#ALSO when maddox comes up with the scene idea and gina backs her up ej ONLY thanks maddox
laylakeating · 2 years
PWs always bring up that Gina deserves a guy who listens. Gina in this week’s episode tells EJ to tell everyone that he’s directing and he doesn’t listen to her and may I remind everyone that it was great advice. Gina ALWAYS gives great advice. On the other hand, who listened to her when she told him to stay in theater or to play his song for Nini or listened when she no longer wanted to talk to him for a while? RICKY. EJ not listening to Gina this week isn’t the first time it happened either.
omg anon you spilled...
ej literally compliments val over gina even though GINA is the one who has spent the ENTIRE episode having his back, supporting him and offering great advice. it’s like all of that goes over his head, bc ej doesn’t acknowledge it once. when he asks abt ricky and gina immediately changes the subject, ej doesn’t even flinch. he just goes back to talking abt his own problems !! anyone else would have immediately clocked that gina was feeling some type of way abt ricky showing up but not the listening king!!
and yeah...when you parallel that to ricky who always took gina’s advice (even when it proved detrimental to him, see 205) and always thanked her for it, it doesn’t look great for ej. 
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insomniactalks · 2 years
Gonna drop this quick and run. But hear me out. I will start by saying that Ricky may very well have genuine feelings for Gina. I'm not dismissing that. I just couldn't help but notice somethings about Ricky's reactions here:
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As soon as EJ and Gina start fighting in 3.05, Ricky immediately covers his ears (kinda like a child does when their parents are fighting at home). I get the feeling he was used to his parents fighting a lot when he was younger, and his instinct was to cover his ears. He also looks at both EJ and Gina in 3.06 during the canoe scene. I think it's at that moment that he realizes just how much EJ and Gina truly care about one another, and how much they're fighting for their relationship. Thinking back to S2, he was also fighting really hard for his rela with Nini. But he learned to let her go because that was for the best. He actually gets that advice from his mom, who he understandably holds a lot of resentment towards. I could be wrong, but I read his expression in the 2nd gif as someone who has seen his own parents fail to save their relationship, but sees two people, despite all their recent tensions, still fighting for their relationship.
Earlier that day, Ricky comes face to face with his dad's new girlfriend and is presented with a gift from Mike via Miss Jenn:
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I definitely think Ricky still feels uncomfortable at the idea of his teacher and father dating, even if he's trying to act like he's okay with it. When he receives the gift, he's not exactly happy about it. It's sort of surprises him, but not in a good way. Perhaps it's a not so subtle reminder that things have really changed for him back home. Later that day, he sees EJ and Gina trying their best to save their relationship, then hears this from Jet that night:
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Jet, being "little Ricky" and all (3.02), admits that he feels like it's his fault Madison and Maddox broke up. Does that not sound like how Ricky feels about himself in terms of his parents marriage? Perhaps he also blames himself for the downfall of his parents relationship. He couldn't save it or fix it. Instead of dealing with his own problems, Ricky is throwing himself into Jet and Maddox's issues to try to save their relationship. I think the majority of Ricky's issues in terms of romantic relationships always goes back to his parents, which they still haven't fully addressed. Three seasons in a row, and Ricky's main storyline revolves around his love life. If there's any chance for Ricky to truly move forward and find the path to true happiness, this season has to end with Ricky single and not ready to mingle and being okay with that. He hasn't taken any significant amount of time for himself to himself. I also think it's difficult for him to see EJ and Gina have the kind of summer he was expecting to have with Lily. While I don't think Lily broke his heart, I do believe she broke his trust. He even blames himself for why things fell apart because he said "How could I be so stupid?" in 3.01 during his breakup w/ Lily. He shows up to camp and the first image he sees are a genuinely happy and loving couple (Portwell). It seems like Ricky wants what they have because he was expecting to have a fun summer in a new relationship. Jet's line above definitely hit a nerve for Ricky because I think it reminds him of how things fell apart for his parents. In order to escape the pain he's feeling, Ricky tries to "fix" the relationship problems around him. One last thing, I don't think it's a coincidence that 3.06 is the first time this season that Ricky's acknowledged his past with Nini (also in conversation with Jet). In Ricky's eyes, he's had two failed relationships in a short amount of time, and to overcompensate for that, he tries to fix everyone else's relationship problems instead. I'm wondering what the last two episodes have in store for his character arc, because so much of it so far has been romance-based. For this character to actually progress in a positive way, he has to learn that it's okay to not be okay and that true happiness doesn't come from being in a relationship.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 10 months
Ok. Final HSMTMTS season review by a random nerdy girl with weird thoughts and ideas
They really did not give a single fuck anymore
No like so many bleeped swear words ??
