#Adeptus Will goes brrr
bananafischl · 3 months
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I might just turn into a will solace appreciation blog at this point.
Btw im wipping (again, yes) a splash art for @svetalmeow adeptus Will post :>
I also noticed that every time i draw Will he just becomes a pretty princess lmao
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years
i am gonna die of happiness if you do a xiao x female reader- headcanons? scenario? up to you!! perhaps a cute qingxin flower collecting date in which ends up in him tucking one in the reader's hair.. or the angst route (maybe the reader falls and gets hurt and xiao feels as though its his fault??) whatever floats your boat (or both idk man brainrot goes brrr)
😈😈😈 I wrote BOTH! You are fueling my need to write angst and so I decided to write the angst BUT THEN I also wanted fluffy!Xiao so I wrote the fluffy version too! I hope you like it💕 Also don’t die ;-; or Xiao’s gonna be real sad without you🥺🥺
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“Xiao! Xiao!” You exclaimed as you ran towards your boyfriend, who turned around just in time for you to bury yourself in his arms.
“Hello, (f/n). How are you today?” He asked with a gentle smile as he placed a kiss on your head. You smiled up at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his slender waist.
“I’m good! How are you?”
“Better now that you’re here.”
“I had an idea! Wanna go collect qingxin flowers?” Xiao thought about it for a minute before frowning.
“We can… but they grow on high mountain peaks. What if you fall?” You shook your head and hugged him tighter.
“I won’t fall, I have you! You’ve saved me before.” There was something about your smile that he found… scary. You could ask him for ANYTHING and he would say yes… as long as you smiled. He sighed in defeat then looked at you with a small smile.
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Well! No one said trekking up mountains was easy or fun. But since you wanted to do this on your own, the two of you decided to walk and climb all the mountains as opposed to using Xiao’s ability to blink and teleport (I don’t know the extent of this ability).
“Xiao look!” You yelled excitedly as you two climbed up the last peak. You ran towards the small flowers as Xiao stood up straight. He closed his eyes for a moment as the cool breeze whipped past him. It felt amazing to be up here and when he opened his eyes, he could see all of Liyue below him. The land looked so beautiful but… when his eyes landed on you, they widened. You giggled as you met his eyes. “Close your mouth or you’ll be munching on bugs soon.”
He would, but you looked so beautiful. The way the bright sun glittered off of your form, the way your hair swirled around in the breeze, the way the land around you added to your beauty, it was all so breathtaking.
The adeptus walked towards you, crouching down and plucking a small flower out from the ground. He broke the stem off a little more before slowly placing the flower behind your ear. You shyly looked at him with pink dusting your cheeks as he smiled and nodded.
“I thought so.”
“Nothing. You’re just so beautiful… you even dulled the beauty of these lands and these flowers.” You could feel your cheeks darkening and suddenly felt extremely shy. These moments were rare for Xiao, but they were nice. They always caught you off guard and they always brought you immense happiness.
“I-I’m n-not that pretty.” You muttered, but he shook his head.
“I beg to differ. I’ve seen a lot in my life… but never anything as beautiful as you. Oh? Are you blushing? Now you look even more beautiful.” He chuckled as you pouted at his teasing, but eventually a smile took over your face. You held the small bouquet of flowers you’d made up to him.
“For you.”
“Why, thank you. They’re beautiful.” He gently reached out and tugged you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist and placing a kiss against your lips. It was soft but loving and passionate.
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You two finally made it over the last peak onto a very small field of flowers. You giggled and ran towards one corner, starting to pick the flowers there. Xiao smiled at your eagerness as he moved to the other side and started to pluck the flowers there.
Everything was going great, you two were having an interesting conversation about the flowers when you felt a strong breeze push by you. You had just stood up to walk over to Xiao so you wouldn’t fall over, but decided to crouch instead so you didn’t hurt yourself. However, you were just a few seconds too late. The breeze knocked you back and you lost your footing. Xiao was just a few feet away and you reached out, but you were too slow.
At that moment, Xiao turned around to look at you because you hadn’t answered his question and he saw your figure disappear behind the edge. It was like everything moved in slow motion. He saw the fear on your face, the flowers slipped from your hand and blew away in the wind before you completely vanished from his sight.
“(F/N)!!” Your body collided with a few smaller peaks before you started to fall towards the ground. A shriek ripped from your lips as the ground got closer and closer. However, before you could get much further, you felt warmth around you before the ground rushed at you. 
You weren’t able to stand, but Xiao supported you, holding you close and so tightly, you couldn’t breathe. He sank to the ground with you still in his arms. Your eyes looked up to see the peak of the mountain as the flowers you’d let go flew about, some even gently falling down to you.
