#A Life Diagrammatic
senorboombastic · 6 months
Editor’s Picks: Top 50 songs of 2023 – Part One
In classic fashion, my personal favourite record from 2023 came out a year ago. Eagle-eyed Instagram followers might’ve noticed too that when it came to the big Spotify Wrapped reveals, my number one song (and quite a few within the top five) were from an album that came out seven years ago! As our reviews man Ben Forrester likes to say though – don’t get it twisted! We bleed new music through…
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favourletterwords · 18 days
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iantimony · 6 months
exhausted tuesdaypost
short one this week! i'm at baby's first big academic conference and boy howdy i have no idea what the fuck i'm doing! technically posting this a little early by the time zone i'm in (pst) but in my normal time zone (est) it is already tuesday so fuck it amirite
listening: a little more partizan but not much (almost done with episode 19). VERY bold of me to think i could finish partizan before 2024, but also the first two weeks of december were a total wash for me because of conference prep. will very likely blaze through a ton of it when i get back to my apartment at the end of this week.
reading: read a little more of 'the house on vesper sands'. reread some tgcf chapters because they're familiar and soothing.
cait corrain goodreads controversy: the world of twitter/tiktok writers is such a foreign concept to me. the drama even more so. i was fascinated by this. reminds me of the livejournal drama of yore.
diagrammatic writing by johanna drucker: picked this up at a bookshop in san fran. might give it to my brother as a holiday gift? it's very cool and meta and caught my attention, as well as being bite-sized.
drinking, power wheelchairs and dui: got in a conversation with my roommate about how you can get a dui on a horse in arizona (which i think is a little strange because a horse, while under your control, generally wouldn't just go off a cliff or into traffic even if you try to guide it that way?? idk shit about horses though) which morphed into "wait. you can get a dui on a horse. and a bike. what about wheelchairs." i definitely agree with the "wheelchair and its driver together fall under the class of “pedestrian” when using sidewalks and crosswalks" because like. yeah. it's no more a vehicle than my legs are y'know? or something. there's definitely deeper disability theory here that i am ignorant to but i'm remembering stuff from the embodiment-themed art history class that i took my senior year and how technologies can serve as extensions as the self rather than separate entities.
playing: still pokego. yeehaw
watching: episode 6 of tgcf donghua! i'm a little confused about the release schedule but i am obsessed. they're in love your honor
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misc: found out the nyt dialect quiz is behind a paywall now when i told my friend about it and she tried to take it >:( met a cool older gentleman on the cable car, he's a retired nat geo photographer originally from paris. just a really cool dude. wish i got his name so i could look up his work.
BONE TIRED at this conference despite it literally being day one. i am so exhausted. partly jetlag partly New Experience partly anticipation for poster session on wednesday partly meeting collaborators and wanting to make a good impression etc etc. i definitely need to plan in more breaks. last week was easily one of The worse weeks of my life so far, combo PMSing plus breakdown over realizing i had to completely re-run a simulation (or two etc) and redo all my plots for my poster. just agonizing cramming of so much stuff. completely draining, basically burned myself out before even leaving for the conference, but it's Fine i'll be Fine i just gotta get through my presentation on wednesday without completely losing the thread.
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crosstheveil · 4 months
Excerpt: Three Worlds of Man
Spiritual truth is so subtle that it is difficult to translate into material words and concepts. The frontal mind of man is inclined to confine ideas into compartments and pigeonholes, and in so doing can miss their subtle essence. The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life; this is certainly true in the study of astrology. Many clearly demonstrable facts prove its efficacy, but just as many interesting side-tracks can lure the student into a maze, in which he can wander for years without getting anywhere near the truth.
Pythagoras taught that the planetary spirits resided not in the bodies of the planets themselves but in the planetary intervals. Medieval philosophers, in their studies of the human brain, all agreed that the part which was responsive to the impress of the soul was not the physical brain cells themselves but the cavities or ventricles in the brain. Alan Leo states that the element Air, being all-pervasive, is the most subtle and therefore the most responsive to the impress of pure spirit. The alchemists believed that within the ventricles in the human brain a subtle interchange of the spiritual and physical airs takes place, an absorption of the divine breath. The human skull in the ancient teachings is often likened to the sphere of the earth or the sphere of the universe, and in symbolic language and pictures they depict the seven planetary angels or seven stars residing within the earth or within the human brain.
A number of diagrammatic drawings by mediaeval students of alchemy show the human head with three circles or centres of consciousness. The frontal centre is to be considered with the five senses and the nervous system, all under the control of the frontal mind. In the natal horoscope this frontal mind with the physical organism is shown by the Ascendant and by the balance of the elements in the chart. The four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water, with a fifth element, ether, more subtle than the rest, and pervading all the others, have always been considered to be linked with the five senses of man.
From the above the student will begin to realise the importance of the Ascendant and the balance of elements in the nature which allows the planetary spirits, through their rulership of the signs, to direct the pattern of the karma of the physical life. These planetary angels are believed to work through the hidden zodiac within the soul of man bearing the imprint of the whole of the past.
In a general sense the frontal mind which governs physical action and creates the personality, is under the rulership both of the Moon and Mars. The subconscious part of the brain including the cerebellum, which controls the sympathetic nervous system, comes chiefly under the rulership of Mars; but both these planets are deeply involved in the birth, death and reproduction of the physical vehicle.
Behind the frontal mind is what we may term ‘the soul mind’, or the centre of imagination and reflection. This, too, is ruled by the Moon. It is the gateway to the inner worlds to which we withdraw in sleep or meditation and which we perceive at times of great artistic or mental inspiration. When we are imprisoned in a physical body the consciousness swings between the phases of the Moon. The times when the frontal brain is extremely active can be likened to the full Moon and the times of sleep or withdrawal to the new Moon, when the earth is dark, but the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun and both soul and body are being renewed or revitalised. From ancient times the period of the new Moon has been recognised as a time of new beginnings.
The Moon has close connection with the element Water which also symbolises the soul. It is not surprising, therefore, that in meditation White Eagle teaches his pupils as a first step to withdraw from the frontal mind and to sit in imagination by a still pool on which gradually the white lotus flower opens. When, by the exercise of the will, man consciously releases himself from the frontal mind and becomes absolutely still, then the soul mind can become active. The light of heaven can be reflected in this still water, and the planetary angels can lift the soul into a consciousness of its true destiny. The whole purpose of physical incarnation is for the soul to expand in consciousness to an ever-greater awareness of God, to the point where it can express divine wisdom, power and love through physical matter.
Even deeper within the brain lies the centre which is under the command of the sun or the divine self. This is hidden so deeply that it can only be reached through the attunement of the soul vehicle to the divine self. When the outer mind and emotions are held absolutely still the soul will be able to rise as on a shaft of light, up to a golden mountain, into the sun, and to worship there. By spiritual training and discipline the soul in incarnation is enabled to make the most of the opportunities presented by the physical life, and to learn the lesson indicated by the zodiacal position of the Sun in the horoscope and the planetary aspects thereto.
The centre of solar consciousness, so deeply hidden within the brain, is closely connected with the heart, which is the true solar centre. White Eagle teaches his students that they must learn to use what he calls ‘the mind in the heart’, for it is only through this heart consciousness that the soul can become aware of the true solar ray which is the source of its being.
This is why, when patients seek spiritual healing, White Eagle encourages them to still the fretful, worrying outer mind, and become still in their soul. Then only can they begin to feel the radiance of the spirit which resides in the heart. When the clamour of the outer self is stilled, the solar self illumines the whole consciousness. Then true healing takes place; for once the lunar self is still and focused on the inner light it absorbs and reflects the radiance of the spiritual Sun, the source of life and being of that soul.
This light can only come into physical manifestation through perfect polarisation of the lunar self with the solar self. When the full Moon reflects the Sun, the earth is illumined. In the same way, when the soul makes true contact with the source of its being, the body is illumined and inharmonies fall away. This is what Jesus meant when he said, I and my Father are one . . . I am the resurrection, and the life. I AM the resurrection, and the life.
The mystery writings of ancient religions often referred to the heart centre as a cave wherein dwelt the holy of holies. In some religions it is regarded as the holy city — the new Jerusalem of the Christian mysteries, the Mecca of Islam, the Benares of the Hindus. Always this city has to be approached by a pilgrimage.
The difficulties and trials the soul endures during its incarnation eventually force it to cry out for God and consciously to set forth on this journey, wonderfully described in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. The path and the end are always the same — the climb up the rocky mountain, the process of purification, often through pain — either physical, mental or emotional, according to the element which is being mastered — and finally the admittance into the heart’s cave where the light burns and the glorious unseen Presence waits.
Because of the close link of the solar force with the physical body and the desire nature shown by the Sun’s exaltation in Aries, it was recognised in the mystery teachings that until the soul begins to yearn for light and starts the spiritual pilgrimage, the desire nature, with its headstrong wilfulness, passion and egotism crowds out the little light - the child of the Sun. The heart centre of the soul living only for itself is crowded - there is ‘no room in the inn’. Then through some bitter sorrow or denial of desire, the soul begins to yearn for God and seeks spiritual help, and in so doing becomes dimly aware of the divinity within the heart. As it learns to watch for the light that shines in darkness, to listen for this inner voice, the Word of God, gradually the soul discovers the small cave or sanctuary in the heart, from which all intruders are shut out. This is the purpose of the true meditation; and it is what humanity is reaching out for as the Aquarian Age, in which man will begin to realise his own divinity, approaches.
During any one of the sidereal Ages, two signs, not one, influence humanity. The sign through which the vernal equinox is actually passing exerts a powerful influence on the outer life of humanity, but the opposite sign, its polarity, is the one which affects the inner life most strongly. Always there is this reflection from heaven to earth, and this being so, from earth to heaven. Because Leo is the sign opposite to Aquarius and rules the heart, much more will be understood about the true function of the heart centre during the coming age. It is interesting that so much attention has centred upon heart transplants in recent years. When man is ready to understand the secret of life there will be no need for heart transplants because he will learn how to awaken the solar self to bring about his own healing. He will realise something of the secret magic of the solar consciousness.
