#Absolutely zero inspiration whatsoever.
chaoticentropy · 1 month
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up where the mountains meet the heavens above // out where the lightning splits the sea
@ineffablecollision jazz, i believe this one is for you 💖
yt link ✨
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anti-spop · 5 months
Some people: “Well actually, if you pay attention to the episode count, it’s the same amount of episodes between Catra saving Glimmer and them defeating Horde Prime as it is between Zuko defecting from the Fire Nation and then defeating Ozai!”.
Yes, because as we all know, Zuko was doing absolutely zero introspection or growth or change in the first two-and-a-half seasons of ATLA. None whatsoever.
Yeah, Zuko's change was long and gradual. Catra merely changed sides at the last minute because she didn't have anywhere else to go. She didn't learn to care about Glimmer or Adora or anyone else. I don't know why people insist that Catra is like Zuko, because even if their backstories are similar (as they're both scapegoats), they're not the same character.
Hell, they don't even have the same morals. Zuko, much like Adora, was brainwashed, but he slowly learned how awful the Fire Nation was and he strived to do the right thing. Catra, on the other hand, always knew that the Horde was awful but she didn't care. As many other people have pointed out, Catra is a lot more like Azula personality-wise. Azula also used fear to control others and she felt like her mother loved Zuko more than her. Sounds familiar?
Arguably, I've seen the fandom comparing Azula and Catra before, but some still insist on shoving Zuko in the middle. I hate that SPOP itself does seem to take some inspiration from book 3 Zuko in season 5 (at least that was the impression I got), but it's badly done. They try to make jokes out of Catra's past actions but they feel mean-spirited and cheap. SPOP is simply not as nuanced as ATLA - and I'm not saying it has to be, but I'm tired of the show and the fandom pretending otherwise.
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kokoch4n3l · 2 months
I have absolutely no self respect whatsoever and I don’t even mean it in the silly fun way. My crush(who I’ve liked since middle school) indirectly called me a whore and gave the most shitty analogy by comparing me to the stray dogs in Pakistan and said “you’re like them but instead of begging for food you’re begging for love”
And I very obviously cried. Then some days later he apologized and put his fuckin hand on the back of my neck and my dumbass fuckin folded. I have zero self respect when it comes to this disrespectful piece of shit so now the mc of DEAD GIRL’S BEACH will suffer more 🤭
Get ready for dog analogies because that asshole has inspired me
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aptericia · 2 months
?_? that person calling you out for your aro post is such a classic example of the how dare you say we piss on the poor meme, they clearly did not read or understand the post whatsoever. you did not do anything wrong and there is no need to bend over backwards to please them. sure tagging with aphobia or tw aphobia is helpful but that's clearly not what they were asking. and your post absolutely belongs in the aromantic tag. I hope a single person with zero reading comprehension skills does not get you down!!
thank you for the reassurance friend! tbh I did get the feeling that they misunderstood the post, but I have no confidence in my ability to judge others, especially strangers on the internet...
And I am really glad to hear that people think it belongs in the aro tag! I was stressing about that from when I first posted it since I don't usually make that kind of content, but there have been a lot of awesome comments on it and I think it resonated with people, which I'm happy about!
Thank you for the reminder and for continually inspiring me to make aro posts! 🙏🙏🙏
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allseeingbirchtree · 11 months
Fate/Zero is about love: an essay
(A crosspost from Reddit, since my post there went unnoticed for some indiscernible reason)
I know as well as everybody else here that Fate/Zero is divisive in the community. It’s meaninglessly dark, cruel and hopeless, with no point to make other than The World Is Horrible, And All Ideals Are Pointless. Except when it’s not.
Fate/Zero is about a lot of things. It’s a Greek tragedy, which I agree with, and it’s a story about the journey being more important and valuable than the destination, which I also agree with, and it’s a story about heroism, ideals and whether it’s ever justified to take a life, which I agree with as well. But consider this: Fate/Zero is also about love. Or, to put it more broadly, Fate/Zero is about the way love and personal connections change us and shape us and turn us into different people — maybe, even better people. It’s about the way it’s foolish and hypocritical to claim to love the entirety of humanity and act in its best interests, when you don’t love any person specifically. And when you look at it that way, a lot of frequent complaints just… disappear.
