#Also Arthur is trying his best with these wild personalities give him some grace
starlytenight · 2 years
what was baby Meta knight like? Any headcanons?
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Oh, he was a little brat at first. There's a reason he offered the kids he found their own homes away from him when he found them. It was what he wanted as a young boy, just wanting to be alone outside some village until Arthur picked him up.
Also Meta came from a Japanese-speaking planet so that was his native language before. There was a funny barrier with their first meeting but they figured things out eventually.
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As a teen he was pretty arrogant and eventually toned it down with time and gentle nudging from his father figure, Arthur. He had his work cut out for him.
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Oh but when he was capable of teleporting, Arthur was dealing with fire. He had no idea how to handle that boy but he trusted him well enough to return when he needed to---and he did. Meta was like that overachiever that knew he was hot shit and could get away with it.
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He also had some emotional issues growing up in such a war-heavy environment and just wishing he was back on the planet he landed on. He was frustrated with being surrounded by death all the time despite doing his absolute best but soon grew numb to it all after a few hundred years.
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As a kid he was also teased for not having a real Ability and for his weird eye-color change thing. The others didn't mean to upset him with it, but they were kids and just thought it was weird that he wasn't like them. It just drove his teenage years into staking his pride on battle and skill to compensate.
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On a lighter note, his relationship with Falspar was grand. They would often sneak out and cause mischief or just have fun together doing things Arthur would kill them for. Meta was definitely encouraged by Falspar to indulge in this behavior but Falspar also very much enjoyed Meta's attitude along with his. They were like chaotic besties. Falspar was even one to defend Meta from too much poking about his lack of an Ability when he realized it was hurting him.
TL;DR: Meta was a troublemaking rascal but grew up into the more level-headed guy we see in present day but hoo boy. It's why he cringes at seeing his Dark self from the Mirror Dimension, he just sees his edgy teen self and wants to hide that.
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
College Headcanons: Modern!Peaky Blinders Edition
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: This came to me in a dream. Enjoy. 
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Thomas Shelby:
Double Major: Political Science and Business Management (bc he likes to work himself to death) Minor: Military Sciences/ROTC
Likes debating and trying to outsmart the professor.
Often seen on campus with bloody knuckles from rocking someone’s jaw.
Would 100% punch a motherfucker for being mean to someone he cares about.
Doesn’t need to be in a fraternity to be known around campus, just don’t mess with him and you’ll be fine.
All the girls whisper as he walks by but he don’t give a fuck cuz he has to go to his lectures.
He’s on time for every class and pulls out his pocket watch if the professor is more than 5 minutes late. If the professor can’t bother showing up then he dips out.
Almost got suspended for one too many fist fights.
Has a “thing” for the barista at the campus Starbucks. He learned after frequent visits, that her name was Grace and that she liked black coffee just like him.
Mysterious and moody af. No one knows if they’ve ever seen him smile, except when chatting up Grace.
Tries his best to study, but ends up getting dragged into his siblings shenanigans or into his head about the family business.
Keeps to himself for the most part, except for having a few close friends.
Hates technology so he uses a typewriter and prefers receiving letters/mail over emails.
Can’t figure out how to use Grace the baristas phone when typing in his number and tells her to write it down instead.
Often tells her to meet him after her shift. 😏
Professors hate him because of his reliance on paper. Totes not eco-friendly but he doesn’t care. Tommy always gets his way.
Grace always gives him a cookie for free cuz she knows he forgets to eat.
Always seen smoking or sneaking drinks of whiskey in a flask, even at 7am lectures.
Binge drinks on weekends with his bros, and drunk calls barista Grace when he has maybe 3 working brain cells left for the night. On other weekends when he’s coherent, he meets with Polly and tries to discuss business plans since their dad dipped out like a bitch.
To make matters worse, after dating for a while, Grace just leaves him. He thinks his aunt Polly may have been too hard on her, but he didn’t know until later that she lied when she said she didn’t know about the business. But barista bitch knew everything, and was gonna expose them to her higher-ups in the criminal justice department before long.
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Arthur Shelby:
Major: Agriculture Minor: Military Science/ROTC
Graduated just barely.
Ended up in some trouble with his peeps in the military science department, probs for cussing someone out.
Angry, loud, and emotional af.
Loved drinking with John and his frat boy friends.
No one messed with him if they valued their life.
Started one too many fights and got suspended for reals. Almost beat a man to death but we don’t talk about that.
He gets stressed really easily so in his free time he draws horses.
When he gets real mad he takes it to the campus boxing ring and punches to his hearts content.
On his way back to his dorm one night he saw a girl who was in his agriculture class. She was cute and also in a “Christian” ministry group on campus. He decided to chat her up when she was preaching, just to see what it was about.
They later dated but then she cheated around with a fellow churchy man and just went off the rails. When he found out it wasn’t pretty.
Her friends and pastor most likely shamed her cuz she be ✨sinning✨. Therefore not helping her mental state.
Her name was Linda. Never trust a Linda.
Everyone tried to console Arthur but only boxing and drinking at Johns frat house did the trick.
Tommy often had to run to his dorm in the middle of the night to talk him out his mental breakdowns. College is hard.
In the end, he was glad he did agriculture even if his crazy ex would constantly stare at him during lectures, probably plotting his demise.
Some days he’d take out his frustrations by chopping wood and helping out on the farm where he worked and studied most days.
But you bet your ass fuckin’ Linda showed up to his dorm one time though with a gun and tried to shoot him, but she didn’t know his brothers and aunt were there too. Polly may have shot her in the arm tho. But when the campus PD showed up shit really went down.
We don’t know where Linda is now, but that’s probs for the best.
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John Shelby:
Major: Music (idk I felt like he’s a musical boi) Minor: Military Science/ROTC
He’s a frat boy through and through. He drops it low on the dance floor and is known to dive onto beer pong tables.
Constantly going to parties and hooking up with sorority girls, that is until he meets a girl named Esme who’d been dragged to the party by her friends.
Suddenly he ain’t no hoe no more, he’s head over boots in love with her and she loves him too.
They be sneaking around in various buildings, often having to make a run for it to escape security.
He’d play her songs after hard training days with his military buds cuz it helps him calm down.
He’s not as violent as his older brothers, but he’ll fuck a person up if needed.
His fraternity is the second most important thing to him besides his girl. He loves the energy of the fraternity, the partying, and acting a whole fool with his friends, but Esme has him whipped.
His studies are struggling though cuz he loves to get turnt. He hates the studying aspect of college.
Always getting his brothers into trouble.
Snorts coke off Esme’s tits on occasion at the frat parties. It’s a wild time.
Has the mouth of a sailor but a heart of gold.
Talks of kids with Esme after dating for a year. Can’t afford a ring yet tho, but their bud Jeremiah marries them anyway on a whim.
After Arthur and the Grace fiasco ensues, he drops out of college because Esme falls pregnant. In the end, she ends up getting the chickens and wild cottage!core house she’d always wanted. They both decide to raise their kids there, living their best lives until Tommy drags them into more family matters later on.
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Ada Shelby:
Major: English Minor: Gender & Women’s Studies
Always seen in the most stylish clothes.
She’s quiet most times but can be very knowledgeable on various subjects.
She’s constantly going off on her older brothers and trying to smack some sense into them.
Feels like something is off with the barista Tommy’s been seeing, but it’s not her problem.
Can 100% find her chilling in the back of Starbucks reading old novels or writing literature reviews.
When she’s not there, she’s holed up in the library where she works part time, studying and practicing for debates.
10/10 would fuck in the library cuz she knows all the best secret places to go to. 😏
Organizes meetings with different campus associations and demands equality for students.
Spends her free time surfing the net for clothes or keeping an eye out for a potential new bae.
Is probably the best at studying. She earns the best grades let’s be honest.
Will not hesitate to call a bitch out. She may not throw hands but she’ll throw words that can cut you like a knife.
Works for the campus paper, spilling all the tea on campus life. Her brothers often reluctantly agree to be her mock interview subjects for a range of assignments.
She breaks necks when walking around campus, everyone moves out of their way for her.
She’s a bad bitch.
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Finn Shelby:
Major: Photography Minor: English
He hates how violent his brothers are but would 10/10 back them up if needed.
Often asks Ada for advice on studying and girls.
Doesn’t like the frat boy scene like John, but goes to the parties anyways with his best friends Isiah and Bonnie.
He’s a freshman and you can tell. He still has a glimmer of life in his eyes and a pep in his step as he walks around campus.
When he’s not taking pictures for class, he’s taking pictures of his girlfriend.
She’s his muse even when doing the simplest of things like sitting in a chair or reading one of his English books.
Each week he’d surprise her with a picture he took when she wasn’t looking, telling her how beautiful she is.
He may not look strong, but after many nights at the boxing ring with Arthur, he knew how to throw a punch.
He almost flunked his studies a couple times, getting too caught up in partying or being with his girl, but Ada and his Aunt Polly set him straight.
Voted by his family as most likely to not get arrested or suspended from college.
He’d have deep conversations with his friends, often confusing them because it was just that deep.
In his spare time he’d go boxing with Arthur or would try to help Tommy with his essays, but Tommy would get frustrated and tell him to fuck off within the first 10 minutes.
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Polly Gray:
Profession: Business Management Professor Side Job: Managing the blinder business with Tommy
When she’s not teaching class, she’s managing the blinder business that was left to her and Tommy to tackle. This also means covering up any suspicions that arise on campus. She has her hands full.
She’s Tommy’s only shred of common sense some days when he gets too stressed out from his 10,000 majors and minors, or wants to plan to overthrow the university.