The resurgence of interest in astrology is a necessary part of humanity’s progress towards enlightenment, for true astrology is the science of religion, the science of the soul. Understanding of the planetary forces playing on the soul and of the soul’s lesson in incarnation, can be a great help to those seeking spiritual unfoldment. The soul lesson is shown primarily by the element of the sign in which the Sun is placed at birth.
To understand why this should be, let us trace the path of the soul from death to rebirth. During earthly life the soul is imprisoned in the physical consciousness, the five senses of the body. This is related to the rising sign and the balance of elements in the birth chart. It is permeated by the lunar or soul consciousness, often referred to as the personality. During waking hours this consciousness is focused in the physical brain, but during sleep it functions in this soul world, and at death the personality or lunar self withdraws from physical matter but lives in a soul body, vitalised by the solar, the true self, on the astral and mental planes.
In due time comes the urge to withdraw into the solar or celestial world. At this stage, described by Arthur Conan Doyle as the second death, the soul releases itself from all entanglements of the astral and lower mental planes and withdraws into the sphere of the sun where the higher self can review the whole panorama of past experience. It can see the pattern and the purpose of its many lives on earth. In this heavenly stage it realises the planetary ray necessary for the next stage of the soul’s development.
As the soul incarnates under each of the planetary rays, through the signs of the zodiac, it gradually builds for itself the seven bodies or vehicles it needs to function with mastery on every plane of being.
At the moment it is ready and wills to function once more through a physical body, the ray of the solar self shines into the darkness of matter and the conception of the physical body takes place. This is the moment when the planetary spirits are in the right relationship and gather round to build the foetus, which will be born when the position of the Sun gives the planetary ray required. By an exact and unerring law the chosen parents are irresistibly drawn together at the right time also. The laws which govern this are beyond the comprehension of man’s finite mind. They are under the direction of the angels of karma.
According to the sign in which the Sun is placed, the soul is learning the lesson of the planetary ruler of that sign, the real work of the incarnation being to strengthen and develop the soul vehicle of that particular plane. All the diverse experiences of the incarnation contribute to the learning of this lesson which is indicated by the quality and element of the Sun sign at birth.
— Joan Hodgson, from Astrology: The Sacred Science
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mysticmonastro · 2 years
What is the difference between Western and Vedic Astrology?
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Western astrology is based on the tropical zodiacs while Vedic astrology is based on the sidereal zodiacs. The difference between the tropical and sidereal systems is the point of reference from where the earth starts and ends the revolution around the sun.
The Earth completes one revolution around the sun in 365.5 days - this is the assumption used by the tropical system i.e Western astrology. It is based on the seasons and coincides with the vernal equinox - the first day of spring - 20th March - marks the beginning of first zodiac - Aries. In sidereal system, the fixed stars in the sky are the point of reference. It counts the wobbling effect of earth due to it's own rotation, and revolution around the sun and the fact that the earth is not a perfect sphere. Hence, it won't perfectly complete one cycle in 365.5 days and there will be a slight shift. The effective shift is 1 degree every 72 years. Right now the difference between the tropical and sidereal zodiacs is approximately 24 degree and 10 minutes. As each zodiac spans 30 degrees in a chart, the shift in zodiac signs between Western and Vedic is of 1 sign. So if your sun sign is Gemini as per Western (Tropical) astrology, it would be Taurus (one sign before Gemini) as per Vedic (Sidereal) astrology. In addition to the difference in the diagrammatic representation of the 2 systems - their usages also differ significantly. Both systems are equally valid systems. Vedic astrology is more predictive in nature and is well indicative of the events in an individual's life while Western astrology is more appropriate for behavioral and psychological analysis. It can also be applied to predict financial matters like stock markets.
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beingharsh · 10 months
Subjectification carries desire to such a point of excess and unloosening that it must either annihilate itself in a black hole or change planes. Destratify, open up to a new function, a diagrammatic function. Let consciousness cease to be its own double, and passion the double of one person for another. Make consciousness an experimentation in life, and passion a field of continuous intensities, an emission of particles-signs. Make the body without organs of consciousness and love. Use love and consciousness to abolish subjectification: “To become the great lover, the magnetizer and catalyzer … one has to first experience the profound wisdom of being an utter fool.” Use the I think for a becoming-animal, and love for a becoming-woman of man. Desub-jectify consciousness and passion. Are there not diagrammatic redundancies distinct from both signifying redundancies and subjective redundancies? Redundancies that would no longer be knots of arborescence but resumptions and upsurges in a rhizome? Stammer language, be a foreigner in one’s own tongue: do domi not passi do not dominate do not dominate your passive passions not do devouring not not dominate your rats your rations your rats rations not not…
"587 BC-AD 70: On Several Regimes of Signs", Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
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hully-gully-gee · 1 year
I wrote down what the Owl says!
I am positive this has been done before, but I wrote down what the Owl says in this spoof video, and it contains some really good advice.
Hoo hoot! Little Link… Look up here!
It appears that the time has finally come for you to start your adventure!
You will encounter many hardships ahead…
Like playing with your Legos one day and realizing it's not fun anymore.
Coming to grips with the concept of time.
Gradually losing the freedom whick exists in knowing nothing.
And learning that your friends are relative to where you are in life.
Most friends only stay for a season, and usually because of your shared interests.
But when you move on or your priorities change, so will a majority of your friends.
That is your fate.
Don't feel discouraged, even during the toughest times!
(Link is shown)
One day you'll find out that you owe the IRS $3,000.
Then you realize you misread the letter and you actually owe $30,000.
And you'll learn that Chipotle isn't nearly as healthy as you thought
Sure they list the calories, fat, carbs, cholesterol, and the 0g of sugar on the menu but they omit the amount
of sodium drenched in everything. A single burrito with carnitas, cilantro- lime rice, sour cream,
roasted chili corn salsa and cheese will fill you up with almost a day's worth of sodium.
Enjoy your high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, kidney disease,
kidney stones and headaches. Maybe this isn't that great of an alternative to McDonalds after all.
Convenience isn't very healthy.
You have to eat 3 times a day for the rest of your life. You should learn how to do it well.
You'd be surprised to see how much better your life goes when you eat well.
That is your fate.
Don't feel discouraged, even during the toughest times!
(Link mashes the buttons)
And learning that, despite all the government gorges out of you with taxes, they still waste billions of our
hard earned dollars on programs like studying mountain lions on treadmills, injecting hamsters with steroids and
making them fight, and studying beer koozies.
Beer koozies
The thing that keeps your drink cold. The $1.3 million dollar study conducted by 2 bright University of
Washing students was to determine if beer koozies work.
It turns out they do work. Groundbreaking stuff.
Then there's accidentally spending $28 million on green camoflage uniforms for the Afghan National Army.
Afghanistan is 98 percent desert.
They wasted $2 million attempting to increase trust between Tunisian political parties and citizens.
$10,000,000 on "green growth" in Peru.
$2,120,040,355.35 (italics) attempting (/italics) to turn and (their typo, not mine) abandoned mental hospital into a Department of Homeland Security HQ.
And don't even get me started on the billion dollar Medicare schemes.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid paid $48,000,000,000.00 in improper payments in Fiscal Year 2018.
Since Medicare is such a big program, it opens up all sorts of possibilities for abuse.
It's all in Dr. Rand Paul's Summer 2019 Edition of "The Waste Report."
[Link mashing buttons some more]
Go straight this way and you will see Hyrule Castle.
You will meet a princess there…
If you are lost and don't know which way to go, look at the Map.
The areas you have explored will be shown on the map.
A map is a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features,
cities, roads, etc. The word "map" can also be used to talk about a chart or drawing that shows relationships
between ideas, people, events, or anything else you can think about.
Press START to enter the subscreens and Z or R to find the map.
On the map subscreen, you will also see a flashing dot showing you which way to go next.
Did you get all that? ==> No Yes
Hoo hoot! Little Link… Look up here!
It appears that the time has finally come for you to start your adventure!
You will encounter many hardships ahead…
Like playing with your Legos one day and realizing it's not fun anymore.
Coming to grips with the concept of time.
Gradually losing the freedom which exists in knowing nothing.
And learning that your friends are relative to where you are in life.
Most friends only stay for a season, and usually because of your shared interests.
But when you move on or your priorities change, so will a majority of your friends.
That is your fate.
[Link mashing buttons, and screaming]
Did you know the hashtag symbol is technically called an octothorpe?
Or that the 100 folds in a chef's hat represent 100 ways to cook an egg?
And that some cats are allergic to people?
And that M&M stands for Mars and Murrie?
And that you can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from more than 2 miles away?
And that the odds of getting a royal flush are exactly 1 in 649,740?
And that the lyrebird can mimic almost any sounds it hears, including chainsaws?
And that the speed of a computer mouse is measured in "Mickeys?"
And did you know that sushi actually originated in Southeast Asia, and spread to South China before being
(blocked by ocarina) introduced to Japan some time around the 8th century?
And did you know that a male emperor penguin can go without eating for 120 days?
And did you know that the smell you smell after it rains is called "petichor?"
[Ocarina smashes into Owl's face]
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lupinepublishers · 2 years
Lupine Publishers|Radiology; USG and Colour Doppler of Post Renal Transplant Complications
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Kidney transplant is the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage renal disease. Kidney transplant offers better quality of life. It is more cost effective than hemodialysis. Advances in surgical technique, along with improvement in organ preservation and immunosuppression have improved patient outcomes. Post-operative complications, however, can limit this success. Ultrasound and Doppler study is the primary imaging modality for evaluation of renal transplant, providing real –time information about complication in graft. A multimodality approach including CT scan, MRI or conventional angiography may be necessary in cases when sonography and Doppler are inconclusive to diagnose the etiologies of these complications. Radiologists play an integral role within the multidisciplinary team in care of transplant patient at every stage of the transplant process. Therefore, the radiologist should always be aware when evaluating the failing renal graft, whether the cause is renal or extrinsic. In this pictorial essay we tried to gather the most common complication of transplant kidney in different cases that occurred in our hospital, with an emphasis on Ultrasound and Doppler study.
