#And Milligan being like
sophieswundergarten · 8 months
Alright. I know we already have several superhero aus (And PLEASE go check then out if you haven't seen them yet!!! Or just because they're awesome and @cptnwynnie and @heyitsthatonesmolgay have done some amazing work)
But I was thinking about Kate, before she met the Society, running around rooftops in a homemade costume trying to be a vigilante/hero, when Milligan (Who is actually involved in serious hero stuff with the adults) stops her and is like "??? Why?? Are you running around scaling buildings in the dark?? Unsupervised???"
And of course Kate puffs up and says "I'M THE GREAT KATE WEATHER MACHINE" and Milligan goes "No you're not. You are A Child. Go home"
But when she tries to run away he grabs the back of her cape and holds her like a kitten until she nervously admits she doesn't really have a home and Milligan's like "Okay, I guess you're coming with me now" and just takes her back to Benedict HQ like "I've acquired A Child"
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azrael08 · 5 months
In my mind the only way Michael comes around to liking and being accepting of Jack is if one day he’s like “Nephilim are not to be trusted, they are unholy offspring” and Adam could go the more gentle and therapeutic route but instead he counters with, “ok but what if you got me pregnant and I gave birth to our Nephilim baby?”
And Michael just- freezes.
And that’s how he learns to get along with Jack being the new god, and also Adam’s been wondering why Michael’s been staring silently at their bed lately and why he keeps hugging Adam from behind and holding his stomach??????
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michaelectras · 9 months
listen okay i hate babies ever after as much as anyone i hate the heteroification of gay couples i hate the 'destiel are jack's dads' dynamic i hate it all. however. i do think midam are the exception and hear me out i think theyre the exception because staying home raising kids and general housewifing would be an IDEAL outcome for michael. and i've said it before like the whole 'he can basically do whatever he was doing in heaven but on a smaller less destructive scale and he has someone who actually loves and supports him while doing so' thing would probably be good for him but i also think he'd be absolutely thrilled at. 'hehehe adam will go out and have a little job and earn little paychecks and i'll be here in our little house making little meals for our little kids' it's like playing dolls for him like he could go out and do whatever but no he wants to colour code their daughters' linen cabinets instead and make hidden veggie pasta sauce. it's so low stakes compared to what he had to think about before but also similar enough in terms of micromanage-yness that it's theraputic. michael's happily ever after is becoming one of those 'packing lunch for my 12 kids' people on tiktok except there's no thinly-veiled burnout or resentment because he only really holds resentment towards his dad's kids (i.e. the other angels) for existing. not adam's! it's also great for everyone else because he's nerfed beyond all measure and won't destroy the world because child three has a cello recital on friday and it'd make her sad if he blew the universe up before then
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michaeliad · 9 months
i wonder if apocalypse world midam would be both equally unhinged or would adam be their voice of reason. or would he be even more unhinged than michael
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Adam being a repressed queer guy who also doesn't want to talk about his feelings would make sense since he grew up in the 90's and 2000's (and also didn't have much time to figure himself out on Earth, plus, ya know, John). But I think it would be so funny if he came out of the cage like:
'I have not spoken to another human in over a thousand years. My only company was this equally repressed daddy's boy with eldest daughter syndrome, who surprisingly knows nothing about gender. When I told him that pink is for girls, he just stared at me blankly with all his two millions eyes for like a solid three hours. A few years later, when I mentioned something similar, he told me that someone should inform the poor male flamingos that they are apparently breaking a gender law. He once told me most of his previous vessels did not wear pants, and he didn't mean that they were walking around naked. When I jokingly said that I was the one wearing the pants in this relationship, I accidentally discovered that while they don't have faces, angels can still blush.
'Anyway, where was I going with this. Oh, yeah. So. If I want to sing along to the soundtrack of High School Musical and cry about missing several generations of Pokémon, that's my business and mine alone. And anyone who disagrees with that can kindly get smote by my live-in-boyfriend-wife. <3 Hope this helps.'
