#Alexandre Salomons
tina-aumont · 1 year
Tina Aumont's Family Tree
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Jean-Pierre Aumont family tree (you can go up to 1787)
Árbol Genealógico de Isidoro Gracia García (you can go up to 1465!)
Regla María Teresa Vidal at Geni, at Familysearch and at Ancestry.
Dos Actrices Internacionales descendientes de un Luño (Plenas Zaragoza 14.12.2016)
"De María África a María Montez, un mito en Technicolor" documentary directed by Jesús Reyes Mota, 2014.
La Exposición de María Montez viaja a Gran Canaria (El Apurón, 21.11.2013)
Personalidades Garafianas (12.2012)
Los orígenes turolenses y canarios de la actriz de Hollywood María Montez by María Victoria Hernández Pérez. Cabildo de la Palma, 2012.
"María: Montez Su Vida", edición especial del Centenario, book written by Margarita Vicens de Morales, Dirección General de Cine de la República Dominicana, 2012.
"Enrique Meneses, un flash" article in Spanish from Orsay magazine wriiten by José Luís Perdomo, 2011.
Los Orígenes palmeros de la actriz María Montez (October/November 2009)
Las raíces Turolenses de una diva (Heraldo, 26.10.2008)
"María Montez La Reina del Tecnicolor", book written by António Pérez Arnay and Terenci Moix, Filmoteca Canaria 1995.
*Very special thanks to Dominic Fuentes, @74paris and @shannendoherty-fans for their help.
If you know any details or have some photos from the family that aren't posted here, please send them and I will credit you. Remember that this family tree is growing as more info comes to light.
Thank you very much!
Eleni xxx
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christophe76460 · 9 months
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L’amour de Christ nous presse .
Il y a plus de 38 ans , j'ai lu un livre qui m'a transformé . L'auteur disait que Jésus avait passé la plus grande partie de son temps, pendant les trois ans et demi de son ministère, à former douze hommes. L'éducation qu'il leur donna était bien différente de celle qu'on donne aujourd'hui dans nos collèges et dans nos écoles. Tandis que le monde encourage l'ambition, Jésus enseigne à ses disciples l'humilité. Il les exhorte à se prévenir les uns les autres par honneur; à n'être point enflés d'orgueil, à n'être point envieux, mais plutôt, à être doux et humbles de coeur.
L’amour de Christ nous presse
Il existe une charmante tradition sur la fondation du temple de Salomon. Le terrain sur lequel il fut construit appartenait en commun à deux frères, dont l'un avait des enfants, et l'autre n'en avait pas. Ils y avaient semé du blé. Le lendemain de la moisson, deux meules ayant été élevées, l'aîné des deux frères dit à sa femme : « Mon jeune frère n'a pas la force de supporter la fatigue et la chaleur du jour, je vais prendre une partie de mes gerbes et les ajouter à sa meule sans qu'il le sache. » Le frère cadet, animé de sentiments semblables, se dit en lui-même : « Mon frère a des enfants, et moi je n'en ai pas. Je vais prendre une partie de mes gerbes et les ajouter à sa meule.
Quel ne fut pas leur étonnement le lendemain, en trouvant leurs meules respectives aussi grandes que la veille. La même aventure se renouvela plusieurs nuits de suite. Chacun d'eux résolut enfin de veiller toute la nuit afin d'éclaircir le mystère. C'est ce qu'ils firent, et la nuit suivante, ils se rencontrèrent à mi-chemin entre leurs deux meules, les bras chargés de gerbes. Ce fut sur un terrain sanctifié par un tel souvenir que s'éleva le magnifique temple de Salomon, la merveille et l'admiration du monde. Hélas ! de nos jours, combien de frères seraient disposés à dérober toute la meule de leur frère plutôt qu'à y ajouter une seule gerbe !
Si nous voulons apprendre à gagner les âmes, si nous voulons être utiles au service de notre Maître, il faut nous débarrasser de ce maudit esprit de rivalité et d'amour-propre. C'est là le fond de la pensée de Paul dans ce passage de son épître aux Corinthiens. Il leur dit qu'on a beau avoir beaucoup de foi et de zèle, et distribuer beaucoup d'aumônes, si l'on n'a pas d'amour, on est comme l'airain qui résonne ou une cymbale qui retentit. Si ce n'est pas l'amour qui inspire et remplit tous nos discours, nous ferions tout autant de bien aux âmes en sonnant de la trompette du haut de la chaire qu'en prêchant des sermons. On peut annoncer la vérité ; on peut enseigner la doctrine évangélique dans toute sa pureté ; si le coeur n'est pas rempli d'amour pour ceux auxquels on s'adresse alors l'apôtre le déclare, on n'est qu'une cymbale retentissante.
Ce qu'il nous faut comprendre c’est que Dieu tient compte du mobile qui nous fait agir, bien plus que de notre activité extérieure. Le seul arbre sur la terre qui puisse produire des fruits agréables à Dieu c'est l'arbre de l'amour.
Voyez les soldats. S'ils ne se battent que parce qu'ils y sont forcés, ils ne remporteront pas beaucoup de victoires. Si, au contraire, ils se battent par amour pour leur pays et pour leurs chefs, rien ne pourra leur résister. Si ce n'est pas l'amour qui vous pousse à travailler pour Christ, ne vous attendez pas à être béni dans votre oeuvre.
Napoléon essaya de fonder un empire par la force des armes. Alexandre le Grand, César, d'autres conquérants encore, l'avaient essayé avant lui, mais tous, ils ont échoué. Jésus-Christ a fondé son royaume sur l'amour, et ce royaume durera éternellement.
Je voudrais vous rappeler encore une chose. L'amour ne songe jamais à ce qu'il recevra en retour de ce qu'il donne. Vous avez tous lu dans l'Evangile selon saint Mathieu la parabole du père de famille qui avait loué des ouvriers pour travailler dans sa vigne. Après en avoir loué plusieurs dès le matin, il en trouva d'autres à différentes heures du jour, et les envoya aussi à sa vigne. Quand le soir fut venu, ceux qui avaient travaillé depuis le matin s'attendaient à recevoir un salaire plus élevé que les autres; aussi se mirent-ils à murmurer et à se plaindre lorsqu'ils virent qu'ils recevaient tous la même chose. Mais quelle fut la réponse du père de famille : « Mon ami, je ne te fais point de tort ; n'as-tu pas accordé avec moi à un denier par jour? Prends ce qui est à toi et t'en va. Je veux donner à ce dernier autant qu'à toi. Ne m'est-il pas permis de faire ce que je veux de ce qui est à moi? Ton oeil est-il mauvais de ce que je suis bon ? Ainsi les derniers seront les premiers, et les premiers seront les derniers .
AMEN 😊😊 .
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mediadiscord · 2 years
New Comic Book Releases - 11/23/22
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If you're not familiar with where to go to find comics you can use this locator. Let's go ahead and take a look at what's out this week. AARDVARK VANAHEIMCerebus Volume 14 Form And Void TP (Remastered Edition), $70.00 ABLAZE PUBLISHINGLovecraft Unknown Kadath #3 (Cover A Jacques Salomon), $3.99Lovecraft Unknown Kadath #3 (Cover B Brent McKee), $3.99Lovecraft Unknown Kadath #3 (Cover C Moy R Doctor Strange #56 Homage Variant), $3.99Lovecraft Unknown Kadath #3 (Cover D Jacques Salomon Virgin Variant), $3.99Lovecraft Unknown Kadath #3 (Cover E Moy R Doctor Strange #56 Homage Virgin Variant), ARLovecraft Unknown Kadath #3 (Cover F Jacques Salomon Black & White Virgin Variant), AR ABSTRACT STUDIOSParker Girls #3, $3.99 ACONYTEMarvel School Of X Novel Sound Of Light SC, $16.95 AFTERSHOCK COMICS06 Protocol #2, $4.99Fear Of A Red Planet #1 (Cover A Paul Azaceta), $4.99Fear Of A Red Planet #1 (Cover B Jeremy Haun), AR AHOY COMICSJustice Warriors #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Ben Clarkson), $4.99Justice Warriors #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Matt Bors), AR ANDREWS MCMEELAnimal Rescue Friends Volume 2 Friends Fur-Ever GN, $12.99Big Nate TV Series Volume 2 Prank You Very Much GN, $12.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONSBetty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #309, $8.99 ASYLUM PRESSVampires Blood Shot #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Sid Check), $3.99Vampires Blood Shot #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Drazen Kozjan), $3.99Vampires Blood Shot #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Blank Variant), $3.99Vampires Blood Shot #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Drazen Kozjan Risque Variant), $9.99 ATLANTIS STUDIOSStar Runner Chronicles Rising Star #3 (Of 4), $5.95 AVATAR PRESSCrossed Badlands C-Day Worldwide Covers Bag Set D (5 Count), $19.99 AWA STUDIOSSacrament #4 (Of 5), $3.99 BAD IDEAOrc Island #4 (Of 4)(not verified by Diamond Distribution), $7.99 BLACK MASK STUDIOSRogue State #1 (Cover B Carlos Granda Foil Variant), $6.99Rogue State #1 (Cover D Soo Lee Foil Variant), AR BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENTWorld Of Warcraft Exploring Azeroth Northrend HC, $25.00 BOOM! STUDIOSBehold Behemoth #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Vincenzo Riccardi Gatefold Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), ARDamn Them All #1 (Of 6)(2nd Printing Cover A Charlie Adlard), $3.99Damn Them All #1 (Of 6)(2nd Printing Cover B Charlie Adlard Virgin Variant), AREve Children Of The Moon #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Ario Anindito), $3.99Eve Children Of The Moon #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Jahnoy Lindsay), $3.99Eve Children Of The Moon #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Jahnoy Lindsay Virgin Variant), AREve Children Of The Moon #2 (Of 5)(Cover D Sanford Greene Virgin Variant), ARGrim #1 (Cover J Flaviano Foil Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), ARJim Henson’s The Storyteller Shapeshifters HC, $24.99Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101 (2nd Printing Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover A Mateus Manhanini), $3.99Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover B Jenny Frison), $3.99Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover C Bon Bernardo Action Figure Variant), ARMighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover D Jenny Frison Virgin Variant), ARMighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover E Mateus Manhanini Virgin Variant), ARMighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover F Dani Pendergast BOOM! Guarantee Variant), ARMighty Morphin Power Rangers Necessary Evil Deluxe Edition Volume 2 HC, $75.00Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #1 (Of 5)(Cover U Simone Di Meo Ashcan Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), AROnce Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover A Mike Del Mundo), $4.99Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover B Alexandre Tefenkgi), $4.99Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon Glow In The Dark Variant), $6.99Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover D Mike Del Mundo Virgin Variant), AROnce Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover E Alexandre Tefenkgi Virgin Variant), AROnce Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover F Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), AROnce Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover G Jenny Frison Virgin Variant), AROnce Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover H Jenny Frison Foil Virgin Variant), AROnce Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover I Alexandre Tefenkgi Virgin Variant), AROnce Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover J Naomi Franquiz Foil Virgin Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), ARStuff Of Nightmares #2 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Cover A