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sokkas-therapist · 1 year
your favourite zukka moment/headcanon?
Hi!! I’m completely indecisive and incapable of choosing just ONE, so I have comprised a list!
Favorite Zukka moments:
The zoom in on Sokka grabbing Zuko’s arm and just…holding it there for a second in TBR????
The whole thing in the Southern Raiders episode where Zuko told a mediocre joke and Sokka laughed for way longer than everyone else then called Zuko his hero 😭
And lastly, a 3 in 1: that entire end scene of The Boiling Rock where Zuko pushed Sokka out of the way of fire, then jumped because he knew Sokka would catch him, and GRASPED Sokka’s hands for like a solid 45 seconds after saving him from falling off of the gondola (like ok Zuko….he’s safe now…..you can stop being gay now let go-)
Favorite headcaon;
#1 of course is that they raised Izumi together and became a sweet domestic family that gave her all the love and support they wished they received growing up <33
After the war ended, Sokka goes back and stays in the Fire Nation with Zuko for a bit so that he doesn’t feel so alone up in the palace (totally as buddies and good buds looking out for each other nothing more), and together they work towards remodeling the palace to make it a home. Let the light in, fill it with art, have a variety of colors, and build a little community with all the new ambassadors and staff (and obviously fall in love along the way). THEN after a while of Sokka taking trips back to the SWT, Zuko asks to go with him, and they say “fuck Firelord duties” and spend a lot of time down there. Zuko learns about their culture, and they all work to build the SWT back up again :)
Ok, I have so many more but I’m gonna leave it at that for my favorites! Thank you so much for this ask, I loved answering this question!!
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Family Values | Part Two
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Steve Harrington x Single Mom Reader
Summary: She needs help, so she runs to Steve without a second thought
Warnings: pregnant reader, being looked down on for being a single mom, rude encounters, Steve babysits Lisa for a few hours, food mention, sharing their neglectful childhoods with each other, flirting, mutual pining, heart-to-hearts, first kiss
Word count: 5.8k
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The alarm clock rang on her night table promptly at 7:30, waking her from what little sleep she was actually able to get. Lisa was beside her, still snoring away with most of the bed sheets, unbothered. She wasn’t used to her new room yet, Y/N couldn’t blame her for wanting to snuggle all night, it was just hard when she was growing another baby at the same time. Getting comfortable was hard enough without little baby feet poking at her sides. 
Today she had her meeting with the bank, they were interested in meeting her in person before finalizing anything for her loan. After a million and one phone calls she was finally about to make her dreams come true. 
She rolls over carefully and soothes her hand down Lisa’s back, straightening out the wrinkles her pj’s achieved in her restless sleep, “time to wake up, sweetie. We have a big day today.” 
Her head pops out of the blankets like an ostrich coming out of the sand; she blinks into the morning light with her long, luscious lashes on display. She was the most beautiful being she could’ve ever created, it made her excited to see how the next one would look, especially considering the fact they only shared half of the same DNA. 
“Morning, mama,” she smiles at her, face puffy with sleep, she stretched out her limbs with a yawn. 
“Good morning, sweet girl,” she ran her fingers through her crazy hair, “sleep good?” 
“Mhm,” she nods and sits up on her knees. She rubs her eyes with the backs of her hands, her face all scrunched up, she was just too cute when she woke up. “Where we going today?” 
“Mommy has to go to the bank for a meeting, so we have to eat breakfast and get ready really soon, okay?” 
“Okay,” she bounces a bit, “can I make breakfast?” 
She takes a deep breath and thinks it over, all the things she needed for cereal were at her height, she could probably do it. “Okay, but you call me if you need help, okay? I’ll be down in a minute.” 
“Yes!” She jumps off the bed and runs out of the room, only to come running back, “what cereal you want?” 
“Just put a bowl out for me, I’ll do the rest when I come down,” she offers, not wanting it to get soggy. And not sure if she even really wanted to eat yet. She was too nervous. 
After the shit show she’s gone through in the last year, she needed something good to finally happen to her. She needed this offer to go through and she needed the money from the bank for the remodel… so she got dressed in her most professional look that also hid her 26-week bump, she was already going in there with one kid, and they didn’t need to know about the other.
She ate a bit of cereal with Lisa, surprisingly she did a wonderful job setting up for herself, there wasn’t a mess to be found. She was rather proud of herself, and as a reward, she picked her own outfit for the day… that was the part where she let her artistic freedoms take full effect. It was a strange outfit, but she was happy and so mommy was too. 
The drive isn’t too long, there wasn’t a bank in Hawkins anymore so she had to go all the way to the next town over. She gave herself 45 minutes of leeway time, in case of an accident or delay, meaning they got to sit in the waiting room a while before it was her turn to be seen. 
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but it wouldn’t really be appropriate to bring your child into the meeting,” the receptionist looks her up and down like she’s covered in filth, like a stuck-up bitch. 
“But, I don’t have anyone to watch her right now?” 
“I’m sorry… if you’d like I can push your meeting to right before they break for lunch, so you can find some childcare?” She’s at least willing to help her out. 
She sighs, “Okay, sure, what time would that be?” 
“11:50, you have about an hour and a half,” she estimates for her. “I’ll let them know about the change.” 
“Thanks,” she picks Lisa up, “come on, pretty girl, let’s go see if Nancy can look after you for a little bit.” 
“What about the grilled cheese man? He said he’s always there if we need something?” Lisa reminds her. 
“That’s an option too,” she shrugs, “let’s go see if he can help…”
She gets Lisa back into her car seat and all buckled up, driving another 20 minutes back into Hawkins. Lisa sings along to the radio, pointing at all the interesting things on their drive while all Y/N thinks about is how hard it's going to be having a kid and no support in a new town. It wasn’t like she had much help back in Illinois, but at least she knew who was trustworthy there. 
She pulls into the parking lot at the Hawk Shop quickly and rushes with Lisa inside, “hey Steve,” she’s a little out of breath when she finds him at the back of the store, watching an order get delivered in the back room. 
“Hey, Y/N, what’s wrong?” 
“I have an appointment at the bank but they won’t let me bring Lisa in, can you watch her for like an hour?” She feels terrible just dropping in like this. 
“Sure, absolutely,” Steve reaches out for Lisa and takes her out of Y/N’s hands, to her surprise, Lisa goes quite willingly. She rests against his side with her arm slung around his neck, “I’ll call in my part-timer, he can deal with the delivery while I watch her. I’ve got some colouring books and crayons here somewhere?” 
“I can make you a picture while you’re gone, mama!” Lisa cheers, perfectly happy with him. 
“Okay, well, I trust you both to behave,” she takes a deep breath, she didn’t know him well but she didn’t have many other choices. “I love you, sweet girl, be good for me, okay? Listen to Steve, I’ll be back soon.” She cups Lisa’s face in her hands and kisses her forehead, “if I’m not back by 1 can you give her some lunch, too?” 
“Of course, good luck with your meeting,” he offers with a wave while she starts to head back out. 
“Good luck mama!” 
“Thank you!” She cheers and then she’s gone. 
“So,” Steve sets her down on the ground and kneels to be on her level, “I’ve gotta make a phone call and then I can get you some colouring stuff, you wanna come with me to the front desk? I can show you how the cash register works?” 
She nods quickly, like a bobblehead, and takes his finger in her small hand, holding on tight while he walks her to the front of the store and behind the front desk. 
He picks her up again and sits her on the desk, facing the wall of posters behind him. She looks scared and hides her face in his chest, thats when he realizes there’s a drawing of a Demogorgon on the poster, hand drawn by Will. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he rubs her back, “it’s not real, it’s just a drawing, it can’t hurt you. I promise I wouldn’t ever let it, even if it was.” 
“What is it?” She takes another peek at it, the 5 petaled face of death open and full of teeth made a shiver run down her spine. 
“We call it a Demogorgon, it’s a bad guy in a game that my friends play,” he explains. “It’s called dungeons and dragons, you can pretend to be a wizard or a fairy and use powers to defeat evil and save the town.” 
“Is it hard?” She’s genuinely curious. 
“I’m not sure,” he shrugs. “But when Dustin comes in I’m sure he can tell you more, I’ve never played it before.” 
“Oh,” she just nods and sits there, looking around at the other things he had there, settling on a basket of pins. “What’s this?” 
“That says ‘I saw the Hawkins crack,” he explains, trying his hardest not to laugh, thinking she wouldn’t get it, but she laughs too. 
“Like butt crack.” 
“Exactly,” he lets a giggle slip out. 
He picks up his phone then, still smiling at Lisa as she kept giggling and playing with the button. He dials Dustin's number and lets the line ring a few times before anyone picks up. 
“Henderson residence,” Susie answers with her sweet voice. 
“Hey, suz, is Dustin home? I need some help with the delivery.” 
“He’s on his way over already, something about a new shirt being in this order?” 
“Oh yeah,” he remembers, “Robin's new design came in. Thanks, susie.” 
“Yep,” she responds quickly and hangs back up, probably wanting to use the line to get on the internet. 
“Who’s Robin?” She asks. 
“My best friend in the whole world,” he exaggerates for her. “She’s really cool, she’s at school right now but she’s coming home tomorrow night, maybe you can meet her soon.” 
“My mommy is my best friend,” she smiles, “she says I’m hers too, but if you wanted to be her friend I wouldn’t mind.” 
“You wouldn’t?” He can’t help but smile, “does your mommy not have a lot of friends?” 
“No,” she shakes her head. “She did have a friend named David for a while and he’d sleep in her bed sometimes but he wasn’t very nice.” 
“Oh no,” he tries to keep a calm face when in reality that small detail made him furious. “I’m sorry, is your mommy happier without him being mean?” 
She nods, “when she’s not sick she’s really happy, and then we moved here and she’s happiest.”
“I’m so glad,” he copies her cute little smile. “I see you’ve been having grilled cheese’s your smile is so bright!” He pretends to cover his eyes, squinting at the brightness he imagined coming from her pearly whites. 
She was a fit of giggles, beaming a smile at him over and over to make him cover his face with a fake cry of pain, “ah, oh my goodness, you’re blinding me over here, Lisa!” 
She was scream-giggling, the kind that only little kids did when they were really having a good time, it made his heart so incredibly full. He almost didn’t even hear the door chime as Dustin walked in with a smile, “what’s goin’ on here?” 
It was still so strange for Steve to see him so grown up. In his mind, Dustin should still be 12 and missing his teeth, hopping in his car so they could go find the thing that killed his cat… he thanked god that part of his life was over, but he missed his kids. 
“Dustin, this is Lisa, her mom and her just moved into the house beside Nancy,” Steve explains, still smiling from how hard they were laughing. “Y/N had a meeting and couldn’t take her, so she’s here with me for a bit, could you do the delivery?” 
“Yeah, totally,” he smiles and walks around the counter so he can meet the little girl. “Hi, Lisa, I’m Dustin.” 
She gives him a wave, “hi, can I see the shirts?” She asks, remembering what Steve said on the phone. 
“What?” He turns to Steve. 
“Oh, I called your place and Susie said you were coming to see robins new designs,” he explains, “I was showing Lisa this drawing of the totally not real bad guy from your game, dungeons and dragons.” 