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talentforlying · 5 months
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this hand — cool, damp, with a nervous pulse. this man's hand. i held it all the while he talked and i'm still holding it now. must be going soft. these days we all need a hand to hold — in the dead of night, when the rain dashes itself in blind waves against the windows. when fear seeps, pooling in every vague depression — diluting and dissolving us, diminishing us — suspending us, drifting, in a submarine world. when you're drowning, any hand will do.
see this is the part that the new 52 writers always miss about constantine's characterization: he doesn't lack compassion or empathy, and he's not innately selfish. he has always cared more than he probably should. the conflict and tragedy at his core comes from being forced to act against his nature, not from being unable to contain some inherent cruelty. by late hellblazer his ability to show how much he cares is all but burnt out of him, but it's still there.
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13x02 · 9 months
adam's "since when do we get what we deserve" line is actually about everyone fucked over by being near the winchester tbh.
so many people who could have had normal lives getting sucked into all of their shit and coming out of it dead and or extremely traumatized.
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quinrandom4-27 · 5 months
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fahclove · 2 years
Problems by Mother Mother // Midam Edit
Watch on YouTube here
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sorry just the fact that family means everything to these two and they just fucking. they leave him they fail him over and over they fucking Leave him in hell they LEAVE HIM THERE-
they try and save everyone all the time they try and save everyone every stranger every innocent. and he was a stranger and he was innocent but he was also their BROTHER they shared a FATHER. and while im personally of the opinion that blood doesnt mean shit, i know that is Not the case for those two they prove that time and time again. and yeah they chose the vast majority of who they considered family in the end but goddamn doesnt it hurt to know you didnt make the cut? you share a goddamn father but theyll put everyone first over you. you who never knew this life you who never wanted anything to do with this. thell choose others over you even though youre just as innocent theyll choose the world over you thell choose each other over you. this kid who had no other family but his mom and a dad who was barely around but tried his best when he was. and they leave him in hell for it
whats the opposite of sins of the father? what do you call it when youre punished because he tried, for once, to do something right to do something good. except no. not even that. because he was only there at all out of guilt, obligation. because you were blood. but at least blood got you a bit of a father? it should have gotten you brothers too but instead all you got was forgotten. abandoned. because your father hurt you in different ways than he hurt them. because theyre jealous of things you never asked for. because you carry the curse of their blood enough for them to resent you like family but not enough to save you like you are
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adreamoverlife · 7 months
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W.i.p for my midam fic because its consumed my every waking moment
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sophieswundergarten · 9 months
I really like the idea of the kids being mythical creatures, but, in that way where it's something that just... came into being
Sticky's a nature spirit that manifested in an abandoned library that became overgrown with ivy and mushrooms and plants. He grew out of the warped books being eaten away by fungus, full of knowledge and used to the lonely cold and damp
Kate's a wind spirit that appeared laughing during a festival full of flags and kites and little kids running with pinwheels. She did handstands and somersaults along the banner, laughing along with the children whose skin she tickled
Reynie is the spirit of one of the ancient gargoyles perched on the roof of the orphanage leftover from when it used to be a home. Miss Perumal would talk to it sometimes when she visited, and then one day Reynie appeared in the line up of kids, as if he'd always been there
Constance is the spirit of a child's lost rainboots, discarded and looked over but never claimed as they sat in a lost and found bin, listening to the whispers of all who had let something important go missing. Unwanted, but stubbornly resilient in looking for a home and a way back to somewhere she belonged
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ooooooooh my g.ooooooood, i'm rewatching the mysterious benedict society and just,,, it's so, so subtle, but the immediate hints about milligan and kate the moment they meet,,,
milligan sorta squints and tilts his head, something clearly ringing a bell, and kate's expression changes when he says hello, almost exactly the same, sans the tilted head. it's genuinely incredible to watch the earliest hints knowing he's her dad
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michaelectras · 1 year
in my head midam have three kids and none of them look like adam
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ufonaut · 1 year
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It doesn’t matter how or why I had those experiences, whether it was something within me or you changing me... this is how I am now. And I like myself this way. I feel comfortable this way. So I’ll stay as I am. I think I’m happy as I am.
