#30000 posts
humanmorph · 10 months
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"[high pitched and tinny] Let’s dive in. Let’s dive in. It’s time to dive in. Get ready to [audio distorts and slows] dive. Diiive. Diiiiie…" (The Road to PALISADE 20: City Planning Department)
so that's what i've been working on for the past 2 weeks! i wanted to draw something for this intro ever since i first listened to it (as a companion piece to my other gur drawing, though it of course ended up being way bigger in scale), but it only really gripped me about halfway through PALISADE ep 18. the next morning after that i listened to this narration on repeat for about 45 minutes and then made a big sketch on 4 sheets of paper at my desk at work.
anyways, i haven't listened to the new episode yet but i think i'm probably ready for whatever they're gonna throw at us with the next sortie. i'm gonna believe, against it all, in millennium break. for gur
(i recommend listening along while scrolling! + transcript btw. if anything is hard to read)
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
Who the fuck has 69,830 plays of Special on Spotify
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mossyflowers · 5 months
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I can't do this anymore just take it. Take the ace combat art. I'm going to explode
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jokest3r · 5 months
Matvey-Lukyan Volkov-Makarov ☀
or "Matthew Clarke," really depends on who you ask...
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General Info -
Name: Matvey-Lukyan Volkov-Makarov(True Identity is on a need-to-know basis)
Age: 19
Issued Identity: Matthew Clarke
Issued Age: 23
Issued Rank: Specialist
Callsign: "Kid" until Further Notice
Status: Alive
Ethnicity: Tajik
Nationality: N/A(His parents kept his existence fairly quiet, only his mentors and his parent's closest associates knew he existed for quite some time before he went missing when he was older. His parents when he was young did debate that he may exist under a different name in the legal system in Tajikistan but didn't look into it after Matvey was disinterested at the prospect of meeting his biological parents.)
Height: 5' 7
Blood-Type: O+
Weight: 145 Pounds / 67 Kg(He came weighing less than that.)
Further Info -
"All things considered the kid came out far better than anyone would have expected given who his parents are."
Matvey was adopted a little over at two months old along the border crossing between Russia and Kazachstan on a cargo road that showed little action. He never really thought about the reason why he was there or the what how, just that he would've died if not for intervention (lucky or damning) you be the judge.
He had a pretty fair upbringing if you don't bring up visiting warehouses with his father or playing with guns at a young age. He was originally raised to be just that, a son, however it would become more skewed as the year's went on and his father Makarov's power grew. Then his role went past being only a son and more of a "good soldier." Of course, what Matvey would've called his first "failure" was failing his mentors and by proxy, his father. His mentors said he would never be a soldier and neither would he be strong enough to fight. It just wasn't in his cards. After that, his father's expectations seemed to slow down to a simmer, and his approach became to hold Matvey at an arm's reach away from the Ultranationalist Party and revolving plans. He would be protected, but not without getting trained to protect himself and escape at a moment's notice.
Though Makarov obviously wasn't his only father, his extended family mostly comes from Yuri's side of the family. Matvey obtained personality traits from Makarov but was much closer to Yuri. Yuri's a sensitive topic as is most of everything in his life. Yuri and Matvey both have something in common and that is "abandoning" or in Matvey's case "running away." Yuri left, without a word or notice and Matvey chased after him, and only realised he wasn't coming back "home" after two months on the road with Lobo, his loyal guard dog. Exact details on the first year of Matvey's lone days have not been found, but not without some prying. All he has to show for it is the bloodied patch the 141 found him holding along with his belongings.
Matvey was found along the Chernobyl exclusion zone by 141 squad members bleeding out in the hospital safe house he had rigged with traps, bleeding out from a wound that a mercenary had done to him in retaliation for murdering his partner, forgetting about the long-term reward of keeping him alive and sending him back to his father. And instead attempted killing him for revenge. He said he lived well off for what he had. With his father's hired mercenaries on his tail, he couldn't exactly pick a lot of areas. They caught his scent a month before the 141 had found him, sending an SOS through a makeshift antenna but getting help when they were finally able to trace it with spare time on their hands. Matvey really hadn't intended on surviving to the end if at all.
