#Akane's Lost Love... These Things Happen You Know
sillyyuserr · 3 months
Another mini terukane analysis :P
so we’ve all seen the picture of teru’s hand on akane’s head right? Seen it, loved it, yadayada
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but if you actually look into it, this is so cute.
i mean for one, thats his sword hand. From previous panels we’ve seen him use his right hand on his sword. While he is pictured with it in his left, when he actually fights, its in his right (old vs recent)
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“what about that being his sword hand” well, if you couldnt tell, theres a literal demon right infront of them, so he must be on high guard right? nope its in his left LMAO
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His better/dominant/more skilled hand is in the most gentlest way, comforting akane, rather than fighting the little shit off. Almost saying, he’s more important right now, akane’s comfort is more important than his own safety, reserving his better hand for him, rather than the stupid demon thing
then after he hits it, it shatters to glass, fading away. His face changes to that of a worried expression, and quickly turns around, takes akane by the little of his shirt he has left, and starts dragging him
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Clearly doesn’t give him any time to react, seemingly extremely worried ab something. but as the chapter progresses, we see supernaturals fading away such as hanako, and mitsuba. The bells signaling the start of the severance
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We can obviously put two and two together and realize teru thought akane was gonna fade away 😭 MANS WAS SO WORRIED
He was happy to leave aoi, defenseless, alone, in a realm he cannot reach, surrounded by countless evil entities, with very little time to save her, while she was clearly extremely unstable, with his only way of knowing if she dissipated or not being a little bell bracelet that he doesn’t even wear
yet he immediately turned around, full on dragged him/gave him ZERO time to get up, rushed him to the clock keepers asap without even time for akane to react or anything. Like gosh dude can you be more obvious.
him being that worried about akane is so interesting to me, because like, why? Shouldnt he hate him for liking his so called “crush” (aoi). Since he’s planning on going back and saving aoi why cant he just get akane when he’s going back for aoi? Why go through the effort? Lets think of a few reasons why
Reason 1. Calling back to when he stopped them from kissing, he mightve realized if he’s alone with her there, they’d sit on the train and bam they’re dead, gone forever.
Reason 2. Maybe he at one point, had the idea of overall just leaving her there. Giving her the bell bracelet as a false sense of hope so he doesn’t seem like a bad person. And if akane’s sent there, he has to get him, and of course they’ll be together there so he’ll have to get aoi aswell. Why he might want to leave aoi? No clue but its an idea that came to mind so i put it down
Reason 3. Maybe he cant do it alone. He’s always been the “i fight alone” type, but when akane’s there he’s never fighting alone. So maybe he doubts his ability to save her by himself, and wants akane by his side throughout the whole thing
Reason 4. Maybe he just cares about him and/or maybe might like him a little more than he should
i wanna write one ab what happened with teru + akane JUST before the severance SO BAD THERES LITERALLY SM I HAVE TO SAY but i lost all motivation and there being too much is both good and bad 😭 (bad as in im too lazy to do it)
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
Alright alright!! Im excited!! Thanks A-chan!!
I was thinking if you could write for Aqua, Ruby, Akane (Oshi no Ko), Shinji (Evangelion) and King (Nanatsu no Taizai) with a S/O that use glasses and really has problems to see without them (like they need to stare for some minutes or hold something pretty close to them to be able to reconize it), also anytime they removes their glasses for whatever reason they forget where they put them (even if a moment ago they had it in their hand)
I thought it could be really funny 😆
I found it even more funny when writing the reactions of the characters (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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☆ He is very used to you losing your glasses and he knows all the places you lost them and they are much easier to find and he keeps an eye on you and when you drop them off somewhere he picks them up and gives them to you .
☆ When you're without glasses and can't read or distinguish anything he helps you, being a great companion and always guiding you when you don't have your glasses on.
☆ Sometimes he hides his cell phone so you don't spend too much time looking at it and it hurts your eyesight, finding that cute side of you, but he worries a lot about your eyesight being so bad and always takes you to the ophthalmologist even if you protest all the time.
☆ It makes you have a routine together, distracting you and making you stay less on the phone and go on weekly dates with him, in addition to walks outdoors, always prioritizing the health of your eyes.
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☆ Helps you look for your glasses, always teasing you about how forgetful you are, sometimes hiding them for a few seconds later to hand them to you. She has to admit that she finds his forgetful ways very cute.
☆ Whenever you're having trouble recognizing something, she helps you, of course after teasing you about how you couldn't live without her, because of her forgotten way she ends up giving you several affectionate nicknames.
☆ Making you have outdoor meetings and calling your attention all the time so that you are less on the phone, maybe even using some more elaborate tactics and always going to your ophthalmologist appointments to support and reassure you.
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☆ She finds your glasses very quickly, memorizing all the places you've lost them before, always recommending that you wear a contact lens.
☆ Whenever she sees your difficulty reading something without glasses she reads it to you, becoming seriously concerned about how bad your eyesight is, you have your face glued to a picture of the two of you and it took her more than five minutes to recognize that was you in the picture.
☆ And affectionate but also strict with your vision problem forcing you to go to an ophthalmologist every year, since health is a priority, every time your appointment with the ophthalmologist is over she showers you with affection and words of support.
☆ Finds it funny how you can confuse things, once you thought you found a rabbit when it was actually a dog and it makes you laugh just remembering plus many other things you've already confused.
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☆Shinji can't believe how quick you are to lose your glasses, they were in your hand a few seconds ago. Being someone very special to him makes him not mind spending a few hours looking for his glasses.
☆ He sometimes thinks it's funny how you're always holding something close to your face to recognize the words or object, helping him beforehand so you don't have to suffer so much to distinguish what it is.
☆ Ask Misato to take you to the ophthalmologist all year round, because it really is something very necessary, he wants the best for you and your eyes, whenever you go out he accompanies you so that you don't get lost if you lose your glasses.
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☆ He is very protective, he loves you very much and doesn't want anything bad to happen to you, he keeps you company and doesn't leave your side, he is very worried that you will get lost or that someone will take advantage of you because of your bad eyesight.
☆ Every time he finds your glasses or helps you recognize something and you bombard him with thanks and compliments, it makes him feel embarrassed and bragging a bit, and he keeps thinking all day about your compliments that always make him stay with flushed cheeks.
☆ He is always at your disposal and is always helping with whatever you need, finding it cute when you are concentrating to recognize something.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─────
Pinterest: Credits of used icons : Scarlett , AkeruHs , rev
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mari-lair · 1 year
Akane is the only character to have ever been explicitly shown to both enjoy being alive and value life as a whole.
Ghosts envy the living, they crave life, but despite hanging out with ghosts all the time and feeling their envy, many human characters don’t seem to appreciate life. 
Nene and Kou are optimists, genuinely kind people, but they can be insensitive in their naivety. They recognize Hanako killing someone is “a bad thing” but that seems to be the most they allow themselves to process. If possible, they will push the knowledge Hanako is a killer far away.
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When his kill is brought up, they try to justify his actions, jumping at the opportunity to forgive him. They don’t consider the act of taking someone’s life away a deal breaker, like Hanako does, because the act is not as heavy when you don’t fully treasure life.
Kou has been able to see spirits since young so the idea of death is muddier for him. Still, he lost his mom, was deeply troubled by Nene’s lifespan, and had Mitsuba vent in tears about how envious he is of Kou for being alive, and yet, Kou still tries to jump off a building, he is constantly too blinded by his own insecurity complex to grasp how valuable his life is, unaware his death would deeply hurt his loved ones. 
He gets better at seeing the value of life after visiting Sousuke’s mom, and venting in the red house to Tsukasa about how much it hurts to lose a family member but I wouldn’t say he is happy to be alive. 
He still dismisses his own well being, and shows a lack of self-awareness when people are worried about him, because he thinks his life isn’t valuable, his skills or lack of are what have value.
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“I’ll clean up when I get back” is his first response not “I’m safe, don’t worry”.