TBD), $4.99Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $4.99Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Christian Ward), $4.99Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Suzi Suspiria Vilchez Homage Variant), $4.99Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover D Reiko Murakami), ARStuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover E Reiko Murakami Virgin Variant), ARStuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover F Dustin Nguyen Reveal Variant), ARStuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover G Francesco Francavilla Black & White Virgin Variant), ARVampire Slayer #8 (Cover A Ario Anindito), $4.99Vampire Slayer #8 (Cover B Nicole Goux), $4.99Vampire Slayer #8 (Cover C Ario Anindito Virgin Variant), ARVampire Slayer #8 (Cover D Stephanie Pepper 25 Years Of Buffy Variant), ARVampire Slayer #8 (Cover E Stephanie Pepper 25 Years Of Buffy Virgn Variant), AR BOUNDLESS COMICSJungle Fantasy Ivory Wraparound Covers B Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Jungle Fantasy Survivors Jungle Love Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lady Death Pose Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lady Death Risque Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Lookers Bikini Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99Unholy Risque Covers Bag Set (5 Count), $19.99 COMIC SHOP NEWSComic Shop News #1840, ARComic Shop News 2022 Christmas Special, AR DARK HORSE COMICSEVE Online Capsuleer Chronicles HC, $24.99Parasomnia The Dreaming God #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Andrea Mutti), $3.99Parasomnia The Dreaming God #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Danny Luckert), $3.99Quick Stops #1 (Of 4)(Cover C John Sprengelmeyer)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $3.99Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #3 (Of 12)(Cover A French Carlomagno), $3.99Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #3 (Of 12)(Cover B Cary Nord), $3.99Star Wars Tales From The Rancor’s Pit HC, $19.99Stranger Things Holiday Specials TP, $19.99Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 6 TP (2nd Edition), $29.99 DC COMICSAction Comics #1049 (Cover A Steve Beach)(Kal-El Returns), $4.99Action Comics #1049 (Cover B Nathan Szerdy Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), $5.99Action Comics #1049 (Cover C Roger Cruz ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), $5.99Action Comics #1049 (Cover D Mario Fox Foccillo Kal-El Returns Arc Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), ARBatman And Scooby-Doo Mysteries #2 (Cover A Dario Brizuela), $2.99Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #1 (Of 7)(Cover G Marc Silvestri Foil Card Stock Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), ARBatman Black And White Box Set, $105.00Batman Fortress #7 (Of 8)(Cover A Darick Robertson), $3.99Batman Fortress #7 (Of 8)(Cover B Ken Lashley Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batman Gotham Knights Gilded City #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Greg Capullo & Jonathan Glapion), $4.99Batman Gotham Knights Gilded City #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Mike Perkins Card Stock Variant), $5.99Batman Gotham Knights Gilded City #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Video Game Card Stock Variant), $5.99Batman The Audio Adventures #3 (Of 7)(Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99Batman The Audio Adventures #3 (Of 7)(Cover B Michael Allred Card Stock Variant), $4.99Dark Crisis The Dark Army #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Gleb Melnikov), $5.99Dark Crisis The Dark Army #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Werther Dell’Edera), $5.99Dark Crisis The Dark Army #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Taj Tenfold), $5.99Dark Crisis The Dark Army #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Taj Tenfold Foil Variant), ARDC Horror Presents Sgt. Rock Vs. The Army Of The Dead #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Gary Frank), $3.99DC Horror Presents Sgt. Rock Vs. The Army Of The Dead #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Francesco Francavilla Card Stock Variant), $4.99DC Horror Presents Sgt. Rock Vs. The Army Of The Dead #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Christopher Mittan Card Stock Variant), ARDC Mech #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Baldemar Rivas), $3.99DC Mech #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), $4.99DC Mech #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Ricardo Lopez Ortiz Card Stock Variant), ARDC Mech #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), ARDC Vs. Vampires #11 (Of 12)(Cover A Guillem March), $3.99DC Vs. Vampires #11 (Of 12)(Cover B Nathan Szerdy Card Stock Variant), $4.99DC Vs. Vampires #11 (Of 12)(Cover C Steve Beach Card Stock Variant), ARDeathstroke Inc. #15 (Cover A Mikel Janin), $3.99Deathstroke Inc. #15 (Cover B Felipe Massafera Card Stock Variant), $4.99Deathstroke Inc. #15 (Cover C Kendrick Kunkka Lim Card Stock Variant), ARDetective Comics #1066 (Cover A Evan Cagle), $4.99Detective Comics #1066 (Cover B JH Williams III Card Stock Variant), $5.99Detective Comics #1066 (Cover C Kyle Hotz ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $5.99Detective Comics #1066 (Cover D Colleen Doran Card Stock Variant), ARDetective Comics #1066 (Cover E JH Williams III Ink Card Stock Variant), ARHarley Quinn #24 (Cover A Matteo Lolli), $3.99Harley Quinn #24 (Cover B Lee Bermejo Card Stock Variant), $4.99Harley Quinn #24 (Cover C Jonboy Meyers ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99Harley Quinn #24 (Cover D Lesley Leirix Li Card Stock Variant), ARHarley Quinn #24 (Cover E Ludo Lullabi Card Stock Variant), ARHuman Target #9 (Of 12)(Cover A Greg Smallwood), $4.99Human Target #9 (Of 12)(Cover B Cully Hamner), $4.99Human Target #9 (Of 12)(Cover C Francesco Francavilla), AROther History Of The DC Universe TP, $19.99Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Gleb Melnikov), $3.99Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Derrick Chew Card Stock Variant), $4.99Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Ejikure Card Stock Variant), $4.99Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover D Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), ARPunchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover E David Nakayama Card Stock Variant), ARPunchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover F Sozomaika Foil Card Stock Variant), ARSuperman And The Authority TP, $16.99Tim Drake Robin #3 (Cover A Max Dunbar), $3.99Tim Drake Robin #3 (Cover B Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), $4.99Tim Drake Robin #3 (Cover C Todd Nauck ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99Tim Drake Robin #3 (Cover D David Talaski Card Stock Variant), ARTim Drake Robin #3 (Cover E Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), ARYoung Justice Targets #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Christopher Jones), $3.99Young Justice Targets #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Meghan Hetrick Card Stock Variant), $4.99 DENPA BOOKSVampeerz My Peer Vampires Volume 2 GN, $12.95 DIAMOND PUBLICATIONSGame Trade Magazine #274, $3.99Previews #411 (December 2022), $4.99 DYNAMIC FORCESGunslinger Spawn #7 (Ken Haeser Signed & Remarked Color Spawn Sketch Edition), ARShe-Hulk #1 (Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau)(CGC Graded Edition), AR DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENTGarbage Pail Kids Origins #2 (Cover I Tom Bunk Virgin Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover K Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), ARLady Hel #3 (Cover L Geebo Vigonte Virgin Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle #1 (Cover P Gary Frank Virgin Variant), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover A Shannon Maer), $3.99Sirens Gate #2 (Cover B Shannon Maer Virgin Variant), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover C Shannon Maer Tara Variant), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover D Ale Garza), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover E Sorah Sungh), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover F Shannon Maer Fire Blast Variant), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover G Shannon Maer Showdown Variant), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover H Shannon Maer Tara Virgin Variant), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover I Ale Garza Virgin Variant), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover J Sorah Sungh Virgin Variant), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover K Shannon Maer Fire Blast Virgin Variant), ARSirens Gate #2 (Cover L Shannon Maer Showdown Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover B Stephen Segovia), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover D Ben Caldwell), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover E Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover F Rudy Nebres Modern Icon Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover G Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover H Stephen Segovia Black & White Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover I Ben Caldwell Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover J Stephen Segovia Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover M Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover N Lucio Parrillo Tinted Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover O Ben Caldwell Black & White Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover P Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover Q Junggeun Yoon Black & White Variant), ARVampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover R Rudy Nebres Modern Icon Virgin Variant), AR EIGOMANGABeast Code GN, $19.95 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKSLove And Rockets The First Fifty The Classic 40th Anniversary Collection, $400.00Men I Trust HC, $34.99 FLOATING WORLD COMICSBoat Life GN, $24.95 FRANK MILLER PRESENTSAncient Enemies #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Danilo Beyruth), $7.99Ancient Enemies #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Frank Miller), ARFrank Miller’s Ronin Book Two #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Frank Miller), $7.99Frank Miller’s Ronin Book Two #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Frank Miller), AR GHOST SHIP100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You Volume 4 GN, $13.99Call Girl In Another World Volume 5 GN, $13.99 GRAPHIXCat Kid Comic Club Volume 4 Collaborations HC, $12.99 HOLIDAY HOUSEFrights From Feral Volume 1 Welcome To Feral GN, $21.99 HUMANOIDSMegalex Deluxe Edition HC, $59.99 IDW PUBLISHINGDark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover A Hayden Sherman), $3.99Dark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover B Andrea Sorrentino), $3.99Dark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover C Skylar Patridge), $3.99Dark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover D Martin Simmonds), $3.99Dark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover E Caitlin Yarsky)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $3.99Earthdivers #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Rafael Albuquerque), $3.99G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover A Jamie Sullivan Wraparound Variant), $6.99G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover B Jamie Sullivan), $6.99G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover C Netho Diaz), $6.99G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover D Kieran McKeown), $6.99G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover E John Royle), ARG.