grimmstar-grimmoire · 2 years
List of Deities by Classification
A0 Creator (not a god)
A100—A199. The gods in general
A101. Supreme God
A104. The Making of the Gods
A107. Gods of Darkness and Light (darkness thought of as evil and light as good).
A109.1. Triple deity
A116. Triplet gods
A111.1. Mother of the gods
A111.2. Father of the Gods
A117.5. Gods as spirits of the deified dead
A131. Gods with animal features
A132.3. Equine god / goddess
A132.5. Bear god / goddess
A132.9. Cattle god / goddess
A161.2. King of the Gods
A177.1. Gods as Dupe or Tricksters
A192. Death or departure of the gods
A193. Gods of Dying-and-rising
A200—A299. Gods of the Upper World
A210. Gods of the Sky
A220. Gods of the Sun
A240. Gods of the Moon
A250. Gods of the Stars
A260. Gods of Light
A270. Gods of the Dawn
A280. Gods of the Weather
A281. Gods of Storms
A282. Gods of the Wind
A284. Gods of Thunder
A287. Gods of Rain
A300—A399. Gods of the Underworld
A310. God of the World of the Dead
A311. Conductor of the Dead
A400—A499. Gods of the Earth (The Human Sphere)
A400. Gods of the Earth
A401. Mother Earth
A405. Gods of Nature
A410. Local Gods
A411. Gods of the Hearth and Household
A415. Gods of Clans or Nations
A420. Gods of Water
A430. Gods of Vegetation
A431. Gods of Fertility
A435. Gods of Trees and Forests
A440. Gods of Animals
A450. Gods of Trades and Professions
A451. Artisan Gods
A452. Gods of Hunting
A454. Gods of Healing
A460. Gods of Abstractions (also Z110. Abstractions personified)
A461. Gods of Wisdom
A463. Gods of Fate
A463.1. the Fates, (goddesses who preside over the fates of men)
A464. Gods of Justice
A465. Gods of the Arts
A472. Gods of Sleep
A473. Gods of Wealth
A475. Gods of Love and Lust
A484. Gods of Oaths
A485. Gods of War
A486. the Furies, (goddesses of vengeance)
A487. Gods of Death
A490. Miscellaneous Gods of the Earth
A491. God of Travellers
A493. Gods of Fire
A500—A599. Demigods and Culture Heroes
A502. Heroes or demigods as fourth race of men.
A510. Origin of the culture hero (demigod).
A515.1.1. Twin culture heroes.
A521. Culture hero as dupe or trickster.
A531. Culture hero (demigod) overcomes monsters.
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orange1896 · 1 year
4130000204 LFLD-24V 4130000542 LFLDH4-24V Front light left
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4130000204 LFLD-24V 4130000542 LFLDH4-24V Front light left
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26121002051 接近开关(常闭) LJ18A4-8-J-DZ AC 20-110V 2070400027 垫圈套件 9100000265 JOINT 29030047271 非公路自卸车 FZ0000041 组合仪表盘VENICE-EV 4190003433 定位销 RS8160 燃油管350 F2921000409 1013排气门 11215941 机油泵垫片B8800-1011007 6430000580 直线轴承LMT12 内径12,外径21,长30, 材料SUJ-2 26170019621 L936轮式装载机 29090012801 内下盖QSD-350-006 4110003847002 STICK PAN 26030101431 四轴变速轴卡 Z3032*10/1 26290021981 寒冷地区防冻液和液压油模块(50/365) 11211742 前车架 29330035531 振动传感器连线010G30 26170024601 板 4110015797010 临工新黄面漆SPU74822T-YLF/21.3K 4110000900 驾驶室总成 6212001665 Basic machine 