Will not hesitate to slap someone, preferably her unruly nephews.
Anyone can lie to her but the truth always falls through the cracks, and when she finds out, you’d pray you faced the devil instead.
In her spare time she reads tea leaves and prays for the corrupt souls of her son and his cousins. She really just begs to god that they can come together for once to get the business in line, but even that may be asking too much.
Knows a snake when she sees one. *cough* *cough* Grace the barista.
She’s the first one to tell someone I told ya so, especially her students when they flunk her tests because they decided to get drunk the night before.
When she’s not yelling at her nephews or grading papers, she can be seen at the local bar chatting up coworkers and old flames, hoping to find “the one” eventually. She ends up having a “thing” for the quirky Philosophy professor though. He’s kind of shady cuz she finds out he’s in a similar business on the side, but it only makes her like him more. She craves the danger.
They later end up in a whirlwind romance similar to John and Esme, and everyone loves that for them.
She can also be seen with her head in her hands when trying to persuade Tommy to use technology.
“What is copy and paste Pol? Can’t I just write it down? What’s up with all these gadgets aye?”
“If you want your hand to fall off and to make me lose my mind, then yes, write it down. Grading is bloody hard enough as it is, let alone grading your papers. You’re just like your father ya know, always doing things the hard way.”
Tells Gina off when she gets the chance just like she did Grace. She didn’t shoot her like Linda though, she just hurt some feelings.
May have aided in Grace’s “sudden” departure…maybe…just a little bit.
Secretly ships Tommy with a woman named Lizzie who had been her assistant at her office. She knew she could trust her more, at least.
Despite her harshness, she’s just trying to keep her family from completely fucking up their lives.
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Michael Gray:
Major: Accounting Minor: Business Management
Like Tommy, he doesn’t get the hype of fraternities so he just hangs out with his cousins or his small circle of friends, they aren’t saints though.
His mom, Polly is his business management professor. She always calls on him and gives him a hard time when he spaces out in class.
Is often seen around campus with a few friends or his girlfriend Gina who he met in business class. They’re sickening and it was like a whirlwind romance tbh.
He usually finds himself cleaning up his cousin’s messes when it comes to fighting, but if he has to throw some punches he will.
He’s not as impulsive when it comes to matters of business, but where matters of the heart are concerned that’s another story.
When the blinders and Polly were all at her house for dinner one night he announced he was going to marry Gina. Arthur and John laughed and Tommy smirked slightly, still butt-hurt after his Grace left him for little-to-no reason. Ada grinned and bared the news whilst Polly nearly smacked him on the head.
People didn’t dare mess with him, and that went for all his cousins as well.
He spent a majority of his days in class crunching numbers, and most his nights out with the boys getting drunk or fuckin’ with Gina.
Because his mom held him accountable, his grades rivaled Ada’s causing them to get into some friendly competition at times.
He’s cunning like Tommy though. He got into many a screaming match with the older blinder after trying to take over his position in the family business. It ended in some black eyes and Polly smacking both of them with her newspaper. He knew better than to mess with the devil himself.
Despite the tensions between the cousins at times, he’s always the one they go to when they can’t figure out their math homework, and he’d always have to meet one of them in the library at 3 am to smuggle in some cocaine and a drink to keep them studying.
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supercalvin · 4 years
I have spent my day feeling sorry for myself with flu and reading your ficlets has made my day, thank you so much! I've loved your writing for so long and just want to say thank you for writing!! 💜 If you ever have the time and you'd want to, I have a prompt (I don't really know how to do this). Arthur is already king and it's the night before Merlin is also crowned. Just like a quiet love filled moment were Arthur quietly crowns Merlin just for the two of them, before the big thing.
(Also, I’m very sorry you aren’t feeling well. Hope you feel better soon! And there is no wrong way to do this, just message me like three words and I’d do it lol)
Prompts + Ficlets
Arthur had been wearing a crown, metaphorically, since the day he was born. It was a weight he had been trained to carry it. That didn’t mean it wasn’t difficult. Merlin always said it was more difficult for him than other Kings because he cared with his whole heart.
Over the years, they both had been through a great deal to say the least.
Arthur will never forget the night before his own coronation. His father had just died, Morgana had betrayed them long ago, and Arthur had let Gwen go because he knew that she had always loved Lancelot more than him. Arthur had never felt more alone than that night.
Then Merlin had entered his chambers, and Arthur had felt overwhelming relief for all of a few seconds, before he saw Merlin’s expression.
He had looked as if he might faint or vomit or perhaps run. But he had stood before Arthur, despite all this.
“I promised myself I would do this,” Merlin had said, voice shaking. “Even if it might be the worst night to do so.”
Arthur will admit, he often let his emotions get the best of him. He would also be the first one to point out that he had been under a lot of stress, that night in particular.
When Merlin had admitted to sorcery, Arthur had thought he had been admitting to betrayal. The words had always been synonymous to Arthur. His first reaction had been denial, unable to understand that Merlin of all people would betray him. Then he watched Merlin sob, his cheeks wet but his eyes firm on Arthur, as he swore to protect him. None of it made sense and Arthur was already too overwhelmed to handle any of it. He told Merlin to leave, too exhausted to yell or rage like he wanted to. The thought to arrest Merlin had never crossed his mind. Even in his worst moments, Arthur could never hurt Merlin.
The next morning Merlin arrived to work as if nothing had happened. He dressed Arthur for the coronation silently, deep purple circles under his eyes.
“Why are you doing this? Why are you still acting like my friend?”
Merlin had looked up at Arthur, his expression showing a deep sadness that Arthur had only ever glimpsed before. Merlin usually hid it well, and it was like a punch to the gut to see it there so openly.
“Because I am your friend. And I will be happy to serve you, Arthur. Until the day I die.”
The words echoed in Arthur’s mind as he walked down the aisle and as he knelt to be crowned. When he turned to face his subjects, newly crowned King, Merlin was standing in the front row. He looked straight at Arthur as he shouted, “Long Live the King.”
It had taken them months to understand each other again. Followed by even more months of rekindling their friendship. It had taken them over a year, after a few false starts, to fall into each other’s arms.
Arthur remembered kissing Merlin for the first time and thinking that it was too much. The feeling in his chest would explode and he would never be able to control such a wild thing. But then Merlin had pulled back, giving him a smile and letting a tear slip from his eye. As Arthur wiped the tear away, he remembered that they had been through so much together and that he would do it all again just for Merlin.
The following year the kingdom saw two major changes. The first being the return of magic to Camelot. The second being the coronation of the Court Sorcerer. For months, Arthur had been working on lifting the ban on magic. There was an alliance with the druids, treaties to be signed with neighboring kingdoms, and new laws to be enforced. Instating a Court Sorcerer was essential to not only solidifying the return of magic but also reassuring Camelot’s people that King Arthur trusted sorcery.
Crowning Merlin as his Prince Consort and instating him as his Court Sorcerer was as much a diplomatic arrangement as it was a personal one. Tomorrow, a crown would be placed on Merlin’s brow, and many things would change in their lives. But for now, they had only themselves.
Arthur was dressed in his white tunic and sleep trousers, looking over some reports at his desk. His feet were bare, and his hair was still a little damp from his bath earlier that evening. Behind him, Merlin was sitting at the open window in an old faded red tunic that had once been Arthur’s, looking out at the stars.
“Are you ready for tomorrow?” Arthur set down his quill, corking the ink so it wouldn’t spill.
“As prepared as I can be,” Merlin sighed.
Arthur stood to lean behind Merlin, dipping his hand over Merlin’s chest so it rested against his heart. “Are you ready to wear a crown?”
“As long as you don’t make me wear it often,” Merlin teased, turning his head to press a kiss to Arthur’s forearm.
Arthur laughed, but patted Merlin’s heart as he said, “No, that’s not what I meant.”
Silently, Arthur pulled away, turning to the cabinet across his chambers where he pulled out the crown that Merlin would be coronated with tomorrow. It was the circlet of a Crowned Prince, the same that Arthur had worn for many years.
Arthur could tell that Merlin was watching him closely as he approached him with the crown.
Merlin, with more grace than he usually displayed, slipped from the windowsill and knelt in front of Arthur.
In all the years they had known each other, Merlin had never knelt for Arthur. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He knew that tomorrow Merlin would kneel to be crowned, and that it was a sign of trust and respect. But that was not the point Arthur was trying to make at the moment.
So, he knelt in front of Merlin so that they were both on their knees. Here, they were equals in all things. From this angle, Merlin was framed by the window, the clusters of stars and streaks of shooting stars framing him perfectly. He lifted Merlin’s chin, so they were eye to eye.
“Tomorrow I act as King. Tonight, I act as a man,” Arthur said earnestly, “Merlin, you are the person I trust the most in this world. I will love you forever.” With reverent hands, Arthur placed the crown on Merlin’s brow, softly tucking Merlin’s hair so that it settled comfortably.
Merlin leaned forward and awarded Arthur with a soft kiss, his hands coming to gently cradle Arthur’s head.
Arthur pressed a kiss below the crown, right at Merlin’s temple.
Prompts + Ficlets
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/2X2MXow #
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After making her screen debut in 1989, Sandra Oh has enjoyed a remarkable career in both film and television. Although the versatile talent and 12-time Emmy nominated actress is best known for her iconic roles as Cristina Yang on Grey’s Anatomy and Eve Polastri on Killing Eve, Oh has also worked with some of the finest movie directors, including Alexander Payne, Steven Soderbergh, Mina Shum, John Cameron Mitchell, and more.
