, 2011.
^ Arrington, Michael (August 30, 2008). "MySpace Cofounder Tom Anderson Was A Real Life "WarGames" Hacker in 1980s". TechCrunch. Retrieved December 21,2011.
^ Gorman, Tom (December 11, 1986). "A Hacker Vanishes : Computer Whiz, Missing Since September, a Source of Mystery". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved December 21, 2011.
^ Jump up to: a b c Penenberg, Adam (2010). Viral Loop: The Power of Pass-It-On. Hachette UK. pp. 108–110. ISBN 1-84894-524-8.
^ Krantz, Matt (February 12, 2006). "The guys behind MySpace.com". USA Today. Retrieved December 21,2011.
^ Agger, Michael (April 16, 2009). "Dude, Murdoch Friended Us!". New York Times. Retrieved December 21,2011.
^ Jump up to: a b Chapman, Lizette (May 23, 2012). "MySpace Co-Founder Tom Anderson Leaps To RocketFrog As Adviser". Venture Capital Dispatch Blog. wsj.com. Retrieved July 22, 2012.
^ Adegoke, Yinka (April 7, 2011). "Special report: How News Corp got lost in Myspace". Reuters. Retrieved June 9, 2018.
^ Angwin, Julia; Emily Steel (April 23, 2009). "Founders Step Aside at MySpace". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved December 22, 2011.
^ Nakashima, Ryan (March 10, 2010). "MySpace outlines makeover after exec shake up". Associated Press. Retrieved January 3, 2012.
^ "Tom Anderson". Tom Anderson on Twitter. Twitter. October 21, 2014. Retrieved October 21, 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b c Jared T. Miller (September 9, 2014). "Myspace Co-Founder Tom Anderson's New Life as a Landscape Photographer". Retrieved October 21, 2014.
^ Errett, Joshua (August 19, 2009). "MySpace walks into a bar..." Now Toronto. Retrieved December 22, 2011.
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to
Tom Anderson
Tom Anderson's Guest DJ Project on KCRW
Interview with Tom Anderson – Founder of Myspace on The Hour
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mrcoreymonroe · 5 years
Flying Through The Picture-Perfect Southwest
Lift off from Runway 25 at Four Corners Regional Airport in Farmington, New Mexico, turn slightly west to point the spinner at Shiprock, and you’re on track for some of the most remarkable views in America.
If you’re a fan of old John Wayne westerns, you will already have seen the dramatic rock formations of Monument Valley on the big screen many times. Take away the screen altogether and translate those geologic images to reality, however, and you’ll gain a whole new perspective on what many pilots regard as the most spectacular terrain in the Mountain West.
Subscribe today to Plane & Pilot magazine for industry news, reviews and more! 
Columbia Aircraft had hired me to fly one of the longest and most challenging air-to-air photo formation missions I could ever imagine. Back in 2005, Columbia hoped to compile a library of dramatic inflight images of its then-new Columbia 300, and my job was to put the Columbia 300 wherever the photographer needed it to be to secure the best shots of the airplane with the Southwest U.S. in the background. Our trip turned out to be a 1,800 nm, 20-flight-hour marathon.
The Cessna was flown by the pre-eminent lead pilot above the planet, the now-late John Kounis. At the time, John was editor of Pilot Getaways Magazine, and we’d worked together on a dozen or so photo missions.
The photographer was John’s brother, George, one of the acknowledged experts on air-to-air photography. George was shooting with the door removed, because, as he put it, “There wasn’t much sense in using a pair of $3,000 cameras and lenses to shoot through a $50 piece of Plexiglas.”
Columbia Aircraft was not pinching pennies on this mission. It’d hired a beautiful Hollywood model to ride right seat and smile for the camera while I tried to hide behind the windshield frame.
Unfortunately, no one bothered to ask her if she knew anything about general aviation airplanes. Even worse, her introduction to the western sky would be flying on the wing of another airplane on a circuitous, three-day mission over much of California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.
Sure enough, she was understandably apprehensive about flying in “one of those little airplanes” above some of the roughest mountain terrain in North America. We flew at 110 knots, often 500 feet off the ground, but looking for smooth air wherever we could find it. Apparently, our model needed the work, so she shrugged, smiled bravely and did her job. This was obviously not her first rodeo.