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover F Ron Joseph), ARG.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover G Jamie Sullivan Wraparound Virgin Variant), ARRocketeer The Complete Adventures Deluxe Edition HC, $100.00Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Best Of Leatherhead #1 (One Shot)(Cover A James Biggie), $5.99Transformers Shattered Glass II #4 (Cover A Livio Ramondelli), $3.99Transformers Shattered Glass II #4 (Cover B Ashleigh Phillips), $3.99Transformers Shattered Glass II #4 (Cover C Josh Burcham), AR IMAGE COMICSCopra Master Collection Volume 1 HC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $39.99Creepshow #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Chris Burnham & Adriano Lucas), $3.99Creepshow #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Francesco Francavilla), $3.99Creepshow #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Vance Kelly), ARDepartment Of Truth #22 (Cover A Martin Simmonds), $3.99Department Of Truth #22 (Cover B Christian Ward), ARDepartment Of Truth #22 (Cover C Martin Simmonds), AREight Billion Genies #1 (Of 8)(Cover H Blank Genie Cardstock Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $3.99Eight Billion Genies #6 (Of 8)(Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99Eight Billion Genies #6 (Of 8)(Cover B Jim Rugg), $3.99Fire Power By Kirkman And Samnee Volume 5 Flaming Fist TP, $16.99Hitomi #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Valentina Napolitano), $3.99Hitomi #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Steven Black), $3.99I Hate This Place Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $14.99I Hate This Place Volume 1 TP (Explicit Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $14.99Image 30th Anniversary Anthology #8 (Of 12)(Cover A Andrea Mutti), $5.99Kroma By De Felici #1 (Of 4)(Cover F Lorenzo De Felici Ultraviolet Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $7.99LEGO Ninjago Garmadon Volume 1 TP, $12.99Magic Order 3 #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Gigi Cavenago), $3.99Magic Order 3 #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Gigi Cavenago Black & White Variant), $3.99Magic Order 3 #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Giada Marchisio), $3.99Scorched #12 (Cover A Raymond Gay), $2.99Scorched #12 (Cover B Valerio Giangiordano), $2.99Silver Coin Volume 3 TP, $16.99Vanish #3 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99Vanish #3 (Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson), $3.99Vanish #3 (Cover C Blank Variant), $3.99Vanish #3 (Cover D Amanda Conner), ARVanish #3 (Cover E Ryan Stegman Virgin Variant), ARVanish #3 (Cover F Daniel Warren Johnson Virgin Variant), ARVanish #3 (Cover G Amanda Conner Virgin Variant), ARVanish #3 (Cover H Daniel Warren Johnson Raw Variant), ARVanish #3 (Cover I Ryan Stegman Raw Variant), ARVanish #3 (Cover J Ryan Stegman Foil Variant), ARWalking Dead Deluxe #50 (Cover H Charlie Adlard & Dave McCaig Foil Wraparound Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $3.99What’s The Furthest Place From Here #8 (Cover A Tyler Boss), $3.99What’s The Furthest Place From Here #8 (Cover B Ricardo Lopez Ortiz), $3.99What’s The Furthest Place From Here #8 (Cover C Caspar Wijngaard), AR KEENSPOT ENTERTAINMENTBonyeer Aromatic #3 (Cover A Hirano Piyotycho), $4.99Bonyeer Aromatic #3 (Cover B Erik Klaus), $4.99Bonyeer Aromatic #3 (Cover C Troy Dongarra), $4.99Bonyeer Aromatic #3 (Cover D Hirano Piyotycho), AR KENZER AND COMPANYKnights Of The Dinner Table #298, $6.99Knights Of The Dinner Table Bundle Of Trouble Volume 72 TP, $15.99 KODANSHA COMICSAs A Reincarnated Aristocrat I’ll Use My Appraisal Skill To Rise In The World Volume 2 GN, $10.99Best Of Attack On Titan Color Edition Volume 2 HC, $24.99UQ Holder Volume 27 GN, $10.99When Will Ayumu Make His Move Volume 8 GN, $12.99 LEV GLEASON – COMIC HOUSESilver Streak Season 1 #1 (Cover A Stefan Tosheff), $5.99 LEV GLEASON – COMIC HOUSE ARCHIVESCaptain Canuck #15 (2nd Printing Cover A George Freeman), $9.99 LEV GLEASON – NEW FRIDAYFantomesque #1, $9.99 LITTLE SIMONSuper Turbo Volume 8 Super Turbo Gets Caught GN, $9.99 MAD CAVE STUDIOSTiger’s Tongue #5 (Cover A Odera Igbokwe), $3.99Tiger’s Tongue #5 (Cover B Odera Igbokwe), $3.99 MAGNETIC PRESS50 Animated Years Of Lupin The 3rd HC, $39.99 MARGARET FERGUSON BOOKSSantiago Ramon y Cajal Artist Scientist Troublemaker HC, $22.99 MARVEL COMICSAlien #3 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99Alien #3 (Cover B Iban Coello), ARAlien #3 (Cover C Jonboy Meyers), ARAlien #3 (Cover D Lucio Parrillo), ARAliens The Original Years Omnibus Volume 3 HC (Bernie Wrightson Direct Market Cover), $125.00Aliens The Original Years Omnibus Volume 3 HC (Carlos Pacheco Book Market Cover), $125.00All-Out Avengers #3 (Cover A Greg Land), $3.99All-Out Avengers #3 (Cover B Patrick Zircher Timely Comics Variant), ARAll-Out Avengers #3 (Cover C Peach Momoko), ARAmazing Spider-Man #13 (Cover D Francesco Mobili)(LCSD 2022 Edition), ARAmazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $4.99Amazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover B Alex Maleev), ARAmazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover C Ed McGuinness Hallows Eve Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover D Isabelle Staub Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover E Kyle Hotz Dark Web Prelude Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover F Ed McGuinness Design Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man By Wells And Romita Jr. Volume 2 The New Sinister TP, $17.99Avengers Forever #11 (Cover A Aaron Kuder), $3.99Avengers Forever #11 (Cover B Geoff Shaw Red Wolf Variant), ARCarnage Volume 1 In The Court Of Crimson TP, $17.99Conan The Barbarian The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Volume 9 HC (Jim Lee Book Market Cover), $125.00Conan The Barbarian The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Volume 9 HC (Michael Higgins Direct Market Cover), $125.00Daredevil #5 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $3.99Daredevil #5 (Cover B Scott Williams X-Treme Marvel Variant), ARDaredevil #5 (Cover C Marco Checchetto Design Variant), ARDeadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Rahzzah), $3.99Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 (Of 5)(Cover B David Mack), ARDefenders Beyond #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Javier Rodriguez), $3.99Defenders Beyond #5 (Of 5)(Cover Read the full article
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ABLAZE PUBLISHING Lovecraft Unknown Kadath #3 (Cover A Jacques Salomon), $3.99
ABSTRACT STUDIOS Parker Girls #3, $3.99
AFTERSHOCK COMICS 06 Protocol #2, $4.99 Fear Of A Red Planet #1 (Cover A Paul Azaceta), $4.99 Fear Of A Red Planet #1 (Cover B Jeremy Haun), A
BLACK MASK STUDIOS Rogue State #1 (Cover B Carlos Granda Foil Variant), $6.99 Rogue State #1 (Cover D Soo Lee Foil Variant), AR
BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT World Of Warcraft Exploring Azeroth Northrend HC, $25.00
BOOM! STUDIOS Behold Behemoth #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Vincenzo Riccardi Gatefold Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), AR Damn Them All #1 (Of 6)(2nd Printing Cover A Charlie Adlard), $3.99 Damn Them All #1 (Of 6)(2nd Printing Cover B Charlie Adlard Virgin Variant), AR Eve Children Of The Moon #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Ario Anindito), $3.99 Eve Children Of The Moon #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Jahnoy Lindsay), $3.99 Eve Children Of The Moon #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Jahnoy Lindsay Virgin Variant), AR Eve Children Of The Moon #2 (Of 5)(Cover D Sanford Greene Virgin Variant), AR Grim #1 (Cover J Flaviano Foil Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), AR Jim Henson’s The Storyteller Shapeshifters HC, $24.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101 (2nd Printing Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover A Mateus Manhanini), $3.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover B Jenny Frison), $3.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover C Bon Bernardo Action Figure Variant), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover D Jenny Frison Virgin Variant), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover E Mateus Manhanini Virgin Variant), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 (Cover F Dani Pendergast BOOM! Guarantee Variant), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Necessary Evil Deluxe Edition Volume 2 HC, $75.00 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #1 (Of 5)(Cover U Simone Di Meo Ashcan Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), AR Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover A Mike Del Mundo), $4.99 Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover B Alexandre Tefenkgi), $4.99 Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon Glow In The Dark Variant), $6.99 Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover D Mike Del Mundo Virgin Variant), AR Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover E Alexandre Tefenkgi Virgin Variant), AR Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover F Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), AR Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover G Jenny Frison Virgin Variant), AR Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover H Jenny Frison Foil Virgin Variant), AR Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover I Alexandre Tefenkgi Virgin Variant), AR Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (Cover J Naomi Franquiz Foil Virgin Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), AR Stuff Of Nightmares #2 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Cover A TBD), $4.99 Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $4.99 Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Christian Ward), $4.99 Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Suzi Suspiria Vilchez Homage Variant), $4.99 Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover D Reiko Murakami), AR Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover E Reiko Murakami Virgin Variant), AR Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover F Dustin Nguyen Reveal Variant), AR Stuff Of Nightmares #3 (Of 4)(Cover G Francesco Francavilla Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Vampire Slayer #8 (Cover A Ario Anindito), $4.99 Vampire Slayer #8 (Cover B Nicole Goux), $4.99 Vampire Slayer #8 (Cover C Ario Anindito Virgin Variant), AR
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1840, AR Comic Shop News 2022 Christmas Special, AR
DARK HORSE COMICS EVE Online Capsuleer Chronicles HC, $24.99 Parasomnia The Dreaming God #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Andrea Mutti), $3.99 Parasomnia The Dreaming God #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Danny Luckert), $3.99 Quick Stops #1 (Of 4)(Cover C John Sprengelmeyer)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $3.99 Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #3 (Of 12)(Cover A French Carlomagno), $3.99 Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #3 (Of 12)(Cover B Cary Nord), $3.99 Star Wars Tales From The Rancor’s Pit HC, $19.99 Stranger Things Holiday Specials TP, $19.99 Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 6 TP (2nd Edition), $29.99
