#Agree 100%
uncertain if this is unpopular or not, but i feel like peter gets hated on too much in the fandom 💀 like i get it, i don’t like bill murray as a person that much either, but i really like peter as a character. sure he’s established as the token asshole in the first movie, but we see him go through some genuine growth in the second and by the later films he’s still funny but way more subdued. i get that he’s not conventionally likable like the other boys, but i still like him a lot and HATE how much he gets left out. more peter venkman appreciation goddammit. he’s great, y’all are just mean.
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nxvermore · 1 year
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msexplorer · 2 years
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A MESSAGE FOR MEN... I get a lot of random messages on here from strange men asking what turns me on. So, I thought I might just put it out there because I think I speak for a lot of women on this and I’m here to help. Do you want to know what turns me on? What makes me burn for you? What makes us breathless? What awakens every passionate instinct and unwraps every layer of fiery feminine sensuality? Go to freaking therapy. Do your inner work. Heal yourself. Lead yourself. Be brave enough to get uncomfortable for the sake of wholeness and depth. Be willing to build your emotional muscle so your arms are strong enough to hold the fire of an awakened woman. Be open enough to lean into a level of depth you’ve never experienced. Talk. Be humble enough to admit that you don’t know everything. Go deep. Get real. Stop hiding behind surface-level sex. Evolve. Confront what you need to confront so you can move forward without the shadow of your past. Stop thinking that vulnerability is weakness. It takes a GIANT of a wild man to get vulnerable and it’s HOT. Stop running from magic when it’s exactly what you need. Stop telling yourself she’s too much when the reality is you’re just afraid to be enough. Lead yourself so you can lead ME. Believe that you can handle it. Act accordingly. Be the safe space. The strong ground. The calm for her storm. Do this and you’ll find your Goddess. Do this and you’ll be taken to a place of wholeness and ecstasy you didn’t know existed and likely wouldn’t have found on your own. Do this… and you’ll be home.~ P.S. Girls - do the same or stop complaining. 😉 ~Gina Caruso Hussar
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thesungod · 4 months
Nico would be enraged but it's Eros and Psyche. He's Eros (dark, powerful, 'mysterious' outsider among his own kind, feared and viewed as a monster, sees himself as in some way not being able to love the way others do, loves someone who on the surface is unattainable to him, comes from a different world they fear would hurt his beloved, tumultuous relationship with godly parent who claims to care but clearly does things that violate their child's happiness). Will is Psyche (well-liked and passionate, ideal of beauty- given that Will is a mini-Apollo and Apollo is the ideal man-, driven, doesn't view their SO as a monster and loves them as their whole self, not a warrior, gets by without any weapons and with kindness and determination, willingly puts themself through hell/travels to the Underworld for love, constantly on the verge of a stress-induced breakdown, would absolutely kill someone for their beloved despite their usual calm demeanor). I'm sure there are more. Sorry Nico but you're the one who invoked the Plato Soulmate Myth which also states that love is simply the name for the soul's pursuit of completion. AKA Eros and Psyche.
(about this)
oh anon you ate this up
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d3epfriedangels · 2 years
and when the jedi go to hoth it's jedice ice baby
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accidentalharrie · 2 years
This is all pathetic. It shouldn't even be our business tbh. Idk if Jason has anything to do with this but if so he needs fucking help, it's been 2 years. If it's just the nanny, then that's equally pathetic in a different way. This pile on lately seems suspiciously calculated though.
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pers-books · 2 years
There is no such thing as the pursuit of happiness, but there is the discovery of joy.
- Joyce Grenfell OBE (1910 – 1979), English diseuse*, singer, actress and writer.
*a female artiste who entertains with spoken monologues.
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lastoneout · 11 months
the whole guilt-tripping language in posts about important topics paired with how I'm still getting bitches in my notes talking about why it's actually good to tell "bad" people to kill themselves continues to prove to me that a lot of people have absolutely no concept of social justice or activism outside of assuming the worst of and then viciously attacking strangers on the internet
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So true if my mom had hobbies and friends she wouldntve spent my entire childhood and teenhood yelling at me over tiny pointless details that create eds and looks obsession (partially to prove her worth as a housewife too) so much of mental illness that is higher in girls I think comes from moms trying to stay busy in that role but it lends itself to nothing greater or actually useful to life
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starberry-fag · 2 years
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i also post for for alexis anglerfish, delano dorado fish, gracie grouper fish, and lois lionfish.
y'all take care of urselves, stay weird and stay kind, goodnight everypony.
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luthienne · 1 year
anyway literally everyone is going through something all the time!!! everyone is wounded!!! everyone is human & no one makes it out of this life unscathed!! maybe try approaching people in good faith instead of always defaulting to the worst possible interpretations of each other
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 1: Dread on Arrival
(Part 2)
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msexplorer · 2 years
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esora247 · 6 months
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silly and very messy doodle of these guys having a sleepover while I try to battle through chronic artblock :3 (they're gossiping about their crushes)
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metukika · 8 months
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something something repressed desires
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19thcenturyfuck · 5 months
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apparently "what if they had reddit on gallifrey" memes really resonated with people last time so here is some more
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