sonicravenx · 6 months
"Aequus: Pokémon Rainbow & Shadow" OFFICIAL Character Artwork!!!
Designs for Characters featured in "Aequus: Pokémon Rainbow & Shadow", and other affiliated works!
Below will be an ever edited document of all Official Pokémon in the order of the Pokédex!!!
Link to Story - https://archiveofourown.org/works/19466602/chapters/46336315
Yuuyin Yuumen (Yuu) - "From Pokemon Assistant to Pokemon Master!"
1st Outfit
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2nd Outfit
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Professor Oscar Pine - "Professor specializing in Pokémon Domestification"
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Yuu's Mom (Yuufuu Yuumen) - "Self-proclaimed 'wealthiest woman in all of Huoli'"
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Genn Hong - "Pokémon Ranger turned Pokémon Trainer!"
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Jyajy Myu Myu - "The Fashion Monster"
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Guway - "The Yishu City Gym Leader"
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Chongyun - "Number 'V' of Supervoid"
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Vekros Grunts - "Injecting Pokémon, and terrorizing the region"
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Chao Gaming - "Dragon-Spirited, and devoted to his Partner Pokémon"
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askafterlife · 1 year
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Here are the last two banners missing! I still want to have them in large format to display on my walls, but I’ll have to go for bookmarks for now 👀 ✨Previous banners ✨Patreon 💙Discord Edit: I made a new banner for Pride because it's story related. Both are real and cannon but the blue new one is the one currently used
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kyoruchi · 7 months
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I'm reading "Aequus: Nature" by ItspronuncedJulia and I'm in love with Katara's dominant Nature •\\•
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apod · 3 months
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2024 March 19
A Picturesque Equinox Sunset Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Dyer, Amazingsky.com, TWAN
Explanation: What's that at the end of the road? The Sun. Many towns have roads that run east-west, and on two days each year, the Sun rises and sets right down the middle. Today, in some parts of the world (tomorrow in others), is one of those days: an equinox. Not only is this a day of equal night ("aequus"-"nox") and day time, but also a day when the sun rises precisely to the east and sets due west. Displayed here is a picturesque rural road in Alberta, Canada that runs approximately east-west. The featured image was taken during the September Equinox of 2021, but the geometry remains the same every year. In many cultures, this March equinox is taken to be the first day of a season, typically spring in Earth's northern hemisphere, and autumn in the south. Does your favorite street run east-west? Tonight, at sunset, you can find out with a quick glance.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240319.html
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just--space · 2 years
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A Picturesque Equinox Sunset : What's that at the end of the road? The Sun. Many towns have roads that run east - west, and on two days each year, the Sun rises and sets right down the middle. Today is one of those days: an equinox. Not only is today a day of equal night ("aequus"-"nox") and day time, but also a day when the sun rises precisely to the east and sets due west. Featured here is a picturesque road in northwest Illinois, USA that runs approximately east -west. The image was taken during the March Equinox of 2015, and shows the Sun down the road at sunset. In many cultures, this March equinox is taken to be the first day of a season, typically spring in Earth's northern hemisphere, and autumn in the south. Does your favorite street run east - west? Tonight, at sunset, you can find out with a quick glance. via NASA
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Autumnal Equinox
Leaves are starting to turn, the air will get a little chilly, you know what time it is: Sweater weather the Fall Equinox! This year in the Northern Hemisphere, the equinox lands on September 23rd.
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What is the Fall Equinox?
One of two yearly equinoxes, when the day is equal to night. The Earth’s axis won’t tilt away from or towards the sun, as the sun is exactly above the equator. In the context of astronomical seasons, this equinox officially marks the beginning of fall.
In the Northern Hemisphere, we celebrate the equinox either on September 22nd or 23rd. In the Southern Hemisphere, this equinox is celebrated on March 20th or 21st.
During this time, the Southern Hemisphere will be celebrating their Vernal Equinox!
Equinox vs Solstice
What’s the difference between an equinox and a solstice? The equinox occurs twice a year and during this time the night and day are equal; the solstice also occurs twice a year but rather than night and day being equal, the day is shorter on the winter solstice and longer on the summer solstice. Here’s a simple way to help you remember:
Equinox is made up of the Latin “aequus,” meaning equal, and “nox,” meaning night, since the daytime and nighttime are equal during the equinox; Solstice comes from the Latin “solstitium,” which means “stopped sun.”
History and Holidays
The full moon nearest to this equinox is referred to as the “Harvest Moon”, referencing the extra time given to the farmers to gather their crops in the light of the full moon before the frosts start. For full moon meanings, check out my Full Moon Meanings post!
Perhaps one of the most popular stories, in ancient Greece the people believed the fall equinox to be the return of the goddess Persephone to the underworld where she remains until the spring equinox.
In Mexico, a large pyramid called Chichen Itza was built by the Mayans. On the equinoxes, the sun perfectly hits the pyramid to create an effect that looks like a snake slithering down the steps.