“Oh yeah, they’re a piece of cake monster to get rid of,” he shrugs it off like it’s nothing.  
“Really?” Her eyes light up. 
“Yep, me and Steve have fought a few of the smaller versions of them before, they’re called demo-dogs,” Dustin explains but Lisa’s expression falls. 
She turns her head to Steve, “I thought you said you didn’t play the game?” 
“It wasn’t the real game it was like a side quest that he was helping me finish,” Dustin lies quickly, making sure she didn’t panic and get scared of the thing again, seeing as the store was full of pictures of scary things. “He was helping me raise my charisma points… yeah. He’s really charismatic?” His voice doesn’t sound so sure but Lisa believes him. 
“Charismatic?” She repeats the word with almost perfect pronunciation. 
“You see how easy it was for him to make you laugh? That’s because he’s kind and charming, like a prince, he has charisma, so he’s charismatic.” 
“Oh,” she smiles again. “You kinda look like prince charming.” 
“So I’ve been told,” he brags, flicking his hair out of his face dramatically. 
“I can tell you that the shirt Robin made isn’t as scary as the Demogorgon,” Dustin gives her a little smile and starts walking back towards the storage room, “I’ll go get you one, hold on.” 
“Get a really small one, she can keep it,” Steve calls to him. “You can have anything you like, do you want me to put a pin on your shirt?” 
She nods, “please?!” 
“Of course! Anyone under 5 who comes in here gets free things,” he’s telling the god's honest truth. He was always giving away things to kids who came in, trying to make their day better. 
“I’m this many,” she holds up 4 fingers and then shows him all 5 digits, “I’ll be 5 soon.” 
“Really? When?” 
She shrugs, “I dunno.” 
“Okay,” he can’t help but laugh. Talking to kids was always like that, they just said things for the sake of saying it, she probably wasn’t anywhere close to 5, she just wanted to say it. 
“Do you make colouring books?” She asks. 
“No,” he shakes his head, but thinking about it was cool. “We could probably make some, though? Would you want to colour in a Demogorgon?” 
She nods, “yeah!” 
“We also have demo-dogs, demo-bats, those one’s can fly and they have really sharp tails,” he explains, remembering just how much they hurt. “What else should we put in it?” 
“You,” she suggests. “Or the store!” 
“Yeah, we could also put the front sign in there,” he suggests, she had no problem with that. “You know, I actually made a baseball bat like the one on the sign.” 
“With the spikes?” She refers to the nails sticking out of it. 
He nods, “yeah, it was for a Halloween costume,” he lies. She didn’t need to know anything else, she still thought he was cool. 
“Here you go!” Dustin cheers as he comes running back into the room. “One small floating girl t-shirt,” he holds it out in front of her, the art was of Max and her Walkman, floating in the air with the lyrics to Running Up That Hill in the background. It wasn’t something anyone but their group would understand, but he was going to sell it and all the proceeds were going to go towards Max’s new wheelchair. 
“That’s pretty neat,” she takes it from him, tracing her finger over the image that was transferred onto the shirt, “how’d you make it?” 
“Our friend drew it up and then we sent it to a company who printed it out for us, they put it on special paper and then use heat to get it to stick to the shirt,” he explains it softly. “We used to make our own shirts with a shirt press, Eddie taught us how, but it was a lot of work.” 
“Oh, you haven’t met him or his daughter yet, she’s also 4 and her dad, Eddie, runs the shop next door,” he points, “he can teach you how to play guitar and he has a band.” 
“Wow,” she whispers. “Do you know the whole town?” 
He nods and Dustin laughs, “yeah, he does, people want him to run for Mayor.” 
“I don’t want to,” he reminds Dustin, he wasn’t interested in politics. “Plus, we all know Nancy would do the best job.” 
“Neighbour Nancy?” Lisa’s brows raised with curiosity. 
Steve nods, “you know, she was my first real girlfriend.” 
“Do you have one now?” 
He shakes his head, “nope. Do you?” 
She laughs, “no!! That’s silly. I don’t even have a boyfriend.” 
“Good,” Steve points at her, “boyfriends are stupid, you don’t need one.” 
“That’s what my mom says,” she complains, making Steve chuckle again. 
“She’s a smart lady…”
“Is she?” Dustin looks at him, knowingly. “Is she really?” 
“She is,” Lisa gets feisty, kicking his arm from her spot on the desk, “my mommy is the smartest!” 
“Ouch!” He holds his elbow, “okay, I believe you.” 
“Don’t mess with Lisa,” Steve warns him. 
“Yeah,” she giggles, it’s music to Steve's ears, he already loved this little girl like she was a part of their large, weird, adoptive family. 
When Y/N comes back into the store, Lisa is wearing a new shirt with a button on it, sitting in a little chair at a tiny table, colouring away with some crayons on blank paper. There’s an empty plate by her, covered in crumbs, she ate every bit of the lunch Steve made her… She was so into her drawing that she didn’t even look up at who walked into the store. 
Steve, on the other hand, walks around the desk to talk to her, “hey, mama.” 
“Hey, there,” she’s in a wonderful mood. “You’ll never guess what happened.” 
“So someone reached out to the Historical Society and put in a good word for me and left a decent cheque for whoever was willing to restore the Motel and bring more people to Hawkins and the bank saw that as a good sign that this is going to work out and gave me everything I asked for!” She can’t help but shout a bit at the end of her story, overjoyed with everything and alerting Lisa to her presence in the store. 
She comes running over to her and hugs her legs, “you got it, mommy!” 
She picks her right up and snuggles her in close, “I did!” 
“Congratulations,” Steve smiles, glad he got to help. 
“Did you want to come over for a celebratory dinner?” She offers and Lisa’s eyes light up. 
“Please, Steve!” Lisa begs. 
“I’d love to come,” he assures her. “I’ll have Dustin close up tonight, what time should I be there?” 
“Okay,” he smiles, “I’ll bring a desert, don’t worry about that.” 
“You don’t have—
“I want to,” he cuts her off. “We had a lot of fun today, it’ll be nice to see you again.” 
“What did you get up to?” She asks Lisa more than Steve. 
“He told me about Demogorgons!” 
“What?” She looks at Steve, worried. 
He just points at the posters on the wall, “fictional creatures that I’m really good at hunting down.” 
“He’s like prince charming, but with a spike-y bat instead of a sword,” Lisa explains further as if that made any more sense. 
“Alright, then…” 
“And she was drawing up some new shirt designs,” Steve points at her little table, “what did you come up with?” 
“It’s a secret,” she struggles out of her mom's grip and back to the floor, she runs to the table and picks up her drawings, holding them close to her chest. “I’m not done.” 
“I’m excited to see them when you are,” he encourages her with a smile and turns his attention back to her mom. “But I’ll see you tonight?” 
She feels her heart skip a beat but she nods, “can’t wait.” 
When she gets home, she tells Lisa to go play in her room and quickly runs next door to see Nancy, her car was in the driveway so she must be home. She knocks with haste, hearing someone call that they’re coming, someone, she’s never met before. 
“Hey,” a boy with dark black hair answers, “you’re the neighbour?” 
She nods, “I am, is Nancy home?” 
“Uh, I think? Hold on,” he holds up his pointer finger and walks back towards the kitchen, “Nance? Someone's at the door for you.” 
“Oh,” she hears Nancy’s sweet voice in the background first, “who is it?” 
“The neighbour Steve has a crush on,” he replies, making Y/N’s eyes light up but she has to play it cool.
She bites her lips, trying not to smile when Nancy shows up in the doorway, “hey, are you busy?” 
“Nope,” Nancy wipes her hands off on her jeans, “I just finished putting away some groceries, what’s up?” 
“I’m having Steve over for dinner and I wanted to know if you knew his favourite meals. I really want to impress him?” She’s completely honest, “he’s a nice guy, right? I’m not wasting my time?” 
“He’s the sweetest,” Nancy swoons. “We dated a bit in high school, but don’t worry that’s long gone for both of us, I’m very happy with Jonathan and Steve’s very smitten with you already.” 
“Was it him who put in the good word for me with the Historical Society?” 
She nods, unable to hold back her smile, “yeah, he’s wanted to invest in the Motel for a while and then his dream woman comes marching into town with the same idea? You don’t have to do much more to impress him.” 
“Really?” Her eyes light up, “he said that?” 
“Not in those exact words, but I know for a fact his dream is to have a big family to love and take care of, he’s such a caretaker, so for you to come to town with a child—
“Two,” she whispers. “I don’t know if he’s realized I’m pregnant?” 
“I suggested it to him and he didn’t even flinch, I think it made him like you more,” Nancy shakes her head with a tiny bit of disgust in her tone. “He wants 5 or 6 kids, so if you already have 2, it’s only 4 more he has to collect.” 
“Collect,” she repeats with a laugh, “he was very sweet with Lisa today, he babysat her for me.” 
“He loves to babysit, he’s been doing it for years,” Nancy shares, “mostly with like 9 to 13-year-olds, but that was just because I left my brother and his friends with him a lot to go report on the crazy shit that happened when we were in high school.”
“It’s like over now though, right?” She worries, “cause the houses were cheap here and I kinda bit the bullet on moving here without considering the fact that the earth could just open up like that again?” 
“It’s over,” she assures her, placing a hand on Y/N’s arm. “Maybe Steve will tell you more one day, but you don’t have to worry… and he really likes KFC.” 
It makes her laugh, “really?” 
Nancy nods, “he goes crazy for it.” 
And so that’s how she finds herself making homemade fried chicken and mashed potatoes with Lisa at the kitchen table, colouring away. She was apparently making some new shirt designs for Steve, scribbling all her crayons on the paper in a way that made no sense to Y/N but Lisa had a vision. 
When he knocks on the door, it’s Lisa who gets up and runs to answer it. She was basically vibrating with excitement, she already thought of him as a best friend, more than she ever liked David. 
She leads him through the front room and into the kitchen, talking his ear off about what he missed in the short time they didn’t see each other. She held onto his free hand, his other was balancing a cake ever so carefully while he talked to Lisa with almost all his attention. Y/N ran over and took the cake from him in the doorway, “hey…” 
“Hi,” Steve smiles at her, “it smells delicious in here!”
“A little birdie told me you liked KFC so I thought I’d show you some real homemade fried chicken,” she announces with a proud smirk, he already looked impressed, she was relishing in it. 
Lisa, still holding his hand, is upset that her mom interrupted her talking, she tugs on him, “Steve!” 
“Yes, m’lady?” He kneels down to be on her level. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?” 
“I’m not done my drawing yet,” she lets go of his hand and places both her palms on his chest, looking up at him with sad little eyes. 
“That’s okay, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you all the time, you can bring me drawings whenever you want, yeah?” He pats her back gently, “don’t worry about it.” 
She hugs him, completely unprompted, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck, she holds him tight. He carefully holds her back, glancing up at Y/N who has a hand over her heart, mid-swoon. He stands up with her in his arms, resting her against his side, she clings to him like a baby koala, head resting on his shoulder. 
“She missed her nap today…” she remembers, “oh honey, are you so sleepy-tired?” 
She nods, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. “Okay, can you stay awake long enough to have dinner with me and Steve?” 
