curewhimsy · 2 years
Happy birthday to Yowane Haku who I have loved dearly since I was 12. I am now 24 and throughout all my years knowing you, my love for you has only gotten stronger ^^
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curewhimsy · 2 years
I covered OTAHEN Anthem but it’s a parody. About Ame Sugar.
I am HORRIBLE at speech so uh. You might have to read the lyrics.
Today, I brought you magical girls your favorite thing-! All of you weird little magical girls-! Know what this is-!? Let's get hyped together!! Eeby Deeby! Miracles! Miracles! Miracles! Monocles! Pirika Pirilala, let’s go, Precure! Dodo! Rere! Mimi! Pink! Orange! Blue! Ta-da! (RAP) Fighting evil by moonlight Doing crap like this at daylight I wish I may, I wish I might Finally do something right! My name is Ame Sugar But I have another title I'm a legendary World-Class I-D-L-E “Idle!” MY FANS: A strawberry teapot, short and stout. If you squeeze her tummy, love will come out! Strawberry! Blood type A-plus positive! Positive! Positive! Her blood is positive! (Singing) You’re gonna change your oshi to the Princess Though I’d rather be called a clown! And I’d rather wear a colorful suit than a gown And I’d rather wear a monocle than a crown… Hey! Y’all better turn those sad faces upside-down I smile on the outside while inside, I frown I command everyone to do so too! Happy time! Aishiteru daaaaa~ I live life's hard mode, GWAHAHAHAHA Onegai! I’m begging you to smile! Don’t let your memes be dreams when you can make them worthwhile! Smiling through the pain makes it all better! Yousei! Yousei! (Chanting) No way, no way! Someday, someday, I will just die! But I don’t wanna wake up from my dream before I fly… I wanna soar… I wanna soar… But I’m stuck on the ground… stuck on the ground… because my butt’s too big. YOOM-TAH!!! (Rap) Yowane? (Haku!) Aishite! (Ruu!) Demo, watashi wa mou shinde iru… (Nuu…) Kawaii poozu! (Kyuu!) I fell on my noozu! (Uguu…) I can no longer show my face to you… (Fuu!) (Me) Pitchbend! Oremo! Mye mye myu myo mye myo myo~ Haku-chan! Come on, guys! Everybody, harmonize! (Sour note) Somebody was off key! Oh my god it was me… Yappari… I can’t be an idol. I’ll dig a hole and bury myself in it! Huh? They was Yukiho’s trademark! Well I don’t care! It’s mine now! What? I should find myself? Gradually, gradually, they say it's okay to be me… If I think I can do it...well, if I can... Ah… ……End my suffering(╹◡╹)♡ (Help me) Kyuu ☆〜(ゝ。∂) Please! Just smile! This dream won’t end as just a dream I threw my heart out to the stage but nobody caught it, hehe ♡ It shattered! It shattered! Into little pieces! Nya! Haters can just perish to the shadow realm! Right now I don't wanna wake up from my dream I wanna be her, but I can't be cool But just maybe, but just maybe, I can be me instead… (Pterodactyl screech) Handsome Solo, c'mon! (USE SEXY VOICE FOR HAKU) Haku: There's something I want to say to you. Haku: You're so cute, Ame. Haku: I like you… I love you. I really love you. Haku: You are my Princess. My sweet little clown. (Affectionate) Haku: The reason why I was born… Haku: It's so that I could meet you. Haku: Let’s through this life together. You're the one I love the most in this world. I-LOVE-YOUUU!! Ame: OMG Haku! (Incomprehensible screeching) I don’t want my legend to die! I wanna laugh at the futility of it, but… I’m filled with hope once again! Laughing is medicine! Hahahahaha! Soda soda pop! Soda soda pop! Strawberry cake and ice cream with sugar dust on top! Pirika Pirilala let’s make it real! Let’s make it real! And eat the whole thing! Until we collapse! SHIAWASE….. Please oh please! I don't wanna die This dream won’t end as just a dream Everyone's my aidoru da! My inspiration! Wooo, TRANSFORM! (Yay! I will NEVER die!) Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow mow emow (This dream won’t end as just a dream) (Love me? Love you!) (With everyone!? With everyone!? With everyone!!) Let’s eat cupcakes! YAAAAAAAAY! One, two! Ame! Ame! Ame! Ame! Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, UTAU, with everyone-! When it rains, shine a light and a rainbow will appear! Rainbows! Rainbows! Rainbows! RAAAIIIINBOOOWWWWSSSS! (Deranged laughter that trails off into the distance)
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curewhimsy · 3 years
About Rainbow Week
November 16 - November 23 (Technically 8 days.)
Rainbow Week is a very special personal time for me in real life, so I incorporated it into the lore of my original fantasy world Whimsica, as a week-long worldwide celebration time. I also celebrate it in real life.
Why is Rainbow Week special to me? During these days, back in 2012, I ended up creating my original world, Whimsica, on truly what was a complete whim. It was on November 22.