As we droned around the Southwest trying to find the perfect sun line, smooth skies and photogenic terrain below, she gradually relaxed and began to enjoy the experience. She commented that she’d done many yacht and sailboat advertising shoots when she was living in South Florida, and this job at least allowed her to wear something more comfortable than a bikini.
We’d departed Long Beach, California, two days before, flown out to Catalina, circled the “Island of Romance” and made several approaches to the famous “Airport In The Sky,” then routed back across the Los Angeles Basin to the dramatic Owens Valley.
Our two-plane flight followed the Owens north past the tall, knife-edge terrain of the Sierra Nevada, climbing all the while to reach the snow level. I trailed John’s Cessna below the summit of Mt. Whitney and on to Mono Lake and Tahoe.
During the flight north, the roomy Columbia 300 trucked along as if unconcerned with the semi-vertical rock faces below. Never mind what my model passenger thought about the sharp peaks and broken, jagged rock fields, the airplane was easy to hold in formation, despite the fact that it used a left-side stick for roll and pitch control.
Side sticks seem to be favored more and more these days. The Columbia’s is light and responsive, though it ignores the fact that 90 percent of the pilot population is right-handed.
That means it’s almost impossible to trade off control from left hand to right hand. That’s one reason the military continues to equip its aircraft with either a center stick, yoke or a right-side stick. It would be interesting to hear a fighter pilot’s take on a left side stick. Of course, you could always solve the problem by moving to the right seat, though the instrument presentation would remain left-based.
Despite that one little glitch, the Columbia is/was still a nice-flying airplane.
Throughout it all, the big Continental IO-550 out front seemed totally oblivious to the dynamic earth below and ran like an aviation version of a Turbo Porsche with a continuous variable transmission. The engine on this demonstrator showed 30 hours on the meter, so it was well past the infant mortality stage, one less thing to worry about.
As many readers may know, the Columbia was a slick, composite design, conceived by aeronautical designer Lance Neibauer initially as a homebuilt, called the Lancair ES, and later redesigned and certified as a production aircraft. The Columbia 300, later to be renamed the Corvalis and then TTx under the Cessna banner, was strikingly similar to the Cirrus SR22 in design and performance. In fact, it was so similar in appearance, it was often mistaken for a Cirrus on our fuel stops. The airplane was fast and comfortable, and I was happy to have the three-day opportunity to fly the new model over much of the Southwest.
We circumnavigated the bottomless blue of Lake Tahoe and continued west toward the San Francisco Bay area. Our backdrop of choice was the Golden Gate Bridge, one of the Bay’s most iconic, scenic landmarks from above or from sea level.
Circling the Golden Gate, I was reminded of another photo shoot I flew in early October 2001. I’d flown a new Piper Saratoga HP on a much shorter air-to-air mission above the Golden Gate, this time for Plane & Pilot. The bridge director spotted us overhead, called the FAA and complained that two “suspicious” airplanes were circling his bridge.
The director’s paranoia was understandable considering what had just happened three weeks before in New York City, but his concern was misplaced. Our lead pilot on that shoot was talking to Bay Approach throughout our photo flight, though Bay had advised him the airspace above the bridge was not restricted at our altitude.
We made several circles near the bridge, arced out to Alcatraz and shot the spectacular San Francisco skyline in the background, then turned back out over the Pacific and headed to our perch at the Piper dealership in Palo Alto.
In a classic demonstration of government left hand/right hand confusion, the FAA called the Air Force, and they scrambled two F-16s to intercept us. Apparently, they arrived about 15 minutes later, after we were long gone. No one bothered to call Bay Approach and ask if they knew anything about two airplanes circling the bridge.
My photographer, Jim Lawrence, and I landed back at Palo Alto, transferred to my Mooney, and flew home to Long Beach. The following morning, I received a call from the FBI, which’d already sorted out the details and determined that we hadn’t done anything wrong.
Taking pity on me for what I might be thinking, the congenial agent opened the conversation with, “Mr. Cox, this is agent James Henderson with the FBI (gulp!), and no, you’re not in trouble.”
A predictably well-dressed woman agent came by the house two days later, and took my statement, reiterating that we’d done nothing wrong but that the Bureau had to investigate so they could close the file. As she was leaving, she asked if I’d seen the video. Apparently, a San Francisco TV station had been shooting a story at Fisherman’s Wharf, near the base of the bridge, and had captured us circling overhead. I never saw the video, but I still wonder if somewhere back in Washington, D.C., there’s a file stored with my name on it.