Keywords: USG; Colour Doppler; Post renal transplantation; Complications
The preferred modality for renal replacement is renal transplantation, and its superiority in prolonging the longevity of patients with end-stage renal disease is well established [1]. Kidney transplantation is typically classified as deceased-donor (formerly known as cadaveric) or living-donor transplantation depending on the source of the donor organ. Due to improvement in transplantation technology, advancement in immunosuppressant and graft preservation techniques the 1-year survival rates for grafts, are reported to be 80% for mismatched cadaveric renal grafts; 90% for nonidentical living related grafts; 95% for human lymphocyte antigen-identical grafts [2]. Radiologists play a major role at every stage of the transplant process with transplantation team. Ultrasonography with colour Doppler is the principal modality used for evaluation of renal allograft. USG is a relatively cheap, noninvasive, and non-nephrotoxic modality. It is applied for diagnostic and monitoring purposes in the post-transplant period. This pictorial essay describes USG and Doppler imaging appearances of the major complications that may occur in renal transplantation. All our images have been obtained from a single our center which is major transplantation center in India. All post renal transplant patients undergo a USG and comprehensive Doppler evaluation on post-operative day one. The sonographic examination algorithm includes gray-scale evaluation of the graft and spectral Doppler. Further imaging is based on clinical follow-up including daily monitoring of laboratory values. If clinical parameters are abnormal, repeat sonography is performed and depending on the results, CT, MRI, or angiography may be requested.
Surgical Technique
Surgical technique and location of placement of renal allograft depends on the variation in arterial and venous anatomy of donor. The transplanted kidney is usually placed extraperitoneally in the patient’s right iliac fossa (less commonly in left iliac fossa), with end-to-side or end to end anastomosis to the external iliac vasculature. The currently preferred method for restoring urinary drainage is ureteroneocystostomy, a procedure by which the ureter is implanted directly into the dome of the bladder (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Diagrammatic representation of anatomical and anastomotic arrangement (end to side fashion) in renal transplantation in right renal fossa
Post renal transplantation complications
Urologic Complications
The prevalence of urologic complications varied from 10% to 25% with a mortality rate ranging from 20% to 30%. Incidence rate is decreased range between 3% and 9% in the current era because of advancement in surgical techniques and frequent use of ureteral stents [3,4].
Urinary Obstruction
a) Incidence: 2%-5% of kidney transplant recipients. b) Site of obstruction: Approx. 90% of stenoses occur in the distal third of the ureter due to its poor vascular supply. c) Imaging appearance: US can easily confirm the diagnosis of hydronephrosis and dilated renal pelvis and thus determine the level of ureteral obstruction (Figure 2). When contents of pelvic calyceal system are echogenic and weakly shadowing, fungus balls should be considered, whereas low-level echoes suggest pyonephrosis (Figure 3).
Figure 2: Grey scale USG image shows (A) dilated pelvic calyceal system, (B) dilated ureter may favors urinary obstruction.
Figure 3: Grey scale USG image shows echogenic material within (A) dilated pelvic calyceal system, (B) dilated renal pelvis may favors debris.
Urine Leaks and Urinomas
a) Incidence: up to 6 % of renal transplant recipients [5] b) Location: extraperitoneal or intraperitoneal, if intraperitoneal may present with ascites. c) Imaging appearance: USG findings are nonspecific, well defined anechoic fluid collection with septa or without septation, adjacent to the lower pole of the transplant in most of the cases (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Grey scale USG image shows anechoic collection (A) near urinary bladder, (B) near lower pole of transplanted kidney may favors urinoma.
Drainage of fluid under ultrasound guidance and testing the fluid for creatinine helps to differentiate it from seromas or lymphoceles. High concentration of creatinine will be found in case of urinoma if we compare with serous fluid.
Calculous Disease
a) Incidence: 1% to 2 % of post-transplant cases develops clinically relevant stones as compared to general population [6]. As the kidney is denervated patient will not suffer typical renal colic. b) Imaging appearance: Calculus appears as strongly reactive focus of variable size producing acoustic shadowing on USG and twinkling artifact on colour Doppler (Figure 5). Other rare urologic complications are ureteric necrosis and vesico-ureteric reflux.
Figure 5: Grey scale USG image of transplanted kidney show echogenic focus with acoustic shadowing (A) in lower calyceal system, (B) in upper calyceal system, (D) in mid part of transplanted ureter and (C) with twinkling artifact on colour Doppler favoring calculus.
Peritransplant Fluid Collections
Fluid collection in peritransplant region has been reported in up to 50 % of renal transplantation. They are urinomas, hematomas, lymphocele and abscess, the clinical relevance of these collection is largely determined by their size, location and possible growth. In immediate postoperative period, small hematomas or seroma are almost expected. Their size should be documented at baseline examination. Rarely do they lead to graft dysfunction or obstruction of collecting system. Urinomas and hematomas are most likely to develop immediately after transplantation, whereas lymphoceles generally develop after 4 to 8 weeks. The ultrasonography characteristics of peritransplant fluid collections, however, are entirely nonspecific, correlation with clinical findings helps to restrict differential diagnosis. Ultimately, diagnosis may be made only with percutaneous aspiration and then biochemical analysis. Differentiation between Peritransplant and subcapsular collection is important. A subcapsular collection likely to cause mass effect on parenchyma, usually cresenteric and show extension along the contour of kidney deep to the renal capsule
a. Incidence: Varies from 4 to 8 % [7] b. Imaging appearance: Hematomas have a complex appearance. Hematomas appears echogenic in acute case and progressively become less echogenic with time (Figure 6). Chronic hematomas even appear anechoic, more closely resembling fluid and septation may develop later on.
Figure 6: Grey scale USG image shows echogenic collection in (A) at subcapsular region, (B) in peritransplant region favoring hematoma.
a. Incidence: Affecting up to 20% of the patients [8] It occurs after surgery owing to the surgical disruption of the normal lymphatic channels along the iliac vessels or around the hilum of the graft. b. Imaging appearance: on Ultrasound it appears as anechoic bur may contain septation. They may become infected and gave more complex appearance (Figure 7).
Peritransplant abscesses
a) Imaging appearance: USG cannot always differentiate an abscess from other collection. Collection may show low level echoes and thick irregular wall. If gas is seen, an abscess is probable. In any pyrexia patient, any perinephric collection should be considered infected until proven otherwise through the appropriate imaging and guided diagnostic aspiration.
Figure 7: Grey scale USG image showing septated collection (A) near lower pole of transplanted kidney, (B) causing compression over renal pelvis and resulting in obstructive changes in transplanted kidney favoring lymphocele.
Parenchymal Complication / Graft Dysfunction
Diseases of the renal parenchyma are usually diffuse and often leads graft dysfunction. Differential diagnosis is difficult by imaging alone. USG is not sensitive or specific for evaluation; differential will be relying on biopsy. USG still has a central role in qualitative assessment of graft perfusion and to guide the biopsy.
Acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
Acute tubular necrosis is due to reversible ischemic damage to the renal tubular cells prior to engrafting and reperfusion injury. i. Incidence: affects 20–60 % of cadaveric renal grafts. ii. Time of onset: in the first 48 hours after transplantation. iii. Imaging appearance: No specific imaging pattern for the diagnosis of ATN. The kidney may appear normal, in severe cases it looks enlarged, edematous and echo poor with loss of corticomedullary differentiation (Figure 8) and shows elevated RI (above 0.8).
Figure 8: Grey scale USG image showing edema to us transplanted kidney with prominent pyramids and decreased cortical echogenicity may favors changes of Acute tubular Necrosis (ATN) or Acute Rejection (AR).
Rejection can be classified according to the period of appearance as hyper acute (occurring within minutes), acute (occurring within days to weeks), late acute (occurring after 3 months), or chronic (occurring months to years after transplantation). Classification of renal allograft rejection by Banff classification of allograft pathology is routinely followed nowadays. It is based on a combination of histopathologic features coupled with molecular, serologic, and clinical parameters.
Acute Rejection (AR)
i. Incidence: up to 40% of patients in the early transplant period [9].
Figure 9: (A) Grey scale USG image shows enlargement of transplanted kidney, swelling of the medullary pyramids and echogenic sinus fat, (B) Spectral Doppler analysis shows elevated RI may favors changes of Acute Rejection (AR) or Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN).
ii. Imaging appearance: Graft enlargement due to edema, Decreased cortical echogenicity, swelling of the medullary pyramids, echogenic sinus fat, edematous wall of pelvic calyceal system, focal hypoechoic areas in parenchyma which may favors infarct and collection in perigraft region due to necrosis or hemorrhage. PI and RI elevated in both ATN as well as in AR, but AR has high values of it. In severe cases, Power Doppler shows reduced, absent or reversed diastolic flow with elevation of the RI (Figure 9).
Chronic Rejection
Chronic rejection occurs in case of insufficient immunosuppression given to recipient to control the residual antigraft lymphocytes and antibodies. i. Imaging appearance: US appearance is not typical, ranging from normal to hyper echogenic, along with cortical thinning, reduced number of intrarenal vessels, and mild hydronephrosis (Figure 10). RI measurements are not reliable for this diagnosis. The diagnosis is made histologically.
Figure 10: (A) Grey scale USG image shows echogenic transplanted kidney with cortical thinning and minimal hydronephrosis, (B) Spectral Doppler image shows reduced diastolic flow and elevated RI may favors Chronic Rejection.