It's obvious Teru was worried about his safety here, not the dirty dishes, but the thought never crosses Kou’s mind.
Unlike Kou, Nene loves being alive and has plenty of desires, hopes, plans for the future, and dreams.
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If asked, I’m sure she would say life is a beautiful thing, she wants to enjoy her life even if short, but she doesn’t understand the comcept of life and death very well, and that makes her unable to grasp how fragil life is.
Enjoying your life and treasuring life as a whole are very different things.
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Unless the person is truly gone, Nene is quick to forgive and forget. Danger is danger, and once it passes, it passes. She just takes life for granted.
When she decided to stay on the far shore with Hanako without telling anyone, and undermined the value of her own life, she was incredibly naive. 
If her plan had worked, and she had died, she would have put Aoi in the same position she had been in: saved at the cost of her friend’s life ‘for her own good’, while also roping Kou into a plan he didn’t know about (you can’t convince me Kou would have helped Nene if he was aware she planned to kill herself.)
She doesn’t want to think about these things, she likes to be optimistic! But since she doesn’t allow herself to really process death, she doesn’t understand life.
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She chalks dying as “I’ll be like Hanako and stay in a boundary with him”, she tries her best to reassure herself that she is fine with losing everything: her home, and a future with weddings,  college plans, and jobs, all for the sake of love. She treats her decision as one would a very long trip, a runaway romance.
She had to be told exactly what will happen, how much of herself, which she loves, she would lose if she tried to stay. The idea of loss, of death, is something that she tries not to think about, so it greatly distraught her.
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Even Teru, whose job is to protect the living and put their safety above it all had admitted this idea is not something that comes easy to him. 
Yes, he value life, and he understands how precious it is, but his view on it is not that simple: This value was taught from a young age by the same clan that has a history of human sacrifices. 
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Teru has a detachment to the concept of death, since he was born able to see spirits and he travels to the far shore, which takes some weight from the idea that “death is the end” while being personally affected by it, since his mom died without regrets, without leaving a spirit behind.
Teru can understand loss, he can process that death is a terrible thing. He is genuine in his kindness to people, but it doesn’t feel personal. He values life but he doesn’t treasure it, he treasures his family and close friends only. 
Saving people is intricately intertwined with responsibilities for Teru, and he is a very arrogant and proud person, he takes his responsibility serious. His professional view on life is simple, almost heroic, but his personal view on life is skewed: There is contradiction to his values.
Dedicating his time to save others makes it so he can’t enjoy his own life to the fullest.
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And there are moments when he feels tired of being a protector, almost resenting it.
He would never kill a person, but he jokes too much about destroying humanity to not betray the feeling that maybe, if there was no life to protect, he could finally live his own life.
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Akane on the other hand sees life as something beautiful and worth protecting: Something to treasure.
He wasn’t taught to do so. His feelings on it are not complicated, he simply enjoys being alive, and that appreciation skyrocketed once he nearly lost Aoi to the clock keepers.
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He doesn’t dislike supernaturals because of a job or a duty, he wasn’t even aware they existed before his contract with the clock keepers. This hate he feels for them is personal, born out of his own beliefs. 
He understands death is the end. He understands how fragile a human life is. And he hates how careless supernatural are, not hesitating to play with it
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He has no respect for someone that is willing to murder someone, and he feels strange when people are too easy to forguive them.
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Similarly, his respect visibly raises when he notices a person falls into his beliefs. Once he realized Teru’s job isn’t just supernatural extermination, and that he will go out of his way to save lives, his view changes drastically.
Teru was perceived as an asshole, a tyrannical demon in Akane’s life.
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And Teru may still be an asshole in Akane’s eyes, but no one that goes out of their way to save people can be a demon.
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Even when Akane dragged Aoi into the far shore, his goal was to keep her away from No.6, who he knew wanted to kill her, and to not be separated.
He isn’t happy when they fall, he fights to get back, he’ll march on with a hole in his chest and keep struggling, bleeding out, instead of resting, because he needs to get back.
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There is no “Now that we have each other, I can rest”, there is no "Let’s die and be together forever.”
He doesn’t want only to be together, he wants her to live. He wants them both to live. 
Because life is precious to him.
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thelunarfairy · 5 months
what r ur opinions on teru minamoto as a character :33 I love the way you “analyze” and/or talk about characters so I’m curious what you think about him unless you’ve already done one on him  ( ^ᴗ^ ) him and akane’s (boy) interactions are so interesting to me tbh
I love reading that you all love my words, it's like a warm hug >,<
Thanks S2
Teru is a painting painted in watercolors and with a little magic paint. At first glance, we find a beautiful painting, full of smiles and joy, surrounded by a beauty unique to him.
But when the hidden paint is revealed, the art mixed with watercolor, we see dark colors, and the painting transforms into something frightening.
Teru is stained art, a stain we cannot fully see. The way he treats other people, the way he despises supernaturals, how he hates them and wants them to disappear.
We can list the reasons, well, a full-time job is not exactly something that anyone in the universe will want, is it?
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A boy who didn't know what it was like to be a child.
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That he had no choices, that he was not allowed. He was the oldest, he would have to take care of his younger brother and sister, and at the same time he would have to protect people he doesn't even know.
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He offered the time of his life for other people, he lost his mother and took his father's place. He takes care of everything, but who takes care of him?
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Every now and then I catch myself thinking about the hatred rooted in Teru's chest. How his tiring work provided him with this, how he put himself in front of his brother so that he wouldn't go through the same thing as him. Even though Kou wanted to be an exorcist.
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So, maybe the hatred was also born because the supernaturals took everything from him, including his mother, can I consider that a hypothesis?
He lost his mother, his father is away because of work, he gained the responsibility of a father and a hero early on. Kou is inspired by him, Teru, in theory, is a hero who saves people from supernaturals, but at what cost?
Teru hides a secret, a melancholy that reflects in those eyes. Almost so obvious that we could hear him calling for help. He is also caught up in responsibilities.
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The first time he was free, he had fun, he became a child again, he allowed himself. Even though he knew it would only be for a short time.
He is a teenager with adult responsibilities and a child's soul. Not literally, but the desire to be free, to do what he never can.
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Of course, Teru has his flaws, but I like to be impartial, to be fair. He is ruthless towards supernaturals, and he will want to kill them no matter what.
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This reflects on his relationship with Akane, how the simple fact that he works on the side of the supernatural irritates Teru to the point that he is always punishing Akane, that he doesn't show that he cares about him as much.
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Teru and Akane have a partnership-based, do-for-me, I'll-do-for-you type of relationship. Nothing beyond that. If Teru cared about him, he would have faced Tsukasa.
If it were Kou instead of Akane, he would risk his life, like he did when number six appeared.
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Teru's hatred and contempt for supernaturals is something that borders on the deeply personal, it's not just a job, something happened.
No one feels hatred for something for no reason. Therefore, sometimes I think that he lost someone very important or had a great trauma because of the supernaturals. Besides, of course, it was because of them that the father is absent, that he himself dedicates his life to destroying them.
There was no choice here. His blood determined his own destiny, which he hates.
But he knows, yes, he knows that even seemingly good supernaturals can do something bad. We don't know if one day in the past, Teru got involved with some supernatural and had to exorcise him for doing something bad.
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It must have been painful, the same pain that Kou would feel if it was necessary to exorcise Mitsuba because he lost control. So, in order not to suffer again, he wouldn't want to get involved with the supernaturals, just get rid of them, it's easier.
Teru's hatred is what intrigues me, I see him and I want more and more to find out why he was born and where he will take him.
Teru is a canvas full of secrets, little by little the painting is completed, and we increasingly see his truer side.
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dragondemoness · 1 year
Hi it's 🌼 Anon!
I wanted to know if I could request something that's like my sayori request but with Yuri if that's okay?