Enigma (1993) #8
(Peter Milligan, Duncan Fegredo)
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
this gentle life of ours
(Other Links: Dreamwidth - FFNet - Pillowfort - Squidgeworld)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: N/A Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Midafer Additional Tags: Mpreg, Pregnant Lucifer (Supernatural), Pregnant Michael (Supernatural), Domestic Fluff, Light Angst, Alternate Universe Wordcount: 3039 Summary:
Getting Michael pregnant is an accident. Lucifer? Not as much. Or, Adam and his two pregnant archangel house spouses <3
Now this is for @nugget-of-joy, who gave me a prompt, yes, but made it a submission aksljdalskjd. but i forgive her and give her 3000-ish words. the original prompt was "Midafer with both angels being knocked up 👀 thoughts?" and my thoughts were Yes :)
Lucifer has been staying with them a few weeks by the time Michael starts to show.
Michael was the one who dragged him home. Adam doesn’t have the full story, only that one day it’s just him and Michael in the house and the next, their guest room is the devil’s new home. Of course he’s curious, but so far, he’s pretty sure he and Michael have carved out a life for themselves by virtue of no one noticing they got out of the Cage. Bringing Lucifer in jeopardizes that, sure, but trying to figure out where he was before Michael found him is asking for trouble that Adam, frankly, doesn’t need to deal with.
For the first few days, he didn’t even see Lucifer. Michael spent most of his time with him. The ability to be jealous was burnt out of Adam a few hundred years ago in Hell. It would require him to believe Michael would ever leave, and that’s not just unlikely, it’s laughable. Lucifer started leaving his room after that beginning lull. He was quiet. Adam might call him jumpy, even paranoid. It was something in his eyes. A hunted look. Pity came first and easiest, but compassion? That was harder to summon up for him.
Not until Michael was gone one day, and Lucifer was freaking out about something he refused to explain to Adam, and Adam had to tug him over to the couch to lay on top of him like his own personal weighted blanket. Lucifer melted where he was pinned under Adam. They stayed like that until Michael came back, far better equipped to help Lucifer than Adam was.
After that, he began to fit into their lives in places Adam hadn’t known were empty. Lucifer cuddled between them in bed and eating dinner at their table and sleeping in their bed. Michael takes brotherly love to a whole other level, and Lucifer soaks it up like he’s starved for it. Adam can't help falling in love with him, too. Especially as Lucifer begins to relax a little more, trust that he and Michael aren't about to throw him out. He learns to cook, he builds himself a garden, and he pouts for attention when he feels he hasn't gotten enough for the day.
And then, Michael is pregnant.
There really is no other outcome for him and Adam never using protection. Adam had assumed that Michael, being an archangel and powerful enough that he dragged them both out of the deepest part of Hell by pure stubbornness, was able to keep himself from being knocked up. Adam was wrong. He’s not that upset about it. Having a kid is terrifying, having one with Michael even more so, but at the same time, he thinks about their little terror running underfoot one day and finds himself smiling without meaning to. (He even thinks about their kid growing up with Lucifer still around, and… he likes it. This is their home, this is their life, and Lucifer is going to be a part of all of it.)
Michael's belly grows, the curve of it undeniably pushing on every shirt he wears. Adam’s a little obsessed. Michael will let him put his hands over the bump while he tells him what’s going on underneath. It’s too early to feel any kicking, but Adam can’t seem to pull himself away. That’s Michael’s baby. That’s his baby.
