#Accounting Internship Melbourne
accountsnextgen · 2 months
Accounting Internship Melbourne | Online accounting In Melbourne
Looking to kickstart your Accounting Internship In Melbourne? Explore our dynamic accounting internships, blending traditional practices with innovative online tools. Gain hands-on experience through virtual platforms, allowing you to thrive in a digital work environment. Our program offers mentorship, real-world projects, and networking opportunities. Embrace the future of accounting in Melbourne and beyond, and build a solid foundation for a successful career.
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ferrstappen · 10 months
Max the wag: are we the drama? l Max Verstappen Imagine
happy note: hello my loviessssss! How are you all? It feels like it’s been an eternity and I am so so happy to be back to writing and interacting with your great and incredible asks and everything <3 and I know I said this was supposed to be ready by Monday or so? but I started an internship and it's been harder than expected, but I'm getting the hang of it so be prepared for more works to come!
Probably tomorrow I’ll be posting a list of all the requests I’m incredibly behind but that way you know I got them and are on my mind and will be written <3 I also don’t know if you like the idea of starting a tag list? Please please let me know, babes <3 
ALSO I got an incredible request of the Max the wag series involving our boy Yuki AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH so it’s absolutely happening!
summary: For the first time, Max and you find yourselves on the other end of the gossip.
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Hungary Grand Prix, 2023.
Max wasn’t feeling like himself.
The car upgrades were supposed to be great, not to make him struggle and happy a shitty day, which meant shitty questions, passive aggressive press conference trying to not look so annoyed, but it didn’t help that the press was painstakingly working to get the worst angles with furrowed eyebrows and waving off strangers trying to aggressively approach him.
Of course, it didn’t help you weren’t there to hold his hand walking around the paddock, forcing his blue eyes to focus on your calming smile and the inevitable lovestruck expression plastered on his face. 
And yes, he was letting out the fact he didn’t leave Monaco in the best of terms. He’d grown accustomed to you tagging along to most races, but when you informed him you wouldn’t be able to make it to the last two races before summer break he didn’t take it the best way. 
Yes, Max understood you were needed at your job and deadlines were way more difficult to meet with changing time zones, bumpy flights and noisy paddocks and hospitalities, but it didn’t change the fact that he needed you and his selfish self really needed you cheering for him, even if you’d seen him win enough times already. 
In conclusion, it was safe to say he didn’t really feel like putting on a genuine smile or goof around with interviewers who’d ask the same questions while Christian tells him off for looking unapproachable. 
The only thing that turned the corners of his mouth was a WhatsApp attachment from you, Jimmy and Sassy sleeping with the F1 channel on full display on the TV. 
It wasn’t long until Twitter and Instagram fan accounts came to the conclusion you weren’t there with Max, creating a small discussion with some people arguing that it didn’t make sense you’d tagged along to places like Baku or Melbourne and not go to a race less far away and arguably one of the most popular tracks of the season, while other people defended you saying you had your own life apart from being Max’s girlfriend, you had a job, conferences to attend amongst other things, so it was ridiculous to expect you to be there for every race, no matter how much you loved Max. 
You don’t know whether it was the fact you didn’t post a story on Instagram celebrating Max’s win or the fact Max hadn’t been his best self, struggling with the car, losing control over the tiniest thing and just losing focus overall the fuel for some fans to start speculating about the status of your relationship.
User1: why hasn’t y/n  posted something about max?? she always does when she’s not with him
User2: something’s sus 
User3: no pls I cant handle another July break up
User4: max deserves someone who shows up for him! He arguably had the most difficult weekend of the season and she’s mia 
            User5: she’s always there for him and has a right to have her own life grow the hell up!
Belgian Grand Prix, 2023
Last race before summer break meant most people on the paddock were a turmoil of emotions between the desire for the weekend to be completely over and wishing to do the best possible job before the break.
Max convinced himself he was coming into the weekend relaxed, knowing he’d have to put his best strategies, talent and focus for Spa, but a few free weeks were right around the corner so he could recharge with you, staying in bed for the entire morning before getting up to get ready to go out, maybe arriving back to the apartment drunk and giggly only to regret everything during the morning, but with the knowledge you were going to do the exact same.
He was facetiming you when he came across lots of fans wanting his attention, asking for pictures, until someone asked for you and Max pretended he didn’t listen, not wanting to answer things about his relationship, and the woman that asked wasn’t even sharp enough to catch your face on full display on his screen. 
Had Max known the chaos it would ensue not answering the simple question about you, maybe he’d reconsider, especially since Lando and him jumped from the paddock to a helicopter waiting to take them to the closing night of Tomorrowland where Martin Garrix was closing the last weekend.
User1: *attached video* pls pls you HAVE to see the discomfort on max face when someone asked him about y/n something is not right with parents
            User2: we all know he never speaks about her thoo, im keeping my hopes up!!!!
User4: I’m calling break up and good cuz I never liked her always acted like she was too good for the f1 world and never communicated w fans
            User3: that’s called being reserved moron!!1 you don’t see other wags taking pics with fans except maybe lily bc she’s a pro golfer!!!
You were sitting on your bed when Victoria sent a thread on Twitter (or X? or Threads? it’s confusing) pointing at every proof and detail about your supposed break up, ironically asking if you had something to inform the family since Max hadn’t said anything. 
With widened eyes and unable to contain the urge to see what people were saying about Max and you, two hours later you were still reading gossip sites and didn’t even hear the door of the penthouse opening with both Sassy and Jimmy running away from the feet of the bed. 