Basically they,(Mondo, Chihiro, Fuyuhiko, Akane, and Ryoma) notice that s/o is acting strange and by Friday they assumed that they went home without them but on Monday (the weekend was her death setting) they find their body in the classroom and gotta stop whatever happens to them (with time travel 😈)
Also, I'm really sorry if you got this twice, the original said there was an error sending 😭)
I actually got started on that request you sent to me last time, but then my old phone died and I lost it all 😭😭😭
Warnings: Implications of suicide
Mondo, Chihiro, Fuyuhiko, Akane and Ryoma (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Mondo Owada
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He always thought you were kinda odd
And a little self-absorbed
But when he got to know you, he saw there was more to you
And soon, you became friends
But eventually, during your time at Hope's Peak, you started acting even stranger
You hadn't been hanging out with him as much, and your eyes appeared hollow and distant
And when you didn't meet up to walk home together on Friday, it was even weirder
But he figured you just left without him, and he would confront you on Monday
But when he arrived, one of your Literature Club mates suddenly rushed out of the classroom, ready to throw up
He got curious and peeked inside, and came upon a horrifying sight
He had no idea what to do
His first thought was that someone murdered you, and he was ready to hunt down the son of a bitch who did that to you
But then Friday replayed, and you started the day off by walking to school together like normal, which confused him
But he saw his chance to figure out what happened that day, and he was ready to jump at it
After school, he went to the Literature Club classroom
He saw you with your back turned, and he saw a glimpse of a knife in your hand
He immediately tackled you to the ground and kicked the knife away, asking what the hell was wrong with you
But whoever was in control of the program realized that you weren't a threat to them, and they finally released the grip they held on you
The light returned to your eyes, and you looked up at him and asked what happened
He was just as confused as you, but he held you close to him tightly, afraid to let you out of his sight again
You seemed alright afterwards, so he was able to ease up soon
That was the worst experience of his life, but he's glad to have you back
Chihiro Fujisaki
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You were kinda intimidating to him at first
He could relate to how shy and reserved you seemed, but you didn't mess around when it came to literature
But once he got to know you, you weren't so bad
He actually enjoyed hearing about your poems, besides the really dark ones
But after a while, you seemed to be avoiding him, and you looked like you weren't all the way there
He figured that you hated him, and he got really sad
But after you didn't show up on Friday, he decided to just ask you on Monday
Sadly, he wouldn't get the chance to do so
After seeing your fellow club member run out of the classroom, he went inside to see what was up
And he immediately let out a loud scream
His best friend was dead in front of a desk, and it was horrifying
He could only fall to the ground in tears, wishing he could have done more to protect you
Thankfully he could, as the day rewinded
He was hella confused, but he wasted no time in getting to the bottom of things
He returned to the classroom and saw you with the knife
He was frozen at first, but before you could plunge the knife into your stomach, he rushed over to you and knocked it out of your hand
After that, you were freed from the simulation, and the friend he knew and loved returned to him
He smiled in relief as he jumped on you and hugged you tightly
After that, things seemed to be normal again
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
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At first, he sort of just ignored you like he did everyone else
But you were pretty cool to hang out with once he got to know you
He never understood your thing with literature, but you do you
Once you started acting strange, he was on it immediately
He asked you several times what was up, and you never gave him a straight answer
So he started having Peko check in on you when you weren't with him
On Friday, when you didn't meet up to walk home together, he asked Peko to look around the school
She found nothing, so despite his frustration, Fuyuhiko would wait until Monday
But he never saw you once, so he asked Peko to search around again
Peko came back distraught, and she brought him to the club room where your dead body lay
He didn't even know how to react when he saw you there
At first, he just wanted revenge on whoever "killed you"
But before he could start accusing people, the day rewinded
He was hella confused, but then he just wanted to see who offed you
But then he saw the knife in your hand, and he was quick to get it away from you
He appeared pissed and asked what the hell you were thinking, but on the inside, he was relieved
He wasn't sure what happened to you or why you didn't seem to remember anything, but you were alright, so who cares
He's gonna be extra protective of you from now on
Akane Owari
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She thought you were weird at first
But somehow, you became friends
She doesn't really get your thing about literature, or half of what you're even telling her, but she's supportive
When you first started acting off, she didn't really notice at first
She was more focused on her other friends, and figured you were just busy
When it started to become clearer that there was something wrong, she once again shrugged it off and figured you were just having an off-day
But on Monday, one of your friends from the Literature Club was clearly disturbed by something, so Akane went to check it out
What she found caused her to go in shock for a couple minutes
She felt awful for brushing off your strange behavior, and in that moment, everything became clear
She hated herself for ignoring you, but thankfully, she would get another chance
She wasn't sure why that happened, but it didn't matter
She approached the club room and wrestled the knife out of your hand
She had never really taken in your appearance until this moment, and then she could tell the difference between your hollow eyes and your regular ones
She vowed to never forget this difference again, and she pulled you close to her in a bone-crushing hug
After that, she is extra protective of you, and she gets way better at figuring out when something's wrong
Ryoma Hoshi
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He didn't pay much mind to you at first
To him, you were just another student
But something about you was oddly comfy, and you became friends rather quickly
He doesn't really understand what you're talking about, but you can ramble to him about literature if you want
He picks up that something's wrong very fast
You're his first real friend, and he's made a mental note about the way you act when you seem down and depressed
But this one was different
You didn't seem to be in a specific mood, you were just being weird
He asked about it a few times, but never got a straight answer
On Friday, he was just sort of at a loss, and decided to just ask about it on Monday
After seeing your friend run down the hallway looking sick, he immediately went to investigate
What he saw made his whole world shatter
He sunk to the ground in despair, blaming himself for things he had no control over
But on Monday, he got the chance to start over
Thanks to his small stature, he couldn't really wrestle the knife out of your hand, so he just got your attention and took the knife away when you were distracted
And soon after, his beloved friend was back
He's not sure what happened to you, but he's never letting you out of his sight again
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handsometimr · 25 days
The biggest mystery in zero escape: wtf did Junpei study???
Ignoring Uchikoshi's suggestion that Junpei studied bitcoin in college. In this ramble, I'll be Over Sharing My Headcanons©. The good stuff is under the cut.
Junpei is a social sciences degree guy 100%. I've seen other headcanons in fics where he's a business major, which I mean he really does with a capital D fit the vibes for, socially sciency and all. The way he (in 999) laments having no friends / job / money screams social science guy (I would know).
Now, personally, I'm inclined to think that out of all the social sciences, he's a linguist. His wordplay, references to pop culture, and puns across all the games suggest he's a man of many big words, enough so that he can twist his words to his favour (see: manipulating the other characters sometimes. Junpei "yeah I never said I would open the door myself" mf Tenmyouji). Perhaps his wordy wit is most epitomised by the conception of the funyarinpa on a whim by assembling random Japanese sounds. And God he must've loved the idea of codenames in 999. Too bad he could never give himself a smartly thought out codename based on his bracelet. The cherry on top of this is explaining that Japanese idiom to Carlos. Assume everyone you meet is a thief. Finally he gets to put his knowledge of culture and words to badass use.
Linguistics!Junpei also fits with his whole thing of being Just A Guy who lost his faith in humanity. Studying linguistics, how humans have evolved languages to describe love. Hate. All sorts of human-ness. He really was just a man who thought that people were awesome. But as a detective he learned that humans have a common language in death, showing that words do NOT speak louder than actions. First it was akane sweet talking him and then ghosting him, now he doesn't know how to convey his thoughts honestly because of the horrors of his job.
So here is how the headcanon fully goes. Junpei, since grade school, was always good at picking up other languages and picked apart their meanings in comparison to his native Japanese. He liked learning English and Chinese in school when growing up in the suburban part of a small Japanese city. So when he got older he just accepted that maybe linguistics was for him, since that was what he was good at.