I feel like they did want to do more with this show and I am guessing a lot of their ”we give no more fucks” attitude this season has something to do with that
They made some odd choices with some characters lol
The amount of times I thought ”this reminds me of glee”, ”it’s giving glee vibes” people who wanna watch something after this show watch Glee it’s on D+ now too because Disney bought Fox
In the end I am happy and satisfied with the season and I am glad to see it all at once rather than wait for eps. Waiting for eps is fun too but I like variety
Now Spoiler Time😌
I need to talk about the most important thing first according to me.
ASHLYN!! ASH!!! *squeals*
I don’t know if the fandom has treated her as roughly this season but I have not forgiven you how you treated her last season and she is the baby girl ever
Maddox and Jet are the siblings ever I love how they just sibling-tease each other all the time while always being friends. And I am happy they have each other considering their home life seems to be… oof.
A LOT of things seemed to happen off screen that I’d like to see… on screen?
Like a big part of the Seb stuff… his whole dad thing was just very rushed and kinda like ”btw we are adding this random thing” and ??
And the CHEATING. Biggest plot twist of the show. I WAS NOT PREPARED. I WAS NOT PREPARED.
Big Red and Ashlyn’s breakup was actually very nice though. No drama… I also found it hilarious that she was more mad for Carlos’ sake than her own didjdkdkgidoslf
Ricky is such a sweet boy honestly
Good on them for confirming Ryan is gay
Why is Maddox such a gay mess I love her
It feels like their story is not over yet and a lot of loose threads are still up. I wish we could have seen their graduation
MADDOX AND ASH WERE MAKING OUT. Like when this show started it was ”a little peck” at most with Carlos and Seb and now there is this.
Also their kissing scene and Carlos walking in 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m happy things are going good for Gina and her mom is finally present
I seem to have forgotten when/if Kourtney broke up with Howie or not?? Did she? Did I not remember that?
Emmy is so funny I can’t
I loved to see everyone’s origin stories how they got to the theatre in the first place. Like Ash feeling like she was in EJ’s shadow?? Ricky not even doing the audition if he hadn’t spoken to Gina? Carlos being bullied like that??? SEB WITH A GIRL?!
Mack just has this large former child actor energy going on I can’t explain it ??
Also them highkey wanting to reference Dog with a blog here
Every time they do a show I am always prepared something will go wrong. Like S1 scarred me now I think something always will happen and even when it goes good I am still like ”aaaaany time now…”
I know I will have more stuff to say about this show. But that’s all for tonight. It was a wild ride with the Wildcats.
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meiishu · 2 years
thoughts on hsmtmts season 3  finale under the cut
ok going into it i was very skeptical because they have so much to cover in one episode. like whats going to get ignored??
first off i wish kourtney got more screen time this season over the love triangle dramatics. her struggles with anxiety being more central, especially since she plays ELSA, would have been so much better for the plot. instead we get... more love triangle drama
also... portwell nation how we feeling... LMAO.... yeah im crying with you rn
look i like gina and ricky and i thought that their kiss was really sweet at the end of the episode (although i wish ricky had been the one to give gina s dramatic speech after his confession was on the trailer). actually focusing on them rn, WHY WASNT THE CONFESSION IN THE TRAILER? the trailer framed it like gina was the one pursing ricky. when in actuality, it should have been RICKYs feelings being revealed, and then HE should have had to explain himself to GINA, and then GINA got to decide where to go with their relationship. not the other way around. bad writing choice, IG. 
