#Ahoy liveblog
ahoymultiships · 2 months
Therapy: Choking up when talking about how nice a friendship has been
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banannabethchase · 7 months
Judge me all you want but the Jungle Cruise score did NOT need to go as hard as it did, especially in the flashback sequence. Banger of an instrumental kick in the pants.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
new plan for naclyoho: i need these outfits in order to clean. and the gay feather dusters.
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 5 months
Really hoping my cat doesn't jump on my keyboard in the middle of the new Go Rush episode.
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storkmuffin · 6 months
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ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SEETHING AT THIS MISINFORMATION AND SLANDER. Me and mine are the goddamn 'the Natives" and you filthy disease riddled white seafaring dipshits - YOU'RE THE ONES TO INFECT US! YOU'RE THE DISEASE! YOUUUUUU!!!!
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ah0yh0y · 7 months
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I just finished my first playthrough and like. holy shit. I'm still kind of reeling bc even though I think I got a "good ending" main story-wise (destroyed the elder brain and all the tadpoles), the companions' epilogues were not as positive!
I fucked up Gale's story at some point - I was trying to romance him, but I also didn't want him to take the crown for himself, and I think I must have picked an option that backed him up at some point thinking I could convince him later. When we got to the epilogue, we just got in an argument and he stormed off to go claim godhood for himself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My (vague) understanding is that each companion has at least two endings? And I did quicksave during that conversation so I may go back and see what happens if I back him up - probably not the ending I was aiming for, but something different at least. I also never got his act 3 romance scene, but I'm not sure if that's because of this or because I started romancing him too late (I didn't get his act 1 scene at the party either).
*Quick edit since I just went back and loaded up that last save: there wasn't anything I could do in that conversation to change the outcome of Gale leaving. I think I must have started his stuff too late, so I couldn't get all the scenes, plus probably a few bad dialogue choices on the way. It's a shame, I really do like Gale and he has an interesting story, and that’s not the way I was hoping to end it (even if I wasn't romancing him).
I didn't actively do very much of Karlach's story (got her stabilized in act 2 and that was about it), but GOD her epilogue scene made me cry like a baby. Saying goodbye to the sun and the ocean... telling herself she did her best... 😭 I'm still feeling unwell about it.
I don't think I would have done anything different on this playthrough for Astarion (helped him kill Cazador and disrupt the ritual) but I did feel bad when he had to go scrambling away from the sunlight. I'm planning to romance him for an evil playthrough so I might just go full evil and let him complete the ritual then - we'll see.
But overall I really really loved this game! Absolutely one of the biggest, most captivating experiences I've had in a game. I understand why people are upset about the abruptness of the epilogue, but (at least for now) it really didn't bother me. I think if it were much longer, it would have felt like it was dragging, especially when you have a lot of emotional scenes one after the other - I think they erred on the correct side. The story felt so detailed and interwoven and compelling and still managed to be... manageable. Understandable and relatively easy to keep track of, despite being both sprawling and deep. The script and the acting elicited a huge amount of emotional reactions from me all the way through the game - this has taken me about a month, mostly playing a couple hours each evening, and I was still laughing at the dialogue and cringing at my bad rolls and invested in battles almost every time I booted up the game. That was a pretty cool feeling.
It's wild to me that every time I watch other people play this game, they're always finding things that I never found - there's just so. much. game. I expect any subsequent playthroughs will go a good bit faster; eventually I'll probably just watch parts that I'm curious about instead of playing through it over and over with slight changes, but I am curious to do at least one more playthrough with a very different approach to see how different the game becomes. I'm going to be thinking (and posting lol) about this for a while.
Oh! Randomly, I feel like I should mention that I played the whole game on the easiest mode and it was great. This is the first CRPG I've ever played, I have very little experience with turn-based combat or DnD, and I wanted to keep having fun! It was still plenty challenging - there were still a couple times that my whole team died, it's certainly not a story-only mode - but it ended up being perfect for my play style.
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an-honest-puck · 8 months
Prompocalypse (Ep. 16) highlights and viewing notes because I don’t have the time to liveblog while watching but I do have thoughts that I will complete some other time lol
spoilers ahoy!!!
nothing like the power of a teen girl/tiefling's catty sarcasm to completely undermine a villain's monologue (shoutout to the d20 sound crew for the perfect music and timing on that one!!)
Gorgug learns about a new way of disarming people: kissing them
"Stop outing students!"
Lou turning his adding-up-dice-humming into the first notes of 'Amazing Grace' that Zac immediately picks up on and starts swaying along
Brennan's gentle "yeah" when Siobhan admits to having a question that will be bad for the party, but also that she wants to play the game right
even more spoilery spoilers below!
