#American Gunsmith
funandfitness · 10 months
Eugene Stoner: Revolutionizing Firearm Design with the AR-15
Discover the extraordinary story of Eugene Stoner, the brilliant mind behind the iconic AR-15 rifle. As a visionary gunsmith, Stoner revolutionized firearm design, leaving an indelible mark on the world of small arms. Dive into the intriguing journey of this legendary figure, as we explore his relentless pursuit of innovation and his profound impact on military weaponry. Uncover the engineering genius and untold stories behind the creation of the AR-15, a firearm that redefined modern rifles and forever changed the landscape of firearms technology. Join us as we pay homage to Eugene Stoner's incredible legacy and his lasting influence on the art of gun manufacturing.
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theriflecompany · 2 years
Long range day.
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bookloversofbath · 2 years
The Pennsylvania-Kentucky Rifle :: Henry J. Kauffman
The Pennsylvania-Kentucky Rifle :: Henry J. Kauffman
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canmom · 1 month
re 'Boeing killed a guy' - whether Boeing killed the whistleblower in the news right now? can't say, maybe. would be a massive own goal in terms of drawing more negative attention on their shoddy plane, but people do stupid self destructive things sometimes.
but whether Boeing has killed people in general - rather depends whether you see the gunsmith as partly culpable in the murder I suppose, but they are the fourth largest arms company in the world. Boeing aircraft have been used to kill millions of people. if the Americans ever fight a nuclear war, it will be Boeing ICBMs that carry the warheads. even the present genocide in Gaza is presumably using Boeing's F-15I aircraft. their business model - at least that of the defense wing - is facilitating the ending of human lives as efficiently as possible. they seem to be quite good at it.
so Boeing have definitely killed a guy or two.
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Character Profile - America
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Character Name: USA, Murica, Alfred, Alfie-come-lately, Al. 1585-1775 - Alfred F Kirkland. 1775-???? - Alfred F Jones.
Age: 16 as of 1775, 18 in 1789, 21 mid 19th century. 25 by WW2 and still generally in that range.
Height: 6'0/183cm in 1775, 6'2/189cm after 1850ish.
Physical Description: This child was born a tungsten cube and grew into an adamantium adult. He's tall, broad-shouldered and strong. USDA Grade-A corn-fed BEEF right here. He's muscle as fuck with a good inch of fat on him every which way. Really putting the dough in doughboy. He's athletic, with the shoulders of a linebacker but is shockingly graceful and easy in his body. Arthur loved him enough that the confidence and good nature he exuded in his posture and looks are 100% genuine 80% of the time. He was an absolute cherub of a baby and grew into the kind of good looking that would really be described as more beautiful than handsome if he wasn't as broad as the baptist definition of sin.
Eye colour: Pacific, deep water navy, NASA mission blue. Dark, dark blue. Almost black, if not in good light.
Hair colour/style: Amber waves of grain. Two or three shades darker than Matt's and less red than Matt's or Jack's. Imagine all the wheatfields of America at the reaping, find the average tone, and that's Alfred's hair colour. Rich, harvest grain gold. It has a good amount of wave to it that shows even with its being short. He's generally worn it short and to one side to show off the wave he can get. Had some wicked curtain bangs in the 90s tho.
Other distinguishing physical traits: He has never worn a beard in his life, but it tends to come in redder than his hair. Aunt Bridgie's genes really start flexing there. He's got a mostly faded scar over his heart from Matt's pyromaniac-ass burning down DC. And probably more I'll have to add here later.
Personal Appearance/Style: Alfred loves looking good. The first thing Francis taught him was how good he could look and he's been following it ever since. He prefers blue suits, but he'll wear warm greys and black. He knows he looks like a ten-course meal in just grey joggers and a NASA t-shirt against those golden guns of his though. Also, the uniforms he picks are the ones that look good on him. Does he look like shit in one shade of olive drab? He's swapping it out. He showed up in Japan on the Black Ships in the most flattering cut of the Navy officer's uniform there was and it looked fucking good on him, all that dark blue with gold accents. He likes brown leather over black because the warmer colour looks better with his golden boy looks, and he knows it.
Verbal Style: He uses a neutral American or a less broad New England accent when overseas but slides in and out of any possible American accent at home. He got shot at during the Civil War because even in blue the whole goddamn time, he would slide into his original Virginia accent and have to duck rifle fire. Fucker probably sounded slightly transatlantic for a while in the 20th century. He doesn't purposefully code-switch from culture to culture; it's just automatic. He speaks several languages fluently and without an accent if he wants to, but he uses a southern accent speaking Japanese or a Kennedy Accent when speaking German. He knows it's not a jelly doughnut, Deutschland, promise! The more Arthur annoys him, the thicker his American accent gets.