In Peru there is a stone monument called Intihuatana that serves as a solar clock, marking the dates of the equinoxes and solstices.
This equinox marks the first day of Mehr or Libra in the Iranian calendar. This day marks the festival of Mihragan, an Iranian and Zoroastrian holiday that celebrates the Yazata Mithra.
In China, many celebrate Zhōngqiū Jié (Simplified: 中秋节; Traditional: 中秋節), also known as the Mooncake festival or Moon festival, is held to celebrate and honor the moon. Held on the 15th day of the 8th month in the Chinese Lunisolar calendar, the day that the festival is held can range from mid-September to Early October in the Gregorian calendar. This holiday is also observed by folks in Vietnam and Taiwan.
Japan has Shūbun no Hi (秋分の日; "Autumn Equinox Day") which is a public holiday celebrated on the 22nd or 23rd of September. This holiday was repackaged as a secular holiday but originally this day was Shūki kōreisai (秋季皇霊祭), a Shinto holiday. Moon-viewing festivals are held on this day called Tsukimi (月見) or Otsukimi (お月見), and Jugoya (十五夜) in honor of the autumn moon.
Japan also has Higan (彼岸, "Distant Shore") observed by Japanese Buddhists and is held not only on the fall equinox but on the spring equinox as well. During this holiday Buddhists will return to their hometowns and pay respects to their ancestors.
In South Korea Chuseok (추석), meaning “autumn evening” is a three-day mid-autumn festival celebrated near the autumnal equinox. This is seen as one of the most important festivals of the year.
Dożynki, a Slavic harvest festival, was traditionally held on or near the autumnal equinox but is celebrated in the modern day on the Sunday after the harvest season.
While it is possible that Celtic cultures celebrated or observed the autumnal equinox, there has yet to be a historical name found for it. If the Celts did celebrate this astronomical event, they likely wouldn’t have named it “Mabon”. I have not been able to find any article about the Celts possibly celebrating the fall equinox that has genuinely historical resources. Please send me your resources if you have them!
This is not a complete list of holidays on or surrounding the equinox, just a few that I have found! Please feel free to add more in a reblog or comment! <3
It's important to note that most of these are not considered witchy or pagan holidays. Witches and Pagans can and do celebrate these if they are a part of the culture, religion, or belief systems involved. We should only label these holidays as they are labeled in their respective religions and culture.
The Equinox in Modern Witchcraft
So, how about the modern witches who want to celebrate?
As we welcome Autumn, cultivate the energy of the season: Summer is coming to an end, things are starting to change, crops are being harvested, and leaves are turning many shades of warm colors despite the weather growing colder.
Equinoxes balance day and night, where in your life do you need more balance? How can you obtain this balance?
Reaping what you sowed; Allow yourself a time of relaxation as the seasons begin to change. Working hard non-stop and never taking the time to chill out will cause burnout like no other. Reap the rewards of your hard work!
Generally, deities to do with Autumn or Harvest deities, including but not limited to: Mabon or Maponus, Persephone, The Morrigan, The Dagda, Lugh, Osiris, Vertumnus, Modron, Eurus, Demeter, Dionysus, Adonis, etc.
Tiger’s eye
Go berry or apple picking.
Create a simmer pot with the corresponding herbs.
Go camping and appreciate the nature around you changing.
Have a bonfire with friends and family (maybe burn things but do so safely)
Create a feast for either your family and friends or just yourself!
Do a bit of a Summer’s End Cleanse—for real, clean your house physically and metaphysically.
If you work with any deities or spirits, set out offerings for them.
Clean and rearrange any altars you may have out.
This is not an authoritative list, these are just some correspondences and activities that you could use or participate in this holiday. Celebrate however you'd like!
References and Further Reading
Autumnal Equinox - Britannica
Fall Equinox - History.com
Fall Equinox - Farmer’s Almanac
September Equinox - Wikipedia
many other links sprinkled throughout the post
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ton-618-ton-618 · 3 months
2024 March 19
The sun sets in the distance at the horizon end of a long road over open country. The sunset is very orange, as is the surrounding sky. Telephone poles line the right side of the road.
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A Picturesque Equinox Sunset
Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Dyer, Amazingsky.com, TWAN
Explanation: What's that at the end of the road? The Sun. Many towns have roads that run east-west, and on two days each year, the Sun rises and sets right down the middle. Today, in some parts of the world (tomorrow in others), is one of those days: an equinox. Not only is this a day of equal night ("aequus"-"nox") and day time, but also a day when the sun rises precisely to the east and sets due west. Displayed here is a picturesque rural road in Alberta, Canada that runs approximately east-west. The featured image was taken during the September Equinox of 2021, but the geometry remains the same every year. In many cultures, this March equinox is taken to be the first day of a season, typically spring in Earth's northern hemisphere, and autumn in the south. Does your favorite street run east-west? Tonight, at sunset, you can find out with a quick glance.
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Happy Spring Equinox!