Lou giving Siobhan a thumbs up after the above question
the fact that Goldenrod finds the need to justify to a bunch of teenagers that he's attacking this student because he's just an evil demon and not because said student is gay
Riz yelling "HOMOPHOBE!" at an honest-to-goodness dragon
"To be clear, I am very socially liberal; I am fiscally conservative!" + everyone's reaction to that (shoutout to Zac's very judgemental head tilt XD)
Brennan saying "I am a libertarian!" in Goldenrod's 'teacher' voice and then growling it again straight afterwards, as if Goldenrod just remembered he was a big-ass dragon XD
not Beardsley's "So convenient for you!" lmaoooo
Goldenrod: What? Everyone should be free to do what they want. I should be free to collect gold and destroy, and you should be free to try and run away! This is a cultured political philosophy!
Ally/Kristen: I'm down from hearing that [and not from his actual attack XD]
Brennan: *describing the gnarly metal music Gorgug's listening to*
Zac: *drops his dice*
"Ooh, beignets!"
the little grin on Brennan's face when he rolls the dice and then A WILD JAWBONE APPEARS!!!!!!!!!!
Jawbone hugs!!!!!! 😭
Jawbone: Y'understand me?
Adaine: No!
Jawbone's monologue about panic attacks which is too much to unpack here and is basically a whole post in and of itself
Brennan: *mentions Tracker*
Ally/Kristen: Tracker!
Jawbone: I CAME HERE TO FUCK SHIT UP and help children
"Jawbone rules! I'm so glad we helped get his life together"
Introducing, Jawbone: Not a Healer, but a healer of the mind and the soul uwu
Adaine (but mostly Siobhan lol): I would love to do an arcana check... on this absolute fucking unit
Adaine just double flipping off an honest-to-goodness dragon
Kalvaxus: Aren't you supposed to be some kind of high-falutin' elf?
Adaine: I'm a child. You are attacking a bunch of children, you coward.
Fig: Be careful, Adaine; he has a taste for the young ones
Adaine: I have a mental illness and that's fine!
Kalvaxus: Alright, let's not turn this into a fucking PSA after-school special bullshit
Emily's big brain idea to seal Kalvaxus to be the next lunchlad and promote Gilear to be the new VP
Lou's sick-of-Brennan's-shit "Is it [Kalvaxus's] turn?"
Kalvaxus, an honest-to-goodness dragon and the Emperor of the Red Waste: Teens are so mean!
Kristen, mockingly: "Stop making fun of me!"
Adaine: Yeah well at least we're not ugly!
Adaine's happy bobbing!!!!! :DD
"This medicine is great! :D"
Gorgug's Nat 20 (!!!) to summon GORTHOLAX!!!!!
Penelope, dying: All I wanted to be- was queen :'((
Kristen: We know!!
Beardsley trying to figure out how to flip someone the middle finger when they only have 4 digits
Riz/Murph, despondent that he can't roll anything higher than a ten. Everyone else: "You can!"
"Should've gotten silver fillings, bitch!!"
"Man, when I grow up, I wanna be a guidance counsellor!" - Adaine
Fabian's "a-HA!"
the strangest bit of improv when the tables are turned and Siobhan makes Brennan improv something coming out of her character's Jacket of Useful Things ("I open up my Jacket of Useful Things and I say 'I need something that will beat Kalvaxus' and I put my hand in a pocket and I pull out...?) only for Brennan to pull out the whole goddamn lore for the jacket XD
Ally: Can I roll for a nat 20 and then be alive?
Brennan's famous last words: Uh, sure, go for it.
Ally/Kristen: This is to the corn god. I know I left for a while but-
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[Brennan.exe has stopped functioning]
Brennan: *flabbergasted and now rapidly figuring out how the fuck to figure this out*
Riz/Murph: Praise be to Helio!!!
Fabian/Lou: He-li-o! He-li-o!
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miss-lurker · 9 days
Joy of Life S2 E36 (Finale)
Source: MZTV Exclusive Chinese Drama | YouTube
Last episode for who knows how long. Hopefully, not as long as last time! Liveblogging ahoy...
His apprentices don't agree with him, but they are loyal. Even the Third Prince. He's a good little nugget.
They way the Holy Maiden just quick fixed the One Heaven Manual. lol
Holy Maiden: "How sentimental." lololol
Fan Xian sent a spy before he came. Niiice.
That's some bad CGI on these horse riding scenes.
Which grandmaster is about to show up? A Ye. Uh oh.
Move Shadow! Get out the way! Get out the way Shadow! Get out the way!
Time to see if it's really there. Deng just gave them the hint. Does that look like candy and perfume? If this is the stuff what did they put in the ships?
Is Wang reading from the ledgers?
Daaammmnnn, Fan Xian just executed him on the spot. And another one! Don't kill people or you will be killed. Fan Xian gives no fucks today.