“Is this the welcome I get?” Max’s voice announced his arrival, catching you by surprise and throwing the phone in the air. 
“Fuck, Max! You scared the shit out of me, I hate you!” You laughed, finally realizing he was right in front of you and kneeling on the bed to attach your arms around his neck, allowing Max to grab you by the thighs and spin you around while you left small kisses on his cheeks.
“What were you reading? You looked very focused,” Max carefully placed you back on the mattress before throwing his body and groaning at the feeling of his muscles relaxing.
“Did you know we broke up?” You questioned your boyfriend whose blue eyes opened as much as they could, eyebrows raised and slightly moving his head in confusion. 
Max was confused but still demanded an answer on what was going on as he watched the corners of your mouth lifting and quiet giggles leaving them. 
“Look, it’s full of theories because I didn’t attend the last races and after you went with Lando to watch Martin, some fans started drawing their own conclusions!”
“Are they insane? Speculating about other people’s love lives is so rude, and just because I didn’t answer a question about you which I never do? People are crazy!” Max exclaimed on an irritated tone, but quickly caught your eyes, making him realize the people commenting were doing the exact same thing as you, just on a larger scale. 
“Baby, I think this time we are the drama…” You stated before the bedroom became quiet.
It was just Max and you staring at each other, recalling every time you eavesdropped a conversation that clearly wasn’t meant for either of you to hear, or discussed different theories on who had cheated, who had broken up with whom, why some partners were so young or looked almost identical. 
“Schatz, I am not going to lie,” Max started with a frown and serious face before continuing. “I am very proud of us” After letting it out Max started laughing, his cheeks flushing and placing his hand over his mouth to try to stifle the sounds. 
“Baby, this definitely means we made it!”
It was bound to happen, you were meant to eventually become a source of spectacle if you enjoyed gossiping about other people’s lives so much. 
After laughing to the brink of tears, Max kissed your lips; softly, slowly and sensually, making it hard to separate but he stared right into your eyes and asked you in all seriousness: “Should we feed the gossip? Wouldn’t it be fun?”
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hmcpheeblog · 3 months
7.   Reflection on your supervisor evaluations and how these align with your future career professional development requirements (these will be available at different times for individual students)
"Supervisors have a core task in the internship in addition to integrating theory and practice. Without them, it is not education but merely an experience, a kind of access to the field" (Karlsson, 2010). 
My supervisor throughout my internship was Nic Negrepntis. Nic did a great job of showing me around, how to do things, making sure I felt welcome, and comfortable throughout the entirety of my internship at SEN.
Looking and reflecting on my first evaluation from Nic, I am pleased with the feedback and evaluation he gave me. I was given an overall score of 3.9/5, which I am happy with but still not full satisfied with. Some areas that I am pleased about are that he saw that I had strong video editing skills, as well as a strong knowledge of Premiere Pro and I work well autonomously. Areas for improvement during my first half of the internship that he listed was “Proofing – double checking your work. Staying engaged, asking for different tasks. Greater availability also would help from an employee perspective”. I agree with my proofing. Early on I would sometimes forget to proof my work, or uploading to the right site, which was fair enough. Staying engaged I thought I did well, but not proofing my work at times probably goes hand in hand with that so I’ll take that on board. And they told me that too which gave me time to reflect and to get more focused. In terms of availability, I think I did the best I could. I worked there for around 12 hours a week, whilst going to 3 classes of Uni a week, as well as trying to work two part time jobs to be able to afford to live here in Melbourne by myself. I also had to give up one of my jobs to do my internship, which was a big sacrifice for me financially, but was worth it. So I don’t fully agree with that feedback, but I can definitely see where he’s coming from. 
I believe that I took some great steps in the second half of my internship, and I’m glad to see that in my second evaluation, Nic gave me an improved score of 16.5/20. In terms of grading the criteria set for my internship, I was graded with 5 exceptional scores, 9 very good scores and 1 satisfactory score. I am very pleased with the grading of my criteria. Nic mentioned that I was excellent in my role, especially during the trade period. Like me he believes that my skills as a video clipper improved consistently, and my major strengths were pace of work, which he described as “extraordinary”. I am very happy with that feedback given to me. I agree that those are my best qualities and what I got most out of the internship. Some things to improve on again were availability, which I mentioned before was something I struggled with. One part I didn't agree with was my presentation. Every shift I put on pants, and a collared top, which is what everybody in the office wore. So that part I am a little confused with but that’s okay. 
Overall I am pretty happy with the evaluation from Nic on my time at SEN. As I said before he was great in helping me throughout, and I learnt a lot during my time there.
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Karlsson, L. (2010). Academic quality in internships: field supervisors´ account of the value of theory in practice. [online] Available at: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:380401/FULLTEXT01.pdf [Accessed 20 Mar. 2024].
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internshipfolio · 3 months
Entry 5: Achievements and milestones.
Its important during your personal and professional lives that you appreciate and acknowledge all your achievements and milestones so you know what a difference you are making in life and in your professional career (Van Yperen & Orehek, 2013). During both internships I definitely had achievements that I was really proud of that I will always remember and share when needed. 