As his computer tabs fill up with searches about baby food and cribs, he begins to notice Lucifer watching them. He hovers in the doorway while Michael and Adam are debating which color to paint the new nursery. (Michael says it should be dark since the point of the room is to put the baby to sleep; Adam says it should be something brighter because they've had seen dark places in their lives.) He doesn't say a word when he sees Adam babyproofing the house (something Michael has told him again and again isn't necessary, as though an unprotected electric socket or a stray bottle of detergent could actually harm their child, but it's about the principle of the thing) but he does follow him from room to room. He pretends to be doing something else whenever Adam glances over at him, but he's not being particularly subtle. It's the first time Adam starts to have doubts about him being around their kid. They'll be half Michael's, half angel, but that other half of them will still be human. Adam's pretty sure that Lucifer's opinions on humanity haven't shifted much since the Apocalypse. (If anything, they've soured more since he's seen what humans have done to the world he loves. It's a touchy subject, and therefore, banned from the dinner table.)
It hurts more than Adam expected it would to think that Lucifer won't love their child as much as he and Michael will.
The morning after those thoughts begin to stew in his head is a pretty one. Almost clear skies with wisps of cloud that let the sun stream down through their windows. By the time Adam is awake, his bed has long been abandoned by his archangels. (The night before, Lucifer had still come to sleep with them, but for the first time, he'd slept with his back to both of them. Michael had noticed, but he hadn't said anything, only fallen asleep with his frown pulled tight.) Adam drags himself reluctantly from his bed to the kitchen. He can't hear coffee brewing, but Michael hasn't been able to stand the smell for the past week and Adam will do anything to make him more comfortable, even if his caffeine-addicted brain hates his guts for it. At least Michael's there for him to wrap himself around, face buried in the crook of his neck where he's warm and soft. Adam's hands sneak around his middle to caress his belly.
"Good morning," Michael says. Adam grunts an interim response while he wakes up enough to make words. Being near Michael is helping. He smells nice.
"Morning," Adam finally manages, and he lets Michael turn around in his arms so that he can kneel down and press a kiss to his baby bump. "Good morning to you, too."
"You know that they can't hear you yet, right?" Michael asks, spoiling Adam's fun. Adam ignores him.
"You be good to your dad today, huh? He's grumpy enough already." Michael huffs, and Adam smiles up at him. He rises to kiss Michael, wiping away any hint of annoyance. Adam rests his forehead against Michael's when the kiss breaks. He misses having Michael possess him, but Michael needs to keep their baby safe and the idea of being pregnant himself makes Adam extremely dysphoric. It's different when it's Michael, even in a body that mirrors his own. Michael is so happy with parts of Adam that used to make him feel sick that he sees them in a new light, and even his own memories of living in a body closer to how Michael keeps it are no longer as painful. Besides, and Adam can admit this without any shame, Michael looks hot carrying his kid.
It's Michael who tilts his head away from Adam to look behind him. Adam follows his gaze, glancing back over his shoulder as Michael asks, "Lucifer?"
Lucifer winces when Michael says his name. He looks immediately like he wants to be anywhere but there, watching the two of them talk about their child. He turns his gaze down to the floor and refuses to look up again.
"This isn't going to work," Adam says. "You can't stalk us around the house like this. What's so wrong about Michael having a kid that you can't even look at him?" Michael makes a noise, quiet and hurt, and Adam realizes he hadn't even put the pieces together about why Lucifer was acting weird. He hates that he had to be the one to bring it to light, but if they don't take care of it now, he can see it snowballing into a serious disaster. They've built something together, and Adam isn't about to give it up.
"I never said anything about that," Lucifer answers. He speaks very softly. Adam's never heard him raise his voice in the entire time he's been living with them. (He'd been expecting it. Arguments between him and Michael, day in and day out, only slightly better than the Cage because the insults wouldn't echo for a hundred years afterwards and cut just as deep. Instead, even as he feels more safe around them, Lucifer is still quiet. It's like something out there had fun breaking him, and no one had bothered to pick up the pieces before Michael brought him home.)
"Then stop acting"—Adam gestures at him, frustrated—"like that. Like the whole world is going to end because of a baby." Lucifer still won't look at them.