"Solstices and equinoxes mark the four movements in a celestial score. The older I get, the more I aspire to tap into the symphonic song of nature. To harmonize with the flow of seasons, the cycles in our landscapes, and the larger universe.
Spring or vernal equinox signals the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, marking the passage of the Sun across the celestial equator, as it travels from south to north. At the equinox (from the Latin aequus, “equal,” and nox, “night” - generally on the 20th or 21st of March), Earth’s northern and southern hemispheres are receiving the Sun’s rays equally, and night and day are nearly equal in length. In fact, the spring equinox ushers in a long-awaited gardening season. For me, it means pruning orchard trees and roses, building wattle from the spoils, and listening to spring peepers sing out from vernal pools in the night. It’s watching rhubarb and spring bulbs push up through the leaf litter (don’t jump the gun and remove this vital protection too early!). Using the first cool, sunny days to work up a sweat, repairing walls and filling garden beds with the compost that winter turned to soil. Planting the heartiest of cold-weather crops—mache, arugula, spinach, borage, calendula, kale, collards, cabbage, parsnip, turnip, radish—to ensure a delicious spring follows. Making teas and salads from the first perennials and self-sowing greens. Using the growing hours of sun and heat to follow the season and plant more tender annuals when they will succeed. This equinox also means vestiges of the ancient rites of spring, rebirth, and renewal celebrating the goddess Eostre, Passover, and Easter—holidays traditions that make good use of the abundance of early spring herbs, eggs, and dairy.
Living in tune with the seasons helps bring variety and flow to life. It helps me to observe and celebrate the subtle changes around me, and join in celebrations observed since ancient times. Most importantly, as a gardener, this Equinox reminds me that every Spring offers an opportunity to start anew"
Happy Vernal Equinox friends! The Heirloom Gardener - John Forti
*Artist Samantha Symonds
Excerpt drawn from the essay on seasonality in my book https://www.amazon.com/Heirloom-Gardener-Traditional-Plants-Skills/dp/1604699930/ref=asc_df_1604699930/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475855876966&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=425320486515164354&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002501&hvtargid=pla-1063945602629&psc=1#springequinox
#springequinox2024 #heirloomgardener #vernalequinox
The Heirloom Gardener John Forti
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El Equinoccio de Otoño es un suceso astronómico que representa el cambio de estaciones durante el año: el 23 de septiembre en el Hemisferio Norte y el 20 de marzo en el Hemisferio Sur, marcando el inicio del otoño.
La palabra equinoccio proviene del latín aequinoctium (aequus nocte) cuyo significado es "igual noche", haciendo referencia a la misma duración del día y la noche, que tienen lugar en los equinoccios de primavera y otoño.
¿Cuando es el Equinoccio de Otoño?
Un equinoccio es un evento astronómico que se genera cuando el sol se ubica directamente sobre el ecuador del planeta, con una misma duración de los días y las noches. Esto es debido a que el ecuador de la Tierra se alinea con el Sol, de manera que la luz solar se distribuye de manera uniforme sobre ambos hemisferios.
El Equinoccio de Otoño ocurre anualmente entre el 22 y 23 de septiembre en el Hemisferio Norte (equinoccio otoñal), mientras que en el Hemisferio Sur se lleva a cabo entre el 20 y el 21 de marzo.
La órbita del planeta dura 365 días gira con una inclinación de 23,5 grados, en donde los hemisferios norte y sur se encuentran más cerca o más lejos de los rayos solares, ocasionando la misma cantidad de luz y oscuridad en un día, durante dos veces al año.
¿Cómo se celebra el Equinoccio de Otoño en el Hemisferio Norte?
La celebración del Equinoccio de Otoño representa el inicio de las festividades de la cosecha y de acción de gracias en varios países y culturas, por los frutos recogidos y las bendiciones recibidas durante el año, entre otros significados.
Te contamos algunas tradiciones sobre cómo se festeja este fenómeno astronómico en el Hemisferio Norte:
Ohigan (Japón):
En Japón los equinoccios representan el inicio de la temporada de Ohigan u O-Higan, una celebración budista en la cual los japoneses honran a sus antepasados, visitando sus tumbas y realizando ofrendas.
Existe la férrea creencia por parte de los japoneses que los difuntos descansan, cuando el sol se pone directamente sobre el oeste.
La serpiente emplumada de Chichén Itzá (México):
En México, durante la ocurrencia del equinoccio la luz solar que se refleja sobre la pirámide maya de Kukulcán (ubicada en Chichén Itzá, México) reproduce una sombra que genera un efecto óptico con forma de serpiente emplumada, que desciende por las escaleras del templo.
Se estima que este fenómeno era interpretado por los mayas como el descenso del dios serpiente Kukulkán, que determinaba el inicio y el fin de la temporada agrícola.
Los visitantes que asisten a este complejo arqueológico se visten con ropa de color blanco, para atraer las buenas energías y realizan algunos rituales de purificación.
Haleg-Montah o Mabon (Reino Unido):
De acuerdo a la cultura celta, el inicio del otoño se celebra con la festividad conocida como Haleg-Montah, que significa "mes sagrado".