Level of Education: Arthur educated him at home, got him, tutors on literally anything that Alfred fancied, apprenticed him out to any trade that interested him; printing and gunsmithing were the big ones, and then sent him to Harvard when he got bored with that. He graduated from West Point just before the Civil War and personally shot a few of his classmates who sided with the south :) but turned more to engineering, commerce and math after the war. He didn't reappear in the east until the 1880s, so he did a lot of mail-order books and self-study during that period. He also got another degree from The University of the Pacific in that period out west.
Occupation: The government is always trying to rope him into shit, but the boy's heart is in the stars, and something the government did has to be a big deal before he gives a flying fuck. His main squeeze is NASA, but he occasionally shows up to DC to steamroll some favours out of congress, especially when he has the urge to fly something experimental or a particular issue has been bothering him.
Past Occupations: Soldier, sailor, airman, astronaut, gunsmith, printing press operator, mechanical engineer, heiress, physicist, chemist, biologist, anthropologist, archaeologist, mechanic, railroad engineer, cowboy, blacksmith, cook, construction worker, gamekeeper, welder, a gold miner. The boy has some restlessness, okay? He's had many jobs.
Skills, Abilities or Talents: Alfred, even amongst nations, is quite freaky. Super strength, damage resistance, resurrection power that's faster than almost anyone. He can fly, drive, handle or otherwise operate any vehicle without training. He knows how they all work. He's also highly gifted in math and physics. He has been known to make California tremble a wee bit when he's genuinely well and fucking pissed. He'll get his ass lost on a boat or on foot, but in the air, he's possibly the best navigator on the face of the earth. But literally, he can do almost anything he sets his mind to. It's unnatural.
Admirable Personality Traits: Optimistic, idealistic, brilliant, generous, confident, fair.
Negative Personality Traits: Self-righteousness, recklessness, thoughtlessness, arrogance,
Sense of Humor: Silly, slapstick, observational.
Physical/Mental illness or affliction: He's sometimes just shy of narcissistic but usually pulls himself off the brim. Arthur's sons might be eligible for an ADHD diagnosis, but I did that on accident before I got diagnosed rifp. He's not the anxious or depressed type. He has had periods of pretty acute PTSD.
Hobbies/Interests: Computers and tech, filmmaking, archaeology, camping, hiking, adventure sports, surfing, paleontology, working out, protein foot products, star gazing, listening to audiobooks and podcasts. But, like, literally everything interests this kid.
Favourite Foods: BBQ; he can't pick a favourite style tho. Burgers, cheese fries, pizza, strangely flavoured novelty chips. Apple pie with ice cream and blueberry maple ice cream is his and Matt's favourite. Paw-paws are a very rare treat. Huckleberry-flavoured anything will make him absolutely grin.
Most important personal item: He expected to inherit Arthur's pocket watch like other sons did their fathers in the 18th century, so in 1976, when Arthur did give him the pocket watch and a very expensive wristwatch because the pocket watches had gone out of style, he has worn it everywhere since. To Mars and the Mojave, he'll wear that thing everywhere and get it repaired if it takes any damage.
Person/friend close to character: Matt's his best friend. He and Maria are also close but belligerent. Arthur is also in his top 5. Kiku, Ludwig, Tolys, Romano, Mai, etc, are all on his very close friend list. Of older nations, he and Brighid are very close, if complex.
Brief family history: He was born in 1585 or so in Virginia. Arthur said, "finders keepers," From that moment, he was the man's firstborn child. In his childhood, he mainly had Arthur and Rhys, and Alasdair and Brighid, somewhat less until later. He's never met his grandmother or her ghost. He was an only child for about 20-30 years and spent a lot of his childhood functionally an only child with Matt in Francois' care. The two youngest 'siblings' he's got he's not quite sure what to do with them. The relationship isn't precisely sibling-like, but he's pretty fond of them, and he has some trauma from being ditched in New England during the British Civil War, so he saved their asses in 1941.
Most painful experiences in the character’s past: I don't think anything can top the Civil War because he represented the Union, i.e. the United States. It took him years and years to recover, especially because he was living a rough out west lot of the post-war. He got consumption while personally marching to the sea to burn the fucking shit out of the Confederacy. :)
Their Song: Babylon by Barnes Courtney.
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tuesday again 3/5/2024
really fucking around in Breath of the Wild and not defeating Ganon, even though i think i am fairly well prepared, which is probably indicative of something or a metaphor for some larger issue. oh well! guess we'll never know!
