sixftmp3 · 5 months
i've decided im going to completely unravel the mcr "blanket" as it currently is and start over with a different technique that will cause me less pain
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un-pearable · 2 years
darkly funny to me that lloyd “father issues” garmadon is the one who introduced jay to starfarer
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july-19th-club · 7 months
i really love long-running tv shows. ten, twelve, fifteen seasons seems excessive, but i love the way that much time winds up being more organically true-to-life than a tightly-structured ten-episode realist drama, no matter how contrived the situations in a ten-year-old medical or legal drama might become. status quos warp and change, characters come in and out, relationships begin and end - marriages, divorces, children born, parents dying, everything from a character's hairstyle to their weight fluctuates as the actor's does. a protagonist leaves to spend more time with their family because a performer wants to do the same. there's a kind of natural moss that grows on these long runners, some seasons are better than others, some plots engage more enthusiasm from the crew and audience than others, but the work or the location or the group of people remains the same, or changes in the way things change in life: incrementally, abruptly, and then settling again into something that becomes familiar. young faces grow lines. dark hair goes grey. lean faces put on fat. and life happens
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aphel1on · 8 months
problems with writing fic set in fantasy historical china
"i want lan wangji to knit"
wikipedia informs me knitting did not reach china until the 1920s. devastating
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My fic procrastination has gotten so bad that I literally painted a whole ass jacket instead of writing LOL
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antisocialxconstruct · 3 months
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sysig · 7 months
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It always seems like such a good idea in the moment (Patreon)
The first four are in reference to a great idea I had of - since I’ve finished my lower-limit page number testing for making books; shorter fics take up less page space, and just increasing the font size isn’t as handsome! - simply making a mini book! All it would take would be to halve the pages again, right? Just cut them right down the middle! Easy peasy!
As I’m sure you can tell by the second, no. Not easy peasy. Difficult painful un-fun >:(
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Obviously I still did it tho! What do you take me for, someone who could have the idea of an even tinier book and then not do something about it?? No It’s also the only one so far to have a paper bookmark rather than a ribbon!
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All told it’s a bit smaller than your average manga (I love the monochrome covers on these under their dust jackets haha <3) - you can see even with effectively doubling up the pages by halving their size, it was still very small-spined!
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A quick shot while it was still being made hehe ♪ It’s Out! Paired here - and the earlier one, just without its dust jacket haha - with my Zarla SC2 collection (ft. Family, Negotiations are Going...Well, and With No Obligation) - I absolutely kicked myself after the fact for not including Out as the run-up to everything, I was really trying to make a full collection in probably-chronological order! Out would’ve been a perfect start! And it only would’ve taken like four pages!!
Ah well, it was still quite a learning experience - I probably wouldn’t make another standalone of under 4k-ish just for formatting reasons but I did get some good ideas of how to do so if I wanted to! Although, my next project is going to be even more of a formatting nightmare........I’ll get there when I get there! Lol
#Doodles#The impulsive thoughts are always the funnest! But then it's all a matter of actually putting them into reality...#Ahh well like I said under the cut it was a learning experience! And I really wanted a physical copy of Out haha ♪#I don't think I've ever mentioned it - not even in my pre-fic notes :0 - but Out was another one of my inspirations for Drinking Game#I mean - the drinking lol obviously but I hadn't considered what VUX drinking would be like before reading it :)#I wanted to pair it with both physical copies hehe ♫ I'm happy I attempted it! And I have a better foundation to build on in the future!#I ended up using the scrap leftover from making such a small cover as the bookmark haha - and I picked the covers so they'd almost-match :)#They go together! But not quite! Just enough!#The sting of creation has worn off - it's actually been a while since I've made a quick book! - so the itch is starting to come back haha#Well - almost lol - the formatting is still........but I do want to do it! Especially now that I've got a hand-in-hand hobby to go with it#All that later ♪ For now snakes!#And also spiders I am also the same when spiders#I've been escorting a lot of spiders outside lately and pretty much all of them fall under the moniker of ''darling'' to me lol#Still no luck on finding a jumping spider :( But I also haven't got an enclosure set up yet either#There's this one booth that always has such adorable and pretty jumping spider enclosures ahhh I might have to break and get one someday#Same place where I got to hold the snake in fact! :D She was a love <3 Beautiful full-grown female cornsnake if memory serves#She was rather wiggly - she was tired and fussy and didn't feel like being handled by a stranger but she was so polite about it#A real delight to handle <3 And I got to see her babies! So cute and tiny!