Este evento es popularmente conocido como Mabon, en honor a un personaje de la mitología galesa.
Actualmente esta festividad es conocida como "Tiempo de Cosecha", "Día del Banquete" o "Día de Acción de Gracias", cuya finalidad es la de agradecer por los frutos obtenidos de la tierra y la importancia de compartirlos, para así obtener bendiciones de los dioses durante los meses invernales.
Equinoccio en el Río Neris (Lituania):
En la capital de Lituania (Vilna) se celebra anualmente el equinoccio de otoño, a orillas del río Neris.
Los asistentes acuden a la quema de esculturas construidas con laja, encendiendo velas para dar la más cordial bienvenida al otoño.
Esta festividad judía tiene su origen en la Biblia, la cual es conocida como la "Fiesta de las Cabañas" o de "Los Tabernáculos".
Se celebra la importancia de las cosechas, rememorando las vicisitudes de Israel después de su travesía por el desierto.
Festival del Medio Otoño o Festival de la Luna (China y Vietnam):
Es un evento que festeja la abundancia de la cosecha obtenida durante el verano.
En China se realizan reuniones familiares para cenar y saborear dulces típicos denominados pastel de luna.
Vietnam acostumbra a celebrar este festival con los niños como protagonistas, usando máscaras de diversos motivos, así como linternas con forma de pez carpa.
Monumento de Stonehenge (Reino Unido):
Son un grupo de monumentos monolíticos ubicados en el Condado de Wiltshire (Inglaterra), alineados en forma circular para marcar el paso anual del sol.
Fueron declarados por la Unesco como Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
Anualmente atrae a millones de visitantes de todo el mundo.
Templos megalíticos de Malta:
Son un conjunto de templos de piedra ubicados entre Gozo y Malta.
Son considerados los templos más antiguos que se conservan en el mundo, con una data de más de 5.000 años de antigüedad.
Han sido declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
Las cámaras semicirculares de los templos de Hagar Qim y Mnajdra están alineadas, de modo tal que el sol se enmarca entre las piedras durante el equinoccio.
¿Cómo se festeja el Equinoccio de Otoño en el Hemisferio Sur?
En el Hemisferio Sur la celebración del Equinoccio de Otoño cuenta con diversas tradiciones. Mencionamos a continuación algunas de ellas:
Actividades Culturales (Chile):
Durante la época de otoño se llevan a cabo actividades organizadas por el Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, para divulgar el arte y el quehacer cultural de este país.
El acceso al público a los museos del país es gratuito durante el primer domingo del mes de abril.
Festival del Medio Otoño (Buenos Aires, Argentina):
Este evento, conocido como el Festival de la Luna, se celebra en el barrio chino, con la finalidad de divulgar las costumbres chinas a la población argentina.
Se realizan los actos típicos conocidos como el baile Dragón y León, así como exhibiciones de artes marciales y música china durante los días cercanos al Equinoccio de Otoño.
Otros países
En algunos países latinoamericanos el Equinoccio de Otoño representa el inicio de la época de cosecha.
Existe la tradición de confeccionar un muñeco, conocido como espantapájaros, que simboliza la llegada del otoño. Son utilizados para alejar a los pájaros de los cultivos vegetales.
En varios países de Sur América, como Argentina, Bolivia y Perú, se encuentran lugares icónicos como los Caminos del Inca, ideales para visitar en la época de otoño.
Algunos rituales para celebrar el Equinoccio de Otoño
El Equinoccio de Otoño es un evento de suma relevancia en varias culturas y tradiciones, las cuales son reafirmadas mediante la celebración de rituales, para agradecer los deseos cumplidos y las metas alcanzadas durante el verano. A continuación recomendamos algunos rituales para celebrar este evento:
Ritual con flores:
Recoge flores y déjalas reposando en un recipiente con agua durante la noche a la intemperie, con un poco de azúcar.
Al día siguiente puedes darte un baño, para atraer la abundancia, activando la armonía y el balance personal y del planeta.
Sal a caminar a un parque o algún espacio abierto con vegetación o cerca de la naturaleza, con una respiración relajada.
Puedes recopilar flores, hojas, frutos o piedras. Colócalas en un sitio especial en tu hogar, simbolizando una ofrenda en agradecimiento a la naturaleza.
¿Sabías que? Algunas curiosidades acerca del Equinoccio de Otoño
El Equinoccio de Otoño representa una época de cambio y transición entre las estaciones del año. Mostramos algunas curiosidades y datos de interés acerca de este fenómeno astronómico:
Según la mitología griega, el equinoccio de otoño simboliza el regreso de la diosa Perséfone al inframundo durante tres meses, para reencontrarse con Hades.
En la época de otoño algunas especies de árboles cambian sus hojas de color. Son conocidos como "árboles de hoja caduca", debido a que pierden su follaje durante el invierno y el cambio de color representa la próxima pérdida de follaje.