Fast forward to 2005. We flew down the Pacific coast to Monterey and Big Sur and, finally, hopped back across the Sierra Nevada to Las Vegas for the first night.
The next morning, we were up well before the sun broke the horizon for a short run down the Las Vegas Strip to get photos of glitzy Vegas with the sun in the background and the Columbia out front. Photo ship pilot John Kounis had been up late coordinating our plan to depart very early and fly a semi-night formation down the Strip, then make a right turn across Sunrise Mountain and depart the area over Lake Mead.
We drifted east along the north side of the Grand Canyon, crossed over to the south side, then made a colorful levitation above Arizona’s Painted Desert. Again, John Kounis kept us out of trouble with the feds. We continued into Santa Fe for fuel and a late lunch, then departed northwest to Taos and finally Farmington, New Mexico, for the second round.
On the final day of the Columbia shoot, we leaped out of Farmington and headed back to Long Beach by a zigzag route across Monument Valley and over the domed edifice of Navajo Mountain and the other-worldly movie location Lake Powell, made famous in the Charlton Heston sci-fi hit “Planet of the Apes.”
From there, it was back across the Grand Canyon, south to Arizona’s Meteor Crater and Sedona, home of the most dramatic late-afternoon red cliffs you’ve ever seen.
My passenger had a few minor bouts of queasy stomach on the first day, but after that, she settled down and began to actually enjoy what we were doing. Like most people, she’d only witnessed the Earth from 35,000 feet or higher; she’d never had the opportunity to see the views we take for granted in the bottom 10,000 feet of sky. From that low station or less, she was entranced by the mystical Lake Powell and the overwhelming spectacle of the Grand Canyon.
Photographer George Kounis got something like 4,000 photos of the Columbia 300 traversing some of the most spectacular mountain and desert terrain in the West. He showed our model some of the photo outtakes over Catalina, Lake Tahoe and Sedona’s Oak Creek Canyon, and she was dutifully impressed.
We were, too, but most importantly, so was Columbia. For me, it was some of the most challenging formation flying I’d done, operating a relatively new breed of aircraft in an unusual mode of flight.
Little did I know that a few months later, the successful photo mission would lead to a chance to ferry another new Columbia from Bend, Oregon, to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
But that’s another story.
Check out more Cross-Country Log flying stories from ferry pilot and Senior Editor Bill Cox.
  The post Flying Through The Picture-Perfect Southwest appeared first on Plane & Pilot Magazine.
from Plane & Pilot Magazine http://bit.ly/2RuEJkW
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marymosley · 6 years
Trump’s Inclinations and Actions Remain Thankfully Divergent
Below is my column in The Hill newspaper on the reported interest of President Donald Trump in ordering the investigation and prosecution of Hillary Clinton and James Comey.
Here is the column:
The reported demand of President Trump to have the Department of Justice prosecute his 2016 political opponent, Hillary Clinton, and former FBI director, James Comey, is deeply alarming. Such an order would violate long-standing rules separating presidents from such prosecution decisions, particularly when directed against political opponents.
One of the most alarming aspects of the story is its timing. If true, Trump has still not learned basic lessons about the limits of his office, despite two years of self-inflicted injuries caused by his own ill-conceived actions and comments. He is not unique, however, as a president who seems to fit uncomfortably within his office.
Trump reportedly told former White House counsel Donald F. McGahn II that he wanted to order the prosecution of Clinton and Comey. McGahn, as he had in the past, pushed back on Trump and explained that such an order would be a fundamental violation of our legal system and would raise a viable basis for impeachment. In doing so, McGahn again fulfilled the most essential function of his office in reminding a president of the navigational beacons of his office. This suggestion was not just outside of those beacons but off the known navigational chart.
What is most distressing is that the president is still even contemplating such actions after he incurred huge costs with missteps at the start of his administration. Like the recent disclosure that Ivanka Trump used her personal email system for official communications, after her father’s vehement campaign against Clinton for such violations, there appears to be a dangerously long learning curve in the White House about basic rules of conduct.
Nevertheless, it is notable that Trump did not in fact give the order. There remains a sharp disconnect between Trump’s rhetoric and his actions. When viewed from his actual decisions, Trump is not dissimilar from prior presidents. While perhaps due to the principled stance of people like McGahn, Trump has adhered to contrary court rulings and has not materially departed from the baseline of prior presidents.