Rock the Jungle by The Daniel Pemberton TV Orchestra, off an album of music from and inspired by LittleBigPlanet, a video game i have never played. Daniel Pemberton is a remarkably prolific british composer who mostly does film these days but also does a lot of BBC stuff.
this is the kind of scrubby pad to the brain electronica i need sometimes. i think these are heavily filtered and processed kookaburra sounds? at about the minute fifteen mark it adds a rolling, rollicking bassline that is, as im sure we all know by now, fucking catnip to me. at about 2:20 it adds alarm blares that fade in and out of a sort of disco-y organ? it uses its five minute runtime pretty well imo. i think this was off the spotify discover weekly.
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T Kingfisher's The Clockwork Boys, recced by @rae-being-naughty lo these many months ago, and my library hold finally came in. the goodreads blurb is a remarkably accurate sales pitch so let's yoink that
A paladin, an assassin, a forger, and a scholar ride out of town. It’s not the start of a joke, but rather an espionage mission with deadly serious stakes. T. Kingfisher’s new novel begins the tale of a murderous band of criminals (and a scholar), thrown together in an attempt to unravel the secret of the Clockwork Boys, mechanical soldiers from a neighboring kingdom that promise ruin to the Dowager’s city. If they succeed, rewards and pardons await, but that requires a long journey through enemy territory, directly into the capital. It also requires them to refrain from killing each other along the way! At turns darkly comic and touching, Clockwork Boys puts together a broken group of people trying to make the most of the rest of their lives as they drive forward on their suicide mission.
i had a lot of fun with this! very pratchett-esque in its imperial critique through bureaucratic loopholes thereof, which is catnip to me, but i do think Kingfisher is simply better at writing women. the forger is an only child and it fucking shows.
i think if it were 5% more devoted to Humorous Bits and didn't have some nice character work between the forging accountant and the big sad blond paladin man, i would have gotten frustrated with it. i think it is simply more of a comedy than any of its blurbs suggest, and it can be difficult to ride that line between comedy and character growth through desperate acts without getting a little bit of whiplash. this is me being very depressed and a bit nitpicky though. the line "Time passed, like a kidney stone" is going to stick in my brain for a while. i already have the sequel on hold
if you do nothing else today could you please watch this car chase for me? ok thanks
Gunsmith Cats is a three-episode OVA that's a fancam of the american city of chicago and the cool girls that live and shoot and drive there, but let's just yank the MyAnimeList description
In the dangerous suburbs of Chicago, skilled bounty hunters Irene "Rally" Vincent and "Minnie" May Hopkins run Gunsmith Cats, a firearms store of questionable legality. One day, Bill Collins, an agent for the Chicago branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, blackmails Rally and May into working with him on a case. The stakes are high, but Rally’s gunmanship and May’s knowledge of explosives are unmatched. As Rally and May unravel the secrets of the case, the two will need to use guns and grenades while being faster, stronger, and better than everyone else in order to stay alive.
all three episodes are free (in really nice quality) on youtube. i pitched this to wendy as "rally is jigen lupinthethird's little sister" and her driving skills and marksmanship... i'm not sure who would win between them but i wouldn't like to live on the difference.
animators, historically, hate animating guns and cars, except for the masochistic ones who use it to flex. there are at least three shots in each episode where i want to stand up and hold my cat above my head and hoot like a fuckin tusken raider. in the first episode, there's a raid on a smuggling warehouse (you know, a warehouse) where the BATF agent and Rally throw each other their guns and have a really cool FALLING OFF A CATWALK back to back shootout. it's hard to describe. watch the episode. i wish there were more than three episodes.
this is an OVA that, aside from the requisite panty shot and WHOOPS my whole shirt tore (one of each per episode per girl) is fairly normal about women? rally and minnie are...roommates. that bicker and eat pizza. they have a cool network of other slightly shady women they interact with a lot, and the big bad for most of the episodes is also a woman. this isn't like a bastion of feminism or anything it's just neat. sort of middling on the ass portion of the Weeb Ass Shit scale. low on the weeb and shit parts too. again this is a fancam of chicago with cool girls
i watched this bc i was trying to use up kanopy credits and came across the precursor to this, Riding Bean, which i did not love for several reasons (the big one being the legitimately pedophilic lesbian relationship) but the creator took the concept of Rally out of that forty minute...experiment? and that led me to Gunsmith Cats. thank u ppl who put free anime on youtube
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still futzing about in breath of the wild. fucking around with sidequests and a sudden need to at least discover all the shrines.
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for example, i did all the labyrinth shrines. underneath the akkala labyrinth is the scariest room in the world, bc six of those fuckers are alive and they will all target you the instant you open that chest.