Un estudio efectuado por el Journal of Aging Research, señala que los bebés nacidos durante la época de otoño tienen una esperanza de vida de 100 años.
En el equinoccio los hemisferios Norte y Sur están a la misma distancia del sol, en donde una mitad de la Tierra está iluminada.
Durante esta estación del año varios tipos de plantas son afectadas por los cambios de temperatura y humedad, generando la época de la cosecha.
Comparte información útil e interesante en las redes sociales acerca del Equinoccio de Otoño, utilizando los hashtags #EquinoccioDeOtoño #otoño.
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smp-archive · 2 days
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Three Ton Gate's old website (www.threetongate.org) accessed via the Wayback Machine.
Honor by Three Ton Gate plays on the home page (only partially shown here due to the now-missing images included in it), while an ominous sound bit plays when the cursor is moved across the Ouija board menu.
Site design by Aequus Interactive.
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itspronouncedjulia · 9 months
Aequus: The Birth of Avatar Katara - Part One: Water
Chapter 15: Healing Hands
“So, you’ve never told us your name.” Katara began as she tilted her head up and glanced over the older woman’s shoulders.
“No, I suppose I haven’t.” The older woman hummed softly, turning to give her a kind smile, though Katara noted there was an almost playful twinkle in her dull amber eyes. Katara wanted to smile back but she found herself guarded, still doubtful as to why this woman had helped them. 
She claimed to be a criminal. “A good criminal…” Katara recalled as she crossed her arms over her chest. The woman’s smile grew as she turned back to Sokka and began to gently apply the ointment to his arm. 
Once she was finished she carefully wrapped his arm with clean bandages. No one said anything as she repeated the process on the other arm. 
“There you go, that should do you for the time being.” She said softly before pushing herself up to her feet.
“So, is this some kind of trap?” Sokka demanded, causing Katara and Niyok to cringe. “...Thanks for patching me up by the way.”
Check out the full chapter on AO3!
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sonicravenx · 6 months
"Aequus: Pokémon Rainbow & Shadow" OFFICIAL Pokemon Artwork!!!
Designs for Pokémon featured in "Aequus: Pokémon Rainbow & Shadow", and other affiliated works!
Below will be an ever edited document of all Official Pokémon in the order of the Pokédex!!!
#001 - Kuasho
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#004 -Huow Huow
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#007 - Elemata
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#010 - Haricus
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#012 - Lemaki
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#014 - Luckrane
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#015 - Grufuzi
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#016 - Shufanchu
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#017 - Halyodor
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#018 - Halystungent
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#019 - Tiaomogu
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#020 - Lingliu
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#084 - Grimevish
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#096 - Rhomic
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rfo-ona · 9 months
Равенство и справедливость: в чём разница?
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Этот материал был опубликован на сайте Международного женского дня к 8 марта. Перевод выполнила наша участница Кристина Булат.
В английском языке слова «равенство» (equality) и «справедливость» (equity) часто используются как взаимозаменяемые. Этимологически их корнем является слово aequus, означающее «ровный», «справедливый», «равный», — это привело к тому, что слово «справедливость» произошло от латинского aequitas, а «равенство» — от aequalitas. Однако несмотря на это сходство, равенство и справедливость по своей сути являются разными понятиями, и тема кампании Международного женского дня 2023 #ЗаСправедливость (#EmbraceEquity) призвана помочь сформировать общемировой разговор об этой важной проблеме и её влиянии.
В чём же разница между равенством и справедливостью? Почему это важно понимать, признавать и не обесце��ивать? Тема Международного женского дня 2023 #ЗаСправедливость призывает мир говорить о том, почему равных возможностей больше недостаточно — они могут быть скорее исключающими, чем инклюзивными.
Определение равенства и справедливости
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Начнём с основного определения каждого слова.
Равенство означает, что каждому человеку или группе людей предоставляются одинаковые ресурсы или возможности.
Справедливость же принимает во внимание тот факт, что у людей бывают разные обстоятельства, и выделяет каждой/му ровно столько ресурсов и возможностей, сколько необходимо для достижения равного результата.
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Давайте послушаем бельгийскую специалистку по инклюзивности и основательницу Kazuri Consulting Тамару Макони, которая хорошо объясняет разницу между равенством и справедливостью и то, почему это действительно важно для кампании #ЗаСправедливость.
«Представьте, что вы нянчитесь с двумя детьми, а они проголодались. Вы подходите к вазе с фруктами и берёте два яблока, но в последний момент вспоминаете, что у одного из детей аллергия на яблоки. Тогда вы берёте яблоко и банан — и таким образом достигаете справедливости», — объясняет она. «Вы по-прежнему даёте по одному фрукту каждому ребёнку и позволяете полноценно утолить голод, соблюдая при этом справедливость. Если бы вы взяли два яблока, ребёнок с аллергией всё равно бы поел, однако это плохо сказалось бы на его здоровье. Учитывать особенности значит быть справедливым», — говорит Тамара. — «Вы даёте каждому ребенку по фрукту, но вы также даёте им то, что соответствует их индивидуальным потребностям и напрямую влияет на их благополучие».