RELATED: Killing Eve – 10 Best Quotes From The Show
As fans continue to enjoy Oh’s new hit Netflix sitcom The Chair, it’s worth recollecting her best movie moments for those who want to see more of the talented actress on the big screen.
10 Defendor (2009): 6.8
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Peter Stebbings’ dark offbeat superhero comedy Defendor stars Oh as Dr. Ellen Park, a psychiatrist who gives hilarious facial and verbal reactions to the outlandish story relayed to her by Arthur Poppington (Woody Harrelson), an ordinary man moonlighting as a vigilante crime fighter.
Cut from the same genre-bucking, irreverent cloth as James Gunn’s Super, once Arthur confesses his secret life to Dr. Park, she convinces the judge to go easy on him and allow him to continue his heroic activity. When tragedy strikes, Oh shows how much heartfelt pathos she can portray by attending a touching ceremony for her patient.
9 Under The Tuscan Sun (2003): 6.8
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Written and directed by the late Audrey Wells, Under the Tuscan Sun is a delightfully uplifting rom-com about Frances (Diane Lane), a writer who ups and leaves her life in San Francisco to live in Tuscany after discovering her husband’s infidelity. Oh plays Patti, Frances’ best friend who encourages her to travel to Italy.
RELATED: Sandra Oh – 10 Best Roles, Ranked (According To Rotten Tomatoes)
In addition to the gorgeous locations, breezy tone, and rich cinematography, Oh adds complexity to the story as Patti, a lesbian expecting a child even after her lover Grace (Kate Walsh) has left her. It’s Patti’s visit to Tuscany when she’s nine months pregnant that helps Frances find the courage to pursue true love despite the painful past.
8 Double Happiness (1994): 7.0
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Oh made her feature film debut in Mina Shum’s must-see coming-of-age tale Double Happiness, in which she plays the lead role of Chinese-Canadian Jade Li. The intensely personal semiautobiographical drama shows how divided Jade is between her traditional Chinese upbringing and her modern Canadian lifestyle.
With a natural performance by Oh matched with the authentic, well-observed writing of Shum, the movie is a universally relatable tale of a person grappling with their own identity while trying to appease the expectations of loved ones. In her first film performance, Oh won the Genie Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role, proving what a titanic talent she has been from the start.
7 Rabbit Hole (2010): 7.0
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John Cameron Mitchell’s Rabbit Hole is a bruising account of a family dealing with the death of a young child at the hands of a teenage driver. Nicole Kidman gives a memorable and towering performance as Becca, a mournful mother who begins to find solace by interacting with Jason (Miles Teller), the driver who accidentally took her son’s life.
Although she has a smaller supporting role, Oh plays Gabby, a fellow grieving parent who helps Howie (Aaron Eckhart) deal with his loss at the group therapy sessions he and Becca attend. With profound empathy for Howie, she becomes instrumental in his healing process.
6 Meditation Park (2017): 7.1
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Twenty-three years after working with Mina Shum for the first time, Oh reunited with the filmmaker for the sweet-natured drama Meditation Park in 2017. The story concerns Maria Wang (Pei-Pei Cheng), an aging woman in the throes of an existential crisis upon suspecting her husband’s infidelity. Oh plays Maria’s daughter Ava, a mother of two who encourages Maria to reconcile with her estranged brother ahead of his wedding and break free from her husband’s hold.
RELATED: Asian-American Movies to Watch If You Loved Crazy Rich Asians
As another trenchant glimpse at the immigrant experience and a statement about the importance of women finding their own voice, Shum’s film is tender, touching, and triumphant.
5 Hard Candy (2005): 7.1
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David Slade’s Hard Candy is a deeply unnerving glimpse at a predatory pedophile (Patrick Wilson) getting his just deserts when a teenager (Elliot Page) tricks, traps, and tortures him in his apartment. Oh plays the man’s neighbor, Judy Tokuda, admitting she only took the role due to her working relationship with Page, a fellow Canadian she worked with on Wilby Wonderful the year prior.
With most of the action set inside the inescapable apartment, the visceral terror of the violence that Hayley (Page) exacts on Jeff (Wilson) is met by the suffocating sense of claustrophobia, making for a really upsetting experience. However, the hugely satisfying conclusion helps atone for the squeamish and uncomfortable moments of carnage.
4 Last Night (1998): 7.2
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The most unheralded of Oh’s top films happens to be Last Night, a mordant pitch-black comedy about the impending apocalypse and the rag-tag band of Canadians with differing views on how to react. With the end of the world set to strike at midnight, Sandra (Oh) tries to make it out of her stranded position in Toronto and reunite with her husband, Duncan (David Cronenberg). One bad thing after another ensues.
Weird, wild, and ultimately winning, Last Night boasts writer/director Don McKellar’s signature brand of dark humor and anarchic energy. As such, the film has become an unforgettable cult classic among those who’ve seen it.
3 Raya And The Last Dragon (2021): 7.4
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With great respect and honor for the rich historical traditions of Southeast Asia, Raya and the Last Dragon is one of Disney’s most beloved recent animated movies. Sandra Oh lends her voice to the commanding role of Virana, the Fang chieftess and mother of Raya’s main rival, Namaari (Gemma Chan).
RELATED: Raya And The Last Dragon – What The Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life
With a moving story, spellbinding animation, and characters never before seen, Raya and the Last Dragon continue to soar in the hearts and minds of viewers.
2 Sideways (2004): 7.5
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Directed by her then-husband Alexander Payne, Oh demonstrated her hilarious comedic chops in the indie darling Sideways, a character study of a failing writer at an existential crossroads. The boozy road trip follows Miles (Paul Giamatti), an uptight novelist, and his lecherous pal Jack (Thomas Hayden Church), as they hit Santa Barbara wine country on a tasting tour.
Praised for its excellent performances and light tonal touch between comedy and drama, Oh gives a standout turn as Stephanie, a cool sommelier who has a steamy love affair with Jack (whom she does not know has a fiancee). When she finds out, she goes absolutely ballistic in one of the movie’s funniest moments. The story is so sharply penned that it won an Oscar for Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay.
1 The Red Violin (1998): 7.6
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Despite playing a bit role as Madame Ming in the fifth and final chapter of The Red Violin, the ambitious epic ranks among Sandra Oh’s most well-received movie to date. The film traces a famed 17th-century Violin from its creation in Italy to its auction in modern-day Montreal, and all that the instrument endured in creating some of the most beautiful music the world has ever heard.
Praised for its sumptuous set decorations and costume designs, Oscar-winning original music, intelligent story, and a throwback style of filmmaking that calls to mind the grand epics of the past, the resonance of The Red Violin is still felt today.
NEXT: Steven Spielberg’s 10 Best Historical Epics
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ohallthecrushes · 4 years
Slow burning//Joker x Reader
A/N: I’m not the only one that finds smoking Arthur so fucking sexy, but to my surprise I haven’t seen any fanfic turning it into a smut. So here you are.
Also I want to say that I use both his names: Arthur and Joker, because to me it’s still one and the same person.
Also also, I’m pretty sure there are some mistakes that I’m not sure how to fix, English isn’t my first language. I’m sorry for that.
Summary: Joker noticed how you look at him when he smokes.
Pairing: Joker x Reader
Contains: SMUT, smoking, fucking, swearing, that’s pretty it guys.
Word count: 1855
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Joker laid you down gently on the bed, making sure that you felt comfortable and relaxed by whispering to your ear how much he loved you and placing a light kiss on your lips. You softly moaned into his mouth and tilted your head to the side giving him access to your neck. He smirked and with his eyes opened, started licking and kissing every spot on your neck and your collarbone where he'd left hickeys and love bites just few moments before. He always made sure that any pain, even the slight one, even the one that you wanted to feel, the one that gave you more pleasure than discomfort, was always assuaged and patched up with tenderness and love. Arthur never stopped treating you like a beloved and precious gem in his life that he had to protect and take care of, and god how much did he care for you, even after his transformation to Joker. You never felt less than his Queen by his side.
His white paint left so many smudges and lines all over your face and neck, that you were almost sure you looked like a printed map with marked places that Joker loved to love.
You were already after a hot, intense make out session and Arthur was the one who had decided to slow down a bit. You didn't mind at all. You always liked that wild side of him, when he went total werewolf to you, becoming more dominant and claiming you as his and his only, but that sweet, slowly love making sessions when you both were looking each other in the eye and whispering sweet nothings, were the ones that meant more to you. That always stayed with you when he wasn't there and you were alone in your shared apartment.
You wondered what had caused him the sudden change of mind, but you didn't want to ask him, for it didn't matter right now. Instead you wanted to shift your curiosity utterly on his body, admiring the way he looked when he positioned himself between your opened legs. His face was still mostly painted white, and white only, as you'd accidentally distracted him from his make up routine, not letting him apply more colors onto his beautiful face.
At first you'd thought that your bad behavior was going to be punished as you'd been attacked by his hungry and demanding mouth and greedy hands, causing you to completely melt under his touch and kisses. But then as you'd finally stumbled your way to the bed, he had changed his mind and held himself back.
You watched him as he leaned to the side to pick up his trousers from the floor, that he'd got rid off just few minutes before. God, how much you loved just watching him like that. No matter how many times you'd seen each other naked, how much you knew his body by heart, it always surprised you how your curiosity and necessity to admire his physicality were never satisfied. You longed to see him, to watch him, to touch him, every. single. day. You could never get enough of him. And that feeling was mutual, cause he felt exactly the same way about you.