With Tennis Lab I had a few proud moments for myself and exciting opportunities. Although at the start of the internship I had doubts on how I would go with making unique content and how engaging it would be, I do have a few things to be proud of. My first ever reel I made for the company had 260,000 views which was a big achievement for me as I never had made a reel before let alone for a professional company. Creating those reels helped me gain more technical skills for content creation which helped me for later posts. When I first started at Tennis Lab there Instagram page had 5,000 followers and finishing in February the account had over 11,000 followers. That was a big achievement and milestone moment for me as I was the one responsible for growing Tennis Lab with engaging posts. Not only did I reach high engagement numbers I also got to do some work with the company during the Australian Open which involved shooting content and ball collection during each set from big courts such as Rod Laver Arena and Margret Court Arena. 
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Tennis Lab account reached over 11.5k followers
Although I had many achievements for Tennis Lab, I felt I had more professional and personal achievements at Max Events. Even receiving the internship was a big achievement for me as I knew there were a lot of applicants and they probably had more experience than me in the event management industry. During my internship my main role was to assist in running the chairman functions and sports presentation on game day for the Melbourne Victory Football Club and that itself was a professional and personal achievement as I never thought I would be involved in such a big sporting club and be apart of there success. With my work ethic being noticed I got offered other roles such as, a stage assisting the NBL presentation, sports presentation for the Matilda’s olympic qualifier game and the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Cycling event. These great opportunities and achievements led into the company offering me a part time job with them which I was honestly speechless about because I didn’t know what would come of this internship as it was small chance of securing a job once the internship was done. This is my biggest achievement to date and now I get to do something I love and get paid for it. 
Working the Matildas game
These milestones and achievements wouldn’t be possible without Holmesglen and Simone providing the opportunities they do for there students. Through both of my internships I have learnt so much about myself professionally and personally and I cant wait to put my technical skills to in my new job.
Van Yperen, N., & Orehek, E. (2013). Achievement goals in the workplace: Conceptualization, prevalence, profiles, and outcomes. Journal of Economic Psychology, 38, 71–79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joep.2012.08.013
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akshayamohanakrishna · 4 months
About Me
I am a seasoned professional Cricketer with 25 years of on-field experience, currently in my final year of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Sports. Throughout my career, I've gained strategic thinking, leadership abilities, and a deep understanding of the business side of sports. My ongoing education further enhances my understanding of the sports industry.
Cricket has been a huge part of my life since childhood. I always wanted to play cricket at a professional level. That's the reason my dad took me to Bangalore from my hometown to pursue professional training. “I started playing young and want to build a career in it. This is what I want to do for the rest of my life,” Ballal said. (SALONEE MISTRY, 2019) So, after a few years of being in Bangalore, I started representing my state team in various age categories like under 13, under 15, under 17, and under 19. Then, I had to move to another state to explore more opportunities. It turned out to be a blessing because there I got the chance to captain the under 25 state team for two consecutive years. I really feel like that experience brought out the leader in me, and it was pretty rewarding too. I was named the performer of the year for two years straight, and I even earned a call-up to represent the senior state side.
Throughout this journey, I've cultivated essential skills such as effective communication, leadership skills, adaptability, and learning orientation. In addition to my on- field experience in cricket, I started on a coaching journey in India, dedicating five years to nurturing budding talents across various cricket clubs and associations. I served as a coach for the U19 district team and took on the role of selector for the U25 district team, I gained a diverse set of skills crucial for player development and talent identification. Through this experience, I gained invaluable expertise in leadership, mentorship, player assessment, and strategic decision-making.
I moved to Melbourne in 2021 to pursue a degree in sports business which would help me to gain practical knowledge for the business side of sports because my long-term aim is to open a cricket academy in my hometown. My ongoing education further helps me to understand the sports Industry. I am committed to continuously refining my expertise both on and off the field.  
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Successfully obtained sponsorship from the well-known cricket brand 'Willou Cricket' in India, understanding personal branding and sponsorship relationship management. Signed a contract to promote their products on my social media account.
 I am currently a part-time team member at Woolworths - Armadale, this experience provides a strong foundation in maintaining a safe working environment and delivering exceptional customer service. Simultaneously, as an Assistant Coach at the Lahiru Thirimane Cricket Academy and my previous experience as an Assistant Coach at Endeavour Hills Cricket Club, has trained me to focus on player development, training, and creating positive team environments. Most importantly it helped me in understanding the local community.
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Finding out more about who I am, where I've come from, and the skills I've acquired is a great way to develop a positive personality that will help me recognize myself as a competitive applicant and will also help the interviewer match my personality with the job role, to make a good first impression, particularly when you're introducing yourself.
Nail the opening with a confident, concise, and relevant response, and you will not have to spend the rest of the time making up for a bad start. (Williamson, 2023).
Reflection on my study performance till date –
Over the past 2 years, I have dedicated myself to academic excel, acquired plenty of sports business knowledge. The assessments, Presentation, class activities, conceptual teaching, encouragement to be creative, overall impacted my academic performance.
Expectations and Aspirations for the Internship:
For my coming internship journey, I have following goals in mind –
Related to Academic Studies: I wish to use my academic knowledge in real-world organization. I aspire to the opportunities as an intern to experience a practical extension of concepts I have studied here.
Networking and training: I aspire to join an organization who values in training and providing opportunities to use my skills along with interactions -with the professions.
