#ASAU Arella
ageless-soul-au · 2 years
Who sews in your AU? And then who would use the seam ripper for petty revenge (ex: using it on every third seam of someone's fav pair of pants)
I feel like everyone should know like basic mending bc that was like a need-to-know Thing historically unless you're rich and can have people do it for you, but I think who's best at it is probably Wars, Legend, Fae, and Four (Red and Vio). Who can do it but not well is Twilight and Hyrule. The rest would probably prefer to have someone else do it.
However someone who knows how to sew well is Nadea bc her mom is a seamstress. Hyrule tries to sew but they have some interesting ideas about garment construction lmao. I feel like Red has tried to make a dress at some point too.
For seam ripping, Fae and Legend are absolutely vindictive enough to do that. Vio too probably hxgsjsk
Nadea's mother has also mastered the use of tactical seam ripping- for those commissioners who always ask "can you add x" to a garment in the middle of her putting final touches on, and those who try to weasel out of paying her fairly. She's a quiet, shy, soft-spoken woman but she will absolutely fuck your shit.
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mizuriii · 3 years
Nadea's family is a very big part of who she is as a person! Here's a quick peek at the time traveler girls family!
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Alonso is. A mush. He loves his wife a lot uwu
Arella is a V Talented Tailor/Seamstress! She has her own business and makes all of Isa's clothes! (Dea's too before she left) she's kind of on the shy side tho!
Lucero is the oldest child and was not very happy to learn his mother was having more kids after him, and Isa is the bouncy baby of the family, but you would think she was the oldest with the dynamic she has with her siblings. She's five foot three inches of pink frilled whoopass.
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