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cannot be bothered with the eventide island shrine yet (the roguelike) bc it frustrates the hell out of me. did the thyplo forest one, which was extremely annoying bc it dimmed my whole TV screen (including the UI) instead of just dimming the game itself. im sure someone thought that would be such a cool detail but instead i found it extremely annoying and vey difficult to swap weapons or start campfires.
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and then i trundled through a list of shrine quests, bc i apparently had TWELVE missing?? three were korok trials, one was eventide (apparently it only shows up as a quest if you are on the island or have finished it, bc if u die on the island it kicks you back to a pre-island save lmao) so for the others: three i just had to talk to people to officially start and then immediately complete the quest. remember when i was anxious about softlocking myself out of the jungle dragon shrine quest bc i went right there instead of talking to Kass? never fear, nintendo's got my back
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"kay how did you possibly miss reading the giant stone tablet to start this quest--" i am not a clever woman. i go "oh i know what to do!!!" when i see the Orb and hare off without looking around further.
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A Brother's Roast i missed bc i forgot to talk to everyone in Goron City after defeating rudania, didn't run across Test of Will (the Goron challenge in the Gerudo highlands) bc i forgot to look off that side of the tower and was very focused on gliding into the labyrinth at the right spot, and didn't run across Guardian Slideshow on the far south beaches bc i hadn't explored there yet.
A Stolen Heirloom was deeply annoying. i had four out of five quests complete to unlock this, but there is an unmarked side quest where you have to go into this lady's house at night to figure out she wants fireflies. maybe she has some ambient daytime barks about this? i have never heard them. this was a little obtuse. also i don't love the stealth in this game. this game's stealth really works when you are well out of detection range bc u have a sniper bow, and i find it works less well for me when i have to follow a target. no i haven't finished the korok stealth trial either.
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non-shrine nonsense:
ive been using Stasis as a sort of VATS equivalent. in fallout, i like to hit VATS every once in a while just to see who's out there. how many radroaches are nearby. this also highlights most interactable things which i think is nice of the game
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gerudo town stuff: i missed this sand seal racing challenge by SO little the first time which annoyed me so much, it took me six more tries to beat the damn thing. i am very charmed that they actually put in a garden for the kid who was trying to grow a garden!
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some beach vegetation mysteries: im really baffled by this singular hearty radish growing in full sun in what is essentially sand with a dusting of palm bark. all the other hearty radishes i have seen are in deep forests with partial sun and lots of leaf litter. what the hell is this then. plus a neat little unique sea wrack? korok circle instead of the usual lilypads.
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i didn't know this game knew how to do rainbows at all, let alone double ones!
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i will leave you with my many attempts to make stamina potions.
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making things requires both the perfect levels of anxiety (too little anxiety and im out doing normal people things, too much anxiety and i shut down, a medium level means im frantically making things to distract myself. we are at the high end of medium) and some level of income bc i inevitably need one or two things to finish projects. eg we are at the level of anxiety where i am only able to do simple things like repainting a whole bunch of big frames for my maps (procured when i had money) but i need more matboard. so they are sitting, 90% finished, in my office closet.
garden update: more than half my bush beans came up with no leaves and promptly died, which could be due to any number of things but im choosing to believe it's bc my bestie's five year old planted them a little too deeply. so it goes. all the sweet peas are fine, all my normal peas and most of my regular climbing beans came up. a little annoyed bc only a third of my nasturtiums came up even after soaking them for 24h as recommended. the shit i Bought (tomatoes, marigolds, mint, rosemary) is doing fine. the spinach and dill i planted are doing fine too, although the spinach also had about a 50% germination rate. this does mean i don't need to thin them but. Hm. yanno?
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qsycomplainsalot · 10 months
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The Magnumnomicon, from Fallout TRPG: Winter of Atom
The Magnumonomicon was commissioned by General John Whateley and incorporates many of the family's teachings, such as to "never raise up that which you are not prepared to put down." The gunsmiths involved in the creation of magnum died under mysterious circumstances. The magnum frame is made of a mix of heavy iron, with runes engraved in solid gold present on the barrel. The grip is crafted from leather of unknown origin, with "tentacle-like symbols" engraved into it. Ammunition fired from the gun is imbued with energies with unknown scientific origin.
Although the gun is described as a .44 revolver and for gameplay reasons uses the same ammo and modifications as other revolvers in the game, it has obviously been drawn after a Lefaucheux-type pinfire revolver from the second half of the 19th century.