DC COMICS Action Comics #1049 (Cover A Steve Beach)(Kal-El Returns), $4.99 Action Comics #1049 (Cover B Nathan Szerdy Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), $5.99 Action Comics #1049 (Cover C Roger Cruz ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), $5.99 Action Comics #1049 (Cover D Mario Fox Foccillo Kal-El Returns Arc Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), AR Batman And Scooby-Doo Mysteries #2 (Cover A Dario Brizuela), $2.99 Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #1 (Of 7)(Cover G Marc Silvestri Foil Card Stock Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), AR Batman Black And White Box Set, $105.00 Batman Fortress #7 (Of 8)(Cover A Darick Robertson), $3.99 Batman Fortress #7 (Of 8)(Cover B Ken Lashley Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Batman Gotham Knights Gilded City #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Greg Capullo & Jonathan Glapion), $4.99 Batman Gotham Knights Gilded City #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Mike Perkins Card Stock Variant), $5.99 Batman Gotham Knights Gilded City #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Video Game Card Stock Variant), $5.99 Batman The Audio Adventures #3 (Of 7)(Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99 Batman The Audio Adventures #3 (Of 7)(Cover B Michael Allred Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Dark Crisis The Dark Army #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Gleb Melnikov), $5.99 Dark Crisis The Dark Army #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Werther Dell’Edera), $5.99 Dark Crisis The Dark Army #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Taj Tenfold), $5.99 Dark Crisis The Dark Army #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Taj Tenfold Foil Variant), AR DC Horror Presents Sgt. Rock Vs. The Army Of The Dead #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Gary Frank), $3.99 DC Horror Presents Sgt. Rock Vs. The Army Of The Dead #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Francesco Francavilla Card Stock Variant), $4.99 DC Horror Presents Sgt. Rock Vs. The Army Of The Dead #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Christopher Mittan Card Stock Variant), AR DC Mech #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Baldemar Rivas), $3.99 DC Mech #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), $4.99 DC Mech #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Ricardo Lopez Ortiz Card Stock Variant), AR DC Mech #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), AR DC Vs. Vampires #11 (Of 12)(Cover A Guillem March), $3.99 DC Vs. Vampires #11 (Of 12)(Cover B Nathan Szerdy Card Stock Variant), $4.99 DC Vs. Vampires #11 (Of 12)(Cover C Steve Beach Card Stock Variant), AR Deathstroke Inc. #15 (Cover A Mikel Janin), $3.99 Deathstroke Inc. #15 (Cover B Felipe Massafera Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Deathstroke Inc. #15 (Cover C Kendrick Kunkka Lim Card Stock Variant), AR Detective Comics #1066 (Cover A Evan Cagle), $4.99 Detective Comics #1066 (Cover B JH Williams III Card Stock Variant), $5.99 Detective Comics #1066 (Cover C Kyle Hotz ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $5.99 Detective Comics #1066 (Cover D Colleen Doran Card Stock Variant), AR Detective Comics #1066 (Cover E JH Williams III Ink Card Stock Variant), AR Harley Quinn #24 (Cover A Matteo Lolli), $3.99 Harley Quinn #24 (Cover B Lee Bermejo Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Harley Quinn #24 (Cover C Jonboy Meyers ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Harley Quinn #24 (Cover D Lesley Leirix Li Card Stock Variant), AR Harley Quinn #24 (Cover E Ludo Lullabi Card Stock Variant), AR Human Target #9 (Of 12)(Cover A Greg Smallwood), $4.99 Human Target #9 (Of 12)(Cover B Cully Hamner), $4.99 Human Target #9 (Of 12)(Cover C Francesco Francavilla), AR Other History Of The DC Universe TP, $19.99 Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Gleb Melnikov), $3.99 Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Derrick Chew Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Ejikure Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover D Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), AR Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover E David Nakayama Card Stock Variant), AR Punchline The Gotham Game #2 (Of 6)(Cover F Sozomaika Foil Card Stock Variant), AR Superman And The Authority TP, $16.99 Tim Drake Robin #3 (Cover A Max Dunbar), $3.99 Tim Drake Robin #3 (Cover B Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Tim Drake Robin #3 (Cover C Todd Nauck ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Tim Drake Robin #3 (Cover D David Talaski Card Stock Variant), AR Tim Drake Robin #3 (Cover E Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), AR Young Justice Targets #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Christopher Jones), $3.99 Young Justice Targets #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Meghan Hetrick Card Stock Variant), $4.99
DIAMOND PUBLICATIONS Game Trade Magazine #274, $3.99 Previews #411 (December 2022), $4.9
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Sirens Gate #2 (Cover A Shannon Maer), $3.99 Sirens Gate #2 (Cover B Shannon Maer Virgin Variant), A Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99 Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover B Stephen Segovia), $3.99 Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon), $3.99 Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover D Ben Caldwell), $3.99 Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #7 (Cover E Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99
FRANK MILLER PRESENTS Ancient Enemies #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Danilo Beyruth), $7.99 Ancient Enemies #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Frank Miller), AR Frank Miller’s Ronin Book Two #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Frank Miller), $7.99 Frank Miller’s Ronin Book Two #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Frank Miller), AR
HUMANOIDS Megalex Deluxe Edition HC, $59.99
IDW PUBLISHING Dark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover A Hayden Sherman), $3.99 Dark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover B Andrea Sorrentino), $3.99 Dark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover C Skylar Patridge), $3.99 Dark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover D Martin Simmonds), $3.99 Dark Spaces Wildfire #5 (Cover E Caitlin Yarsky)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $3.99 Earthdivers #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Rafael Albuquerque), $3.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover A Jamie Sullivan Wraparound Variant), $6.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover B Jamie Sullivan), $6.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover C Netho Diaz), $6.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover D Kieran McKeown), $6.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover E John Royle), AR G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover F Ron Joseph), AR G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #300 (Cover G Jamie Sullivan Wraparound Virgin Variant), AR Rocketeer The Complete Adventures Deluxe Edition HC, $100.00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Best Of Leatherhead #1 (One Shot)(Cover A James Biggie), $5.99 Transformers Shattered Glass II #4 (Cover A Livio Ramondelli), $3.99 Transformers Shattered Glass II #4 (Cover B Ashleigh Phillips), $3.99 Transformers Shattered Glass II #4 (Cover C Josh Burcham), AR
IMAGE COMICS Copra Master Collection Volume 1 HC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $39.99 Creepshow #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Chris Burnham & Adriano Lucas), $3.99 Creepshow #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Francesco Francavilla), $3.99 Creepshow #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Vance Kelly), AR Department Of Truth #22 (Cover A Martin Simmonds), $3.99 Department Of Truth #22 (Cover B Christian Ward), AR Department Of Truth #22 (Cover C Martin Simmonds), AR Eight Billion Genies #1 (Of 8)(Cover H Blank Genie Cardstock Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $3.99 Eight Billion Genies #6 (Of 8)(Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99 Eight Billion Genies #6 (Of 8)(Cover B Jim Rugg), $3.99 Fire Power By Kirkman And Samnee Volume 5 Flaming Fist TP, $16.99 Hitomi #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Valentina Napolitano), $3.99 Hitomi #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Steven Black), $3.99 I Hate This Place Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $14.99 I Hate This Place Volume 1 TP (Explicit Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $14.99 Image 30th Anniversary Anthology #8 (Of 12)(Cover A Andrea Mutti), $5.99 Kroma By De Felici #1 (Of 4)(Cover F Lorenzo De Felici Ultraviolet Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $7.99 LEGO Ninjago Garmadon Volume 1 TP, $12.99 Magic Order 3 #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Gigi Cavenago), $3.99 Magic Order 3 #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Gigi Cavenago Black & White Variant), $3.99 Magic Order 3 #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Giada Marchisio), $3.99 Scorched #12 (Cover A Raymond Gay), $2.99 Scorched #12 (Cover B Valerio Giangiordano), $2.99 Silver Coin Volume 3 TP, $16.99 Vanish #3 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99 Vanish #3 (Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson), $3.99 Vanish #3 (Cover C Blank Variant), $3.99 Vanish #3 (Cover D Amanda Conner), AR Vanish #3 (Cover E Ryan Stegman Virgin Variant), AR Vanish #3 (Cover F Daniel Warren Johnson Virgin Variant), AR Vanish #3 (Cover G Amanda Conner Virgin Variant), AR Vanish #3 (Cover H Daniel Warren Johnson Raw Variant), AR Vanish #3 (Cover I Ryan Stegman Raw Variant), AR Vanish #3 (Cover J Ryan Stegman Foil Variant), AR Walking Dead Deluxe #50 (Cover H Charlie Adlard & Dave McCaig Foil Wraparound Variant)(LCSD 2022 Edition), $3.99 What’s The Furthest Place From Here #8 (Cover A Tyler Boss), $3.99 What’s The Furthest Place From Here #8 (Cover B Ricardo Lopez Ortiz), $3.99 What’s The Furthest Place From Here #8 (Cover C Caspar Wijngaard), A
KENZER AND COMPANY Knights Of The Dinner Table #298, $6.99 Knights Of The Dinner Table Bundle Of Trouble Volume 72 TP, $15.9