Определение разницы между равенством и справедливостью
Справедливость можно определить как предоставление каждой/му того, что нужно ей/ему для достижения благополучия. Другими словами, это не значит предоставлять всем одно и то же. Если мы даём всем одно и то же, ожидая, что это сделает людей равными, предполагается, что у всех были одинаковые стартовые возможности — а это может быть в значительной степени неверно, ведь всё индивидуально.
Концепция справедливости (fairness) только осложняется распространённым заблуждением о том, что все должны получать одно и то же. Нас постоянно учили этому в детстве, но ведь на самом деле такая «справедливость» работает только тогда, когда мы все изначально одинаковы.
Примеры из истории
Ранние примеры справедливости можно найти в средневековой Англии, когда английские суды разрешали споры в соответствии с общим правом. Тогда правосудие было простым и однообразным — и отсюда не всегда справедливым. Например, если два человека совершают кражу, но украденные вещи имеют разную стоимость, должны ли они понести одинаковое наказание? С той поры в судах был внедрён принцип справедливости, закрепляющий индивидуальный подход к рассмотрению различных обстоятельств.
Равенство и справедливость как политические принципы
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Авторство иллюстрации: Angus Maguire
С политической точки зрения, равенство является одной из основ демократии. Равенство — это убеждение, что все люди должны иметь равные возможности для счастливой жизни. Справедливость же — идеал, при котором успех достигается за счёт личных усилий, а не социального статуса.
Именно поэтому текущий разговор ставит вопросы о том, достаточно ли одного равенства и не следует ли вместо этого рассматривать справедливость как лучший принцип для прогресса общества. Справедливость признаёт, что мы не находимся в одних и тех же условиях и что обстоятельства могут затруднить достижение разными людьми одинаковых целей.
Неравенство затрагивает многих, но исторически от него чаще всего страдали маргинализированные сообщества: женщины; небелые; люди с инвалидностями; лица, находящиеся в неблагоприятном экономическом положении; ��редставители/ницы ЛГБТК+сообщества. Цель справедливости состоит в том, чтобы изменить системные и структурные барьеры, которые мешают людям достигать успеха.
Решения, основанные на справедливости, вместо решений, основанных на равенстве
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Равенство: каждая/ый получает одно и то же — вне зависимости от потребностей или пригодности для конкретного человека. Справедливость: каждая/ый получает то, что ей/ему нужно — с учётом всех препятствий, обстоятельств и условий.
Люди, которые настаивают на решении социальных вопросов на основе равенства, могут поддерживать беспристрастность и верить в то, что ни для кого не должно быть различий в обслуживании и политике. Однако только решения, основанные на справедливости, учитывают разнообразный жизненный опыт отдельных лиц и сообществ, адаптируя услуги и политику в соответствии с этими различиями. Справедливость — это долгосрочное и устойчивое решение, а также процесс устранения несбалансированности социальных систем.
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Применение принципа справедливости для улучшения положения женщин
Равенство направлено на предоставление мужчинам и женщинам равных возможностей, например права голоса. Тем не менее женщинам часто требуется нечто большее, чем равные условия: они должны принадлежать к глобальной культуре, которая активно продвигала и поддерживала бы их во всех аспектах жизни, от образования до работы и здоровья.
Гендер интерсекционален, и женщины как группа действительно неоднородны. Политика, которая приносит пользу белым женщинам, может не приносить пользу женщинам с другим цветом кожи — из-за исторического или современного неравенства. Для значимого прогресса необходим переход от гендерного равенства к процессу гендерной справедливости.
Стремление к истинной инклюзивности
Специалистка по вопросам лидерства и инклюзивности и бывшая адвокатесса по уголовным делам Шэрон Амесу поясняет: «Когда мы говорим об обеспечении справедливости, нужно уметь отличать её от равенства. Оба понятия важны, но они очень разные. И нам необходимо знать эту разницу».
Давайте послушаем ещё о различиях между равенством и справедливостью. Рассказывает Кэмми Уоткинс в рамках серии «Разговоры для осуществления изменений» от проекта «Инклюзивные сообщества».
Во всём мире ведутся осмысленные разговоры о том, почему равных возможностей недостаточно и почему они не всегда справедливы. Люди живут в разных условиях, поэтому истинные инклюзивность и сплочённость требуют справедливых решений. Если мы и правда верим в справедливость, ценим и культивируем её, у женщин больше шансов получить доступ к тому, что им необходимо для достижения успеха. Так что в Международный женский день участвуйте в этих важных беседах. Повышайте осведомлённость об этой проблеме. Помогайте добиваться положительных изменений для женщин.
Если вы действительно верите в создание равноправного и инклюзивного мира, то вы должны искренне верить в необходимость того, чтобы мир лучше понимал разницу между равенством и справедливостью. Поставьте перед собой задачу рассказать друзьям, семье, коллегам и обществу о необходимости справедливости. Вот топ-10 видео для ознакомления и распространения. Давайте выступать #ЗаСправедливость вместе!