Addiction was very strong and relentless and never ending.
Your eyes took the time precisely examining all the muscles in his body, as they were moving and shifting underneath his skin. His face was relaxed, but the green ocean in his eyes were darkened by lust and glowing with mischief at the same time. Your eyes stopped at his jaw line as he tilted his head to the side, before you looked down. His manhood was ready to please you, which gave you thrills just by thinking about it. His chest slowly moving up and down, and his slander hands gracefully pulled out a pack of cigarettes from a pocket in his trousers. You looked at him with slightly raised eyebrows. He usually smoked after sex, never during. What was the use of the cigarette between his fingers?
- I've noticed how you look at me, when I smoke... - he said with this soft and gentle tone of voice of his. You bit your lower lip and he smirked at that. You had this habit of biting your lip when you didn't want to admit to something. He found it amusing - At first I wasn't sure what your eyes were trying to tell me, it looked like you wanted so badly to smoke too, though I know you don't smoke - he continued as he pulled out a lighter and lit it. His eyes were watching every single emotion flashing on your face - But now I think I know what's going on with you when you see me smoking.
The cigarette went to his opened mouth and he clamped it between his lips.
Your cheeks turned slightly red and you felt like Joker had caught you on doing something that you didn't want him to know. But of course he had noticed, how could he not? He was the most perceptive person you'd ever met.
There was nothing you could say about his observation. Your face had already revealed all the answers that confirmed his prediction. The truth was, even though you didn't approve his addiction and didn't quite like it, you fucking loved watching him smoking. He was so sexy and elegant while doing this, so sensual and seductive even without him knowing it, that you couldn't take your eyes off him. You didn't know why it turned you on so much, maybe it was the way that he blew out the smoke leaning his head back and exposing his neck, or the way he flipped the cigarette or maybe how confident he was with his smoking.
Whatever that was, he was incredibly sexy while doing it and that was your new, surprising, a little embarrassing, but very strong kink.
You lowered your eyes to avoid the eye contact as you felt the pink on your cheeks boosted in color, but quickly moved your eyes back up on his face as you heard him taking a deep breath in, inhaling nicotine in his lungs. The way he moved his head on both sides slowly and so nonchalantly, as if he didn't know nor care how wet it was making you. But he was aware, very much aware what he was doing to you right now and how much you wanted him to fuck you. The smoke escaped through his nose and mouth and his body swayed in a rhythm of a song that was playing in his head.
He was so cocksure, damn.
- Please... - you begged in a low voice that came out almost like a whisper.
He smirked as his fingers wrapped around his hard cock and he lowered himself to pressed the head onto your entrance.
- Please what, doll?
- Mhmh - you hesitated for a moment to say what you desired, smoking Joker was intimidating to you.
- It's alright, darling, you can say it.
- I want you t-to - you started and bit your lip again before you finished your request - To fuck me while you're smoking, please, you're so sexy right now with this cigarette, I can't even... - you shook your head and giggled a little at your own uncontrollable urge.
Joker smiled at you, letting you know that he was glad you had verbalized your thoughts and that he'd be more than happy to fulfill your fantasy.
He took another drag of his cigarette and pushed slowly into you, inch by inch while blowing out the smoke. He gently squeezed your thigh with his free hand and slightly pushing your leg towards you, just to have better view. His eyes watching your pussy swallowing his hardness and he gasped in delight before taking another drag. He closed his eyes, arched his back a little and threw his head back. You watched the smoke leaving his mouth in one long puff out, drifting towards the ceiling, and you felt the heat burning in your abdomen.
This was art. This was definitely art. Aesthetic and grand, how elegant and graceful did he look like at the moment.
You had sex with masterpiece.
You pressed your head into a pillow and let the sensation of Joker pushing in and pulling out of you, slowly in his own rhythm, taking over you.
His cock was moving deep into you, hitting your g spot and coming out almost to its head in a pace that was almost too slow, but also so intimate, special and patient. Joker took his time with you, enjoying every second, combining two things that always made him feel relaxed and more confident - smoking and fucking you. He was going to put a show for you too, and damn, if you weren't going to appreciate that the best you could.
He made eye contact with you and played with the cigarette between his lips, pouting a bit, changing the way he pressed the cigarette with his lips. His hand moving from his mouth to the side as he shook ashes on the floor beside bed. He was careful not to accidentally burn you with it.
Oh, fuck the carpet. That show was definitely worth sacrificing the piece of floor cover.
He licked his lips and fastened his pace a bit as he noticed your breath became uneven and you moved your hand down to your clit, ready to work out your incoming orgasm.
He took another long drag and swayed his head from side to side closing his eyes for a moment. The smoke left through his nostrils and he looked down at your pussy. Your fingers were vigorously rubbing your clit and he licked his lips again liking what he saw, pushing even deeper into you. The expression on his face changed, it was still relaxed and somewhat casual, giving him this i'm-a-little-shit-and-i-know-it look, but some muscles tightened, his eyebrows shifted, as he focused completely on pleasing you, making sure your orgasm would be at least twice as intense as usual.
You were so closed and you wanted to came for him so badly, but you also didn't want the show to end, you wanted to print this image into your head forever, have it behind your eyelids, so every time you closed your eyes you could see it. So you withdrew your hand and tried to hold back your climax.
Joker smirked at you, leaving the cigarette in his mouth as he picked up your train of thoughts and slid his hand down your thigh to your clit, and started rubbing it with his thumb, taking you on the verge of release.
Fuck, he wasn't going to let you enjoy it for too long.
Perhaps it would have lasted longer if you hadn't interrupted him doing his make up.
That was your sweet punishment.
Now you had no other choice than to come for him when he told you so.
- Doll... - your nickname left his mouth with another clouds of smoke. His tone soft and seductive, but demanding too.
And so you closed your eyes, arched your back and smiled at his next words.
- Come for Daddy.
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jokerownsmysoul · 4 years
“Another thing to love”, Joker x Reader // comfort, a little angst?
Summary: Reader is insecure about her body and her acne, this is why she takes distance from everyone. Joker loves her so much and is worried about her.
Warnings: insecurity, sad thoughts, mention of anxiety
Words: 2698
A/N: This is the first Joker x Reader I ever written so forgive me if it’s not the best. Also english is not my first language. I’ve written this fic in my native language, italian, and then I translated it in english, so I apologize for any typos. I studied english in high school and now that I go to university I’m still learning it on my own.
I got inspired by the request of @ajokeformur-ray​ I always read your fic and the other day I saw your post. I just felt I had to written your request. I love your writing and you always makes me feel better with your fic, so what better way to thank you than writing for you too? Also this gave me the courage to break the ice on my blog. I hope this doesn’t makes you feel uncomfortable but makes you feel better, just like you make me feel better, and all the people who read your stories too.
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You’ve always had bad days in which you just don’t feel okay about yourself. Some days it takes little to get better. It’s enough put on your lips that lipstick you like so much, curl your hair or wear that short dress, that in other day you’d never wear, just to dance around the apartment as if your body is moving by is own will and letting Joker looks at you with a mischievous smile and a loving look in his eyes. Sometimes Joker joins you and both of you dance together in every corner of the apartment, your bodies coming together in a waltz held by the rhythm of your love that is never stable, but it’s always changing. Slow, fast. Slow, fast. Just like your love: in your love there is the absolute certainty of two bodies in one soul, but also the unpredictability that only such a great love can give. Other times he simply sits on the sofa keeping his eyes fixed on you not to miss a single move you make.
In these moments you can see the emotion he feels everytime you dance throughout the apartment without worrying about anything, as if existed only the two of you in the world. The emotion he feels every time you let yourself dance gracefully and you feel as free as he feels every time he dances. You dance as if you were made of lightness and grace, with your arms hovering in the air as if they wanted to touch the atmosphere all over around you, your legs which never stay for more than a minute on the same point which you let them go in sinuous moves. You are dancing for yourself, but also and above all for Joker and you both know that.
Most of the time in your moves he recognizes his moves and this is just another proof that you two have become one soul and two hearts that beat together at the same time. Your bodies and minds have now synchronized with each other. Each of you has extended into the other, there is such a poetic exchange of thoughts, emotion and habits bewteen you two that one has poured into the other, a mutual exchange that comes out of these small things. It comes out of your way of dancing, so similar to his, and of his way of stroking your hair, so similar to your way of stroking his green hair that you love so much.
But some days, like today, nothing seems to be enough to make you feel better. Neither the music you love, nor a dress that most of the time makes you feel pretty because it shows up your curves, not even comforting you with your favorite food doesn’t make you feel better.
On these days it’s not even enough to wear the Joker’s blazer, which you love as much as you love him and every time you wear it always makes you inevitably feel beautiful. These days you just avoid mirrors as much as possible, you lie down on the bed, watching your favorite movie hoping that those thoughts will go away as soon as possible but most of the time you will close in yourself, leaving no one to go beyond the armor that you have just built to protect yourself. Not even Joker can do such a thing, on these days.
The day was almost over and a part of you was happy to see the last lights of the sunset coloring the night and see that this bad day was coming to an end. You were lying on the bed and you could see the ragged walls of the room being wrapped in a bright red color, and in your heart you hoped that the next day would be easier to manage, and that the boulders deep in your heart would be lighter every day, until this insecurity was gone. Because no matter how unmanageable it may be, no matter how many days you can hear it, it leaves, sooner or later, as it happens every time it comes and manages to catch you. So you wait, motionless, patient, hoping that this time the insecurity will go away faster than the previous one.