MARVEL COMICS Alien #3 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99 Alien #3 (Cover B Iban Coello), AR Alien #3 (Cover C Jonboy Meyers), AR Alien #3 (Cover D Lucio Parrillo), AR Aliens The Original Years Omnibus Volume 3 HC (Bernie Wrightson Direct Market Cover), $125.00 Aliens The Original Years Omnibus Volume 3 HC (Carlos Pacheco Book Market Cover), $125.00 All-Out Avengers #3 (Cover A Greg Land), $3.99 All-Out Avengers #3 (Cover B Patrick Zircher Timely Comics Variant), AR All-Out Avengers #3 (Cover C Peach Momoko), AR Amazing Spider-Man #13 (Cover D Francesco Mobili)(LCSD 2022 Edition), AR Amazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $4.99 Amazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover B Alex Maleev), AR Amazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover C Ed McGuinness Hallows Eve Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover D Isabelle Staub Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover E Kyle Hotz Dark Web Prelude Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #14 (Cover F Ed McGuinness Design Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man By Wells And Romita Jr. Volume 2 The New Sinister TP, $17.99 Avengers Forever #11 (Cover A Aaron Kuder), $3.99 Avengers Forever #11 (Cover B Geoff Shaw Red Wolf Variant), AR Carnage Volume 1 In The Court Of Crimson TP, $17.99 Conan The Barbarian The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Volume 9 HC (Jim Lee Book Market Cover), $125.00 Conan The Barbarian The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Volume 9 HC (Michael Higgins Direct Market Cover), $125.00 Daredevil #5 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $3.99 Daredevil #5 (Cover B Scott Williams X-Treme Marvel Variant), AR Daredevil #5 (Cover C Marco Checchetto Design Variant), AR Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Rahzzah), $3.99 Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 (Of 5)(Cover B David Mack), AR Defenders Beyond #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Javier Rodriguez), $3.99 Defenders Beyond #5 (Of 5)(Cover B NetEase Games Variant), AR Doctor Strange Fall Sunrise #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Tradd Moore Wraparound Variant), $4.99 Doctor Strange Fall Sunrise #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Ron Lim), AR Doctor Strange Fall Sunrise #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Daniel Warren Johnson), AR Doctor Strange Fall Sunrise #1 (Of 4)(Cover D David Mack), AR Doctor Strange Fall Sunrise #1 (Of 4)(Cover E Peach Momoko), AR Fantastic Four #52 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99 Fortnite X Marvel Zero War Premiere HC, $29.99 Genis-Vell Captain Marvel #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike McKone), $3.99 Iron Fist Epic Collection Volume 1 The Fury Of Iron Fist TP (New Printing), $49.99 Iron Man Epic Collection Volume 18 The Return Of Tony Stark TP, $44.99 Marvel Masterworks Ghost Rider Volume 4 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks Ghost Rider Volume 4 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 331), $75.00 Marvel Previews Volume 6 #15 (December 2022), AR Midnight Suns #3 (Of 5)(Cover A David Nakayama), $3.99 Midnight Suns #3 (Of 5)(Cover B InHyuk Lee), AR Midnight Suns #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Games Variant), AR Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #2 (Cover A Mark Buckingham), $4.99 Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #2 (Cover B Giuseppe Camuncoli), AR Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #2 (Cover C Declan Shalvey), AR Spectacular Spider-Man Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Dave Cockrum Direct Market Cover), $125.00 Spectacular Spider-Man Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Sal Buscema Book Market Cover), $125.00 Spider-Gwen Gwenverse TP, $17.99 Spider-Man #2 (Cover E Francesco Mobili)(LCSD 2022 Edition), AR Star Wars Han Solo And Chewbacca Volume 1 The Crystal Run Part One TP, $17.99 Star Wars Revelations #1 (Cover A Phil Noto), $5.99 Star Wars Revelations #1 (Cover B Peach Momoko), AR Star Wars Revelations #1 (Cover C Bryan Hitch), AR Star Wars Revelations #1 (Cover D Jim Cheung), AR Star Wars The High Republic #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Ario Anindito), $4.99 Star Wars Yoda #1 (Cover A Phil Noto), $4.99 Star Wars Yoda #1 (Cover B Kaare Andrews), AR Star Wars Yoda #1 (Cover C Giuseppe Camuncoli), AR Star Wars Yoda #1 (Cover D Phil Noto Virgin Variant), AR Star Wars Yoda #1 (Cover E Movie Variant), AR X-Force #34 (Cover A Joshua Cassara), $3.99 X-Force #34 (Cover B Francesco Manna), AR X-Men #17 (Cover A Martin Coccolo), $3.99 X-Men #17 (Cover B Russell Dauterman Trading Card Variant), AR
MARVEL PRESS Black Panther Wakanda Forever The Courage To Dream HC, $17.99
ONI PRESS Action Journalism #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Miklos Felvideki), $3.99 Action Journalism #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Erica Henderson), $3.99
RANDOM HOUSE WORLDS Star Wars The High Republic Novel Convergence HC, $28.99
SCOOT – LAUNCH Sabretooth Dan Versus The Moon GN, $5.99
SCOUT COMICS Forever Forward #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Liana Kangas), $4.99 Forever Forward #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Flaviano Armentaro), $4.99
SUMERIAN COMICS Illusion Witch #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Bruno Lima), $3.99 Illusion Witch #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Sajad Shah), $3.99 Illusion Witch #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Hedwin Zaldivar), $3.99 Nobody’s Girls #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Damian Connelly), $3.99 Nobody’s Girls #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Matias San Juan), $3.99 Nobody’s Girls #1 (Of 3)(Cover C Matias San Juan), $3.99 Nobody’s Girls #1 (Of 3)(Cover D Matias San Juan), $3.99
TITAN COMICS Bloodborne Lady Of The Lanterns #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Harvey Tolibao), $3.99 Bloodborne Lady Of The Lanterns #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Jeff Stokely), $3.99 Bloodborne Lady Of The Lanterns #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Damien Worm), $3.99 Cowboy Bebop Volume 1 TP, $17.99 Kamen Rider Kuuga Volume 1 GN, $12.99 Kamen Rider Zero-One #1 (Of 4)(Cover A InHyuk Lee), $3.99 Kamen Rider Zero-One #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Derrick Chew), $3.99 Kamen Rider Zero-One #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Photo), $3.99 Kamen Rider Zero-One #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Nahuel Grego), $3.99 Kamen Rider Zero-One #1 (Of 4)(Cover F Yellow Blank Variant), $4.99 Kamen Rider Zero-One #1 (Of 4)(Cover G Derrick Chew Copic Variant), $3.99 Kamen Rider Zero-One #1 (Of 4)(Cover H InHyuk Lee Copic Variant), $3.99 Kamen Rider Zero-One #1 (Of 4)(Cover I Hendry Prasetya Ragnarok Variant), $3.99 Lone Sloane The First Graphic Novel Collection, $74.99 Michael Moorcock’s Elric The Graphic Novel Collection (Volumes 1-4), $79.99
TKO STUDIOS Eve Of Extinction Collector’s Box Set, $29.99 Fearsome Doctor Fang Collector’s Box Set, $29.99 Pound For Pound Collector’s Box Set, $29.99
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Bloodshot Unleashed #3 (Cover A Jon Davis-Hunt), $3.99 Bloodshot Unleashed #3 (Cover B Nicole Rifkin), $3.99 Bloodshot Unleashed #3 (Cover C Juan Jose Ryp), $3.99 Bloodshot Unleashed #3 (Cover D Action Figure Variant), $3.99 Bloodshot Unleashed #3 (Cover E E.M. Gist Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR
VAULT COMICS Door To Door Night by Night #1 (Cover I Sally Cantirino Foil Variant)(LCSD 2022 Variant), $9.99
VIZ MEDIA JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Volume 6 HC, $19.9
WHATNOT PUBLISHING Alpha Betas #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Michael Calero), $3.99 Alpha Betas #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Drew Zucker), $3.99
Z2 COMICS Illustrated Al The Songs of Weird Al Yankovic HC (LCSD 2022 Edition), Tori Amos’ Little Earthquakes HC (LCSD 2022 Edition), $39.99
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Robyn Hood Last Stop #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Igor Vitorino), $5.99
Games – HASBRO TOY GROUP Heroquest Game System, AR WIZARDS OF THE COAST Magic The Gathering Collectible Card Game Challenger Pioneer Deck 2022, AR Magic The Gathering Mythic Edition 9 Pocket Zippered Pro Binder, AR
TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Marvel Gallery Comic Psylocke PVC Statue, A Marvel Select Beta Ray Bill Action Figure, AR Marvel Select Comic Vision Action Figure, AR Mini Epics Dark Crystal 1982 Jen Vinyl Figure, AR Mini Epics Dark Crystal 1982 Kira Vinyl Figure, A POP Sanrio Hello Kitty Cinnamoroll Up Vinyl Figure, AR POP Sanrio Hello Kitty Hk Up Vinyl Figure, AR POP Sanrio Hello Kitty Kuromi Up Vinyl Figure, AR POP Sanrio Hello Kitty My Melody Up Vinyl Figure, AR POP Sanrio Hello Kitty Pochacco Up Vinyl Figure, AR Pretty Guard Sailor Moon Q-Posket Usagi SL Serenity Figure (Version A, AR) Star Wars A New Hope Blue Snaggletooth 1/6 Scale Bust, AR Star Wars Milestones A New Hope Ben Kenobi 1/6 Scale Statue, AR Star Wars Obi-Wan The Black Series NED-B 6 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR Ultraman Gaia Hero S Brave V1 Figure, AR Ultraman Gaia Hero S Brave V2 Figure, AR Worst Ultimates Batula Action Figure, AR Worst Ultimates Captain Deadstar Action Figure, AR
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diesiraekaa · 2 years
◼️ Citation du lundi ◼️
Caïus : Là, les vieux gars, c’est la fin. L’Empire romain, ça battait déjà de l’aile mais là, ça coule à pic. Place aux jeunes !
Arthur : Ça vous prend souvent les angoisses nocturnes comme ça ?
Lancelot : Nous, quand on vous charrie comme quoi Rome fout le camp, c’est pas méchant. Faut pas prendre ça au pied de la lettre.
Léodagan : Allez ! Avé César !
Caïus : Attendez, si je vous fait lever du page à quatre heures du mat’ c’est qu'y a matière, vous me prenez pour un malpoli ?
Arthur : Oh, bah la semaine dernière quand vous avez essayé de percer la muraille avec votre armée de cavaliers en jupette, c’est pas la politesse qui vous a étouffé.
Livre III Episode VII, Le Déserteur
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markjohns · 3 years
One Breath Around The World from Les films engloutis on Vimeo.
NEW FILM: Our new short film (12 min) is finally out. Turn out the light, put your headphones and freedive with me around the world
This great adventure was possible thanks to the support of a great team * Julie Gautier, my wife. One more time she did an AMAZING work. Everything she is shooting with her camera become magic. Of course, she shot as usual all the images on breath hold! * Almo Film and his boss Morgan Le Faucheur for his support as co producer of the project during the post production process. * Ben Nardini, the multi task guy: Editing, Sound design and drone pilot! * Guillaume Ferran, the magician behind the original soundtrack * Arthur Paux, as usual, who made the beautiful color correction * Leonard Mercier added a great touch with the compositing and stabilization * Xavier Fulbert / Ideocast made the sound mix * Franck Seguin the fantastic photographer who made a book edited by Glenat #apleinsouffle
Of course, nothing would be possible without the safety and logistic support from our friends / freedivers around the world: Wilfried Souza, Nico, Dolswim, Julien Borde, Pranamaya Freediving, Rodrigo Salsas, Louis Pasquer, Suzanne Lim, Luke Schroeder, Catalin Craciun, Freediving Coron, Carlo Navarro, MJ Paula, Odessa Bugarin, Ryuzo Shinomiya, Tomoka Tsukakoshi, Kikachiro and Shotaro Maja, Denis Grosmaire, Moorea freediving, Sane Richmond, Tetamanu Village et Diving, Patea Alexandre, Tevai Malinowski, Monique Daudon, Antero Joki, Maria Hellinger, Kiki Bosch
Supported by Cressi, Nauticam, Department of Tourism - Philippines, Bluenery
Special thanks: Clovis Kerville, Mauritius Film Development Corporation, René Heuzey, Divers' Ocean, Juli and Salomon, Imam El Dio, Daniel Minnella, Ville de Nice, Véronique El Bahjaoui, Hélène De Tayrac-Senik, Bastien Soleil
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tina-aumont · 14 days
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💐Santa Barbara, March 27th 1956. Marisa Pavan and Jean-Pierre Aumont’s wedding💐
In these screencaps we can see Alexandre Salomons (Jean-Pierre Aumont's dad), Anna Maria Pierangeli (Tina's sweet step-auntie and Marisa's twin sister) who's looking at Tina very fondly, Tina Aumont, who is 10 and Marisa and Anna Maria youngest sister Patrizia Pierangeli who is 8 years old.