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«Равенство предоставляет всем туфли. Справедливость предоставляет всем туфли, которые подходят по размеру».
Первоисточник на английском
Авторство фото на обложке: freepik
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aequus12 · 8 months
Choose the Best Ocean Freight Company | Aequus Worldwide Logistics
Choose Aequus Worldwide Logistics, Inc. for your ocean freight needs in Houston. With their expertise and dedication, they are one of the top ocean freight companies. Trust them to handle your shipments efficiently and seamlessly, ensuring timely delivery and peace of mind. Contact us at (630) 478-3673.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Vernal/Spring Equinox
The March Equinox is an annual celebration that occurs on March 20. In the Northern Hemisphere, the March Equinox is referred to as the vernal equinox. It marks the start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere. It marks the Sun’s crossing above the Earth’s equator, moving from south to north. Like all equinoxes, the March equinox is distinctive in that it has almost exactly the equal amount of daylight and nights across many latitudes of Earth.
History of March Equinox
Wherever you may be on Earth, the equinox brings us several seasonal effects which have been noticeable to nature lovers around the globe for years. The word ‘equinox’ originates from two Latin words: ‘aequus’ meaning equal and ‘nox’ meaning night. The literal meaning is ‘equal night.’ Our ancestors, who had far less precise timekeeping than we do, believed that night and day were equal. But today we know this is not true.
People have been celebrating the March Equinox for centuries and since it is associated with spring the festivals tend to celebrate fertility and agriculture. The Romans used this day to celebrate their goddess Cybele who has driven around in a chariot drawn by lions. Ancient Persia in roughly 550 B.C., celebrated the vernal equinox as Nowruz, their New Year. Modern Iranians still celebrate this time as their New Year. During the era of the Shang Dynasty, which ruled China from 1600 to 1046 B.C., it was believed that the spring equinox marked a mythic beginning, a type of ‘start of their line.’ Jews in the 12th Century believed that the spring equinox marked the day in the year in which the Biblical plague that turned Egypt’s water into blood occurred.
The festival of ‘Holi’ is the March equinox festival in India. This is celebrated in honor of various Hindu deities and legends. It signals the triumph of Good vs Evil, the most notable being the legend of Krishna and Rhada. Ancient cultures had great awareness of nature, the seasons, and the movement of the celestial bodies. Many built sites that had a glaringly obvious use: that of a calendar. These were often aligned to display shafts of sunlight during solstices and equinoxes. Examples of these are Chichen Itza in Mexico, Mnajdra Temples in Malta, and Stonehenge in England.
March Equinox timeline
Before the year 68 B.C.The Sun Lines Up in Aries
The sun lines up with Aries on the spring equinox but in 2567 the sun will line up with the constellation Aquarius.
2700 B.C.The Egyptian Easter Monday
Sham el-Nessim is an ancient Egyptian holiday that can be traced back to 2700 B.C.
1582The Gregorian Calendar Created
The Gregorian calendar is created and is based on the March equinox, falling from March 11 to March 21, the date it occurred in 325 CE.
1948Japanese Make Holiday Secular
In Japan, those who practiced Shintoism used the March equinox to honor their ancestors.
March Equinox FAQs
What happens during the March equinox?
During this time the Sun will cross the celestial equator from the south to the north.
What is the spiritual meaning?
Tradition states that this is the time to cleanse out old energy at home and with oneself.
Why is equinox important?
Equinox is important because it points to changing seasons.
March Equinox Activities
Spring Clean
Do some gardening
Visit ancient sites
The March equinox is the perfect time to give your house an overhaul. Start by decluttering your house.
Growth symbolizes triumph over death and being reborn therefore it has become a tradition to plant seeds at this time of the year. Add some colorful flowers to your garden to celebrate spring.
Various ancient sites are linked to March equinox celebrations and traditions. Pack a bag, call a friend or two and set out on an adventure.
5 Facts About The March Equinox
The sun rises and sets the fastest
Spring occurs on two different days
It’s Mother's day
It marks the middle of Spring
It signals the start of a festival
The fastest sunsets and sunrises occur during this time of the year.
There are two different calendars: the astronomical and the meteorological calendar. If we go by the astronomical calendar, spring will fall on March 20 but if we go by the other, spring will occur on March 1.
In Arab countries, Mother's Day is often observed on the March equinox.
In East Asian countries the March equinox marks the halfway point of spring.
Boatyard employees and sailboat owners in the U.S hold the Burning of the Socks festival where socks are burnt to celebrate the warmer weather.
Why We Love March Equinox
It is celebrated around the world
It signals new beginnings
Days are longer
The March equinox is celebrated by many cultures around the world. We love that it has a unifying factor.
The March equinox symbolizes growth and new beginnings. It is a clear marker of the change from winter to spring.
Along with longer days, the weather starts to warm up as well. Nature reflects this change with the blooming of new flowers and plants.