SALONEE MISTRY (2019). MOJO. One cricketer, two countries and one big dream https://www.mojonews.com.au/two-countries-one-cricketer-akshay-ballal
Williamson (2023). How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview. Chemical Engineering Progress, 119(6), 20–20)
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Entry 1 - About Me
My name is Ethan, I’m 19 years old, and I was born and raised in Melbourne’s Eastern Suburbs. I’m a university student, with a deep passion for sports, in particular soccer, currently studying for a bachelor’s degree in sports media at Holmesglen. My hobbies consist of hanging out with friends, playing video games, and most of all, playing and watching soccer. My passion for soccer has been around since the young age of four when was first thrown into the “MiniRoos” program, and I have been hooked ever since. My favourite soccer team is Arsenal FC, who play in the English Premier League, and I have spent many nights forgoing a healthy sleep to support my team.
Whilst I haven’t had any previous part-time or casual working experience, not only am I a fast learner, but the skills I have picked up from playing soccer and other sports in a team environment will help me transition into the working environment quickly and with ease. That being said, I have an upcoming volunteering event with an accounting firm in April, where they’ve asked me to help make some content for their social media for their day out on the golf course. I am really excited about the opportunity and am counting down the days to use the skills that I have learned throughout my studies for the first time, and hopefully, leave a good impression.
My career ambitions are quite broad because I like living in the moment and not planning things out long term, but as far as ambitions and goals go, I would love to work on the social media team for my favourite club, Arsenal. There is a guy on the media team at Arsenal who goes by the name “Frimmy”, and he does all sorts of content work, both on and off the camera with the players, the manager, and the fans as well, and I’d love to be able to do the same job as him.
I’m hoping that once I finish my studies, my internship experience, as well as the skills I have learned over the last three years, can help transition me into a full-time role working for a sporting organization or club, preferably creating content for social media. 
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connorstewart2024 · 4 months
Entry 4 Assignment 2 Peer Review Feedback
The second assignment for transition to professional practice gives us the opportunity to type up internship applications. There are three main components that need to be assessed in each internship application, which are cover letter, resume, and a key selection criterion. In the years 2021-2023 we have the opportunity to choose three different organisation and three different professional description. I choose all 2023 professional descriptions, however with three distinct roles. My selections were AusCycling as a communications and operations role, Ballpark as an administrator role, and Melbourne Aces in a media role.
Resumes are a key in order to allow the internship process to continue and allow us to have an opportunity to get an internship. Resumes are key through any application because you are discussing all the great qualities and skills you have gained overtime in order to allow yourself this opportunity and resumes also allows organisations to see pervious experiences in workplace, education, and/or volunteering.
Elmore, B. (2012), stated “subject your resume to the current role and/or role you are currently seeking. With a resume put in information that would fit the position description of the current job or internship you are seeking, because if your resume does not fir the description their just not going to glance over your resume and will not contact you.
Cover letters are plainly important applying for a job or internship because it gives the organisation a deep dive in to about yourself. The difference between a cover letter and a resume is with a resume your have a little detail about yourself but is more based on previous experience and skills. (Moustafa, 2014), stated “The implications of roles and discussing them come from cover letters.” While with a cover letter you’ are selling yourself towards the organisation, by talking about yourself and why do you think you would be best for the role.
Part of the second assignment we needed to get feedback from another student to give us insight of elements we did right and things that we could improve on before the submission date. Feedback is super important especially peer review because it allows you to get another person’s opinion and it benefits. Someone would say something you would not have thought of, and it benefits your work by getting a better grade and allows your brain to expand and think more outside the box. Moore, C., & Teather, S. (2013). Stated “Peer review feedback is not just an evaluation it allows the person that is getting the feedback to improve their performance.”
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Throughout the second assignment I got mostly positive feedback which is good, however there was some points that I read and looked back on my work and changed in order to gain better marks. The Cover letter feedback was just how I need to shorten my sentences. The resume was incomplete at the time so they reviewer wanted dot points for tasks did throughout each job and volunteer experience. The third criteria that needed reviewed was my LinkedIn account and I just need to make more of a professional photo because of it being a professional account.
Elmore, B. (2012). A RÉSUMÉ THAT REFLECTS THE REAL YOU. Baylor Business Review, 31(1), 56-57. https://login.ezproxy.holmesglen.edu.au/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/résumé-that-reflects-real-you/docview/1112266572/se-2
Moore, C., & Teather, S. (2013). Engaging students in peer review: Feedback as learning. Issues in Educational Research, 23(2), 196–211. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/informit.354576626678153
Moustafa, K. (2014). Does the Cover Letter Really Matter? Science and Engineering Ethics, 21(4), 839–841. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-014-9554-8
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vhcc · 4 months
Box Hill Provides NDIS Services
The NDIS services Boxhill is a national scheme that provides funding for personalised support to help people with disability access community services. It also helps them achieve their goals and aspirations. It has been designed to improve quality of life and increase independence.
Participants have reported that systems for inter-organisation communication can be inefficient. This may result in some organisations working in isolation.
Box Hill Institute
Box Hill Institute is a leading vocational education and training provider. It is known for its innovative learning programs and its industry partnerships, which foster student work placements, internships, and overseas projects. The institute also offers a wide range of courses, including higher education programs. Its diverse student community comes from around the world and contributes to a culturally inclusive campus environment. It also provides a variety of support services for international students.
The institution has modern facilities that simulate real-world workplace environments and experiences. These include a hair and beauty salon, pet shop, Fountains restaurant, and an integrated technology hub. It also has customer-facing businesses where students can learn to provide services to the public.
It offers a wide variety of scholarships and awards to help students with financial support. These can cover tuition and materials fees. It also offers a variety of payment plans and VET student loans at the diploma/advanced diploma level and FEE-HELP for eligible degree courses.