Ryuunosuke and Caster, for one, are extremely divisive. People often bring them up when they want to prove Fate/Zero’s tendencies for meaningless violence. They both are horrible people, their “art” is disgusting, and they seem not to play any important part in the grand scheme of narrative, Caster being what you call a disc-one final boss, and Ryuunosuke having no stakes whatsoever in the Holy Grail War. So, does that mean they’re only here for the Urobuchi-typical shock value? No. They’re not.
The thing about Ryuunosuke and Caster is that, though they are the first master-servant pair to die, they die as happy people. Einzbern Consultation Room is a comedy series, I know, but even there it’s stated that Caster has zero regrets. Why is that? Because what matters most about this unlikeable pair is the fact that they have one of the best, most genuine master-servant bonds in the entirety of Fate franchise.
That’s pretty much the only thing that makes them sympathetic enough for the viewer to care about them even a little. They are two horrible people who absolutely adore each other. They are a perfect fit, the only master-servant pair in Fate/Zero that was determined not by the artifact used but by the similarity of their characters. Ryuunosuke is pretty much glowing with happiness and excitement whenever he’s around Caster. Caster is so inspired by Ryuunosuke’s weird take on god he changes his entire worldview. Whether it’s a good example of personal connections changing you or not is up to you to decide, but the thing is: their only redeeming feature, the only reason one can care about them, the reason why they’re absolutely content and happy as they’re dying is their bond, so pure and genuine that it contrasts everything else we know of them.
The worst people in the series, cherishing each other like no other master-servant pair in Fate/Zero and exiting the Holy Grail War with no regrets. The epitome of enjoying the journey more than the destination (which is easily explained by the fact that they have no discernible destination). Even though they’re terrible, they are capable of this one meaningful connection that changes both of them. Their purpose in the story, one of many, is to show that even people like them are capable of love and bonds and stuff like this. That’s why they are a thing.
Kayneth is another perfect example of a generally unsympathetic character who is changed and moved and motivated by love. As arrogant and selfish and cruel as he is, he loves Sola-Ui just enough to throw everything that matters in his life for the sake of her safety. Without hope, without reward. One of the reasons he is written this exact way is to make the moment of his choice hit this hard. It’s hard to believe he would forfeit everything for the sake of a single woman — but he does. Because it’s the only thing he can possibly do.
I genuinely adore the way Kiritsugu and Kayneth’s conflict is written, not only because of the fact that Kayneth is an amazing mage who only relies on magic, and Kiritsugu makes a living killing people like him, but also because of the fact that what Kayneth does here is the exact thing Kiritsugu can’t possibly do.
Kayneth throws away his goals, his chance to win the Holy Grail War and regain his abilities and his health, and sacrifices everything for the person he loves. Kiritsugu isn’t like that. Kiritsugu is all about his goals; he would never discard his beautiful wish about peace for the entire world for the sake of Irisviel, or Ilyasviel, or anyone really. In this exact moment the unlikeable Kayneth is so much better, so much stronger than Kiritsugu could ever hope to be. He is capable of making sacrifices for love, and Kiritsugu isn’t. Even if it’s fleeting, even if Kiritsugu fooled him, this mere decision is the most beautiful and meaningful thing in his entire life.
Waver is irrevocably changed and shaped by Rider’s presence in his life, inheriting his ideals and genuine love for life. His arc is pretty much a coming-of-age story, and the main trigger for his growth is Rider, the person who he would always banter with, the person who taught him his true self-worth and showed him how much there is to the world. Rider’s influence, Waver’s connection to him, his love for him are what made him more than just a boy with an inferiority complex. When Gilgamesh acknowledges him and considers him worthy of living, Waver pretty much consists of nothing but love for Rider, nothing but admiration and will to live and desire to see his will through, to live a long, meaningful life as his retainer. God, Rider’s Ionioi Hetairoi is all about personal connections: he was such a great leader his retainers followed him even in death. There’s no better, more grandiose display of loyalty, friendship and love. The reason Waver exits the Holy Grail War the happiest, having gained the most, is because his relationship with Rider is the healthiest one of all.
Kariya, the poor fool, somehow managed to make every mistake in his life. His love for Aoi is a trainwreck, hopeless and hurtful for everyone involved, but it’s not his only love. His entire reason for entering the Holy Grail War is Sakura’s well-being. He loves Sakura. You could make an argument for him trying to play the hero in order to shake off the feelings of guilt, but there’s no way his love for Sakura wasn’t genuine. He didn’t love Sakura as an extension of Aoi — he loved Sakura just because she was Sakura and she was suffering and he didn’t want her to. He ruined his entire life for that little girl alone. Yes, he failed in the end and arguably made Sakura’s life even more miserable, but he loved her enough to throw his own life away, and that was what made the Holy Grail War worth it for him.
