#Alisa x Lars
enydaki · 7 months
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darklinaforever · 3 months
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“I love you, with all my heart.” - Alisa von Vamalia.
“I'd say the same thing if I had one.” - Lars af Dracas.
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Series “Heirs of the Night.” from Amazon Prime.
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elionwriter · 5 months
Yooooooooo! TEKKEN 8 IS BEYOND EPIC!!!
Like, ANGEL JIN?!?!
THAT fight against Kazuya!?!?!? Hello!!!
Jin quite literally fighting and accepting his inner demons! THE BLACK AND WHITE WINGS! I CANNOT!!!
Jin adopted by his two uncles?!
Claudio, Zafina and Xiaoyu being besties?!?! This was not on my bingo card but ok. 🤨
Claudio and Zafina are DEAD?!?!? 😱😨 like actually dead?!
Hyper buffed up, Steve is a sight I don't think I'll be able to purge from my brain anytime soon.
I am so, SO SO happy!!! My little shipping heart was so pleased! Canon Jin/Xiaoyu. My OTP soared!!! Jin associates Xiaoyu with the angelic figure of his mom and she is on the forefront of his motivation to get back up and go on living. His little smile for her is so precious 😍. Claudio and Panda being her wingman. Boy is so smitten that while sparring he cannot stop himself from complimenting her. IN THE GOOD ENDING HE LITERALLY GOES ON A DATE WITH HER!!!
And that's not all! Because this game gifted us also girlfriends Asuka/Lili (which are obviously chef kiss) and Lars/Alisa. Also, Hwoarang is great boyfriend material for Jin as always.
Everyone's costume is so great!!!
Leo is the most precious and sweet boy. And Hwoarang is the hottest one 🥵🥵🥵 (sorry not sorry) Reina is definitely a guilty pleasure when it comes to looks/power/aesthetics. I mean, she is yuri bait and you can consider me baited. AND I'M NOT EVEN A LESBIAN!!!
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shadowcatgirl09 · 4 months
Tekken 8 really said it was going to give me everything. Jin and Xiaoyu (Jin really got with the Chinese upbeat equivalent of his mom), Jin's character development, cool uncles Lars and Lee, Lars and Alisa (those two gave me a sugar rush in their endings), just all of Kazuya's character episode ending, Leo and Azucena etc.
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misscritique · 2 months
Lars and Alisa in Formal Attire
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strophalosx3 · 4 months
Have you ever seen the "Her" movie? Well, Lars is in love with an AI, called Alisa
Disney Tekken
[Part 5] ✨💫 Lars Alexandersson x Alisa Bosconovich
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miko-honey · 4 months
Lars and Alisa unironically have the most healthy relationship in all of Tekken
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radiantblog-tekken · 1 year
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sorry i need to....
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Killer into my Forever
Imagine being a target and becoming my secret admirer.
I know you're mortal and I'm a lifeless emotional steel maiden.
How does it feel to be with you like your language is to physically touch, quality time, words of affirmation, and acts of service?
I feel your scent of the desire to kiss me on my artificial lips, your sensual touch in my soft heart, your thrust in my core, and at the end I feel the mist of your rain inside my well.
It feels heavenly, sinfully delightful.
I had shed an ocean into my eyes that you're finally mine.
I am so glad that you love me.
I love you too my lifetime, infinity, and everything.
-Alisa Bosconovitch
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pepopipu · 1 year
Heirs of the Night. The Power of Love
Hi, I'm writing a heirs of the night fanfic. I leave it here in case you want to take a look.
Summary: Alisa has a beating heart, a shining hand, a bond with an ancient vampire, and a destiny that will change the entire world…but none of it is more amazing than her power of love.
Chapter 1: VAMALIA
The beginning of the plague of demons
(Author: Abraham van Helsing, vampire hunter and founder of the Red Masks)
…and the tears of Count Dracula were mixed with the blood, and from the blood and the tears thirteen rubies were formed. The rubies glowed dark red and pulsed deep within. From each ruby was born one of the thirteen clans of vampires. And each clan received the gift of their birthstone, which also gave each clan its name. As long as the venerables of the clans carry the ruby, all vampires born into the clan will have the gift that the ruby bestows:
•The Dracas of Norway can read minds and communicate with each other mentally.
•Italy's Nospheres can overcome the deadly effects of holy items.
•The Vyrad of England can control the weather.
•The Pyras of France speak all animal languages.