Drug Nephrotoxicity
Calcineurin inhibitors are key immunosuppression agents administered to avoid acute rejection, but they are nephrotoxic. A. Imaging appearance: USG may show completely normal results or nonspecific findings such as graft swelling, increased or decreased renal echogenicity and loss of cortico-medullary differentiation. Doppler study may show a RI increase of 0.80. Findings of USG and Doppler study should be correlated with the serum drug levels. USG and Doppler findings of ATN and AR is almost similar, but both can be differentiated by time course of the findings. Clinical & biochemical correlation and serial measurements of RI and Pulsatile index (PI) would be further helpful to monitor the patient.
Infections and abscesses
Incidence and time of onset: More than 80% of renal transplant recipients have at least 1 episode of infection during the first year of post transplantation.
Figure 11: Grey scale USG image shows ill-defined hypoechoic lesion (A) in mid pole, (B) in upper pole of transplanted kidney posteriorly Suggestive of Abscess formation. First one is proved case of fugal etiology and second one is pyogenic abscess.
I. Imaging appearance: USG appearance is quite variable. Focal pyelonephritis appear as a focal hyperechoic or hypoechoic area, but this finding is nonspecific because it can represent infarction or rejection also (Figure 11). Abscess has varied appearance on USG like- heterogeneous, hypoechoic or cystic. Urothelial thickening may be seen. In febrile post renal transplant patient low level echoes in dilated collecting system may favors pyonephrosis. Fungus ball appears as focal rounded, weakly shadowing or echogenic structure in dilated pelvic calyceal system. In emphysematous pyelonephritis, gas in the parenchyma of the renal graft produces an echogenic line with distal reverberation artifacts. Papillary necrosis has no typical sonographic findings, and it subsequently leads to ureteric obstruction.
End stage disease
Nonfunctional renal grafts are left in place in abdominal cavity. Gradually graft becomes small and can have fatty replacement, hydronephrosis, infarcts, hemorrhage or calcification.
Vascular Complications
Vascular complications in post renal transplantation have significant negative influence of graft survival. They are infrequent, occur in approximately 1%–2%; [10] but can cause sudden loss of renal allograft. Selective catheter angiography is the gold standard for diagnosis; however, it is invasive and may cause various complications. Hence it is not used as a screening tool but reserved for patients with inconclusive results on the noninvasive screening tests. Noninvasive imaging like ultrasound, Doppler, scintigraphy, CT and MR angiography plays major role to evaluate them.
Renal artery thrombosis (RAT)
Incidence: Ranges from 0.5% to 3.5 % [11] Imaging appearance: No evidence of any arterial or venous flow noted on color, spectral and power Doppler study (Figure 12). Doppler sonography had 100% sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis and hardly any other imaging study is required for diagnosis [12].
Figure 12: (A) Grey scale USG image, (B) Power Doppler image of transplanted kidney show enlargement and absent colour flow Suggest Vascular Thrombosis.
Focal Renal Infarction
Imaging appearance: A segmental infarct appears as a poorly marginated wedge shaped hypoechoic mass or a hypoechoic mass with a well-defined echogenic wall without colour flow (Figure 13). If the infarction is global, the kidney will appear hypoechoic and be diffusely enlarged.
Figure 13: Colour Doppler image of transplanted kidney shows absent colour flow (A) in upper and mid pole, (B) in upper pole favoring Segmental infarct.
Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS)
Incidence: It has wide range varying from 1% to 23 % depending on the definition and diagnostic techniques used.
Site: usually at anastomotic site
Imaging appearance: On gray scale USG, there is lack of normal post-transplant hypertrophy. On color Doppler study appearance of focal color aliasing noted at stenotic segments. On spectral Doppler study, peak systolic velocity in main renal artery >300 cm/sec and Ratio of PSV in transplanted main renal artery and external iliac artery greater than or equal to 1.8 are highly suggestive of significant stenosis. Indirect criteria are low resistive index <0.56, Acceleration time >0.07 sec, Acceleration index <3 meter/ sec and Intrarenal tardus–parvus waveform (Figure 14).
Figure 14: Spectral Doppler image shows (A) elevated peak systolic velocity in main renal artery at anastomosis, (B) delayed systolic upstroke and rounding of systolic peak consistent with tardus parvus spectral waveform in case of transplanted renal artery stenosis.
Limitation: Results are strongly depends on the operator’s individual experience and skill. Rate of restenosis is less than 10 %. Doppler ultrasonography is the procedure of choice to evaluate graft perfusion before and after revascularization The term pseudo transplant renal artery stenosis (TRAS) refers to thrombosis or stenosis of iliac artery or aorta proximal to transplant renal artery.
Renal vein thrombosis: (RVT)
Figure 15: (A) Grey scale USG image shows swollen and hypo echoic transplanted kidney, (B) Colour Doppler image shows absent venous flow and spectral Doppler image shows absent and reversal of diastolic flow in renal artery favoring Renal vein thrombosis.
Incidence: Ranges from 0.9% to 4.5 % [13]
Imaging Findings: Graft appears swollen and hypoechoic.
Doppler shows absent venous flow. Renal arterial Doppler spectrum shows absent or reversal of diastolic flow due to increased resistance (Figure 15). Reversal flow in renal artery is nonspecific as it also seen in severe rejection and in acute tubular necrosis, its combination with absent venous flow is the diagnosis of renal vein thrombosis. Partial thrombosis also can occur near anastomosis or within the transplanted kidney (Figure 16).
Figure 16: Spectral Doppler image shows (A) partial thrombosis in renal vein near anastomosis (white straight arrow), (B) partial thrombosis in main renal vein (white straight arrow) and adjacent renal pelvis showing DJ Stent (curved whited arrow) in two different cases. Intra renal venous flow is very well demonstrated and appears normal Suggest Partial renal vein thrombosis.
Extra parenchymal pseudo aneurysm
Incidence: Anastomotic pseudoaneurysm is a rare complication of renal transplantation occurring in 0.3%. [14]
Imaging findings : On gray scale ultrasound it appears as cystic lesion which shows color flow and to and fro spectral pattern on doppler study(Figure 17). Endovascular treatment with covered stent placement to exclude pseudoaneurysm can also be evaluated with USG and colour doppler (Figure 18).
Figure 17: (A)Grey scale USG image of transplanted kidney shows cystic lesion near anastomosis which shows color filling in Colour Doppler image(white arrow), (B) Colour Doppler image shows colour filled out pouching near anastomosis(white arrow) confirmed non thrombosed extra parenchymal pseudo aneurysm in two different cases.
Figure 18: (A) Two echogenic line structure(Stent) in main anastomotic renal artery in gray scale USG image of transplanted kidney, (B) Colour doppler image shows partially colour filled pseudoaneurysm at anastomosis with stent suggest Imaging findings of endovascular treatment with covered stent placement.
Intra-parenchymal arteriovenous fistula and pseudoaneurysm
AVF occurs when both artery and vein are simultaneously lacerated, while pseudoaneurysm results when only artery is lacerated. Incidence: 1-18% of the biopsies [15] Time of onset: occur at time of biopsy. They depend on many factors – ultrasound guidance, needle caliber and imaging follow up. Imaging appearance: colour Doppler study shows AVF as focal areas of disorganized flow adjoining the normal vasculature. Spectral waveforms show increased arterial and venous flow with high velocity and low resistance (Figure 19). Pseudoaneurysm appears as simple or complex cyst on B mode ultrasound and intracystic flow on colour Doppler mode (Figure 20).
Figure 19: (A) focal colour aliasing at lower pole of transplanted kidney in colour doppler image, (B) Spectral Doppler evaluation demonstrates high velocity, low impedance waveform with increased diastolic flow Suggest arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in doppler evaluation after biopsy.
Figure 20: (A) Grey scale USG image shows cystic lesion in lower pole of transplanted kidney in grey scale USG image, (B) colour Doppler image shows intra cystic flow Suggest intra parenchymal pseudo aneurysm.
Neoplasms after renal transplantation
Post renal transplantation patients are at higher risk of development of neoplasms. Urologic tumour are 4 to 5 times more common in post renal transplantation recipients than normal population with significant exposure to cyclophosphamide immunosuppressant agent.
Renal cell carcinoma
Etiology: by means of transplanted organ or de novo development by immunocompromised status, patients on hemodialysis in case of chronic renal failure develop acquire renal cystic disease Prevalence: 90 % occurring in native kidney and 10 % in transplanted kidney [16] Imaging appearance: lesion appear heterogeneous with vascularity, similar picture as seen in native kidney [17] (Figure 21).
Figure 21: Gray scale ultrasound image of transplanted kidney shows (A) heterogeneous mass lesion at the upper pole (white arrow) with internal hypoechoic region (asterisk) suggesting necrosis, (B) the mass lesion showed internal as well as peripheral vascularity on color Doppler study. Suggest renal cell carcinoma in transplanted kidney.
Incidence: 1 % of renal allograft recipients [18] Time of onset: Post transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder is diagnosed at a median of 80 months after transplantation. Imaging appearance: Lymphadenopathy at various sites but can also affect any solid organ or hollow viscera or transplant graft parenchyma itself. It appears as low or mixed reactive masses and tends to have a predilection for the renal hilum.
Recurrent Native disease
It depends on the primary disease before transplantation. Imaging appearance: Imaging has no specific pattern in these situations apart from excluding the treatable cause of reduced renal function.
Abdominopelvic Complications
Renal graft is placed in extraperitoneal space via a peritoneal window in laparoscopic and robot assisted surgical techniques. So these cases are prone to same complications experienced by other surgical cases in whom peritoneum is exposed.
Renal Allograft Compartment Syndrome (RACS)
It is a rare syndrome, and it is under recognized cause of early transplant dysfunction or even loss. It may occur as a result of intracompartment hypertension and ensuring ischemia of renal graft [19]. Imaging appearance: absent or diffuse diminished cortical flow in transplant kidney at colour Doppler.
Fascial dehiscence and bowel or allograft evisceration
They tend to occur in perioperative period. Herniation of bowel through a transplant peritoneal defect may lead to compromise of intestine or transplant itself.
The USG examination is examiner dependent and limited accessibility in obese patents impairs the evaluation and often leads misinterpretation. The RI index is also unspecific and influenced by many factors like site at which the RI is measures, increased intraabdominal pressure during forced inspiration and the pulse rate.
