#All Pro Roofing Corporation
susiephone · 7 months
i agree that corporations and capitalism sucks and art should be free, and that pirating from a big corporation that can afford it is totally morally neutral at worst, but i really hate how so many anticapitalist and pro-piracy takes basically veer very quickly into "authors and artists are greedy for asking to be paid for their work"
like i'm a writer, and i think most of us would still be writing and would gladly share our work 100% for free, if not for the fact that we live in a capitalist hellscape where you need money to eat and put a roof over your head and so on. and so much of the creative process is completely unpaid, especially if you're indie or with a small press or whatever. like a large chunk of why most artists and writers can't do it full time is because the industry doesn't pay a living wage! and that's not the fault of the consumer at all, but it's also unfair to act like the artists who want to be compensated for their labor are the problem.
i don't really have a solution for this beyond "change the way the system works entirely," which doesn't feel particularly feasible at this moment, but we could start by getting mad at the right people
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beabeemu · 11 months
All This Time Pt.3
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Itoshi Rin x Reader
SERIES!!! Pt. 3 of All this time
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 4 Pt.5 Pt. 6
Uncle Osamu!! (From Haikyuu) Summary: After getting pregnant by Rin at the age of 16, deciding that not telling him about is the best thing you could do for him. Considering his soccer career, you would only get in the way. I always imagined their red hair, the same shade as taylor swift from the all-too-well short film. It's such a beautiful shade!!! Rei's hair is also like that.
join my Tag list so that you can be updated when the next part comes out!!!
wc; 2k
Life with Rei was hard at first, but we managed. For the first few years, we were staying with my parents, They were kind enough to take care of her while I was at school. I did get bullied for getting pregnant, some even spread rumors that I was “easy” to get in bed with. The good thing was that I didn’t get expelled. There were times that I regretted things that had happened. But one hour of playing with Rei immediately erased those thoughts. I also kept tabs on my baby daddy (hehe I had to lol) he got recruited for a france football club and his path to becoming a pro is in front of him. And it will be quite scandalous to reveal that he got someone pregnant at 16. 
After high school, I went to college and did a business course.
 Fast forward to now, Rei is 8 years old now, I work a corporate job at Mikage Corp. Whenever Rei is at school I was at work. Then I would pick her up from school, Unless I need to work overtime, I have her uncle pick her up. Or my mom, We lived in the same area. I couldn’t stray far away from them when I still needed their help with rei. We weren’t living under the same roof anymore because we moved to an apartment closer to my work, but they’d babysit Rei whenever I was not home. 
As of now, rei hadn’t been asking questions about her dad. Which was good. I also stray her away from the tv whenever a football match with Paris X gen was playing. By refusing to let her see him, I was only preventing her from getting any ideas. I should have probably told that detail to Osamu before letting him babysit her.
Getting out of my car, I looked up at the sign “Onigiri Miya” It was already closed because it was 9 pm already. When I entered the threshold, I expected an Osamu with rei beside her asleep or close enough to that, but no. 
What welcomed me was Rei watching TV about a soccer interview, I looked at the two logos of the teams, and what I saw were the familiar logos of PXG and Bastard Munchen. They were interviewing a guy named Michael Kaiser, a player from bastard munchen, titled the MVP of their lost game. 
Then came on an even more familiar face. 
It flashed his name, Rin Itoshi 
I FLinched at her call, I looked at her and she was smiling widely with stars in her eyes. 
“I watched the whole game!! And they were amazing!!! I liked the team with the big X in their logo, WHat are they called Mom?? Do you know?? And when is their next game, Mom?? I really wanna watch them again!! They were amazing!! Especially that guy with the bald head!! I think his name is Loki. And that guy with dark hair!! AND HE HAS THE SAME EYES AS ME ISN’T THAT COOL!!?!!?!?!” 
“Yes, yes love that super cool. Look You can ask me questions later but I need to talk to uncle osamu first ok??” 
She only nodded excitedly as she continued watching the interview with her dad. I made my way to the kitchen where I saw Osamu wiping some plates. 
“Oh- You’re here, Don’t worry I fed her something healthy if that’s what you’re worried about- OW! What was that for!?!??!?! Are ye’ crazy?!?!?!” 
“What were you thinking letting her watch his match???” 
I looked at him as if he was a creature from another world. Then I got a hold of his hair and started pulling
“HEY! STOP IT! Look! It wasn’t my fault, the last customer I served changed the channel to the game and I couldn’t just tell him not to. And I tried to change the channel ok?? But she wouldn’t let me, she was too amazed by the game that she watched the whole match from start to finish. Heh, she is his daughter” 
I let go of his hair, and he muttered a small thank you, but I still slapped his chest. I sighed, contemplating what I was gonna do next. 
“Plus, what’s the big deal? It’s not like she’s gonna immediately ask whether Rin is her father right? And she’s just probably gonna ask you about the team. So stop freaking out, and go home. I need to close up.” 
I sighed, I thanked Osamu for taking care of Rei. I got out of the kitchen and saw Rei still watching the interview for the game. 
“C’mon rei, let’s go home, grab your stuff” 
“Ok, mama!” She happily slid from her chair and walked with me to the exit. I yelled goodbye to Osamu before we closed the door and went inside the car. 
“Neh, mama. Can you answer my questions now?”
“Sure love, ask away” 
She squealed happily as she asked her questions about Rin’s team along with a few soccer questions, which I answered to the best of my abilities, I wasn’t a soccer expert, So I told her that I’ll do a little research so that I can answer her questions. 
Thankfully she agreed, she was quiet for a moment, but after a few minutes of quiet, I noticed that she had fallen asleep. I smiled at her and focused on my driving.
“Look, Mom! I got accepted to a soccer club!!” 
I stared at the paper she was holding, it was a list of names that were accepted to the soccer club at her school, and her name was listed at the top, with a title at the side that said, Striker  
‘Just like your father huh’
When her obsession with soccer began, I didn't take it that seriously, I thought that it was just a phase. So I brought her a soccer ball, and some cleats and we would go to a big field every weekend for her to play soccer. During that time I was thinking that what if she was as great a soccer player as her father? Back then it was just a fever dream. But right now, it might become a reality. 
I didn't even know she tried out for the team. But apparently, she did. And she got accepted. Then I got flashbacks of when Rin and I were kids and he had just recently joined a soccer club. 
"Look Y/n!! I got accepted see?!?!?!" 
"Wow!! Congrats Rin!!" 
He smiled at me as he looked at the jersey in his hands that said 'Itoshi' 
Now I finally get to play with my brother!!!
I smiled as I looked at Rei, who was already tying her shoes so that we could go to the soccer field so she could practice a bit before her official p meeting with the team tomorrow. 
My relationship was something that you wouldn't find in any normal relationship
And that's what I liked about it. Even after we moved, even after he changed, after his brother neglected him and left him, he was still that person who you can call at night to vent to. And he would listen, and he would be on your side no matter what. 
But he had a dream, a passion, a strong ambition to achieve. And even I couldn't compete with that. But I knew that. And you didn't forcefully squeeze yourself inside his life, that's not what he needed anyway. What he needed was just someone who he knew would always be right there. Even if your guys don't talk after months, just one hi and his world is spinning in a new different direction, even if it's just for one night. 
And you could only imagine the hurt that Rin had felt when you changed your number to a new one. His something different was gone now. He had held on to you because you know him better than anyone else. No one could compare to what you and Rin had. 
Rin tried to reach out to you, and he did. But all of your accounts were deactivated (because of your pregnancy, you decided to lay low and deleted all of your social media accounts, along with getting a new number) 
Rin will never forget that night. More like he couldn't, he was kind of upset that you had left so early without him knowing. 
Thus his never-ending despair began.
"Mom! I have a game tomorrow at 3, is it possible that you can watch it? It's my very first game you know…" 
This was the kind of tactic that you would get from a kid that wanted candy. 