as much as i am upset for portwell.... gotta say the me who loved gina/ricky in season 2 is very happy. i hope they stay together into the next season instead of bringing MORE love triangle back. they could have a really cute relationship, plus the actors have really good chemistry together, so i’m excited to see where they go even if i am sad for EJ
i was worried that ricky was going to go right back to pining for nini lmao. im glad hes not. but the thing about all of that that bothers me is that, the way the show is written, i definitely think they always wanted rini to be endgame. but with olivia leaving, they re-wrote it so that rather that nini, ricky’s with gina. idk. they built up portwell so well last season, only to tear them apart so easily this season. guarantee if olivia had stuck around, rini would still be a thing. (maybe thats a big part of why she wanted to leave... no more romance scenes with joshua lmfao). 
i do like the idea of gina and ricky together. i think they suit each other. i just hope that they don’t get done dirty the way portwell was done this season in season 4, because that’s how i was feeling about portwell at the end of last season. 
BIG RED BI REVEAL!!! also can we talk about big red not even being in the show but getting his “hi im ashlyns boyfriend and im bi!!!!” moment because what a KING!!!! 
also honestly??? when big red first appeared did anyone else notice jet’s little friend-jealousy he had over ricky??? it was precious LMAO. i love big red and ashlyn so much but if the ships were to somehow shift next season, and like, ashlyn and maddox wound up happening... just hear me out guys... jet and big red. i have a vision, OK??? although it seems maybe kourtney/jet might happen next season and... ok??? no objections ig but i have no real opinion on it rn since they’ve barely interacted. 
buuuuut I LOVE the idea of maddox and ashlyn so much!!! i feel like even though i didnt get jet/ricky maddox/ashlyn potential is making up for it. im so glad that it seems like maddox’s crush will come into play next season. like, i feel like the documentary is going to really hone in on it, and ashlyn will be in major denial of it, but maddox is going to be going THROUGH it because the documentary is going to make her realize how down bad she was. 
elton john... ELTON JOHN.... MY HEART IS BREAKING FOR HIM TBH. the writers did him SO dirty. not only did he feel betrayed by some of his closest friends, he’s never heard his father say he’s proud of him. all this effort he goes through to impress his father and stay in salt lake, only for it to blow up in his face, for him to not genuinely trust any of his friends to be there for him during that call, and for him to lose his girlfriend because of being so stressed about performing good for the show??? only for his father to NOT SHOW UP to the show AND HANG UP ON HIM DURING INTERMISSION WHEN HE CONFRONTED HIM??? 
fuck you cash caswell, i’m ej’s father now. i hope miss jenn punches cash caswell in the face next season.
val being the only person to support ej with that phone call broke my heart. like he didnt trust anyone else to be there for him in his time of need.
God, her appearance again this episode was a breath of fresh air. it really reminded me how much i miss this show having supportive adults who care about the students. like, i love them all, but i love seeing how with just showing up miss jenn gives them support. miss jenn was the FIRST PERSON to pull out her phone to support kourtney when that asshole cut the power. she immediately saw little anna struggling and gave her advice. she assured nini that if she chose to stay, she’d be valued at east high, but also assured her that if she wanted to go out west she’d have her support, too. i LOVE miss jenn and what she does for the kids in this series and i really, really miss her (and mr. mazzara!!!!) supporting them instead of having adults like channing who tear them down and corbin who literally mixed up their names and didn’t give a shit about them personally all summer.
also... i was confused by corbin? like, did he not know what channing was doing to stir up drama...? i thought he was in on it? i guess not? corbin was just genuinely busy? he was sweet in the last episode but it was so jarring, because that’s not the corbin we saw throughout the season at all. 
all in all, i felt like the last episode was so rushed. i wish that they had one episode fully devoted to the opening night and performance, and then one episode devoted to the ‘one month later’ primer of the show. (also ricky just saying where he lived on national television i was like RICKY PLEASE NO). like i loved seeing all the characters in their outfits (CARLOS’ OUTFIT WAS E V E R Y T H I N G). the season, in general, was rushed. i wish they had one or two more episodes to really tie everything in together. we didn’t get to see a lot, anyone’s reaction to ricky’s confession, ej’s reaction to ricky/gina getting together, closure for maddox and maddison, theres a lot that couldve been done.