7300001216 铰接销 4120002150001 水散热器S9113457B LG9150000149 驾驶室线束1 11211674 橡胶板 4044000016 丝杠 26331005991 回油胶管 LG6900015524 变速箱支承座 7300000165 海绵 14400817 液压油管 EN853-2SN/SAE100R2AT 3/8*2W 330b 29200009601 停用-螺母 26170028111 油底壳垫片(13022863)PTD226B-6(13020158)-038 6420001087 空压机齿轮盖 4110002126186 右钢管 11216885 RETAINER 29170090871 氮氧传感器1001669426 21906005562 销轴LGB301-50*N*145-40Cr 29370026421 胶管 6233000872 O型圈07000-12085 4120005997 软管20491-26-10TZ/20411-26-10TZ*FC687-10*1 29170154181 皮带轮1307042A56D 29330000241 钢管 15402437 LG946L零部件图册 4110003491 侧板 21909002971 轮胎式装载机结构原理与维修 29170056271 PLUG_M10*1 Q20-01-02 26441006761 内六角锥形螺塞RQ61901-J8 2110800208 销轴LGB301-70*148*280-40Cr 4110000909095 停用-输出轴ZL30D-11-15 28021000051 O形圈R900231418 14734539 14514339 车门锁 6900004984 缸筒总成24A148070 MT86H LG6300 主动齿轮ZL30D-11-06 4120003701004 凸轮轴衬套610800010010 7100001316 到货(通知)报检单 质记24号 4012000005 工具箱 95117 4110000036106 方管LGB318-30*3*86 28210009511 护罩弯板总成 3214606490 4120007578003 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 6410006923 修理包 D124000087 O型圈 Mail:[email protected] 14515348 上固定座 14691689 电源 5V2A 5.5*2.5接口 4130000504 风门 26141014831 轴承座半成品 8296941 活塞24A280040 29290027081 LG952 SELL MACHINE 14662333 Basic machine 26130014381 液力变矩器芯YJHSW315A-2 11668409 4110002118008 WASHER_YB315Z5.2-2 14509179 4110003164002 前桥壳总成 29331008811 左右合件(LG6150E铲斗替代物) 26240021001 驾驶室底部 26290012151 右支座 17224108 28809031901 标牌 LG2190901606-1 六角头螺栓M6*16 01010-80616 14651345 碗形塞 6320000121 驾驶室附件 26010027591 框架分总成Z06018.34.400 2060900814 左侧门总成 4120003508 板 4043004392 前车架 F61E3-3033C 铲斗总成1.2 29260015821 筋板 MT95H 6212000801 内侧板 4120008298003 胶管F7816N6A161616-4180-SG1000 4043001023 平衡铁 29280008471 L936H轮式装载机 28250022531 工作阀片组件N5002CC-A472 26370000071 平垫圈B00005641 28420000412 B877/B876装载铲斗(带平叉) 4120005022033 小齿轮轴承套 21909000021 竹内60后挡风玻璃 11218730 燃油管09661-70525 29120010461 先导式单向溢流阀XYF10-03 29110012041 环箍64Q67664 3050900074 后法兰 4120002296016 发动机罩标识包 4110001654063 16号组合垫片 9200000984 活接头 4110001923116 方管 11221057 预热器箱小总成 28210003821 柴油国五-20# F3935339 滚柱142760 26130024111 方管 ZJ4190000283002 仪表台线束 J14406157 防护网分总成 Z06033.34.700 4110003293005 散热器出水管 6900020945 密封件包 11222827 钢管 29030011001 主泵盖板 11224119 钢管 21909009551 CONNECTING PLATE; LH; 29220024401 燃油箱总成 6430000070 固定支架 FSPT/D-02 胶管F481CACA080804-345 LGL0200Y3214Q29A00 气冷式切割枪 LGK-40K 沪工 4120008104 支架 29070009041 前法兰 14883856 右后支腿 6410003838 传感器-机油压力表3810020A29D 4110003614 板 28080001021 销轴LGB301-110*132*250G-40Cr FKC4110000544 右后立柱 6410005578 变速操纵总成 LG9150000327 齿轮0.8KW 11216010 动臂总成 4110000186518 发动机罩标识包 4120010005 停用-增压器总成D04258205 14405144 堵板 4110003210070 前车架 4120002073001 V带GB1171-B1069 6430001259 上盖 21249506 线槽型号:30*40 29330037021 铁木结合箱-12 500*500*600 11220335 盖板 29310014191 右梯 28230018122 胶管 29170079151 驱动桥12784032 29380021241 喷油器回油管总成13062403 29170063401 左侧门 11224794 软管LGB145-206290 14405320 REINFORCE PLATE 6228000416 仪表盘总成Y938C 4110004069012 六角头螺栓U311A-1B9575+A 4110000560377 PLATE 29200100031 套件 11223889 斗齿 