Lisa nods, “can I have some cake?” 
“Cake first would wake her up,” Steve agrees, playing devil's advocate. 
Y/N just laughs, “sure, let me get some plates.” 
After dinner, Y/N takes Lisa upstairs for her nightly routine. She tells Steve that he can stick around, he could go watch TV in the sitting room if he wanted… all she had was local free channels right now, but she wanted him to stay, he could tell. He stays, but he doesn’t just stand around, no.
He cleans the kitchen like a good husband would. He drapes a dish towel over his shoulder, he cleans off every plate and loads them into the sink before filling it with water and organizing one plate full of leftovers. He finds her cling wrap in the cupboard, sets it in the fridge for her for later and even starts scrubbing the pots and pans by the time Y/N’s coming back down the stairs. 
“what are you doing?” She laughs, keeping her voice down. “You didn’t have to do all this?” 
“No, but I wanted to,” he assures her, peeling his hands out of the wet yellow gloves, he sets them besides the sink and turns to her. His shirt was wet around the tummy, where he was pressed up against the sink, splashing himself as he scrubbed away. “Did she go down okay?” 
“No, she’s still awake, she wants you to come to say goodnight… if that’s not weird?” She worries, “she’s not used to having nice guys in her life, I think she enjoys pretending to have a normal family.” 
“It’s not weird, believe me,” he waves it off. “When I was dating Nancy I used to come eat with her family because they actually sat at the dinner table together, her parents were actually home by 6… if she wants to get tucked in by me, it’s the least I can do to make sure she feels more loved than I did— sorry that was a lot, wasn’t it?” 
She shakes her head, “no, it was really real, I get it.” 
He sighs, “okay good… lead the way?” 
“Yeah,” she heads back out of the kitchen, leading him to the staircase and up towards Lisa’s room where she was all tucked into her big girl bed with a million stuffed animals. “Oh wow, this is a princess’s room if I’ve ever seen one.” 
“You like it?” She sits right up, overjoyed to see him in her room. 
He looks around quickly, unable to help himself from smiling. He remembers being little and crafting his perfect room, this was going to be the place Lisa grew up, it would change over the years, but it was perfect for her. It had just enough space for her to fill it with character. 
“I love it,” he takes a seat on the edge of her bed. “But I heard you won’t go to bed for your mommy?” 
“Read me a story?” She pouts with a perfected puppy dog face. “Please?” 
“Okay,” he gives in quite easily, “what one?” 
She hands him a book, the princess and the pea… “I know this one, I never understood how she could feel the pea?” 
She just laughs, “I like how tall her bed is by the end.”
He gives her a sweet smile, “get comfortable, get all tucked in.” 
Y/N helps her back under the covers and kisses her head lightly while Steve starts to read. It doesn’t take long for Lisa’s eyes to feel heavy, she tries so hard to pay attention but she keeps nodding off, catching herself and blinking at him a few times before she finally conks out. 
“Finally,” Y/N whispers, taking the book from Steve's hands and motioning for him to get up quietly. She turns out the lights, closes the door and then lets out a sigh. “Thank you.” 
“No problem,” he heads towards the stairs. 
With Lisa in bed and the kitchen clean, he thinks it’s his time to go, he walks down the stairs with her and starts making his way to the front door when she frowns. “Don’t go yet, we haven’t had a chance to really talk?” 
“Okay,” he beams a marvellous smile at her, all teeth, it makes his eyes glisten like a cartoon character. He was too handsome for his own good. 
“Do you want something to drink or anything?” 
He shakes his head, “no, I’m good… did you want to go sit down?” 
“Yeah,” she leads him into the living room, flicking on a single lamp before taking a seat on a couch, he sits right beside her. “I’m sorry I’m not fully settled in yet,” she references to the emptiness of it all.
“It’s okay,” he keeps his voice low, his eyes tracing all her features, “you’re enough for me.” 
She can’t help but stare back at him for a moment, taking in all his features, all his freckles and scars, especially his scars. He had one around his neck, cuts on his arms and what looked like a healed broken nose… he’s been through a lot, but that didn’t stop him from being the most handsome man in town. 
“You know, you kinda look like him,” she whispers to him, even with Lisa out of the room, all the way upstairs in her bed where she wouldn’t hear a thing. 
“The guy responsible for Lisa,” she admits with a solemn smile, “it’s where she gets her great hair from.” 
He manages to laugh, but his eyes get caught on her lips for a moment, “so what I’m hearing is you have a type?” 
“Only you would hear it like that,” she gives him a tiny shove. “It's probably why she likes you so much, it’s like an animal instinct, if you look like family then I’m probably safe with you type mentality…” 
“She is,” he looks at her with the kindest eyes she’s ever seen. “You can ask anyone, I spent most of my Senior year and well into my 20’s watching a group of pre-teens, like 6 hormonal idiots, it wasn’t too awful, but I’m really good with kids now, it’s like the one thing I’m good at.” 
“You are,” she gives him that, and a smile. “Did you not have any siblings?” 
He shakes his head, “Nah, and so when my parents died in the earthquake I turned my friend group into my family. They’re the only people who really loved me anyway…” 
“I know what thats like,” she scoffs. “Not the dead part, but when I told them that I was pregnant in my senior year they raised hell, it was worse when I said I wouldn’t marry the guy… partially because he wanted nothing t do with us.” 
“He’s an idiot,” Steve added, just for good measure. “I don’t know how he was able to do that.”
He rests his arm on the back of the couch, moving in just a little closer to her all while staring at her lips. She looks back at him, heart beating out of her chest, her breathing picked up, she was sure he was going to kiss her when she heard herself talking. 
“I have this problem, you see, I think it’s my parents' fault but basically I overthink and I plan my whole life with the idea of someone and I kinda already did that with you and I’m sure you’re really wonderful but I can’t bring another man into Lisa’s life and have him leave us,” she lets it all out in what felt like one breath. 
“I do that too,” he chuckles. “It’s nice to imagine a life with someone who really likes you… loves you, really.” 
“Yeah,” she feels herself being pulled into him even more, “Steve…” 
“Mhm,” he hums, closer enough to brush his nose against hers, he places his hand on her cheek, holding her there while she looks into his eyes. 
“I’m pregnant,” she whispers. 
“Okay,” he doesn’t mind. “That’s just another person for me to grow to love…” 
“You mean that?” All she wants is the truth, and at this point, she thinks she can tell when someone means what they say. She’s heard too many harsh words in her life to not take what people say at face value. 
He nods, “I know what it’s like, to think you found someone and then they leave and you’re left thinking about the possibilities… and then every person you meet after them you think if I’m just the best version of myself maybe they won’t leave me this time and so you try and you try but they still leave and so eventually you stop trying, and you just spend your days at work, staring out the window, thinking about a life where you have someone to come home to who wants you there, and kids who know you love them…” 
“Yeah,” she’s breathless as she listens, falling more and more in love with him as the seconds pass. “I want that too.” 
She lunges for his lips, holding his face in her hands, she throws a leg over him and straddles his hips. He’s shocked at first, but then his arms wrap around her back as he breathes her in, holding her in the kiss as long as possible. 
@live-the-fangirl-life @k-k0129 @hcloangcls @mrs-dr-reid @cosplayergirl2 @lottie-2023 @stevesmunsons @babyminghao @bobawh0re @dear-diariess @sandrayaret @manuosorioh @keeryjoekeery
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faegoddessog · 11 months
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch.27/41
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Chapter  27: "Don't say I didn't warn you"
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, Unprotected PiV, hand job,
Series Masterlist 
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter  27: "Don't say I didn't warn you"
It takes about 10 minutes to recover.  Him from cumming and  you from…well… not cumming. He doesn’t talk, just holds you as he leans on the counter, legs crossed at the ankle. You are snuggled under his chin, ear against his chest, listening to his heart beat and unconsciously matching your breathing to his. 
A timer goes off, and Austin checks the film, the dryer has done its job well. He asks you to turn on the regular light, you both blink in the brightness. He tucks his shirt back in, you smooth your hair and wipe your face again. You both check one another over for tell tale signs of what you have been up to. Satisfied, well he is anyway, you retrieve all your things and open the door. 
“Wow, that was fast, that dryer is a game charger, huh,” says the young attendant,  “let me show you our new scanner?”  He was excited to tell you all about their new very fancy digital scanner when you arrived.  Austin decides to try it. And after being shown the basics, Austin sets to it.
You go in search of snacks, knowing it’ll take a bit. You end up walking around the block down to Austin Street, of all the fucking names in the world,  and getting some pork and chicken skewers with some rice for each of you at a place called Banh Mi Factory.  The walk does you some good, calms you down as you take in people going about their everyday business. 
When you get back about 45 minutes later, Austin is almost done.  He motions you over to see.
You look over his shoulder at the screen as each image comes up. There are several good ones at Natural Bridge; in front of the waterfall, against the tropical trees and rocks. The are like artsy vacation photos. 
Then there are the ones of Goddess You naked in the forest.  In one,  You are laying naked in the water, Your hair is streaming around Your head and Your hands carelessly half covering Your tits. Staring into the camera like You were about to hand out a fucking sword.  It’s amazing. 
“I’m gonna print that one, and a few others here in a minute.” he says, munching a chicken satay skewer.
There are a few of him that you took. One really strikes you. It is of him looking directly at the camera with a shy smile that curls his lip up. So simple, but you need it. 
“Can I have that one?”  he nods and writes it down. 
There are a couple of you in your sexy dress from behind with your arms up. The one with you looking to the side is amazing. The muscles of your back are gorgeously highlighted by the light from the sliding door. You look like an actual model, damn.  
You start giggling at the Charlie’s Angel one, providing the soundtrack for the next one of you laughing. 
“I absolutely love this one, it’s my favorite, ” says Austin, looking up at you, “it’s so very you.” 
You respond with a kiss, then wrap yourself around him from behind. 
The one with you looking down at him, your dress bunched in your hands almost exposing yourself is sexy as fuck. The closeups of your dripping pussy with your own finger inside you, a drop running down your inner thigh look intimately artistic. Then he starts in on the ones of you tied up: you gagged with the rope and your arms tied up above you, one with your ass in the air tied to the ottoman. 
“Wow,” you growl in his ear, “I didn't know looking at myself would be so hot.”
“Um yeah, you are fucking hot Kitten,” he kisses your cheek. 
Once he has them all digitally on a USB stick. He decides to print a handful of these from the negatives, old school. So back into the darkroom he goes. 
You decide to wander the gallery. The exhibit is by a photographer named Alex Buckingham. There is one that just strikes your fancy called “The Dive”. You buy a print, deciding to use it in your Uncle’s remodel.  
The attendant tells you about the tucked away coffee shop across the street. You go sit for a few minutes sipping coffee. You snag one to go for Austin.
When he emerges he looks quite pleased with himself. You hand him his drink. 
“How do you know just what I need, Kitten,” he kisses your cheek. You walk out of there with several 8X10’s in an envelope and a very happy man. 
The uber ride back to the hotel is quiet. Austin looks glued to his phone while you seem to stare out the window shifting uncomfortably in your seat and randomly tapping your hand. To outside eyes it would look like he is inattentive and you are pissed about it. In actuality, Austin is playing with all the settings on the vibe and you are trying viciously not to cum in your already soaked panties. 