But she was so adorable to look at, with her doe eyes, her little pout. She was even in her jersey, and her head was styled in pigtails made by her uncle. 
Despite having work tomorrow at 3, it would hurt to leave early right? I'll just give them a heads-up. Plus I've worked 6 overtime in a row, one even lasted until 2 am. So I think I have a high chance of getting permission. 
"OK baby, I'll be there" 
“I’ve watched her practice you know, she’s really good. I mean I’m not a soccer expert or anything but, I see talent. Just like her father” 
I was driving a car with Osamu on the way to the field where Rei’s game was being held. When I told Osamu who was rei’s father, he couldn’t believe it. I still laugh whenever I remember what he said to me. 
“You snatched your childhood crush and a football star?” 
I remember telling him after we watched the U20 vs Blue Lock 11 match. I was 3 months pregnant at the time. I didn’t want to watch the game at first but Osamu made me. 
We arrived at the venue (It was just a big ass field with bleachers on the sides) We sat in the front row, they were warming up right now, I saw Rei score a practice goal so Osamu and I clapped. She mustn’t have heard us because she just continued what she was doing. I saw the jersey she was wearing ‘1# Miya’ 
Then the game began, and Rei’s team quickly took the lead with Rei scoring a goal 20 minutes in, She was amazing. And her skills were way beyond compared to her teammates. She is completely carrying her whole team to victory. Whenever she would steal the ball from the other team or score a goal, we would cheer loudly. As the first half ended Osamu and I went to their team’s bench. 
“Rei!! You were great out there” She turned around and saw Osamu and me walking toward them. Her eyes lit up and ran for me and hugged my waist. 
“I’m glad you’re both here ma!! Did you see my score??” 
“I did and you were amazing!!” 
“You were great out there kiddo” Osamu patted her head, then her couch called out, she said goodbye then ran off. 
“Are you Rei’s parents?” Her couch said as he approached us. 
“I am, he’s her uncle”
“Well I just gotta say, Rei has amazing talent for soccer. Teachers are even calling her a soccer prodigy, Is anyone in your family a pro athlete or something?” 
‘Well her father certainly is’ 
I didn’t know what to say at first, good thing Osamu answered for me
“I play volleyball and played in nationals at one point, and my brother is a professional volleyball player” 
“Ha! I knew the name Miya was familiar, atsumu Miya right?” 
“Yeah hahaha” 
“You must be very proud of her, even though this is her first official game, I can tell that she can go a long way” As he talked he was watching Rei try t score a goal again her red hair standing out, doing techniques that I never knew she knew how to do. Rei might be the one playing but all I see is him, It was like going back in time, I haven’t felt this nostalgic ever since I met up with Rin 8 years ago. 
Rei is a replica of him. 
Taglist: @kimura-uzuri, @10-jiku2, @briefparadisewonderland, @junephantom21, @noshitmyfriend, @decoraboix, @pwr3tties, @miyanaranagikenmal-intp, @vitaniangel-blog @coldteameowjesty, @yamikawa-blog7, @ieathairs, @sirimiripetrichor,
Taglist Form!!
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt.5 Pt. 6
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elvenbeard · 10 months
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"I'm tellin' ya, mano, this is only the beginning! A few months down the line we're gonna be Night City legends!"
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"I think before I wanna be a legend I'd just like to start feelin' like myself again..."
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The day Vince was sacked in November of 2076 was the newest low point of his life. He'd lost everything, from a job he was good at, financial security, to what he'd assumed had been friends. Over the course of the year his health had been on a steady decline, mentally and physically. His first so harmonious, almost too-perfect relationship with an older coworker had found an abrupt and bitter ending filled with betrayal. Jenkins' paranoia and revenge fantasies reached new heights, and several particularly precarious operations went wrong in a row. To cope with the stress, silence his depression and anxieties, and be able to keep up with his coworkers-turned-competitors' performance, Vince turned to substance abuse over the course of his last 6 months at Arasaka.
In Jackie's eyes, the termination of Vince's contract couldn't come soon enough, seeing his friend spiral and lose himself in the corporate mud more and more with each passing day.
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Like many times before - even though this one had been Vince's highest fall so far - Jackie helped him back to his feet. He and his mother took Vince in and kept him company through his withdrawal from both self- and corporate-administered drugs. Slowly but surely he got better.
From the first day they'd known, Jackie had always urged Vince to consider teaming up as mercs. Together they'd be one hell of a duo, muscle and tech, street-smarts and corporate education, guns and hacking. They'd make it far in Night City's underground world in no time, or so he thought.
By 2076, Jackie was a respected Solo, particularly in Heywood, but still far from achieving his dreams of becoming a legend - and really, those had always been Jackie's dreams alone. Sure, Vince wanted to leave an impact and be remembered, not just fade away into the shadows, but who didn't? Dying in a blaze of glory though, never reaching age 30, just for the money and fame, for doing other people's dirty work? He never saw the appeal... but also, so far he'd failed to find a satisfying middleground.
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By mid-December 2076 Vince had somewhat recovered, had been clean for a little over a month, but his cash started to run dry. The next time Jackie asked him to accompany him on a job - just a small one, a little favor for a choomba, nothin' dangerous or dramatic - Vince gave in and tagged along. "Just this once," he told himself, simultaneously looking for other job opportunities. He even considered going back into the corporate world, a smaller company, something less exhausting than Counterintel, maybe media, or a lowly techie position like Jenkins had intended for him originally.
But the small job went well, was fun, even. Jackie's enthusiasm had always been infectuous. After everything he'd done for Vince, he didn't think it fair to continue saying no to him and to something that indeed worked out better than he could have ever imagined... He still had no intentions of dying young, or a legend, but as Jackie put it: would be a shame to let all that Arasaka training go to waste, so why not use it to do some good with it, help themselves and others in their lives?
Vince through the years (6/9)
The set above is basically the followup to this VP comic I did a while ago, the evening after V's and Jackie's first job together.
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As mentioned, Vince was never eager to be a merc, and by early 2077 he simply treats it as one of his many previous part-time jobs: a way to keep a roof above his head, food on the table, and make use of his skills somehow. Maybe do some good, or at least leave a positive impact on a single person's life after 4 years of corporate scheming.
He is sort of picky with the gigs he takes, always weighs pros and cons. Sometimes he takes a gig he usually wouldn't out of sheer curiosity. But thievery and sabotage, even rescue missions, are really his favourite things to do because they come closest to what he did for Arasaka predominantly.
It really is easy money with his skills and knowledge, and also usually non-violent. I think that would be the main reason why he decides to go on with the Konpeki Plaza Heist with Jackie in the end, despite having a bad gut feeling. With the information they have it seems like something just down his alley, and he's very confident that he did his best in setting everything up. His biggest mistake is really putting so much trust in Dex doing his part for the preparation of the heist.
Vince is really used to his superiors just supplying him with all necessary info, no questions asked - both back at Arasaka and with the fixers he's worked with at that point, mainly Regina and Wakako. Both are thorough and reliable, do their work, hold nothing back that could be useful. He is also used to his team-members speaking up if they think something feels off. But I think T-Bug is in a similar boat as him, confident that all will go as planned, in her mind already in Cyprus. And Jackie, who just really really wants this to happen so badly, does not speak up despite potentially having a bad feeling.
So, even though Vince feels like all of it sounds too good to be true, everyone else involved being so confident and presenting themselves so competent, in combination with Jackie's aforementioned enthusiasm, convinces him that his own worries may be unjustified. He's overthinking, this can't go wrong, they were all really thorough, they can count on each other... right?
He'll learn the hardest way possible that on the street the saying "every man for himself" is even more prevalent than in the corporate world in the end.
(CW below for drug abuse talk!)