•The Irish Lycana can change shape.
• The Romanian Upiry can make her shadow act independently of her body.
•The Belovs of Russia tolerate sunlight.
•The Arrufat of Spain can speak with the dead.
•The Tova de Holanda can overcome the paralyzing effects of water.
•The Swiss Walk can become invisible.
•The Vikla of Greece can move objects with the power of thought.
•The Turkey Grimur can catch sunlight.
•The Vamalia of Germany finally received the gift of love, and this clan is the keeper of the spark that can put out all vampire life in the world if...
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mysteryofvampires · 2 months
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Alisa and Franz Leopold: Sometimes I wonder if we found each other in another universe.
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Alisa and Lars: We did.
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thebladeblaster · 2 years
This is true don’t lie😂
I made multiple versions cause I’m indecisive
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I was like “seriously simmer down their Bully Maguire” during the Alisa scene😅
Tekken 6
Jin: Look at little Heihachi Jr. Gonna cry?
Juri: *hurts Xiaoyu*
Jin: I’m about to morb
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amourise · 2 years
/ random asf but can hwoarang and jin be together already ??
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misscritique · 30 days
Lars x Alisa in The Tortured Poets Department Theme
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And this LOG Continues.
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strophalosx3 · 3 months
Now I made customization of the movie "Her" obviously Lars is the protagonist with his beloved AI
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terabyteturtle · 6 months
hey!!! Can I have Jin Kazama x Pregnant wife (who happens to be a model) Reader headcanons. An idea I have is what if they have to keep the pregnancy a secret from Kazuya due to a fear of harm??? Make it fluff with a bit of angst
Jin Kazama x Pregnant Model Wife Headcanons
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Once again, I apologize for taking so long! I tried my best to encapsulate everything you put in the request. Hopefully, it's what you wanted!
- It takes him a while to process the fact that you're pregnant. When you first break the news to him, he's just in shock. He experiences so many emotions at once that his mind just stops working. You better have a chair ready because Jin will need to sit down and process everything for a few moments.
- Once it sets in, he becomes angry with himself. He took every precaution to prevent this from happening, and yet somehow, it still did. It's his fault. It has to be. Jin blames himself for burdening you with a child potentially capable of mass destruction, and although he's tried to separate you from his family feud, you're bound to get dragged into it anyway, and it's all because of him.
- The fact that you're a model only makes matters worse. You already get a ton of publicity and exposure on a daily basis, but now that you're pregnant, that'll increase tenfold. With help from Lee and Lars, you and Jin have managed to keep both your relationship AND your marriage a secret so far. However, with a child on the way, it'll be impossible to keep that secret any longer. People will ask questions about the father's identity, and it's only a matter of time before the paparazzi find out the truth.
- Upon realizing this, Jin launches into full-on panic mode. As soon as he's revealed as the father of your child, his face is going to be all over the media. And Kazuya will be the first one to see it. Jin isn't entirely sure what his father would do, but he has his suspicions. He can only imagine the sheer horror of G Corp soldiers busting down your door, hunting you down like hound dogs trying to take you and the kid. If those suspicions are correct, then you'll likely be forced into hiding until the war is over. As long as Kazuya retains his powerful position, there's no telling how much danger you'll be in.
- Additionally, the people closest to him are sure to freak out. Xiaoyu and Hwoarang would panic, and he already knows Lars won't take kindly to it. He's not sure how Lee or Alisa would react, and that uncertainty only makes him more nervous. Jin knows that he should tell his loved ones before they find out through the media, but the mere thought of mentioning it makes his heart skip a beat.
- To top it all off, Jin's main mission is to exterminate his bloodline once and for all. The fact that you are now pregnant is pretty much the opposite of what he wanted.
- His course of action was to take Kazuya's life, then take his own. He was ready to sacrifice himself so that the Devil Gene would no longer exist. As much as he loved the people closest to him, as much as he adored and cherished every moment with you, he knew deep down that the world would be better off without people like him.
- But now, this complicates everything. He doesn't want to take his own life and leave you to raise the kid by yourself. Sure, friends and loved ones might help you out, but at the end of the day, you're going to have a lot of responsibility on your hands. Additionally, Jin knows how it feels to have grown up without a proper father figure, and he'd seen how difficult it was for his mother. He knows how it feels to have lost a parent, and no matter how much time passes, it will always hurt. Does he really want his child to witness those same struggles? To feel the same pain? Does he really want to leave you behind, after everything you've been through?