Combat-Style: Matvey plays dirty, real dirty, most "end up killing themselves" before they even see his face. He uses traps, bombs, chemical warfare (has an inclination for using gas) throwing knives and all sorts. Usually, he keeps to having a good distance with any target and avoids close combat at all costs, if any combat at all. And tends to favor using escape tactics he's learned over his previous training. He's known by most to be very slippery and sly if he wants something over with quickly.
If with a squad on something serious he fills a support role: and (jokest3r's opinion: his support role is something similar to Elizabeth in Bioshock Infinite just without all the tears.) can find materials or target objects fairly easily since slipping through vents and getting out unseen is one of his best strengths and keeps him away from any of the serious fighting while still helping the team.
Personality: Matvey is naturally combative, moody, and "explorative" if the definition meant rule-breaking. He alternates between being quiet and isolated to being playful and rather "loud." He follows orders to a T, almost too closely like he's had past experience. He's self-destructive when it comes to most people as he doesn't want to care for much of anyone since all signs seem to point to anyone he cares for or stays with long term end up dying or disappearing one way or the other. Or abandoning him. He also tends to not understand social cues and is very affectionate even if the situation around him is dire. Warning: hugs and heartfelt conversations abound.
Allegiance: Matvey made it very clear where his loyalties lied, along with his goal to reunite with his father Yuri and gain some closure beyond bottling up all his anger and mourning for a father that doesn't seem to exist anymore. He's also seemingly gotten attached to some of the members, and would like to see them alive. When asked what that exactly meant he shrugged, thinking anyone else would've known what he meant.
As time passes the 141 hope to get Matvey out of his shell and influence him to grow and make better decisions. For now, Matvey will try to grow used to Western surroundings and hopefully, meet both his father's face to face, though he knows that it won't likely end happily. (FLAT COLOUR UNDERNEATH THE TAB)
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So i saw this post by @avelera (if i had a nickel for every time they’ve inspired a post, i’d have two nickels which....funnily enough is the exact amount that meme requires) and i CANNOT stop thinking about Hob’s first century as an immortal.
I mean surely he thought it was all in jest- his mates were having a right crack of it for the rest of the night, and Hob knew it well himself that no man escapes death; he would fight to live as long as he could in this world, experience everything he could, and when his time came he would simply find adventure elsewhere. Hob couldn’t have seriously believed Dream; he was just a nobleman with an odd sense of humour. And so what if he knew Hob’s name? Everyone in this pub knew his name, much like he did theirs, so he probably just asked.
I wonder if it remained a bit of an inside joke between Hob and his friends- when he gets injured in a fight and is laid up in bed, one of his friends says “You can’t die, remember? Got that meeting with some posh prick in 1489, what good’ll you be dead” and Hob sees it for what it is (a distraction) and plays along with a grin. Anytime he joins a new battle, its “Do prior engagements mean nothing to you, Robert Gadling?“ As said by his mate with a ridiculous put-on posh accent, “Your good man’ll be right cross when you ditch him in 1489 cause you got killed fighting for this bastard”. When Hob gets hit, its “I’ll be meeting him in 1489 at this rate! To tell him you got fucking done in, you knob-”
It might have been fun, at first. But as Hob’s friends started dropping dead around him- war, disease, killed in the streets for some gold- i think it stopped being a joke. Because now Hob was walking away from fights no else did. Now he was recovering from diseases within the week, where others were still thrashing in its grasp or going cold and still in the night. Its not enough to make him question his mortality, but it is enough to make him think he’s unnaturally lucky. Maybe he’s done something to please the gods recently, or maybe fortune was smiling down upon him for once. He could not bear it all with good-nature, because despite how fortune or luck or even the gods themselves seemed to look favourably upon him, their grace did not extend to his friends and he is still conscious of their loss.