Tokiomi is a difficult case, especially when you are an anime-only, but his love for his daughters is something that makes him a part of this argument, and the omission of his inner monologue about his feelings for both of his daughters, and his reasons for giving Sakura away is one of the grave sins of the anime adaptation. He wants nothing more than to be the perfect father for Rin, to be the father she can be proud of, and isn’t it a most beautiful wish?
God, even Kirei, at the very end of the story, makes a connection with Gilgamesh that changes him and for the most part turns him into the person he ends up being, for better or for worse. Kirei, good old I’m Empty And Incapable Of Love Kirei Kotomine — he is changed through an interpersonal connection he has during the Holy Grail War.
And Kiritsugu… Kiritsugu loves no one. Yes, there are Irisviel, Ilyasviel, Maiya — so many people who love him unconditionally — but he doesn’t love them back. Or he doesn’t love them back enough. Even as he claims to love his family, he would sacrifice it the moment it’s necessary for him to achieve his goals. He would never give up his dream for the sake of his loved ones. He couldn’t even give up his habits — look at how fast he picks up smoking again as he enters the Holy Grail War. Kiritsugu is unable to love anyone more than he loves his idea of a peaceful world. Which turns out to be nothing more than that: an idea.
It’s hypocritical to love the humanity itself without loving anything in particular. When you love only the humanity, you love no one at all. Kiritsugu is the only person here with zero meaningful connections. He doesn’t allow himself to be changed through love, through others’ influence. That’s why he ends up the most miserable out of all the participants. He had never been changed. He had never been motivated by his love for a specific person. He had never made any sacrifices for others — only had others sacrifice themselves for him and treated it as if he had any right to take a life and call it his own sacrifice.
In the end, he gains nothing and he loses everything. Only when he finds Shirou, he finally finds the person that — in that exact situation — matters more than any of his goals. A human who means more to him than the humanity, a living child who is worth more than an abstract, meaningless idea of a perfect world.
And what is it, if not the utmost proof that the point Fate/Zero makes is also a point about love? Familial love, friendship, connection, romantic love — whatever you call that. Urobuchi’s works in general are more about love than people think. In his grimdark world, the thing that’s the most beautiful, the thing that makes living worth it is love — love for another person, no matter what kind of love it is. I rest my case.
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So I've been thinking about the early 5Ds timeline -- specifically the bridge and Rex Godwin. We all know timelines in Yugioh aren't the cleanest things ever, but the more I think about it, the more it bothers me.
So I have come up with the most Unhinged Headcanon to explain things. Fair warning, this has absolutely no basis in canon whatsoever, other than the gaping plot holes surrounding Godwin's rise to power and the partial construction of the bridge. The rest is the product of me and my absolutely Unhinged Brain.
To begin, let us consider the facts: 1. Godwin starts out in Satellite, where he eventually becomes a legend for inspiring the people to build a bridge to the city. 2. Somehow he ends up in charge of the entire city. 3. A bridge is begun on the city side but is never completed. 4. Everyone in Satellite are considered second-class citizens. 5. All of this happens in the span of about 17 years.
So let's break this down.
By the time Godwin begins that first bridge in Satellite, how much time has passed already since Zero Reverse? We don't know. We aren't told. What we do know is that enough time has passed that everyone there are already considered second-class citizens. We can infer this by the cops interfering with the bridge and shutting it down and by the fact that hopelessness has already settled in (according to the legend) because its clear that the city has no intention of doing anything other than letting them rot. This is why Godwin becomes such a legend for "flying into the sun" -- even if no one in Satellite has any idea that he actually made it to the city. We don't know how long Godwin was there before he made his daring escape, but it would have to be at the very bare minimum six months to a year.
But here's the real kicker: by the the time he leaves, Satellites are already considered second-class citizens, and clearly no one is trying to build that bridge despite the fact that is was started. So the question you have to ask here is why?
Godwin's explanation to Yusei is to keep the coming conflict out of the city by creating an environment of despair to attract the Dark Signers. But why did that already seem to be the cause for them being kept separate before Godwin got there? Before Godwin, with all his knowledge of the coming conflict, arrived, what reason was there for Satellite to be purposefully separated and its citizens dehumanized?
How did he rise to power? How did even find out what Illiaster is, much less become this "guardian"?
We aren't told any of this.