Kidney transplant is the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage renal disease. Improvements in surgical techniques and advanced immunosuppressive drugs have resulted in remarkable survival of patients and renal grafts. Still complications occur in both the early postoperative period and later. Kidney transplants follow up is common in radiology and sonography practice. Ultrasonography and Doppler examination can accurately depict and characterize many of the potential complications of renal transplantation. It facilitates prompt and accurate diagnosis and thus guiding treatment.
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Aurea (Former Golden Mile Complex)
Aurea (Former Golden Mile Complex)
Aurea, a transformative masterpiece in the heart of Beach Road, seamlessly intertwines architectural heritage with modern sophistication, offering a unique canvas where residents craft their stories against the backdrop of Singapore's dynamic urban landscape. Priced To Sell Seeking for Early Birds for Launch ✔ Exclusive 186 Luxurious Residences ✔ By Esteemed Developers – Perennial Holdings, Sino Land, and Far East Organization ✔ Be Part of Beach Road District's Urban Renewal ✔ Nestled in a Historic and Vibrant Locale ✔ 6 minutes walk to Nicoll Highway/ Lavender MRT Station & Proximity to City Attractions ✔ Premier Educational Institutions within Reach: Stamford Primary School, Insworld Institute, Eton House International School, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, School of The Arts, Singapore ✔ Benefit from Accessibility to Key Expressways – A Gateway to Singapore's Central Business District and Beyond Book Appointment "Aurea: Your Home, Your History, Your Haven." Quick LinksBook Appointment Fact Sheet What's Nearby? Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart Typical Floor Plan Exteriors & InteriorsExteriors & Facilities Interiors Price Guide Payment Terms & Fee Download E-Brochure FAQsWhere is the showflat of Aurea Condo? When is the estimated completion for Aurea Condo?
Aurea, a groundbreaking mixed-use development poised to elevate urban living to unprecedented heights in the heart of Singapore's Beach Road district. Formerly known as the Golden Mile Complex, Aurea is more than a real estate venture; it's a masterpiece meticulously designed to harmonize heritage with modernity. This transformation is not just about brick and mortar; it's a reimagining of a cultural icon that will redefine the city skyline and, more importantly, the way we experience urban life. As you step into Aurea, you step into a living legacy—an architectural marvel that encapsulates the spirit of the past while embracing the promise of the future. The consortium behind Aurea, comprising Perennial Holdings, Sino Land, and Far East Organization, brings a collective wealth of experience and a track record of success to this project. Their commitment to excellence and innovation ensures that Aurea isn't merely a condominium; it's a symbol of Singapore's dedication to pushing boundaries in urban development. Former Golden Mile Complex (Aurea) Investors and buyers alike are drawn to Aurea for its unique blend of heritage preservation and modern sophistication. With 186 luxurious residential units offering a range of lifestyles, dynamic mixed-use spaces, and state-of-the-art amenities, Aurea stands as a testament to the consortium's vision for a vibrant and sustainable urban future. This development promises not just a residence but an immersive experience—a place where every detail is meticulously crafted to create an extraordinary living environment. Aurea's strategic location on Beach Road is more than a convenience; it's an invitation to immerse yourself in the pulse of the city. With seamless connectivity to public transportation, proximity to key attractions, and a plethora of nearby amenities, Aurea becomes a gateway to the best that Singapore has to offer. Investors recognize the potential for a thriving community and sustainable growth, while buyers envision a lifestyle that seamlessly blends the city's dynamic spirit with the tranquility of green spaces and cultural richness. LIVE Enrich Our Growing Community. LIVE refers to the style of architecture that perfectly blends nature with living. The design focuses on natural wind and air circulation, sunlight through floor-to-ceiling windows, and green areas that give residents the feeling of home in every step of the project. WELL Work-Life Balance WORK signifies easy to work solutions, specifically the project’s co-working space within the premises provides residents with a dedicated area to work or study without having to commute to an external office or library. This convenience can be especially beneficial for remote workers, students, or entrepreneurs living in the condo. LIFE Take Quality of Life to the next level. LIFE focuses on enhancing residents’ quality of life by providing a large common area to meet future living trends and to satisfy the lifestyles of all generations, with facilities such as the Club Houses, fully equippep Gymnasium, Lounge, a Family’s Pool, and a 50-meter swimming pool with a hydrotherapy system. Aurea's transformation from the Golden Mile Complex to a modern urban jewel symbolizes Singapore's commitment to architectural evolution. The project seamlessly integrates heritage and modernity, creating a masterpiece of urban living. Whether one is a resident, a business owner, or an observer, Aurea is set to leave a lasting impression on the Singapore landscape. It's not just a development; it's a canvas where convenience meets cultural richness, and urban vibrancy embraces tranquil escapes. Aurea invites residents to paint their own chapter in its story—a story of heritage reimagined, progress embracing the past, and a city reinventing itself. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameAurea (Former Golden Mile Complex)DeveloperJoint Venture between Perennial Holdings Ltd, Sino Land Company Ltd, & Far East Organization LtdLocation5001 Beach Road, Singapore 199588 (District 07)Tenure99 years leaseholdEstimated Completion2028Site AreaTBDTotal Units186 UnitsCar Park LotsEstimated 80% Aurea is the brainchild of a formidable consortium comprising Perennial Holdings, Sino Land, and Far East Organization. With a combined history rich in real estate expertise, this consortium brings a wealth of experience to the table. Their commitment to architectural excellence and urban innovation is evident in their successful ventures. The redevelopment of Aurea isn't just a project; it's a continuation of a legacy, showcasing the consortium's dedication to crafting avant-garde structures that redefine urban living. Perennial Holdings Private Limited (50% stake) Perennial Holdings Private Limited is a company that is largely involve in the real estate and healthcare sector. Apart from their presence in Singapore, the company mainly have a huge presence in China. Other countries includes Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. In total, Perennial has a combined portfolio of over 80 million square feet in floor area across the globe. Over in China, Perennial is a reputable commercial developer with experiences in large scale mixed and integrated developments. The group is also involve in the healthcare segments including the operations of Medical Centres, Elder and Senior Care, and Healthcare Hubs. Here in Singapore, Perennial is largely invested in the management of properties such as CHIJMES, Capital Singapore, Chinatown Point, and many more estate in prime areas. The vision of the group is to be a global leader in integrated real estate development, as well as healthcare company that continues enriching lives by serving and delivering value to stakeholders. Their continual establishment in strong relationships to create a long term growth will continue to sustain their business in time to come. Aurea will be the latest real estate development added to their portfolio here in Singapore. Far East Organization and Sino Land (25%-25% stake) Far East Organization (FEO) is a real estate development organization that was founded back in 1960 by Singaporean Billionaire Ng Teng Fong. It is the biggest private real estate company in Singapore with different development industries including residential, commercial, retail, hospitality, industrial, and also healthcare sectors. In Singapore, FEO has been associate with several building real estates consisting of condo, workplaces, shopping centres, and hotels. FEO has a subsidiary firm over in Hong Kong well known as Sino Group. Collectively, they are worth over $40 billion in assets and has contributed jobs opportunities globally. Begun with modest starts, Ng’s parents were immigrants from China. He established FEO back in 1960 and finished their very initial residential property which comprise of 72 terrace houses in Serangoon Gardens. FEO later ventured into the hotel market the year after with the development of Singapura Forum Hotel over in Orchard Road. They continued their domination in Orchard Road over the years with added developments such as Singapore Hilton Hotel, Far East Shopping SCentre, Lucky Plaza, Orchard Plaza and more. By 1980s, FEO is the largest private real estate developer in Singapore. With their competitive land procurement, they were likewise the largest private landholder in Singapore. The company continued through the years as well as has survived multiple recession and also downturns. Over the years, FEO has actually attained a success that few can achieve. They have actually won numerous awards as well as continue to do so throughout the years. It is the only developer worldwide to win ten FIABCI Prix d’Excellence Awards. This is the highest possible honour that can achieve on a worldwide level. Together with Perennial, Aurea condo launch will be the latest joint partnership development to be constructed in District 07 of Singapore.