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The telltale features of a pinfire revolvers are the notch in the rim of each chamber designed to fit said pin, and the flat hammer wrapping around top of the cylinder to strike it. This arrangement is due to the pin jutting out radially from the side of the cartridge's case. Incidentally this makes the way the cartridges are stored in the display case a small mistake on the artist's part, as pinfire cartridges would have to be stored nose down. I think we can chalk this up to forgetfulness or even having to draw .44 rounds instead of confusing players too much, and appreciate the bit of variety brought by the inclusion of an old French revolver instead of your usual American 20th century gun.
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cyanidedrinkers · 3 months
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Name: Lieutenant, Andy 'Achilles' Graves 
(Yes, He is Graves' younger brother- Dont come after me for it. It just fits) 
Age:  29 
Gender: Male
Nickname(s): Barracks bunny, Graves, Phillip, and The Brawn (He gets called by his brothers name by accident all the time. It pisses him off and he snaps at whoever calls him it no matter their rank)  Ethnicity: White Nationality: American Languages: English and Spanish Call sign: Achilles
Rank: Lieutenant 
Skin Tone: Olive
Eye Color: Grey 
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Length: Short, Think Graves hair but curlier.
( Normally, He'd keep it long and in a wolf cut but he's dedicated to the army)
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130
Scars/Marks/Burns:  He has a long scar along his neck that runs from the left side of his chin down to his collarbone, He has 2nd degree burns around his wrists, and there's some scar and burn marks along his back. 
Tattoos: He has one. It's in morse code and it's his best friend's birthday and death date. 
Andy is very charismatic and is always the first to get a smile out of everyone. He isn't overly dramatic but he does come up with quick come backs and his voice drips with sarcasm. Normally he could be found standing near one of his friends with a dead and cold expression on his face. But, When he speaks you can tell he's full of life and just a hoot to be around. Despite being so openly charismatic not a lot of people know where he's from or who his family is. After Grave's betrayal he worked and bribed many officers to delete any affiliation with his brother off of his record as he wanted nothing to do with him.
Likes: Explosives, Rpgs, Sharks, a good scotch, and just general chatter
Dislikes: Graves, Any personal talk, Loud noises, and people yelling at him. (He will yell back)
Habit(s): Checking his heart beat, biting on his nails. constantly checking his blind spots, and the excessive need to always be in uniform. 
Talent(s): He excels in covert missions and being the brute force. He'll barge into a room with no care for his own life, Is normally used as a battering ram. 
Reputation: He has a pretty good relationship with most of the people he works with. While most like him they also get very unsettled by how he can be so open and talkative yet have no one even know his own name. 
Phillip Graves- Brother
Preferred Weapon(s): 
Assault rifles, Rpgs, and the Ax-50 Gunsmith 
Agility: 9/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat: 7/10 (Tries to avoid it if he can but can knock someone out) 
Long Range Accuracy: 10/10
Defense: 9/10
Offense: 6/10
People Skills: 4/10
Birthplace: Paris, Texas
Character Background:
Andy's father was a veteran and was Dishonorably discharged after getting into a fight with his commander. Unlike Graves, Who grew up without their father around (Headcanon), He grew up with his father being extremely present and way too involved. Their father was cruel and aggressive. With Graves being too old to manipulate, his father decided to try and make Andy his super soldier. He wanted Andy to be everything he wasn't so Andy was beaten and yelled at constantly, Graves was too but Andy never saw any of what their father did to Graves. All he ever saw Graves being pulled onto his father's lap and having their father run his hands through Graves' hair. To Andy, Graves was the favorite, As he grew up the punishments for Andy grew more and more violent. They ranged from being violently beaten to being thrown out in the cold. When he was 17 he had gotten into a fight with his father where he was abruptly sent to Military school. He spent the rest of his school years in the military school with Semi-regular visits from Graves. In these times they repaired their relationship and helped each other heal. 
Andy eventually ended up joining the army. He had no other goals and he excelled in boot camp. He would even send letters to Graves all the time, They would go back and forth about what each of their lives was like in their different fields. 
About three weeks before Graves and Andy were meant to meet up Andy got word of what his Brother did. He became pissed and every bottled up hatred he had for his brother bubbled to the surface. On the week that they were meant to meet up, he and his best friend Isaac at the time decided to go to a few bars during their down time and just have fun exploring the nearby town. On their way back to the base Andy's best friend, Commander Isaac was shot and killed by a Iraq mercenary who he had spared on their last mission. 
The mercenary hunted down Isaac and killed him right In Front of Andy. The only reason he was able to recognize Isaac was because Isaac didn't like face coverings and never really wore them when on the battlefield. 