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ericleo108 · 3 months
Your Sun
03/19/2024 Click here for Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube. “Your Sun” is my 72nd official release and my 107th track published. This is my first spoken word track as Eric Leo 108. There is no beat and the audio was organized by Sam Peters at La Luna Recordings and Sound in Kalamazoo Michigan. The cover art is a self-taken photo and self-edited cover.
I talk about this blog post and other updates in the latest Sunday update here:
As explained by the National Weather Service, “There are only two times of the year when the Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun, resulting in a "nearly" equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes. These events are referred to as Equinoxes. The word equinox is derived from two Latin words - aequus (equal) and nox (night).” The spring equinox signifies that after this there will be more daylight than night throughout the day in the Northern Hemisphere. 
I intentionally released this spoken word poem on the day of the spring equinox because it’s a poem to humanity as if it was coming from the sun. And nothing signifies that better than the overtaking of light from the sun on the northern hemixphere that is the spring equinox. 
I originally created this poem to express myself in the CosmicLuve.com log, specifically the September 2022 - Hope post. As you can read, the poem has nothing to do with her but it was largely inspired by Emma Watson. 
To briefly make you fully updated. I have a book called “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” about why and how I think the planet and stars are conscious. Then In the blog (at EricLeo108.com) I show how Gaia (the Earth) could play match maker to guide evolution using telepathy. Basically, attractive, potential mates are used as vessels to paint the canvas of a broader message from Gaia. I explain all this at CosmicLuve.com which is a running log on my blog at EricLeo108.com. This is a poem from the Suns perspective given this information. I chose to release this on the 19th because that’s the day of the spring equinox. 
The actual spring equinox is on the 19th but Christianity celebrates it on the 31st because its the first full moon after the spring equinox. Just like Christmas which is based on the pagan celebration of the winter solstice, Easter comes from a pagan tradition around the spring equinox. Easter is derived from the German Eostre or Ostara which is the goddess of spring. In the most popular story Ostara found a dying bird in the snow. To save it, she turn it into a white hare which she gave the power to lay eggs once a year and gift them to worshipers. And that’s why there are bunnies and eggs on Easter. You can read a fuller story here. It has nothing to do with Jesus rising from the dead and everything to do with celetial patterns and Christian’s culturally appropriating pagan traditions. I have left a video that explains more.
All these christian events and celestial dates line up because Jesus is based off the myth of the sun, which I find worth worshiping. I think Jesus is Western Civilization’s imaginary friend that they made up to make themselve feel better and control the masses, but the sun, which the imaginary friend is based on, is very real and worth worshiping. To be clear, again, I think the sun is conscious and would be the ultimate ruler in our local cosmic domain. 
With that said, I am actually terrified of the sun. Most aging, like wrinkles and lines, come from sun exposure. The only reason the Earth is livable is because we have an atmosphere that protects us from the suns rays from burning us alive, and they still cause cancer.  Have you ever heard of a choronial mass ejection and what it would do to life as we know it? It would basically be like setting of a global EMP (electro magnetic pulse) that would whip out satellites and electronics. The world almost came to an end in 2012 which is also when the Mayan calendar ended. This is because in July of 2012 there was a coronial mass ejection that almost hit Earth that you can read about from NASA, Business Insider, or Wikipeida. 
I have taken a twitter poll asking “Would you straight-up worship the sun” and all voted “no, that’s stupid.” But in a very real way Christians worship the sun because they worship Jesus which is based off the myth of the sun, they just don’t know it. In this way I’m glad we have people worshiping the sun, I just wish it wasn’t through Jesus. I think we should organize a cohort to worship the sun (and turn towards it) like Mecca and occasionally I do. 
Given all this, trust me when I say, I hope I did the sun justice in this poem.
I am you
I made you
When they say “you’re bright,” “you’re glowing”, or “you’re radiant” 
You can best be assured you got that from me
And I tell you this because
I love you like the stars love rain
Like the earths vibration through you
I feel and share myself
Like the elements of my dead body combine to be the coalescence of life
Then gave birth to the very carbon lifeforms that can understand what I am
How I love you
I cradled you in my bussum
I watched you as you took your first steps
How your curiosity as child made you a conquerer in your adolecense
And although you may deny it, you still feel the pain of war
The gnawing agony for more
And as the lover you take, do you not ask Are you satisfied my dear?
Or even ask? Satisfied from what?
Do you not understand that
Like penguins bond over pebbles
Or finches sing and dance
I love you like the stars love rain 
Like from the bacteria in the gut
The colony you Excrete aromatically
I would take you then
Like the forest and fonna The earth blackend by your burn
I would take you then
Like the mineral salt in the ocean
Was acidified by your hand
I would take you then
Like you were the diseased
I was helpless by your side
And all I could do is weep
Like rain, even still
I would take you then
I am better because I got to hold you
I nurtured you from nothing
And as a faithful dog greets you when you get home everyday
I will always be there for you
In good times and bad
In sickness and health
I love you like the stars love rain
You made this worth it
Your sun
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