He was average in science and maths, history and geography. His best subject in high school was, as expected, English. So when he applied to college he went for linguistics. His classmates went for Medicine or Law or Politics but Junpei didn't want the responsibility over people's lives like that. So he just accepted that, hey, might as well study something I'm good at. I'll just become a high school English teacher or something. His parents were fine with whatever, he's their only child, at least he's good at something.
So then he went to university, and in his second & third year lived abroad in America as part of his linguistics degree. He lived like the average student in in the US of A, which unfortunately was like his only useful life experience immediately after the 2nd Nonary game [*]. At some point he watched Back To The Future to study how English was some decades before he was born, history of language yadda yadda (I've never spoken to someone who did linguistics so sorry if this sounds off). He's back in Japan for his fourth and final year and had a pretty exhausting day in a boring seminar when he returned to his dorm and got kidnapped.
After the whole second Nonary game fiasco, Junpei was travelling the world speaking the languages he learned: Japanese (mother tongue), English (fluent), Chinese (conversational), Spanish (picked up while in America). This took him far since he managed to hit the bullseye on pretty widely spoken languages it just so happened, but still he couldn't explain in words why he wanted to find Akane. If he loved her or not. After a while he needed money so he joined that detective agency™, it'll also help him find Akane, two birds one stone. Well, we saw how that turned out. Now he was both globetrotting AND traumatised!
He probably settled in America upon becoming a detective, dual citizenship ftw, and better not make mom and dad disappointed in his choice of job. They knew he dropped out but they knew his son was smart, he didn't need a degree to let his language skills flourish. They assumed he got a pretty good legal-related job and managed to talk himself into high wages. Oh, the wages were high alright, to make up for the shit he saw. Mr and Mrs Tenmyouji are just worried about their boy, who after November 2027 didn't really open up to them about anything. Sometimes mom would bring up That Girl You Were The Best Of Friends With but Junpei would just shrug. Dunno what happened to her.
After the decision game, Junpei just accepts how cool he is for being a humble polygot. Explaining the cool etymology of his astronomical family name to Astronomy major Phi (another headcanon for another day) is one of his favourite party tricks. He also wrote a think piece on Puns and the linguistic significance of cats after Sigma meowed too close to the sun.
TL;DR (I don't blame you if you didn't read all that yap) I like to think Junpei was a linguistics major. I'm a strong believer that he's a servant to social science because he's just like me fr.
[*] I think all the 2nd Nonary Game participants assumed they all got kidnapped from Japan. They probably all spoke Japanese during the Nonary game. Hence after the reveal that they're in Nevada, Junpei was designated How Tf Do We Get Back To Japan guy and What Do We Do In America expert.
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hoshi-y · 2 years
HIII!! I always wanted to make this request but I didn’t know if they watched or read the manga so hear me out…how about Mitsuba, Kou, Hanako, and Akane (Hopefully that’s not too much-) with a s/o that is like Princess Syalis? ^^ (I can honestly see the apparitions being scared of them and the Mokkes help them steal stuff idk why I can strangely see it)
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Follow My Orders
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Aoi Akane, Mitsuba Sousuke, Minamoto Kou, Hanako-kun
TW : None
A/N : Aww this is so cute, I even imagine the mokkes help us escape cleaning too
I hope you enjoy 💗
I'm gonna use their old banners for awhile, I am unmotivated to make them rn
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You're a handful..
He didn't have any problems with you when you joined the school
You were very quiet and kept to yourself
And... you were mostly asleep...
Not like he wanted to talk to you
Nah, He thinks your sleeping face and cute snoring captured his heart
it clenched him
So he would sometimes wait for you to wake up
which you don't...
You were only awake when he was doing something or he had stacks of work to do
and it frustrated him
But he liked you so
He followed this pattern of yours and quickly finished all his work so he could talk to you
And for the first time, he actually caught you awake
He cleared his throat to get your attention as you were sewing little clothes for the Mokke which he found absolutely adorable
You stopped what you were doing and slowly looked up at him, Akane froze at how pretty your eyes were, given that you would sleep most of the time he rarely saw how your eyes looked like
Its like he took a screenshot in real life, the image of your face burned into his brain
Neither of you said anything first, you just kind of stared at him as he stared back at you, when you were about to go back to what you were working on he spoke up
"Ah my apologies, what are you still doing here, It's after-school already" Akane didn't want her to go, but it was per school regulation, all students who don't have a club were to go home immediately.
"Can't I stay a little longer?" Your pouting face and sleepy voice shot an arrow right thru Akane's heart as he fell on his knees and bowed his head
"STAY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT MY GODDESS!" You smiled as you pat his head which made him explode and run off somewhere probably to grab something to proclaim his love already
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O-oi! You're supposed to be my prisoner!!
You just wanted some good sleep
like everywhere you go, someone or something just has to ruin it
and right now it was happening something ruined it
or someone?... they look alien..
You went from asking Yashiro and Kou where to sleep
But ended up being sucked inside the mirror
the last thing you heard and saw was a very panicked Yashiro and Kou
And a very scared Hanako
And now you're here, in a.. what did they call it a boundary?
"Hey! Were you even listening to a word I said?" Ah they were speaking? Actually.. you couldn't tell if they were a guy or a girl with very boyish clothes.. Though their hair was pink so maybe—
"So you weren't listening, Good these hands dragged in a sleepyhead you even slept on the wya here!" The pink haired... person said in frustration, you cleared your throat to get their attention which it did "I have a question.. Are you a girl or a boy?"
He calmed down and introduced himself
He said his name was Mitsuba, and he was lost here
well thats all you heard cause you were really really sleepy at the moment
One thing led to another, Hanakos doppelganger showed up
And he put you to sleep
and you were very happy
While you were napping, you heard commotion around you and the ground shaking, It annoyed you so you opened your eyes to see Mitsuba infront of you blocking rocks from falling on you
"Ow ow... Are you alright?.." He asked
"Why did you wake me up..."
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Stealing isn't good..
Kou has always been really helpful and fun to be with!
So you decided to use up ypur saved up energy to make him something, like cookies
Chocolate chip cookoes with a marshmallow on top mhm
But the only problem was
you didn't have ingredients
but you heard the other section was gonna use the home economics room to make goods so you can just 'borrow' right?
But you couldn't do it all by yourself so you bargained with the mokkes with a bag of candy to get the things you needed
Halfway of getting the ingredients Kou caught you with your schemes
You hung your head low and also the mokke, Kou was walking around the halfway when a group of mokkes you sent out to find flour bumped into him making the mokkes freak out cause what they were carrying was a surprise for him, what happened? well the flour flew and landed on his head
and teared open
Kou sighed as he threw the wipes into the trash bin "Stealing isn't okay [F/N], and asking the Mokkes to steal for you aswell isn't great" He slightly lectured you
"I'm sorry.. You were just really fun to be with that's why I borrowed all these stuff to make you cookies.."
Kou sighed as he smiled, he can't stay mad at you "If ya wanted to make cookies you should've called me, you suck at baking"
That comment hit you straight in the chest as you pouted "Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise.."
Well, If you did successfully gather all the ingredients, the Home Economics room would be in ruins, so glad you didn't
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D-don't word it out like that..
A scene of a very flushed hanako hiding his face with his hat, and you standing clueless and confused
What happened here exactly?
Well, your back was aching that's what was happening
No one here had very strong looking hands
except for a certain toilet boy
He had long, slender, and strong looking hands
perfect to help with your aching back
But you couldn't ask him yo massage you it was embarrassing!
Like him massaging you wasn't embarrassing enough...
You peaked inside the bathroom to spot your victim playing cards on the windowsill, Hanako felt your presence and turned his head to see you
"My~ What brings you here so early hm? Couldn't wait to see me?~" Hanako flpated over to you as you eyed his hands, He followed your gaze and looked at his hands "Why whats wrong? Do you want to hold them? Oh my [F/N] you are very bol—"
"I need you to touch me."
He choked back as he swatted his hands with a big blush on his face "W-W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!?" Hanako trembled, if he tried to touch you he'd get a beating from his assistant
He's here thinking that what you meant was a rather.. Sexual request, and your out here looking for something to massage you.