His best friend, Andy held Isaac in his arms and called for backup. By the time any paramedics got their Isaac was dead. He had died on impact but Andy was in denial. He did everything he could to save Isaac. It shook Andy to his core and it took many months of probation, Therapy, and Psych screenings before he went back into the field. When he did go back he was Achilles. Just Achilles, He'd wear tented tactical goggles and a medical mask constantly. It was impossible to see him without them as he swore to himself that no person he ever killed would be able to hunt him down like they did Isaac. He only has two close friends and hasn't spoken to his brother in ages. He's a part of a Special task force that takes jobs where it's needed. They're mostly covert and are meant to get in and out by doing anything and everything necessary to complete their task.
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yelenasdiary · 2 months
Forbidden Character Index
Here's a list of the characters that are either mentioned within the series or have a small part. It also includes their job (if any) and/or their relationship.
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Female Characters -
Y/n Bishop - Helps out at Sam's store || Kate's younger sister.
Kate Bishop - Hunter || Y/n's older sister.
Yelena Belova - Bounty Hunter || Nat's younger sister.
Natasha Romanoff - Owns an Orphanage || Yelena's older sister.
Wanda Maximoff - Sticks to Herself || Pietro's sister.
Maria Hill - Helps Nat with the Orphanage.
Carol Danvers - Law Woman.
Aunt May - Journalist, Baker || Peter's Aunt.
Pepper Potts - Tony's Assistant & Wife.
Maya Lopez - Native American of the Cheyenne Nation. 
Agatha Harkness - Outlaw.
Peggy Carter - Law Woman || Wife of Steve.
Kamala Khan - Apart of Y/n's friend group.
Eleanor Bishop - Kate & Y/n’s Mother.
Lady Sif - Bounty Hunter.
Jane Foster - Lumberjack bookkeeper || Wife of Thor.
Valkyrie - Outlaw.
Shuri - Scientist || Sister of T'Challa.
Cassie Lang - Apart of Y/n's friend group || Daughter of Scott.
America Chavez - Apart of Y/n's friend group.
MJ - Apart of Y/n's friend group.
Melina Vostokoff - Scientist || Yelena & Nat's Mother & Wife of Alexei.
Male Characters
Bucky 'James' Barnes - Owns and runs the Saloon.
Derek Shepard - Kate & Y/n’s father.
Sam Wilson - Owns and runs the General Store.
Steve Rogers - Sheriff of Blisswater || Husband of Peggy Carter.
Peter Parker - Paper Boy || Aunt May's Nephew.
Tony Stark - Owns Stark Industries || Husband of Pepper Potts.
Bruce Banner - Main Doctor of Blisswater, also a travelling Doctor.
Steve Strange - Apothecary.
Clint Barton - Gunsmith.
Pietro Maximoff - Works around at different ranches || Wanda's Brother.
Nick Fury - Barber.
T’Challa - Banker || Brother of Shuri.
Thor - Lumberjack || Husband of Jane & Brother of Loki.
Loki - Outlaw || Brother of Thor.
Peter Quill - Blacksmith.
Scott Lang - Stable Owner || Cassie's Father.
Erik Killmonger - Outlaw.
Baron Zemo - Outlaw.
Johann Shmidt - Outlaw (Red Skull Gang).
Alexei Shostakov - Lumberjack || Yelena & Nat's Father & Husband of Melina.
Ned Leeds - Apart of Y/n's friend group.
General Dreykov - Outlaw.
Original Characters -
All OC's are just fill in characters. They'll most likely be mentioned but will have no major roll. These are people who live in and around the map, basically NPCs.
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soggythecereal · 2 months
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Error (AKA Rewind)
(Rewind Loading)
Age: 20
Height: 6'2"
Voiceclaim: Hullabaloo by Rare Americans (Lead Vocalist)
Snarky, sadistic, and oddly well-dressed, Error works as a mercenary and hitman in the northern parts of the Rewind world with his gunsmith boyfriend, Davner. He can usually be found either lurking through the ruined city streets for victims, and is almost always hostile to wanderers.
Error maintains a notably relaxed and sarcastic attitude, constantly making comedic remarks, talking to literally anybody with the ability to listen, and almost never getting visibly agitated.
Error takes great pleasure in taunting and playing with his victims, usually performing standup comedy for them while he has them captured, or cracking several admittedly awful jokes. What makes his odd small talk with victims more confusing is the fact he will still torture and maim them before and afterwards with no hesitation, usually while chatting to them.
When he's not hunting targets (or people are scarce in his area), Error will usually play cards with either himself or Davner, plinking, or attempt to locate one of his "friends" (people he frequently tracks down and fights/tortures, but will ultimately leave alive).