So allow me to redirect your attention to the most forgettable villain of the entire series:
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This is Demak/Devack. The only reason I know that Demak is the Japanese name for this guy is because I looked it up. He is the epitome of unremarkable villain because we are told literally nothing about him apart from his name. He shows up, he duels the twins, and he's gone. (He's also bald, but I couldn't find a good screenshot of that that wasn't from one of the games.)
And thus this becomes the story of me making him more important than the writers did.
Rudger/Roman cuts off his arm and becomes the first Dark Signer. Demak is killed in Zero Reverse and becomes the second. But he ends up on the city-side of the disaster, and much like Carly, he has no idea what happened or what's going on and is, because of that, able to go back into regular society, really none the wiser while still being influenced by his Earthbound God. He goes back to his family and his job -- as a senator -- as if nothing happened.
The city is in chaos. The current director is a basket case and easily swayed. He sends aid and immediately sets to building the bridge, but it doesn't last. Because Demak is influential in the government and he has the ears of other senators and its not long before they are convincing the director that the bridge is far too costly and, really, perhaps this is a judgement on the people and who are we to interfere with the will of god? And the director listens. The bridge project is suspended indefinitely. The citizens of the islands who are clearly being punished by god for their depravity are then deprived of their status, and that attitude grows and spreads like wildfire until there could never be any hope at all of building the bridge because the citizens of the city don't want those "deplorables" among them.
And then Rex makes it out. Demak is a good friend of his, so with no other plan, he goes to his old friend. Demak tells him everything he has learned in that time. Influenced as he is now by his Earthbound God, he has learned a few things, and he shares them with Godwin -- though leaving out which side of the conflict he sides with -- and convinces Godwin that with him in charge, everything would be okay. And because Demak has the ears of the Senators, he can, perhaps, make that happen.
Godwin is devastated that the bridge cannot be completed, but he agrees to do what needs to be done. He promised his brother, after all. Once he's been instated as the new director (the old one dies rather suspiciously but no one questions it because the senators don't and they shut down every avenue of investigation), he starts doing his own research into everything based solely on the conflict he learned about from Demak and the fact that he currently has his brother's arm with that strange mark on it. He meets Illiaster the exact same way his brother had: at the Nazca Lines. Illiaster is pleased. They promise he will stay in power. And they give him his mission.
(If, later on, when Godwin is weighing his options of whether to put his trust in a bunch of kids or do things another way, and he thinks of his old friend Demak, and that influences his choice to throw the duel against this brother, well...)
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phoenix-flamed · 7 months
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Because I am leveling my Hali Elwin alt's crafters in the Firmament, have a completely serious headcanon that, again, is completely and totally serious:
Elwin is absolutely abysmally terrible at gambling. He has zero luck whatsoever in that department, can't do the whole "poker face" thing to save his life, and no, this is not at all inspired by the fact that I have lost the Casual Attire Coffer at least six times now because I picked the wrong Kupo Of Fortune option.
Actually, thanks to @svnsworn 's Luna, I am also headcanoning that he's actually terrible at chess too, despite his best attempts to hide it.
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bitciziad · 9 months
welcome to my blog || minors + ageless profiles DNI !!
i have zero idea how tumblr works i’m rawdogging it cuz i learn no other way, expect a lot of editing but we got this dwdw
i’ll mostly use this blog for Degrees of Lewdity, meaning MINORS DNI. no age = blocked :(
i do NOT tolerate: -> homophobia, transphobia, racism, the sexualization of minors/pedophilia, etc.
NSFW material will be reblogged, posted, drawn, etc. while the content i personally create might not be that explicit, the community i interact with is - which can include art + stories with nudity, dub/noncon, sex, gore, etc. so just like general cw there. heavy on the might.
viewer discretion is advised!
blog navigation:
#binge!myart - my posted art ! have fun homie
#dol!hc - headcanons kinda (or shitposts)
#bitwip - work in progresses OR unrelated text
#others art - rb art that isn’t mine !!