You took a step forward, He took a step back.
Forward, back forward back forward, until Hanako hit his bacm on the wall and you stood infront of him "Just touch me here—"
"I-I MAY BE A P-P-PERVERT BUT THAT'S A NO" He formed his arms into an 'x' as you stood their your face slowly turning into a sad one, He freaked out as he thought about it and agreed
"F-fine.. um... w-where do you want me to t-touch.. you..." His voice getting quieter and quieter
You pointed at the book you were holding as he deadpanned "Here, it aches in this area." Hanako covered his face trying to get the dirty thoughts out of his head, god you were just asking for a massage
Hanako sat you down and started massaging your back still blushing "If you wanted a massage you could've said so... I got the wrong Idea.." He mumbled the last part
You leaned onto his chest as he looked down you fell asleep, He sighed as he patted your head "What am I gonna do with you, [F/N]?" Hanako smiles at your sleeping face turn into a smile
Not only were you sleeping peacefully as your aching back was fixed, you found yourself a new pillow.
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your-anime-boyfriend · 11 months
Last wednesday I ended "Oshi no Ko" (2023) and I have A LOT to say... I LOVED IT.
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I have to say I didn't expect an hour episode (no one did I think), but it's a great way to introduce this anime because the first episode is about Hoshino Ai, her life and what happened before everything. We got to meet her, we got to love her and we got to SUFFER.
I cried a river IN THE FIRST EPISODE... Well deserved the best score in MAL.
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In the following episode we know what happened after Ai's Death. We have this new version of Aqua, which is horrible because he lost all hope, and we have Ruby, blinded by her brightful future.
Next up, we meet the new cast, and everything flows. Oshi no Ko shows how it works in the idols industry. They have to go where they don't want to because it's work, they have to do things they don't want because it's work, they have to be real, be fake, have a smile, don't smoke, don't drink, be happy, etc. It's really exhausting.
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Every character has something relatable:
Arima Kana. She started as a genius kid in acting. She's really good, but she discovered that it doesn't matter how good you are, they drop you when there's a new star. Because of this, she overthinks a lot and she has a very mature point of view, that's why she goes for the best option to survive. She was that much in the entertainment industry for a reason. She also thinks she doesn't deserve nice things (as Taylor'd said), but she's very nice, really amazing in general.
There are a lot of Arima Kanas, it's really sad.
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Kurokane Akane. Akane tried to be real in a show, she didn't shine because her personality isn't that brightful. When she had an accident with another actress people went for the throat. She was bullied almost 'til death, she tried to kill herself, but Aqua avoided that. People was SO MEAN, that she wanted to die. It's a relatable story, in East Asia countries it takes one story (verified or not) to destroy someone's career.
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MEM. She wanted to be someone, but she couldn't due to her family. She had to support them, and when she was able to pursue her dreams, she was too old. Agencies don't usually go for trainees of more than 20. Finally, she got to debut with B Komachi. I'm so happy for her.
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Aqua learned things tended to discover his father, so he knows who killed Ai. He enters the entertainment industry because this would help him in his plans.
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Ruby wanted to be an idol, and she did. She's very optimistic, I guess it's because she didn't witness Ai's death. Ruby is the opposite of Aqua, she has dreams and she's hungry to fulfill them.
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Hoshino Ai. She died too soon, but she's so relatable for me. She thought she could never love someone, she lied her fans everytime because she want them to be happy, she did her best always. She never lied to Aqua and Ruby, but it's so sad that she realised she loves them when she's dying. I think she died in a horrible way, but I think it's lovely to hear Ai saying "it's not a lie, I love you" to Ruby and Aqua.
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And now, this has to end. BUT-
The music is brilliant, it is "sparkling", like a pop/idol song; the lyrics are amazing: the chorus is what everyone thinks "she's the most powerful Idol", there's a part like... distorted, with the bad opinions people who don't like her say, and we end with Ai's thoughts, she thought she could never fall in love with someone, and she did with her sons "this isn't a lie, I love you". I was devasteted when I read it.
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My decision is...10 out 10! And well deserved, It went #1 in My Anime List after his first episode for a reason.
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fioras-resolve · 3 months
Today's Zero Time Dilemma notes
-Aw I miss the little jingle when you begin an escape sequence. Damn.
-This is the first time I've been genuinely stuck at a puzzle and thought "You know what, I'll go somewhere else in team and deal with this shit later." It's cool to be honest
-There's something so unique about how this game handles choice, which largely comes down to the binary nature of "hesitate or don't." like, choices in something like The Walking Dead will give you a timer, and make the choice for you if you don't choose in time, but typically you at least have to choose between two options. In Zero Time Dilemma, the choice will be like "Okay, you have ten seconds before this person gets incinerated, and the only way to stop that is to pull the trigger on this gun aimed at this person's head." It's like the Trolley Problem actually, it calls attention to inaction as a choice in itself, one that people can play through an entire Telltale game not experiencing.
-Goddamn, the choice of "Who Killed Junpei" being a free text entry is kind of amazing, I love it. It allows you to consider other possibilities besides yourself and Akane, and it actually explores those possibilities. Like "DO NOT KNOW IDENTITY" if you type ZERO or "HOW WOULD A DOG DO IT?" if you type GAB. I love that, and I suspect once I have more information I can go back and enter something different.
-There's something really special to this story's framing. The way I'd phrase it is "Lost in time." One of the big gimmicks is that you only wake up for 90 minutes each time, and have amnesia from what happened before because of The Drugs. So neither the characters nor the player have any idea of what happened before then, or even what timeline you're on. The timelines are represented as a flowchart, but you experience it out of order, so you have NO IDEA what led to what, and instead have to rest with these moments as they are. It's genuinely really cool, and it's really hard to do this in any medium, let alone games, but it's something I've wanted to see and DO for a long time.
-God, you can really tell the animation team on this has never had to make anything that wasn't a visual novel before. The animations are all so STIFF. And like, yeah the animations for Virtue's Last Reward were pretty good, but crucially, there weren't that many of them per character, and they could all be crafted for a single camera angle. While a more cinematic camera is GREAT for many things, it's clear that the ZTD team haven't really learned to USE it for this game, which is a shame.
-The wire-cutting sections are the worst puzzles in the entire Zero Escape series. The instructions are unclear, they're a series of binary choices, and your punishment for getting one wrong is having to do a ten-second real-time minigame, and whether you win or lose that you still just rewind back to the point before you cut the wire. It's every pitfall of puzzle adventure game design in microcosm.
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skania · 1 year
Do you think kana would be perfect for aqua once he tells her everything and heals from his trauma? Kana is light his bright shining star and kana long term crush on aqua will be a good payoff for once. Akane will probably see that kana is best for him and help them get together? I see fans theorize on this and I want to hear your opinion
I typed a reply to this and Tumblr lost it! 😭
I'll also replying to these here because they're all Aq/Kan related:
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I'd also like the chance to clarify something. I'm not here to convince anyone that Aqua/Kana won't happen! It could very well happen! A part of me is expecting it to happen,not because it'd be the best outcome but because it's the most predictable one lmao
So yeah, I'm not here for that and I'm not interested in doing so either. I'm here to talk about Akane, Aqua and AquaKane and all the reasons why they won me over and why I personally find them much more satisfying!
Forgive me for the PSA anons, I'm answering these but I need to redirect my agenda to the ship I actually ship lmao
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To summarize what I wrote before Tumblr ate my reply, of course there are theories like those because it's the most obvious reading of the manga. If you take every Aqua and Kana interaction at face value, it's natural to come to that conclusion. And they could very well be right, maybe Aka is subverting expectations by making us think he is above going for the obvious, only to do exactly that. It's possible! The ships in Kaguya were blatantly obvious, too.