“X-Xiao?” He didn’t speak, only burying his face in your neck and breathing in your scent. You fell quiet and let his warmth surround you which helped your fears subside. You could feel Xiao’s heartbeat… it was so fast. Was he scared? “Xiao… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t.” He let go- albeit hesitantly- and took your face in his hands. “I… I was so scared. You were falling so fast and I-” His eyes fell to your shoulder, which was bleeding due to the impact of you hitting the mountain. “I was scared I wouldn’t be able to catch you in time.”
You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him as he desperately held you close. He needed to know everything was ok and that you were alive. He needed to know you were fine. Your breathing, your pulse, your warmth; it all brought him comfort.
“I’m ok. A little bruised up, but I’m a tough cookie. Besides, I knew you could save me. So don’t feel bad.” You two got comfortable as he held you for the next HOUR before he was finally ok to let go. Yeah you were tough, but you were invincible and the thought of you dying- no. No, he couldn’t handle that and he’d rather not think about it either.
“Oh, poop! All our flowers are gone! Let’s go back up and coll-”
“No.” Xiao said as he stood up, helping you stand as well. “Besides, it’s getting late. Let’s go back.” You pouted, but ultimate obliged his request, taking his hand and walking back to your home.
“(F/n)! (F/n)!” You turned around to see Paimon floating your way. She quickly tugged on your shirt and pulled you along to your front door. You laughed as you followed her and opened your door, only to freeze up as a smile took over your face. You reached down and picked up the beautiful vase that held a beautiful bouquet of qingxin flowers. There was a small card hanging off one of the stems.
You walked inside with Paimon and took the card off and opened it. Your companion floated beside you and read it with you. You laughed at Xiao’s words and leaned down to smell the bouquet of flowers.
For my dear love. I know you’re smiling like a goof right now
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chickynn · 2 years
Not ur ass taking 7 months to say anything about Lynn in our au WHO TF YOU WAITING FOR??? SCARAMOUCHE TO BE PLAYABLE?
no pressure :D
Adeptus yuh get it ig well, half-adeptus
Related to Ganyu but their only similarities are them being half-adepti n half-human, their surprisingly big appetites, and their weirdly obsesession with eating plants lynn eats grass like the sheep she is smh
Unlike Ganyu, she didn't get raised by Cloud Retainer as she was closer to Zhongli, but despite that, she didn't sign a contract with him. She also refused to engage in battles so she didn't participate in the Archon War HELP IMAGINE SHE'S JUST EATING GRASS WHILE THE WAR IS GOING ON AROUND HER I CANT
After a few years of staying in Liyue, she decided to wander to other nations such as Inazuma, where she met the love of her li- i mean Kunikuzushi :D
She met him shortly after he has awoken, where he starts wandering around Inazuma and eventually stumbles upon her on Amakane Island. They exchanged a few words actually it's just Lynn being curious about him and then teaching him a few stuff she learned while she was in Liyue before eventually agreeing to wander around Inazuma together
Katsuragi is there too ig
DE JJKJK i love him
It goes on like that for a while until Nagamasa becomes a pissbaby and kills Katsuragi which breaks the trio's perfect lil' bond ang panget talaga niya no more friendship is magick
Kuni told Lynn to run away right before he and Nagamasa clashed, which resulted in her sailing back to Liyue where she cried her ass off to Anais.
After her short visit to Liyue, she continued her journey in exploring the other nations girlie really went "damn lost a friend...anyways", first having a short visit to Sumeru and Fontaine before deciding to stay at Mondstadt.
The Gods be like "damn dis girl fr lost a friend. y'know what that means *lipbite*" and then gifted her anemo vision pog
So yea she works at Good Hunter as a person who delivers food to people thanks to her new vision that makes her go brrr on roofs which makes her travels faster
It goes on for a few years until she reunites with the love of her li- i mean Scaramouche who basically kidnapped took him with her back to the fatui uwu
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adversaryss · 2 years
"Go on, drink it. I'm sure forbidden juice will unlock your true potential, and as your senior, how could I not support my fellow Harbinger?"
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Childe stares at the bottle of perfume intently in thought. While it's true that it took out a half-Adeptus, that doesn't mean the results will be the same for him. Surely he should test his own limits as well. Especially with such a glowing endorsement.
"You know what? You're absolutely right!" Off goes the cap and down goes the perfume as he drinks the whole vial like a shot of firewater in one go. In fact, it's honestly not that much unlike firewater. It certainly burns like the drink going down. A lot more chemically bitter though, despite how sweet it smells-
A shudder runs up his spine and he shakes his head with a Brrr sound, smacking his lips and scrunching his nose in thought. There's a long pause as he waits to see if it might come back up, but when nothing happens, he puts his hands on his hips proudly.
"Alright! Score one for-" He hiccups, twice, before pounding his chest. "For the Harbingers! Hahaha~" Is that flush to his cheeks just a healthy glow? Despite his unusually high tolerance for alcohol, he's not really sure what proof perfume would be considered. He's certainly feeling the buzz...
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