Unique Selling Points
- Heritage Preservation: Aurea retains the iconic Brutalist facade, ensuring the preservation of historical charm. - Luxurious Residential Units: 186 condos catering to diverse lifestyles, ranging from 1 to 4 bedrooms. - Dynamic Mixed-Use Spaces: Aurea offers vibrant retail, cafes, restaurants, and cultural venues, fostering a lively community. - Prime Location: Situated on Beach Road, Aurea provides easy access to public transportation and proximity to key attractions. - State-of-the-Art Amenities: Residents enjoy a range of amenities, including a gymnasium, clubhouse, swimming pool, and playground. - Cultural and Entertainment Spaces: Dedicated areas preserving the spirit of the former Golden Mile Complex. - Smart Nation Sustainability: Eco-friendly features aligning with Singapore's vision for a sustainable future. - Seamless Connectivity: Easy access to public transportation, with Nicoll Highway MRT station a short walk away. - Proximity to Key Attractions: Bugis Street, Singapore Flyer, and Marina Bay waterfront within easy reach. - Nature's Embrace: Tranquil green spaces nearby, including Fort Canning Park, offering a perfect escape from the urban buzz. Project Unique Features
The Location
Aurea's strategic location at 5001 Beach Road is an urban oasis that caters to every facet of modern living. With seamless connectivity, residents find themselves just a short walk from the Nicoll Highway & Lavender MRT, providing swift access to key destinations in CBD such as Raffles Places, City Hall, Tanjong Pagar, Marina Bay Sands etc. This central location ensures that residents can effortlessly navigate the city, making Aurea an ideal choice for those who value convenience. The development is also well connected via major roads and highways such as Nicoll Highway, KPE, and ECP. For those seeking daily essentials and retail therapy, Aurea is surrounded by a vibrant tapestry of amenities. Grocery shopping is a breeze with nearby options like Sky Fox and Goh Chee Sheng Store, offering residents a variety of choices for their everyday needs. The proximity to shopping malls such as City Gate and The Concourse provides residents with diverse retail experiences, from high-end brands to local boutiques, all within reach. MRT Map Aurea's locale is a paradise for food enthusiasts, on top of the various local foods options along the Beach Road and Jalan Sultan, the Bugis Street just around the corner. Here, residents can explore a myriad of food stalls and eateries, each presenting an array of delectable dishes. The aromatic spices of local Singaporean cuisine blend seamlessly with international flavors, offering residents an eclectic mix of dining options. Bugis Street is not just a food destination; it's a cultural experience where street food vendors and charming cafes coalesce, creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere. For those seeking a more upscale dining experience, the Marina Bay area, within convenient reach from Aurea, offers a plethora of fine dining establishments.  School of Arts Singapore The development is strategically positioned in the heart of Beach Road, offers a wealth of educational options within its proximity, making it an ideal choice for families seeking a well-rounded living experience. Within a 1-kilometer radius, Stamford Primary School stands as a beacon of academic excellence, providing residents with a highly regarded local option for primary education. For those looking for an international curriculum, Aurea is surrounded by renowned institutions such as Insworld Institute and Eton House International School, offering a global perspective and educational approach. Beyond primary and international schooling, Aurea's locale caters to the aspirations of tertiary education. The prestigious Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) and the School of The Arts, Singapore (SOTA), both esteemed institutions in the realm of arts and culture, are in close proximity. This not only provides educational opportunities for aspiring artists and performers but also enriches the cultural fabric of the community. Aurea's residents, whether they are parents looking for quality primary education, families seeking international schooling, or individuals pursuing higher education in the arts, find themselves surrounded by a diverse array of educational options that cater to their unique needs and aspirations. Nearby Green Spaces Nestled near Aurea, the Kallang Basin stands as a verdant oasis, offering residents an idyllic escape from the urban hustle while providing a plethora of recreational opportunities. This waterfront park is a picturesque haven along the Kallang River, offering stunning views and a serene ambiance. For those seeking more active pursuits, Kallang Basin Park provides various sporting facilities. Visitors can enjoy facilities such as jogging tracks, cycling paths, and open spaces perfect for picnics or yoga sessions. The park's proximity to Aurea ensures that residents can easily incorporate a healthy and active lifestyle into their daily routine. Residents can also engage in water activities, such as kayaking, dragon boating, or simply basking in the beauty of the river. Other than Kallang Basin, other nearby recreation parks include Fort Canning Park, Marina Reservoir, Gardens By the Bay, and Marina Bay Sands.  Aurea's location is not just about proximity; it's about curating an immersive living experience that caters to the diverse needs and desires of its residents. From seamless transportation and shopping convenience to a rich culinary scene and educational facilities, Aurea's surroundings paint a picture of a community that seamlessly integrates into the vibrant fabric of Singapore's urban landscape. This carefully considered location makes Aurea an enticing proposition for both buyers seeking a luxurious lifestyle and investors eyeing sustainable growth in a prime location. Aurea Location Map (StreetDirectory) Aurea Actual Site What's Nearby? Trains (MRT) • NICOLL HIGHWAY MRT CC5 420m • LAVENDER MRT EW11 580m Groceries/ Shopping • Kallang Wave Mall 850m • Duo Tower and Duo Galleria, Mixed-Use Development at Ophir-rochor, Singapore (Commercial) (Green Mark Buildings) 910m • NTUC Fairprice (Kitchener Complex) 750m   Schools • Stamford Primary 860m • School Of The Arts, Singapore 1.87 km
Site Plan/ Floor Plan
The design concept involves the creation of a modular system, which integrates natural open space modules. These open space modules work in collaboration with the building’s structure to produce a range of distinctive with unique features. The site plan of Aurea has been thoughtfully designed to make the most of space while preserving a scenic environment that Singaporeans will appreciate. The developer, known for their dedication to creating high-quality properties with top-notch facilities, has poured their expertise into this development. Read the full article
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Since the publication of Professor Joscelyn Godwin's translation of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Thames and Hudson,1999) there has been considerable debate relating to the Authorship of the Text given that it was published anonymously _with only an "acrostic" of the first letters of each chapter hinting at the identity of the person(s) who composed the Work("Francesca Colonna Loved Polia Dearly"_etc)
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In view of the above most Scholars have come to agree with Professor Godwin that the author of the Hypnerotomachia was a Dominican Friar by the name of Francesca Colonna who resided for the major part of his Adult life in Trevisio,Italy_NNW of Venice . The main contender presenting an alternative to Professor Godwin's mainstream interpretation vis a vis "Authorship" is_of course_Dr Liane Lefaivre of MIT who has presented a voluminous work_Leon Battista Alberti's Hypnerotomachia Poliphili_ in support of the thesis that Alberti_the Vitruvian Architect _translator of the Ten Books of Vitruvius_was the primary Author . Professor Joscelyn Godwin records in his Book ,The Real Rule of Four, that there are other contenders for this role _Francesca Colonna , the Aristocrat who lived in a Palatial Home at Palestrina, nr Rome .Beyond that some consider that Lorenzo the Magnificent de Medici (Florence) may have been the Author . Beyond that a consortium of Classical Philologists working under Lorenzo de Medici's direction (Felice Feliciano ?)
For some reason Authors during the Renaissance & Early Modern Period published their Works anonymously.I'm unsure-for instance- why the Author of the "Fama and Confessio of the Fraternity of RC" -the so-called Rosicrucian Maniestoes-(composed by Johann Valentin Andraea_the Lutheran Pastor-1586-1654 ) published the above works anonymously(original publication 1614 in Germany_English translation_1652).I assume it wasthe same with his later publication "The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz".According to Dame Francis Yates (author of The Rosicrucian Enlightenment) the life of the Author may have been in danger for political reasons .Accordingly ,the individuals who were influenced by Andraea's Manifesto _the Founders of The Royal Society in the UK in 1660_Francis Bacon ,Lord Verulum,John Evelyn etc _possibly Descartes on the continent _worked in secret as a hermetically sealed unit known only to themselves .
Below_Johann Valentin Andraea
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Below .The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.
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In the case of the Hypnerotomacchia Poliphili I can't see any reason why the Work could be deemed dangerous in a political sense >It does seem that Leon Battiste Alberti had to be careful during the Course of his lifetime not to associate too closely with Scholars associated with the Pagan Revival given that there were Reactionary Popes (prior to the days of the Reformation_Counter-Reformation) who came down heavily on proponents of Alchemy_Neo-Platonic Wisdom_Hermeticism_Mathmatics as Heretics ..In fact there was a close Alliance during the time when the Hypnerotomachia was written_the Incunabula period 1450-1500...through to 1700(The period of "The Scientific Revolution"..and beyond)when there was a very close link between those who investigated Alchemy,Neo-Platonism_Merkabah Mysticism_Kabbalah-Egyptian Hermeticism(ie Occult Science in general ) AND the nascent or ongoing development of Empirical Science_Applied Science/Technology of our Modern Era....eg (1)It is said for instance that Nicolaus Copernicus,the originator of the Helio_Centric System of the Universe ( a "World -View" that superceded the Ptolomeic system) presented a diagrammatic image-woodcut of the New Heliocentric system_in the "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium" & this depicted the 2nd C Egyptian Sage HermesTrismegistus at the top of the page presiding over the"new" Astronomical Model .( see Giodarno Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition>Frances Yates) (2) .... Obviously the Work is both a Romantic Allegory as well as an Erotic Treatise bordering on the Pornographic in places . So-given that the (alleged) Author _Francesca Colonna_was supposed to be a Dominican Friar bound to Vows of Celibacy he may have had the Work published anonymously via a "Go-Between"_(Leonardo Crasso) because he feared disciplinary treatment by the monastic Authorities(Francesca Colonna_the Monk_ was_in fact_ subject to a form of Monastic Tribunal late in his life & walked out the proceedings in disgust.) My feeling _however_ is that Francesca Colonna was just a somewhat pugnacious & mischievous character who enjoyed "winding-up" the more conservative Catholic Clergy of the day_along with The Papacy. ( Certainly the Vatican dealt with the circulation of the Hypnerotomachia with a degree of distaste .I dont think the Work was banned (?) but certainly numerous copies were comandeered for serious scrutiny(Liane Lefaivre's book contains illustrations of censorship where Woodcuts that I think were_are_remain quite harmless were "inked-out"_but(possibly) the censors left the more Erotic Prints-Images ( eg The Startled Nymph & Satyr_the Triumph of Semele_Dionysius _ The Sacrafice to Priapus_undamaged ? (*** BELOW _note to Dr Liane Lefaivre re The Triumph_Sacrafice to Priapus_Bacchus) . I'd imagine the Monks-Celibate Priests who did the Censoring_inking-out _ erased the images that were seemingly "harmless"_showed their Supervisers their Work_inking-out_then took their copy of the Book(Hypnerotomachia Poliphili...the Erotic Dream of Poliphilo) back to their Dormitories to "peruse" in private .I've always thought that _in one sense_the Hypnerotomachia has the quality of a "What the Butler saw"Sideshow _or,to a lesser extent, an old fashioned Erotic Sideshow at an old fashioned Carnival_travelling Fairground Show_especially in relation to the social ambience of Court Life in France at Fontainebleau&_later_Versailles .Queen Marie Antoinette was supposed to be obsessed with the Hypnerotomachia & no doubt spent many a Happy Hour with her Friends at the Petit Trianon perusing the Woodcuts in a voyeuristic fashion for purposes of "titillation"***(below)(& this does not detract from the more profound aspects of the HP as a philosophical Treatise etc) _in between playing Games_pretending that the Queen & her "Ladies in Waiting"were all Arcadian Sheperdesses in some pre-hensile Wonderland _back in "Arcady"_ before the Acolytes of Pan turned it into a syphillitic Hell-hole of Wanton Erotomaniacs unfit to spend their days in the Company of decent_law-abiding Citizens
The Lady who masqueraded as Mme de Pompadour on MySpace told me that _at the Court of Versailles during the Reigns of King Louis XIII & King Louis XIV "Poliphyllic" language was a popular pre-occupation amongst the Aristocracy _I guess as "chat-up lines" to flatter the opposite Sex_&,of course, to flatter those close to the beating Heart of it all _King Louis XIII and King Louis XIV _their many Mistresses & their umpteen illegitimate(grown-up) children . I just think that the Hypnerotomachia simply added an extra frisson of eroticism within social circles that were already rabidly sex-obsessed_acutely degenerate _ & of course _later on_in the Modern World_to serve as some kind of supplementary interest for people like the Polish film Director _Roman Polanski__self-evidently more sex obseessed than most people_ & to provide another layer of interest( Le Club Dumas etc ) for the bibliophiles_polyphiles who never tire of finding deeper layers of meaning within this supremely enigmatic Text without ever getting to the bottom of "what it's all about" & who-most probably-never will. And,of course, for people like myself_retired_with nothing better to do than formulate commentaries-raise questions without providing answers for the benefit of his perplexed Readership now_presumably_seriously in decline(if they ever existed at all in thefirst place) . Accordingly I'd say the Spirit of Mischief_a truly Mercurial Spirit_was at the Heart of Francesca Colonna's endeavours .