Except. And here is the big thing. Aka has already written a character that approaches love in the same way Kana does. This character is Maki. She was in love with a boy but never did anything about it. The consequence? The boy started to like her best friend and pursued her. What did Maki do? Nothing. The boy and her best friend started to date, a casual relationship turned to love, and Maki did nothing but mope pretty much exactly like Kana. Was Maki's love rewarded at the end? No, because Aka portrayed her inaction as wrong.
Now, the main difference between Kana and Maki is that Aqua may very well be into her, too. But the rest of the picture remains the same: lack of action from Kana, a complete lack of development between them, etc., while Aqua and Akane have gone through like 10 different relationship stages in that same amount of time, growing closer each time.
So which road you find most rewarding depends on which road you personally think has been more developed in the manga. Same goes for whether you think Kana would be perfect for Aqua; I think that at the surface, the manga wants the reader to get that impression. But is she really? Kana is too naive. Whenever Aqua manipulates her, she blindly falls right into it. She wears her heart on her sleeve; this may be refreshing to Aqua, but it also puts Kana at a clear disadvantage because he knows exactly what to say and do to get her to react exactly how he wants her to. Would theirs be a relationship between equals? Right now, I'm not sure I can see it.
But you know what? It's actually impossible to know how Kana would fare around Aqua, the whole Aqua, because we have simply never seen it. Aqua's darkness has always been kept from her. And the scenario you're painting here involves a perfectly healthy Aqua, but he may never be like that. I am definitely hoping he heals and I'm sure he will heal, but that won't magically erase everything he has gone through. Is Kana equipped to deal with that? Maybe, maybe not. We won't know until Aka actually allows her to see all of Aqua.
So all in all, my thoughts are that it's kind of pointless to worry about this. You either enjoy Aqua/Akane's dynamic more or you don't. There isn't a right answer, it's subjective.
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I have no thoughts about this lol Akane was just trying to reassure Aqua, she had no idea that Aqua had never done emotional acting before because at this point, she was only getting to know him. Akane isn't the type to force her way through without first having a clear understanding of what is going on inside the person.
Once she sees how he acted in the past, Akane figures it all out and gets to the heart of the matter. What does Aqua act for? Why does he want to act in the first place?
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And she doesn't settle for Aqua not giving her a straight answer.
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Ai was Ruby's light too. Was Ruby in love with Ai?
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In this manga, being someone's light doesn't have to be romantic. Now, I'm not saying Aqua's feelings for Kana aren't romantic; like I've said a bunch of times, the in-your-face reading of the manga is that they are.
I'm saying that Kana being Aqua's light doesn't automatically mean she's his one true love, because being a light for someone isn't an inherently romantic concept in this manga.
As for whether Aqua was "forcing" himself to think he would be better off with Akane...
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Aqua dated Akane because he wanted to and he stayed with Akane because he wanted to; because she did him good. Aqua's actions show a dedicated boyfriend who literally calls his girlfriend every night.
But Aqua's happiness was built on Aqua deliberately turning his eyes away from the truth about Kamiki. Rather than face the music, Aqua ran away. Same goes for his bond with Kana. Instead of having a honest talk with her, Aqua let his trauma get the best of him and simply cut her off his life.
I think deep down, Aqua was aware that he was running away. But by running away, he was able to spend his days in relative peace. So even when Gotanda spelled out the truth to him, Aqua couldn't find it in himself to stop running.
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Of course, this is only part of what weights Aqua down during his "freedom" period. I believe another thing that weights Aqua down is that he hasn't told Akane that he is Goro. Despite all the truths he has told her, he is still hiding this from her, and we know for a fact that he sees this as him "deceiving her."
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All of this, coupled with Aqua's inherent trauma which shapes itself into thinking: Do I even deserve to be happy? shackle Aqua to the past he is desperately trying to run away from.
But this is such an interesting topic that it probably deserves its own post lol
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nogenderbee · 9 months
Happy Birthday miya-akane!
Happy Birthday to my beloved mutual, @miya-akane 🎉 I know I said I won't be able to do special but I got the motivation so here it is! I won't repeat my wishes so let me just say... happy birthday miya! And of course I hope this fic may be a small gift you will enjoy at least a bit!
TagList isn't available on birthday specials since they're meant for birthday person!
Toya's romantic side!
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Toya is the quiet type and it's no surprise to anyone! But of course vend the quietest person can have their talkative moments! For him it's talking without even realizing how much it what he says... and that's how you can end up with quite a flirty boy!
He was rambling for quite a time now and yet there was no signs of him stopping... but you could see by his eyes that he was totally lost in his thoughts. He was just saying what was in his mind all the time while staring into your eyes with such a love and rubbing your hand with his thumb if he can.
"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are? I don't think I did... well I could stare at them for hours... maybe even days and don't get bored. I wouldn't be surprised if they can hypnotize me with ease..."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he doesn't realize his mistake nor you remind him
His rambling was going on for good hour... yet he kept spoiling you with compliments. It's as if your eyes really did hypnotize him! Or maybe it's simple moment of bravery? Or maybe he just felt like he had to share his honest thoughts with you? Either way, he still seems totally lost in his words.
If you happen to blush or show any reaction on his words, he might just drop another comment about it, like how much cuter it makes you!
If you don't tho... that's totally fine! He doesn't do it for reactions either way! He's simply saying all of this because he thinks you deserve to hear the truth. To hear the thoughts that had been buried in his mind for such a long time! And even you know it yourself because he told you about it with no hesitation when you asked!
"You deserve to know all the facts about yourself. You deserve to know how perfect you are in my and many other eyes. I want you to know all the things I admire so you can never think of anything bad about yourself because the truth is, there's nothing bad about you."
He doesn't notice his rambling. In fact he goes on for much longer time so you have choice of listening to him and all his thoughts about you or you can bring him back to reality. Choice really is up to you!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he realizes and you can see his reaction
He was mid sentence with another compliment when the sudden realization hit him... He realized how much he had been rambling and a solid blush can be seen on his face.
He's not denying any of his words tho, he knows they've been said with only truth and love towards you. In fact if you ask him about it, he'll even confirm his words shyly!
"I don't regret saying anything... All I said as truth. I just... didn't expect to talk through my daydreaming... Please forgive me..."
Once he realizes what he has done, there's unfortunately no way of getting him back to that state on your own... it seems you just need to wait if you want him to ramble like that again!
But a bit of convincing and he might continue with his compliments but they'd be much shorter, and shyly spoken. Of course he means them all and wants you to know you're perfect but saying this once he's fully aware of his words is just a bit too flustering for him... so he might just change the topic when he's face is redder than tomato!
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suinotsuki · 1 year
In Moments
A/N: Hi! I'm continuing with uploading my fanfics and headcanons over here on Tumblr from my AO3 and Twitter!
This fanfic was written before the anime came out and may contain spoilers for anime-only people and for those who haven't reached Scandal Arc yet! I only had the time to finish this after episode 3 came out.
Fanfic Links: AO3
Other Links: Oshi No Ko Masterlist
But he's tired. A lot of things have happened in the past week, and he still has to deal with more when he comes home. (Alternately, in which we see Aqua's thoughts until he reaches a breaking point that changes the future) (Canon divergence for chapter 105)
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"Just one scandal can be a mortal wound for an idol."
He was well aware of that fact already.
Ai,  his mother in this life,  was living proof of that. And even now, he could easily recall her body growing colder by the minute as he sat beside her, feeling terribly useless for someone who was a  doctor in his past life. To say he is haunted by the memory of it was an understatement. A myriad of emotions revolving around that incident was present that Aqua couldn't easily come to terms with. He didn't feel the need to resolve these emotions even if he wished to achieve a happy ending for himself that he knew he did not deserve. He'd prefer to use it as fuel to the fire and never look back.
And trying to go back to the way it was before was nothing but a far-fetched dream.
Or Aqua thinks it should unmistakenly be.
But, a shining and honest existence from the days of being with Ai decides otherwise.