- Beneath that cold, edgy exterior, there's a soft spot in his heart that truly wants to settle down with you, but he doesn't believe it'll be possible.
- As he tries to solve his dilemma, a million questions race through his mind. Like, what if the kid has the Devil Gene? Will he have to kill his own child? But it's not just his child; it's your child too, and he can't bear to imagine the pain you'd feel if that were to happen.
- But then, what if the kid doesn't have the Devil Gene? What if they turn out to be a normal kid? In that case, he'd care for them and love them until the end.
- But that's when a thought strikes him.
- Why does it matter whether they have the Devil Gene or not? They're still human, after all. They still deserve love and compassion and nurturing. Just because they have the Devil Gene doesn't mean they're inherently evil; they still deserve a chance. Hell, Jin himself has it, and although he's done some terrible things, he's trying his hardest to atone for them.
- Maybe Jin could help teach them how to control it. Not that he really has control over it himself, but that's okay. Maybe they could learn together. Maybe that could be their way to bond.
- That's when he starts to realize how happy this truly makes him. He loves you more than life itself, and the fact that he's going to have a child with you is one of the greatest blessings life can give him. Being a father will come with a lot of responsibility, but Jin is willing to bear it and do the best he can for his kid. He realizes that he is willing to undergo the trials and tribulations that loom ahead, and he will fight to the ends of the Earth to keep you both safe.
- Jin will try and convince you to take a break from modeling and lay low for a while, as any publicity will become more dangerous as time passes on. You think it would be suspicious to just drop off the face of the Earth, which is why you let your agency know beforehand that you're going to be taking a hiatus for personal matters.
- As the baby starts growing and it becomes progressively obvious that you're pregnant, you will be heavily discouraged from going outside at all. For the baby's safety as well as your own, it's best that you refrain from going out in public where the paparazzi are bound to catch you.
- Naturally, Jin becomes very protective over both of you. He starts treating you like a glass vase because he's scared of hurting you somehow. He also gets slightly paranoid around the others and sticks by your side to make sure nothing happens to you.
- He still blames himself a lot for everything that's happening, and he's sorry that you can't just have a normal pregnancy. You have to reassure him that no one's at fault for this, and you're just as willing to fight for the baby as he is. If you have to break away from your normal life to keep them safe, then so be it. It'll all be worth it in the end.
- With a lot of encouragement from you, Jin confides in his friends, starting with Lee, who is happy to help you guys out. As the CEO of a well-known company, he can try to pull some strings and get the press to leave you alone. While it's no guarantee that they'll be gone completely, Lee will try his best to hold them off for a little while. He'll also give you a secret place to stay, stocked with plenty of food and water.
- Lars almost freaks out but manages to keep himself composed. He congratulates both of you and agrees to help you out in whatever way possible. If there's anything you need, be it more food, more water, or just more paper towels, he and Alisa will go out shopping and get it for you.
- Alisa and Xiaoyu are super excited and happy for you. Although the circumstances are not ideal, they still want to make sure that you enjoy yourself and celebrate your pregnancy. In fact, they've already started planning your baby shower.
- Hwoarang also ends up being super supportive. Though he makes himself out to be a tough guy, he has a big soft spot for babies. Rest assured, he will fight tooth and nail to keep this kid safe. Also, Hwoarang has officially proclaimed himself the child's godfather, and there is nothing you or Jin can do about it.
- If Jin's stressed out, you let him lay down and press his ear to your belly. Listening to the baby and being physically close to you has become the most calming feeling in the world to him.
- If Jin doesn't know what to do in certain situations, he'll stop and ask himself what Jun would do. He loves his mother deeply and thinks very highly of her. She was a loving and nurturing woman, so when it comes to taking care of you, he tries his best to emulate that kindness. Jun was a wonderful parent, as well as an excellent role model. When the baby arrives and he officially becomes a parent, Jin deeply hopes he'll turn out to be half as good as she was.
- He will constantly ask you if there's something he can do better. From this point forward, Jin will always be questioning whether or not he's doing the right thing. Your input is valuable to him, and if there's any advice or guidance you have to give, he'd greatly appreciate it.
- At the end of the day, Jin wants to be the best father he can be. Your child's happiness, as well as your own, mean the world to him. No one can take either of you away from him, and Angel have mercy on those who dare try.
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