"Is that what this is about?" Michael asks. "Lucifer, our child-"
"Your child," Lucifer corrects. "Adam didn't give them to me. He gave them to you." Adam blinks. Finally, Lucifer glances up at them.
What's on Lucifer's face isn't disgust. It's longing.
"Are you jealous?" Adam asks in disbelief.
"Is that so hard to believe?" Lucifer's voice hardens for the first time Adam's heard in a long time. He turns his accusations onto Michael, ignoring Adam's surprise. "You knew we could create life? That I could-" There's a choke that cuts off his words, and silence, and quietly again, "You knew it would come out wrong if I did it, didn't you? That's why you weren't going to tell me." Lucifer was terrifying, once. Adam's sure he could be again, if he wanted to. He stands at the threshold of the kitchen, shoulders slumped, and looks as though he's been kicked until he won't get up again. "It would be like me." The resignation in his voice is so heavy, even Adam feels weighed down by it.
"Wait," he says, buying himself time to process all of that, "wait, you- You're mad at Michael because he's having a baby and you aren't?"
Adam's life was supposed to have reached the point at which it couldn't get more surreal a few years ago.
Lucifer doesn’t answer him. 
They have a big nursery. Room enough to fit two cribs, side to side. 
Adam takes a step away from Michael. He feels Michael’s fingers trail down his arm as he moves, but he’s not going anywhere. Only far enough to hold Lucifer’s hand and draw him further into the room. He shouldn’t be standing on the sidelines anymore. He belongs here.
“If you want a baby that bad, you could just ask,” he says.
”Michael already-“
”We can have more than one baby,” Adam explains, purposefully slow so that Lucifer will get annoyed with him and pull his energy away from being upset. It works.
”I didn’t tell you because I had no idea you wanted it,” Michael cuts in. “Brother, any child of yours would be a blessing, not a curse.” Michael lifts a hand to cup Lucifer’s cheek as Adam squeezes his hand. He can hear the words unspoken, and neither are you, and hopes Lucifer can, too. Though, if he still can’t, if he doesn’t believe Michael, then they have plenty of time to prove it to him. Starting with this.
“Then, you’ll let me have a baby?” Hope is such a rare thing to hear in Lucifer’s voice. Adam grins.
”Only if you’re okay with changing diapers.” Lucifer does make a face at that, but it melts away as he realizes he can get exactly what he wants. He squeezes Adam’s hand back. 
He waits a moment, and then says, “Has it happened yet?”
Adam and Michael stare at him. Lucifer stares back, unbothered. 
“We haven’t…” Adam trails off. It occurs to him that he’s never had sex with Lucifer, and Michael has never mentioned having sex with Lucifer, and between the Cage and the Apocalypse, Adam doubts he had time to get down and dirty with the demons or humans he equally despised. Which means that Adam has to ask a very important question. “You do know how babies are made, right?”
“Human ones. I’m not human.” Adam looks at Michael. 
“We’re in human vessels,” Michael says.
It takes Lucifer a minute of frowning to figure out what they mean. When he’s done, Adam swears he can see his cheeks flush. 
“I haven’t done that before,” he admits. 
The devil is a virgin. He’s asking Adam to deflower and knock him up all at once. It’s a lot for Adam to handle. His dick happily disagrees. This is exactly what it wants to handle.
There’s only one way to take care of him. Adam grips Lucifer’s hand in one of his and takes Michael’s with the other, and he leads both of them to their bedroom to finally make better use of their king-sized mattress.
By the time Lucifer’s baby bump is showing, Michael’s has grown huge, and Adam is in (exhausting) Heaven.
Their bedroom has become a nest where he swears more pillows are added every day. Being pregnant drains a lot of Lucifer and Michael’s energy, which they aren’t used to at all, leading to situations where they tire themselves out using more grace than they should and Adam has to haul them to bed or the couch to lay down for a minute. Michael gets cravings for foods that have gone extinct, and because of that, Lucifer’s garden is now crowded with several impossible plants bearing fruits that haven’t grown on Earth in hundreds of years. Adam keeps seeing toys at the store and buying them, even though it’ll still be a few months before the babies are born and longer before they’ll be able to appreciate stuffed animals.