#reblog - self explanatory text rb’s ykyk
#asks/messages - answered inbox stuff
T.B.C. - the hashtag stuff confuses me but i’ll figure it out so… to be continued ?? tags might change and i’ll link ‘em later.
side note; any specific character art you want to see will just have the normal DoL tag (ex: #kylar the loner // #dol kylar) on my profile, which will also be included with the reblogs! idk i’m figuring it out
other stuff, FAQ:
using my art:
feel free to use my fanart with credit as pfps on tumblr, you can also use/reference my designs for DoL! love that n i don’t mind, all i ask is that my personal art of OCs are not taken (or art that i specifically create for others) and to not repost any of my art on other platforms whatsoever. other than that idc, i get inspired by all y’all anyway so have fun go crazy go stupid
i genuinely have very little clue as to how asks work but i love to see them so we’ll burn that bridge together when we get there ;) it takes me a minute to respond but i’ll try just for you tho bb dw say whatever you want i gotchu i don’t mind if it’s related to DoL or not, be unhinged n curious always babes i’ll absolutely reply when i can
what is DoL?:
if you followed my account without knowing what DoL is - degrees of lewdity (DoL) is basically a free-range-do-what-you-will text-based explicit porn game that contains mostly any and all mature NSFW topics of dubcon, noncon, sex, drugs, abuse, etc. with other world/story elements. all characters in the game are 18+
you can call me bitciziad or binge! i’m 19 and bi as hell (drooling over any and everyone forever and always YUH) anyway i’m a self indulgent (but procrastinating) fanartist n i make out with the homies PASSIONATELY so pucker up we bout to kiss. on the lips.
on another note though feel free to interact with however you do that, i talk a LOT im shameless babes u wanna share music ?? art ?? headcanons ?? just shoot the shit ?? i gotchu BUT THANK YOUU for liking my art/the comments or tags you leave y’all’re great
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anyway that’s all for now i think so have this tiny ass mta doodle i did forever ago for a filler, 100% expect for this to get edited at some point along with everything i will ever post ever™
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greypetrel · 1 year
Hey!! <3 For the writing questions, 4 (in Italian or English or both c:), 19, 26, 36
Hello there! <3
Ooooooooooooh number 4 is such a cool question! Thanks for asking it!!
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I love ideophones, onomatopoeic words that sounds as the thing they're describing. LOVE THEM.
Croccante (crunchy), in italian, it just gives you that idea of crunchiness when you say it! /krok-KAN-teh/ Sibilo/Hissing (meaning the same thing), you need to hiss to pronounce them? Wonderful.
Give me some well-done allitteration and I'll be yours forever, also don't let me start talking about Coleridge who was a genius in giving sound to his poetry ("furrow followed free" *swoons*)
I also love big, altisonant and funny-sounding words that takes too much time to say, or, as a person who studied philology, words that have history to them.
Pantagruelism (buffoonery or coarse humor with a satirical or serious purpose : cynical humor ) (also buffoonery is a great word) Boycott (to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with (a person, a store, an organization, etc.) usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions) who comes from the name of an Irishman that just... Decided to stop paying taxes to the English.
As "Feral" in the sense of words I can't stand... anything with a "squelchy" sound (squelch is another onomatopoeic word... But it's a kind of sounds that triggers me and I can't stand xD). "Squelch", "Moist", in italian "Ciuccio" (EEEEW. Ciuccio is probably one of the words I find the most horrible ever. PLEH. /TCHOO-tchow/ . I repeat. PLEH.)
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I started very early on as a hobby. In my family we all write little silly stories for funsies, so I just... Followed the example and wrote my own. I think I started writing prose along with comics (a friend and me used to draw little comics one for the other). I came to an abrupt stop with prose in my early 20s: I started playing GDRs that worked with writing what your character did... And it was fun, but I was getting problems with Anxiety, very stressed, and a couple of bad comments convinced me my prose was boring and hard to read. I felt EXTREMELY self-conscious about it and stopped with prose whatsoever, just stuck to comics and screenwriting where I could rely on drawing. I got back to prose... In September, with Dragon Age fics. It's being a difficult and busy period, but I still needed some creative outlet. So I started to write because it's quicker than comics, I can do it on my phone, with zero instruments to bring along and needing no space. It was just for my own consumption, when inspirations stroke or I played something that left me with a "Yes that was good... But I want MORE of it. I think the first think I blorted out was this Trespasser piece (it's longer on my file, there's an extract). I started to write pieces here and there... And then thought it would have been nice to have a place to put them all in order. And sent a request to AO3. (as a person who once said "No I could never write fanfiction!". Look at us, little me, we're getting better!)