also. ALSO. i love her don’t get me wrong, but why did the girl who played little anna (who’s name i don’t remember, she wasn’t that important a character) get a musical solo and all elton john got was that campfire song??? SERIOUSLY?? HE SHOULD HAVE SUNG SCREAM. HE DESERVED IT. like please don’t misunderstand, it was a really sweet number and i love this is me, but why did she get an emotional solo this season over EJ? i just dont understand. 
AND I JUST NEED TO SAY... at that highly emotional moment, when ej saw the tension between gina and ricky, and was going to leave, and then corbin stopped ej from leaving by starting to sing i FUCKING LOST IT. I WAS LAUGHING SO FUCKING HARD. THE TIMING OF IT AND EJ JUST NOT LEAVING AND GOING BACK TO THE CIRCLE HAD ME IN STITCHES 
so, my predictions for the next season is that we’ll be back at east high (i hope jet and maddox come to east high as well) and the primer of the disney+ show will be taking place over the course of the season. it seems like they’re setting up for some possible miscommunications that will be in the directory that will cause drama for the main characters, possibly as they’re performing their fall musical at east high? like the editing and framework makes it look like certain characters have beef with another and the characters have to deal with that as the episodes primer weekly (maybe to correspond with weekly updates on season 4). it also  seems like maybe maddox’s feelings for ashlyn will be a focal point. not that i WANT another love triangle, but i’d be more interested in seeing one for maddox, ashlyn, and big red than ricky, gina, and ej. at LEAST make the love triangle feature new characters. just let ricky and gina be happy and have some development that doesn’t end in a dramatic breakup.... please. 
also... the possibility of jet and kourtney... i’m listening. i’m not entirely on board yet, but i’m listening. 
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Hi! On Twitter, people love your analysis! There is any ''small'' HC'S or wishes you have for the next episodes? Mine are: 1) I want Ricky to take a polaroid of Gina for editing purposes. 2) I want a water war scene (I doubt it because I think they film in winter poor actors) but that would be so cool and special it would be like hsm2 and also camp rock. 3) Ricky giving Gina flowers with some meaning for opening night I don't know much about it but something that means something special.
This was literally the cutest 🥰❤️ first of all, thank you so much anon for telling me about Twitter. I had NO idea that my post was on there until you sent me this 😂 it literally made my entire day. I take a lot of pride in my writing because it was something my dad was good at. So knowing people enjoyed it did my heart so much good. 💕
And your hc’s are just 😭😭 the Polaroid one made me need to sit down for a minute! What a beautiful contribution to Rina society ❤️
1) Ricky sings kristoff’s lullaby because he sees gina and EJ together at the dance, thinking they’re still a happy couple. He watches them get in a fight and Gina pours another drink on EJ’s head. ❤️ she walks off crying and Ricky goes up to her and says, “I feel like I’ve been here before”. She tells him her frustrations but he talks her into coming back into the dance. So in an effort to make Gina smile again, Ricky asks Gina to dance with him. He acts like a silly goose and does fun things like spinning her/dipping her etc to cheer her up 🥲
2) They sing “Night to Remember” from HSM3 and Corbin says something dumb like “hey! I actually does remember that part of the movie”
3) EJ and Kourt have a talk about their anxiety
4) Kourt stands next to Jet at the dance and he shyly says something like, “you look nice” and they just have this cute little smile and blushing moment (I’m not quite a Jetney stan yet but I absolutely see the potential)
5) Maddox has some funny “I told you so” moment with Ashlyn 😉
6) Corbin leaves still knowing nobody’s name but Kourtney’s and his own 🙄
7) EJ and Val have a conversation that makes us believe they might go somewhere romantically in a later season 👀
8) When Gina first walks in the dance we get that “awestruck” look from Ricky that you see in movies ❤️ he doesn’t even say anything about how beautiful he finds her… you can just TELL from his face.