Indeed, other presidents have proven far greater menaces to the Constitution but are, today, curiously celebrated as great leaders with little reference to their constitutional violations.
Consider Abraham Lincoln, who committed an act that is the very definition of tyranny under our Constitution: He unilaterally suspended habeas corpus in the United States.
Referred to as “the Great Writ,” habeas corpus affords citizens the right to challenge their arrests and jailing. It is the right that not only protects due process but checks authoritarian power. The suspension of that right is left to Congress under Article I, Section 9, which mandates that it should not be done “unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”
Lincoln acted during the Civil War, of course, but he acted alone without Congress’s approval. Moreover, many political opponents of Lincoln, including “Copperheads” (Democrats in the North who opposed the war), were arrested. While Congress later tried to rectify the problem retroactively, Lincoln clearly violated the Constitution.
Similarly, Franklin Delano Roosevelt refused to accept basic limits on this authority. One of the most alarming cases involved the capture of two teams of German saboteurs in 1941 who were supposed to wreak havoc in a secret operation called “Pastorius.”
From the outset, two of the saboteurs (including their leader) intended to reveal the operation upon landing, and did so to the FBI. (Then-Director J. Edgar Hoover would later lie to the public and Congress, claiming that his agents discovered the plan). Roosevelt insisted that all eight men be shot and that Hoover be given a medal. His aides noted that the men deserved a legal process, which Roosevelt refused to acknowledge. When the case went to the Supreme Court, Justice Owen J. Roberts was used to convey to the whole court in its internal conference that FDR intended to have all eight men shot if the court did not acknowledge his authority.
In other words, if the court found that the men had rights, FDR would shoot them in defiance. In one of the most unethical and shameful moments of the court, the justice relented and circumvented a confrontation.
Strangely, former White House counsel John Dean said this week that even Richard Nixon, who resigned just before impeachment, would never have contemplated such an order. Since Nixon carried out the infamous “Saturday Night Massacre” (in which he ordered the firing of a special prosecutor, which led to the removal of the two highest ranking Justice officials who refused to obey his order) — not to mention his misuse of the FBI and CIA for criminal purposes — the moral or ethical clarity suggested by Dean is rather difficult to discern.
Even a liberal icon like Barack Obama flouted the Constitution, ordering the nation to war in Libya without a congressional resolution, let alone a declaration, and repeatedly circumvented Congress in areas such as immigration — the very act that Obama’s defenders now denounce in the Trump administration.
Considering such blatant historic violations, in both peacetime and wartime, presidents are a virtual rogue’s gallery of unconstitutional actors. Ironically, while viewed as someone with authoritarian ideations, if not inclinations, Trump thus far is distinguishable in not actually giving orders to do things like firing special counsel Robert Mueller or demanding the prosecution of his former political opponent.
That does not mean this new account should not be treated as alarming. Trump continues to maintain that he can order the entire investigation closed and fire anyone with impunity. He is wrong, and such an assault on the process would raise serious questions for impeachment. Indeed, it is unnerving to hear any president voicing abusive thoughts. However, this is why the White House counsel position is so vital, and why confidentiality is so important. If we had a transcript of all the ideas raised by presidents in anger or frustration, it would likely chill the public to its core.
None of this excuses President Trump if he suggested such a course of action. His extreme view of presidential power seems indelible and inalterable, despite a series of losses in court and recurring chaos in the White House. We have reason to be concerned.
From a constitutional perspective, Trump remains what a beat cop might call a “suspicious character” who talks boldly of unlawful schemes but, thus far, has a relatively clean record. The greatest irony would be if Trump actually continues this course in complying — reluctantly — with the Constitution while stating a desire to violate it. Conversely, his more polished, circumspect predecessors often voiced fealty to constitutional limits while honoring them largely in the breach.
With McGahn and others gone from his inner circle, and things heating up in Washington, Trump could still yield to his worst inclinations and send his presidency and the country into a constitutional crisis. The fact that he has not done so remains strangely intriguing and even encouraging.
Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. You can follow him on Twitter @JonathanTurley.
Trump’s Inclinations and Actions Remain Thankfully Divergent published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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mrcoreymonroe · 5 years
Flying Through The Picture-Perfect Southwest
Lift off from Runway 25 at Four Corners Regional Airport in Farmington, New Mexico, turn slightly west to point the spinner at Shiprock, and you’re on track for some of the most remarkable views in America.