VIA Care
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian initiative that gives participants access to personalised support and funding. This can include activities like daily personal care, access to transport and equipment and community participation. In addition, it can also include therapeutic supports such as occupational therapy and exercise physiology.
Local Area Coordinators assist individuals with disabilities to navigate the NDIS and connect with services in their community. They can help people to set up their MyGov and NDIS portal accounts, and assist with organising and booking services.
VIA Care provides health management services for people with a disability, including a person-centered medical home, care coordination and support planning. Their multidisciplinary team creates a health plan for each HHP member to address barriers to care, support treatment adherence and reach healthcare goals. They also provide health promotion services to help their clients make healthy lifestyle choices and manage chronic disease. They can even accompany their members to doctor’s appointments.
Box Hill Community Services
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is an essential initiative that helps people with disabilities live a more fulfilling life. It allows people with disabilities to access personalised support in areas as diverse as transport, employment, home and community participation and lifestyle support. This will help them gain more time with their family, improve their quality of life and become a more active member of their community.
Local Area Coordinators are available to assist individuals who meet the eligibility requirements of the NDIS to navigate and effectively use their funded supports. They will work with you to identify your goals and help you develop a plan that will achieve those goals.
Box Hill Community Arts Centre offers a variety of workshops and classes for all ages. It also has meeting rooms and exhibition spaces for rent. It is a great place to host special events. The Box Hill Community Arts Centre is open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Box Hill City Council
The City of Box Hill is a suburban centre with busy shopping precincts, educational institutions and a range of parks. It is also a hub for transport, with trains and trams connecting it to the Melbourne CBD.
The community can access a variety of services, including libraries, health clinics, and sporting facilities. Residents can also get Occupational Therapy Australia wide from Ability Action Australia. These therapeutic supports are funded through the NDIS, a government-funded scheme that offers participants greater choice and control over how their funded supports are delivered.
Council is conscious of the need to ensure local infrastructure keeps pace with the strong growth in places like the Box Hill MAC. In this regard, it has undertaken work to inform the development of a suitable developer contributions tool for the MAC. This work will be reported to the next Planning and Environment Committee meeting.
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fronthunt · 6 months
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Launching Careers: Elevate Your Skills with Our Internship Program in IT, Marketing, Accounting, and HR!
Book a free consultation with us to learn more about the internship program.
Contact: +61 470346850
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theworldgrad · 11 months
Why study business in Australia?
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Australia is a great place for class 12 students to pursue an undergraduate degree in business. The country offers a wide range of courses at world-class universities in international business hubs like Sydney and Melbourne.
Australia is a great place for Indian students to study business. The country has pleasant weather year-round, and the cost of living is relatively affordable. Business schools in Australia use innovative teaching methods that help students develop their creativity and problem-solving skills. After graduation, students can find a wide range of employment opportunities in Australia's thriving business sector.
Benefits of Getting a UG Business Degree in Australia
Australian universities offer a wide range of high-quality courses that are recognized all over the world. This means that students who graduate from an Australian university will be eligible for jobs and higher education in Australia and other countries.
Australian universities offer a wide range of business courses, so students can choose their major based on their interests and career goals. Some of the most popular business courses include accounting, business administration, economics, international business, and entrepreneurship.
In addition to their coursework, Australian universities offer graduate training schemes in collaboration with top recruiters. These schemes give students the opportunity to experience different business aspects, such as human resources, advertising, accounting, and sales. This helps students gain valuable hands-on experience and develop their skills and knowledge.
The cost of living and tuition fees in Australia are relatively affordable compared to other countries with similar educational and economic standards. This means that students can get a high-quality education in Australia without breaking the bank.
Studying business in Australia can lead to job opportunities and migration opportunities for Indian students. Australian universities offer a wide range of business courses, and many of these courses are accredited by the Australian Government. This means that students who graduate from these courses will be eligible for work visas in Australia. Additionally, some Australian universities also offer assistance with the migration process, which can make it easier for students to move to Australia after graduation.
Some Australian universities offer double degree programs that allow students to earn a business qualification along with another degree in a different field, such as language, science, or arts. These programs typically take 4-5 years to complete, as students must take coursework in both disciplines. However, they offer students the opportunity to gain a well-rounded education and develop skills in multiple areas.
Studying at renowned business schools: Sydney and Melbourne are home to two of the most renowned groups of business schools in the world. These schools are known for offering excellent post-graduation opportunities. For example, the University of Sydney Business School is ranked first in Australia and fourth globally for graduate employability. 
Scholarship opportunities: There are many scholarship opportunities available for international students who want to study business in Australia. These scholarships can range from 6,000 to 14,000 AUD (3,64,950 to 7,29,900 INR). 
Networking opportunities: Studying in Australia can help students build valuable business connections. Australian universities are home to many accomplished business and government leaders, and students have the opportunity to network with them through lectures, events, and internships. These connections can be invaluable in helping students land jobs after graduation.
Cross-cultural experience: Australia is a multicultural country with a diverse population. This means that students who study in Australia will have the opportunity to interact with people from all over the world. This can help them to improve their cross-cultural learning and communication skills, as well as gain a better understanding of other cultures. 
Industry experience: Australian universities offer a variety of ways for business students to gain industry experience. These include internships, work placements, and industry-linked projects. This helps to ensure that students are graduate-ready for employment and have the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for.