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I was tearing up during Miss Jenn's goodbye to Ricky and Gina and through Emmy's song 😭😭😭😭😭 and after I finished the episode I went back to watch Over Again again and also a few of the in between flashback scenes and I started tearing up AGAIN at the same spot 😭😭😭.
It's just- I know how it feels. I wasn't able to make it to the meeting because I was sick, but our musical was cancelled. And I was there as it went down hill. I was there when my theatre teacher announced she wasn't coming back the next year. I remember crying and hugging her, and when she left down the hallway I remembered starting to sob. I remember when I heard the news that my friend, from my theatre family, had passed away. I remember tearing up when my teacher said she was proud of me after a show. I'm about to tear up again now - I feel the prickles xd.
I just- I felt this. It may not have been the end of our department but I've been through it. And it hurts, it really, really hurts. Add that to how much I love these kids, the amazing acting, this show having always been there for me, and the fact that I'm not ready to let it go yet? Yeah, I'm tearing up xd. I'm just gonna straight up call it crying at this point xd. Tears may not have escaped my eyes more than like a tiny bit/halfway, but I was almost sobbing breath wise.
I just love this freaking show so much <3.
Okay x'd! Now, uh, for everybody's parts xdd.
Alright I'll be honest I have no idea how I'm gonna make it through this, especially any semblance of quickly, but I really wanna watch the next episode xDD. Even after washing dishes my emotions are just a Lot lol. But, alas, let's try homies xD.
First of all - you know where I'm going with this ;). Actually, wait, no, I'm putting them last lol. I can do whatever I want :)!
Okay so Ashlyn and Kourtney's flashback y'all 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️. I'm literally not okay <333. The fact that they're the ones who convinced each other to join :'DDD?? And also that it was because of Nini and EJ, or just EJ lol but you know, for both of them XDD. Way to speaks ill of the not here guys LOL xDD /lh. Anyway, OH MY GOSH I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️💔🥰. They are. The sweetest <3333. Thank you very much 😭 :'))) :'( <333 🥰🥰.
Also, individually, I'm so happy Kourtney's in a bit of a better place 🥰. And her giving advice at the beginning? Look how far she's come 😭😭😭❤️❤️. I'm so proud of her <33.
And Ashlyn, stepping into the spotlight theatre wise her entire time on the show :'). And we didn't even fully know <3. I honestly just love my girl so much <33 😭❤️.
Maddox and Jet just being there for all of this was hilarious xD. Also of course them standing next to the pair in the last paragraph in their couples for Over Again :'))). I'm not okay 😭😭😭❤️. But honestly I feel awful for them 😭😭❤️💔. Like Maddox said, they just got here. But hey, it's saved!!! Forgot I'm not feeling awful for them anymore :'DD. But seriously, I love them <33. I was wondering if they would try and work them in, but sometimes, you're just the new kids :').
Also Maddox helping out with Over Again 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. Also I know I mentioned it but her actually saying "We just got here" was just 😭😭😭💔💔.
And Jet running out and the end :'((. My poor guy is honestly just trying his best and wants a family :'((. But I promise bro, you're gonna get to keep this one :'D.
Anyway, I love them both <333.
Miss Jenn 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. Her flashback with Mr. Mazzara was amazing (and not knowing Turing was hilarious XDD) 😭❤️❤️, I just love them :')). And honestly she was just giving me so many emotions this episode 😭😭😭💔❤️❤️❤️🥰. And AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! MISS JENN ORIGIN STORY!!!! THE FULL REASON IS BECAUSE OF ALYSON REED!!! BECAUSE OF MS DARBUS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. Y'all it's the way I'm so not okay :')). And AUUUWWHHHHHHH THE IDEA OF WONDERING CAME FROM HER TOO!!!! SO SHE HELPED FORM ASHLYN TOO 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰!!! AND "TRUST THE PROCESS"!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Y'all I'm just still so not okay over that 😭 xdd. And like I said- Miss Jenn kept getting me teared up at the end :')). I just can't <333.