If you’re a fan of old John Wayne westerns, you will already have seen the dramatic rock formations of Monument Valley on the big screen many times. Take away the screen altogether and translate those geologic images to reality, however, and you’ll gain a whole new perspective on what many pilots regard as the most spectacular terrain in the Mountain West.
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Columbia Aircraft had hired me to fly one of the longest and most challenging air-to-air photo formation missions I could ever imagine. Back in 2005, Columbia hoped to compile a library of dramatic inflight images of its then-new Columbia 300, and my job was to put the Columbia 300 wherever the photographer needed it to be to secure the best shots of the airplane with the Southwest U.S. in the background. Our trip turned out to be a 1,800 nm, 20-flight-hour marathon.
The Cessna was flown by the pre-eminent lead pilot above the planet, the now-late John Kounis. At the time, John was editor of Pilot Getaways Magazine, and we’d worked together on a dozen or so photo missions.
The photographer was John’s brother, George, one of the acknowledged experts on air-to-air photography. George was shooting with the door removed, because, as he put it, “There wasn’t much sense in using a pair of $3,000 cameras and lenses to shoot through a $50 piece of Plexiglas.”
Columbia Aircraft was not pinching pennies on this mission. It’d hired a beautiful Hollywood model to ride right seat and smile for the camera while I tried to hide behind the windshield frame.
Unfortunately, no one bothered to ask her if she knew anything about general aviation airplanes. Even worse, her introduction to the western sky would be flying on the wing of another airplane on a circuitous, three-day mission over much of California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.
Sure enough, she was understandably apprehensive about flying in “one of those little airplanes” above some of the roughest mountain terrain in North America. We flew at 110 knots, often 500 feet off the ground, but looking for smooth air wherever we could find it. Apparently, our model needed the work, so she shrugged, smiled bravely and did her job. This was obviously not her first rodeo.
As we droned around the Southwest trying to find the perfect sun line, smooth skies and photogenic terrain below, she gradually relaxed and began to enjoy the experience. She commented that she’d done many yacht and sailboat advertising shoots when she was living in South Florida, and this job at least allowed her to wear something more comfortable than a bikini.
We’d departed Long Beach, California, two days before, flown out to Catalina, circled the “Island of Romance” and made several approaches to the famous “Airport In The Sky,” then routed back across the Los Angeles Basin to the dramatic Owens Valley.
Our two-plane flight followed the Owens north past the tall, knife-edge terrain of the Sierra Nevada, climbing all the while to reach the snow level. I trailed John’s Cessna below the summit of Mt. Whitney and on to Mono Lake and Tahoe.
During the flight north, the roomy Columbia 300 trucked along as if unconcerned with the semi-vertical rock faces below. Never mind what my model passenger thought about the sharp peaks and broken, jagged rock fields, the airplane was easy to hold in formation, despite the fact that it used a left-side stick for roll and pitch control.
Side sticks seem to be favored more and more these days. The Columbia’s is light and responsive, though it ignores the fact that 90 percent of the pilot population is right-handed.
That means it’s almost impossible to trade off control from left hand to right hand. That’s one reason the military continues to equip its aircraft with either a center stick, yoke or a right-side stick. It would be interesting to hear a fighter pilot’s take on a left side stick. Of course, you could always solve the problem by moving to the right seat, though the instrument presentation would remain left-based.
Despite that one little glitch, the Columbia is/was still a nice-flying airplane.
Throughout it all, the big Continental IO-550 out front seemed totally oblivious to the dynamic earth below and ran like an aviation version of a Turbo Porsche with a continuous variable transmission. The engine on this demonstrator showed 30 hours on the meter, so it was well past the infant mortality stage, one less thing to worry about.
As many readers may know, the Columbia was a slick, composite design, conceived by aeronautical designer Lance Neibauer initially as a homebuilt, called the Lancair ES, and later redesigned and certified as a production aircraft. The Columbia 300, later to be renamed the Corvalis and then TTx under the Cessna banner, was strikingly similar to the Cirrus SR22 in design and performance. In fact, it was so similar in appearance, it was often mistaken for a Cirrus on our fuel stops. The airplane was fast and comfortable, and I was happy to have the three-day opportunity to fly the new model over much of the Southwest.
We circumnavigated the bottomless blue of Lake Tahoe and continued west toward the San Francisco Bay area. Our backdrop of choice was the Golden Gate Bridge, one of the Bay’s most iconic, scenic landmarks from above or from sea level.