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
Massively daydreaming, doodling things, roleplaying them in my head. DnD alignments and personality tests GREATLY help me to get to know them better (MBTI works fine as guidelines, as Tarot cards and even Zodiac Signs. Don't believe in Astrology, but as a personality test it's fine enough). Listening to music and imagining scenes and scenarios on it. Whatever works. I get out when I need to focus on other things, mainly I change the playlist. xD
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
I know passion and believing in my opinions and standing up and making them heard. I know sadness and melancholy, I know of crippling anxiety and being scared and feeling little... And how to live with it. I know blood does not run thicker than water, and that sometimes your family is not the one you're born with, but the one you find for yourself. I know of distances, and that they don't really matter with the right people, not today, not with internet. I know kindness even if it's still a work in progress. I know my mistakes and of trying to learn from those and getting better. I like to think I know of books, or that I am enthusiast enough to reference them and take inspirations from dead authors, lore and mythologies, finding patterns and recurrencies. I know of sailing and the sea, and I'm lucky to know what it feels like to have an animal choose you as its companion.
... And this is getting sappy and too lyrical so I'll stop. Oh, I know when I'm getting sappy too!
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amaurotine · 7 months
some patch thoughtse... (there are many, so look out!)
ok so. six point five was extremely predictable imo, and while i definitely have my qualms with it, a lot of those qualms aren't with 6.5 uniquely and are more criticisms tied to the greater 6.x patch plot arc, and 6.0's ending in and of itself was really kind of a non-ending and deeply unsatisfactory for me , as it left an immense taste of "well, now what" in my mouth, which s.e proceded to botch and contradict their own lore in the most mid tier manners possible thereafter. as a whole, the patch plot aws rushed and horrendously written. i truly don't understand why the 13th didn't get its own expansion, as the first certainly did. i'm sorry if i sound bitchy but ig i'm just really disappointed, because i feel like there was sooo much potential here and a lot of it was wasted. i know the writers are capable of doing better, and That's Why It Gets Me.
i really adore zero and i am personally glad she wasn't definitively confirmed to be an az.em shard (although ppl wanting to claim her as that for their wols are are totally valid; i say this from my own perspective bc my own wol is very much A Man and thus it would be more profound to me if zero were her own damn person and had her own motivations separate form just "oh ofc she's the hero bc she's an az.em shard.") i predicted the use of the darkness from the 13th being used to help blanace the scales of the first and vice versa, and the minidragonification of az.daja was very much HW midga.rdsormr all over again, but the dragonet models are insanely cute so i'll give it a pass. i'm definitely giving a lot of things a pass because out of the entire patch series thus far, 6.5 has been the most satisfactory in terms of gameplay and writing (which reaaaally isn't saying much but honestly, i'm just thankful that it wasn't worse lmfao.) as for the whole notgolbez thing, i am deeply unsatisified with it, partly because i LOVE the original gol.bez from iv, he's an absolute MVP for me in terms of brown biracial major character representation. i'm a golbezfucker on main and while i think dura.nte is cool, i dont feel that xiv's "adaption" of gol.bez does him any justice whatsoever, it just feels like hamfisted reference to prev ff games being shoved in willy nilly in a highly transparent big of nostalgia points that don't lead anywhere or pay off in the end; like it isn't rly gol.bez, it's just some Guy in his armor who vaguely looks like him. i feel like they could have done WAY better in terms of adapting golb.ez's story into xiv, in a way that could have preserved the integrity of his original character. i do, however, enjoy my copium theory that durante is zenos's 13th shard, as i like the idea of a zen.os shard being friends with an a.zem shard on the 13th and having a good relationship, in direct contrast to the wol's rivalry with him on the source. idk. i'm also usually very contentphobic but i actually enjoyed the trial and the dungeon for a change.the music was also sick as fuck but i believe that goes without saying. i was hoping for a bit more lore on the thirteenth pre-fuckening but oh well... at least there was an ige.yorhm mention ;-;
as for the raid, i absolutely HATE what they've done with the 12 and it is very much a hamfisted attempt at reconciling early game (1.0/arr) lore with what we have now, but they've essentially rendered the 12 as useless creations who vaguely resemble ppl ven.at knew/who possibly sacrificed themselves to hydaelyn. the ancient whom byregot was inspired from (whose original name was definitely not byreg.ot btw, im going to come up with an oc for that if i have to and add him to my compendium of bureau of the architect lore.)
i do hope we see more of zero and i am disappointed that notgolbez and her didn't join the scions, and i hope she doesn't get sidelined. i also want y'sh.tola to drop The Lore on us about rift-traveling, instead of everything just being chalked up to "haha funy crystal tower has power", as i think that would be a GREAT way for se to utilize her character, which is often brutally underutilized because We Can't Have Brown Women Take The Spotlight.
