#3 of my colleagues have been psychs for 20+ years
oak-and-hurricane · 4 months
my colleagues trust me waaaaay too much
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justimagineok · 1 year
the hate effect || knj || hate me now
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Summary: Kim Namjoon has always been ambitious, even before he became an idol. He always wanted more for himself and didn't mind giving up anything in order to achieve his dreams, even if it meant giving up on you too. But now, 10 years after debuting, the world-renowned idol has finally achieved everything he sought when he was young, but he couldn't be emptier.
Used to his new life where he has everything at his disposal and manages to reach higher and higher places, Namjoon has his usual life interrupted when Hybe hires a new staff, none other than his former youth love: you.
series masterlist
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pairing: idol!namjoon x staff!female reader
genre: series, haters to lovers, angst, fluff
warnings: swearing, angst :)
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"Did you sleep badly?" you asked while applying foundation on his face. The dark circles, like a koala, took residence on his face, casting an aura of fatigue upon him. On his usually serene forehead, faint lines of tension displayed themselves, and his hair seemed as if it had witnessed a battle against sleep itself.
"Can't you tell?" Namjoon grumbled with his eyes closed.
"I'm asking because it impacts my work, Namjoon. Don't flatter yourself."
Namjoon chuckled, briefly opening his eyes. "As you can clearly see, yes, I slept badly. Are you happy now that I've answered your obvious question, only for the sake of small talk?"
You hummed as he closed his eyes again. It was going to be a long fucking day.
"You really aren't making this any easier, Kim Namjoon," you commented, considering how quickly your career would be over if you applied clown makeup instead of regular makeup. It would suit him perfectly.
You didn't take more than 20 minutes and let him continue with his schedule. You would never admit it out loud, but it was incredible how everything fell into place. Namjoon had so many commitments and things going on, and even with the staff helping him, he still managed to stay on top of everything. Always arriving on time, always delivering. Always meeting the sky-high expectations. Too high, actually. But he was always up for the challenge.
Since you weren't responsible for touching up his makeup, as the intern staff had that role, you had time to observe him. You were never in his line of sight, but you could always see him. You noticed how he would always take a deep breath before they started recording an interview or live session, and you could easily distinguish the forced smile he gave when faced with silly questions. You could see how much he enjoyed it when asked about his new album, and you couldn't deny that your heart raced when he smiled so genuinely, revealing his dimples.
As the evening passed, a distant gaze revealed a deeper longing in his eyes. The constant repetition of questions and shallow interactions drained his energy. Each day, the energy required to maintain appearances became increasingly draining, magnifying the emptiness that lurked beneath the surface. The toll of living in the spotlight took its toll on his psyche, leaving him questioning the very essence of his existence.
Sometimes, Namjoon wanted to scream. He wanted to drop everything and leave, crawl into bed, and stay there for days. Without interacting with anyone, without having to live up to anyone. No need to be the idealized Kim Namjoon that he himself created, but who had become a stranger to himself.
During lunchtime, Namjoon and the rest of the team went to his favorite restaurant to eat. The team was too big, so they occupied almost 3 tables. Nara and Seong, his two colleagues and also part of the staff, made sure to sit as close to Namjoon as possible, but he couldn't be more oblivious to it. Everyone quickly took their seats as they entered the restaurant, and Namjoon couldn't help his almost instinctive reaction of keeping an eye on where you were going to sit. He made sure the seat next to him would be empty, placing his bag there, even though it wasn't the best etiquette, and he gave you a quick nod to indicate you should sit there. But you pretended not to see it, sitting at the end of the table. As far away from him as possible.
Namjoon still asked for his favorite food: Jjajangmyeon and he was surprised that you still liked Galbi (tender marinated beef or pork). He didn't fail to notice that you still looked out of place, still wary of the people around you. You were like that when he first met you, too: closed off completely until you felt comfortable with the people around you. Your smiles didn't reach your eyes and you limited yourself to the minimum of small talk. You didn't know any of them.
But you knew him. He wasn't a stranger.
Or maybe he was.
Of everyone there, maybe he was the one you felt the most distant from. Maybe he was the most unknown to you. Someone you once knew.
"Look at them, sitting at that table. They look so happy together.", Seong signed to the couple on the other table who seemed to be completely in love.
Nara turned around to see it too. "I know, right? They're like the epitome of cuteness. I can't help but feel a twinge of envy."
You and Namjoon listened to the conversation between the two women and you wanted to avoid it, but it was too late and your eyes were on each other.