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alexlacquemanne · 3 years
Décembre MMXX
L'Incorrigible (1973) de Philippe de Broca avec Jean-Paul Belmondo, Geneviève Bujold, Julien Guiomar et Charles Gérard
Sans issue (The Cold Light of Day) (2012) de Mabrouk El Mechri avec Henry Cavill, Bruce Willis, Verónica Echegui et Sigourney Weaver
Lucy (2014) de Luc Besson avec Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman et Choi Min-sik
L’Homme à la Buick (1968) de Gilles Grangier avec Fernandel, Danielle Darrieux et Jean-Pierre Marielle
Astérix et la Surprise de César (1985) de Gaëtan et Paul Brizzi avec  Roger Carel, Pierre Tornade et Pierre Mondy
Le Pacha (1968) de Georges Lautner avec Jean Gabin, Robert Dalban, Dany Carrel et André Pousse
Astérix chez les Bretons (1986) de Pino Van Lamsweerde avec Roger Carel, Pierre Tornade, Graham Bushnell, Serge Sauvion et Pierre Mondy
Les Grandes Gueules (1965) de Robert Enrico avec Bourvil, Lino Ventura, Jess Hahn, Marie Dubois et Michel Constantin
Mademoiselle de Joncquières (2018) de Emmanuel Mouret avec Cécile de France, Édouard Baer et Alice Isaaz
Fais pas ci, fais pas ça : Y aura-t-il Noël à Noël ? (2020) de Michel Leclerc avec Valérie Bonneton, Isabelle Gélinas, Guillaume de Tonquédec, Bruno Salomone, Yaniss Lespert, Tiphaine Haas et Cannelle Carré-Cassaigne
Top Secret (The Tamarind Seed) (1974) de Blake Edwards avec Julie Andrews, Omar Sharif et Anthony Quayle
L'Homme qui n'a pas d'étoile (Man without a Star) (1955) de King Vidor avec Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain, Claire Trevor et William Campbell
Fanfan la Tulipe (1952) de Christian-Jaque avec Gérard Philipe, Gina Lollobrigida, Noël Roquevert et Olivier Hussenot
Ben-Hur (1959) de William Wyler avec Charlton Heston, Stephen Boyd et Haya Harareet
Le Plus Grand Cirque du monde (Circus World) (1964) de Henry Hathaway avec John Wayne, Claudia Cardinale et Rita Hayworth
Chouans ! (1988) de Philippe de Broca avec Philippe Noiret, Sophie Marceau, Stéphane Freiss et Lambert Wilson
La Main Passe (1972) de Georges Feydeau avec Sophie Desmarets, Alfred Adam, Jean-Pierre Darras, Françoise Engel, Pierre Doris, Georges Montillier, Max Montavon, Daniel Prévost, Philippe Dumas, Christiane Muller, Annie Roudier, Jacques Balutin, Marc Dudicourt et Aimé Jean
Ma femme s'appelle Maurice (1999) de Raffy Shart avec Michèle Bardollet, Philippe Chevallier, Jacques Ciron, Régis Laspalès, Isabelle Moulin, Claire Nader, Bernard Rosselli
Beaufils et fils (1980) de Raoul Praxy avec Bunny Godillot, Georges Beller, Francis Lax, Pascal Mazzotti, Yvonne Clech, Marcel Charvey et Bruno Balp
Le canard à l'orange (2019) de William Douglas Home avec Sophie Arthur, Nicolas Briançon, Anne Charrier, Alice Dufour et François Vincentelli
Tailleur pour dames (2008) de Georges Feydeau avec Pierre Arditi, Emmanuelle Devos, François Berléand, Marie-Anne Chazel et Marthe Villalonga
Le père Noël est une ordure (1986) de la troupe du Splendid avec Anémone, Thierry Lhermitte, Marie-Anne Chazel, Gérard Jugnot, Christian Clavier et Bruno Moynot
13 à Table (2020) de Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon avec Pierre Palmade, Virginie Hocq, Benjamin Gauthier, Joffrey Platel, Agnès Miguras, Christophe Canard et Sandra De Jesus
Le prénom (2011) de Matthieu Delaporte et Alexandre de la Patellière avec Valérie Benguigui, Patrick Bruel, Guillaume de Tonquédec, Judith El Zein et Jean-Michel Dupuis
Une Heure de Tranquillité (2020) de Florian Zeller avec François Berléand, Isabelle Gélinas, Rod Paradot, Nicolas Vaude, Christelle Reboul et Thierry Lopez
La dernière vague (2019) d’Indochine
Hero Corp Saison 1
Le Village - Révélations - Retour aux sources - À l’intérieur - Duel - La tempête - Au pied des murs
Friends Saison 1, 2
Celui qui déménage - Celui qui est perdu - Celui qui a un rôle - Celui avec George - Celui qui lave plus blanc - Celui qui est verni - Celui qui a du jus - Celui qui hallucine - Celui qui parle au ventre de sa femme - Celui qui singeait - Celui qui était comme les autres - Celui qui aimait les lasagnes - Celui qui fait des descentes dans les douches - Celui qui avait un cœur d'artichaut - Celui qui pète les plombs - Celui qui devient papa : 1re partie - Celui qui devient papa : 2e partie - Celui qui gagnait au poker - Celui qui a perdu son singe - Celui qui a un dentiste carié - Celui qui avait un singe - Celui qui rêve par procuration - Celui qui a failli rater l'accouchement - Celui qui fait craquer Rachel - Celui qui a une nouvelle fiancée - Celui qui est mort dans l’appart du dessous - Celui qui détestait le lait maternel - Celui qui avait viré de bord - Celui qui se faisait passer pour Bob - Celui qui a oublié un bébé dans le bus - Celui qui tombe des nues - Celui qui a été très maladroit - Celui qui cassait les radiateurs - Celui qui se dédouble - Celui qui n'apprécie pas certains mariages - Celui qui retrouve son singe : 1re partie - Celui qui retrouve son singe : 2eme partie - Celui qui a failli aller au bal de promo - Celui qui a fait on se fait quoi avec Rachel - Celui qui vit sa vie - Celui qui remplace celui qui part - Celui qui disparaît de la série - Celui qui ne voulait pas partir - Celui qui se met à parler
Kaamelott Livre III, IV, V
Arthur in Love II - La Grande Bataille - La Fête de l’hiver II - Sous les verrous II - Le Vulgarisateur - Witness - Le Tribut - Le Culte secret - Le Mangonneau - La Chevalerie - Le Mauvais Augure - Raison d’argent II - Les Auditeurs libres - Le Baiser romain - L’Espion - Alone in the Dark - Le Législateur - L’Insomniaque - L’Étudiant - Le Médiateur - Le Trophée - Hollow Man - La Dispute 1re partie - La Dispute 2e partie - Tous les matins du monde 1re partie - Tous les matins du monde 2e partie - Raison et Sentiments - Les Tartes aux fraises - Le Dédale - Les Pisteurs - Le Traître - La Faute 1re partie - La Faute 2e partie - L’Ascension du Lion - Une vie simple - Le Privilégié - Le Bouleversé - Les Liaisons dangereuses - Les Exploités II - Dagonet et le Cadastre - Duel 1re partie - Duel 2e partie - La Foi bretonne - Au service secret de Sa Majesté - La Parade - Seigneur Caius - L’Échange 1re partie - L’Échange 2e partie - L’Échelle de Perceval - La Chambre de la reine - Les Émancipés - La Révoquée - La Baliste II - Les Bonnes - La Révolte III - Le Rapport - L’Art de la table - Les Novices - Les Refoulés - Les Tuteurs II - Le Tourment IV - Le Rassemblement du corbeau II - Le Grand Départ - L’Auberge rouge - Les Curieux 1re partie - Les Curieux 2e partie - La Clandestine - Les Envahisseurs - La vie est belle - La Relève - Les Tacticiens 1re partie - Les Tacticiens 2e partie - Drakkars ! - La Réponse - Unagi IV - La Permission - Anges et Démons - La Rémanence - Le Refuge - Le Dragon gris - La Potion de vivacité II - Vox populi III - La Sonde - La Réaffectation - La Poétique II 1re partie - La Poétique II 2e partie - Le Jeu de la guerre - Le Rêve d’Ygerne - Les Chaperons - L’Habitué - Le Camp romain - L’Usurpateur - Loth et le Graal - Le Paladin - Perceval fait ritournelle - La Dame et le Lac - Beaucoup de bruit pour rien - L’Ultimatum - Le Oud II - La Répétition - Le Discours - Le Choix de Gauvain - Fluctuat nec mergitur - Le Face-à-face 1re partie - Le Face-à-face 2e partie - L’Entente cordiale - L’Approbation - Alone in the Dark II - La Blessure d’Yvain - Corpore sano II - L’Enchanteur - Les Bien Nommés - La Prisonnière - Les Paris III - Les Plaques de dissimulation - Le Vice de forme - Le Renoncement 1re partie - Le Renoncement 2e partie - L’Inspiration - Les Endettés - Double Dragon - Le Sauvetage - Le Désordre et la Nuit - Corvus Corone - La Roche et le Fer
Doctor Who Series 4
Une croisière autour de la Terre - Le Retour de Donna Noble
Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir Saison 5
Le Mort vivant - Tigre caché
The Rookie Saison 2
Sous pression - La Dernière Ligne droite - La Taupe
Top Gear
Spécial Pôle Nord
Les Rois maudits
Le Roi de fer
The Grand Tour Saison 4
The Grand Tour présente... Seamen - The Grand Tour présente : La Chasse Au Trésor
Astérix Tome 4 : Astérix gladiateur de René Goscinny et Albert Uderzo
Astérix Tome 5 : Le tour de Gaule d'Astérix de René Goscinny et Albert Uderzo
Kaamelott Livre VI : Texte intégral d’Alexandre Astier
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alantroll · 4 years
One Breath Around The World from Les films engloutis on Vimeo.
NEW FILM: Our new short film (12 min) is finally out. Turn out the light, put your headphones and freedive with me around the world
This great adventure was possible thanks to the support of a great team * Julie Gautier, my wife. One more time she did an AMAZING work. Everything she is shooting with her camera become magic. Of course, she shot as usual all the images on breath hold! * Almo Film and his boss Morgan Le Faucheur for his support as co producer of the project during the post production process. * Ben Nardini, the multi task guy: Editing, Sound design and drone pilot! * Guillaume Ferran, the magician behind the original soundtrack * Arthur Paux, as usual, who made the beautiful color correction * Leonard Mercier added a great touch with the compositing and stabilization * Xavier Fulbert / Ideocast made the sound mix * Franck Seguin the fantastic photographer who made a book edited by Glenat #apleinsouffle
Of course, nothing would be possible without the safety and logistic support from our friends / freedivers around the world: Wilfried Souza, Nico, Dolswim, Julien Borde, Pranamaya Freediving, Rodrigo Salsas, Louis Pasquer, Suzanne Lim, Luke Schroeder, Catalin Craciun, Freediving Coron, Carlo Navarro, MJ Paula, Odessa Bugarin, Ryuzo Shinomiya, Tomoka Tsukakoshi, Kikachiro and Shotaro Maja, Denis Grosmaire, Moorea freediving, Sane Richmond, Tetamanu Village et Diving, Patea Alexandre, Tevai Malinowski, Monique Daudon, Antero Joki, Maria Hellinger, Kiki Bosch
Supported by Cressi, Nauticam, Department of Tourism - Philippines, Bluenery
Special thanks: Clovis Kerville, Mauritius Film Development Corporation, René Heuzey, Divers' Ocean, Juli and Salomon, Imam El Dio, Daniel Minnella, Ville de Nice, Véronique El Bahjaoui, Hélène De Tayrac-Senik, Bastien Soleil
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The Trend-WIMNYC
The Trend-WIMNYC by teoecar featuring a fur lining coat ❤ liked on Polyvore
MICHAEL Michael Kors sweater dress 21,440 INR - farfetch.com
Yves Salomon fur lining coat 172,080 INR - farfetch.com
Alexandre Birman platform boots 51,485 INR - forwardbyelysewalker.com
Stackable ring 710 INR - amazon.com
Topshop makeup 685 INR - topshop.com
0 notes
yes-bernie-stuff · 2 years
Verset du jour et ses passages
Dieu lui accorda ce qu’il avait demandé. 1 Chroniques 4.10
Actes 4.1-22
Arrestation de Pierre et de Jean4 Pierre et Jean parlaient encore au peuple quand survinrent les prêtres, le commandant des gardes du temple et les sadducéens.
2 Ils étaient excédés parce que les apôtres enseignaient le peuple et annonçaient la résurrection des morts dans la personne de Jésus.
3 Ils les arrêtèrent et, comme c'était déjà le soir, ils les mirent en prison jusqu'au lendemain.
4 Cependant, beaucoup de ceux qui avaient entendu la parole crurent, ce qui porta le nombre des hommes à 5000 environ.
5 Le lendemain, les chefs du peuple, les anciens et les spécialistes de la loi se rassemblèrent à Jérusalem
6 avec le grand-prêtre Anne, Caïphe, Jean, Alexandre et tous ceux qui étaient de la famille du grand-prêtre.
7 Ils firent comparaître Pierre et Jean au milieu d'eux et leur demandèrent: «Par quelle puissance ou quel nom avez-vous fait cela?»