#The rest is more SCII fic stuff haha ♪ Rereading the Pirate fic was a lot of fun :) Intentionally avoiding Vargas fic(s) does make me a bit#Well I really like Vargas still lol it is candy to my brain so any gesture even remotely in that direction is very exciting haha#I'm perfectly happy with the rest for now tho! I have plenty of things to read and make! >:3c#Heck there's still a SCII fic I haven't read yet that I want to!! I just have to get all my previous SCII thoughts out of my head first haha#I will tho >:3c Always always ♪♫#SCII
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chaotictomtom · 2 months
got teary eyes at a video abt a guy drawing dannygonzalez 100 times bc i got emotional abt someone starting to draw and pushing through how hard and discouraging it can be like this dude started right away with portraits. portraits that need to look like the person. what a mad lad. anyway idk what's wrong with me i think the beauty of life and humanity and ppl trying out art and getting back up after failing got me a lil
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oso-nan · 7 months
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shelf update! i forget to post these but i cleaned up my top shelf and rearranged some stuff now that im home with all my house of 1000 corpses figs
the taller otis and the spaulding with the gun i found boxless at a comics/collectible store that had a fallout themed speakeasy in the back interestingly enough… i did not go back there. but i got those 2 figs along with one of doctor satan but ive demoted him to bottom shelf privileges till further notice. all 3 were $300 even though it was without the boxes they came in— and the guy said the store owners wont let him sell them separately so i feel a little scammed 😒
it looks sad and emptier than the first time i rearranged my top shelf (pictured below) but im gonna build up a bigger collection of mainly firefly trilogy/tcm stuff up here…
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lesbiansanemi · 2 months
I think I’ve figured out why it’s the stuff with my cats that gets me the most viscerally upset when it comes to my roommate and I think I need to tell him why that is… we had a talk and he apologized for a lot of stuff but I just feel like I need to explain why I react so intensely to him hating my cats/wanting me to get rid of them
#like there’s the obvious things I’ve said before that ANY pet owner would feel the same about obvious#but like. okay I love cats. I’ve loved cats my WHOLE life#not just cats but animals in general#animals were baby’s first special interest#and I grew up on a farm and I had usually at least 8 pets at a time growing up#that I got money for by doing odd jobs and you know as a child you can spend all your money on your hobbies#and I love animals so I had pets#specifically I always had at least 3-4 cars#*cats#my mom’s first husband hated cats… fucking DESPISED them#and he talked about hating them/getting rid of them all the time#and. well. when I ever did anything to really piss him off#(which you know as a nine year old could be something as simple as breathing too loudly or some shit)#he would kill them#that man killed probably like 20 cats#cuz even after I was old enough to process ‘don’t get more cats bad things will happen to them’#my mom would bring home cats cuz she ALSO loved and wanted cats#even when I would beg her not to because I knew they were going to die#she never cared because in that moment she wanted cats#and obviously this was awful and damaging#and now that I live on my own with my two cats who are my BABIES that I love and cherish#my roommate talking about hating them and wanting them gone….#yeah it’s uh. um. hitting some really specific nerves#obviously I do not think he would EVER EVER do something like that#because you know. he’s not an insane control freak who hates me and animals#it’s still hitting those nerves#and yeah I think I need to tell him that for us to start coming to an understanding#like i get you don’t LOVE my cats you don’t have to#but you can’t talk that way about them… or I’m going to get VERY upset and defensive#kaz rambles
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project-zorthania · 3 months
operation catchup with the bytham tag and add a bunch of things i've missed over the months into my queue because gay
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harmonizewithechoes · 4 months
It’s my middle child’s 3rd birthday today 🥺
3 years ago my partner was deployed overseas and couldn’t come home for the birth because the military didn’t want to spend so much time quarantining their soldiers. Fortunately I had help as my parents were watching my son (at the time just a month shy of 2) for a few days before my due date and we had moved across the street from my partner’s parents when we found out about the deployment. So I had his mom with me at the hospital holding up her phone while we got to have a rare video call with my partner as we welcomed our daughter into the world after a very quick labor. I then had two months with our two very little kids by myself before he came home. It was an incredibly hectic time and I’m still not quite sure how I was able to get through all of that but here we are with the sweetest little 3 year old (let’s call her C) we could have asked for 🥰