Your mind was so buried in those negative thoughts, so committed to removing your insecurity and anxiety which woke you up in the morning as much as possible, that you didn’t even noticed whether the noise of the entrance door opened or the steps of Joker coming home, studying the apartment looking for you. At the exact moment he entered the house he was surprised not to find you in the living room, sitting at the table studying or on the sofa recording a Charlie Chaplin movie to watch together once he got back home. A slight shiver of anguish ran down his spine: it was Joker, but deep inside he was still Arthur and his insecurities had never left him, he was always tormented like the man he had been before. A man who had never really gone away. The only difference was that now all the torments that Arthur kept repressed within him were now entitled to carry a weight, thanks mostly to your presence that reminded him every day of how important his feelings were. He had been away from you for a long time and his only desire was to lie in bed wrapped in your embrace or to cradle you in his arms while you sitting on his lap, just as you both like.
By then he looked for you in every room of the apartment except in the bedroom and this is the reason why he hoped that you were there, and that nothing bad had happened to you in those 24 hours when he was not there to protect you. He opened the door and saw you lying in the bed hidden by a cocoon of blankets, the only thing he could see of your body were your forehead and a pile of hair coming out from the edge of the duvet. Although you heard the noise of the ruined door hinges when Joker opened the door wide with an impatience that brought out all his concern, you did not turn to him or even say hi. Joker sighed in relief seeing your figure in front of his eyes. He knows you love him, he always knew, but sometimes even the smallest thing is enough to bring out his deepest worries and fears, which he somehow always keeps in a grip.
“Y/N?” he asked, but getting no answer he approached you, sitting next to you. You were lying with your back turned to him and you could feel his buttock sitting on the bed and pressing against your back, only that simple contact was enough to let you understand how much you had missed him and how hungry your body was for his presence. Yet you stood still. I mean, what else could you have done? Joker made another attempt trying to lift one edge of the top blanket to stroke your shoulder.
“Y/N.” This time his tone of voice was imperative, decisive. He understood that something was wrong and with that single touch between you two you felt that his body froze: not because he was angry because you didn’t talk to him, but because you were in pain and this made him feel bad. Especially at that moment in which you didn’t communicate with him or didn’t give him your attention. Your pain was his pain. All the time of your long relationship he had always been particularly worried about your pain, actually more worried about yours than his own, and he would have done anything to make you smile again. Your pain was his pain, and that would never change.
“You can’t look at me, Joker.” You tugged the blanket so he had to let it go and you brought it back to you, covering yourself even more. Now your head was totally buried under that blanket and the only thing Joker could see of you now were only those wild strands of hair that your grip had spared.
You kept Joker as far away from you as possible, even if you were a meter away from him, and Joker knew you needed space; he always understood your needs, in fact he took his hand away and put it on your shoulder, but this time from above the blanket. “Y/N, my love, is there something wrong? Why can’t I look at you?”
Your body relaxed at the gentle touch of his hand on you. You hadn’t seen him since the night before and that day you had missed him so much that the only thing you wanted was his skin in contact with yours, his hugs, his warmth. With a broken voice you spoke still buried in the blanket so much that looked like your voice was behind the walls, and he barely understood what you said. “I don’t want you to see me like this.”
“Like this?” He never forced you to explain anything you didn’t want to, but you knew that sooner or later he would do everything in his power just to know what happened to you and fix the problem, so you just decided to explain yourself. Joker had promised himself that he had to make you smile again, that your pain would be gone by night, whatever was the reason.
“I mean… ugly. I’m a total mess.” Joker could not stand the times you spoke badly of yourself, of the only person who had shown him kindness, compassion, merit in this disgusting city. The only person who ever showed love to him, and who had never stopped doing it since the first day you met. You showed him your love every second and every day of your life and by his touch you could feel his body burning because an angel like you didn’t deserve those words.
“Y/N! Why do you say such a thing?” The tone of his voice looked angry, but you knew him so well that you could understand his emotions by the way he spoke and you knew that actually he was only pained by the way you have just talked about yourself and he couldn’t stand it.
“Because… my acne… my body…” Joker smiled with a veil of sadness and love in his lips, understanding what the problem was. You couldn’t see him smiling because you were still with your back turned to him, but you could feel it. Joker was for you a music that you would never stop listening, every part of him was a melody that only you could hear and love with all of yourself, as if you were both like the kind of ultrasounds that only a particular kind of living being can hear. You both could hear each other’s music just like this.
“Oh, my love.” He approaches you so that he can tighten your waist with his arm. He couldn’t look at you in the eyes, but he could do it through your caresses. One of the many ways he had to make himself heard from you despite everything. “You could never do, have or say something that would lead me to love you less.”
The feeling of his arm holding you over the blankets and that understanding tone of voice melted you completely. By now the craving you had for him was so frustrating that you couldn’t do anything but turning slowly towards him looking for his presence in your eyes, your touch, your entire being. The love for him had become stronger than your insecurity and anxiety. The love you felt for him was always stronger than anything, and it was one of the few certainties that you had for each other. You sat down, the blankets still hiding your body, but your face was clearly visible.
“Look at me… look at my face.” You said to him in those tears that were starting to fall, as if the sight of your Joker was enough to let you go in that cry which you had been kept for a whole day. You understood at that moment that the only thing you needed was him, and you had kept it away. Joker looked carefully at your face. “I look at your face, my love, and I love every single thing about it,” he moved closer to you and cupped your face with his hands to take away the tears that were running down your cheeks with his thumbs. “I love every single thing except these tears.” You smiled in tears knowing that Joker had never loved seeing you cry. “But… my face is full of scars, pimples… and my acne-” Joker interrupted you as you spoke. “Your acne,” began to speak, getting even closer with the whole body so now only your breaths separated you and the short distance allowed Joker to print a kiss on one of your scars left by acne on your cheek, “it’s just one more reason to give you a lots of kisses.” He smiled and proving you what he just said he kissed every single mark on your face, starting from your cheeks and then every part of your face that could be reached. He kissed every scar, every mark, every sign that your acne had left on your beautiful face and also kissed your tears and your eyes. “Do you understand what I want to tell you?” he asked and you nodded.
Of course you understood. You two did not communicate only through words, you had your own language which also included kisses and caresses. Your bodies have the same frequency and there is nothing you could never understand. “So you understand that when I look at you I don’t see your acne, but I see my beautiful, wonderful Y/N? The woman who fights my demons next to me every day, the woman who in my nights of insomnia gently sneaks into the fridge and gives me the courage to go out and follow her in reality, just because that’s where I can find her and kiss her? The woman who saves me every day from myself and from the entire world with just a smile? The woman I love?“ Those words increased your tears but this time they weren’t caused by pain, but by love. All the love you felt for him was in that look you gave him as soon as he finished talking, and it was so overwhelming that you wondered how it was possible to feel such a strong feeling.
"I understand it, but… you still can see my acne anyway.” Joker grinned. “I see it, and for me it’s just one more thing I can love about you. It’s one more reason to love you, another reason to take care of you.”
You felt the whole body give in to him. In to the love you felt for him, in to his beautiful face that stared at you full of passion and tears held back for having seen you sad, in to his warm hands that had never stopped holding your face.
“Can you give me another kiss?” you asked in need, childish and impatient to feel him everywhere around you. With a grin on his face his lips were in a second already on yours, giving you that passionate kiss that you had craved for since he left the night before.
Some days it takes little to get better. Other days, like today, you just need your Joker to remember what’s like and how you feel when mostly your flaws are loved by the only person you care about.
Tomorrow you can wake up again with your insecurities in your heart, or in a week, or in two months. It doesn’t matter when they could wake you up. Joker will always be by your side like today, ready to hold your insecurities and help you manage them with you.
Until, one day, you will be able to love them too just as he loves them.
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husbandits · 5 years
arthur with a f reader that has never “presented” until they meet and then they present (AOB universe if ur into that heh)
oh this is a good trope! I’m gonna assume we’re a late bloomer here, since I hc that most people present around age 17-22. i’m also gonna mention in advance that it gets a little close to ‘dub-con’ territory at the end; nothing unconsensual or anything happens, it’s more of a ‘pheromones making ppl horny’ thing
you also didn’t specify what presentation you wanted the reader to have, so i went with alpha
Everyone had always taken you for a gamma, as you came of presentation age, with no sign of your second puberty. You’d assumed the same- even if you lacked the characteristic scent-blindness of a true gamma. Luck, you figured, or else scent-blindness itself was a myth.
In any case, they were all wrong.
You’d been with the Van Der Linde gang for little more than a month when it starts, a little warmth in your cheeks, a shorter temper than usual. Easy to ignore.
The prevalence of all the agressive alphas around you (Dutch, Susan, John, and Micah, for starters), as well as the way a few of the omegas (Sean and Arthur) mark their own space and overcompensate, has your head spinning from time to time, and you count it as you adjusting at first at least.
Content to hanging back when pheromones rise with your 'fellow’ gamma, Uncle.
That is, until you start presenting.
It’s close enough to a cold, fever, spinning head, the occasional moment of dizzyness, that you can ignore it for a while, push through it and assume you’ll be alright in a bit- though the way your libido’s been rising hasn’t exactly been reassuring. Ignore the heads turning your way for seemingly no reason. The haze around you, Dutch’s overbearing attitude chief among them, leave you antsy, and you desperately need some air.
So you head out, ostensibly to catch some game.
You’d meant to take Charles with you- a calm presence unlikely to ask questions you can’t answer, but instead Arthur calls out to you, trotting along on his big shire. He grumbles something about stretching his legs, and Charles having business in town, and you relent, letting him come with.