But Hob Gadling appears to be one lucky bastard, and that’s that.
...until it isn’t.
Maybe Hob accidentally builds up a local reputation about being a reliable soldier- no matter who it is, or how many of them there are, Hob survives. I think maybe he’s died a few times by now, but he doesn’t know that- his throat was slashed by an enemy sword, and he died right there on the battlefield the moment his knees hit the dirt, but the fight lasted so long that by the time Hob woke up, gasping and grasping at his blood-covered neck, the gash which had nearly beheaded him was instead a shallow but still bleeding wound. Later he would settle on the idea that the cut hadn’t been as bad as he thought it was- why he passed out from such a wound is beyond him, but maybe it was from shock, he heard that it did that to people sometimes. Someone trying to slit your throat is different to someone slicing your arm, so even though hes still unsettled by it and sure that the wound was worse...he can’t argue with the actual wound on his body, which points to the contrary. This is probably not the first and definitely not the last time Hob dies.
So yeah, maybe he accidentally builds up a local reputation about being a reliable fighter because he simply can’t stop surviving. And its not that hes unharmed- he gets stabbed, sliced, beaten, etc. He can be out of it for days depending on the severity of his wounds or illness, but he always gets back up. And maybe eventually, as most stories go involving ageless immortals, people go from being surprised by his abilities and age, to suspicious. Hob himself took passing note of it a while ago- he thought his hair would long since be grey by now, or at least most of it would, but it isn’t. When he goes for a drink with the remaining friends he has, he notices that his hands aren’t wrinkled like theirs. Hobs hands are calloused and rough, yes, but not aged like they ought to be. He thinks its strange, of course he does, but soon he’s too smashed to think of it anymore.
How many comments does it take about his age before Hob starts to close himself off? How many times must surprise turn to suspicion, because Hob says hes in his 50′s but he still looks like he’s in his mid 30′s? How many years does it take before Hob hastily fakes his first death/disappearance, because now the people he grew up with are intensely aware of how young Hob looks compared to them- its unnatural, unusual, and for a medieval peasant, probably has something to do with the devil. And i think it would be different to the witch trials Hob would later experience in the 17th century, where the whole town was after him because he became ‘complacent’- this isnt Hob being complacent, this is Hob freaking the fuck out. This is Hob not knowing how to deal with the fact that he’s not aging like he should be- of course he thinks its fucking weird (great, but weird), of course he thinks its fucking CRAZY that hes been in so many battles, been wounded and sick so many times, and yet has always come out the other side. Of course he thinks its fucking strange but he doesn’t know whats going on so he’s just..he’s just going to keep going, because what else can he do? and it isn’t until things get a little too heated that Hob turns tail and ditches town with a half formed plan and the cover of darkness.
I wonder how long it takes him to come to terms with his immortality- does he throw himself into more dangerous situations with an “Either i’m right or it wont matter cause ill be dead” attitude? Is he seriously fucking spooked by it for a few years before the dawning realisation of lifes now limitless possibilities hits him? Does Hob think of that noble stranger in 1389 often, at first with mirth and amusement because that tosser knew exactly what he was saying when he said they’d meet again in 100 years; and then does Hob think of it with growing worry and stress, because...what exactly did he give up for this power? what has he yet to give up for it? Maybe his town was right- he’d heard the whispers, part of why he hauled ass to get out of there- maybe he had made a deal with the devil, or a demon. Perhaps, when Hob is more hopeful, he prays he struck a deal with a saint or an angel.
Dream is neither of those things, but medieval peasant Hob doesn’t know that.