Also, her flashback with Carlos 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Y'ALL I AM STILL S O NOT OKAY OVER THAT :'DDDD DD': 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️❤️🥰 <3333. My babeys <333. And AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH CARLOS GAVE HER THE NAME OF MISS JENN!!!!! NAME ORIGIN STORY TOO :'DDDDD!!!! Y'ALL WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS 🥰🥰🥰😭 <333. I'm kidding we totally deserved this :'). Anyway, I just love her so much 😭❤️.
Mr. Mazzara 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️!!! HONEYYY!!! He was a part of a boy band :'DDD. That was joy for a second lol but it kinda works :')). Anyway, also SLGKFHDKGS XDD!! But honestly him crying in that flashback killed me 😭😭😭💔❤️. It may not have been quite as emotional as some of the others, his story that is, but it still hit :')). Also AAAHHHHHH HIM YELLING AT PRINCIPAL GUTIERREZ TO GIVE MISS JENN TIME WITH HER KIDS YESSSS 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️💔🥰❤️❤️😭. I'm not okay, thank you very much <3. And AAAHHHHHH his bit with Ricky at the end :'DD. He recommended him :'))) 😭😭❤️. I just love him so much <333.
Poor Emmy 😭😭😭😭💔. The tearing up continued through her song :'). As soon as I saw the lights and stuff turning on I was like ":')) all she wanted to do was sing on that stage :'( :')". And she DID 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. AND SHE SLAYED SO HARD!!!! WHOOO :'DDD!! ALSO SHE SAVED THE SHOW :'DDD!!!!! AAAHHHHHH :'DD!!! Thank you girly :')). Congrats <33. Also her leaving at the beginning was so sad 😭. I'm glad that for right now it's worked out better :')).
Ricky :'))). AAAAHHHHHHH I'm so proud of him he made it into college :')). I really hope he can manage to get those grades up - especially with what sounds like new drama headed their way xdd. But I think it'll be okay :')). Also I just love Rocky's reactions to things xD. Like the needing to sit down, and the chills lol xD. I love him your honor. And AAAAHHHHHHH his and Gina's flashback 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️🥰🥰. They really are here because of each other :')). OAUGH!! Not okay <3.
GINAAA 😭😭😭❤️❤️. I'm not okay <333. Again, their flashback :')). I feel so bad for my girl 😭😭💔. Early Gina really was going through it :'((. And she was being out in boxes :(. And then she signed up for auditions because of Ricky, and she gave him the perfect advice to make everything happy, and I just :'DDD. I love her so much 😭😭🥰❤️. You made the right choice, girl :')). So many times <333. Also, her and Ricky's goodbye to Miss Jenn, especially after being the ones trying to stay on track and try to save the show the eitr episode 😭😭😭💔💔❤️. Y'all, I'm I'm not okay <33. AND AAAHHHHH I think she's gonna get offered a movie or a TV show or something- OH RIGHT QUINN'S NEW MOVIE!! We'll probably that, but won't take but <3. I mean, maybe she will!! But I doubt it :).
Carlos. I'm gonna talk about them separately first so we're talking about his flashback :'). Y'ALL. THE WAY I LOST MY M I N D DURING THIS FLASHBACK 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️. I saw the ice and guessed, but then they actually talked about it and I just :'D D':. Like, I'm so glad it was confirmed, because ~angst~ but it's also just really sad 😭💔. I feel awful for him :'((. But Miss Jenn saved him :')). And I'm so glad for that <333. AND AAAHHHH HE NAMED HER!! Y'all I'm literally not okay 😭😭❤️❤️❤️.
SEB USED TO DATE NATALIE??!?!!! W H A T!??!!!!?? So my question is, is he bi or was he just not out yet xD. Or dating her in a beards kind of way lol. Ah, I don't know, but whatever :')). ALSO UHH WAS HE ON THE WRESTLING TEAM?? I have no clue, but I loved getting to know new things about him :')). Also them passing Carlos in the flashback 😭😭😭❤️❤️. And Seb being the one to convince Natalie to join :'DD!!!! Oh gosh I just love them so much <333.