Once at the Emporium, Austin stops by the concierge to chat about dinner reservations. You wait a few steps behind, arms crossed and antsy. 
“Good,” he says, placing his hand on your waist and guiding you to the elevators, “we have reservations for 5:45 at a place called Bacchus. So we have about an hour and ½ to get ready.” 
“Good, that should be enough time,” you shoot him a sexy glance. 
As you step onto the elevator, your pussy starts vibrating, hard. You walk to the back corner and turn around. You are antsy; crossing your arms, shaking your leg,  rubbing your  thumb along your lip. You must look like some kind of drug addict. Well, Austin is a fucking stimulant, as hot as he is leaning up against the opposite back corner, just watching you with those sexy blue eyes, a tiny, amused smile on his mouth. 
Fuck. As soon as the door closes, you are going to pounce on him. You may not make it all the way to the suite before your clothes are off.
Unfortunately, a person steps into the elevator with you at the last second. They smile at you and turn around pushing their floor. Austin looks at his phone. Changing the pattern of the vibe and watching you out of the corner of his eye. 
The buzzing is starting to make you feel a little numb, which is honestly a good thing since you are so turned on. What might that 3rd person do if you just started humping Austin in the elevator? You are seriously considering it when you hear a ding and they get off  a couple floors below yours.  
The second the elevator doors close you rush, crashing  together in the middle of the elevator, lips, chests, hands. 
“Fuck, turn it off,” you beg. He quickly does. His mouth is on your neck, sinking his top teeth into the meaty part. It makes your knees buckle under you. 
“I want you to know,” he whispers in your ear, holding you up, “that before this day is over,  I am going to have filled all three of your holes with my cum before I let you have your orgasm.” He shows you his phone, he has set a 45 minute timer, “but that’s all the time we have right now.” 
DING! Challenge accepted. 
The doors open and there is a handsome man in a well cut business suit waiting for the elevator. He takes in the disheveled sight of you both and flashes Austin a knowing smile before stepping aside to let you out. 
“Hello,” you say and wink at him as you walk by, leading Austin by the hand to your door.
He nods his head. Just before the doors close you hear, “Have fun.”  
“Oh we will’ says your demon, loud. You hear a laugh behind the elevator door. 
Once you are inside the suite, you turn around to Austin, he pulls you in for a deep kiss. 
You are so horny, you can control neither the shaking of your hips, nor the moans that his kiss swallows. 
Then his hands are unzipping your dress, stopping to unhook your bra half way and pulling both off your shoulders to fall to the ground around your now bare feet. His clothes soon follow. 
“Spread your legs,” he says, one finger gliding along the inside of your waistband, his other hand  pressing your back to the wall. Slowly, he pulls your sodden panties gently away from your vulva, “Good lord Kitten, I’ve never seen you this sopping wet before you’ve cum.”
He undoes the magnet and fishes the vibe out from between your lips. His fingers brushing against your inner lips and your clit make you whimper and scoop your pelvis towards him in a silent appeal for more. He brings the wet toy up to his mouth trailing a long line of juices from its tip,  and licks it off. Wrapping his tongue around it and teasing you, he knows you would rather he drink straight from the source. 
He places the vibe on the entry table, then strips off your panties, leaving the drenched unicorns on the pile of clothes. 
You can’t stand being this close, naked, and not have him buried inside you. You pull his head down to kiss him while pushing him backwards across the room. His hands are on your backside, kneading your ass. 
He sits down when he hits the bed. You don’t stop pushing him, crawling on top of him as he scoots to the middle and lays down. 
“Turn around, I want you to watch,” he indicates the wall across from the bed that is all mirrors. You turn around, straddling his hips as he holds his hard cock upright.  
“Oh yes, this, this is what I fucking need!” you moan as you slide down on him. After so much buzzing all day, the sensation of being filled feels incredible. 
You rock back and forth on him, grinding him deep into you, moaning. You lift up as far as your bent legs will let you, watching him slide out of you. He grabs your arms, pulling them to your low back. He holds them there, pushing to support your back. 
“Watch as I fuck you,” he commands. 
In the mirror, you see yourself arched back, your tits  pressed forward. He starts with slow strokes, flexing his glutes.  It is blissfully agonizing to watch him slide in and out of you as he thrusts his hips up, knowing you won’t have release from it. 
It is erotic to watch.  You see now why people video themselves fucking. You wish there was a camera set up now. 
 He speeds up. Your breath comes faster. Your head falls back. It feels so good. 
“No, watch,” he tilts your head forward. 
He starts pounding you hard, knees bent, using his feet for leverage. You start to squeal as you feel an orgasm building, building. Your demon considers not telling him and just cumming. But no, that’s not the fun of this game,  you tell her.  
“Oh fuck Austin, I’m gonna cum,” you declare as your demon rattles her chain.
He pulls out as you rise up and pitch forward between his legs, ass in the air.  Breathing to try to regain some control. You really want to play this game, but you are not sure how much more you can take. 
“Oh Kitten, that’s gorgeous,”  he says after a minute or two. You feel fingers petting you from behind, running on either side of your labia, then applying pressure so your lips swell outwards. Then another finger is stroking those puffed lips. You moan and squirm into his touch. You can feel his other hand moving on his cock, rubbing the tip in your wet folds.
 Reaching through your legs, you grasp him, still wet with your juices. You slide your hand up and down. 
He pushes that finger inside your exposed slit, pressing down.
“Oh god yes,” you moan as he slides across your g-spot. Your hand grips his dick tighter. 
“Let’s see how much you can take before you make me stop,” he says, slipping another finger in and starting to move across that toe curling site. As he speeds up, making sloppy, squashy sounds. You feel flecks of moisture spattering his cock. Jesus, it's amazing. 
“Careful,” he taps your hand on his cock. Realizing you were gripping rather tight, you let go of his dick.
You start rocking back and forth on his fingers, moaning into the covers. “Oh, Oh, OH!” each time you impale yourself. 
He rubs his thumb  side to side on your clit, you squeal “FUCK!” and pull away from him shaking. 
“That was fucking close,” you blow out, trying not to clench your pussy. 
“Come up here baby and turn around,” he says, hands coaxing your hips back towards him. You turn around, straddling him, his cock jutting out between your legs. 
“Austin, if you fuck me right now, I am going to cum,” you say seriously. 
“Alright,” he reaches for the lube on the bedside table, “then stroke me.”
 He drizzles a little lube on his tip. With him in your hand, it looks like it’s your own cock you are  about to jerk off. It’s fucking hot. 
“When I’m close, I am going to fuck that pussy, I want it full before we leave again,” he puts his hands behind his head so he can watch you. God you love when he talks dirty like that. 
“Tell me how you like it,” you say, starting with simple up and down caresses in a light fist. Maybe focusing on him for a while will help you calm down.  
‘Unlikely,’ whispers your demon, ‘ just look at him.’ SHHHH!
“A little tighter,” he says. You comply.  “Uh huh, like that.”
After a dozen or so strokes, you slide your hand up and over his tip and down between your first and middle finger. His stomach contracts a little, his abs popping out then relaxing back. 
“Oh lord, that, do that,” he moans. You sprinkle ‘that’  in between the long strokes on his shaft.
“Faster now,” he instructs, licking his lips and curling back up to watch you jerk him off. 
Your pace increases.  You steady him with your other hand at the base and add in a little twist toward the tip. His front teeth are savage against his full bottom lip. Holy fuck he looks hot, your juices threaten to drip onto his balls. 
“I need a little more lube,” he says.
 You stop and let a long drip of saliva fall into your hand. 
“Oh fuck, that was hot, babe,” his voice is a whispered staccato.
The level of his arousal and your current control of it, is intoxicating. 
‘You are on top here,’ your succubus tells you, ‘ you are in control of his orgasm, he is your quarry.’ Your eyes narrow and the corner of your mouth curls up in a demonic smile.
After a couple minutes you can feel him getting close. To the delight of your succubus, you stop. Taking your hands off him, his cock bounces, red and swollen, against his stomach.  
 His face is a mix of confusion, concern, and betrayal. 
Your demon suddenly wishes he was tied up so you could really fuck with him. Visions of  bringing him to the edge over and over again while he is bound and helpless flash in your mind’s eye.  Then watching as the slightest touch spurts his cum onto… 
He reaches for himself, you lean forward and clamp down on his wrists. Hovering over him on all fours, you tease him with your pussy, rolling your hips back and forth, spreading his cock with your juices. Damn it feels good to be on top.
“Beg me,” you say with your wicked grin, “beg me to make you cum.”  You see him weighing his options. He pushes against your grip a little, you are stronger than he realized. Yeah, he can overpower you if he wants, especially with lube on your hands. But what fun is that? 
“Please,” his voice is strained, “please make me cum inside you.” 
You lean down to his ear and whisper, “that’s a good boy,” and lightly lick his earlobe. 
You let go of his wrists and sit back, pulling his throbbing dick up between your legs. Licking between your thumb and forefinger then wrapping them in a ring around his head you slip up and down rubbing his sensitive ridge and frenulum.  The first three fingers  and thumb on your other hand are below, gliding on either side of his shaft, hands working in concert.
His eyes go huge, pupils dark with desire. His mouth hangs open in an exhale.
You speed up as his breath huffs from him and his abs flex tight. His hands are gripping your knees, ready in case you let him go again. His eyelids flicker  over his rolled back eyes, his head droops back. 
You slow down.
His head snaps up.
“I’m so close, please,” he says through gritted teeth, “please don’t stop.”  You rise up and sink him into your pussy.
“Omigod you are so hot inside,” his body shakes under you.
His hands grip your hips like steel, pulling you down onto him as he furiously plunges in and out of you. You want to clamp down on him, but it feels too good and you know it’ll make you cum. You are miraculously still willing to play the game now that you got a little control back. 
“That’s it, cum for me baby, fill me with it,” you urge him on, your voice pitching higher as pleasure winds tight inside you.
He thrusts half a dozen more times into you. Each thrust  pushes you farther to the edge, making you bite your lip and moan. Each thrust punctuated by a syllable “So. Fu-cking. Good. Kit-ten.”  The last is followed by a deep thrust hard into you. Growling out a prolonged ‘nnnnn uggghhh’ as his abs pull him up towards you. He is shaking  and gritting his teeth as he shoots his load into you.
He collapses back on the bed, sweat popping up on his brow, chest heaving. 
“Well, that was fun,” you say after he gets a few big breaths in. You feel him clench and his cock bounces against your g-spot, making you  shiver on top of him.  His lip curls into a smile. 
You pull off of him, cum still inside you and lay down next to him, head on his sweaty chest. Your demon settles down now that she got a little authority back. 
He puts his arms around you, holding you tight against him and sighs. “Thanks babe, I’ve hit the jackpot of girlfrien…zzz.” Then he is snoring.  Boys. 
Wait, did he just call you his girlfriend? I mean… fuck what does that mean? Was it a post-coitus  Freudian Slip? Is that a thing?  Did he mean it?
‘ Okay, well, you kind of are, in like everything but title,’ your demon chimes in. 