Anyway. Yeah I’m having thoughts about what it must have been like for one Hob Gadling to discover his immortality. I mean, using the show as a frame of reference, Hobs taken to it pretty well- in avelera’s original post we know, and can discuss, the fact that Hob seems weary at their first centennial meeting in 1489. He doesn’t know what this stranger wants from him, doesn’t know if he unwittingly agreed to a deal back in 1389 that he now has to make good on. But when Dream tells him that he simply wants to hear of his life, wants to hear what its like being a mortal-turned-immortal in a world Dream so clearly (at the time) holds little regard for...Hob is just Hob about it all. Dream thinks he’s going to say something profound, or wish for death, but instead my man started going on about how great chimneys and card games are. It makes me even more interested in what it must have been like for him to discover his gift- the highs of being able to live life freely, of realising that should that stranger be merciful and grant him more time on earth, he could experience everything under the sun for decades- Hob seems so innately positive, i mean his whole thing is that there’s always more to do and always greener grass to chase. This must be such a contrast to the lows of watching your friends and family die when you don’t, to being watched by your own town for a deal you now realise may not have been in jest at all, to stressing about what exactly you will be asked to give in 1489.
Im. Having thoughts.
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scrb1a · 4 months
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kirbyddd · 5 months
"oh noo we don't put confrontation in animal crossing anymore because some emotionally unstable players cried–"
NO. i want resetti to call me every slur and put cigarettes out on my forehead for forgetting to save.
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untraceable-ace · 5 months
Okay how canonical is the Ace Attorney anime adaptation considered?? Is it considered a separate canon?? I’m relatively new to the games so I’m Very Lost
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A Jetty Won't Last Forever
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homicidalbrunette · 1 year
A bizarrely romantic story about Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova featuring: Gender Exploration, Trans Katya, Bisexual Trixe, Bisexual Katya, Power Top Katya, Power Bottom Trixie, crossdressers in love, the Brians, The band of patient weirdos who work with them, maybe a dead dove do not eat?, i dunno, Katya and Trixie as separate identities from the Brians, gay girl relationship tropes, roleplaying, kink, but also a lot of gross tender feelings and romance, those little amateur dyke romance novelists, us lonely weirdos who love these two homos, Trixie's recent aggressive flirting, alternating POVs, Trixie and Katya Live!
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"I saw Trixie and Katya together. Married.”
“Pretty sure David is exhausted enough with me, let alone a sister wife who sweats like a whore in church.”
“I have been a whore in church and I’m here to tell you the only sweating I was doing was trying to hide my giant throbbing erection from a priest who looked like Andrew Garfield.”
“Then what do you mean, we were married?”
“I mean I saw the two of them as separate entities from you and me.”
“Are you sure you weren’t just having another psychotic break? Because I expect you and your hallucinations to still trot your decrepit form out on that fucking stage every night.”
“It wasn’t a hallucination. It was a vision.”
“Okay then, Miss Cleo. Tell me more about the saga of lesbian love between them.”
Trixie and Katya enter into a lesbian relationship even though the Brians do not. Expect the kind of taking it too far, oversharing, actually kind of sweet, unfettered weirdness that these two are all about. Updating every Wednesday.
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isdalinarhot · 5 months
Deleting the Evi piss post sorry I realized it sucked so bad which is saying something since im wasted. Limited edition. I get nothing erotic out of piss I just enjoy saying provocative things sometimes. But not that provocative. My bad.
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fideidefenswhore · 9 months
[Lady Bryan] went on to praise Elizabeth's character and precociousness, saying that she was 'as toward a child and as gentle of conditions as ever I knew in my life.' She added a hope that the child might be 'set abroad' (in other words, go out in public) on special occasions, and predicted 'that she shall do as shall be the King's honour and hers.' Lady Bryan evidently hoped that Cromwell would relay this to the King and thereby soften his heart a little toward his younger daughter. She signed off with an apology for her 'boldness in writing thus,' which was a little insincere, given everything that had gone before.
Elizabeth’s Women, Tracy Borman
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revengemode · 1 year
i don’t know if you know anons like going to bigger blogs to tell them about things you post so they can get validation from them that you are not a fan
I noticed because the same anons run back with the blogs “answer” 😂
You don’t get a special award/prize for never criticizing things people you rock with do. If you want to live in all positive/fluff world, more power to you.