You quickly averted your gaze, focusing on the plate in front of you, but Namjoon couldn't do the same. He hated how you were treating him. As if he were a pest. As if you despised him. Maybe you did hate him after all. But he also knew that he wasn't making it easy for you. With his short and sharp replies, disapproving glances whenever you asked a question he deemed too personal, and even the way he sent you last-minute commitments without even a greeting, he knew that your relationship wouldn't be easy. It was easier to be like this. It would be easier for you to hate him if he were hateable. But he couldn't hate this situation any more. If he allowed himself to feel for a moment everything his heart was screaming, it would all be over. The pain he felt when he left would come crashing like a wave, and he wasn't sure if he could bear it. In that moment, you were there, close to him. Even if you despised him, at least you were near. Even if he could sense the disdain you felt for him, at least he could still feel something. You were there, and in that moment, it was enough for him.
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dino-nugget7 · 11 months
TW: This post is going to be about my experiences as a teacher. This is going to include discussions of covid, child abuse, workplace negligence, and sucidality.
Well, got back on this lovely little hellsite for the first time in about 2 years yesterday. I left here around the time that I had decided to leave teaching. I talked a bit back then about how horrifically oppressive the school system is to students (which is still something I'm pissed about) But I wasn't ready to talk about a lot of the other aspects of the system that disturbed me. I thought I had bipolar disorder because I went through a severe depression and the meds I was put on to cope with that put me through a manic episode which was in some ways scarier than the depressive episode. I haven't had an episode in either direction since leaving. I mention this so you understand how fucked my situation was even if you don't read any farther. I do hope someone reads farther though even though its gonna be a depressing read because I need people to know how horrific it is to work in education, especially rural education.
So here's an exhaustive list of every fucked up aspect of my time as a teacher:
1. Within the first few weeks of being a teacher, a student confided in me about being beaten at home. Of course, I reported it and a few days later the caseworker assigned to that student informed my colleagues and I that the state did find evidence of violence against the student but that it was leaving the student in the home "because the student was 17 and had a history of drug use so there would be no foster families willing to take him." The student was beaten again to the point of ending up in the hospital and the state locked up his stepfather for a few months but left him in the home again with his mother who had let said abuse happen. This is not the worst case of a student experiencing violence at home and not being removed after we reported it that I witnessed. Just the first. I was powerless to help any of them because the safety net they were supposed to have outside of us when horrific shit happens, just...wasn't there.
2. As discussed before I left, I realized that even though I happened to have liked school when I was in, its fucked up how micromanaged every second of the day is for students and how they have no say over what they are learning about. Its fucked up that they are trained to be blindly obedient and forced to stay in spaces and interact with people that cause them suffering.
3. This is pretty specific to the fact that I was in a student self-paced rural alternative school but I was the only science and health teacher both years, the math teacher my first year and the art teacher my second. In a class period with 16 students, it was common for students to be working on 7 different courses. Which would have been fine, I had experience in college running that class structure, but I had no textbooks, no lab materials unless I bought them, very few math and art supplies, and I had to make all of my lesson materials and all 20 curricula from scratch because the curricula I had been handed by my predecessor had been written in 1993 and never updated. Between teaching, meetings, grading, curricula building, classroom upkeep and lab setup I was there every day from 5 am to 7pm at least and often also came in for a few hours on Saturdays.
4. When Covid hit and we all went remote, I spent every day staring at my own face on a webcam for 7 hours because none of the students showed up at all to any of their classes despite us calling the parents we could reach every day and sending emails every day. A few students completed a couple of assignments early on over email but even that didn't happen after a while. I didn't blame them, I know a lot of them were trapped in hell being stuck at home and the rest considered school hell but it fucks with your psyche to spend 35 hours a week forced to stare at yourself on a screen on the slimmest chance someone will show up for 2 months straight.
5. On the last day of school my first year, a parent called and yelled at me about her daughter not getting a science credit and having a 10% in my class. She claimed I never reached out. I pointed out that her daughter refused to do work in my class long before lockdown despite every effort on my part, which she(the parent) knew about based on previous conferences we'd had about this very behavior and forwarded her every email I sent her over the course of lockdown with work she could have done and links to my class zoom meeting if she'd wanted face-to-face help and pointed out every phone call we made. She went to my principal to demand an extension for her daughter into the summer which my principal granted so I got to spend Even More Time staring at my own face because Surprise surprise, her daughter still didn't show up or complete any assignments but I didn't recieve further berating from that parent about it at least.