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joyce-bi-ers · 1 year
hey babes i have covid rn and it’s awful and i feel awful and so i cleaned up my desk drawers and found these oil pastels that hadn’t been opened yet and immediately felt the need to draw with them and so i did. i have not drawn with oil pastels since kindergarten so you can imagine how it went.
first i just doodled some little doodles . you know the stuff you usually draw when you doodle somewhere on your notes or whatnot. hearts. flowers, the sun, a ladybug idk . it’s nothing special but my mom loved it and so she has it now
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then i looked at Pinterest for inspiration and found this cute little image of a strawberry and tried to draw it . it’s a bit wonky and obviously i didn’t have all the colors but she’s kind of pretty isn’t she . i like her
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then I saw this stunning picture of a figure standing in front of a twirling blue, purple and pink sky and thought I can draw swirls . and I drew swirls but I did them differently than the one I saw and mine are just kind of … there and don’t look like the sky but yk what it’s modern . for sure right
then I remembered I saw this pretty candle and tried to draw it and I have to say given the fact I only had ten colors it looks pretty okay
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then I drew the mandatory ‚sun set sea‘ thing which ., the colors are pretty but it’s eh . also the birds turned out very wonky
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then i just drew a big chunky ladybug because i adore ladybugs and they are very simple to draw ! look at this beauty. I don’t know why the red is so vibrant here tbh
I thought I could draw a big flower and searched on Pinterest, found nothing I liked but then settled on this pretty purple one and I think it is clear that I have close to zero actually skill with oil pastels bc there is no depth whatsoever and I don’t know what I was thinking with the background tbh
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because the chunky flower went so so well I thought I should draw tulips . fantastic idea. I really don’t know what I was thinking with the yellow one in the bottom right corner but she’s there for some reason . the greenery looks absolutely weird .
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anyway that’s it thank you for reading and looking at rahels art™️
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winterwakesthewolf · 2 years
Tag 9 People you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by @jonsaslove and I feel so honored to be tagged by a fellow Jonsa diehard and Jonsa writer! If you haven't checked out their fics, doooooo it you won't regret it!
Favorite Color: black and green
Currently Reading: A Dance with Dragons (I know, I know!) but next on my list is Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler. I've heard amazing things about it and Kindred is a work of hers that I've read multiple times and is absolutely riveting so I'm excited to dive into another one of her works.
Last Song: Iron Man by Black Sabbath (lolzzz)
Last Series: the latest seasons of Stranger Things and Peaky Blinders. I've been a fan of both shows for years and I felt that the previous seasons of both of them were duds so I was happy that the PB one didn't suck and I actually really loved S4 of ST (I even went down an Eddie Munson brain rot rabbit hole of fics and I'm struggling to get out).
Last Film: Outlaw King (2018) It's been on my to-watch list for years and I finally watched it recently and it's so good. Like, it's a very good film IMO and apparently pretty accurate according to some historians on youtube
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I've gotta say the same as @jonsaslove because I'm a huge foodie. I love all three, buuuuut I really love to bake and I'm honestly really great baker (it took me yeeeeaaarrs to admit I am good at anything so let me have this), so maybe sweet???
Currently Working On: oooooooooh boy do I wanna finally let the cat outta the bag?! I don't wanna jinx it!?? It's been literal years since I published anything on A03 and it's honestly bc life has not been kind to me the last few years and I've had ZERO time to write, but a few months ago I got a really great idea for a sort of modern jonsa fic based off of a movie I loved as a kid in the 90's and I want to complete it before I start publishing and that's all I'm gonna say about that... I ALSO have a part 2 of my one shot (WTBMB) that has been sitting in my google docs for a very long time and I need to just bite the bullet and publish it already. Sadly, I don't have anything new for my first fic that is unfinished. I just... I cannot seem to find ANY inspiration for it whatsoever and I'd rather it go unfinished for a while or indefinitely than finish it in a way that feels rushed or uninspired or boring, ya know? And besides, it was my first fic and whenever I've gone back and read any of it its like cringe city in my brain.
Tagging: @elegantwoes @jonisawarg @branwendaughterofllyr @istumpysk @thewolvescalledmehome @esther-dot @gwidhiel @riahchan @agentrouka-blog sorry if you were tagged twice, and obvi you don't have to participate if you don't want to!