Yeah, what if he doesn't die? What will you do? Hmmmmm.
Mom Ming is good at being ruthless. She said one of them will be sacrificed, but Fan Xian will definitely get them both in the end.
Son Ming is totally ready to throw Mom Ming in the fire. Out of the two of them I'd put the bet on Mom Ming though.
Yes, Shadow, they are insane. lol
Row row row your boat. Off to kill Fan Xian.
Well, I know he's not going to die because we need a season three, but nothing saying he won't get hurt a lot first.
I feel like Grandmaster Ye is showboating a bit much. lol
Can I be a grandmaster? Those are cool powers.
I take the grandmaster was thinking that his mother was smart enough to have fear in her when Fan Xian is not?
Holy crap! He split the whole thing in half.
Wait, did he get it back from the book? Or something the grandmaster did? Me confusuzzled.
See you next season show!
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csthefirst · 9 months
Hey so about 10 years ago (literally give or take a week) I read a funny little visual novel called Umineko no naku koro ni. I have been irreversibly changed for the better and to this day I have never read anything that comes close to being as good as Umineko. Honestly, there's a part of me that believes I never will.
So, after ruminating about that, and noticing how eerily close we were to October 4, Umineko Day itself, I've decided to dive back and read the whole thing from start to finish with all the knowledge I've gained since then (both of the tale, and as a person). I've really enjoyed seeing some other people liveblog their thoughts about it (both for first time readers and re-readers), so I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring for that as well!
I've made a sideblog to throw the posts in (as not to annoy the dozens of followers here, who I'm already on thin ice with), and I'll be tagging all the posts with #umireread to keep them organised that way. Apparently no one has used that tag yet. Very surprising!
I'm a stickler for organisation, so the plan is to give each Chapter their own post, with scattered and formulated thoughts throughout. I'll probably have some end of Episode reflections as well to mark each milestone. Also, obviously, heavy spoilers ahoy. Don't touch that blog if you haven't finished reading it yet. I honestly think your first readthrough of Umineko is one of the most magical things you can do with your life, it'd break my heart to ruin that for anyone.
Anyway back to never posting anything and just reblogging things on main. Overly long analytical posts of my favourite piece of media ever on the side. Zip zap zoom
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ahoymultiships · 1 month
Last Line Tag
(fast and loose) rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
@abedsmessedupmeta tagged me! <3
( and I actually have stuff to post :P )
For non-fiction:
I'm tired of taking decisions and initiative and I want others to also do it, one, because I'm tired, and two, in my weird head, it feels like that's the way they show their love for me, and that I am not a burden to them.
For fiction:
A memory came back to her of Mikey saying, "Carmy came up with the idea, The Bear, and the two of us would run it. Are you impressed yet?" She wasn't then, but she definitely was now.
Tagging folks in my recent activity list
@gingergofastboatsmojito @alucior @polaroidcats @saathi1013
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 3 months
Liveblogging ahoy! Block the Go Rush spoilers tags to avoid!
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hakureiryuu · 11 months
part 1
episode 2, and I just noticed the episode titles that call the flashback b plots minisodes. what's that about?
not-quite-a-liveblog ahoy!
crowley looks so effing weird in this outfit?? maybe it's the glasses, they're so anachronistic, almost steampunk.
I actually thought he was talking about isaac or something here lol
birds flying away after crowley firebombs the goats lmao
saying that eve was the first human birth implies that she is adam's daughter???? which I guess makes about as much sense as a single breeding pair populating the planet, we all know how much inbreeding that would take.
(side note: I remember this Flood adaptation movie that had emma watson in it. noah wanted to kill off all the humans and just let the animals survive. he said while watson was pregnant that if her twin kids were boys, they could live and humans would just die out. but if they were girls who could grow up to be mothers, he would kill them. and I'm like, implying that their father/grandfather/uncles would be the ones impregnating them? nevermind the incest, what about the age gap??? but anyway)
ofc when gabriel claimed to be an expert in human birth I immediately thought of mary, but that hasn't happened yet. I mean it makes sense that this idiot would think eve counts, but couldn't he at least make it to cain??
there's something to be said about this story and elspeth's story connecting virtue with economic status. aziraphale appears to think about that when it's pointed out, but takes entirely the wrong lesson from it, as we see with elspeth later.
"but no one would ever find them- actually that's a great idea" it reads as aziraphale not wanting to deal with gabe's bullshit rather than agreeing with it, as though he hasn't done variations of the same thing for years. I still laughed tho XD
oh hey, "every day" was gonna be the original opening song for the first season! what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
this was the point where I was like "why the hell is crowley just hanging out in that same alleyway all the time? wait a goddamn minute, did shax take his apartment?!"
it's so cute how maggie takes aziraphale's social cluelessness in stride.
the jukebox at the resurrectionist is just like the bently turning cds into queen, what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
trumpets sound, archangels approach.
saraquel miraclling a ramp lmao
gabriel's attempts at flyswatting never work!!!!!!