Some goodies that are worthy of being here:
The weird face on his right horn is a birthmark.
He wears a visor due to having poor eyesight.
Error smokes on very rare occasions, almost always being with Davner.
Error greatly dislikes water.
Error prefers handguns over longarms, and keeps his engraved Mauser C96 on him at all times.
Error favors the more urbanized areas of the Rewind world over the marshy south, disliking getting mud on his shoes.
When asked if he was a robot or not, Error responded by kneecapping the interviewer.
Error's blood is neon pink.
While he doesn't listen to music often, Error's favorite genre is Swing.
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During an interview with his ghostwriter Charlotte Reather for THE FIELD magazine, SH mentioned buying a pair of Scottish 22-bore flintlock all-metal belt pistols made by John Murdoch of Doune, countryside of Stirlingshire from the mid-18th century. He acquired them at Bonhams, an auction house located in London's Knightsbridge.
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£12.160 = $15.470
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The Highland warriors of Scotland carried distinctive arms. Their pistols, unlike those made elsewhere in Great Britain, were constructed entirely from metal, usually steel, and were engraved and often silver-inlaid with geometric and foliate ornament of Celtic inspiration. This pair, signed by the renowned gunsmith John Murdoch of Doune, is a classic example of the type.
Scottish pistols were sold in pairs, sometimes with their mechanisms on opposite sides for use in each hand. A long belt hook enabled them to be worn against the body or tucked inside a plaid, protected against the weather.
From the 17th century, gunsmiths in Scotland produced pistols that were unique to the country. Made entirely of steel, elaborately engraved and with distinctively-shaped butts, they acquired the name 'Highland pistols' because many of the towns where they were made - Tain, Inverness, Brechin, Perth, Doune - skirted the southern and eastern edges of the Highlands. Their market was international and their reputation legendary.
Scotland’s Highland warriors carried an array of distinctive fighting tools – the dirk, claymore broadsword, the hidden “black knife” or skean dubh, and, for the fortunate officer, a pistol from the renowned gunsmith guild of Doune, Perthshire. This classic example of a Doune pistol is constructed entirely out of steel as Scottish wood was generally unsuitable for firearms. It is engraved with Celtic geometric and foliate ornamentation. This pistol has a trigger guard although many did not. The village of Doune was known for the manufacture of high-quality firearms in the 17th and 18th centuries but after the Battle of Culloden in 1746 and the subsequent Disarming Act – which banned Scots from carrying weapons – the town’s gunsmithing industry ceased to exist.
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For the friends of Scottish arms here fotos of what I think is a very fine pistol made by John Murdoch of Doune. The barrel of the pistol has 8 flat grooves, a back- and a front sight.
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With four-stage barrels engraved at the flared octagonal muzzles and with symmetrical scrolling foliage at the mid-sections, fluted breeches each with notched back-sight at the rear, border engraved flat bevelled locks each signed in capitals and decorated with foliage on the tail, cocks en suite (one expertly replaced), faceted line engraved steels, three-quarter stocks engraved with foliate line ornament and characteristic foliage, the undersides each with three foliate engraved silver lines, foliate engraved ram's horn butts with interlace inlaid with silver along the back and each with vacant oval silver escutcheon on both sides, silver button triggers and threaded prickers (one replaced) each engraved as a flower-head, slender partly fluted belt hooks each with pierced and engraved terminal, and original slender steel ramrods each with baluster tip engraved with a flower-head.
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A Scottish pistol reputedly fired the first shot in the American War of Independence. Highland Officer, (Black Watch) 42nd Foot Royal Highland Regiment Grenadier. 1762 showing the butt of the pistol and the small leather belt it is hooked on.
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It's worth noting that SH is not an antique weapon collector. While he may have bought some as memorabilia, it's important to hope that he appreciates their historical significance and doesn't simply use them to impress others with his wealth. Given his tendency to show off, it's also important to remember that these guns should not be treated as toys or used to entertain others.😐
#JohnMurdochofDoune #Highlandpistols #42ndFootRoyalHighlandRegimentGrenadier #AmericanWarofIndependence #HighlandOfficer #Scotland’sHighlandwarriors #Bonhams #London #auctionhouse
Posted 22nd March 2024
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funshoot-com · 2 months
Free American Gunsmith Subscription
American Gunsmith is permanently ceasing print publication with the March 2024 issue. Remaining print subscriptions to American Gunsmith will be filled with Gun Tests instead; subscribers to both will have their existing Gun Tests subscription extended. A free newsletter has been set up as a replacement. All current and new subscribers can sign up for free at…
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pattern-recognition · 5 months
i have a friend with an acquaintance who’s a trained gunsmith and i hope that’s in the welding together AK parts kits and stamping MAC-10 receivers way and not the typical american ‘i can almost put a scope on a rifle without destroying it’ way
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The M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle or BAR was an American made Light Machine Gun and was a gas operated Light Machine Gun made by the Gunsmith John M. Browning. The weapon ammo used for the BAR consisted mostly of .30-06 Springfield bullets along with a 20-Round Magazine and estimated to weigh about 19.4 pounds. The Weapon could fire up to 650 Rounds per minute.