I don’t need the validation from other blogs, I stand on what I stand on 😁
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emails-i-cant-send · 10 months
This is my 30,000 post
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
...think i might’ve found my lotara sarrin mini
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plus a junior officer, could do “khornate voidsmen” as a theme for this crew rather than “world eaters”
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kindredsuffering · 2 years
callout for sucklet (@\xching1969) and cinder fall sex haver (@/moonchemistwy) for evil malicious bad person behavior
both of these individuals have been up to some nefarious deeds as of late, and it is sickening to see other people not stricking down these foul individuals despite their behavior.
i am here to bring the word of the Truth to all ye who witness, that these two beings have done suchs things as:
impersonation, blackmail, bribery, trasphobia, treason, threatening my good being, ruining the livelihood of hard working men, merging, stealing art or falsely claiming other people’s art as their own, threats, autistic, gross disregard for others hyperfixations, and not limited to these (etc)
i am certain that these two (or soon to be one) will quickly retailate against me and attempt to make it out that i am making false claims about their person(s) despite the fact that i have much evidence to prove that THEY have been doing these horrible things and thinking they are about the consequences. just because you have two minds within one body does not mean that you can’t be held accountable for your previous individual bodies’ actions.
screenshots below cut:
sucklet has been nonstop constantly trying to make me paranoid and convince me i am going to be doxxed, asking me what i would do if i found my full name and social security number in a surreptitious place
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moonchemistry gaslighting the entire rwby fandom when we were simply here to attempt to have some good fun and yet this is how we are treated? like chunks?
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chem is trying to use their mental illnessi (plural of mental illness) as an excuse for their behavior and to coerce me into doing what they want (in this case not making them a soup because i care about them so much and want to be kind to them despite their repeated harassment of my person)
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this event occurred roughly in the middle of Sucklet’s art theft accusation arc, where it tries to claim that the horny police (alter ego The Shining Diamond) stole its art when her signature is very clearly on the art piece in question. this is an attempt to undermine the talents of other artists in order to boost its own pathetic self view
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cinder fall sex haver berating me in DMs and repeatedly convincing me that they do not care about me
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and these is where sucklet tried to make a lovely delightful little fun RP that they and i had been having into an NSFW rp immediately without prior discussing with me and when i tried to redirect what was happening they just kept godmodding my character into having hot gay sex (it was relaly good but thats besides the point)
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discussion occurring shortly after the reveal of IBSKing!Neo and PCOS!Pregnant!Cinder 🫃
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this is just one example of the first of many times they began attempting to dodge any and all consequences
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sucklet out of NO WHERE fucking CAME AT ME in such a hideous manner when i was trying to sharem y super awesome gene editing program i’m partnered with
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i tried to confront sucklet about its outrageous behavior and it denied that it had done any of these things in the first place, with no evidence to back up any sort of forgery or edited messages or going into discord on the website and using the inspector to change what the messages said or anything of that sort that i would never ever do in my life because i am a nice benevolent good person
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moonchemistry (also known as their alter ego Cinder Fall Sex Haver, and their lesser known alter ego janiel) attemped to take my life today, when they had found out that i was drafting this callout post about them they came to me in DMs and assaulted and battered me. i was scarcely able to escape with my life, and they absconded with most of my evidence folder on them (hence most of the screenshots are about chingx1969 (also known as its alter ego sucky fucky wucky, aka king fucklet, aka sucklet))
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as they are a hivemind, sucklet quickly (instantly) learned the same knowledge as chem and attempted to threaten me at the same time in a pincer attack known as the merger double wombo combo extraordinaire (ver. 2)
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clearly the only thing there is to do about this dangerous individual is to put them down. they have gone too far and are beyond recovery or change. the merging process is nearly complete, and if we do not stop them now they will evolve beyond petty things like mortality.
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to my 6 followers: kill
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