C loves to play dress up and she has specific characters she’ll play as where you can’t refer to her as her name or she’ll get mad. She’s not C she’s Dr C or Baby or Baby Kitty or Princess Bucket (this was her first character and yes she does put a bucket on her head as a crown). Her favorite game to play is hide and seek and she loves dance parties and drawing and she’s obsessed with her 1 year old sister. We love C so much and I’m so excited to see how she grows and changes and learns over this next year ❤️
#personal#tonight her and her little sister are sleeping in their beds in their very own room for the first time#they’ve had their beds in my bedroom since we moved in and very often just ended up in our bed#but I’ve spent the past few days getting the room we’ve used for storage ready for them#and they’re doing really well so far#I’m sure they’ll end up in my bed again at some point but this is at least a step in the right direction#our crib that we’ve used for all 3 babies turns into a toddler bed and as I was taking it apart and putting it back together in the new room#my son started crying because he didn’t want his sisters to be big girls in their own room#he wanted me to put everything back and make the 1 year old 0 again so she could keep being a baby#I should point out that he is also obsessed with his baby sister#I told him that’s not quite how it works and kids are meant to grow up#and then he asked yet again for a baby brother because he loves babies so much and then he’d have a brother just like him 😅#he’s very sweet but also…. that’s not happening lol#I’m slowly becoming a person again and being able to focus more time on hobbies#and my partner and I now have our room back#all of that would be reset again with another baby not to mention another year of nursing and diapers and sleepless nights…. pass lol#I’m emotional about my babies growing up but I’m also so excited to learn who they’ll become as time goes on#sorry for rambling I get sappy on their birthdays
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bylertruther · 1 year
WAIT i want to complain one last time before i go to bed 💙 smth smth letting the demons out so u can have sweet dreams or whatever after, u kno. ahem. anyway.
girls when their dash is dying and they don't particularly enjoy the direction fandom is headed in bc unfortunately this fandom does move and act like a hegemony / hivemind a majority of the time and the canon compliant content that they do enjoy n look forward to is scarce but it's not like they can even go back to their personal blog for the time being because succession is literally ending forever in three days and hotd is currently filming yes but the tag for 2/3 of their fave characters is literally all either a ship they hate and/or character x reader smut fics and also it's depressing as fuck and the other media content that they enjoy is equally as fucked up which means they'd have no lighthearted Love Conquers All content in their rotation which isn't exactly good and and and—
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#god.#i don't want to engage with fanon i don't want to engage with aggression i don't want to engage with headcanons and interpretations#that are essentially role reversals because i actually enjoy the characters and their story as it is and want to find people that also#enjoy it and make content for it i don't want to have to go back to my personal blog because you can only consume so much#[REDACTED] things before it starts to chip away at you even if you do have a healthy social life + other hobbies i don't want to leave#because i love stranger things and i love will and i love mike and i love how they fit each other so perfectly and become the perfect team#BECAUSE of their complementary natures but i just do not see content that reflects that and i don't want to make it all myself bc#i'm not an artist and i don't share my writing publicly and i don't want to scream into the void anymore :/#i miss when s4 was fresh in people's minds and logging in and engaging with others was fun i just .#plops down on the ground n sighs like tht picture of tht one baby raccoon sitting on the road#and when i say canon compliant content i don't mean compliant in every way i jus mean characterization rly bc lord knows literally all i#think abt and read are AUs for byIer LMAO. i just mean i like it when will is like will and mike is like mike and fandom hasn't done that#''it's homophobic to consider will as he is'' and ''mike is a weak useless femboy'' stuff tht it loves to partake in n peddle#and there are people that do want to just talk about byIer and come up with AUs and headcanons but unfortunately those ppl do not want to#do tht with me so . i love that for me 😁👍#ok NOW i sleep 🫡
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robin-jay-404 · 1 year
Watching Romantic Killer as a spiteful person fr got my blood pressure rising
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izzy-b-hands · 15 days
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some of the pics that turned out okay (that I'd one day like to better edit and make prints of) from our last few trips out of the house
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destrachan · 5 months
me, very unfit and prone to injury due to Problems: I have decided to become a Figure Skater
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