4130001692 连杆轴瓦K4100ZD-04010 11220002 发动机罩标识包 21908001851 TYPE PLATE 29290040132 堵板 29030011901 护板 29330023281 针式打印机OKI8550CL(含数据线) 26240017331 垫片 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 4190002757001C 散热器电源线 21909003891 行走马达总成 11221413 垫圈6 GB/T93-1987 F39Q7-42310 胶管HG/T2491-16*1200 11217526 O型圈 4120006649032 扳手套件 29380021061 管夹 L955FC 29240101922 阀杆接头YGDF-32-19 26020002941 纸垫 4180000102 垫片 4110002860009 停用-变速箱总成BX50-03 A73-6300 气扳机 前哨B0612A 29170152651 前桥壳总成 29170053641 阀体R909651435 26360005301 单管夹子总成612600130437 11217324 吊耳C3908118 29010021321 轴齿轮.42齿 29330027651 轴套(槽) FDH400-DC 钢管 4190003705008 油封 29030015401 重型管钳 世达70815 3060900384 电磁阀UW-15 AC220 V 29340020681 螺钉24T906081 E5804213AK908 临工360右大玻璃 6228000104 夹丝气缸(华恒机器人) 6410007156 进水胶管 F11E9-15100 轴 11224387 电池 南孚2号 4120015431002 驾驶室电气总成 4110001108 檀香 6214000566 PENTA尿素泵过渡线 6410005581 破碎锤HB220 29311012221 ENGINE HOOD ASSEMBLY 11221269 左支腿油缸210W-9 4043000422 驱动齿 29270010521 胶管F481CFCA081005-740 11213836 DH300齿根 26430006081 碳刷 (抛丸机) 4013000352 风窗洗涤器 D3-4110001394 螺母 630-1104305 4120016993016 密封包24A100660S 4110000560058 输出齿轮BDS05-00016 4190000536273 125mm中心距垫块 FLYBS14T 油口保护堵G021 G3/4 29020010241 输入法兰 20565673 橡胶圈 29340047751 排风扇 FP-108Ex-S1-B 220V 6410004603 加强角钢 530*530*670 M0500WEA2 连接管Ⅱ 4110001167055 右反光警示标志 4110001005263 2624000173样板 29100032391 左盖板 LG6430001358 REINFORCING PLATE 26370007491 簧口 21909002161 塑封膜A3 LG9150000516 PLATE 26141003791 29040008422导轮 28280010951 后车架 28310006471 外侧板1 14558924 4013000123 电瓶线150A-19*1250A2L8L10-1L1 4110000047123 油尺 F三一230-8/CX703 顶盖 26330037921 排水管组件GQT198-013 29270010811 变速阀 C0960WE81 后车架 26330039771 L936机械侧卸电气换下模块 11186423 吊装带8T 直的1.5M FCX1011A 右后防撞梁 4110003334152 板 ZJ4110001141015 气弹簧XFZY-13 26320000591 机油冷却器 29250015371 刀板50 29050018191 海绵 4110001949023 垫片 29292000611 油封包00300S-SR-A1 28250009501 燃油管 29140021121 内六角扳手84320 28809028560341 发动机支架1001807359 4120010203 板 4110003268073 多路阀回油胶管 29290066981 钣金腻子3M PN1088 4kg/桶 29130031731 后车架线束 16043461 指示灯组件ZL2-ZJ 6900012762 连接盘-飞轮B1005119-1589 29030025771 右支架 4110006285012 销轴 26360001951 电磁开关 上柴 道依茨 21909006751 轮毂ZL16-03-2 4110001554011 右侧板 4110000560353 支架 F60-95-12 平垫片GB/T5786-M14×1.5×40 14628222 4043017997 MDSL油封 22.4*30.4*4.5/6 4110000184116 控制电缆线(带钢丝)DLX12*1 Read the full article
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mattnicholls69 · 2 years
Legal advice on Scott Morrison's secret portfolios to be handed down - https://www.9news.com.au/national/scott-morrison-anthony-albanese-legal-advice-ministry-jobs-morrisons-future-in-parliament/7f0d797f-b882-4a0d-a472-31abc2b6972f
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Calling... | Juyeon (tbz)
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Juyeon tbz! x f! reader 
Long distance is hard, even for people like you and Juyeon. 
Genre: angst, some fluff, LDR relationship
A/N: some self-indulgent angst because I’ve been feeling low these days and have nowhere/no one to vent it to. 