..............................................................................................................................Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (A) AUTHORSHIP_Precis_Allee 1 (acute accent on first "e" of Allee)_ pp42-49 THE DREAM GARDENS (READING THE FRENCH GARDEN :Story and History :Denise Le Dantec and Jean-Pierre Le Dantec(MIT Press.1993))
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Precis..Readng the French Gdn _ complete at later date .
The above Commentary on the Hypnerotomachia vis a vis Authorship ( Allee 1_the DREAM GARDENS _Reading the French Garden_pp 42-49) is the most interesting Work_on Garden History_ I've read_ to date in rel to History as Story_History as Novel .(Also interesting chpts on St Fiacre,the Huguenot Agronomist Olivier de Serres,the Mollett Family<Le Notre) Prof Godwin's Precis (2 CHPTs) in The Real Rule of Four and The Pagan Dream of the Renaissance (CHPT 1) are useful as a preparatory read .
Allee 2 ..notes
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Prof Collingwood_"The Historical Imagination"_ The Idea of History ..Notes
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Notes on above(Pagan Dream)
THE RULE OF FOUR .Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason _Notes (Below)
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blogovision · 6 months
blogovision 2023 250-300
250. Nag - "Human Coward Coyote" (11) 251. Holding Absence - "The Noble Art Of Self Destruction" (11) 252. The Men - "New York City" (11) 253. John(Timestwo) - "A Life Diagrammatic" (11) 254. Deena Abdelwahed - "Jbal Rrsas ج​ب​ل ا​ل​ر​ص​ا​ص" (11) 255. Lost Under Heaven - "Something Is Announced By Your Life!" (11) 256. Kerala Dust - "Violet Drive" (11) 257. Vasilis Dokakis - "Lotus" (11) 258. All Hands_Make Light - "Darling The Dawn" (11) 259. 69 Eyes - "Death Of Darkness" (11) 260. Gunship - "Unicorn" (11) 261. Yunè Pinku - "Babylon IX" (11) 262. Aesop Rock - "Integrated Tech Solutions" (11) 263. Damon Lockes, Rob Mazurek - "New Future City Radio" (10) 264. Ghost Woman - "Anne, If" (10) 265. Night Eternal, The - "Fatale" (10) 266. Maria BC - "Spike Field" (10) 267. Yussef Dayes - "Black Classical Music" (10) 268. Spanish Love Songs - "No Joy" (10) 269. Lost Girls - "Selvutsletter" (10) 270. Orbiting Human Circus - "Quartet Plus Two" (10) 271. Stuck - "Freak Frequency" (10) 272. Dolly Parton - "Rockstar" (10) 273. Saya Grey - "QWERTY" (10) 274. Teresa Winter - "Proserpine" (10) 275. Bad//Dreems - "Hoo Ha!" (10) 276. Ed Sheeran - "Subtract" (10) 277. Hot Mulligan - "Why Would I Watch" (10) 278. Ed Sheeran - "Autumn Variations" (9) 279. GEZAN With Million Wish Collective - "ANOCHI" (9) 280. Lip Forensics - "Apophenia" (9) 281. Liv.e - "Girl In The Half Pearl" (9) 282. Pil & Bue - "Special Agents" (9) 283. Durand Jones - "Wait Til I Get Over" (9) 284. Future Utopia - "We Were We Still Are" (9) 285. Billy Nomates - "Cacti" (9) 286. Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs - "Land Of The Sleeper" (9) 287. Spectrum & Silver Apples - "A Lake Of Teardrops" (8) 288. Rival Sons - "Lightbringer" (8) 289. Water From Your Eyes - "Everyone's Crushed" (8) 290. Gidia - "Strouga" (8) 291. TURBOFLOW 3000 - "ΟΥΦΟ" (8) 292. The Bug Club - "Rare Birds: Hour Of Song" (8) 293. Peach - "Peach" (8) 294. Doe St - "Stepping Stones" (8) 295. Concrete Castles - "Brand New Me" (8) 296. Donna Candy - "Blooming" (8) 297. Laufey - "Bewitched" (8) 298. Treetoy & Arc - "Natural Habitat" (8) 299. Yazmin Lacey - "Voice Notes" (8) 300. Nathan Fake - "Crystal Vision" (8)
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senorboombastic · 6 months
Live Review: JOHN at The Deaf Institute in Manchester 08 December 2023
Words: Andy Hughes An unwelcome gig ritual of late has been untangling the cord on my earplugs. First world problems for sure, but the time spent taking on the laborious task this past Friday night put us in danger of drifting into tinnitus territory, given the wall of noise erupting from Manchester locals PREDECEASED at The Deaf Institute. First on just after 7PM, they were the providers of…
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ma1up891186 · 7 months
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Formative Review Feedback
The below section is broken down into two portions of peer review feedback from peers in other studios, labelled respectively blue and green.
Aspect 1 - Enquiry Are the objectives of the strategy clear? Are they informed by research? Is there sufficient analysis to demonstrate an understanding of the different scales of the context (social, cultural, technical, environmental, economic, political, and professional)? Is there an analysis of precedents to inform the ideas? What parts are unclear?
Great graphics and use of the UN Sustainability Goals to influence the strategy. Nice introduction to the concept, was interesting to follow.
Key targets gathered within early stages of group proposal, clearly highlighting them in bold. Later developed in 2nd section with research of the groups data mapping
Aspect 2 - Concept Does the enquiry inform the strategy/masterplan? Does the idea respond to social, environmental, cultural, technical, economic, and political influences?
Strategy is clear, use of statistics and analysis address social, cultural, environmental and political influences.
Lack of group masterplan but interesting critical analysis in your groups research & strategy.
Aspect 3 - Process How is the systematic testing, evaluation and integration of ideas recorded? Is it successful and comprehensible? Is the narrative of the development of the strategy clear?
Love the sketches for your strategy, moving forward you could make these site specific to test the idea.
Clear narrative in strategy - improving life in Fontibon, Columbia. A comprehensive ideas backed up by the precedents/case studies found in your macro response. Maybe need a basic collage of your groups ideas together. Can be a linked to your statistics.
Aspect 4 - Resolution Is the strategy complete? Does it respond to the objectives set by the inquiry? Has it taken into consideration various influences and ideas? Is there a clear narrative?
An aerial map would be good to see the strategy's intention across Fontibon, would then be interesting to see the abandoned structures and have an idea of the proximity they have to one another.
Good precedents used to strengthen your narrative. As mentioned before clearly highlighted targets.
Aspect 5 - Communication Is the communication effective? Are drawing conventions correct? Is there a variety of representation tools applied to demonstrate the different aspects of the work?
Yes communication is very effective, love the simple colour scheme, made it enjoyable to read and follow through. Good sense of narrative throughout. Obviously this is an analytical stage of the project, going forward use different types of representation plans, sections etc. but its early days :)
Lacks diagrammatic sketches in group proposal - maybe sketch onto your site location. Maybe create similar diagrams to your own proposal. Experiment with collaging as mentioned before. Bubble map of your ideas would be helpful to see breakdown of proposal.
Aspect 6 - Outline Brief Is there a basis for an outline brief/ a focus on a specific part of the strategy?
Yes, the identified problem and solutions within the strategy are interesting and specific to inform the proposal.
Your outline brief highlight the particular issues you have highlighted as seen in the rational and purpose section. Diagrams are clear and communicative of your general focus of Fontibon. Further diagramming and sketches would strengthen proposal. Not too sure but I assume you primarily focused on the Peace, Justice and Strong Institution of the group proposal.
-- Overall Feedback:
This is a strong start to the group and individual outline brief. You already understand that group mapping would help proposal further. 
Also look further into Cities that are densified such as Tokyo. Can possible use this as a further precedent or acknowledgement in research.
I'm very sorry f this was not the most helpful feedback but just keep on sketching for your outline brief.
Primary takeaways from the feedback:
📌Drop a pin, begin researching, get mapping onto the presentation, not just your design diary. Consider strategically weakened structures.
📜 It is very text heavy. Use diagrams, sketches and images to better translate your idea, as you have done in the first half of the macro document.
🕵️further explore:
Develop the concept of adaptive reuse, emphasis on the adaptive part
Vertical cities
densification (what this means up instead of out.)
Define underused at all scales
Consider the process - compulsory purchase of property by the municipality, and then investigate anchor tenants.
Consider the building as a material, not just the end result.
Instead of Addressing the Elephant in Fontibon I am looking to Dress the Elephant.