‘ Well duh, you feed him, you fuck him, you put him to bed…. You fuck him more, he fucks you more… over and over…. Mmmm, yummy. He takes you on a romantic weekend getaway. He buys you expensive dresses ."
 She is making too much sense, despite the lecherous interludes. 
Ok just ONE dress! And he actually says ‘I love you’… and you love him. His favorite picture of you is of you laughing like a loon.  You start to smile. 
 ‘Yup,’ your demon says, ’ See, girlfriend.’
But is it though? Is it shit? Are you not the happiest you’ve ever been in your whole life? Does he not make you giddy when he walks into the room? 
‘Does he not check all your sex boxes and then some?’ you can almost see the light glint off her horns. Randy little imp. 
You have to admit that listening to his heart beat in this moment, curled up against his chest feels like the very thing you have been steering blindly towards your whole life. Maybe it’s time to take off the fucking blinders. Scary. 
‘What are you so afraid of?’
The future
‘There is only one way to get out of the future, and we already faced that shit. Next!’
 Of being hurt. Of hurting him. 
‘Ppffft, you know that’s just a risk of love and part of being human. You are stronger than that.’
I’m afraid of being too tied down to accomplish all I want to do.
‘Fear is the mind killer.’ Dammit, no fair bringing DUNE into this! 
‘Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration’ .  
You take a big breath in and blow it out.  FUCK. She is right, little bitch. 
“I will face my fear,” you whisper into his pectoral muscles. He stirs and holds you closer. 
Wow, that is the most help your inner demon has ever been. Who knew she was more than just a sex fiend. 
‘Layers baby, I got layers’
You fucking love her. 
Your mini anxiety attack abated, you decide to jump in the shower and use the enema bottle you brought to get good and clean. After all, you know what’s coming. 
When you get out, you hear his alarm going off in his pants in the pile of clothes. 
“Hey hunny, it’s time to get ready to go,” you pat his chest on your way to turn off the alarm. 
“Hey baby,” he stretches, ”you back?” 
“Huh?” you say, confused.
“Well that demon was here fucking me and she is something to contend with,” he smiles at you.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you. She likes to play, especially with you.” 
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I posted 2,647 times in 2022
That's 574 more posts than 2021!
165 posts created (6%)
2,482 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,461 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#art - 192 posts
#our flag means death - 113 posts
#shirozora awkwardly responds to asks - 113 posts
#ofmd - 109 posts
#star wars - 106 posts
#dinluke - 93 posts
#the mandalorian - 58 posts
#shirozora draws - 43 posts
#skydalorian - 40 posts
#what are cats - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#if only i could get off my ass to finish my 2010 deancas big bang fic where dean and cas only kissed once and it was maybe around the 180k
My Top Posts in 2022:
Due to Adventures in Adulting like "we need to remodel these bathrooms so we don't die of black mold", I'm resurrecting my "sell some of my arts as limited prints" plot and investigating local printing services (and crying over costs/the cringe of strangers looking at my art). I'll probably go the "gauge interest and make an Etsy for preorders" route after I get some proofs printed to test everything.
89 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
hey there! hope i'm not catching you at a bad time. i was wondering about your latest post on your concerns with the dinluke fandom. i'm really sorry about that. i'm not as active on socmed as i used to be so i might have missed on how the fandom is slowly, urm, going up into flames(?) but if you don't mind, what are your major concerns that's making you question your association? i love your dinluke stuff sm and i'd hate to lose someone like you :(
Hi there!
For a long while now, a certain "genre" of dinluke content has been dominating the Tumblr and AO3 tags and - more importantly - the general impression of the ship itself, which is dark!dinluke. Unfortunately, dark!dinluke is usually not about "dark" themes but about a racist, fetishizing, gendered relationship/dynamic between Din and Luke where Din is hypersexualized, aggressive, and possessive and Luke is a virginal effeminate twink with tradwife traits. You'll note that Din is the darker-skinned character and Luke is lily white in this particular dynamic (Bobadin has a similar problem where the darker-skinned Boba is the aggressive/possessive one while the lighter-skinned Din is the delicate flower). That's an extreme generalization of the general trend of assigning incredibly uncomfortable characteristics to characters who don't have them.
Fandom tends to vibe by the "live and let live" philosophy, and that's okay IF everyone follows general "guidelines" for fandoming, like proper tagging so that people who don't want to see that content for ANY REASON don't have to see it. A lot of these content creators have been terrible at tagging (or don't tag at all) using inappropriate or targetted tags that only make sense to people who are already in the know. If you had never seen Arrested Development before and don't know the context of the tag "dead dove do not eat" how do you know it's supposed to warn you for dark content? How do you know "cinnamon role Luke Skywalker" isn't always about a sweet soft Luke or that "protective Din Djarin" is actually about an aggressively possessive Din? Gotcha phrases like "don't like, don't read" can't work if people don't know what they're supposed to be blacklisting before they click the ship tag. So, you have posts that no one can block until it's too late dominating the ship tags, which makes for an incredibly uncomfortable experience.
But it's not just the tagging fiasco, it's also the idea that dark!dinluke creators were allowed to exist and dominate fandom conversations in the first place. It's why I said we should've been louder and meaner sooner. There is no point in living by the "live and let live" fandom philosophy if your idea of inclusivity includes allowing people to create harmful toxic tropes and trends unbothered and unscathed. This is really part of the larger conversation around POCs in fandom spaces; we have to contend with a lot of shit that makes us uncomfortable and a lot of times we are in spaces dominated by white/white-adjacent fans who don't want anyone harshing their good time or making them look bad.
I have not forgotten the utter shitshow around finnpoe (and Finn/John Boyega in general) where the concerns of Black and Latine fans were ignored in favor of protecting white feelings. I follow people on Tumblr and Twitter who discuss racism in fandom and are also harassed constantly by fans who don't want to hear the truth. It's not comfortable and you must always be aware of when it's time to speak up and when to amplify other voices, but if you want your fandom spaces to be inclusive and more safe, you have to be willing to listen and put yourself out there. I didn't because I get anxious about interacting in larger communal spaces but I always wondered if I could've helped if I did speak up about the troubling tropes and trends that dinluke fandom was heading towards. I'm just one person but it still has to mean something even if the larger fandom still chooses to ignore you.
Someone added their own thoughts to my post about fandom ignoring Latine fans expressing their concerns about Din and Pedro's other characters and I remember seeing those conversations in the old dinluke server. I tell myself I was at work at the time and that's why I didn't comment when people started nitpicking or just generally ignored the criticisms, but I wish I could've done more. So instead, here I am posting to the tumblr tag.
I'm not leaving the dinluke fandom anytime soon. I have a story to tell that I want to see to its conclusion. The day after making that post, I was doodling some thoughts about Luke (mainly his clothes, but also I should be writing instead of doodling????? get your act together, shiro). I'm in a good space where I'm still comfortable enough and I won't be chased off by the people I share space with, but it hurts knowing that they're there and they contributed a lot to the current state of dinluke. I've been in enough fandoms that crashed and burned over this sort of shit so I know when it's time to pack up my bags and leave but hopefully I'll get all my stories out before that day comes.
111 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
The "I Can 'Pin' Posts on Tumblr Now? Since When?" Intro/Masterpost
Greetings and welcome to the "Who The Fuck Am I?" post written by yours truly, whoever the fuck I am. Now that I'm back on my Fandom bullshit again in at least 2 blogs, I thought I'd re-introduce myself.
I am 2nd gen Korean-American on the Best West Coast. I ID as she/they/shiro, and ace/demi. I'm in the millennial bracket (aka, I am a Legal Adult) so be mindful when interacting with me. I do what I can to be antiracist and am always learning to be better.
I am some iteration of "shirozora" on: LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, AO3, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Discord. My first Fandom 2.0 was political/pundit RPF and my first fandom fallout was Racefail '09, so you could say I've Seen Some Shit. Been 5+ years since I last engaged in actual Fandom, yet here the fuck I am.
Fandoms I have written/drawn for (FFN years do not count, I purged that account): political/pundit RPF, Supernatural, Tron: Legacy, MCU, Star Trek (AOS), Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars/The Mandalorian
A Short List Of Things I Wrote in No Particular Order:
Lost Symphony (T): SPN; Dean/Cassie, Sam/Jessica, pre-Dean/Castiel; for the Racebending Revenge challenge - "Mary Ahn Winchester died on the ceiling of the nursery on November 2, 1983."
We Are Pilots (T+): Tron: Legacy; Sam/Tron; for the Tron Kink Meme - "Six months and Sam still can't shake off his father's ghost, so Quorra suggests returning to the Grid to find the answers he needs to move on."
Wishing Well (T): Captain America: The First Avenger; Steve/Howard, Steve/Peggy, unfulfilled Howard/Peggy/Steve; for the Cap Kink Meme - "And you just wanna feel like a coin that's been tossed / In a wishing well, a wishing well."
A Thousand Eyes Staring Back (T+): Mass Effect 2; Kaiden/m!Shep - "His problems start at Horizon, aka that time Kaidan Alenko was having a really bad day and his former CO was supposed to be dead."
Waking Ghosts (T+): Dragon Age; Dorian Pavus/Male Trevelyan Inquisitor; the Mummy (1999) AU nobody asked for - "Dorian Pavus, formerly of Qarinus, is an archivist at the Magisterium research outpost in Hightown."
Seasons Change (T): Black Panther/MCU; M'Baku/T'Challa - "A fisherman finds a dying king in his nets and Hanuman offers M'Baku an opportunity to repay T'Challa for sparing his life at Warrior Falls."
born in a thunderstorm (T+): Star Trek: AOS, Captain Marvel, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy; Kirk/McCoy; the worst AU I ever wrote - "Kevin Riley insists that James Kirk didn't die on Tarsus IV. Nobody believes him."
Dangerous Dreams series (T) - The Storm; The Suns; Between Planets: Star Wars/The Mandalorian; Din/Luke; the reason why I'm writing this post - "To want something for yourself, that is a dangerous dream."
I cross-post and occasionally write about writing at @shirozora-writes. But I bet a bunch of y'all stumbled into my little sandbox through @shirozora-draws, so let's talk about that!
I suffered from artist's block for almost 4 years. That ended when I became utterly fixated on "So Grogu has two dads now - oh no." I fucking ragequit Star Wars after the fucking world lied to me about The Last Jedi* and now I'm doing the most insane and involved fanworks because of Star Wars. The fuck???
To end this unapologetically long-ass Intro Post, here are my 3 favorite recent doodles:
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The original post is here. First time animating with Clip Studio Paint and I had a two-day meltdown over it.
See the full post
141 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Where the hell do you get off assuming a man's race in order to propagate your "racism" agenda? Do you even know what it means to be white Latino?
No. You don't. You're Korean American.
So, have you ever considered that maybe, by making assumptions and incorrectly representing Pedro Pascal's race, you're the racist asshole?
I'm guessing not because that would require an ounce of humility and self reflection.
Grow the fuck up and shut up about issues you don't understand.
My dear sweet summer child, where exactly have I assumed anything? Is Pedro white Latine or no? I’ve only referred to him as others, including Pedro himself, has called him. 