Little sidenote re: Vince's substance abuse. I often put great emphasis on the fact that he neither smokes nor drinks, one of the many reasons why Johnny pisses him off so much by doing both regardless and repeatedly whenever he's in control of his body later. Not smoking is really just Vince's personal preference here, but he actually wouldn't mind drinking now and then - his body is really just against him on this. He can't process alcohol well and just gets drunk and nauseous really quickly, even from "just a beer" or "just a glass of wine". So he avoids it, not for moral high ground reasons but more "I dont wanna puke my guts out and have a headache for three days" reasons.
Since drinking and smoking are off the table when it comes to numbing himself through his worst time at Arasaka, drugs are the next best thing. Initally it was just downers and sleeping pills, but when those started affecting his performance during daytime, he picked up neuroboosters and other performance enhacing stuff. It was a constant struggle to balance this drug-cocktail out, in combination with the canonical stress-blockers Corpo!V is on during the start of the game.
In short, by the time Vince is kicked out, he's a walking pharmacy and needs some time to readjust to a life without being constantly on something. He's doing his best to remain clean once he gets there... and he hates that taking pills is the one thing he can do to silence Johnny, cause it brings back a lot of bad memories and associations. It's probably one of the main reasons why he ends up talking to him more instead of just blocking him out like he used to block out everything else for a while. And even though he never fully trusts him, this way he at least gets to understand him better and gains his trust and understanding in return.
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see-arcane · 5 months
Dead Dove Venting below, Do Not Read
I'm aging another decade every time I see any update on the state of things at this point.
Winter as a season is melting into nonexistence. Within a decade we'll likely be past the point of no return. Corporate pollution continues pumping up into the air, boiling away the future and drowning the generations to come.
Devices are being made to slot in people's brains or to lock around a head to filter company training and duties into you as you sleep.
AI is eating people's art and work and faces and shitting them out in corporations' desperation to excise human involvement from creation just to pinch another penny.
American education is sliding down the toilet between book bans, strangled sex ed, and 'history' lessons edited to erase the reality of human atrocity and variety.
Bodily autonomy has became a joke since Roe v Wade was stabbed in the back. A Texan woman--a mother already--a mother-to-be who was heartbroken to discover the guaranteed painful death of her unborn child and whose full term 'birth' would only mean agony for the newborn before its end and a risk to herself and future attempts at carrying a child--who met every possible exception set forth by Texas' abortion ban, jumped through every legal hoop, and finally was told she could go through with the abortion...only to have the state's attorney general declare she couldn't do it. She had to flee--flee--her own home state to get a life-saving procedure because the 'pro-life' movement showed its full colors to her and the country as it wiped its ass with hers (and every other person with a womb's) human rights.
Pro-life is not about preserving life. Not when its supporters are so rabid as to demand a woman risk her life for a fetus destined to die within moments of exiting the womb.
Pro-life is about forced birth and always has been. For the sake of making cattle of women and adding numbers to the population, willingly or otherwise.
And in that vein, of course child labor is making a resurgence. Now your 14-year-old kid can serve in the grease trap or bar of their choice, dishing out food full of microplastics and booze full of bad decisions to grown adults ready to wink at a high schooler and ask what they're doing after work. Heartwarming! 12-year-old is mowing lawns for the chance to save up for college where they'll get into loan debt for a degree that won't get them a job because every position in their field requires ten years' experience! Gets a new mower donated to the cause!!
Artificial inflation, price gouging, and wage stagnation have eaten the promise of independence out from under an entire generation, their little siblings, the next generation to come. We're living in cars, in sardine-packed apartments, under our parents' roofs. Probably until the day we die, ancient and hobbling inside Walmart's sliding doors as greeters and cashiers, at least until the jobs get taken by smiling hotel bots and self checkouts. Retirement no longer exists as a concept.
Genocides on top of genocides, funded by vulture governments, against their citizens' will, using money that has magically appeared to funnel aid and weapons to the mass murderers slaughtering innocent people with a brutality of such scale and evil that it cracks the mind to try and measure. A shame that money wasn't around to help the tax payers or the people in need at home. Guess how many people go hungry in America, the Greatest Nation. Or don't guess! Look.
Nausea and shame and bile.
Bile bile bile at the thought of this country, with its masturbatory obsession with World War II, with its endless marathon of 'war hero' films showing the plights and heroics of our brave soldiers sent to fight for our rights!
(Because they were drafted. Because they were poor. Because they were lied to with myths of glory and valor. Because they would be killing and dying for the Greater Good.)
All this. All this. When we are living through the proof-positive that if Pearl Harbor hadn't happened, kicking the self-absorbed hornet nest of our government into frenzy, the good ol' U.S. of A. would absolutely have jumped on Adolf's dick and applauded the Holocaust start to finish. Hell, we might have handed them every killing tool but the nukes.
Now here comes 2024.
Voting Day looms. And of course, Joe's poll numbers are shitting the bed the way Trump is shitting himself in the various court battles still chewing on him like spray-tanned cud.
In 2020, we had the vigor of the country shouting as one: VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO. Because we were living in a different, far more intense, borderline fascist state. We felt the pressure of the stakes of a second term with the despotic Cheeto.
But now as more blood spills and our blood boils, there are, of course, people clamoring again about how voting is a sham. What kind of sucker is still convinced that voting red or blue, no matter who, is anything but giving candy to a genocidal joke? Both parties have proven they're corrupt. Complicit. Why fucking bother? We need to do more!
And we do.
We absolutely do need to do more.
But for the love of every god I no longer fucking believe in, do it after voting for whoever Is Not the Republican Candidate. You don't want to vote for Joe? For any of the potential Democratic candidates? For whoever is blue, no matter who?
Fine! Fuck it! Stick to your guns! Vote for fucking no one! Play chicken with the top office of the entire country all over again! 2016 the Sequel!
And when every MAGA shithead votes in Trump or one of his sycophants and plunges us into Diet Tyrant Rule 2.0, at least you can wear a little badge of pride--but no actual pride badges, ha ha, DeSantis has already declared rainbows ~too gay~ for Florida schools ha ha ha--that says, 'Well, Both Candidates Were Shit, So I Did the Morally Spotless Thing and Voted for Neither! Surely This Will Earn Me a Good Grade in Martyrdom.'
I hope I'm just making too many assumptions about how literal some people are being about 'why bother' and 'hold your vote hostage' kind of talk. I hope I'm reading too much into hyperbole and not seeing the rise of a new wave of bots, undercover right-wingers, and genuinely self-sabotaging moralists who think not making time to go click a button to Participate in the One (1) Guaranteed Expression of Power We Have as Citizens short of en masse protest and/or outright civil war.
I want there to be a magic switch to flip to unfuck all of this. Half of it. Even a fraction. Every day I wake up and things are worse. Even here, on the one website I regularly dip into to try and escape into silliness and personal passions, there's no avoiding the realities of the world as they get worse and worse and worse and fucking worse.
This is as close to cosmic horror as I think we can get short of Cthulhu finally getting out of bed and wiping us out.
Everything is getting worse.
All the 2024 vote has to offer at this point is a choice between Current Bullshit (Democrat) and Exponentially Worse Bullshit with a Side of THIS CANDIDATE WILL TRY TO BECOME THE FOREVER-KING OF 'MURRICA AND WILL BE EQUALLY MONSTROUS (IF NOT MORESO) IN THE GENOCIDE GAME (Republican).
But I will still drag myself into the booth. I will still vote blue, no matter who. And I will still support Palestine, still protest against evil, still raise my voice. And I'll do so in a country that won't be run by people who want to double down on regressing society to the Dark Ages with a crossover between The Handmaid's Tale and Orwell's nightmares. Who will take dissent as an offense worthy of violence and violation. Who will take every scrap of progress made by the left or by the citizens themselves and set it all on fire.
I'm tired. I'm afraid. More tired under that.
There's such bliss in the idea of flipping the bird and then flipping the table when it comes to the small important steps we can still make as people in our society. It all feels insignificant. Lackluster compared to the bombastic moves of on-the-ground protest. But you can do the small and the big steps. And we need to.