And now, it's time :'). ~Seblos~.
Seb rushing in and talking about how guilty he feels and AUGH the homecoming reference I just can't 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️. Also Carlos's responses xD. But seriously, that entire conversation is just so good 😭😭😭😭💔❤️. And of course the whole Natalie reveal lol xd xD. And AAHHHHH the fact that Over Again is a song for Ryan and his partner :'DD. Oh my gosh <33. I mean nah, it's totally for Seblos, but still, you know 🥰🥰. Ryan and him and have it too <333 lol xD. And AAAHHHHHH Y E S S S RICKY NUMBER ONE SEBLOS SHIPPER COMING IN ONE MORE TIME 😭😭😭❤️❤️. I've found the cussing hilarious this season just because it's kinda wild that it does exist and it's usually used kind of comedically but AH yes Seblos deserve one from Ricky xDD.
I. Am so. Not okay :'))) <33.
And then.
Like okay yeah it was "I-" "I love you too" BUT THEY SAID LOVE A LOT DURING THE SONG TOO OKAY 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰 :'DDDD AND IT COUNTS 🥰🥰🥰🥰. With or without the song :'))). I do hope we get a full one as well but we probably won't lol.
Also, WE DESERVED A SEBLOS KISS!!! But if we get one before the end of the show then this scene was perfect 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️😭😭❤️. Well I mean okay lol actually I wish we got a bit more of a solid "Yeah were good :')" in words, like, not in the song lol, but if you just take the song it works <3333. I think I'm just so used to hearing the song that it's hard to reconcile it with the actual show now xD. But seriously, I loved this scene so, so much <33.
And, one more big scream because:
Thank you very much <3 I'm not okay 🥰.
EJ, Nini, Big Red - we missed you :')). So much <333. But I'm sure we'll get them back :'). I mean, not Nini, but you know <3. I think there will at least be a reference :').
And AAAHHHHHHHHHHH WE SAVED THE SHOW :'DDDD!!! AND THE DRAMA DEPARTMENT!!! AND IT WAS COACH BOLTON AND MS. DARBUS :'DDDD!! Well, Bart and Alyson :')). Also, Alyson saying Miss Jenn had to play Ms. Darbus 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰 :')). Y'all, I'm not okay <333. I'M STRESSED! I'm nervous, I'm scared, and I'm definitely not ready xD. But at the same time, I'm so ready :'D.
I loved this episode, SO freaking much. It was just- oh my gosh, so, so amazing :')). I'm not ready for this freaking show to end <3333 :'). xd But, I'll make it <33. We'll make it :')). I am SO. FREAKING. EXCITED!!!!! For the next episode - the second to last episode :') 😭😭😭💔❤️ -, and the one after that - the last episode :')).
Let's do this y'all :'D.
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meiishu · 2 years
thoughts on hsmtmts episode 6 under the cut
- first off the first scene im sorry mr bleu but you cannot just burst into a bunch of teenage boys bunk cabin at 6 AM in the morning what the hell they are children 
- i really love the friendship with maddox and gina forming here, i liked the idea of their friendship from the beginning when gina defended maddox to the other girls and i just gotta say them bonding about rough relationships with their bros is top tier
- poor ricky. he asked mr. bleu to take out his Dramatic Feelings Reveal from the documentary and mr blew simply said “no, i dont think i will”, and that was that
- speaking of ricky i liked him and jet this episode, i like that they are comforting each other and opening up to each other. also, jet calling ricky out on his bullshit denying his feelings for gina. i like that jet simply does not put up with ricky’s shit. and vice versa. even if no romance forms there im really loving their dynamic 
- wait no where are you going miss jenn COME BACK
- seriously though. with the appearance of miss jenn for like 3 scenes, she was able to comfort all the characters and allow them to be listened to. this really juxtaposes mr. bleu and his team -- i feel like miss jenn actually respects and listens to all the kids, is an adult who respects them, you know? 
- i’m genuinely annoyed that she didn’t stay to take over EJ’s job. 