Do I have to be a white Latine to talk about these things? Am I only allowed to talk about Korean American issues? Must I keep my mouth shut if I see racist depictions of characters who aren’t Korean American? Is it okay to talk about East Asian Americans or does it have to be only Korean American?
Latine fans have been calling out dinluke fandom’s racist depictions of Din Djarin for months. What exactly am I assuming here? 
Listen, I am happy to take a backseat and amplify other voices that do know more than I do. What I’m not going to do is pretend this is not my problem because I’m Korean American. Racial politics in America are hell on earth and solidarity is how you push back.
155 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
it is my strongly held belief that we could’ve slowed the hemorrhaging of people from the dinluke sandbox if we’d gotten louder and meaner at the grosser and more toxic corners much sooner.  the “live and let live” philosophy (don’t like, don’t read; ymmv; ykinmk) doesn’t work if it allows racist tropes, harmful fetishism, gendered stereotypes, and other toxic trends to flourish and define the sandbox. the inability to exercise basic courtesy and tact especially in more public and easily accessible fandom spaces has done so much seemingly irreversible damage to a ship I love, and it really does make me question my continued association with it. 
199 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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keelt9 · 1 year
Part 2| Visita Inesperada
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Note: This work will have a lot of elements of my culture (I'm from México) so please be respectful, no more to say, please enjoy! :) MERRY CHRISTMAS!
As the time passed, Alex became closer to the team, they even decided to help Jack with her surprise party. Jack told them her favorite things, the things she wants and the things she treasures the most. At the end of the multiple meetings they had, they settled for something classic but full of joy, everyone had a job to do.
Tara searched for a special place where de party would be taking place, and she found it. It was an amazing camping site, well, a remodeled one. A huge salon but with elements of the forest inside and outside of it and not so far away was an amazing lake. It was not far from Virginia, 45 minutes of travel, it was really worth it.
JJ oversaw the music, Jack told them Alex had deep-rooted Mexican tradition, obviously he omitted the fact that she actually was born in México, so she found a group with latin vibes because they wanted to make her feel something from her roots but with her present. Matt and Luke were in charge of the food, despite Luke had equally latin roots, they thought it would be pretty easy for him to find something that’d be the perfect combination between two worlds. Jack and Penelope were in charge of the decoration, invitations and making sure Alex didn’t suspect anything; Spencer, Maxine and Emily had a difficult task, they had to find the perfect present in the name of all the team. The options were multiple, but they didn’t have a clue what would leave her speechless, so to make things easier, they made a plan. They invited Alex to a casual breakfast in Emily’s apartment with the purpose of obtaining information and with a lot of hop they can buy it in the same day.
But everything started badly, Maxine couldn’t attend, she forgot she had a congress in Arizona and that was after a little discussion with Spencer 2 days ago. Actually, now he can feel it was for the best. It wasn’t something serious, it was just really hard to open up. That left Emily and Spencer in charge; they arranged to meet Sunday 10:00 in the morning, hoping that any serial killer come in the way because Alex had that day off her work.
At 9:30 Emily was waiting for Spencer to arrive with fresh bread and at 10:05 Alex was in the door. Spencer opened the door and sweaty hands made an appearance.
He never denied that Alex was a really beautiful woman but seeing her in the most casual but monochromatic outfit made his hands start soaking. She was wearing dark blue jeans, classic Converse, a white blouse and a red cardigan and he just stared, nothing came out of his mouth until she spoke, “Hi, Dr. Reid, are you ok?”
His neurons started to work again, and he was able to answer, “Yeah, sure, come in, we…ah”
Luckily, Emily appeared from de dining room, “Alex, you´re here, omg, you look great, I hope you like the most common breakfast in the world.”
Alex chuckled and said “I´m actually…surprised? I mean it’s strange that you decided to invite me, only me, but thanks?”
Spender watched them from the main door, what happened to him? Why every time she comes into a room, he feels like that scrawny boy at 24 years old? Was it just the fact that she comes in an unusual situation?
All his thoughts were interrupted by Emily, “Right, Spence?”
He didn’t have a clue about what they were talking, and Emily had to resume, “I told Alex that we want to spend some time with her, everybody has the chance to speak and go out with her, but we didn’t, so it will be nice if we spend some time with her”
Spencer started to walk where she was and said “Yeah, right, it... it will be nice”
Alex gave him a side wide smile, she didn’t have to have an IQ higher than 160 to realize that Spencer simply didn’t feel comfortable around her, or in her presence, so she preferred to keep a distance from him. She really wanted to get along with everyone that her family loved but a part of her mind and heart told her that sometimes not everything is possible, that’s why she focused all her effort with the people who gave her a sincere welcome to their family and hugged her with all the love to the Hotchner’s.
She babysat Matt’s baby and he invited her to dinner with them that night, she had a blast with them. Tara had visited in her work to have lunch, working as editor coordinator give them a special connection and an open door for, they learn a lot from each other. JJ and Will invited her and Jack to Henry’s soccer games and they had a nice time. Penelope… there was no need to explain, she invited her to a pj’s party, they hanged out and grabbed some drinks, went to shopping, etc., and David and Krystal had been guests of multiples dinners with the Hotchner’s. All of them had come close to her except Emily and Spencer. She didn’t blame Emily, she was the unit chief, and the work must be overwhelming most of the time, and she perfectly understood that Spencer and Maxine were particular people and didn’t want to push anything.
The breakfast was amazing, she enjoyed the food and the talk, and to her surprise, Spencer knew what she did for a living.
“Why did you become an editor?” He asked without a warning, just with honest curiosity.
 “Well, I love to learn from people through their words, not the fancy words, the ones that people always tell you because they’re in front of someone, but the ones that really come from their heart.”
He gave her a side wide smile; he understood that. In prison, he remembers that writing in a little notebook could keep him sane in a world where you are lost every single moment.
She couldn’t help but feeling uncomfortable, so, as soon the food had disappeared and the conversation came down, she had a huge intention of leaving and spend some time laying in the sofa watching her favorite show, while his brother and dad were spending some quality time alone.
She started to get up from the table, but Emily stopped her, “Would you like to come with us?”
Alex was perplexed, she didn’t expect that, never in a million of years. But come on, they were profilers, so Emily saw that skepticism, if the way her eyebrows rose and her eyes opened were anything to go by, “I mean, Hotch told us you really love sweet things, there is an amazing bakery near where we were going to buy something, so… it will be really nice if you’d come.”
She tried to stay calm and answer with confidence, but that thing had gone far away the moment she made her the invitation “I… I don’t want to distract you from your stuff, I really loved breakfast with you but…”
Before she can even finish Spencer spoke “We are not going to accept a no.”
Her mind blew out of this world when she saw… HIM, Dr. Spencer Reid gave her a little smile, and she surrendered, “Alright, but with one condition, the dessert is on me.”
After buying some stuff she realized that maybe she was in a trap because everything was silly stuff, nothing that made her think they could buy it in any store near from Emily’s house. She made a stop in front of a jewelry shop, and she keep staring while waiting for Spencer and Emily to finish their little talk with some people they knew, until her thoughts were interrupted by Spencer, “I didn’t have idea you liked jewelry.”
He looked at her, but she didn’t turn her face to see him, “I don´t, it... it’s just that ring brings me back some old memories.” And without saying another word she turned away and walked where Emily was just finishing saying her goodbyes. Spencer couldn’t stop staring to that ring and if he had been more conscious of her, maybe he would’ve noticed the way Alex had tears in her eyes.
Maybe was fate, maybe a premotion but when they were ready to buy some of those delicious desserts, the past came to confront Alex. A voice that she swore she was never going to hear again rumbled in Alex’s ears. “Montenegro! It’s been years, I almost didn´t recognize you.”
Alex froze and a chill ran through her spine, she looked where the voice came and saw him. He hadn’t changed at all, she could’ve sworn that her childhood were times that will remain buried, but they didn’t.
Emily and Spencer were ready to interfere in whatever that made her act like that, but every coherent thought faded away as soon as Alex ran and crashed into his arms.
“How? Where? Why? I thought that you, and your family… I… I can’t believe you are… here in front of me, I… just” Alex couldn’t complete a phrase that made sense, the words stuck in her throat. He hugged her so tight and so close, like he was afraid that if he let go of her, she would fade away like the old times.
“I know, I know, a loong story but… look at you, wow, I mean you… you could never imagine how much I’ve missed you and…”
Alex cut him by putting her arms around him and hiding her face in his body. But then Alex remembered there where people waiting for her and with more questions than answers, so she breathed in, waited a moment, and then went to speak with them.
She asked him to wait for a couple of seconds and walked where Emily and Spencer were, “I… I’m sorry... could you go without me? … I’m fine… it’s just, I need talk with him, please.”
Emily knew it wasn’t right to leave her, but she looked confident in her decision and come on, if she was in danger, she wouldn’t run into it. Spencer in the other side, was worried, he wouldn’t leave her like that, but he couldn’t stop her from doing whatever she wanted, let’s be honest, this was the first day he talked to her more than 15 minutes.
He was going to protest but Emily interrupted him “Ok, but… just be careful and try to tell your dad where you are.” Alex nodded and disappeared with that stranger in the crowd.
“Why did you do that?! What if he is someone dangerous, what if he is some…” Emily interrupted him before he could finish. “She trusts him more than she trusts us, if I told her that we wouldn’t leave her, we’d make her feel she’s right about being insecure about us, also who said I’m gonna leave her alone?” She answered while dialing a number.
“Hey Garcia, could you keep an eye on Alex…No, she is alright, just… I´ll explain you later. If there’s anything out of normal, call me.” She ended the call an told him, “Nothing is going to happen to her.”
Spencer wasn’t sure, he was worried and with a heavy feeling on his heart and he didn’t have a clue why.
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1elinasmith · 3 months
Buy patio pavers for outdoor remodeling up to 45% off
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graceolive1 · 5 months
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Showcase your kitchen with granite countertop tiles upto 45% off
Premium quality granite slabs sourced from quarries around the world. Whether you’re searching for a countertop, building, remodeling a home or a commercial space we have the ideal surface for your project.
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louisloth · 9 months
Why Ought To You Consider Foam Roofing Fixing
Foam roofing system repair work becomes a necessity when there is damages triggered to the foam when things driven by the wind fall onto the surface area. These things can create fractures and pits in the leading layer. What are foam roof coverings? These are seamless roofing systems constructed from polyol and also isocyanate in a combination.
The polyurethane is splashed on the roof from the blend. If you want to maintain the stability of the roof as well as protect against penetration of water into the foam, it is needed that splashed polyurethane foam is fixed. Periodic monitoring as well as regular upkeep will assist in early discovery of damages and you would likewise have the ability to conserve money on the a lot more considerable repair services. The repair services can be done efficiently by utilizing polyurethane caulking sealant as well as disposable spray foam packages.
The roofing troubles that you encounter will certainly boost if you undertake pointless remodellings. If warranty has been offered with spray roofing, it would certainly be best to leave the remodellings to the specialist companies who would refurbish the roofing perfectly. You can do the fixings on your own by using the repair work devices appropriately when it comes to dilemma where you do not wish to squander any time.