Here, in their secret corner of the world, the future is starting to look a lot brighter.
(Adam’s not fooling himself, though. He knows this won’t be easy. He’s heard Michael and Lucifer whispering to each other about how much harder it’ll get to hide their children once they’re older. Adam hasn’t even met either of them yet, but he’ll fight off the whole world, Heaven and Hell included, if he has to to protect them. Though, maybe he’d be better suited to holding the babies while Michael and Lucifer take care of all that that.)
He’s rubbing lotion into Lucifer’s skin, the kind that brags it can ease stretchmarks, which Lucifer doesn’t really understand (He loves the few that he has. Adam’s seen him admiring them, pleased by the changes in his vessel.) but lets Adam do anyway because he loves being pampered. He’s almost purring under Adam’s touch, leaning back against his Michael’s side with his eyes shut.
Michael looks tired. He’s more prone to overextending himself than Lucifer is. Months of a baby nephil draining his grace haven’t taught him to take better care of himself, but that’s why Adam’s here. He can give Michael a massage once he’s done with Lucifer.
”We’ll raise them as brothers, right?” Lucifer asks. Adam drops a kiss to his navel. Michael’s belly button popped out a week ago, yet another difference between Adam’s body and the one Michael inhabits that was based off of his. Michael doesn’t answer long enough for Lucifer to open his eyes and glance up at him. Michael smiles. 
“Brother and sister, actually,” he corrects. Adam looks up from kissing Lucifer’s belly. Lucifer blinks, and then he looks even more excited than he did before.
”You’re having a girl?” Adam asks. Michael nods. Adam feels his chest pull tight. They haven’t even discussed names yet, but he’s been thinking, of course he’s been thinking, and Kate would be a lovely name for a baby girl, and- He takes a deep breath to calm his racing thoughts. “That’s amazing,” he says. They have all the time in the world to sort that out. 
“I love her,” Lucifer says. “I love both of them. They’re ours, Michael, we made them.” Lucifer’s voice gets soft, almost giddy, whenever he brings that up. It means the world to him that he can create this new life, that it will be beautiful and all theirs to take care of.
”What, not mine too?” Adam teases, though he knows Lucifer doesn’t mean it like that. Humans make babies all the time. Angels? Not so much. Still, Lucifer turns to look at him, still grinning. 
“And yours,” he agrees. "These ones and the next few-“
“Next few?” That’s the first Adam’s hearing of that.
“We can’t just have two. They’ll get lonely. We need at least four.” That tugs on Adam’s heartstrings a little, but not enough for him to agree to that just yet. 
“Let’s see how well we handle having these two first. Then we’ll see about having more.” Lucifer huffs, but he doesn’t argue. His hand splays over his belly. Adam covers it. 
“How hard could it be to raise two children?” Michael asks, with the doubt of someone who was left in charge of hundreds of little angels and thinks that any of those skills he acquired leading Heaven are going to translate neatly over to snacktime and putting them down for naps.
“We’ll see how you still feel once she’s able to cry,” Adam says. Michael does not seem convinced this is going to be a challenge. He’s going to eat those words, Adam’s sure, but they’ll get through it together. “Hey, how do your ankles feel?” Michael tips his head down, realizes he can’t see them past his belly, and props them up on the coffee table. Adam clicks his tongue. “I told you to stay off you’re feet or they’ll swell up worse.” 
“I’m not going to sit here and make you take care of everything,” Michael says as Adam slides off the couch and onto his knees, bringing Michael’s foot into his lap. He gently massages the swollen area.
”Why not? I would,” Lucifer says, sleepily. Michael sighs, but it rolls into one of relief as Adam rubs his foot.
Adam smiles to himself. They’re going to handle this just fine together.
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