Kana Arima, the girl he met the first time he acted, brought so many things back up to the surface that he lost on that day. Her refreshingly sharp words allowed him to relax and put his guard down in more ways than others could have done. Somehow, it was the needed reality check in this world full of lies. The way she brightly shined when she was under the spotlight brought the feeling of how the warmth of the sun seeped into his skin on a peaceful day. And right at that moment, the Aqua of the past and present did not matter. He was just Aqua.
In the end, he found himself allowing his gaze to linger on her to find peace when he needed a break. After all, it wasn't like he was going to stop with his plans.
"I'm sorry, but he's already dead."
But what if there was no need for revenge, and the opportunity to finally allow himself to be happy presented itself?
"Aqua, you think it's time to break up with me."
Maybe, it was time to end the lies.
"Isn't that fine? The freedom to love is a fundamental human right."
Maybe, he could finally entertain the thought of a normal life with the person who allowed Gorou and Aqua to co-exist.
"Do you think Kana-chan will do well as an idol?"
"Then, you can no longer go on dates like that."
"Just one scandal can be a mortal wound for an idol."
He was aware of that fact already. But, for a moment, he ignored the obvious in favor of his selfishness to achieve happiness with Kana. And until now, whenever he remembers Ai, Aqua realizes he couldn't subject Kana to the same fate as his mother. So, no matter how it hurts both parties, he has to protect her by keeping his distance.
In the end, there was still another route he could take.
Living a half-truth won't be too bad. Maybe changing directions is what Gorou and Aqua really needed. If he makes enough effort, one day, the lies will become the truth. What could he possibly lose from pursuing Akane? For sure, the future on that side has a better fate than being with Kana, right? It should be because he is betting on time to make things better.
After all, everything is falling into place.
"How could a dead person know her address? It's chronologically impossible."
But, of course, everything was nothing but an illusion he willingly placed himself after from the desire to be free. It wasn't over.  It never was.
"Did I do something that makes you hate me that much?"
"You took a wrong turn, Aqua-kun."
The routes toward a happy ending were all blocked. Revenge without getting the people he cherishes involved was impossible. There wasn't any going back anymore.
Revenge was the only road he had a choice of taking alone.
"I'm sure Kana-chan became an idol for you."
Then, what was he supposed to do?
"She became an idol because you wished for it."
"You brought her into this world, you know?"
He knew that pretty well. He was well aware of that fact. He doesn't need to hear that, especially when his mind was made up that he would only plunge further into this dark path of revenge.
"Please face her... even just a little."
He doesn't deserve her straight gaze. He decided to descend to hell. Aqua couldn't go back on his initial plans. In the first place, she shouldn't have anything to do with him anymore. It was best to stay clear of her and for him to focus on his goal.
He needs to have his revenge. He had so many things to do. He still needs to protect Ruby and make sure he covers her eyes from the things she hasn't found out yet.
He  needs  to focus.
"This is bad," Aqua heard Miyako say, snapping him out of his trance. "I still haven't seen her around yet."
"What's wrong?" He asked while all at the same time peeking at Miyako's open laptop. The words that caught his eye made his heart stop. It  felt  like a bucket of cold water was suddenly splashed onto him.
And looking at him was Miyako with a grim expression.
Aqua was now at a crossroads.
Earlier, he felt one of his fears unraveling in front of him - the one that he accidentally spilled out to Mem-cho that one night she cornered him. If he didn't notice Miyako's expression, he wouldn't be able to calm down. He would have almost forgotten what Arima Kana is made out of.
The issue hangs in the air, and the situation hasn't changed. While Aqua wants to leave the rest to adults, a part of him can't. But he promised to stay away from her. At the same time, he wanted to protect her.
So, he makes a decision.
He sits down with Ruby.
Aqua tells Ruby his grand scheme to save Kana, and he watches Ruby's eyes burn with rage at hearing his plan to reveal  their secret . Maybe, he wasn't stable enough. It could be desperation. It could be fear that they barely have enough time.
But he ends up spilling everything he kept a secret.
It was odd timing to reveal everything to Ruby given the time constraint. Those ruby-colored eyes filled with anger grew dimmer and dimmer with confusion. Somehow, it broke his heart, not knowing what to do for her.
The clock is ticking. Aqua rises up from his seat.
"I have to go. Let's talk about it again when I get back."
He leaves the house with Ruby sitting down in shock while trying to process all the information he dumped on her.
Aqua has done it.
Soon, the secret will be out. Aqua only has to wait for the Weekly Entertainment True Story's release date. A part of him rejoices, knowing this new path can lead to a better plan for revenge.
But he's tired.
A lot of things have happened in the past week, and he still has to deal with more when he comes home. He left Ruby hanging as he rushed towards the meeting place with the reporter. There's still so much left to do after that even.
He only wants to rest .
Kana's bright smile flashed in his mind out of nowhere, and the sudden thought of basking around the sun's warm presence made his tired mind let go of all the thinking. Even Goro and little Aqua's voices were drowned.
It wasn't long before his knees gave out on him, and a choked sob escaped his lips. The hand that was holding onto their house's doorknob released its hold to bring itself to his mouth in an attempt to stop himself from making any noise. The tears started to flow, and he could only shut his blue eyes closed as emotions rushed through his body.
He was so, so tired.
And, in those moments of vulnerability, he just wanted to see the brightest star that he protected.
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Narumi's Best Day Ever.
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Someone, help me with this!
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*Nekomaru and Bandai work together to wrestle a huge robot and slam it to the ground.
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*Akane crashes down and destroys it's head with a kick, finishing it off!
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Good shooting Mr Hayamoto!
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Thankfully, I haven't lost the knack yet...
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NOW! Go, my Four Dark Devas of Destruction! Tear them apart with your fangs from the inside!
*At Gundham's command the hamsters that have already been smuggled inside one of the incoming Zetsubou mechas chew apart the wireframe inside with their teeth. The mech slowly drops to it's knees, collapses apart, and when the pilot falls out, Gundham knocks him unconscious with a kick.
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HELL YEAH! Hi fives!
*Akane hurries around, giving hi-fives to her combat partners once all the enemies are dealt with.
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I have to admit, even though the break has been relaxing, it's good to be working together again after all this time...
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Yeah...I was really beginning to miss you guys...
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Was it tough at the Future Foundation?
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It's definitely a less lively place without you guys around to spice things up, if that's what you meant...Now is the time to fight to protect it...
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Speaking of which...How are things in the Novoselic Kingdom, Tanaka? Are you sure it's alright leaving it unguarded?
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Zetsubou will be far too preoccupied with us to attempt any sort of takeover. Most of their strongest assets are here, after all.
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Besides, the Golden Guardian is more than capable of looking after the kingdom in our absence. Any spies that may be there will be pulled out of the ground quickly...
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By "Golden Guardian" I'm assuming you refer to Yonaga, correct?
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Indeed...And what of the two of you...? Did you enjoy your vacation?
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Wasn't much of a vacation...At least, not for me...It was nice to take a step back and think, but the Future Foundation is my life. I couldn't relax knowing what was at work in the world and had to come back as soon as I could...
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I agree...somewhat...
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Honestly, I just...wanted this to be over...I was worried about what might happen, but I didn't want to fight anymore...I know that's pathetic behavior of a Branch Chief but...Then Mr Ouma and I both received Toko's recall. He didn't ignore it, and neither did I...Then when Iroha said she would come, I had no reason not to show...
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Sorry, I guess I shouldn't be admitting that I was considering abandoning my friends...
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You ain't abandoning anyone Ryota...I get it, you're not one for fighting or whatever...Not everyone is...
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To be honest, since Mahiru and Izuru moved in with me, I don't think I've ever lived so peacefully...Even with all the training and excitement with my brothers and sisters...
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And even someone like me, who loves that fight...kinda wanted it to keep goin'.
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Think of it this way. After this, there won't be any more reason for us to be apart anymore. We can stay together again.
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But...where? We still don't have a home to go back to...