Circling the Golden Gate, I was reminded of another photo shoot I flew in early October 2001. I’d flown a new Piper Saratoga HP on a much shorter air-to-air mission above the Golden Gate, this time for Plane & Pilot. The bridge director spotted us overhead, called the FAA and complained that two “suspicious” airplanes were circling his bridge.
The director’s paranoia was understandable considering what had just happened three weeks before in New York City, but his concern was misplaced. Our lead pilot on that shoot was talking to Bay Approach throughout our photo flight, though Bay had advised him the airspace above the bridge was not restricted at our altitude.
We made several circles near the bridge, arced out to Alcatraz and shot the spectacular San Francisco skyline in the background, then turned back out over the Pacific and headed to our perch at the Piper dealership in Palo Alto.
In a classic demonstration of government left hand/right hand confusion, the FAA called the Air Force, and they scrambled two F-16s to intercept us. Apparently, they arrived about 15 minutes later, after we were long gone. No one bothered to call Bay Approach and ask if they knew anything about two airplanes circling the bridge.
My photographer, Jim Lawrence, and I landed back at Palo Alto, transferred to my Mooney, and flew home to Long Beach. The following morning, I received a call from the FBI, which’d already sorted out the details and determined that we hadn’t done anything wrong.
Taking pity on me for what I might be thinking, the congenial agent opened the conversation with, “Mr. Cox, this is agent James Henderson with the FBI (gulp!), and no, you’re not in trouble.”
A predictably well-dressed woman agent came by the house two days later, and took my statement, reiterating that we’d done nothing wrong but that the Bureau had to investigate so they could close the file. As she was leaving, she asked if I’d seen the video. Apparently, a San Francisco TV station had been shooting a story at Fisherman’s Wharf, near the base of the bridge, and had captured us circling overhead. I never saw the video, but I still wonder if somewhere back in Washington, D.C., there’s a file stored with my name on it.
Fast forward to 2005. We flew down the Pacific coast to Monterey and Big Sur and, finally, hopped back across the Sierra Nevada to Las Vegas for the first night.
The next morning, we were up well before the sun broke the horizon for a short run down the Las Vegas Strip to get photos of glitzy Vegas with the sun in the background and the Columbia out front. Photo ship pilot John Kounis had been up late coordinating our plan to depart very early and fly a semi-night formation down the Strip, then make a right turn across Sunrise Mountain and depart the area over Lake Mead.
We drifted east along the north side of the Grand Canyon, crossed over to the south side, then made a colorful levitation above Arizona’s Painted Desert. Again, John Kounis kept us out of trouble with the feds. We continued into Santa Fe for fuel and a late lunch, then departed northwest to Taos and finally Farmington, New Mexico, for the second round.
On the final day of the Columbia shoot, we leaped out of Farmington and headed back to Long Beach by a zigzag route across Monument Valley and over the domed edifice of Navajo Mountain and the other-worldly movie location Lake Powell, made famous in the Charlton Heston sci-fi hit “Planet of the Apes.”
From there, it was back across the Grand Canyon, south to Arizona’s Meteor Crater and Sedona, home of the most dramatic late-afternoon red cliffs you’ve ever seen.
My passenger had a few minor bouts of queasy stomach on the first day, but after that, she settled down and began to actually enjoy what we were doing. Like most people, she’d only witnessed the Earth from 35,000 feet or higher; she’d never had the opportunity to see the views we take for granted in the bottom 10,000 feet of sky. From that low station or less, she was entranced by the mystical Lake Powell and the overwhelming spectacle of the Grand Canyon.
Photographer George Kounis got something like 4,000 photos of the Columbia 300 traversing some of the most spectacular mountain and desert terrain in the West. He showed our model some of the photo outtakes over Catalina, Lake Tahoe and Sedona’s Oak Creek Canyon, and she was dutifully impressed.
We were, too, but most importantly, so was Columbia. For me, it was some of the most challenging formation flying I’d done, operating a relatively new breed of aircraft in an unusual mode of flight.
Little did I know that a few months later, the successful photo mission would lead to a chance to ferry another new Columbia from Bend, Oregon, to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
But that’s another story.
Check out more Cross-Country Log flying stories from ferry pilot and Senior Editor Bill Cox.
  The post Flying Through The Picture-Perfect Southwest appeared first on Plane & Pilot Magazine.
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