8 Alors Pierre, rempli du Saint-Esprit, leur dit: «Chefs du peuple et anciens [d'Israël],
9 on nous interroge aujourd'hui sur un bienfait accordé à un infirme, afin que nous disions comment il a été guéri.
10 Sachez-le bien, vous tous, et que tout le peuple d'Israël le sache: c'est par le nom de Jésus-Christ de Nazareth, celui que vous avez crucifié et que Dieu a ressuscité, oui, c'est par lui que cet homme se présente en pleine santé devant vous.
11 Jésus est la pierre rejetée par vous qui construisez et qui est devenue la pierre angulaire.
12 Il n'y a de salut en aucun autre, car il n'y a sous le ciel aucun autre nom qui ait été donné parmi les hommes, par lequel nous devions être sauvés.»
13 Lorsqu'ils virent l'assurance de Pierre et de Jean, ils furent étonnés, car ils savaient que c'étaient des hommes du peuple sans instruction et ils les reconnaissaient pour avoir été avec Jésus.
14 Mais comme ils voyaient debout avec eux l'homme qui avait été guéri, ils n'avaient rien à répliquer.
15 Ils leur ordonnèrent de sortir du sanhédrin, puis ils délibérèrent entre eux
16 en disant: «Que faire à ces hommes? En effet, ils ont accompli un signe miraculeux évident, c'est clair pour tous les habitants de Jérusalem et nous ne pouvons pas le nier.
17 Mais, afin que cela ne se propage pas davantage parmi le peuple, défendons-leur avec menaces de parler désormais à qui que ce soit en ce nom-là.»
18 Alors ils les appelèrent et leur interdirent absolument de parler ou d'enseigner au nom de Jésus. 19 Pierre et Jean leur répondirent: «Est-il juste, devant Dieu, de vous écouter, vous, plutôt que Dieu? Jugez-en vous-mêmes. 20 Quant à nous, nous ne pouvons pas ne pas annoncer ce que nous avons vu et entendu.» 21 Les chefs du peuple leur firent de nouvelles menaces et les relâchèrent. A cause du peuple, ils ne trouvaient pas le moyen de les punir, parce que tous attribuaient à Dieu la gloire de ce qui était arrivé.
22 En effet, l'homme qui avait bénéficié de cette guérison miraculeuse était âgé de plus de 40 ans.
1 Chroniques 3.1-4.23
Descendance de David (3.1-24)
Autres descendants de Juda (4.1-23)
Descendance de David3 Voici les fils de David qu'il eut à Hébron: l'aîné, Amnon, qu'il eut d'Achinoam de Jizreel; le deuxième, Daniel, d'Abigaïl de Carmel;
2 le troisième, Absalom, fils de Maaca, elle-même fille de Talmaï, le roi de Gueshur; le quatrième, Adonija, fils de Haggith; 3 le cinquième, Shephatia, d'Abithal; le sixième, Jithream, de sa femme Egla. 4 Il eut ces six fils à Hébron. Il y régna 7 ans et 6 mois, et il régna 33 ans à Jérusalem.
5 Voici les fils qu'il eut à Jérusalem: Shimea, Shobab, Nathan et Salomon, tous les quatre de Bath-Shéba, fille d'Ammiel,
6 ainsi que Jibhar, Elishama, Eliphéleth, 7 Noga, Népheg, Japhia, Elishama, 8 Eliada et Eliphéleth, ce qui fait 9. 9 Ce sont là tous les fils de David, en plus des fils de ses concubines. Tamar était leur soeur.10 Fils de Salomon: Roboam. Son fils était Abija, lui-même père d'Asa, père de Josaphat,
11 père de Joram, père d'Achazia, père de Joas, 12 père d'Amatsia, père d'Azaria, père de Jotham, 13 père d'Achaz, père d'Ezéchias, père de Manassé, 14 père d'Amon, père de Josias. 15 Fils de Josias: l'aîné, Jochanan; le deuxième, Jojakim; le troisième, Sédécias; le quatrième, Shallum. 16 Fils de Jojakim: Jéconias et Sédécias. 17 Fils de Jéconias, le déporté: Shealthiel,
18 Malkiram, Pedaja, Shénatsar, Jekamia, Hoshama et Nedabia. 19 Fils de Pedaja: Zorobabel et Shimeï. Fils de Zorobabel: Meshullam et Hanania; Shelomith était leur soeur.
20 Puis il y eut Hashuba, Ohel, Bérékia, Hasadia, Jushab-Hésed, ce qui fait 5. 21 Descendants de Hanania: Pelathia et Esaïe, ainsi que les fils de Rephaja, d'Arnan, d'Abdias et de Shecania.
22 Descendants de Shecania: Shemaeja et ses fils Hattush, Jigueal, Bariach, Nearia et Shaphath, ce qui fait 6.
23 Fils de Nearia: Eljoénaï, Ezéchias et Azrikam, ce qui fait 3. 24 Fils d'Eljoénaï: Hodavia, Eliashib, Pelaja, Akkub, Jochanan, Delaja et Anani, ce qui fait 7.
Autres descendants de Juda4 Descendants de Juda: Pérets, Hetsron, Carmi, Hur et Shobal.
2 Reaja, fils de Shobal, eut pour fils Jachath; Jachath eut Achumaï et Lahad. Ce sont les clans des Tsoreathiens.
3 Voici les descendants d'Etham: Jizreel, Jishma et Jidbash; leur soeur s'appelait Hatselelponi.
4 Penuel, le père de Guedor, et Ezer, le père de Husha, étaient les fils de Hur, le fils aîné d'Ephrata, père de Bethléhem.
5 Ashchur, père de Tekoa, eut deux femmes: Hélea et Naara. 6 Naara lui donna Achuzzam, Hépher, Thémeni et Achashthari. Ce sont là les fils de Naara.
7 Quant aux fils de Hélea, ce sont Tséreth, Tsochar et Ethnan. 8 Kots eut pour descendants Anub et Hatsobéba, ainsi que les clans d'Acharchel, le fils d'Harum.
9 Jaebets fut plus honoré que ses frères. Sa mère l'avait appelé Jaebets en disant: «C'est parce que je lui ai donné naissance dans la douleur.»
10 Jaebets fit appel au Dieu d'Israël en disant: «Veuille me bénir et agrandir mon territoire! Que ta main soit avec moi! Préserve-moi du mal, afin que je ne vive pas dans la douleur!» Et Dieu lui accorda ce qu'il avait demandé.
11 Kelub, frère de Shucha, eut pour fils Mechir, le père d'Eshthon.
12 Eshthon eut pour descendants la famille de Rapha, Paséach et Thechinna, le père de la ville de Nachash. Ce sont les habitants de Réca.
13 Fils de Kenaz: Othniel et Seraja. Fils d'Othniel: Hathath. 14 Meonothaï eut pour fils Ophra. Seraja eut Joab, père de la vallée des artisans. En effet, c'étaient des artisans. 15 Descendants de Caleb, le fils de Jephunné: Iru, Ela et Naam, ainsi que les fils d'Ela et Kenaz.
16 Fils de Jehalléleel: Ziph, Zipha, Thirja et Asareel.
17 Fils d'Esdras: Jéther, Méred, Epher et Jalon. La femme de Méred lui donna Miriam, Shammaï et Jishbach, le père d'Eshthemoa.
18 Sa femme judéenne mit au monde Jéred, père de Guedor, Héber, père de Soco, et Jekuthiel, père de Zanoach. Les autres étaient les enfants de Bithja, la fille du pharaon, que Méred avait prise pour femme.
19 Fils de la femme d'Hodija, qui était une soeur de Nacham: le père de Kehila le Garmien et Eshthemoa le Maacathien.
20 Fils de Simon: Amnon, Rinna, Ben-Hanan et Thilon. Descendants de Jisheï: Zocheth et Ben-Zocheth.
21 Descendants de Shéla, le fils de Juda: Er, le père de Léca, Laeda, le père de Marésha, ainsi que les clans qui travaillent le textile à Beth-Ashbéa.
22 Il avait aussi pour descendants Jokim, les habitants de Cozéba, Joas et Saraph - qui dominèrent sur Moab - et Jashubi-Léchem. Ces événements sont anciens.
23 C'étaient les potiers et les habitants des plantations et des parcs; ils habitaient là près du roi et travaillaient pour lui.
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jakez19 · 2 years
Le Croque-Mort de la Honte - JÉRÔME SALOMON compare le Covid-19 à la Grande Peste de 1348
January 6th, 2022
0 notes
dwqfwef · 3 years
June 5A woman who says Bill Cosby drugged and violated her at a Los Angeles hotel bungalow two decades ago
She told me that when her dead husband’s brother saw those eyes, he beat her bloody and drove her from the mill. Coast Guard cutter has brought approximately 18 tons (16.3 metric tons) of seized cocaine to San Diego.Motorcyclist, 31, dies after collision in WaipahuMotorcyclist, 31, dies after collision in WaipahuUpdated: Wednesday, June 14 2017 8:35 PM EDT2017 06 15 00:35:29 GMT Matthew Shawn TabiosA 31 year old Ewa Beach man died after the motorcycle he was riding collided with a vehicle in Waipahu Tuesday morning , according to police.A 31 year old Ewa Beach man died after the motorcycle he was riding collided with a vehicle in Waipahu Tuesday morning , according to police.Car goes off steep driveway in KaimukiCar goes off steep driveway in KaimukiUpdated: Tuesday, June 6 2017 7:43 PM EDT2017 06 06 23:43:01 GMTHonolulu police say an elderly man was driving his car down a steep and narrow driveway in Kaimuki Tuesday afternoon when the driver lost control of the vehicle and went off the driveway.Honolulu police say an elderly man was driving his car down a steep and narrow driveway in Kaimuki Tuesday afternoon when
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the driver lost control of the vehicle and went off the driveway.Accuser: Cosby drugged, forced himself on herAccuser: Cosby drugged, forced himself on herUpdated: Monday, June 5 2017 4:01 PM EDT2017 06 05 20:01:43 GMT (David Maialetti/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP, Pool) Actress
Keshia Knight Pulliam, right, walks out of the courtroom with Bill Cosby, center, inside the Montgomery County Courthouse during his sexual assault trial in Norristown, Pa., Monday, June 5A woman who says Bill Cosby drugged and violated her at a Los Angeles hotel bungalow two decades ago is testifying in his sexual assault trial.. We met at Cathay first. “Be quiet, woman. The kindly man understood. You can see that the leads from the power supply run in front of the fan and circle around to the motherboard. Was walking down and I saw him. But the Spartans made a late run with a field goal and a sack fumble that Clifford Dukes returned for mickey egeres babakocsi a 65 yard touchdown with just more than 6 minutes left. You just want to aimlessly explore these interstitial places and get the stories yourself. Power to make light. "Most of the items you can find around your house," Roberts said. Dementia doesn define a person. Its customs were not their customs; its relations not their relations. Cuz it doesnt ever happen. “Or else this is some other biciclete rusesti vechibutcher. This was not the castle he remembered from the summer
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him points for stretching, but critics have been cool to the films themselves and audiences have steered clear.. Even the barbeque is top notch. The zeal for this work was so ardent that some of the clergy even went so far as to induce captives to run away. And their owners, especially of late years, claim to be the exclusive guardians of their religious instruction, and the almoners of divine mercy towards them, thus assuming the responsibility of their entire Christianization!. Your bride flew off on a dragon. Tyrion pissed himself in his struggles, for all the good it did. We went to Tyrosh first. It would amuse him. “No one ever kept me safe when I was little. Couples recline nearby on sand edged beach towels; eyes closed, they soak up.. Explained. None of the dragons bred and raised in the Dragonpit of King’s Landing had ever approached the size of Vhagar or Meraxes, much less that of the Black Dread, King Aegon’s monster. Henry Clay, at his residence, near Lexington. I’m not good enough for her; I feel that; it’s a great grief to me, and I don’t know why she’s so fond of me. In a curious sidelight, Bollywood, as Bombay film industry is called, tried to cash in on World Cup fever with cricket themed movies such as Hat Trick, Say Salaam India and Meerabhi Not Out. One of the pieces of equipment installed was a microwave that carried the local programs from the studio to the transmitter site. Many had been stricken: freedmen, sellswords, Brazen Beasts, even Dothraki, though as yet none of the Unsullied had been touched. Jon watched the riders go from atop the Wall—three parties, each of three men, each carrying a pair of ravens. In that year alone, their pastoral enterprises netted more than 77,500 in profit (about $11.3 million),
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compared with11,500 (about $1.7 million) in coaching.. They have ways and means in their hands of forcing you to do your work, whether you are willing or not. House Finance Chairwoman Sylvia Luke (D) is being disingenuous with her comment about the ERS board due to the investments' performance. All those Daenerys freed will be enslaved again. Now the Trump Taj Mahal is barricaded shut, its workers on the street. All this while, the other soldier, still hooked to the handset, continues to laugh. Causes of underpronation can come internally from our body or externally from our shoes or the surfaces we are on.