I'm assuming all those newspaper clipping say "every day" etc? for some reason? someone correct me if I'm wrong, I would really love to know.
also why is he DRAWING gabriel? later he just needed it to show someone, but why not take a picture? I'm sure you have an ancient camera where you have to hide under a blanket lying around somewhere.
shooing motion miracle at the pub, hahaha
I was a good deal sus of this plan to ship nina and maggie when nina already has a partner, but that was before I realized lindsay is a piece of shit. still, it's not like they know that either! ineffable homewreckers, they are.
everyone's talked about how crowley's first thought re: romance is taking shelter from the rain 😊
but my asexual brain is somehow always teetering over the gutter, so when he said "get them wet" I blinked a bit XDD
"you think you know someone..." "she had balls!" "what?"
actually it wasn't a what, it was a well. as in "well that's not relevant to my point" like, sir, did you know this already? in what context??
meanwhile back in job's era they're having a bit of a tense discussion. this is explicitly after the flood so it makes sense that aziraphale absolutely does not believe that crowley wants to kill some kids. I wonder why lying is such a big theme in this episode? I haven't been able to really boil it down yet.
aziraphale's smug grin really breaks the tension though XDD
jemimah is adorable. the others are the product of rich parents.
these two are playing chicken with children's lives, but hey, it's about the trust 😌
"can I be a blue one?" I love her
aziraphale discovering food is so deliberately gross, why this?
so many complicated feelings from both of them about god actually talking to someone.
god's pronouns are she/they, approved.
crowley says see you in hell but the next day when sitis is about to flip god off he says actually let's walk this all back pfffft
"reach into his robes... no, higher."
when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they share a very special hug...
aziraphale stating flat out with no equivocation that gabriel was awful is such a huge step forward for him 😊
(while pausing to write this I noticed that john hamm is credited simply as jim, love that for him)
this is the 2nd time aziraphale has insisted "our" in the face of crowley's "my" I'm sobbing
good omens inside good omens, gomensception
aziraphale really took that "see you in hell" seriously though huh.
the gentle, simple way he says "I don't think you'd like it" hurts me and heals me.
"you're not like me because you're a demon, you're like me because you don't want to toe the party line." y'know lining up their meetings - the wall of eden, the ark, and now this - must paint a very interesting picture of aziraphale for crowley. we always thought that crowley fell for this angel nigh immediately and spent the rest of time orbiting him. now I think aziraphale fell into crowley's orbit, and crowley gradually learned more and more contradictory (and therefore interesting) things about him. like the shelter of the wing, it's all reversed in this season.
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ah0yh0y · 1 year
god god god acutally thought joss and henry were gonna win but OH MY GOD THAT RISK PAID OFFFFFF
what will i do wiht the rest of my life now
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deross-cultist · 1 year
Christmas event liveblogging/random thoughts ahoy:
1. "Find me in the maze" huh... also I like how this party blatantly state that "it's party for nerds!!!!"
2. IM NOT DOING MATH (so im just going to pick the one appeared in Luchino's showroom)
3. SHADOW CHIBI ORPHEUS and then he's not shadowy anymore
4. THIS?????
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MEMO IS LITTLE FLEDGLING (ofc i know that already) BUT STILL seeing it spelled out like that again sjdbfhdhdjdjdjsajdhdhs Also, isn't the host is Luchino, and yet he's quite knowedgeable about "her" past (the fact that it's either very nostalgic or very traumatic isnt helping). Luchino knows about DeRoss lore...
5. Okay now checking each character's dialogue:
a. Little Girl: your doll is as ugly as Luchino //affectionate
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Interesting how the doll isnt Orphy, but the way she describes is definitely him. Plus, im very happy to see more insight on how she views Orphy doll and what does it mean.
b. Orpheus: YOU ARE THE LAST ONE TO GIVE SUCH ADVICE bwahahahahaha
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I love how he's confident about his "instinct" here, in a way, i think he trusts his subconcious forgotten memories and forgotten identities.
c. Melly: it's christmas why you got to say something ominous like this
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My first reaction to this was "aw, cute, she cares", and then i remember she probably sees others as poor little bugs...
((Okay i hit the image limit. And my brain is a bit fried right now. I want to talk about Keigan!!! She's so sad..))
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animebw · 2 years
As you've quasi-stopped doing this, are there any similar blogs you could recommend?
Sadly, I don't know of anyone who was doing quite the same thing as I was. That said, if you don't mind regular old livebloggers, pdaliceliveblogs is fantastic! She's tackled The Owl House, Utena, and Revue Starlight so far.
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