6. When we went back to in person teaching I was the only adult in the building who took the mask mandate seriously so my classroom was the only one where students were wearing masks at all and I had to fight them tooth and nail about it because my roommate's son was immunocompromised and could not afford to get sick but because I was the only teacher fighting that battle, it got harder and harder instead of easier and a lot of students I had built good relationships with the previous year started to hate me for being so strict and I had to go get that test where they shoved a swab all the way up into your sinus cavity every single week until the vaccine came out. When I opened up to my colleagues about the stress this was causing me and why I cared so much (which I really didn't feel like I should have had to justify in the first place), they told me to "relax about it, kids aren't even the ones dying," entirely ignoring that I was in direct contact with a kid who could have, in fact, died from it. This was the straw that caused me to put in my resignation.
7. All of the above put me in a mental state where I had to call a suicide hotline and take an emergency few days off work because I couldn't physically get myself out of bed. I got put on those meds that made me manic but they take a few weeks to kick in at all and I contractually could not take that long off and couldn't have afforded to do so anyways so still in full-blown suicidal depression, my first day back was Parent Teacher Conference Night, which is exhausting and terrible at the best of times. My principal knew I was mentally unwell and had told me if I needed any accommodation as I readjusted to let her know so I asked if I could sit out conferences or at the very least have someone else in the room with me since the school was so small that every teacher had every student. She said no, that it was a privacy issue (which was untrue because we did whole-staff parent meetings All The Time for students with particularly concerning behaviors and because again we all taught everyone and had daily staff meetings about student progress and concerns so we all knew everything about everyone but even so she could have been the one to sit with me) I pointed all of this out and she told me, "Well being a teacher isn't about you, you have to put the students above yourself." When I had been doing that nonstop for two years to the point that I was in the mental hole I was in. I was in such a fucked up place that a lot of the parents noticed it and tried to check in on me as I started falling asleep or forgot what I was saying midsentence.
8. When I did my exit interview at the end of the year my principal told me that I was a great teacher and she hoped I'd return to the field someday even if it was in a different setting because students deserved someone who was constantly the voice in the room advocating for them even when their own parents and other teachers stopped doing so. This was the first meeting I ever had where I was told I was a good teacher rather than being constantly told what i should be improving on as I drowned trying to even lay a foundation for myself.
Despite everything it still breaks my heart to realize it will never be healthy for me to go back to teaching even if I was in a district with better supports because of how much trauma I've been left with and because of how jaded about the entire system i am. I loved the teaching part of my job. I loved those moments where students showed me projects they were proud of and when they finally understood concepts that had them stuck. I loved empowering students to make positive decisions and to come out of their shells in my class. I loved when I managed to create lessons that hit that learn something-have fun sweet spot. I loved when I was able to let students incorporate their real interests into what we were learning or even let them be the experts on a topic. I still have art students gave me. I know despite it grinding me down to a husk of myself, I was good teacher and I could have eventually been an excellent one. Its true that Teaching is more than a job, its a calling. But I'm no use to anyone dead.
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nityarawal · 1 year
Dear Judge Nadia-
I've been working with Supervising PD Mathew Robert's office since 2016 on this case- in all it's forms- which originated from atty Lori Clark Viviano's office on real estate fraud.
My x- husband hired her & Christopher Sunnen to complete real estate and Settlements of assets on divorce in 2017.
Instead They hired investigator Mark Milton to beat me into ICU out of Blue Shield Insurance, home, kids, Support, assets, etc. And screamed "crazy" at legitimate appraisals & pre-approvals from lenders on buy out of 1067vNeptune Ave. Beachcomber in Encinitas, cA 92014.
Atty Ashby Clark Sorrenson and Paralegal Grant Funk lied about defending my real estate and family. 
They're not licensed for those two important legal tasks so quit with restraining orders and attempted life with X's team of attys dozens of times coupled with slumlordingd and financial cyber abuse to hide complicit lies; similar to #FreeBritney in extreme psychologicial warfare and abuse.
I passed mental competency numerous times and what National Board of Realtors and I have found- as a Realtor for over 20 years in California- is that these attys failed to practice "Ethics" and "Race" laws with officers and judges on endless bribes and slumlordings/murders! 
Attys Ashby & Grant bullied me into a plea bargain with gigolo actor rockstar paralegal poser Darin David Joye to hide Marine violence in 2017- I said no to 3 min later in right of recision!