This is not Mad Max. This isn't a comic book or an action movie. There is no utopia waiting on the other side of dismissing elections as ~not worth the bother~ when it was an election that put Trump in power and another that kicked him out.
If anyone out there has a magic switch to flip that will unfuck this country? That will unfuck the entire planet's degradation? Flip it. Right now. Hammer it until it breaks and all the withheld Grace and Sanity pours over everything like a miracle tide and we can all wake up from this group night terror.
But if that switch doesn't exist?
Inch along. Do what you can. Vote in every election, big and small. Act. Support. Boycott. Scream. Fight. Do not shrug and sink into apathy. Little steps to big steps and all the intermediates in-between.
We're not in Hell, despite the weather. Sweating in December. Another massacre per minute. No, not Hell.
Hell has justice.
All we have is this.
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punemy-spotted · 11 months
choosing questions was hard bc i feel like we've talked abt everything before 🤔
Post a snippet from a wip.
What is your favorite location and position to write in?
What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
What area of writing do you want to improve in?
What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
No i had the same problem i tried so hard I love youuuuuu
To the surprise of literally no one, I rambled, so all of this is going to be under a cut for the sake of everyone's dashboard.
Content Warnings for the Snippet: Discussion of death, Religious characters, Mention of Religion in a Small Town, Religious Control/Corporate Control, AGGRESSIVELY PRO-UNION OPINIONS
Want some more? Here's the fanfiction writing asks!
Post a snippet from a wip.
There’s a whole different kinda worship that comes from strangers sittin’ ‘round a table breakin’ bread an’ formin’ bonds. You knew it from your daddy’s own congregation an’ those Sunday suppers your momma arranged each week. You know it now from the warm surety of Curtis Everett’s hand on yours, keepin’ you from losin’ your footin’ on that trick step you ain’t had time to fix — bet you I can get Ed to take care of that  tomorrow — and the sound of hurried conversation bubblin’ outta your front parlor, house still buzzin’ with life. Shit, Curtis’s swearing nearly startles you outta your skin all over again as you both stand on the front porch, stompin’ the day’s coal dust off your shoes, forgot there was a meeting tonight. Foreman’s gonna have words for me, no doubt. Meeting is a cute word for it — s’the way things go, get the lonely and the friendless to start airin’ grievances an’ suddenly they ain’t so lonely nor so friendless anymore. A man with a wife an’ children might think twice about givin’ the company a reason to tear away the roof over his family’s head, divin’ into his future tomb day after day, respirator an’ headlamp in hand, but a man with nothin’ to lose is a man with a bone to pick with the only industry in town capable of puttin’ food in his belly on a daily basis — so long as he survived to see his next meal. Unions, you got used to hearin’ back in your own Holler, are the Lord’s way of puttin’ His protection back into a man’s own hands. Too bad them folks at P&R’d forgotten that sorta conventional wisdom. You’re allowed t’be late, for walkin’ me home, you tell him, letting the light of the house illuminate your smile as you open the front door.
What is your favorite location and position to write in?
I feel like this always changes depending on my mood. I still love sitting at my desk with my laptop on a riser so that I'm not completely killing my back with bad posture. Using my mechanical keyboard to write makes me so happy, and I can really only do that on my desk if I want to be nice to my already repeatedly injured wrists — thanks, crocheting. Plus, since I tend to edit by handwriting, it means I'm not hunched over my notebook and re-herniating my spine.
What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Oh man. Uh. Nothing? Maybe the character development, even though I know I have a slightly unconventional way of writing Reader-inserts. I really really get passionate about making my Reader-inserts feel like real people, like they would actively be a part of and have a hand in the growth of the world that they live in. Even my oneshots, I've written out pages and pages of backstory about why the Reader is doing what she's doing, what brought her to where she is now. Do I ever really expect to be able to explore it? No, but that's not the point. The point is that they are real to me, and I always want the people reading my fics to feel like they have become someone while reading the story. I want you to feel immersed. Transported.
What area of writing do you want to improve in?
Uhhhhh. Everything? Dialogue, probably, but also smut. I have no idea how to write smut. I'm not joking or being like... humble about it either, everything I write when it comes to smut always feels very... clinical to me — am I a narrator of a nature documentary? I'm definitely working on that.
What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
NOTHING BLEEEEHHHHH MY WRITING IS BAD AND I SHOULD FEEL BAD AAAAAAAA—fine, fine uhhhh... I'm gonna say it's probably just the fact that I'm still doing it, honestly. Writing is hard, y'all. Writing for fun when it's something I'm supposed to spend my whole career doing as a lawyer is a choice and it's not an easy one to make, but I'm still here. Slow, sad, a little crispy on the edges, but here. Support your local writer, y'all, cuz we're going through it.
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nextlegal · 6 months
Nextlegal: Redefining Excellence in Litigation Law in Bangalore
In the dynamic legal landscape of Bangalore, where legal challenges are as diverse as the city itself, finding the right litigation law firm can be a daunting task. However, amid the plethora of options, one name stands out - Nextlegal. Renowned as the best litigation law firm in Bangalore, Nextlegal has carved a niche for itself through a combination of legal acumen, a client-centric approach, and a commitment to excellence.
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Unraveling the Essence of Nextlegal: Nextlegal, established with a vision to provide unparalleled legal services, has emerged as a trailblazer in the field of litigation law in Bangalore. The firm boasts a team of seasoned legal professionals with expertise in various domains, ensuring comprehensive and effective legal representation for its clients.
Expertise Across Diverse Legal Domains: What sets Nextlegal apart is its ability to navigate through the intricacies of diverse legal domains. From civil litigation to corporate disputes, and criminal cases to intellectual property matters, the firm's legal prowess spans a wide spectrum. This versatility ensures that clients receive comprehensive legal support under one roof, eliminating the need to engage multiple law firms for different issues.
Client-Centric Approach: At the heart of Nextlegal's success is its unwavering commitment to clients. The firm believes in forging lasting relationships by prioritizing client needs and providing tailored legal solutions. The team at Nextlegal understands that each case is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach is not conducive to successful litigation. Hence, they invest time in understanding the intricacies of each case, ensuring a personalized strategy for optimal results.
Technologically-Driven Solutions: In an era where technological advancements are transforming the legal landscape, Nextlegal has embraced innovation to enhance its services. The firm leverages cutting-edge legal technology to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide clients with real-time updates on their cases. This commitment to staying at the forefront of legal tech sets NextLegal apart as a forward-thinking and client-focused litigation law firm.
Success Stories and Testimonials: The success of any law firm is reflected in its track record. Nextlegal takes pride in a string of successful litigation outcomes across various legal domains. From resolving complex commercial disputes to securing favorable verdicts in criminal cases, the firm's success stories are a testament to its legal acumen and dedication to client satisfaction.
Testimonials from clients further highlight Nextlegal's impact. Clients consistently praise the firm's responsiveness, attention to detail, and the ability to demystify complex legal jargon, making the legal process more accessible and less intimidating.
Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility: Beyond its legal pursuits, Nextlegal is actively engaged in community service and corporate social responsibility. The firm recognizes the importance of giving back to society and regularly participates in pro bono initiatives, legal awareness campaigns, and educational programs. This commitment to social responsibility reflects the firm's ethos of using its legal expertise for the greater good.
Client Education Initiatives: Empowering clients with legal knowledge is a core value at Nextlegal. The firm goes beyond traditional legal representation by actively engaging in client education initiatives. Through workshops, webinars, and informative resources, Nextlegal ensures that clients are well informed about their rights, the legal process, and potential outcomes. This proactive approach contributes to a more transparent and collaborative attorney-client relationship.
Awards and Recognition: Nextlegal's commitment to excellence has not gone unnoticed. The firm has garnered accolades and recognition within the legal industry for its outstanding contributions. Awards for legal innovation, client satisfaction, and community engagement underscore Nextlegal's position as a leader in the Bangalore legal landscape.