Career Opportunities for Australian Business School Graduates
In-demand jobs: After completing their undergraduate business course, students can find many in-demand jobs in Australia. Some of the most popular in-demand jobs include:
Brand Manager
Business Analyst
Customer Experience Expert
Customer Insights Analyst
Digital Marketing Manager
Human Resource Executive
Sustainability Analyst
Social Media Manager
Supply Chain Manager
What kind of base salary can you expect?
Salary potential: The average salary for a business undergraduate in Australia is 110,000 AUD (60 lakhs INR) per year. The tuition fees for the most popular universities range between 14,000 and 46,000 AUD (7 and 25 lakhs INR) per year. This means that you can earn back the investment in your studies in a little more than a year at the maximum.
Studying business in Australia can be a great way to boost your career prospects and earn a handsome salary after graduation. Australia offers many perks to international students, such as high-quality education, affordable tuition fees, and a strong job market. All you have to do is find a university that offers a course that suits your academic profile and interests, and apply for admission.
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assessment-one · 1 year
Finding your feet in the internship: induction, and completing initial tasks (i.e. the first 40 hours discussion.
I feel as though I never really got to find my feet until I reached maybe 60 hours in. It was quite hard for me, and I never really knew who I was reporting to. It could have been a little bit of my fault; I did tell them that I wanted to learn a broad spectrum of things rather than sticking to one area. So, because of that, I was passed around to help out a lot of different people, but never really had any clarity in tasks I was doing. When I started my internship, it was an extremely busy period on their calendar. Everyone was so busy with the set up for nationals, and then the event itself, that I feel as though I was forgotten about. I understood that this is a working organisation, and I am not their priority, however I would’ve loved to offer my services on anything they could’ve needed.
After having my 40-hour meeting, I did realise that I probably could’ve communicated a little better. Especially since I must do a lot of work from home now, communication and checking in with the staff is vital. I finally had the chance to go into the Melbourne CBD office and meet more people face to face which was really nice. I did appreciate that one of the first things they all did was apologise for the lack of communication and direction given to me. Small things like that I believe are really important for culture and even though I completely understood why, and they don’t owe me an explanation, it was cool to see them hold accountability for their own actions.
Since that day of going into the office, I have had much more to work on. I think having past Holmesglen student, Bryce, there to talk to is great because he understands the workload of balancing assessments, internship, work and life. He is also good at giving me tips on balancing tasks and prioritising certain tasks above others. In the time he has been with AusCycling, I can see that he has transitioned well and it gives me a lot of confidence that I will be able to do the same.
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accountsnextgen · 6 months
Accounting Internship Melbourne | Accounting Training
Embark on a transformative accounting journey with our Accounting Internship in Melbourne. Gain hands-on experience and insights into the intricacies of financial management while working alongside seasoned professionals. Training NextGen program provides a unique opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, honing your skills and preparing you for a successful career in accounting. Elevate your resume, expand your network, and make meaningful contributions to the financial landscape of Melbourne. Join us for a dynamic internship experience that sets the stage for your future in the world of finance.
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siaconsultant · 1 year
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Australia is home to some of the world's top institutions, which provide chances for high-quality education and research in a variety of fields. This article may be useful to you if you're trying to decide which study abroad programme in Australia to enrol in.
Finding the programme that best suits your goals and personality is an important part of studying abroad, in addition to spending time and money away from home. The decision of where to study is influenced by numerous factors. Below is a list of them:
For students who want to study in Australia, there are various study abroad options accessible, each with their own special features and advantages.
The semester-long or year-long programme is one of the most popular styles of study abroad programmes in Australia. Through these programmes, students can study and experience Australian culture for an entire academic year or term.
A wide range of academic specialties, including business, engineering, and the arts and humanities, are available to students.
Short-term study abroad programmes are an option for students who can't dedicate a full semester or year to their studies. The duration of these programmes ranges from a few weeks to a few months. They are created to give students a taste of Australian culture and give them the chance to receive academic credit.
A short-term programme could concentrate on a certain academic field or subject, such environmental studies or cultural immersion.
Moreover, these are common options for students who want to study abroad in Australia. These programmes give students the chance to learn about Australian culture while also gaining real-world work experience in their field of study.
There are often internship programmes offered in a variety of industries, including business and finance, healthcare, and education.
It's crucial to take into account aspects like the city's cost of living, the university's academic standing, and the accessibility of student support services when choosing where to participate in an Australia study abroad programme.
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth are a few of the cities that are popular with overseas students. It's crucial to do your study and pick the place that best suits your needs and tastes because every city has its own distinctive charm and advantages.
For instance, Sydney is renowned for its pulsating nightlife, diverse culture, and famous structures like the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Melbourne, on the other hand, is regarded as Australia's cultural capital due to its vibrant arts and music scene. While Perth is a bustling city with a strong emphasis on education and research, Brisbane is noted for its warm climate and laid-back way of life.
Think about things like the academic programmes provided, the faculty's research experience, and the resources accessible to international students while selecting an institution. The University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, and the Australian National University are a few of Australia's finest universities.
Before choosing a study abroad programme in Australia, it's crucial to thoroughly assess your money and budget to make sure you can afford the living expenses and tuition.
Depending on the city and way of life, the cost of living in Australia can change. Smaller cities like Adelaide and Hobart could have a more cheap cost of living than larger cities like Sydney and Melbourne. To develop a realistic picture of your monthly budget, it is essential to understand the costs of your rent, groceries, transportation, and other daily expenses.
International students in Australia are additionally needed to pay tuition. Depending on the university and the programme, tuition costs can change, but generally speaking, overseas students have to pay more than domestic students. Compute the program's tuition costs and include them in your overall spending plan.