"We’re going to get through this, Y/N. I promise.” 
That promise. You’re not sure whether that’s a curse or a blessing. Every single day becomes a torturous game between wanting to give up everything that you’ve built with the man of your dreams and pushing forward towards the happy ending you’ve always hoped for. 
It was easier in the beginning. Maybe because you were both so new to the prospect of love, that you didn’t know what you were missing from each other. It only grew harder the more the years went by and though some people said that the pain gets easier, you’re not quite sure whether they’ve supposedly missed out the part where you keep falling deeper in love with him every day. 
Maybe if you didn’t love him so much, it would hurt less. And god, you wished that would happen. You wished a miraculous cure would numb the swell in your chest every time you had a spare moment to think of what Juyeon was doing. You wished that it would stop the familiar burn of tears tearing your throat apart every time you forced yourself to keep down your choked cries for the sake of not crying. Because you were sick of that too.
This kind of pain is toxic and unsurmountable, to an extent that you start wondering whether life would be easier without Juyeon around. 
"A few more months Y/N,” Juyeon says, face taking up your phone screen as you put the device onto your nightstand in favour of curling your knees up to your chest. You’re trying very hard not to cry, and hope that he can’t see the silent tears slipping past your lids, “it’ll go by quickly, I--” 
“Yeah yeah, I know,” you mumble out, having already heard this mantra over a thousand times. It’s the same thing, after all. A few more months, a little bit more time, just a little-- you’re so fed up of all this waiting, of everyone telling you the exact same thing. 
You’re so sick of it. You can’t even look at the camera anymore.
"Where...Where do you think we stand?” comes his question. A little hesitant, but without any stutter. And when you look back at his face, you notice the downward cast of his eyes, the saddening turn of his lower lip. 
It’s hurting him just as much and you hate it. You hate how guilty you feel about dragging him into this when he’s only just a victim. 
“What do you mean?” you ask softly. 
Juyeon takes a soft breath, exhales, “like...do you think we have a hundred percent chance? Or...fifty percent? Or...” 
He trails off, but you understand what he means, and shrug while scratching the back of your head, “definitely not a fifty,” you say, biting your lip, “and...there’s nothing that can make me say we’re less than a hundred, but...” 
You’re not certain what to say there. It’s touchy, and you don’t want to hurt your boyfriend more than you are at this particular moment. 
If you had been asked a question a year earlier, there is no doubt your answer would’ve straight up been a hundred percent. And you’d say it with confidence too, Juyeon knows that.
But it hurts so fucking much.
It hurts so much that it’s the only thing you can think about every day. 
It makes you sad. It makes you want to curl up in a ball and cry because there is literally nothing else you can do to take your mind off it. 
"Do you...are you--" his voice wobbles, then breaks off without courage of actually saying the words out loud, "I--"
You shake your head, lips trembling as you murmur, "I'm not--I`m not gonna do that, Juyeon."
You fear that saying the words out loud might make it come true. And you don't want to imagine what that would be like, even if you entertain the possibility at the back of your mind.
The silence overcrowds the distance between you and the phone. For a minute, you can't bear to meet Juyeon's eyes. Your fingers start picking your nails apart, a nervous habit you've manifested whenever you get anxious.
When Juyeon speaks next, his words are laced with pain and he doesn't even try holding back a sob, "please," he exhales shakily and even from your tiny screen, you can see the redness lining his eyes, "please don't break up with me."
Your heart aches at the sadness etched onto his features, "I'm not," you repeat it more firmly then, "I won't."
He doesn't answer. But then again, you've probably shocked him to the core.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," you say quietly.
"No, it's okay. I--" running a hand through his dark locks, you note his jaw clenching, "I didn't know you felt this way. I'm the one that should be sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"It is, though isn't it?" He chuckles emptily, "I guess I...I'm not doing enough."
"That's not it, Juyeon. It hurts a lot. This, everything. And I'm just tired. I'm tired of always crying. I'm just so fucking tired."
And then you burst into ugly sobs.
The weather has gotten warmer now that June is in full swing. Your final semester is over and that means a little bit of freedom before starting your job search. It is enjoyable and peaceful, walking across town with your friends, meeting up at odd hours of the day and finding new treasures that your town has to offer.