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school-of-pe · 10 months
Tips and Tricks to Pass the FE Mechanical Engineering Exam
Do you want to take the next step in your career? Then consider taking the FE Mechanical exam to open opportunities for you. Attempting the Fundamentals of Engineering exam is a critical milestone in an engineer’s life because it leads to a professional license. It is designed to evaluate the understanding of fundamental engineering principles and the ability to apply them in a real-life scenario. Do you want to know some practical tips to pass the FE mechanical exam? Let us check out the article!
Know the FE Mechanical Syllabus
Referring to the FE mechanical syllabus is the initial step the student must look for while preparing for the FE mechanical exam. Overview of all the topics from each chapter and analyze how many questions will be asked from each section. To know that, you can search for the NCEES website and gather all the information you need about the FE mechanical syllabus.
Create A Solid Study Plan
Creating a solid study plan is the next step students must take after reviewing the FE mechanical syllabus. Study at least 8 hours each day by splitting the syllabus in half. Devote time to each syllabus chapter before starting the FE Mechanical exam. You can spend the last day reviewing or taking practice tests.
Most importantly, taking frequent breaks between your study time is necessary, helping you feel refreshed. Allocate specific time for taking practice tests because it dramatically improves your knowledge retention.
Identify Stronger/Weaker Concepts
Once you start reviewing the syllabus, you will come across concepts you know well and those that require further preparation. You can review the easy ideas in less time. But when it comes to more complex concepts, ensure to devote sufficient time, prepare short notes, and highlight them.
For example, if you find the mechanics of materials and heat transfer hard, jot down the diagrammatic representation or any critical pointers from the concept.
Practice More Problems
You have less than three minutes to complete a question. So, you must be able to recall the formulas, procedures, and solutions to answer the provided questions. Do you know what is the best way to do that? Practice as many problems as possible. You will find more practice questions in the NCEES reference handbook.
Or you can register for the School of PE’s FE mechanical review courses and access our resource bundles, including thousands of practice problems.
Final Thoughts With these tips, you can pass the FE Mechanical Engineering exam. It will be much easier to pass with excellent preparation. Start preparing early and be thorough with every concept. What are you waiting for? Take the FE Mechanical exam and build a path to a successful career. For more information visit: https://www.schoolofpe.com/femechanical/
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lcurham · 11 months
Wordpress site changes bio and CV
Louise Curham uses her art and her expertise as an archivist to explore how we can look after things we can’t digitise. Louise invites us to think about the wisdom that accompanies things we want to keep and how we can pass that on.
Louise writes: Keeping heritage can be a difficult business. Our commonsense assumption is that the internet and digital systems will save and store everything, but some things don’t digitise well. Here’s an example: under the nom-de-plume of ‘Teaching and Learning Cinema’, an artist-colleague and I re-enact Expanded Cinema, a form of live art that involves film projection and performance. One of our projects re-enacts a seminal British expanded cinema work, Guy Sherwin’s Man With Mirror (1976). When we first made this re-enactment, we produced a user’s manual. We recently tested the manual with Australian artist Laura Hindmarsh. 
Laura’s experience shows that the ‘item’ Man With Mirror is an example of heritage that can’t be comprehensively recorded and transferred textually or diagrammatically.   It includes a batch of ‘embodied data’ that needs  body-to-body transmission, passing on in person from one user to the next. For Laura to carry out her own re-enactment, despite the diligent instructions in the manual, she relied upon information conveyed in-person in real time from my colleague Lucas and I, as indeed, before her, Lucas and I had relied upon information from Guy Sherwin to make our re-enactment.  What this means is that we need to keep the things, and the wisdom that goes with them.
Louise is a researcher in the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research at the University of Canberra, until very recently, an archivist in the Australian Government and an artist who specialises in obsolete technology. Louise trained in film, later in live arts and archives. Both live arts and archives continue to run parallel in her career. Currently finalising her PhD at the University of Canberra, Louise’s research draws together art and archives, exploring how we keep things we can’t digitise. The data set for this research takes the form of performance art re-enactments from the 1970s.
As an archivist, Louise works for the Australian Government, setting policy and curating future archives. As a consultant archivist Louise has conducted significance assessments on several seminal small arts collections. In live art, Louise performs with obsolete media such as 16mm and super 8mm film. She collaborates with luminaries in Australian contemporary, classical and jazz music, in key venues and festivals in Australia and internationally. Louise’s films are in the collections of the region’s film archives. 
Education PhD, Centre for Creative & Cultural Research, Faculty of Arts & Design, University of Canberra (2014–) Graduate Diploma Information Science (Archives & Records) Edith Cowan University 2010 Graduate Certificate Audiovisual Archiving, Charles Sturt University, 2005 Master of Fine Arts, College of Fine Arts, UNSW, Sydney 2004 Bachelor Film & Television, VCA School of Film & Television, Melbourne 1993
Solo exhibitions A Film of One’s Own [Archive Fever], PhotoAccess, Canberra, November 2015 A Film of One’s Own [Fugue Solos], Performance Space 2005, NZ Film Archive Media Gallery Wellington 2006, Te Manawa ART Palmerston North, NZ 2006 Floodgate (2006) College Gallery, QUT in the OtherFilm Festival, 2006 Moving Still Life Blackwood Gallery Melbourne 1999, UNSW Hutchison Gallery 2002, Kudos Gallery Sydney 2004 Herbaceous, NZ Film Archive Auckland, 2003
Selected group exhibitions The Stand-in Lab with Lynn Loo, PhotoAccess Canberra 2019 Encyclopedia of Forgotten Things, Faculty Arts & Design Group Show, Belconnen Arts Centre, May 2016 Slowing Down Time, Belconnen Arts Centre 2015, Articulate Project Space, Sydney Mar 2014 & FCA Gallery, Wollongong Aug, 2014 Still Life | Moving Fragments, Belconnen Arts Centre; Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney 2012 Propositions and Game Plans, Melbourne International Arts Festival, 2007
Selected re-enactment events Teaching & Learning Cinema expanded cinema re-enactment projects inc. Horror Film 1, CCAS June 2014; Hollow in the Paper, CAST, Hobart 2013; Unconscious Archives Salon, London 2013; The Parlour in 13 Rooms, Sydney April 2013; Imprint, Artspace Sydney, 2009; Performance Space, Sydney 2007.
As curator & convenor Stand-in Lab events program in the Stand-in Lab exhibition, PhotoAccess Canberra 2019 Poetry Film screening in Poetry on the Move symposium, University of Canberra, Sep 2016 Teaching & Learning Cinema events 2006 ongoing. Highlights include Photochemical Games and 16mm from the ‘70s the films of artist Malcolm Le Grice at Belconnen Arts Centre, Canberra 2013.
Selected performances Yokohama Flowers with Erik Griswold, Brisbane 2019 In a Bone Way with Debra Di Centa, Dance on the Edge, Belconnen Arts Centre, 2018 Tracer film performance for prepared screen and haiku in You Are Here Festival, Canberra, April 2016 Room 40's Open Frame with Chris Abrahams, Carriageworks Sydney, July 2015 The Film Remains the Same film performance in You Are Here Festival, Canberra 2014 Unconsious Archives at Café Oto, London, June 2013 SoundOut Festival, Canberra 2013, 2014 Melbourne International Arts Festival, Soak, with the Australian Art Orchestra, 2010 Jazz Visions Festival, Sound Lounge, Sydney, 2010 NZ International Film Festival, Frames Per Second A Film of One's Own, Auckland, 2009 Waiting to Turn into Puzzles at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, 2008 Val Camonica Pieces, Victorian Arts Centre, 2007 OtherFilm annual festival, Brisbane 2006-8; NowNow annual exploratory music festival, Sydney, 2006-9
Residencies Bundanon 2012; University of Wollongong artist-in-residence 2008; BankART 1929 Artists-in-studios residency Yokohama Japan 2007; Performance Space 2007; UNSW union artist-in-residence 2002
Filmography Dance films: Knee Deep in Thin Air 1992; Fugue in Pursuit of Flight 1994; Slipped 1997;Doona Grrl, Transparent 2000 Other films: Johnny & Irenie 1993;The Princess & The Pea 2000; Tenho Saudades (with Peter Humble) 2004; Conimbla 2009
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vignesh2022 · 1 year
I am thrilled to share my book titled "Conversational Artificial Intelligence," available on Amazon (ASIN: BOBN29PSNM) to advance your skills and knowledge on Conversational Artificial Intelligence to develop self-learning robots.
Conversational artificial intelligence is an artificially created intelligence (speaking, reading, writing) without human interaction and no manual intervention as an alternative or substitute for human intelligence.
In our day-to-day life, conversations typically occur in three forms voice, text, and graphs (diagrammatical representation). The goal is to create conversations between a machine and a human or a system using data of type voice, text, and graphs. The machine learning models are trained with text data in text-based conversation—similarly, the model is trained with voice and graphs.
A self-learning robot acts based on learning data, environments, situations, or circumstances. A self-learning robot does not depend on pre-developed instructions. Currently, most robots or even robotic process automation (RPA) are developed by a predefined set of instructions either programmatically or through industry-leading RPA tools like UiPath, Automation Anywhere, and Blue Prism.
This book will teach you the foundational building blocks to develop self-learning robots, such as bots, and the learners will learn to build machine-learning models to teach bots and work with extensive text, voice, and graph data. Ultimately, the learner will make the bots interact with the system to generate the response and become an alternate or substitute for a human-based service.
This material empowers those interested in coding, cloud computing, machine learning, and getting started with developing simple machine learning applications (MLOps) on Google Cloud. We aim to address everyone's needs, from students to professionals to leaders. Accordingly, we created these materials for phased learning. Our exclusive phased learning approach enables learners to start from the foundation and gradually takes them to the advanced level of learning. Anyone can follow this learning material without knowledge of Google Cloud products and services from a basic understanding of technologies.
You can get a copy of this book on Amazon.com or by clicking the below link.
To learn more about AI, visit - https://www.deepsphere.ai/
#datascience # Artificial Intelligence #Conversational Ai # Elearning
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