#Alex rider season 3 spoilers
Tom Harris. He went from being the stereotypical best friend character to the glue. His parents probably don't know where he is most of the time, and they don't seem to care, he idolizes his big brother in the way only a boy raised by his brother could. He's willing to give up spending time with his idol to keep his best friend safe. He's fully aware that his friends could do this without him, but as long as he's alive he makes sure they never have to. He hates museums and Spiderman, and he's bad at cool spy tricks like hopping over walls or hacking but he can keep a level head hundreds of miles from home when a ship with his best friend aboard explodes. His first instinct is to get them to safety, regardless of how much he wants to stay. He's strong enough to drag Kyra out of harm's way while she's falling to pieces. He is eternally optimistic, he doesn't give up hope that Alex is alive, and he refuses to leave him, even in a lot of emotional turmoil and physical danger. He comes up with solutions quickly, and he knows how to tie a bowtie. He eats cereal straight out of the box. He records everything because he wants to make films. He records everything to make sure that there's evidence to protect Alex this time. he has microbangs. He's Alex and Kyra's number-one hype man. He calls his best friend's guardian more than he calls his parents, he doesn't believe anyone is ever broken beyond repair. He would dress up as a pizza man and bike for miles just to hug his best friend and make a poor analogy about anchovies.
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vaschenko-chao · 2 months
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too-many-rooks · 2 months
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Alex Rider; S3 E4
soggy boy
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jenna-louise-jamie · 2 months
hey guys, the ending of alex rider season 3. i will never get over it. yassen is free. he saved alex and in return alex freed him from scorpia. i imagine he's gone off into retirement, back to his home country, just like he planned to.
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I love how Alex is fighting for his life and Yassen just bats him away so casually.
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We shout out Otto a lot (and he deserves it) but honestly kudos to Brenock O'Connor and Marli Siu too because those scenes directly following the explosion are *chef's kiss*
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thunderbird1lover · 2 months
So this is my first digital art. I can't quite get the hang of faces quite yet when drawing on a tablet. When I get the skill of faces down, I'll deffo add to this but for now here's my little sketch. Not amazing but gotta start somewhere.
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I think a big difference between the book and season 3 in terms of Alex's character is that, bookwise, he had been through so much more.
In the books, he'd had the incidents with Sayle, Grief, Sarov, and Cray. So while he does come to trust Scorpia, he's not as naive. He doesn't think he can join Scorpia and not kill people.
But while he's been through a lot in the show, it's still much less. There's Point Blanc and then Cray. Still enough to traumatize him, but he isn't as familiar with how MI6 and the criminals they deal with behave.
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hightensileyoyo · 2 months
alex giving nile almost the same face injury from a bullet shot that john gave yassen??
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sherlollyliveson18 · 2 months
Alex Rider Season 3 Episode 1 thoughts
Spoilers below:
. Kyra my baby you're so smart being able to track down a random wall in Malta with your tech skills
. Going to that wall on your own in the dead of night, not so smart, my heart is in my throat rn
. Alex just casually beating the shit out of three henchmen even though they're twice his size😅
. Holy shit, we're not even half an hour in and Kyra's been stabbed😯
. Alex immediately going to her side and insisting she go to a hospital my HEART
. WE GOT A BANDAGING EACH OTHERS WOUNDS SCENE OH MY GOD😍😫 Alex helping her take her top off holy jesus is it getting warm in here or what, I was watching this with my parents🫣
. Tom and his brother walking in on Alex and a topless Kyra and immediately assuming they're doing something spicy has me howling😂
. Sure Kyra, stabbing yourself with a soup opener is totally believable👍
. Tom's plan to set off a bunch of fireworks as a distraction while Alex sneaks in disguised as a waiter😂 Oh Tom you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer but we love you
. KYRA GOT ALEX A LOCKPICK MY HEART😫❤️ Other couples get each other flowers, they get espionage tools
. Apparently you can also stab someone with a lock pick
. Alex must be goddamn Spiderman, how in the hell did he climb up that cathedral tower so fast
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edelwoodsouls · 2 months
they’re really just putting mrs jones and crawley through the emotional ringer in the background of this season and expecting me not to be devastated
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When Yassan killed Max while he was unarmed, Alex felt responsible. He didn't pull the trigger but he might as well have, he got them in and past the security, and he was complicit in the man's murder. He was horrified and disgusted, at the murder and at himself. He was terrified of what his friends would think of his involvement and he couldn't bear to see their faces when they found out.
He somehow started seeing himself as culpable for something he was actually a victim of, Alex began to think that because he witnessed and unknowingly aided something he wasn't okay with, that meant it was his fault and because he wasn't able to stop it, that made him responsible.
Scorpia efficiently isolated him from everyone he loved and when they discovered they couldn't break down his morals and convince him to become a killer they were in the perfect position to convince him he had no family outside of Scorpia, and no worth to anyone now that he was tainted with someone's murder. He was trapped.
Julia takes advantage of his vulnerable emotional state and influences him to make the choice to kill Mrs Jones, but his moral compass and compassion end up being strong enough to keep him from going through with it.
He underwent some severe manipulation at the hands of Scorpia and almost didn't make it back. He deserves so much respect for being able to be true to himself even when he was so angry and couldn't see a way back.
In addition, Jack and Tom would have taken him back with no qualms regardless of whether he actually killed anyone or not, they're the kind of people who make that type of manipulation tactic completely ineffective. There is nothing he could do to make them abandon him. There are no lengths he could go that they wouldn't follow. He may not have understood the depth of their love for him, but I think he started to when they welcomed him back with zero questions about whether he killed Max or took revenge on the person who killed his dad. They didn't care, they were just happy to have him home.
In the same vein, I appreciated Kyra's hand in all this just as much as I did theirs. By holding him accountable and making him explain exactly what happened to make him feel like he couldn't come back or let them in she broke the hold of that manipulation. By explaining that "breaking into a house isn't the same as murder" she helped him see that even though he felt guilty and responsible and stayed away from them because of it, he wasn't. When she refused to let him off the hook it showed she cared, she cared that he was scared but made the right choice despite that. She cared that he was manipulated and didn't want that to happen again.
In essence, love pushed Jack and Tom to welcome him home no questions asked no matter what, and love pushed Kyra to hold him true to who he is. And again I circle back around to the fact that love is the most powerful thing in the universe.
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vaschenko-chao · 2 months
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too-many-rooks · 2 months
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Alex Rider; S3, E4.
Fascinated by the fact that baby Yassen has curly hair. Is it the humidity? Does he naturally have waves that he straightens as he gets older to look less cute?
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jenna-louise-jamie · 2 months
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alex rider tv + text posts
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Im thinking about the pot scene again. The safe house scene. The domestic scene.
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