The only pointers that you need to learn about foam roofing system repair service
The locations that require repair service must be free from all particles as well as any type of things or wall surfaces that would be covered in the overspray requirement to be taped off. Scrub with a blend of 1 component chlorine bleach to 1 part water to eliminate any type of moss or mold and mildew. Allow the areas that need foam roof repair service dry after washing it with clear water. Utilize a 80 grit sandpaper to roughen up locations like blinking before the roof repair product can be splashed on them as well as this procedure will certainly make them responsive to sealer.
Up until you come down to dry foam you will certainly need to cut out as well as discard all wet as well as broken areas of the foam roofing. Prior to continuing with the foam roof fixing you have to make sure that the roof is entirely dry. For a smooth union of the old foam and also the new repair service you can use a grinding wheel, saw or razor knife to bevel the cut side at a 45-degree angle away from the harmed or wet location.
Foam roof repair made easy
Once the old foam is removed the harmed underlying deck will end up being visible, https://www.vashiatvhod.com/services-item/remont-na-pokrivi/ and also you need to suitable repair work and also patches to it. Prior to applying brand-new foam, you need to make certain that the fixings are clean.
By following the direction you ought to re-foam the area with a high-density foam fixing set (2.5 to 4 lb. density). Apply foam after putting on some non reusable handwear covers as well as attaching the hose pipe to foam container as well as the applicator. The applicator will certainly transform relying on the package. The valve can be turned on hereafter. As the foam will dry rapidly in simply a couple of mins you will need to function promptly. The excess foam can be rubbed out with dustcloths.
Load to the degree of the foam roof covering surface area by spraying the disposable polyurethane foam into the repair service. Allow the foam roof covering fixing to cure for a minimum of 15 minutes. Make use of a roof covering knife to trim any kind of overspill of foam to the primary foam roofing surface. This will complete the procedure of foam roofing fixing.
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azucenawtels · 10 months
Why Need To You Think About Foam Roof Repair Work
Foam roofing system fixing comes to be a necessity when there is damage created to the foam when things driven by the wind fall onto the surface. These things can cause splits as well as pits in the leading layer. What are foam roofings? These are smooth roofing systems made of polyol and isocyanate in a mix.
The polyurethane is sprayed on the roof covering from the combination. If you wish to keep the integrity of the roofing and also avoid penetration of water right into the foam, it is essential that sprayed polyurethane foam is fixed. Routine monitoring and also routine maintenance will help in very early discovery of damages and also you would also be able to save cash on the much more comprehensive repairs. The repair work can be done effectively by utilizing polyurethane caulking sealer as well as non reusable spray foam packages.
The roofing troubles that you deal with will increase if you embark on pointless renovations. If guarantee has been supplied with spray roof covering, it would be best to leave the renovations to the specialist carriers who would remodel the roof covering flawlessly. You can do the repairs by yourself by utilizing the fixing devices appropriately when it comes to dilemma where you do not wish to throw away at any time.
The only pointers that you require to understand about foam roofing repair work
The areas that require fixing must be cleared of all particles and also any type of products or wall surfaces that would be covered in the overspray demand to be taped off. Scrub with a blend of 1 component chlorine bleach to 1 component water to kill any moss or mold. Let the locations that require foam roof covering repair work dry after rinsing it with clear water. Make use of a 80 grit sandpaper to roughen up areas like flashing prior to the roof repair work item can be splashed on them and this process will certainly make them receptive to sealer.
Up until you get down to dry foam you will certainly require to eliminate as well as dispose of all damp and also broken locations of the foam roof. Before proceeding with the foam roof repair you have to guarantee that the roofing system is totally dry. For a smooth union of the old foam and the brand-new fixing you can make use of a grinding wheel, saw or razor knife to bevel the cut side at a 45-degree angle away from the damaged or damp location.
Foam roofing system repair service made easy
When the old foam is gotten rid of the damaged underlying deck will certainly come to be visible, https://www.vashiatvhod.com/services-item/remont-na-pokrivi/ and you should suitable repair work as well as patches to it. Before using brand-new foam, you must make certain that the fixings are clean.
By complying with the direction you ought to re-foam the area with a high-density foam fixing set (2.5 to 4 lb. density). Apply foam after placing on some non reusable handwear covers and affixing the hose to foam container as well as the applicator. The applicator will certainly change depending upon the kit. The shutoff can be turned on after this. As the foam will certainly dry out rapidly in just a few minutes you will certainly need to work rapidly. The excess foam can be wiped off with rags.
Fill up to the level of the foam roofing system surface by spraying the non reusable polyurethane foam right into the repair work. Enable the foam roofing system repair to heal for at least 15 mins. Use a roof knife to cut any type of overspill of foam to the major foam roofing system surface area. This will certainly complete the process of foam roof repair work.
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azucenawtel · 10 months
Why Need To You Think About Foam Roofing Repair
Foam roof covering repair work becomes a necessity when there is damage triggered to the foam when things driven by the wind autumn onto the surface. These items can trigger cracks and pits in the top layer. What are foam roofing systems? These are smooth roofing systems made from polyol as well as isocyanate in a combination.
The polyurethane is sprayed on the roofing from the combination. If you intend to keep the stability of the roof as well as prevent penetration of water into the foam, it is required that splashed polyurethane foam is fixed. Regular checking and also regular maintenance will assist in very early detection of damage and also you would certainly likewise have the ability to conserve cash on the more comprehensive fixings. The repairs can be done successfully by using polyurethane caulking sealant and disposable spray foam sets.
The roof troubles that you encounter will certainly enhance if you carry out meaningless improvements. If guarantee has actually been supplied with spray roof, it would be best to leave the renovations to the specialist suppliers who would certainly remodel the roofing perfectly. You can do the fixings by yourself by making use of the repair tools properly when it comes to dilemma where you do not wish to squander whenever.
The only suggestions that you require to find out about foam roofing repair work
The areas that need repair service needs to be free from all particles and any items or walls that would be coated in the overspray requirement to be taped off. Scrub with a blend of 1 part chlorine bleach to 1 part water to kill any kind of moss or mold. Let the areas that need foam roof covering repair work completely dry after washing it with clear water. Use a 80 grit sandpaper to roughen up areas like flashing before the roof repair service item can be splashed on them, Отидете на този сайт and also this process will certainly make them receptive to sealer.
Till you come down to dry foam you will require to remove as well as throw out all damp and also damaged locations of the foam roofing. Before continuing with the foam roof covering repair you must guarantee that the roof covering is entirely dry. For a smooth union of the old foam and the new repair you can make use of a grinding wheel, saw or razor blade to bevel the cut side at a 45-degree angle away from the damaged or wet location.
Foam roofing repair facilitated
Once the old foam is gotten rid of the harmed underlying deck will come to be visible and you must proper repairs and also patches to it. Prior to using brand-new foam, you have to make sure that the fixings are clean.
By adhering to the direction you ought to re-foam the area with a high-density foam repair service kit (2.5 to 4 lb. density). Apply foam after placing on some non reusable handwear covers and also affixing the hose to foam container and also the applicator. The applicator will alter depending on the package. The shutoff can be switched on hereafter. As the foam will certainly dry promptly in just a few mins you will need to function rapidly. The excess foam can be rubbed out with cloths.
Load to the degree of the foam roofing system surface area by spraying the non reusable polyurethane foam right into the repair. Enable the foam roofing system fixing to cure for a minimum of 15 minutes. Utilize a roofing blade to trim any kind of overspill of foam to the major foam roof covering surface area. This will complete the procedure of foam roofing repair.
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virbecca · 1 year
A Guide to Choosing the Right Size Disposal Bin for Your Project
When it comes to tackling a big project, one of the most important things to consider is how you will dispose of the waste that is generated. Whether you're remodeling your home, tackling a landscaping project, or undertaking a construction or demolition job, the right size disposal bin can make all the difference. In this guide, we'll show you how to determine the right size bin for your project and provide tips for making the most of your rental.
First, consider the scope of your project. How much waste will you generate? A small home renovation project may only require a small bin, while a large construction or demolition project will likely require a much larger bin. Keep in mind that it's always better to rent a slightly larger bin than you think you'll need, as overfilling a bin can lead to safety hazards and additional charges.
Next, think about the types of materials you'll be disposing of. Different materials have different densities, and this can affect how much space they take up in a bin. For example, a bin filled with lightweight materials like drywall or insulation will take up less space than a bin filled with heavy materials like concrete or brick. It's important to consider the density of your materials when choosing a bin size.
Another important factor to consider is the location of the bin. Will the bin be placed on a public street, or will it be placed on private property? Will it be easily accessible for a large truck to pick up, or will there be any obstacles to navigate? These factors can all impact the size of bin you need to rent.
When you have a better understanding of the scope of your project and the materials you'll be disposing of, you can start to narrow down your options for bin sizes. Garbutt Disposal offers a wide range of bin sizes. Here is a breakdown of the most popular bin sizes and their uses:
Are you in need of a dumpster rental for your next home or construction project? Look no further! Here is a breakdown of our various container sizes and their recommended uses:
10 Cubic Yard: This container measures 12' long x 5' wide x 4.5' high and can hold approximately 3-4 pickup truck loads or 45 bags of waste. This container is great for small-to-medium home projects and can fit into a standard parking space for added versatility.
12 Cubic Yard: This container measures 12'x6'x4.5' and can hold 4-5 pickup truck loads or 60 bags of waste. It's ideal for smaller remodeling projects, spring and fall clean ups.
14 Cubic Yard: This container measures 12'x6'.5x5' and can hold 5-6 pickup truck loads or 75 bags of waste. It's perfect for medium-sized home renovations such as a kitchen or bathroom and/or basement.
16 Cubic Yard: This container measures 12'x7'x4.5' and can hold 6-7 pickup truck loads or 90 bags of waste. It's suitable for small to medium patio, fence, or garage remodel projects.
18 Cubic Yard: This container measures 12.5x8x6 and can hold 7-8 pickup truck loads or 105 bags of waste. It's perfect for construction sites with large amount of rubbish to remove.
20 Cubic Yard: This container measures 18x7x4.5 and can hold 8-10 pickup truck loads or 130 bags of waste. It's suitable for medium to large-sized construction projects and multiple room clean up.
40 Cubic Yard: This container measures 20x7x8 and can hold 16 pickup truck loads or 260 bags of waste. It's perfect for window or siding replacement of a large home, commercial roof tear off or commercial construction and demolition projects.
No matter what type of project you're working on, we have a container that's perfect for your needs. Contact us to get started today!
In addition to choosing the right size bin for your project, there are a few other things to keep in mind to make the most of your rental.
Make sure you have enough space for the bin. It's important to measure the area where the bin will be placed and make sure it will fit comfortably.
Be mindful of weight limits. Overfilling a bin can be dangerous, and it can also lead to additional charges. Be sure to spread the weight of the materials evenly throughout the bin to avoid overloading one area.
Consider the duration of your rental. If your project will take longer than expected, you may need to extend your rental or consider renting a larger bin to avoid having to constantly swap out full bins.
In conclusion, choosing the right size disposal bin rental is essential for the success of your project. By considering the scope of the project, the types of materials you'll be disposing of, the location of the bin, and the duration of your rental, you can ensure that you have the right size bin for your needs. Garbutt Disposal offers a wide range of bin sizes to fit any project and our team is always ready to help you with any question you may have. Remember, it's always better to rent a slightly larger bin than you think you'll need, so you can dispose your waste efficiently and safely.