You can have a fruitful and successful study abroad experience in Australia by putting up a sound financial strategy.
Many scholarships and financial opportunities are available to make the Australian study abroad programme more affordable.
The Australian Government's Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships programme is one well-liked choice for students. For study, research, or professional development in Australia, this programme offers money to students and researchers from all over the world.
Many Australian universities also provide their own scholarships and fellowships for foreign students in addition to those that are supported by the government. Merit-based, need-based, and scholarships specialised to particular academic subjects are a few examples of these.
In addition, a number of private charities and organisations provide grants and scholarships for Australian study abroad programmes. They may include charitable foundations, trade organisations, and private businesses.
Students who are interested in attending a particular university should look into the sorts of funding that are offered there. As an alternative, they might look for these chances by searching online databases like Scholarships.com or Fastweb.com.
Depending on the institution and the field of study, different study abroad programmes in Australia have different language requirements. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Test of English as a Foreign Language are two often used methods for students to demonstrate their English language competency (TOEFL). Depending on the school and level of study, different minimum scores are also needed on certain exams.
To make sure they are able to meet the requirements, students must thoroughly examine the language requirements for their selected study programme in Australia. Before they can start their academic studies, those who don't meet the language requirements may need to enrol in additional language classes or programmes.
Even if they are native English speakers, international students may still need to attend language classes to have a handle on Australian English, which can be different from English spoken in other areas of the world.
They may be better able to converse with their classmates and teachers and comprehend regional dialects and slang as a result.
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On-campus accommodation is available at the majority of universities, and options include apartments, shared houses, and residence halls. These facilities give students a comfortable and secure living space as well as chances to engage and communicate with other students.
There are further possibilities for off-campus housing, such as homestays, renting an apartment or house, and hostel lodging.
SIA Consultant gives advice from experts on selecting appropriate housing options for students studying in Australia. They are able to assist students in locating secure, pleasant housing that fits their needs and price range because of their in-depth knowledge of the neighbourhood and awareness of individual requirements.
Australia provides a special opportunity for study abroad that can enhance students' intellectual, personal, and professional development. Students can develop a global perspective and exposure to many cultures by studying in Australia.
Students may get access to internship possibilities and the possibility to network with business executives by studying abroad in Australia.
Contact SIA Consultant contact us right away for help finding the best study abroad option for your Australian college career. Let us assist you in getting the most out of your time studying abroad in Australia.
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Australia Continues to be The Preferred Destination For Indian Students, Here's Why?
1 in 195. That is Australia’s position as a preferred destination for Indian students among all the countries of the world!
1 in 5. That is the number of Indian students who rate Australia as their preferred study destination!
With its excellent education system, great job opportunities, easy visa requirements and diverse culture, it is not surprising that Australia has ruled the roost in being a magnet for Indian students for decades. Even now, post the Covid-19 pandemic, government data indicates that more than 90% of the Indian students have already returned to study in Australia in either University or vocational courses.
Here are 10 reasons why Australia is such a big draw for Indian students.
Top-notch universities: Having 43 universities, of which many figure in the top-100 worldwide, to choose from, study in Australia for Indian students is very attractive. These universities also provide a range of easily understandable and achievable post-study work options. Thus, the students can begin and grow their careers across a variety of industries.
Multiple course options: The variety of courses available for study in Australia for Indian students is immense. From Engineering to English, Mathematics to Medicine, Accountancy to Architecture, Actuarial Science to Agricultural Science, Technology to Tourism — Australian universities have them all. Plus, the students get a lot of flexibility in choosing combinations and options.
Diversity in culture: Australia is tolerant with a cultural diversity and vibrancy similar to India. It isn’t surprising that Indian students feel at home during their study in Australia period and thereafter too. The melting pot of cultures also provides an opportunity to explore new experiences along culinary, celebratory and customary lines. Overall, it definitely makes one into a multi-faceted personality.
Ease of getting student visas: The ease of studying in a country is directly proportional to the ease of obtaining visas from that country. Each country has its own set of requirements. Australia’s requirements are among the least complex and most streamlined. You just need to possess sufficient health insurance and financial capacity apart from the minimum grades and marks.
Internship and career growth options: Most of the Australian universities offer the chance for Indian students to stay on and build a career and home in Australia itself through unpaid and paid internship opportunities. Going further, the student can choose an industry and career based on interests and skill-sets.
Convenient Time Zone: Study in Australia for Indian students comes with a convenient time zone. Also, the Indo-Pacific region is well connected with Australia with numerous flight options across airlines. Travel thus becomes convenient.
The Great Outdoors: A study conducted by study abroad consultants showed a surprising fact — many students love Australia also for its amazing outdoors and vacationing options! From the broad Outback plains to Ayers rock, the pristine beaches to the Great Barrier Reef, Down Under is a paradise on earth. It is also a fertile training ground for several sports like surfing, kayaking, swimming, snorkelling and scuba diving.
Vibrant city and nightlife: Australian universities are located in both rural and urban settings. However, all of them lie in close proximity to a major city — Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Hobart to name a few. Each city offers a multitude of unique experiences and that is definitely on the bucketlist of many youngsters.
Communication Ease: Since Australia was a former British colony, every Australian speaks English and thus, a study in Australia for Indian student becomes easier compared to, say, a Chinese or European university. However, there is definitely a distinct accent and multiple slangs that would need to be mastered which the college students find enjoyable anyway!