The two of you had been decently close when you’d first joined the gang, but lately you’d found yourself keeping your distance. There’s something enticing about him, drawing you to him at all hours, even as you grow grumpier and more frustrated with seemingly everyone else. It had felt like you where pushing, and you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
“Feelin’ alright?” Arthur interrupts your introspection, “noticed you lookin’ a little flushed lately, ’d hate to see you getting sick…”
You nod, absently. Your head is still swimming with too many pheromones, even as you gallop further and further from camp, “I, ah, thought the air would do me some good.”
He grunts. Seems to disagree with something, but doesn’t say it. “Got the right idea, anyway. With the way Dutch’s been at the bit, I’d wager he’s on the brink of a real nasty rut.” A huff, and the two of you slow down, far enough from camp that you can’t detect the alpha’s overpowering syrupy scent of cherries and liquor. “Best to get out from under his feet for a week or so, let everything roll over…”
The two of you reach a stream in the woods, and he gestures for you to stop. This’ll be a decent place to leave the horses, while you head out to find some game. You follow suit, sliding from your warmblood with less grace than usual, and letting her step into in the stream, drinking from the water with a huff.
“Is he usually this unbearable?” You can’t help but ask. You haven’t seen Dutch in rut yet, and you can’t help but shiver at the image of Dutch, overcome with burning heat and driven half-mad by his need to claim everything around him as his own.
A shrug. Arthur unloads the rifle from his mare and inspects it, as the two of you chat. “Depends. Used to be damn wild when I was young, but lately he’s mellowed a little.” He takes a quick bite of a cut of meat he’s apparently got tucked away in his satchel, offering his stallion a carrot. “Man’s got something stuck in his craw lately though, I swear.” The untouched half of the steak is held out to you in offering. “Micah must be throwin’ him off or something.”
You nod, absently. Don’t take the food, your stomach twisting in knots. The scent of oranges, of Arthur, hangs heavy in the air, and you find yourself turning away from him, trying to get some air.
“Y'alright?” He frowns. “I- hang on, I smell something…”
He turns, seemingly on edge. Curiously you catch no scent of this interloper, and reach for the knife at your hip absently.
“Hello!?” Arthur calls. Turns around, trying to catch some sign of whoever he smells. “Who’s out there!”
He turns back toward you, nose wrinkling, one hand on his gun. “Swear I smell somethin’ hanging’ around…” He takes a step closer, and his eyes widen at some realization, “here…”
His glance meet yours, and then there’s a moment of hesitation. Arthur moves closer, taking another deep sniff. He frowns, soft lips pursing at some puzzle.
“Is that you? I thought- Well, I mean, I’d heard you were a, uh,” A light blush spreads up his face, lighting his ears pink. Arthur’s eyes don’t meet yours, and you only blink in confusion. Is what you? Gammas don’t have a scent, and he’s clearly smelling some sort of person.
Instead of answering, you adjust your footing as you fight a swell of dizzyness, the buzzing in your head swelling to a fever pitch. “I… I have to sit…”
A nod from Arthur, seemingly distracted from his concern from just a few seconds ago, and he helps you over to a nearby boulder. His mouth hangs open just the slightest bit, tongue playing at his lips, and the arm he rests on your shoulder is at once grounding and as hot as a brand.
“Miss, I, I really hate to be too forward,” he manages, bringing one hand to the back of his neck, “But, ah, you s-sure you’re a gamma?” His thigh is close against the sharp tip of your knee. “Cause right now you’re smellin’ awfully strong…”
You manage a huff at that. Resist the urge to press your knee against him more. “I-I don’t have a scent, I never have. If you’re-”
You’re cut off when he moves to your side, closer and yet no longer touching, vanilla oranges making your head spin. The scent is overpowering, seemingly flowing straight from his flushed skin to your dizzy head, and you’re overcome with an urge to touch him. Hold him. Claim him.
Undeniably, something is wrong. Arthur moves to take a seat on a nearby log, and you follow, torn between confusion and need. Arousal burning in your veins, making your focus hazy, your will weak.
“Must be you driving Dutch up a wall…” Arthur’s voice grows to a low growl, and you groan right back, pushing against his side. “All this heavy alpha scent, strong and…” He gives a groan as you wind one hand up his, taking insistent hold of the short hair on the back of his head, “overpowerin’…”
Later you’d say it’s fate, that has you mouthing up his jaw, that Arthur is there to guide you through things when you at last present. For now though, you’re preoccupied with the aching want in your veins, the hot need to show your desire and make him yours.
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magicjesuscup · 5 years
Can you do headcanons for Artoria realizing she's falling for her master?
I know I scream about how much I love Siegfried on here a bunch, but King Arthur is my favorite (all of them. Saber Artoria. Lancer Artoria. Prototype Arthur), so I had a lot of fun thinking about this one. I’m assuming this ask is about Saber Artoria (although, it would be true of Arthur and most of it applicable to Lancer Artoria too). Sorry this took so long. I wrote it in Word and it came out to be about 4 pages. OTL
Kinda spoilers for E Pluribus Unum singularity ahead.
Artoria is the last person to find out about her own crush. Literally everyone else in Chaldea knows except her.
Merlin is the first to know and it has provided him endless entertainment.
Her crush happens in stages...
Stage 1: Admiration
Her feelings start as admiration. You weren’t at all prepared to be the sole master in a mission to save all of humanity, but you were always choosing to do the right thing.
If you’re excited about saving the world, she’ll tell you, “I can appreciate your enthusiasm, but you should keep in mind that all that’s required of you is that you do your best. Don’t create expectations of yourself that you will be unable to fulfill, least you never forgive your shortcomings or regret ever having taken up your cause.”
If you don’t have noble reasons for saving the world and ask if Artoria (the king of ethics) is disappointed, she’ll respond, “No. Your actions are just, and you are a fair master; that’s all that can be asked of you.” When you seem unconvinced, she sits next to you and adds, “You and Mash are the first to rayshift to each singularity, and you stay close by the battlefield to issue commands. Knowing you are doing these things despite not wanting to is admirable. When you summon me to your side, I find pride in telling friend and foe of the singularity alike that you are my master.”
Flirting here is virtually impossible since you’re still building a relationship with her and might not even have a crush yourself yet.
Stage 2: Super Protective
Artoria then becomes very protective of you. Women in her time weren’t expected to take up arms, so she doesn’t suggest you learn to fight so you can protect yourself. She may be a king, but she is also a knight in your service. She’ll protect you, even if it means her life. Artoria is determined to keep this vow; she will not fail.
She’s also ready to fight with Diarmuid over this. He insists, “The safest place for Master is the farthest she can get from the battlefield.” To which Artoria responds, “She relies on us, her servants, for protection. If you wish to call your abilities to keep her safe into question, you are free to do so, but do not question mine.” Luckily, Diarmuid had no intentions of challenging the difference in their moral code, so they agreed to disagree.
She spends a lot of her time playing the part of the perfect, chivalrous knight for you. Artoria starts by doing things like opening doors for you or pulling out your chair. She’ll stop doing those things if you say it’s unnecessary or do something else if you say something like, “If you wouldn’t mind, I need your help more with [a thing].” She’ll also step in if she sees any male servant making you uncomfortable. Remember the E Pluribus Unum singularity? Let’s pretend that Fionn was talking to you instead of Mash. You’ve never seen somebody be challenged to a fight so fast. Artoria flew in out of no where (you seriously have no idea where she came from), and smacked him with her gauntlet…The metal side... Anyway, after Fionn looses but before he and Diarmuid leave, Artoria gives them a lecture on how your freedom belongs to you and no one is entitled to that. Fionn makes some comment like, “I suppose if I want her I’ll have to win her from you first.” Yeah, remember when I said everybody notices Artoria crushing on you except her? I meant literally everyone. Then Fionn looks at you
If you’re aware of Artoria’s crush, you smile and shrug. I mean, what are you supposed to do about it?
If you’re as oblivious as Artoria, you give him a confused glance. Fionn then rolls his eyes so hard they almost fall out of his head.
When the Knights of the Round Table notice their king protecting you so fiercely, they follow suit.
If you’re kind, this is the time to flirt with her. The conversation might go something like this:
You: Artoria, you’re the perfect knight. If you’re not careful, I might fall in love with you.
Artoria: I doubt that. I’ve never had that kind of effect on women.
You: Seriously?
Artoria: Not to my knowledge, no.
Artoria then moves the conversation on to Guinevere, who she seems to like talking about. Flirting with Artoria here gives you the advantage of learning things about her since she’s not too flustered to talk to you.
Stage 3: Semi-Awareness
For some reason Artoria can’t let Fionn’s comment go. She keeps thinking about it and you, and gah! What does it all mean!? Clearly she’s just being the best servant she can for you because you have similar goals and it would be dishonorable for her to half ass her efforts in helping you…Right? Right!? So why is it every time you smile she feels her stomach doing somersaults? When she offers her hand to escort you, why is she so aware of how close you are to her?
She insists on being alone if there’s a time she needs to remove her clothes for any reason. You don’t think too much of this though since you thought she should’ve sought that privacy all along. You two used to be in the same room while you changed (adhering to what you called “locker room rules” where both of you would facing opposite directions). Now Saber insisted on waiting outside the room.
If you’re mean (or like to be consistent), this is where you flirt with her with something like this:
You: *while changing* You don’t have to leave, Artoria. We’re facing different walls, so it doesn’t matter if you stay.
Artoria: In that case, I think I should stand guard at the door.