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ljgfyusd · 3 years
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The air low nozzle design is innovative because it pushes air onto the carpet so that it will be pulled apart and easier to vacuum up.. The expression in her eyes was particularly striking. It's grounds for immediate dismissal," Poole says.. These instructions are ably set forth in their report of March, 1853. If you're wondering what a cummerbund is, or need tips for tying a tie, guys, you've come to the right place. Freedom and money! I snatched up my hat in delight, and with my manuscript under my arm I ran at full speed to find our precious Alexandr Petrovitch at home.. A plain 156Methodist cap shades her face, and the plain white Methodist handkerchief is folded across the bosom. Alan Greenspan' and 'Brianna Greenspan' all over her spelling notebook big and small, in cursive and block letters, everything," said Ashley Taylor, who sits directly behind Kilgore in Mrs. Yet widespread bombing and near total air superiority did nothing to resolve the stalemate on the ground that led to an unsatisfying truce and a Korea that remains bitterly divided to this day.. The judge may not decide on the laws which relate to property, without a long course of training, and most abundant preparation. Persuade her, do you understand? I’ve been meaning for a long time to ask you to persuade her to agree; you see, it’s rather awkward for me to press her. I think ive realized that I've changed, everyone has changed. 2012 will start off Sunday morning with more clouds and a slight chance for a few sprinkles. After a moment of silent prayer, the man and woman rose again. A few saw the Shy Maid and slid down into the water, leaving ripples in their wake.. 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Harmor Realty Corp., 413 A.2d 1226 (Conn. If I had wanted to injure her I couldn’t have. In regard to clothing:—the men and boys receive a winter coat and duci alkalmi ruha trousers of strong cloth, three shirts, a stout pair of shoes and socks, and a pair of summer pantaloons, every year; a hat about every second year, and a great-coat and blanket every third year. So far so good. He was dead, of course, but from one of his cousins (now married to a baker here, in Petersburg) who had been passionately in love with him in old days, and had gone on loving him for folie samsung j6 2018 pt tot telegonil fifteen years, regardless of the stout papa baker to whom she had incidentally borne eight children — from this cousin, I say, I managed by means of many and various manoeuvres to learn an important fact, that Heinrich, after the German habit, used to write her letters and diaries, and before his death he sent her some of his papers. He loves me. And at home mother would be waiting for me. When they acquired that land, somebody said, more buildings, you will never earn respect, nobody will ever remember duci alkalmi ruha anything extraordinary that Concord accomplished. A light snow began to fall as the column made its way south along the kingsroad, the long line of wagons wending past fields and streams and wooded hillsides, with a dozen spearmen and a dozen archers riding escort. It will be seen, in perusing the account, that the incident is somewhat altered to suit the purpose of the story, the woman being there represented as carrying with her a young infant.. The first thing I noticed when I slipped into my Vivos was how cartoonishly wide my feet looked (the Ronald McDonald red pair I chose didn help matters much). I made progress, so when 12 weeks were up, I found a local meeting and kept at it. It was part of the A Mile in Her Shoes initiative, where men don high heels and (attempt to) walk in them.. This year, we're marking Nike Air Max day with a love letter to the iconic sneaker style. Snow. He thought it would be bad faith to his late master, whom camara sony cybershot dsc w810 he had nursed in his arms, and might be the means of bringing him into difficulty. Changing his own skin for a raven’s night-black feathers had been harder, but not as hard as he had feared, not with these ravens. The business of cricket, however, goes beyond the ICC and the BCCI. But, the history, it will never be replaced just a lot of memories. We actually really like CMJ, and they've shown us a lot of support over the past seven years or so, reviewing records and such.". It's best to do some research. And she fell upon her luckless dress маратонки puma mercedes amg with fury. He is also an original member and former president of the US based Spine Intervention Society. The tents stood in rows, with broad avenues between them. 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cerclebiblique · 3 years
If you are familiar with the life of Jesus, you have an idea of what he was like and how he affected people all over the world. The life of Jesus had an awesome influence on his followers. He cared about them, loved them, and sought to help them. Jesus the world of God also gave wonderful examples to show us what it means to treat others with kindness, to love our neighbors as ourselves and to be willing to go the extra mile for someone who is less fortunate than ourselves.
Jesus gave us a great example of how to accomplish things when we were challenged. We need to be challenged. Jesus didn't back down from anyone or anything in the world. In fact, he went out of his way to be challenge the people who would try to test him.
Jesus always put others before himself. When someone questioned him, he answered right away with other powerful words. He showed us that we do have power in our lives. When we are willing to use that power, great things can be accomplished.
Jesus also displayed great tolerance. Although he displayed tremendous tolerance for people of every age, culture, and race, he also displayed intolerance for people who were filthy, uneducated and unchristened. These people deserved to be spit upon, just as those people who were born into the world without the promise of heaven would be spit upon.
Jesus also displayed great courage. Many people today are afraid to speak up and express their opinions because they are afraid of what people will think. But Jesus was not like these people. He boldly told the truth even when it was difficult or painful for him or for those around him. Jesus the world of god displayed a lot of courage in the face of adversity.
Jesus also showed respect for those who were leaders among people. Most people today are not leaders but there are a few that are true leaders among us. Jesus exhibited great respect for those men and women who were true leaders among his day. He also respected those who held authority over Him. A true leader is one who has power, wisdom, and compassion; someone who has a heart of gold.
Jesus also gave a message of hope. If we are willing to embrace life and continue to grow and prosper, we can look forward to a life filled with happiness and peace. The Bible says that we will receive eternal life if we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. In addition to this, Jesus taught us that we can obtain eternal life if we obey his commandments.
Jesus the world of God is truly unique and we need to learn this truth if we expect to live in a happy world. Jesus is not just a simple teacher that taught some basic stuff. Instead he is the way, the truth and life for everyone on the earth because he loves and cares for all mankind.
Jesus loves us, because he knows that we are children of God, but also things that we can do on our own. When I heard him speak about love, I realized that I could do much more for my fellow man than I ever thought possible. I have found many ways to help other people in need that have nothing to do with winning awards or becoming a huge multi-millionaire. All of these efforts are done because Jesus loves me and wants me to succeed. He wants to make me a great example so that I could set an example for others to follow.
Jesus the world of God gives us many opportunities to reach our goals. If you are looking for ways to make more money, start by looking at the opportunities that Jesus can give you. If you want to become a great teacher, look at the ways that Jesus used to teach. You will be amazed by what he accomplished for us and how easy it is to do the same things.
We live in a society where people try to hard and push us into things that we may not have dreamed of when we were in our youth. This is the reason that Jesus the world of God came into your life. He gave you the desire to want to achieve things that you may not have been able to accomplish before. You have to take time out and honestly ask yourself if you have been honest with yourself. Do you honestly love the Lord and are you willing to follow all of his ways?
You must remember that it does not matter which path you choose to take in life. Jesus will be with you until he comes in his glory to sit down with his disciples. He is going to show us all the answers to our questions. When we follow his teachings, we will gain strength and wisdom, which will lead us right up until our life ends.
Salomon Alexandre YOUTA
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esportenomundo · 3 years
Atuações do Botafogo: Pedro Raul é decisivo contra o Coritiba; Caio Alexandro também se destaca
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Veja as notas dos jogadores alvinegros na vitória por 2 a 1no Couto Pereira Rafael Forster [LAE]: nota 5,5 O zagueiro foi improvisado na lateral esquerda e foi bem. Conseguiu dar apoio ao ataque, e o Botafogo explorou o lado esquerdo na maior parte do tempo. Mas Forster ainda erra muitos passes. Caio Alexandre [VOL]: nota 6,5 Um dos melhores jogadores do Botafogo. Além de ajudar na marcação, é o meia que mais se aproximou do ataque e chegou algumas vezes na área pra finalizar. Pedro Raul [ATA]: nota 7,5 Pedro Raul é decisivo e leva a maior nota por liderar o Botafogo no reencontro com a vitória. Artilheiro na temporada, o atacante desencantou e marcou os dois gols alvinegros. Pedro Raul em Coritiba x Botafogo Vitor Silva/Botafogo CONFIRA TODAS AS NOTAS: Diego Cavalieri [GOL]: 6,0 Kevin [LAD]: 4,5 Marcelo Benevenuto [ZAD]: 5,5 Kanu [ZAE]: 5,5 Rafael Forster [LAE]: 5,5 Zé Welison [VOL]: 5,5 (Matheus Babi [ATA]: 5,5) Caio Alexandre [VOL]: 6,5 Keisuke Honda [MEC]: 5,5 (Cícero [VOL]: 6,0) Warley [ATA]: 4,5 (Lecaros [ATA]: 6,0) Salomon Kalou [ATA]: 4,5 (Rhuan [ATA]: 5,0) Pedro Raul [ATA]: 7,5
The post Atuações do Botafogo: Pedro Raul é decisivo contra o Coritiba; Caio Alexandro também se destaca first appeared on Esporte no Mundo.
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