You are currently in the middle of parking your bike next to the harbourfront when your phone suddenly buzzes in your pant leg.
"Hey," you say as you pick up the receiver, "what's up?"
"Hey," there's a little bit of static before Juyeon'a voice comes through, "I'm good. What about you?"
"I'm at the harbourfront. Getting some air."
"That's nice," a pause, then, "how was it?"
"I think I might have enjoyed it more than I should've," you tell him as you walk up to the edge of the harbour. The water lolls peacefully against the edge and it calms you down, as the talk has earlier, "it helped. A lot."
He breathes out softly, "that's good to hear. How...how do you feel?"
"Surprisingly serene."
"Woah, fancy description."
You can't help but laugh at that, "thanks. I try."
A comfortable silence fills the air and you lean down, hand outstretched to catch some of the waves lapping up along the edge, "and you?" It's been a while since you've managed to speak to Juyeon properly. You miss him, "how have you been?"
"Oh you know," you hear him shuffle, "keeping myself busy. I started working at a skateboard shop. It's been...interesting."
"Do you even know how to skateboard?"
"I can stand straight on one. Does that count?"
You giggle, "no, you goon. You actually have to be able to skate on it."
You talk for a little while longer as you enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with a breathtaking view. Even more breathtaking as the sun slowly sets over the horizon and giving bloom to hues of orange and salmon pink bleeding into the clear blue sky.
It has been nice to talk to someone. As per Juyeon's request a few weeks earlier, you had decided to sign up for a free counselling session. You weren't a big fan of people poking around your thoughts and feelings, but the consultation had actually been really enjoyable. To unleash everything that you've been carrying in your heart is a weight that has suddenly lifted off your chest, and you feel shades lighter as you spend the reat of your evening roaming through town, getting your groceries, walking along the pavement back to your flat.
"I gotta go now," Juyeon says as you unlock your front door, "Changmin's been bugging my ass for thirty minutes."
"Well please tell him I have nothing to do with this."
"You had everything to do with this."
"Lying will get you nowhere."
"And I will tell him anyway," he singsongs, causing you to chuckle good-naturedly. That is, before the next words come to shake up your heart a little.
"I miss you."
You smile softly, sadness combing through your chest, "I do too, Juyeon."
"Stay safe, okay?"
"You too."
"Talk soon Y/N," his voice is filled with a gentleness that makes your heart sing, and you repeat back the said words, a mixture of melancholy and fondness blooming inside your chest.
Ending the call and setting down your groceries atop the kitchen counter, your eyes find the date circled in red.
Your lips curl into a smile.
"Flight A472 has arrived. Travelers, please make your way to the luggage section.“
The intercom buzzes with static to repeat the earlier statement and you feel your heart flutter in your chest as you slowly get up from your seat. You've been waiting at the nearby fast food joint until now, and it's no surprise that your butt feels numb and flat.
Stretching your limbs and picking uo your bag, you sling your navy coat over your shoulder and make your way towards the arrivals. The airport is deserted at this time of night and you're grateful, for it gives your heart more time to prepare for the man you haven't seen in over eight months.
Eight months. Eight months is a long time. It's almost the time it takes for a baby to be born. You flush at the thought, wondering whether Juyeon sees you in his future just as permanently as you see him.
"Who are you waiting for?" Your head swivels to see an older woman, in her late fifties, with a handbag slung over her shoulder and a burgundy scarf wrapped around her neck.
"Oh, uh--" heat travela up the back of your neck, "someone close. And you?"
"My daughter. I haven't seen her in over two years," the woman smiles fondly, "it's hard, isn't it? Not being able to see your close ones every day."
"Yeah," you mumble, "it sure is."
Your gaze is now fixated on the sliding doors now that people have started walking out. One by one, you watch as strangers hug their families, laughing and smiling. A couple is embracing in a nearby corner. And the old woman brightening up and waving at the sight of her daughter pulling up her luggage.
Your chest can't help but swell with emotion. What a beautiful thing to be admire the magic of a reunion. Tears rush to your eyes, suddenly overwhelmed by the amount of love radiating through your veins and bathinf your limbs in warmth.
You freeze. Slowly, you turn around and see Juyeon.
Your Juyeon.
He stands there, backpack on his shoulders and hair ruffled. A luggage at his side and sporting a grin.
Your heart explodes.