You: *pretending to ignore what she said* Although, I guess it would be ok if you turned around; it’s not like I’d know. *You hear the door shut really quickly as she leaves*
You won’t learn anything about Artoria here, but you will get to see her face turn 6 shades of red.
Step 4: Denial and Avoidance
There’s a slow progression of your sleeping arrangements. First, Artoria stands in the corner to protect you while you sleep. That doesn’t even last the first night because it weirds you out. You convince her to sit on the side of the bed. You start out sleeping as you normally do. But night after night, you edge closer and closer to Artoria until you sleep curled around her. When questioned about it, Artoria says it won’t stop her from being able to jump up to protect you if necessary, so you can sleep that way if you want. One night you see that Artoria had fallen asleep sitting up. The following day, you acquire pajamas for her. She was confused when you presented them to her. You explain that you want to try something different and invite her to sleep next to you. She lays down but protests that she won’t be able to protect you if she can’t see you. Laying next to her, you reach over and hold her hand and say, “There. Now you can feel that I’m next to you.” She turns her head away from you, but you can see that the tips of her ears are red. She replies with, “I suppose I can.” After a few nights of this, the Knights of the Round Table decide to take shifts guarding your door so their king can relax and enjoy himself. (Note: They have no idea what you two are doing, so they’re left to their wild, sometimes dirty imaginations.) It was Bedivere’s turn first. Artoria gets flustered and says if he’s standing guard, there’s no need for her to be there. Bedivere can see you’re hurt by that and suggests you would enjoy her company even if you weren’t relying on her for protection. Artoria doesn’t respond and leaves. Bedivere’s super observant, so there’s zero chance of hiding how hurt you are from him. He spends most of the night trying to comfort you, even though you tell him he doesn’t have to.
This lasts for several days. The Knights of the Round Table one by one had begun to ship you and Artoria. It really bothers them to see her avoiding you and how hurt you where by that, especially since they feel partly responsible. They split up to try to fix things between you two.
Tristan and Bedivere try talking to you. They suggest you go to Artoria and tell her how you feel. You tell them it’s not your place to try guilting her into a relationship. It’s not like the two of you broke up; you two weren’t together to begin with. Besides, what would someone as perfect as Artoria want to do with someone like you anyway?
You might even take things a step further here and start comparing yourself to Guinevere. You’re not as beautiful. You’re not as smart or diplomatic. You’re not as graceful. When you’re done listing all of ways you’re different from Artoria’s Queen, Tristan comments that Artoria wasn’t in love with Guinevere; Lancelot was. So, maybe it was a good thing you were different.
Lancelot and Gawain try their luck with Artoria. They get equally nowhere, but did so much faster. What their king says goes; they can’t push the matter like Tristan and Bedivere can with you. Artoria denies having any feelings for you whatsoever, even most non-romantic ones. When they inquire about the sudden change in her attitude, she says it’s because she had shown too much familiarity towards her master and needed to put some distance between you two to set things right again. It’s the dumbest thing Lancelot or Gawain had ever heard, but they couldn’t argue.
Weirdly, it’s Mordred that fixes things. He walks up to Bedivere and Tristan and asks, “Lancelot and Gawain didn’t get anywhere; what about you two?” When they shake their heads, Mordred rolls his eyes and mutters, “Gotta do everything myself.” He grabs your arm and leads you off to where Artoria is. He greets her with, “Hey, good news. The Doctor found a second person that can take over as Master.” He threw you to the ground. “Guess that means you don’t need this one anymore.” He takes a dozen steps away from you before changing into his full suit of armor, sword in hand. When he turned to face you, he took a fighting stance. Your mystic code doesn’t have invincibility, evade, or stun, and you begin to get the feeling this isn’t going to end well.
Artoria: Mordred, what are you doing?
Mordred: Clarent-
Artoria: Mordred!
Mordred: Blood-
Artoria: *putting herself between you and Mordred* Ex-
Mordred: ARTHUR!
Artoria: CALIBUR!
You close your eyes against the brightness created by the two noble phantasms colliding. The sound is deafening. When you open your eyes again, your ears are ringing and Artoria and Mordred are fighting. You notice the walls have large cracks and there’s dust falling as if the ceiling is about to collapse. You shout a warning to the two combatants. As Artoria looks up to the ceiling, Mordred kicks her in the stomach, pushing her back. Mordred jumps back just as a large piece of ceiling falls on the now empty space where they had been standing. Mordred looks at Artoria and says, “You’d better get her out of here if you don’t want her to get crushed,” before sprinting off.
Stage 5: Acceptance
Artoria turns to you, holds out a hand, and asks if you can stand. You nod, take her hand, and take off running with her through the crumbling hallway. Artoria pulls and pushes you, weaving to avoid falling debris with limited success. By the time the two of you are in a stable part of the hallway, you both have several scrapes and bloodied and bruised patches of skin. Artoria gently helps you sit on the floor, kneeling in front of you. She looks very worried because of all the blood on you.
Artoria: Are you ok?
You: Yeah.
Artoria: I’m sorry; this is my fault.
You: It’s fine.
Artoria: How is it fine!? The person I love is hurt!
Before she realizes what she said, you say, “I love you too.” You cup her face briefly in your hands before she leans forward to kiss you. You take the opportunity to do a mana transfer to heal her injuries. When Artoria pulls away, she realizes what you did.
Artoria: That’s not why I kissed you.
You: I know.
Artoria: Come on; we need to get you to a doctor.
You: I wasn’t done yet. *you tug her shoulder to try to get her lips back to yours*
Artoria: But you’ve healed my injuries.
You: I know.
You smile wickedly at her causing her to blush before she tells you that there will be plenty of time for that later.
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
College Headcanons: Modern!Peaky Blinders Edition
Part 1 | Part 2
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Grace Burgess:
Major: Criminal Justice Minor: Fashion Merchandising
10/10 would join a sorority. She has the look and loves the parties.
Has beauty and brains, surprisingly.
Works part time as the barista at Starbucks.
Loves sticking her nose in people’s business so her major is pretty fitting.
She loves a challenge so when she gets to know Thomas Shelby, she knows he’s gonna be fun to figure out.
Studies a decent amount but uses her spare time to try to look into the Shelby’s and why they practically run campus. A little birdy told her about them.
Knows Tommy’s coffee order by heart.
Always DTF.
Is suspicious of Tommy’s inability to use technology but goes along with it cuz she wants to get to know him more.
Didn’t think she’d fall for the mysterious man with a smoking problem but here we are.
When introduced to his family, she asked too many questions about their finances and such, making them think she worked for the cops or something.
Polly still didn’t trust her despite it being a while since they first dated.
Her professor likes her, and encourages her to keep investigating as part of her project on corrupt institutions. Only her professor is a little too enthusiastic. She passes the class, but tells Tommy about him being creepy from time to time.
The next day the professor isn’t there. Hmm. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Almost fought a guy who spilt his coffee on her new dress.
Dreams of being well-off and having a fashion line of her own. Envying Ada’s knack for clothing.
Gets drunk with her sorority sisters on the weekends at the bar and does karaoke. It’s not the best, but she gets an A for effort.
About halfway through her junior year she has to leave cuz she’s dramatic and Polly may have blown her cover. So in a rash decision, she leaves Tommy on his own, making him have a fit and almost getting himself suspended but it’s fine. Polly tells him he’ll meet someone else.
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Esme Lee
Major: Horticulture
Her friends all have crazy majors but she wanted something simple, so she chose horticulture. It also lets her get out of the dull college life for a while, or so she thought.
Knowing she can get her mind set on her studies, they decided to help her out and invited her to a frat party.
Everyone who was popular was there so she felt a bit out of place, until she met John randomly when she went to grab a drink.
She’s a wild one kind of like John so they mesh well together. They ended up getting drunk and dancing the night away, letting all their college worries leave them.
In her spare time she can be seen roaming campus with John or hanging out with her friends, and occasionally yelling at some people to get away from her plants at the schools gardening area.
She got along with the blinders really well, except she liked to challenge Tommy at times.
She may be small but she’s one hell of a yeller. She intimidated John the first time she yelled at him.
No one messes with her unless they want to be beaten up by her boyfriend.
Polly likes to chat with her about the business sometimes, sparing some of the details, but she knows Esme can be trusted, and besides, Esme can always force it out of John if it’s something too shady.
Apart from her social life, she does quite well for her studies, and runs a small etsy shop where she makes jewelry.
Her favorite part is uploading aesthetic photos of them to her insta and trying to get John to model for her pictures.
She, like the rest of the family, knew Grace was a snake, and always got bad vibes from Linda…smh.
When she heard news of Grace leaving, she shared a glance with John and did a happy dance internally. In regards to Linda, she wanted to claw her eyes out a bit but she held herself back. Linda would eventually get what came to her. Karma really is that bitch.
As time went on, she found herself agreeing on a whim to marry John, and later falling pregnant with her first of many children. But she’s fine with this situation as long as he helps her live her cottage!core dreams with a bunch of chickens running around while they raise their 10,000 kids.
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Linda Shelby
Major: Agriculture
Minor: Religious Studies
Joined a philanthropic sorority, so she mainly focuses on serving people at shelters and charities instead of serving looks at frat parties.
Claims to be a Christian.
Has the eye for anyone with a penis.
Spends most of her agriculture classes daydreaming about shooting Arthur.
Prays she has the knowledge to pass her exams instead of actually studying for them.
Just wants to live on a farm and be a housewife.