Immediate work opportunities: Australia offers a Temporary Graduate Visa which permits international students to stay on in Australia and continue to work after graduation as well.
Popular Universities Down Under:
As a student looking to study in Australia, you have a wide variety of quality options. In the order of the latest rankings, the 10 best universities in Australia are as follows:
Australian National University (ANU)
University of Sydney
University of Melbourne
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
University of Queensland (UQ)
Monash University
University of Western Australia (UWA)
University of Adelaide
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
University of Wollongong
If you wish to explore more details of the courses in these universities, contact us, Career2life, study abroad consultants in Delhi. From finding the right course to help with finding the accommodation, providing options for financing the study, we will assist you find the most suitable options.
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nextbraintech · 1 year
Top 4 Things to Consider When Hiring Mobile App Developers
When you’re hiring mobile app developers, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. These include their experience, portfolio, reputation, and cost.
Hiring a mobile app developer can be a challenging process, especially for startup and business owners. There are many different platforms that allow you to hire app developers, including job websites like Upwork and Dribble.
Hire Mobile App Developers in melbourne
1. Experience
Experience means a set of skills, knowledge, and expertise in a specific area. Depending on the application, this might include front-end development, backend computing, and knowledge of programming languages.
When hiring, it is important to note that the best app developers in melbourne have a lot of experience in their field. It is also important to check their portfolio and previous projects for evidence of their skill.
A good mobile app developer will be proactive about their work and always want to learn more and improve their skills, knowledge, and expertise. They are also capable of managing their time well and prioritize tasks appropriately.
2. Portfolio
Portfolios are an important tool for junior developers to show off their skills and demonstrate their passion for the work they do. It can also help them stand out from the crowd when applying for a job or internship.
A portfolio should be a mix of different asset classes, like stocks, bonds and commodities. It should balance the risk, return and potential for growth while meeting an individual’s goals, preferences and needs.
It should also include recommendations based on how much money you make and your financial risk tolerance. The best investments will take into account your investment goals, time frame and how much you want to invest in each asset class.
In the mobile app development industry, a portfolio can be especially useful as it demonstrates how the developer has worked on similar projects and the tech stack they used. This will give you an idea of how knowledgeable they are in their industry and if they can deliver quality results.
3. Reputation
The reputation of a mobile app development company in melbourne is one of the top things to consider when hiring them. Having a good reputation is important for a variety of reasons, including the ability to secure new business and grow an existing customer base.
A reputation is a type of image that people have about a person or company and it can be difficult to change. It can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the circumstances.
Reputation is a complex phenomenon that moves from individual cognition (when it is born) to social propagation (when it is accepted and believed as from the agent) and back to individual cognition again (when it is rejected). It also acts at the level of agency, where it concerns groups and communities as well as abstract social entities.
A good reputation can have a direct impact on how people perceive you, your brand or product and the decisions they make in their daily lives. So it’s worth spending some time to develop a strong reputation.
4. Cost
Developing an app is a costly endeavor. Whether you’re creating a mobile app for a small business or a large corporation, you want to ensure that you hire the right people to do the job.
How much a mobile app developers in melbourne charges is one of the top things to consider when hiring them. The cost of hiring an app developer is largely dependent on the type of app you’re creating, its complexity, and your budget.
A simple, native, single-platform app can start in the range of $25,000 and go up to $700,000. An app that includes back-end server development, high-end encryption, and a complex user interface could be in the seven-figure range.
In general, the more complicated the app is, the higher its costs. However, there are many ways to save money while still creating a quality app. Having a clear understanding of what you want to create can help the developer give you an accurate quote.
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tppblogs · 1 year
Entry 1
My name is Joshua Nosce, and I am an international working student born and raised in the Philippines for 25 years. I speak mostly English and speak fluently in Filipino. My knowledge of different sports is high, but my interests are mostly in basketball, baseball, soccer, American football, and Formula 1.
Throughout my history with school and work, I did my secondary and high school diploma at the Kolbe Academy, which is a home school program located in California, USA for 5 years. I went to different schools studying different courses like culinary arts and game development after high school to see where I wanted to be in the future. I had several jobs after becoming a barista at Seattle’s Best Coffee, and then a sales associate at Titan Basketball store. I completed certificate and diploma courses in accounting and sports management respectively. I attended several basketball camps and programs after, mostly with the Filipino Basketball Academy to improve my skills in basketball.
With the very limited options I have in the Philippines and the passion I have for sports, I decided to go to Australia to study any courses that involve sports. When I arrived, I completed a diploma course in Sports Management so I can take up a Bachelor’s degree in sports. I am now completing my last year of studies in the Bachelor of Sports Business at Holmesglen Institute. Throughout my study at Holmesglen, I have discovered many learnings about sports in Australia and skills that I must or can use within the sports industry. My skills have improved in how to interact with people and connect with them within the sports industry, but it still needs to improve on gaining more connections, by talking more with the people around me.
Right now, I am working as a Venue Operations Officer at the Melbourne Sports Centres working and assisting with the events of different sporting organisations. I just recently started my internship as a Data Acquisition Support with Baseball Australia going to Melbourne Aces games and recording every play of the game, which could be my career goal. I am still planning to take up another internship with another sports organisation to gain more connections and experience. At the end of my course, finish my internships, and graduate, I hope to become a Data Analyst or any operational position in an office at basketball, soccer, or any sporting organisation like the NBA, EPL, NFL or Formula 1.
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