In the realm of litigation law in Bangalore, Nextlegal has emerged as the undisputed champion. The firm's combination of legal expertise, client-centric approach, technological integration, and commitment to social responsibility positions it as the go-to choice for individuals and businesses seeking top-notch legal representation. As Nextlegal continues to redefine the standards of excellence in litigation law, its impact reverberates not only in courtrooms but also in the lives of the clients it serves and the community it uplifts.
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newsaaq · 8 months
Legal Services India
Empowering Legal Services India with Fox Mandal: A Dynamic Partnership
Legal Services India, a prominent online platform that serves as a comprehensive legal resource, and Fox Mandal, one of India's premier full-service law firms, have forged a powerful partnership. This union between a legal information powerhouse and a renowned law firm is transformative, offering a wide array of legal services, knowledge, and expertise to both individuals and the legal community. The collaboration between Legal Services India and Fox Mandal contributes significantly to facilitating access to justice and high-quality legal advice.
Legal Services India: An Online Legal Hub
Legal Services India is a digital platform that has established itself as a go-to destination for legal information, services, and resources. It caters to the needs of individuals, businesses, and legal professionals by providing an extensive collection of legal documents, articles, case law, and more. The platform's user-friendly interface simplifies the process of navigating through the vast realm of legal knowledge, making it an indispensable resource for anyone seeking legal information.
Fox Mandal: A Legal Institution with Stature
Founded in 1896, Fox Mandal has a legacy spanning over a century and is recognized as one of India's leading full-service law firms. The firm's commitment to client service, deep legal expertise, and adherence to the highest ethical standards are well-known in the legal community. Fox Mandal offers a wide range of legal services, covering corporate law, intellectual property, real estate, dispute resolution, and more.
The Synergy of Legal Services India and Fox Mandal
The partnership between Legal Services India and Fox Mandal creates a unique synergy that enhances the legal services available to clients. Here's how this collaboration benefits clients and the legal community:
1. Access to Comprehensive Legal Resources: Legal Services India hosts a wealth of legal resources, including articles, case law, legal documents, templates, and more. This repository is enriched by the legal expertise of Fox Mandal, providing clients with a one-stop destination for their legal research needs.
2. High-Quality Legal Advice: With Fox Mandal's team of experienced lawyers and legal experts contributing to the platform, users can access expert legal advice and insights on a wide range of legal issues. Whether it's corporate law, intellectual property, or any other legal matter, clients can trust the guidance provided through this partnership.
3. A One-Stop Legal Solution: The collaboration ensures that clients can find a broad spectrum of legal services under one roof. From legal research to contract drafting, from dispute resolution to regulatory compliance, the partnership offers a holistic solution to meet clients' diverse legal needs.
4. Promoting Access to Justice: The availability of free legal resources on Legal Services India and the commitment to pro bono work by the partnership align with their shared mission of promoting access to justice. The collaboration seeks to bridge the gap between legal information and legal representation, making the legal system more accessible to all.
5. Thought Leadership and Innovation: Legal Services India and Fox Mandal are at the forefront of legal thought leadership in India. This partnership fosters a culture of innovation and the exchange of ideas, benefiting not only clients but also the legal community as a whole.
In conclusion, the collaboration between Legal Services India and Fox Mandal represents a powerful alliance in the Indian legal landscape. It combines the reach and accessibility of an online legal platform with the expertise and experience of a prominent law firm. Clients, whether individuals or businesses, stand to gain from the wealth of legal knowledge and services offered through this partnership. Furthermore, the commitment to access to justice and pro bono work ensures that legal services are not only of the highest quality but also available to those in need. Legal Services India and Fox Mandal together epitomize a commitment to legal excellence and making the law more accessible to all.
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little-cereal-draws · 11 months
I know it's not pride anymore but I wanted to make a post abt my reaction to the NYC pride parade
This was my first pride parade so everything I knew abt stuff like this was from the internet but it really wasn't what I was expecting. It honestly didn't really feel like much of a celebration to me tbh
There weren't very many floats; most groups were either walking or were up on double decker buses. The floats they did have weren't every decorated and looked like a bunch of ppl blaring music on an empty metal platform behind a truck. I know that's technically what a float is, but I thought they would decorate them a more.
It stared out with government officials; the mayor, the governor, a few different people from congress. Then it got into the corporations. It was just group after group of different companies. Car insurance, beauty products, airlines, almost every type of business you could think of. Target was there. That was weird. It felt like two hours of advertisements. A lot of them were giving out free products/merch/promotional stuff too. And maybe these companies really are trying to help queer people or maybe it's all performative but I thought that pride was supposed to be about the people. I'm not kidding when I say it was hours of corporate sponsors.
There were noncorporate groups too tho. Lots of unions, support groups, a few museums, public schools/colleges, hospitals, and religious groups. There were a lot of ethnic groups as well; Ireland, Italy, Mexico, the Caribbean, an indigenous group, a bunch of east African countries marched together, a bunch of Arabic countries marched together, a bunch of eastern European countries marched together, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot more. That's who pride's about but they were far and few in between compared to the corporations.
There was also not as much kink as I thought there would be. Everyone's raging over the debate on if kink belongs at pride so I was prepared for something that would actually warrant a debate. There was a group of leather daddies, several drag queens, and a few magnificent costumes but like 80% of the people there were in a t-shirt and shorts. It felt very... normal. Like I could see any random person in the parade on the street and not bat an eye. I thought there was going to be more of a reason to have this kink debate in the first place.
There were three marching bands, two flag twirling groups, a running group, a cheerleading group, and a roller-skating group. Two different groups dressed up like the new Barbie movie, a motorcycle gang made of elderly lesbians, a motorcycle gang made of elderly gay men, and a group of Black lesbians. They decided to put the parade route right outside the Harry Potter store for some reason and a few people from the Jewish group that was marching stopped to take a picture of them flipping it off. There was an ambulance (that was more decorated than some floats) that a hospital brought but it had to leave halfway through bc there was an emergency lol It left the parade, sirens blaring, and zoomed off to go help someone. The Playbill company who runs all the Broadway shows had a float playing Disney music. Idk why they chose Disney but it was interesting to hear thousands of people singing together.
The people in front of us had clearly had a lot of experience with coming to the parade because they brought chairs. They were opening snack after snack and must have got there hours early to stake out a spot. They were pros at this. My legs went numb from standing in one spot for four hours and I was so hungry afterwards, I ate one and a half Chipotle burritos in one sitting. Clearly, I'll have to take my cues from them if I go back next year lol
Everyone came out to see it too. The streets were packed, people were climbing on top of garbage cans and crosswalk signs. People were sitting up in the windows and roofs of the surrounding buildings. People were climbing up the construction scaffolding and some of them even figured out how to get on top where only the workers are allowed to go. That's all very illegal but by gay, do crime ig lol
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There was only one moment where I felt any happiness or pride in being queer. A trans support group was walking past and everyone cheered. One kid, they looked ~13-14, grinned at the crowd and started jumping up and down with joy. They looked so happy and supported and free. It was infectious. Idk who that kid is and I'll never see them again but I'm so glad that they feel that proud of who they are.
It was a good experience and I'm glad I went but except that one brief moment, I didn't feel any pride or community. Like I said before, it was mostly corporations and I feel no loyalty to them. I was surprised by how big and diverse the rest of the groups were, but I didn't know any of them and I'll never see any of them again. Maybe it's my autism but I only felt mildly happy. Idk, I'm disappointed in myself. It was my first pride parade after being out for six years and I felt nothing. Oh well.
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caelorens · 1 year
Mesa Roofing Pros
Mesa Roofing Experts 
A roofing-specialized construction company. As a roofing contractor, we provide the necessary materials and services for the installation of a roofing system.
We are committed to providing excellent service using materials of the greatest quality. Together with our team of carpenters, we ensure that your roofing system provides optimal protection from the blazing sun and torrential downpours.