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Ok everyone, now is not the time for this...! I won't stop you from mourning the things you've lost, but it won't be long before more Zetsubou reinforcements come our way. We should get on the move while we can.
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You're right...Sorry...
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thelunarfairy · 5 months
First of all, I didn't know you could understand Spanish 😭 (although, even if you didn't understand it completely, some words you sure would)
Second, good night and what a good chapter you gave us AidaIro, my goodness, I was smiling all day at work. I hope the next one is more impressive than this one and keeps its pace.
I have so many thoughts about, and almost all of them are a mess. (Tsukasa and Amane/Hanako are idiots and I love them but my god I will never get tired of their relationship and their bond and their feelings and what they mean and the whole mess that they both are; with one hand on my heart, but of all jshk plots, the yugi twins will always be the most interesting to me)
But there is one about Nene, and that is, we know that she will die when the yorishiros are completely broken. But, we don't know how and why exactly. Removing her status as Kannagi, very important of course, what happens after the yorishiros stop protecting both shores and why Yashiro dies.
Although it was, for me, "maybe Nene is related to the Akane" then it was but Kannagi's condition is not a title (like the Minamoto and their spiritual power) that comes from special blood.
The Kannagi Akane were not chosen by the god of the well, but by the townspeople. The Akane were chosen from birth because they were Akane, the family that had to give a daughter every so often as an offering.
So basically I say that
Nene will not die when the yorishiros are broken (as she imagines), but as a result of.
Nene is condemned to die not because she met Hanako, but because from the moment she was born the title of Kannagi was imposed on her.
Ah, destiny and its funny ways of intertwining everything.
[Anyway, looking at it from the point of view of the people who sacrificed better young women : it is to save their world from the supernatural (abnormality)].
I would like to know if you have ever thought about Nene and why she would die after the yorishiros are broken
Like, in the manga they do mention it but they don't give it any depth. We see Nene accepting her death, and perhaps that is why AidaIro does not give her more room in the manga: if Nene does not pay attention to her death it is because she does not want to think about it.
byeeeeee 🫶 (I don't know how to say goodbye jakjajaj)
I understand Spanish, haha it's very similar to Portuguese and I had a foreign friend who studied with me at school, she spoke Spanish. I'm just not very good at writing.
Entiendo español, jaja es muy parecido al portugués y tenía una amiga extranjera que estudió conmigo en el colegio, ella hablaba español. Simplemente no soy muy buena escribiendo.
Lo confieso, no fui la mejor estudiante en las clases de español en la escuela, pero aprendí a entender gracias a mi amiga :3
Wow, you saw what a spectacle, I had no expectations about this chapter, I thought it was just about Akane and Tsukasa, but in the end we were treated to it.
Amane finally confessing that he doesn't want Tsukasa to disappear, that he wants to save him, and Tsukasa showing that he still thinks Amane hates him.
"You want to fulfill your wish, what if you don't see me anymore or save me? What's the problem?"
Yes, Nene would apparently be used as a sacrifice, she has the title of Kannagi, so that's what they do with kannagis. The creature asks for a sacrifice to grant a wish, but in this case it will grant any wish if the seal is removed.
Nothing, this is all a bunch of hypocrisy dressed up as "dignity". "You will marry a God, it is an honor"
Pufff, ridiculous, so why didn't the person who said that go instead?
People are selfish, they don't mind sacrificing others for their own sake. It happened to Sumire, when she was hit with a stone. Because she was not sacrificed in time, one of the women's husband lost an arm.
Oh, spare me. Hakubo did a favor when he killed those people.
The Minamoto are just like them.
The good thing about this manga is that karma always comes ¬¬'''
Don't you know how to say goodbye? hahaha you mean in Portuguese?
Write like this: Tchau 👋
It is pronounced: chau
Pero permíteme decir adiós de esta manera, ¡¡adiós!!
Yes, only on Tumblr do I speak three languages at the same timeXDDDDD
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Round 2 - Side A
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Propaganda below ⬇️
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
i genuinely don’t know how she ended up christian. she was raised almost exclusively by her big brother and that bitch *definitely* doesn’t believe in any god. they’re not even in a christian majority country. she spent nine years executing an elaborate time travel (kinda. long story.) scheme to prevent her from being murdered at 12 and still apparently believes in god
I guess Akane’s religion is debatable , she talks about God a few times throughout the series but also acknowledges that God couldn’t be real because she is above it/she has been through so much trauma that she has lost faith in the idea. I personally think she could also be Jewish as some of her theological ideals are a bit closer to that but she makes no mention of Judaism or Jewish law and that is simply a hc
she was described by the creator once as “i tried to write the worst possible female protagonist” and shes everything to me. there is literally no other character like akane kurashiki, NOBODY is doing it quite like her, shes unhinged and i adore her. one time she gaslit her love interest into thinking men get pegged As A Constant by intentionally misunderstanding what he was saying about elevator travel.
women will kill like at least 3 people at most 22 to 6 billion people [depending on your rules] and then turn to god and ask him what he did to look away in disgust at you
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Just me rambling about 999. A bit long so i put under the cut. Just losen thoughts. i was looking at parts of the game again and losing my mind a bit
I was looking again at the part in game where Santa gives the Clover bookmark to Junpei because my brain was trying to connect it with the moment Santa is staring at his sister picture. As in, recollection of something important to him. I was wondering if he had been staring at the Clover bookmark too, remembering the moment when Light had given the clovers 9 years ago, but it wasn't like that. It's super more casual, yet weird given how Santa wants to randomly offer Junpei a clover bookmark and expresses extreme aversion to the number 4.
To me, the clover bookmark still symbolizes the importance Light had in the first Nonary game. He tried to calm down the group of kids and showed his care and love for his sister, who had also been kidnapped. The same was happening with the other kids.
But it also seems to convey grown up Santa communicating with little Akane, through Junpei, you know. As if the clover could spark some kind of epiphany in her and him. The Santa that he may think/feel that wasn't there for her when she needed the most (i think there is so much to explore about this because he is the only sibling who was put on the same place as Akane and the only sibling who almost lost his dear sister. And the one who saves her is her childhood friend. How must he have felt and how much work must he have put to make the second Nonary game plan work).
But it also got me thinking about the number 4 thing and a lot of other stuff. Contrary to the sister photo scene that seems very felt and honest (besides the fact that they are hiding the fact that Akane is there, although it's also tricky since it's a hopeless timeline too), the bookmark scene is full of mystery and weirdness (and i love Santa and Junpei bickering we were robbed from possible future interactions between them in following games, maybe ZTD only although i don't want to think about what might have happened to Aoi in VLR...). Of course i don't think he hates the 4 words related to the Clover, on the contrary i think they are important to him. But they also do represent a very traumatic moment in his life which he has to go through again in this second game, pretending he is absolutely clueless about it. But it also reminded me that at the end of the first Nonary game only 4 kids remained: him, Akane, Light and Nona. I did not think much about other situations related to 4, but this one got me thinking a bit about it. Also, he expresses how he prefers the number 9. There is the he is the number 9 bracelet thing but also 9 is the number that represents the best case, everyone manages to get out alive.
The other thing, and this makes me want to replay the game again, is how interesting is this subversion of expectations here with the way the characters are presented vs what they really are. You have Lotus, computer nerd, Seven who is a detective, etc. In this part in specific there is this interaction between Santa and Junpei where Junpei learns he does stocks which surprises him who does not take Santa as a very smart person and i think it's a neat hint.
Akane and Aoi are so amazingly interesting after learning everything, connecting the dots and rereading these parts makes me wish so much Aoi had a reappearance. Also because Aoi Junpei interactions are so funny. Imagine them interacting after Junpei knows he is his crush's brother. I wonder if it would make sense for him to participate in further games, given how i imagine this being harder for him than it is for Akane (there is this power in her, related to morphogenetic fields (and autism if imma be honest about it) and a sense of duty/need to save the world - the world's worst heroine thing)
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