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fabulivonline · 1 year
What things should you keep in mind when choosing a center table?
A chic centre table is indeed a wonderful way to liven up your area. It performs a variety of purposes in addition to having a fantastic appearance and being one of the finest adaptable items of furnishings in the space. Serving food and beverages to visitors when they come has long been done at the side table. However, it also serves as a place to set aside your coffee cup, publications, as well as feet whilst listening to your favourite television programme. There are numerous factors to take into account before selecting the ideal centre table for one's living room because it is such a crucial piece of the decor.
Things to consider while buying centre table
Size of the space
A coffee table inside the middle of the space must be situated at least 45 cm off the sitting but still no closer than 60 cm, so bear that in account when developing the design layout. This provides the perfect separation to enable you to spread out for refreshments without needing to extend too far. Preferably, the table must be no longer than two-thirds of the area of such a sofa. Allow sufficient space so that you can navigate the area without running into any corners.
Shape of the center table
One's centre table's shape could mostly determine however much room it will take up and the aesthetic you wish to exhibit. One of most common geometrical forms are circles, squares, and rectangles. The ideal table for a small living area is rectangular. For better availability, square tables could be placed next to every sofa in a bigger space in conjunction towards the centre table. Abstract, asymmetrical coffee tables give a distinctive appearance and complement both traditional and modern interior design themes.
If one's living room needs more storage, think about installing pull-out drawers underneath the top. Newspapers, outdated magazines, and other items that people don't wish on show could be stored in a raised top coffee table's concealed storage. You could operate whilst sitting upon that sofa if you lift the roof to a suitable working level. If you require relocating the side table all around space, having one with wheels is a wonderful idea. Some coffee tables have extendable tops that could be used to create a bigger area for studying or dining.
Style of the centre table
It must go without mentioning that perhaps the table's design should complement the aesthetic of your space. A traditional arrangement works nicely using a wooden centre table. Rosewood and teak are two examples of darker wood that appear more professional. Ash, cedar, or pine tables complement transition or modern design schemes effectively. A hardwood framework or a completely upholstered top are both options for cushioned centre tables, which can also have tops made of leatherette or embroidered cushions. An ottoman is just a table that is completely covered. When compared to intricate and carved techniques, straight outlines as well as simple outlines provide a more modern appearance.
Wrapping up
Finding the ideal table could be difficult considering so many different types, materials, as well as design possibilities available. One can get a cheap center table if you live on rent or intend to remodel in a few decades. To make a long-term commitment, choose timeless designs that are expertly made and would endure the challenge of time, especially when they are slightly more expensive. Look for fabrics that compliment your room's style and feel as well as work with both the décor as well as colour scheme.
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near-houston--tx · 1 year
NTS Construction in Houston, TX
Have you heard about NTS Construction Company lately? Well, it is one of the most popular companies in Houston, TX. Since the company offers exceptional construction companies services nowadays, you can rely on their offers. NTS Construction is owned and operated by individuals that go above and beyond to meet clients’ specified needs in every aspect. In other words, they provide exceptional services for the benefit of their customers. In addition, they strive to provide employees with an environment that leads to success and promotes teamwork. As a result, they receive loyalty from their clients and positive feedback. Isn’t it amazing?
NTS Construction Company
The NTS Construction provides excellent general contractor services these days. The company is familiar at present, too, especially to those working in the realty and construction industry. In Houston, TX, you can count on them to help you with construction and home remodeling projects. It is also interesting to note that they offer a safe, reliable metal building partner. With that, you don’t have to search anywhere for the best options when it comes to your construction needs. So why choose them? Well, they promote safety and quality is important for them. Lastly, time management is a top priority, and honesty and integrity is highly valued.
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Houston, TX
Its obvious that many people want to know the interesting historical details of the Houston, TX location. After all, it is one of the famous places in Texas nowadays. Besides, it’s also necessary to discuss about its early settlers. The Karankawa and the Atakapa indigenous peoples occupied the Houston land area. It happened for at least 2,000 years before the first known settlers arrived. Additionally, these tribes are almost nonexistent today; this was most likely caused by foreign disease, and competition with various settler groups in the 18th and 19th centuries. But the land remained largely uninhabited until settlement in the 1830s.
Houston Museum of Natural Science        
The Houston Museum of Natural Science is a famous tourist spot in Houston, TX these days. Many people visit the travel destination for sightseeing, too. Many people also visit the place to bond with their family members. Basically, the said place is a museum that displays natural science collections such as gems and minerals, insects, shells, and Native American artifacts. Aside from that, he museum includes a planetarium, observatory, and a theater. Besides, it conducts projects, programs, and exhibitions. In addition, HMNS also offers awards and scholarships. Lastly, the museum was founded in 1909 and is based in Houston, Texas. 
Spring family loses nearly $1,000 in food stamp benefits to alleged fraud
There are many interesting news reports in the Houston, TX area. One of the popular reports is about food stamp benefits. Reportedly, crafty thieves have found a way to steal food stamp benefits from families who need them most. As reported, a Spring man claimed to be the latest target. He stated that he is not left struggling because only five days after his family’s benefits were replenished later. Besides, their balance went from nearly $1,000 to just $10. The man, who asked KPRC 2 not to use his name or show his face, revealed that the problems swiping his benefits card, known as the Lone Star Card, started in late November at a Walmart off Riley Fuzzel Road.
Link to maps
Houston Museum of Natural Science 5555 Hermann Park Dr, Houston, TX 77030, United States Get on I-69/US-59 N from San Jacinto St 4 min (1.1 mi) Take I-45 N and Sam Houston Tollway W to Texas 249 Access Rd/Tomball Pkwy. Take the exit toward Greens Rd/Gessner Rd from TX-249 N 25 min (23.8 mi) Continue on Texas 249 Access Rd/Tomball Pkwy to your destination 3 min (0.7 mi) NTS Construction 17350 TX-249 #220, Houston, TX 77064, United States
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vaultdoorforsale · 1 year
The simplest way bank vault created from
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bank vaults for sale
A bank burial container is a secure house where money, possessions, records, and forms can be stored. Vaults protect their elements with armored areas and a tightly fabricated door closed using a complex lock. Burial container technology developed within a type of arms battle with bank thieves. As burglars came across new ways to break up into vaults, container makers found revolutionary ways to foil these. Modern vaults can be armed with a wide selection of alarms together with anti-theft devices. Certain nineteenth and fast twentieth century vaults were built which means well that at present they are almost impossible so that you can destroy. Buildings are renovated around him or her. A restaurant in the restored bank constructing even features a eating dinner area inside the indestructible vault. These old vaults were commonly made with steel-reinforced real. The walls had been usually at least 1 ft (0. thirty-one m) thick, plus the door itself ended up being typically 3. 5 ft (1. 1 m) thick. Whole weight ran within the hundreds of tons. At present vaults are made along with thinner, lighter items that, while nonetheless secure, are much easier to dismantle than your earlier counterparts.
bank vaults for sale
Unprocessed trash
Vault walls and additionally doors are made up of mainly of asphalt, steel rods to get reinforcement, and amazing additives to give that concrete even more effectiveness. Design
Bank vaults are built as tailor made orders. The burial container is usually the first part of a new bank creating to be designed in addition to built. The producing process begins together with the design if the container, and the rest of the lender is built around the application. The vault brand consults with the buyer to determine factors for example the total vault measurements, desired shape, along with location of the entry. After the customer signs and symptoms off on the style and design, the manufacturer configures the gear to make the burial container panels and house. The customer usually requirements the vault to become delivered and fitted. That is, the container manufacturer not only tends to make the vault segments, but brings this parts to the manufacture site and invests them together.
Lender vaults are typically made using steel-reinforced concrete. This approach material was not drastically different from that included in construction work. The application relied on a immense thickness designed for strength. An ordinary burial container from the middle for the century might have been 20 in (45. seventy two cm) thick together with was quite hefty and difficult to eradicate or remodel all over. Modern bank vaults are now typically produced from modular concrete solar cells using a special little-known blend of concrete and additionally additives for significant strength. The definite has been engineered with regard to maximum crush amount of resistance. A panel of that material, though simply 3 in (7. 62 cm) coarse, may be up to 10 times as tough as an 18 in-thick (45. 72-cm) -panel of regular blueprint cement.
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fahmbathroomau · 2 years
Overcome Small Space Issues In Your Bathroom With Corner Bathroom Vanity
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A little bathroom can still be comfortable, despite its size. Sure, having little space might be difficult, but it can also inspire creativity. You have a rare chance to learn how to set up and arrange the space to make it as practical as possible when you are forced to work in confined spaces. And, as many clever bathroom designs show, it's definitely doable if you keep in mind that every design choice you make in a small area has a significant effect. Here are a few small bathroom remodelling ideas and tips that can help you visually extend the space and make it feel larger than it is, from picking floor tiles to embracing the correct colour palette. Change your conventional vanity with a floating one. Your bathroom doesn't need a whole renovation to look and feel bigger; instead, consider replacing a big item, like the vanity, to change the room's appearance right away. A floating vanity that is raised off the floor and mounted on the wall not only uses less area, but also lets more light enter the space, giving it a more airy feeling. Similarly, flooring might go all the way to the wall directly below the vanity, giving the impression that the space is larger.
Think of a Corner Bathroom Vanity. You don't want a floating vanity, do you? Installing a corner sink design is another approach to make the most of your available space for your vanity. Choose a slim trough sink for the smallest rooms. Even a corner or floating vanity that is the usual size won't fit in some bathrooms. Trough sinks are great space savers in these situations, according to Erica Garland from Modern Bathrooms, which offers a huge selection of goods and collections you'd need for any bathroom makeover job. “ Trough sinks, which are especially designed to be slim and sleek, have a low profile that appears modern and basic and gives you the most floor space in the room to walk around.
Choose the appropriate Bathroom Vanity Bowl - tile size and style. Your bathroom will appear smaller the more grout lines there are. It follows that huge rectangular tiles with fewer grout lines, like those measuring 30 x 60 cm, can enhance the ambiance of the room. However, with a glass mosaic accent, you can occasionally anticipate more light there bouncing around, which in turn makes a statement and gives the impression that the bathroom is larger. Additionally, the 45-degree diagonal tile placement used by experts may give the illusion that the bathroom floor is broader than it actually is. Drawing a floor plan and wall plan to scale is the key to a successful bathroom remodelling project.
About the Company - With over 15 years of experience in the field, FAHM Bathroom is a fully Australian-owned business with headquarters in Perth, Western Australia. With a wide selection of bathroom, laundry, healthcare, and kitchen products, we provide service to both trade and the general public.
Our main goal is to give our customers the highest-quality goods and the nicest service imaginable. Our elegant 800 SQ/M store offers a calm, welcoming environment where you can sit back and choose your products with ease. We will lead you and provide you with seasoned counsel.
A wide variety of products are available from us, including vanities, shower screens, tapware, toilet suites, kitchen sinks, kitchen cabinets, wall panels, and care items. Either in-person or online.
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