To be the premier service leader, innovative producer, and dependable provider of steel industry solutions.
Supplying premium steel products, offering related services and solutions to all clients, and utilizing cutting-edge technologies in an environment where employees are highly motivated and focused on continuous improvement, adherence to the highest business standards, and good corporate citizenship.
Installers of commercial and residential roofing
Need a roofing contractor for your upcoming roofing project? Consult with us to receive a free estimate for your project. Enjoy rapid supply delivery and roofing installation. With our team of tinkerers, you are assured a weatherproof roofing system for your building.
List of Available Roofing Services
Roofing Materials Delivered
Roofing Construction
Roofing Substitution
Installing a Spandrel or Soffit
Project Estimate
Roof Truss Supplier
Luminous Installation
Installing Roof Gutters
What exactly are stainless steel roof gutters?
This picture depicts a stainless steel roof gutter. In common parlance, it is a stainless steel roof gutter. They are employed in your roofing system and play an essential function in protecting your home's foundation. Their primary function is to divert water away from your home.
Stainless Roof Gutters versus Pre-painted Roof Gutter
Before comparing the two, let's define pre-painted roof gutters. Similarly to colored roofing panels, it is painted galvanized steel formed into a roof gutter. The two most prevalent gutter designs are Box and Spanish. The sole distinction between them is the method in which they are bent. Spanish Gutters have curved edges as opposed to straight ones. The sole distinction between stainless steel and pre-painted roof gutters is the material composition. In terms of function, they are identical. Thus, an alternative title for this section is "Stainless vs Galvanized Steel."
Let's start by defining the obvious. Stainless steel costs more than galvanized steel. Stainless steel is nearly three times more expensive than pre-painted roof gutters. If you are contemplating utilizing stainless steel for your roof gutters, be prepared to spend extra.
The only noticeable difference between them is their color. The color of stainless steel is a reflective silver sheen. But pre-painted roof gutters provide numerous color options. Red, blue, brown, and green are popular choices of color, depending on the source. The variety of colors may be the only advantage of purchasing pre-painted roof gutters.
Roof gutters made from stainless steel are projected to outlast those made from pre-painted galvanized steel. 10 to 15 years is the average lifespan for colored roof gutters, however stainless can endure up to 50 years. Depending on a number of variables, the results may vary, but it is evident that stainless will outlast galvanized.
Why Do Homeowners Prefer Stainless Steel Gutter Systems?
It is stated that colored roof gutters are far less expensive than stainless steel, although just one color is available. Nonetheless, why do householders like this over the previous? The majority of it stems from the advantages of stainless's characteristics. Here are some examples.
Rust Resistant
Due to its chemical characteristics, stainless steel generates a passive coating that inhibits rust formation. The components of stainless steel prohibit the interaction of water and oxygen with the base metal.
Moreover, stainless steel is renowned for its exceptional heat resistance. This is a result of the presence of chromium in the substance. This reduces the heat fluctuations that might cause steel to buckle or warp. Hence, stainless steel is renowned for its exceptional durability and heat resistance.
Due to the aforementioned advantages, this results in less maintenance. Once placed, they do not require replacement for an extended length of time. Over time, dirt will inevitably collect around the substance. Due to its protective layers, cleaning and removing stainless steel objects is a breeze.
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makeiteze0 · 1 year
The Ultimate eCommerce Web Designers Trick
Either you will be capable of go together with freelance net designers or can rent overall service internet designers to get your net presence, additionally known as website. The first actual reason to have your website is your engagement with the internet. There are masses of internet designers out there. So whilst you're looking to discover a remarkable internet clothier, the very first factor you have got to test is designing offerings which might be quality orientated. Most authentic web designers realize now not to pick out a web host certainly due to the fact they may be certainly the most popular or seeing that they supply the cheapest net web hosting.
The design eze dressmaker may additionally get the job accomplished freely or even as a member of a enterprise which is specifically into designing talented stores. For instance, in case you need non-profit website then non-profit website designers are the appropriate choice for you. Moreover, flash designs may be included inside the web page to make it even more eye-catching to the customers. Designing an eCommerce internet site is an extremely expert task. In case the web site design of your site can't pull and convert visitors, then it means your web site needs development.
Being an proprietor of a business enterprise, you need to choose an eCommerce net dressmaker that might realise the duties of designing an eCommerce store. A first-rate clothier is going to recognize that layout and search engine optimization move hand-in-hand. They are being snatched by corporations and large projects. They are creative humans that want to assume out of the box. A exceptional internet designer ought to be in a position to recognize the emerging traits in the marketplace, the predicted modifications in internet design, modern-day and future tendencies as well as the maximum latest web improvement tools.
Your web site design provider ought to use the ability of Social Media Marketing. Any professional web design enterprise could assist the clients in many respects. An super internet design company may have first-rate seo skills to publicize your internet site. It's constantly leading to choose a top notch internet layout employer that incorporates of dedicated and pro employees.
So as to create an internet site or a web presence, one wants to employ a web site design employer. Also, make certain that the website design corporation have to have a set of skilled web designers, builders, programmers and testers and many others so you are able to secure all kinds of offerings below one roof. A seasoned web layout enterprise goes to have a very good portfolio of internet web sites that they have got created for distinctive customers. New internet layout agencies are springing up all the moment, however don't be tricked via shiny sites loudly proclaiming their great services.
The Advantages of eCommerce Web Designers
The Web lets us marketplace our products and services any place inside the Earth, however as a way to without a doubt earn a sale, we should set a dating that generates a enough amount of trust, confidence, loyalty and passion. Environmentally-friendly web hosting is getting an increasing number of popular for commercial enterprise internet web sites acting to implement an eco-policy. To rival a number of the largest bands on the earth, web sites have allowed bands the ability to develop massive on-line fan bases through pay consistent with view. The website online must be downloaded as rapid as feasible. For instance, the site of a business enterprise making and promoting luxurious goods desires to appear pricey also.
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ideapodcoworking · 1 year
Trends that will shape the workplace in 2023!
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The workspace of 2023: Trend in Coworking Spaces
We all know that change is the only constant in life, and the same applies to the different aspects of creating a workspace. With a greater percentage of the workforce operating remotely, businesses are starting to rethink their office space needs. So, the question is what does the future of the workplace look like? We indeed can enlighten you with some of the latest trends observed at IdeaPod, a coworker space in Kolkata.
First and foremost, you need to understand that a coworking space is a workspace created for employees from various organizations to work under one roof. Shared facilities or office spaces Kolkata, and tools distinguish coworking spaces.
The year 2023 is supposed to bring a concrete and definitive rise in the establishment of workspace initiatives and an investment boom is expected in the existing and potential coworking brands by different commercial real estate establishments. It’s clearly evident that the real estate industry has recognized the potential of coworker spaces as great game changers in terms of the social and networking opportunities that they will offer to professionals from diverse enterprises.
Corporates are tapping for the workspace route to come closer to Employees
How to know if a coworking space is a right choice for your employees or team
Is your team capable of adapting to a workspace after having worked extensively either from home or from the office? Would a change in the work environment be a positive one? Is the team that we are trying to consolidate actually ready to be in a space shared by professionals from other companies in an entrepreneurial environment as part of the transition?
What is coworking space? Is it the right thing for your team? You may want to conduct a survey to get feedback from your employees. The decision to migrate from a conventional office to a shared office space Kolkata environment lies with executive management and leadership. They need to weigh the pros and cons like the location, environment, facilities, and costs.
Coworking spaces use various emerging technologies to provide a seamless experience in remote working.
There is a general belief that any flexible workspace is designed for startups and every kind of entrepreneur, especially reputed international brands like WeWork for example. According to WeWork, several enterprises in India are gearing towards adopting a flexible workspace. Click the link to read the full article https://ideapod.in/
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Why You Should Choose Professional Citrus Heights Roofing Services
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Almost every homeowner will have to have their roofs repaired or replaced at some point. When that time comes, you may stumble on yourself asking this vital question: “Which roofer should I go with?” is there anybody that you can be sure of to provide you with that info? According to a survey, 91% of individuals simply rely on their family, friends, and other acquaintances within their community in order to provide sensible recommendations.