Therefore, the name “Whimsica” is very fitting for how Whimsica was created!
Since I created Whimsica on November 22, I made it so November 22 is the birthday of Queen Rainbow (the Queen of Whimsica,) and also the legendary holiday where it is said the fantasy world of Whimsica was first born.
I originally started the story that introduced Whimsica when I was just a young teen with anxiety. Whimsica Saga was originally a Vocaloid fanfiction, known as “A Random Pointless Series.” After tons of revises and edits through the years, it gradually turned from a random jumble of things I liked, to an actual story with a coherent plot. I guess.
Writing Whimsica Saga’s clumsy, humble beginnings helped me through very tough times.
Whimsica Saga, just like its name, was a miracle, written on a whim. I never would’ve guessed that the story I wrote to cheer myself up during an episode of anxiety would grow so big and become my magnum opus.
Another special thing about Rainbow Week is that my ultimate comfort character, Haku Yowane, has a birthday during that week. November 21. Haku Yowane is incredibly special to me.
When I was 12 years old, I was very self-loathing and lonely and constantly felt like I was worthless and nobody would ever love me. I loved Vocaloid at the time Haku Yowane was a character who felt the same way. Despite that, she kept going and shone so brightly. I related to her so much because I knew she shared my pain. She became my favorite character and gave me so much hope.
A few other characters I like who have birthdays during Rainbow Week are Yuki Nagato, Ruko Yokune, and Taya Soune. Even Amelia from Animal Crossing, who was mean to me in my GameCube game as a child, but now I regard fondly, has a birthday during this period.
Another special thing about Rainbow Week... well... it wasn’t special at first. A long time ago, late November used to be a time that reminded me of a traumatic memory.
In November of 2008, something traumatic happened to me. It wasn’t a very horrible thing though... I only was 10 years old and I had emetophobia, and something related to my phobia happened. (My dad and I got a stomach illness on vacation and because I’m emetophobic it irrationally traumatized me.)
But the fact that I learned Haku Yowane was created in late November, Taya Soune was released in November 2008, and I ended up creating Whimsica four years later during that time, made me associate late November with happiness, joy, comfort, and magic instead of trauma!
It’s almost as if the good and happy things in life teamed up to defeat the monsters in my heart!
Another amazing thing about Rainbow Week is that since it’s close to Thanksgiving, and my family goes on vacation every year for Thanksgiving, I’m usually always on vacation for at least half of it!
So, nowadays, I celebrate Rainbow Week as a personal 8-day-long holiday where I make sure to be creative, self-indulge, and stay in good spirits. Don’t be surprised to see me talking about it a lot and posting about it before/when it comes. 
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curewhimsy · 2 years
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curewhimsy · 2 years
UST from here
I converted it into a VSQX with UtaFormatix
Harmonies in the UST by me...
My UTAU Ame Sugar singing “Tonari ni...” from The iDOLM@STER with Yowane Haku
It’s such a sad song... I actually started tearing up since my UTAU is doing a duet of it with a character who means so much to me
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curewhimsy · 3 years
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curewhimsy · 3 years
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WE’RE HARMONIOUS! (It’s true… have you heard our duet of Meteor…)
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curewhimsy · 3 years
What if I made ship names for Ame and romantic F/Os
Ame and Haku: Cream and Sugar Because Haku’s hair is white, and Ame’s last name is Sugar. Also we’re very sweet together.
Ame and Rhona: The Benefits of Dating A Marine Biologist This one is long, but I could not resist. Based on that marine biologist meme. May often be abbreviated as TBODAMB.
Ame and Defota: Itadakimasu Because Defota’s last name is Itadaki! And we both like to eat.
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curewhimsy · 3 years
Today I learned Haku is a type of Hawaiian lei.
It’s typically like a flower crown!
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curewhimsy · 2 years
I made a UST of Yoru no Uta from Cardcaptor Sakura (melody and harmony) and I converted the harmony to a VSQx with UtaFormatix and made Haku sing it
Ame Sugar (my UTAU) is singing the melody and Yowane Haku is singing the harmony
We harmonize so well ;; it’s giving me feels
Soundcloud link
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curewhimsy · 3 years
Haku Yowane wants to tell me she loves me... AGAIN!
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curewhimsy · 3 years
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I’m on a cruise and bruh this sushi place is literally called Kaito
I didn’t know because my mom kept saying we were going to “Keto Sushi Bar” lol XD
I’m pretending I’m on a date with Haku for her birthday now!
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curewhimsy · 3 years
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I beat Miitopia for the Switch!
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curewhimsy · 3 years
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Haku and Ame are two peas in a pod
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curewhimsy · 3 years
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Taya is jealous of Haku and I and our beautiful relationship.
But it’s okay, Taya! You can have one with Uta!
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curewhimsy · 2 years
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Happy birthday to me/Ame…
And Rest In Peace Scout, you are surrounded by friends
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