Where did it See Action?
The LMG started is service in 1918 in the closing days of World War I and was assigned to the 79th Infantry Division of the US Army. In World War II, It saw used by both the US Army, US Marines, and their allies. It also would see Service in Both The Korean War (1950-1953) and The Vietnam War (1955-1975)
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🇬🇧 1776 Ferguson Breechloader Rifle 🇬🇧 Another Request to one of Our Patron.. I’d like to share to all of you, Enjoy
The Ferguson rifle was one of the first breech-loading rifles to be put into service by the British military. It fired a standard British carbine ball of .615" calibre and was used by the British Army in the American Revolutionary War at the Battle of Brandywine in 1777, and possibly at the Siege of Charleston in 1780.  Its superior firepower was unappreciated at the time because it was too expensive and took longer to produce – the four gunsmiths making Ferguson's Ordnance Rifle could not make 100 in 6 months at four times the cost per arm of a musket.
Special Thanks To @revolution-sims For Such Beautiful British Redcoat Uniform, Keep up a good work, Sister
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hi! i was wondering, what’s a good gun for someone who’s never used a gun before?
Good question!
The short answer is “Get a 9mm Glock 19 Gen 5.”
The long answer is...
I’d say that it partly depends on what use-case you have in mind for that gun. Different guns have different purposes, so I’d be recommending something different for self defense versus hunting versus just something simple and cheap to plink targets with.
I’d caution you to learn how to use a gun BEFORE you go out and buy one. And I don’t mean just watching youtube videos, though some ARE helpful, but to drill in good habits of safe and correct handling and operation it is very helpful to get instruction from a professional. Classes can be expensive and are often taught by ex-cops and other types of right-wing weirdos, so even though I want to say “Find an SRA chapter instead,” I recognize that SRA chapters are not everywhere (yet). So I have to say it is worth the money to get instruction from a professional, even if it’s a right-wing environment. I’ve done this before. I left my antifa patches at home and just internally cringed whenever the instructor made cop-brained comments. However, this is up to you because only you know your own individual circumstances. I do not know your situation or where you live. I am not endorsing that you intentionally put yourself in a situation where you think you will be discriminated against. It is simply imperative to learn how to use a tool before you invest the money in buying one. It is dangerous to own a tool and not be able to effectively and safely operate it.
before you buy a gun, have a way to securely store your gun and ammunition. (In your HOME. Never leave your gun in your car.) I would recommend a gun safe over a gun lock because it’s harder for someone to remove or force open a safe than it is to remove a gun lock or simply steal a gun and remove the lock later, especially if your safe is bolted to the wall and/or floor. There are drywall anchors rated for 80+ lbs. This matter is even more important if you have roommates or kids. Your state may have legal requirements on where and how you store your gun, so make sure to look those up ASAP.
Find someone who would be willing to hold your firing pin or other vital part if you are having a personal crisis. The #1 source of gun deaths is suicide, which even if you think it doesn't affect you, is still an important reason to SECURE YOUR GUN AND AMMUNITION.
Also also also, get an Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) from North American Rescue (NAR) or another reputable retailer and learn how to use it. Learn how to apply a tourniquet and HAVE AN IFAK WITH YOU WHENEVER YOU HAVE A GUN WITH YOU.
So with all that said, if you want something that is simple to operate, reliable, practical for defense, low-maintenance, high-quality, easy to find replacement parts for, easy to find gunsmiths who could repair it, easy to find ammunition for, magazines aren’t very expensive, has lots of good options for aftermarket mods, is still perfectly good with stock parts, and can be covertly carried, get a 9mm Glock 19 Gen 5. If you join the glock sports shooting foundation (GSSF) you can get a glock at “blue label” prices which is the same significant discount that cops pay. Should be $400-500.
My first gun was a glock and I haven't regretted it once.
To start you out, have a playlist of videos that solidly cover firearm basics from a youtube gun guy.
Also, have a video of how a glock works. (This is the same mechanical operations of the glock 19 as well as all other glock pistols.)
– Anonymous Contributor #1312, Puget Sound Socialist Rifle Association
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