Prior to hiring a roofing service provider for your repair, inspection, or replacement, it always makes sense to verify their qualifications in order to make sure that they are trained and experienced to take your project. And, if you would like a roofing company that is reliable and effortless to work with, you are supposed to mull over hiring local for your project such as Citrus Roofing Heights Roofer Pro’s.
When making a decision for a roofer for your home, you may feel inclined to work with a bigger business that has establishments across the nation. After all, that established name and reputation has to emblematize something, right? However, established businesses may not provide you with the tailored service and the level of attention that your home necessitates.
The following are some of the unique advantages that come with hiring the local roofers. Let us briefly explore them here in this quick guide.
They have access to local resources
If the roofing service provider has been established in your community for many years, they are more likely to have developed a strong network of local connections. This consists of material suppliers and other home contractors such as electricians, plumbers, and other trade types.
A reputed roofing company will even be familiar with which manufacturers produce durable, premium materials and they will have built long-term relationships with local suppliers, which signifies they will be capable of accessing such materials at lower costs.
You get quality service
With a local contractor for roof repair, you can simply look forward to personal attention customized to your precise requirements. To a large corporation, you might simply be a number - but to a smaller business that is based in your community, you are their neighbor. The support and help you need for your home is just a call away.
Dependable status that can be verified easily
Established businesses and national chains have the additional advantage of marketing departments and advertising budgets. Certainly, they may look shiny - but how do you recognize they will live up to their promises and claims? With a local roofer, you have the advantage of recommendations from actual members of your immediate community. Look for local businesses with an established standing, and rest assured knowing that you opt for a service provider that has earned your business.
Local roofing contractors are well-known for their friendly and bespoke approach. If the service provider you are mulling over is local, you can check them out with no trouble. It is likely they have worked on the roof of a family member, friend, or co-worker, and you can ask them questions to confirm their status.
A local roofing business with a lot of experience has a business based mostly on referrals and repeat clients who count on them with their roof repair. For the reason that their reputation is established within your community, they will be capable of offering you a list of local references.
A service provider with a stellar status will even encourage you to visit the homes they have worked on so you can personally check their work.
They are accessible and responsive
When you make a decision to go with the local roofers in Citrus Heights, you know you will be working with the ones who are acquainted with the specifics of your area. This signifies that they are familiar with the ways to time projects as per the weather patterns of your vicinity and several other specific challenges they might need to experience during the job.
It is even simpler to access a local roofing service provider instead of one from out-of-town for the reason that you can simply drive to their office and have a 1-on-1 conversation. Hiring a local business that doesn’t have a local representative or office can lead to longer response times in the event of a warranty claim, an emergency roof repair, or simply general questions regarding your newly installed roof.
They have local experience
A local roofing company is familiar with the community best. When making a decision on which type of roof to go with, they can help you make an informed decision depending on their own knowledge of the local weather and vicinity. Better yet, when it comes to new roof construction, they are even more acquainted with the building guidelines and regulations of the city, which signifies less stress when making sure that your roof is up to local standards.
They have sense of community
Local roofers are not simply business owners, they are part of your community. They weather the same storms, shop at the same stores, and possibly your children attend the same school. Making use of a local roofing service provider is advantageous for the community. Not just do they hire individuals from your community, but they even make use of nearby vendors for materials and supplies.
Possibly, one of the most imperative reasons to go with a local business is their community involvement. They take part in local events and outreach initiatives and are sponsors of local charities.
When you opt for a local roofer, you are selecting the ones that are actual members of your community. When you go with a business by recommendation, you will probably get quality work. Better yet, a lot of these service providers give back to the very same communities they serve. By opting for a local service provider, you are helping out your own community as well.
Are you all set to hire a local roofer?
No matter if you need minor repairs or a full roof replacement, you are supposed to opt for the reputed and professional Citrus Heights roofers that will treat your roof like the investment it is. Local roofers are keen to making use of their resources, knowledge, and time in order to provide you with a premium experience that will certainly keep you coming back for all your roofing needs.
Citrus Heights Roofer Pro’s is one of the top-rated roofing companies that you can always count on when it comes to new roof construction at competitive prices in your neighborhood!
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honchosdubai · 2 years
How can a corporate event planner in Dubai help you?
As in the Event planning companies in Dubai, we pay close attention to the needs and spending limits of our clients and create original thoughts and proposals to suit these needs. To provide you a unique and memorable experience, we mix local knowledge with worldwide expertise and ideas. Honchos employs a group of passionate, committed, and dedicated Dubai event planners. Each had a niche when it came to making your big day unique and memorable.
Do you intend to plan an event in Dubai and desire for everything to proceed without a hitch? Corporate Event Planners UAE can assist you in organising important occasions like corporate events, and more. These event managers headquartered in Dubai put their best foot forward, catering to all of your requests and preferences. They have a wealth of expertise behind them and the capacity to manage contingencies. By organising the event themselves, these Dubai event management companies may also save you time while allowing you the luxury of socialising and having fun. 
Why Should You Hire Us to Plan Corporate Events?
Creative Group
In order to provide our clients with additional possibilities and make their corporate events stand out from the competition, we are always coming up with new concepts and scenarios. Just let us know everything you'd like at your event, and we'll give you a list of options for entertainment.
One-Stop Service
Because we strive to offer all services under one roof, our agency is regarded by clients as one of the Top Event Management Company in Dubai. As our crew is fully aware of how to get the greatest sound, light, and other equipment to make your event fantastic, we would even want to surprise everyone with a light display, fireworks, or simply with great music.
Professionals in the industry are aware.
ElegantMoment offers excellent connections with the best business people in the UAE. We put together a fantastic team of entertainers who will never let you down in front of your staff, including the best hosts, imaginative designers, sailing and off-road trip planners, and creative hosts.
Assistance from beginning to end
From the beginning to the end of an event, our crew is with the clients. You only need to focus on having fun and leaving us with all of your stress and anxieties. The team keeps an eye on the entire event and handles any issues like a pro.
Working with Dubai event planners has many advantages.
We promise that you'll be happy with the way things look, function, and taste. We can provide you with the ideal equipment rentals for a flawless occasion, or we can handle all aspects of your Dubai planning from A to Z.
Even though we are professional Event planning companies in Dubai and do not serve a worldwide clientele, we nonetheless make sure to give each of our guests an unforgettable experience. The large number of satisfied clients is a testament to our knowledge and dedication. We take great pride in the fact that our event planner in Dubai pays close attention to every detail and accommodates all of our clients' requests, no matter how big or small.
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imperialapartment1 · 2 years
Maintain deserved privacy through booking Service Apartments in Gurgaon
As Gurgaon has grown from a small town to a bustling metropolis, the need for corporate housing has also increased. Hotels and guest houses are losing their charm as service apartments in Gurgaon are gaining popularity among business travelers as well as tourists. These apartments offer all kinds of amenities like Wi-Fi connectivity, 24/7 power supply, basic kitchen facilities and much more at affordable prices.
The better alternative to corporate housing in Gurgaon
Service apartments in Gurgaon offer a one-stop solution to all your housing needs. They are the ideal option if you want to live in private, without sacrificing any of the perks of corporate housing.
In this article, we’ll go over what service apartments are, why they’re so popular with people who work in Gurgaon, and how they differ from corporate housing.
An affordable alternative to home-stays
A great alternative to home-stays, these apartments are a great choice for those who want the privacy and comfort of their own apartment but don’t want to spend much. You’ll find them in prime locations across Gurgaon, so you’ll be close to the best restaurants, shops and other amenities. The interiors are designed with style and elegance in mind, so they’re comfortable as well as attractive.