Heat rushes through your face, mouth opening in a soft 'oh'.
"Juyeon," his name rolls off your lips.
You're breathless. Everything falls out of focus.
Juyeon. Juyeon is here.
Everything happens so fast. You blink and you're in his arms, his warmth engulfinf you, his scent making you light-headed, his lips permanently pressed against your temple as your hands unconsciously scrabble to hold on to his hoodie like he's a dream you don't want to let go.
It's magical. It feels like a goddamn miracle.
You can't help but burst into tears.
"Oh god," Juyeon's chuckle echoes through your ear. He tightens his grip ever so slightly and kisses your forehead, the corner of your eye while stroking your back.
You cling to him like he's your only lifeline, "I missed you," you sob into his shirt, "I missed you so much."
"It's okay," he cooes into your ear, one hand coming up to smooth over your head, "I'm here now, Y/N."
"I--" emotions rush through you like a dam broken down by the tides and suddenly you're babbling everything you've kept hidden in the grooves of your heart, "I'm so sorry for everything, I-- I was hurt and scared and lonely. I didn't think about how this distance affected you too and I'm sorry I made you go through all this when you did nothing wrong, I--"
Your words get muffled by his lips pressing onto yours to stop any other protests and you melt into him like coming home with open arms. His arms pin your middle to his chest, parting your mouth with his and taking your breath away with every suckle, every nibble. It makes you gasp, clutching his shoulders and returning his kisses with just as much vigor.
"You," he breathes against your parted mouth, "are everything I want," pulling back to press his forehead to yours, he continues, "so don't you dare think for one second, that you're in this alone. You're never alone, Y/N."
"I love you," you murmur, nose brushing his. He kisses you once more, heat lingering between you and claiming your affection for him, "I love you too."
You know that this isn't the end. A path of tears and pain and struggle still await you. The mountain is high and steep, a tough climb that makes youe legs tremble.
But you know now, looking into Juyeon's eyes and seeing the magic in there, the dripping affection that makea your fingers tingle, that this is it. There's nobody else, nothing else you want than Lee Juyeon.
Because if there's one thing for sure is that Juyeon's hand is the one you want to take, to make that climb happen.
"Wanna get out of here and tell me everything I've missed out about you?" Juyeon whispers upon finally detangling himself, though still holding on to your shoulder as he gently pulls you towards the exit.
"Only if you tell me everything I've missed about you," you reply.
He chuckles, before pressing another lingering kiss over your cheek, "deal."
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Karine Ferri chez TF1 : Lassée de jouer les plantes vertes, elle claque une porte
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En 2013, Virginie de Clausade quittait son rôle de présentatrice dans The Voice… et Karine Ferri prenait sa place dans la foulée. Voilà donc sept saisons que la belle brune signe quelques apparitions dans l’émission puisqu’en effet, c’est Nikos Aliagas qui en est le principal présentateur. Et il semblerait que ce rôle « secondaire » ne plaise plus à Karine Ferri qui songe à dire adieu au programme phare de TF1.
Un rôle très limité Selon nos confrères de Voici.fr, Karine Ferri commencerait à se poser pas mal de questions concernant son utilité dans le programme : « Karine en a marre, elle songe très sérieusement à ne plus faire cette émission où elle constate un peu plus chaque saison qu’elle n’a qu’un rôle très limité. Elle ne veut plus jouer les plantes vertes. Elle a passé l’âge pour ça » confie une source.
De l’eau dans le gaz avec Nikos ? Toujours selon Voici, l’animatrice de 37 ans aurait de plus en plus de mal à s’accommoder...
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rescuethevoiceless · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BIRDIES//nwt/the phoebe/11/women’s/soft slip on 🌸.
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nikisc · 4 years
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— iftekhar uddin ahmed (@IftekharN) April 17, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/IftekharN
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rescuethevoiceless · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA / heavy olive fleece lined zip up jacket🌸.
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secondlifep · 4 years
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any days like this.
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nikisc · 4 years
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33ca54f2 dece 4e2b a472 9be45ffca82a https://t.co/oJph110DA3 via @YouTube
— iftekhar uddin ahmed (@IftekharN) April 17, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/IftekharN
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rescuethevoiceless · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BIG BUDDHA CHAIN LINK PURSE/ gold& tan/ euc/ 🌸.
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