Gives off major bitch vibes no matter how many crucifixes she wears around her neck. Polly tolerates her, and so does the rest of the family, but it’s only a matter of time before someone snaps.
Textbook good-girl-gone-bad trope. Everyone knows her around campus for preaching about no sex until marriage but she be doing the nasty with her side-bae after prayer night.
Enjoys eavesdropping on the Shelby family’s conversations. She supplies Grace with information in exchange for free coffee.
Gaslighting is her second language, speaking in tongues is her third.
When she’s not planning things, she can be seen talking to Grace at Starbucks or stress-baking. She hooks her friends up with weed brownies and later switches to coke because of her boyfriend’s family *cough* Arthur.
Binge drinks on Saturdays and crawls to church on Sundays.
Gets clingy and manipulative at times.
Loves doing her religious studies homework in the chapel or the huge library on campus.
She’d do okay up until finals week, then she’d have many a break down that only cocaine could fix.
Drunk calls Arthur and lets it slip she’d been sleeping with someone the whole time they’d been together. Has 2 working braincells at that point.
He goes off on the dude as they both went to the same bible study. He begged for mercy in the middle of the church floor for Arthur to stop with the punches but we all know hell hath no fury like a person who’s been cheated on. May have almost killed him but it’s fine.
Linda finds him bleeding almost as much as Jesus did.
After crying to Grace on the phone, she snorts a couple lines and downs some shots and heads to Arthur’s dorm. Sos Linda’s got a gun.
Gets shot and lives to tell about it.
She leaves to find god perhaps after all this...or more coke, and just says “fuck it” to her degree. College isn’t for everyone, it’s ok Linda.
Poor Arthur is confused in the weeks leading to the shooting and Linda leaving. Isiah tried to warn him since he was her partner for some projects but he didn’t listen. He wanted to question Tommy’s barista bae about her too but she dipped tf out. The world may never know.
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Lizzie Starke
Major: English
She’d taken up an assistants job at the business college and so she worked for nonother than Professor Polly Gray.
She got along with her well, and on Friday nights when she’d be invited out for drinks, she’d overhear Polly divulge one too many secrets about her business.
She kept her circle small so she never felt the need to tell anyone, also fearing that she wouldn’t live to see tomorrow if she did.
Polly trusted her with all her paperwork, often having to proofread and go over Tommy’s insanely long assignments and political debate notes.
Tommy would often be seen around the office, talking Polly’s ear off about business and legal issues, all while she’d get lost in his eyes as he spoke.
She knew she was out of his league, at least while Grace had him wrapped around her finger, but Polly said her day would come so she believed it.
In her spare time, she’d read poetry and sip tea, and on occasion try to teach Tommy about the world of laptops, but even she gave up after a while.
Her major took up a good deal of her time, constantly writing papers and re-reading books, but there was always one silver-lining. Tommy would often skip getting Finn’s help and go straight to her. He said it was because she gave good advice, but his demeanor said otherwise.
When he’d arrive, she’d notice him gradually improving his appearance, much like he did with Grace. And when he’d leave, Polly would shoot her a knowing look.
She may be quiet, but she’s smart, and knows when to make her moves, which both impresses Polly and intrigues Tommy.
Ends up being one of the only ones able to call Tommy out on his shit.
When she’s not around the Shelby’s she’s with her friends or hitting up bars and bookstores.
When she and Tommy finally get together, some students turned their heads at first, but they were good for each other in the long run, it just took Tommy longer to see it.
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Gina Gray:
Major: Business Management
Minor: Fashion Merchandising
She came in the picture shortly after Grace’s departure. She was studying abroad but decided to come back for her business classes.
When she first laid eyes on Michael she knew he was the one, but she had to go through Polly, her professor first.
They dated for a while until he popped the question one weekend, leaving everyone in shock.
When she wasn’t fooling around with Michael, she could be seen around campus with her sorority sisters and some of her close friends. Since she was a fashion minor, she always made sure she was dressed to the nines and turned heads almost as much as Michael’s cousin Ada, almost.
Gives off bitch vibes 24/7. No one can really tell if she’s genuine in her feelings, not even Michael, poor bud.
His family thought she was suspicious like Grace, and Polly still can’t put her finger on why she feels she may have a trick up her embellished sleeves.
Michael tends to follow her like a lost puppy of sorts, but she loves the attention, and when he mentioned how his family worked she didn’t seem very phased by it, coming from a somewhat dysfunctional and power-hungry family herself.
She tries to study a decent amount but she’s always hanging out with Michael or getting herself into trouble with the cops when her sorority sisters throw parties.
She’s smart and very convincing, but Polly sees right through her, leading up to a very heated discussion between the two women after class one day.
It’s safe to say that her grades for Polly’s class are holding on by a thread, much like Polly is to her sanity.
She loves a game, whether that’s messing with people’s heads, or trying to beat her friends on game night. She always enjoys watching how they work through their problems, picking out the weakest ones in order to beat them while they’re down.
When she’s not scraping by in her business classes, she’s brainstorming fashion ideas for her numerous projects she’s left until the last minute. Somehow she’s passing the class with flying colors though.
Like Michael’s cousin Tommy, she’s always scheming over something, and so it’s only a matter of time before she fucks something up.
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Aberama Gold:
Profession: Philosophy Professor
Side Job: Hitman
His teaching styles are eccentric, often taking the class on field trips to immerse them in the experience.
Goes on for hours about various stories and theories, often losing the class after 30 minutes.
Sometimes he gets called out of class by the teaching assistant because he got an “important” phone call.
“Important” phone calls mean hits and he can’t turn them down unless he wants beef with his rival gang members or people involved in the mafia.
For these reasons, he has two phones. One for his usual work and family, and one for the dirty work.
His son always teases him about having hella phones, but he ain’t no drug dealer, although he most definitely knows some by association.
Asks hard questions to his students and expects good answers.
Doesn’t believe in homework, but makes the classes very challenging and hard to skip.
In his spare time he helps out at the boxing ring, teaching his son the ropes and prepping him for competitions. Other times he helps Arthur and Finn train, all in an attempt to get them to mention their aunt Polly.
He’s in love with the woman but is a bit shy like his son. It takes him a bit to get the courage to meet her but once he does they hit it off.
Polly wasn’t turned off by his dangerous lifestyle, in fact she was turned on by it as she’s lived the same life.
When he wasn’t with Polly or helping his son, he could be seen roaming campus in his signature hat, resting in alleyways or leaving campus abruptly, obviously to go kill someone.
He’d often spend nights away from home alone in the forest, away from Polly and his family, using “philosophy research purposes” as an excuse so he could stake out targets.
He always kept his end of the bargain up, even when he had to deal with Polly’s family and their gangly family business.
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Bonnie Gold:
Major: Sports Management
One of the more quiet, reserved students on campus. He can get mouthy when challenged though so watch out.
Would definitely hang with the art and english students, they’re chill.
Can be seen carrying his boxing gloves between classes and doing routine jogs around campus.
All the bitches love him but he only has his eyes on his future. He just wants to win his matches and then he’ll think about love, or so he says. He has the eye for someone in class though and it’s not long until his dad finds out.
He’s health-conscious af.
Has never eaten Ramen noodles a day in his life and doesn’t plan on it. Even if his friends Finn and Isiah try to bribe him. It’s one of the peak college experiences after all.
May have gotten drunk at a frat party and fought a tree.
Would throw hands if someone was being a dick to someone he cared about.
Takes his major seriously. He studies decently well given his dad is always on his ass about it, but when he’s done he goes to parties or hits the ring.
Often has his head in the clouds, dreaming of being a famous boxer, or at least managing a very successful sports team.
Helps his dad on hits. Not many people know this so it’s hush hush.
When he’s not shooting at his fathers enemies, he’s in the ring practicing for the big competitions.
Often spends weekends with his dad, helping to plan attacks and meeting with his blinder friends.
Almost got suspended for knocking out a couple guys cuz they insulted his father.
Attends his dads lectures just to keep an eye on things for him and because he actually finds the subject interesting. May also have a “thing” for a girl in the class but most likely won’t make a move because he’s shy af most times.
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Isiah Jesus:
Major: History
Minor: Religious Studies
Despite his wild lifestyle, he likes learning about religions and how they all came to be, given his dad is a preacher.
He may not be a saint but he tries to do well in the classes at least.
Can be seen fucking around with his buds Finn and Bonnie, and going to one too many frat parties.
Finn and him would do lines of coke as soon as Arthur helped move a new supply in, and he’d try to bribe Bonnie to try it but he’d refuse and say he “has to stay clean for his matches.”
When he’s not doing coke or studying for his history or religion exams, he’s out helping the blinders on various jobs.
He often gets in trouble with security because he’s always sneaking about the dorms with some girls he met at parties.
Call it divine intervention, but he couldn’t help but feel something was “off” with the girl Arthur was seeing, cuz he’d gotten partnered up with her for some religion projects in the past and her ideas were concerning. He told Arthur to be careful but we all know what went down.
He likes joining the blinders on their business trips, often leaving his schoolwork until the last minute, just to get the opportunity to help in the business.
He and Finn rant about them not getting enough exposure to the family business but Polly quickly shoves the ideas from their heads saying they need to focus on school, at least then maybe the family could have some other potential.
Daydreams of being a full-blown leader like all the ones he’d read about in his history books. He often looks up to Tommy just as much as Finn does, which sometimes gets them both hurt.
He can be seen often at the ring training with Finn and Bonnie.
He sticks up for his family and friends, even if it means putting himself on the line. No one messes with him unless they want trouble from him and everyone he knows.
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