Affordability is the biggest reason why people choose serviced apartments over home-stays. They may be slightly more expensive than budget hotels but offer much greater value because they provide all the facilities you’d expect from an apartment: amenities like laundry services or a gym; cooking appliances; cable television; and Wi-Fi access (in many properties).
Security is another major concern when traveling alone — especially for women traveling alone or on business trips — so it’s important that your accommodations offer 24/7 security guards who patrol the property regularly around the clock (including night shifts) to ensure safety from intruders or unwanted guests entering uninvited into your room through open windows etcetera.
The next step for hotels and guest houses
There are many reasons why you may want to choose a Service Apartments in Gurgaon over staying in a hotel or guest house. The most obvious reason is the privacy that comes with booking an apartment. Being able to rent out an entire flat gives you complete freedom of movement and peace of mind, as you won’t have to worry about other people hearing what’s happening in your room or coming home at inconvenient hours and disturbing your sleep. The apartments are also more spacious than hotels, which makes them ideal for families or groups of friends who want separate living quarters but still want some semblance of togetherness.
You can cook your own meals on request (with prior notice)
24/7 security services offered by the property management company
All the services you need, all under one roof.
You don’t have to worry about getting different services from different places. You can get all the services you need, all under one roof.
Say goodbye to those noisy neighbors in hotels — book service apartments for a relaxing getaway.
Do you often book hotels for business trips or vacations? If so, then you would be aware of the problem of noise. In hotels, there are many people staying together in one place and they all have different lifestyles and schedules. So when you are trying to sleep at night and someone bangs a door or drops something on the floor, it will wake you up instantly.
The best way to avoid such a situation is by booking a service apartment instead of a hotel room so that you can get privacy while still being close enough to everything else that matters in Gurgaon. Service apartments are similar to hotels but with one major difference — they don’t have common areas like restaurants or bars which means less noise!
Be it for business or leisure, a hotel is the most convenient place to stay. But sometimes, you need something more personal and private than a hotel room. You need an apartment where you can relax and unwind after a long day at work without having to worry about other guests in the building or outside your door. This is where booking service apartments in Gurgaon comes into play.
The city has many options available to choose from, making it easier than ever before to find exactly what you’re looking for no matter if it’s short-term or long-term stay accommodation needs that have arisen. They come in all shapes and sizes too so there’s something on offer whether your budget is limited or not!
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rexhorton4 · 2 years
Basketball Goal Assembly Service by Furniture Experts Corporation
If you're buying a basketball goal assembly service, you've arrived at the proper place. We've compiled a listing of the best service providers, including one near you. Use our search tool to discover local companies that provide in-ground basketball hoop assembly.
top basketball goal assembly service
When you're planning to really have a basketball goal installed, you will require a skilled assembler to have the work done right. Furniture Experts Corporation offers a number of services that will allow you to get the goal installed right the initial time. We can install your basketball goal on a wall or roof. Our assembly specialists also can drill holes in your wall or ceiling, and insert screws into the backboard. If there are any gaps, we could fill them with caulk to avoid any water damage.
They are also experienced in setting up portable basketball goals. They can put in a basketball system in one single visit. They will drill holes in your walls and insert screws into the backboard, and they'll even fill the holes with caulk to stop water damage.
basketball goal assembly service near me
Hiring a basketball goal assembly service near you can be an excellent way to get your new hoop installed. These pros are trained to set up these products correctly, and provide quality craftsmanship. Many companies will even provide a one-year labor warranty. They will provide instruction and understanding of the item so you are aware of all of the details. The installation service will remove your old basketball goal, any concrete footers, and any packaging materials, and assemble any additional accessories.
Whether you want a portable basketball hoop or perhaps a wall-mounted basketball system, an assembly service can make the process a breeze. They can install the hoop, drill holes in the wall, and insert screws into the backboard. Additionally, they'll fill in just about any gaps to stop water damage.
In Ground basketball hoop installation company
A professional In Ground basketball hoop installation company by the Furniture Experts Corporation will come to your home and set it up for you. First, they'll survey the area for the installation. Then, they will receive a utility marking number from the state. This is important because state law prohibits any digging within three feet of the markings. Next, the installation will need two visits to complete. One would be to dig the area, while another can do the concrete work. Finally, the goal will require finishing assembly once the concrete is stable.
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bargainbins1 · 2 years
12 Yard Dumpster Rental In South Jersey
Always overestimate the quantity and weight of your trash if you’ve chosen to go with a variable fee in your dumpster rental. That method you’ll pay less if you’re underneath the limit, whereas when you go over, you’ll end up paying an additional cost of about $40 to $100 per ton for the overage payment. The physical weight limit of the container is different from the amount 12 yard dumpster of weight included in your rental value, please maintain that distinction in thoughts. Additional charges apply for weight that is over the quantity included within the worth, regardless of the weight limit of the container. With a fleet of more than 30 trucks and 1,seven-hundred containers 5280 Waste Solutions has been serving the Denver area for greater than 5 years.
This service is normally out there as a truck hauling a dumpster on the again. The company will load piles of junk into the dumpster and haul it away to the suitable websites. Junk removing companies usually take worthy gadgets to various charity organizations. Your provider should present a list of what's and is not acceptable for disposal. We are one of many few dumpster rental corporations providing the 12-yard dumpster rental in Austin. Go Pro presents 2 tons for 12 yards, three tons for 15 yards, four tons for 20 yards, and 5 tons for 30 yards with all C.O.D. orders.
Whether you’re doing a small residential clean-out, or managing a large industrial construction project, Gator Services can present the required waste administration options. Calculate the cubic yards of waste you should take away, and shop for one of the 12 yard dumpster best dimension dumpster rental. For this roll off dumpster dimension, it has a weight limit of 1.5 tons or three,000 pounds that the dumpster can maintain. This weight restrict is a lot for any of the massive or small projects you will be doing.
Dumpsters are rated by sizes, which correspond to the quantity of cubic yards that will fit into them. For instance a 12 yard dumpster holds 12 cubic yards of waste in it. Roll off dumpster sizes are measured in cubic yards and are usually offered as 10, 12, 14 Yard Dumpsters. A 12 Yard dumpster holds just that, 12 cubic yards of material.
Customers in Covina can call Bins 4 Less to place their order and decide on supply date. Bins four Less drivers will deliver the container and the purchasers may have up to 5 days to get rid of their materials. Once the container is prepared, Bins 4 Less will decide the container up and dispose of the material at the applicable facility. The customer’s trash might be out of the property and disposed of correctly. Covina’s waste management service is Covina Disposal, which is now Athens Services. Covina residents require regular trash and waste management for his or her renovation or cleansing initiatives.
30 cubic yard dumpsters are 20 feet long, 8 toes wide, and 5 ft tall. They can carry as a lot as 5 tons and are often used for holding roofing materials or giant amounts of excavated dirt. They are additionally nice for large-scale cleanups, bigger residential building, and house demolition.
We guarantee you on time supply which is tailored to your schedule no matter the time. 5280 has all the roll-off dumpsters for any type of project. Our costs at 5280 are aggressive, and you may be assured of no hidden expenses. At 5280 Waste Solutions, we are committed to our neighborhood and we attempt to maintain Colorado a healthy environment for the people we serve. Obviously, the size of dumpster you’re going to want will rely upon the dimensions of your project. And whereas roll off field dimensions range by manufacture a 12-yard dumpster will always maintain 12 cubic yards.
Since a ten yard container is the smallest out there dimension, this doesn't make it ideal for heavy-duty construction/demolition work. We would not advocate utilizing 12 yard dumpster this bin size to bulldoze a strip mall, for instance. However, a 10 yarder would be good for residential initiatives.
This 15-yard dumpster is great for household or yard cleanups and small renovations. It can handle family trash, furnishings, wood, and drywall. Dumpster Rentals in San Dimas and Covina are made easy by ordering with Bins 4 Less.
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