- also EJ THIS EPISODE. this whole season is horrible for ej. they’re destroying all of ej’s positive character growth and development, his feelings and relationship with gina, and making him... literally almost how he was in season 1. like where is the guy who SHOWS UP for gina??? where he at?? because that scene where gina asked EJ to the prom (which was SO PRECIOUS btw) and ej literally snubbed it by saying no dates for this prom like... i get it’s policy but you can literally still go together. 
- seriously ej is getting BUTCHERED this season. my poor elton john. why cant miss jenn direct them and ej actually be able to have FUN with his FRIENDS? the way this poor boy had to skip the color games and missed gina’s basketball move (which was great, good for her)??? ej used to be the guy who always showed up for gina. that was like their thing. and now they’re just flipping that, making ej not there, but ricky is there. so now ricky is the guy who’s showing up for her. 
- also. ricky this episode though??? the way he helped gina with her promposal despite his feelings?? the way he is actually there for gina this season?? i like it. but it also makes me mad because of the way he’s only allowed to have a true romantic arc with gina now that nini’s character is ~conveniently~ gone. like the way that he was obsessed with nini until literally dating uh whats her face then this season be in this big pining arc... but i’ll allow it because gina and ricky have really good romantic chemistry (something i think gina and ej don’t have the same level of, which, paired with ej’s attitude this season is making me ship ricky and gina a bit more). It’s a shame because i love season 2  portwell SO MUCH.
- JET AND MADDOX GETTING ALONG DURING THE GAMES??? JET HAVING FUN??? JET WINNING FOR TEAM YELLOW TO MAKE MADDOX HAPPY??? maddox is still upset though, i like ricky trying to mediate between them. he senses they miss each other and wants to help them. i hope that maddox and jet can grow even closer after this episode. and since jet and ricky seem to be giving each other a lot of advice, they can help each other out
- also back to miss jenn, really loved her moment with kourtney. kourtney didn’t want to climb the wall and miss jenn encouraged her but also made her feel that saying no was a safe option. i think val meant well with her encouragement, but it wasn’t the time or the place. the way val’s face shifted after kourtney stepped down and miss jenn comforted her made me think this might be addressed again at some point. 
- WHY CANT MISS JENN STAY???? i miss the kids having an adult who encouraged and supported them. this is an anti mr bleu blog. i wish miss jenn got to smack him for exploiting the kids ngl
- (i’m calling him mr bleu to separate him from the actor) 
- ALSO RICKYS BIRTHDAY IS GOING TO BE RELEVENT THIS SEASON. the gift?? the mentions of his 18th??? its going somewhere.
- ASHLYN CANON SAPPHIC!!! ASHLYN CANON SAPPHIC!!!! ngl i was hoping for ashlyn/maddox over val/ashlyn (not that i dislike val, or want either couple to happen immediately, i just feel like ashlyn and maddox have better chemistry) but i love the realization!!! 
- also, the metaphor of the fireworks. when ej and gina were talking about how there were always fireworks, nothing came. miss jenn told ashlyn that she knew she liked ricky’s dad when she “saw fireworks”. when val hugged ashlyn, fireworks lit up the sky. that’s gotta be intentional. which makes me really sad as a portwell lover, but i love the scene of ashlyn realizing her feelings. also, it’s not as though ashlyn/val is a canon couple or anything, it’s just canon ashlyn is attracted to her.
- still convinced maybe maddox kind of likes ashlyn and is projecting. either that or maybe somehow this madison character will come back/they’ll get together/have some kind of resolution jet helps orchestrate as an apology for ruining their fledgling relationship 
- ricky. ricky bowen. what the hell are you planning in that curly head of yours
- also this is a shameless plug for joshua bassett’s new song, smoke slow, but it really reminds me of rina this season and ricky’s feelings towards rina so go listen to it. 
- also also, i was kind of upset we didn’t get a kourtney andgina covnersation...? after the last episode, there was that moment of betrayal from kourtney when she thought maybe gina told Carlos about her anxiety. i wonder if this will maybe be addressed in another episode? they are shorter episodes, so it would make sense if maybe it comes up again later in the season. still, i’m gonna be watching for it! 
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