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vacantgodling · 9 months
hi! I’m a new follow and don’t know too much about your wips, so sorry if you’ve answered this recently!
what do you typically do to flesh out your worldbuilding in your wips? do you find it easy/difficult? and if you want to share something neat go ahead!
hey, welcome to the Madness!! (madness being: i explain nothing and just ramble about my wips with zero context whatsoever lmaooo)
i don't think i've ever answered this question in a broad sense? my worldbuilding is quite... chaotic and spans Many Many years depending on which wip we're talking about. but in general, i tend to worldbuild by getting obsessed with a character and building up the world around that specific character. at the end of the day i am quite more interested in my blorbos and the setting just makes my blorbos make more sense/are more tragic/etc etc.
an example is tcol - when i first made it at 12 i didn't really know much about worldbuilding but as i got older and started getting to know the characters more, clear brightendale (my absolute beloved) became my main interest. through him i started to work out how hunters/dark hunters worked (which then led to me developing the rest of the classes), the city he came from and why its Like That (which then led to me creating other major cities), to even how magic worked (which then led to me making tcol's entire magic system). now that i'm older worldbuilding for the sake of it is definitely fun however i really do only get inspired to do it when i have a character i like that needs explaining lol.
i think worldbuilding in itself is kind of easy-ish. at least for me. i like researching and history is a big interest of mine, so a lot of my worldbuilding stems from my understanding of how history works and why things tend to happen the way that they do. i do tend to take inspiration from irl and historical happenings for my worldbuilding, however i tend to branch off very quickly into things that i just think are fun! (or ways that i wish the world operated LMAO)
i don't think i have anything particularly neat off the top of my head. but if you want more information about tcol's world terrae, feel free to check out my giant guide here: TCOL CRASH COURSE
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Okay fine you ridiculous human being who I adore wholeheartedly:
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
so there!
oh boy, I've probably got multiple that have literally zero kudos since i imported a bunch from my really old fic LJ back in the day. XD
Aight, I have TWO with absolutely no kudos whatsoever, and they're both older.
One is Saturdaystuck, which was the theoretical introduction to a homestuck AU of a couple of my OCs and a couple of my wife's OCs. I entirely understand why it has no kudos - it has NO context as to who these people even are, and it's only like 1k words of pesterlog. That said, I think I did a pretty good job capturing the four of them in chatlog form and I'm still kind of fond of it.
The other one is Fellowship of the Greenholms, which is from my LotR phase uuuuh nearly 20 years ago now. Literally, y'all can read a fic I wrote twenty years ago. How wild is that? It's an unfinished and abandoned chapterfic about Sam Gamgee's adult children and their children, obviously after LotR is long done. It was heavily inspired by the works of one of my favorite fic writers, who went by BaylorSR at the time (and is just Baylor on AO3 now. You can find all the fics that inspired me on there! :D)
The action mostly focused on the kids of Elanor Gamgee, specifically the middle four (most of whom were not listed in the appendices so I made them up myself). It reached 6k words before I lost steam, which was long for me in 2003, and I'm actually pretty proud of it still. It's not the best writing in the world, but considering I wrote it when I was 17 I think it's pretty damn good. GOOD JOB ME. (the date on AO3 was the date I posted it to Stories of Arda, but I'd had it written for a fair bit by the time I did that, originally posting it on my geocities site.)
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shackld · 1 year
📜 for hamel or chelsea, whomever u prefer
Send in 📜 and I’ll use thisincorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse.
I prefer both I did both <3
Chief: *Stubs their toe* FUCK! Hamel: Mind your language! Chief: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”??? Hamel: Chief: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
Chief: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Hamel: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Chief: Absolutely not.
Chief: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait. Hamel: You and me!!! Chief, tearing up: Okay.
Chief, trying to cheer the group up: Things could be worse, you know! Hamel: How? Chief: How what? Hamel: How could they be worse? Chief: They couldn’t, I lied. Hamel:
Chief: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume? Chelsea: *chugs entire bottle* Chelsea: It’s perfume.
Chief, tending to Chelsea's wounds: How would you rate your pain? Chelsea: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Chief: Do you think you’d actually notice if someone didn’t cast a shadow? Or if their limbs were just slightly too long? Or if they had just a little too many teeth? like how many times have you passed Something on the street and you just didn’t Notice It? Chelsea: Stay woke monsterfuckers ur love is out there!!!!! Chief: Yknow what? Not my point at all in any way whatsoever, but I’m glad I could be an inspiration.
Chief: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are. Chelsea: It’s not a joke. Chelsea: *sniffles* Chelsea: I’m a legit snack.
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