I reported all to US and Global leaders - Congressman Scott Peters stated this to be a "civil emergency" to all legal aid hotlines in Sandiego on a 211 recorded line in 2021 - and said I was to have kids and assets returned! Instead tgey raped me for 10 mo in detention thru 2022! I couldn't even go to tax appointment he set up for me since wrongfully increased. I paid CPA Amy Arronson several hundred dollars to do taxes and IRS failed to comply with rebates! It's December! Dmv.org is also blackbalking moms w/ x team consultants! 
VP Kamala Harris - as DA- was aware of these crimes and murders against women at large in California and promised to help as Senator- yet 5 years later- friends & I are still witnessing endless rape, murder, DNA theft, data exploitation with all cellular, wireless, wifi, banks, cars, dmv, IRS etc. Because of current divorce frauds. 
It's been massive smear campaign against women.
We'd like to press charges against Judge Mathew Brower & PD Mathew Robert's and their DAs for in-house domestic racist terrorism against my family with employees Christopher Stapleton And Jay Curatolo, Olesya Adam's, Jordan, Peter Pwen & countless rotation newbie Minions. Colleagues atty Ashby "Clark" Sorrenson, officer Mark Milton, murderer Mark Ritchie and all bribed nazi cops/drs/attys involved in insurance court custody scam with IEHP Obama care & Blue Shield insurances losing class actions; slumlordings with local brokers like Sothbys- who stole beach home listing from own agent; and referred agent to settle with; Persian broker Neda Nourani!
My profession & colleagues have been attacked by a gross criminal system;
Complicitly breed in Sandiego/Riverside/LA courts for many years; and my x's BFF Daniel Smachtenbergerwas groomed as a child in weaponising divorce and Pedophilia with Dr. Gardner method and drugs.
My children and I were victim of same Psyche drugs as Daniel Smachtenberger's Guru "Osho" Rajneesh pushed on people, in, "Wild Country," on Netflix documentary. Drug Halidol is illegal! 
It freezes sex organs & sterilized me and millions of good moms! Need damages for #FreeBritney & I!
911 Charles also raided homes on bribes for Obama phone request and raped with local gay cops on 54398 Valkeyview Idyllwild, CA 92549 home/ Idyology work raids for atty atty Ashby Clark Sorrenson & boss Psychologist Carmel Benson/ RE atty Ken Carlsson/ x team on wrongful arrests with Lexus/Idyllwild Realty to smear me as a Mom- realtor- songer- journalist & create "crazy" narrative that's not true.
I passed mental competency countless times yet PDs have time to read docs and represent us etgically- Mr. Robert's continually threatened to rape and murder me- his terrorists still harassing me- as you can see on falsified orders of hos defense fraud. 
I want to press maximum charges against all attys and sex workers on X team through Dr's & attys of choice funded by my own assets! 
Dr. Sunil Christopher Rawal was duplicitous with BFF (f*** buddy?) Daniel Smachtenberger- Famous Ted X Talk- Guru Coach on "weaponising kids & women!"
Diane Monteil Silverman- "my" real estate client and cheating paralegal "W" - lied about our case to CPS and referred her "retiring" brother in law atty/psychologist pedo Alan Silverman of bay area and Carlsbad; her "Retiring" atty Jeff Fritz- whom we also worked with tirelessly for 7 years- to help get her multi million dollar home thru Vista Court custody battle with Jewish bany dady Philanthropist harem owner Jim Greenbaum!
Yet all Charlatan attys refused to help my family settle.
Then Diane Monteil Silverman referred X to atty Lori Clark Viviano- also conflict of interest- as she represented my clients Bonnie Fletcher (of attempted murder scandal with x Hans Peterson on news!) and famous global Hera Hub owner Felena Hansen!
There's been many conflicts of interests!
Daniel Smachtenberger's girlfriends & wife are famous hookers on "Married & Dating" polyamorus x-rated Showtime Show.
My X Husband is fraternising with sex stings in their homes. No one wants our kids exposed to hornet sting!
See homeworks before you ever judge my mental health again!
Atty Lori Clark Viviano is nothing but a prostitute of Courts for Charles Viviano & larger atty pimps like her divorce atty Jeff Fritz! 
Most 1000's of attys interviewed said in so many words; there was a "conflict of interest" because they've slept with Lori, enjoyed sex sting services of her sordid clients murdering and raping our families and communities, or were scared of Bazi services & suffered as victims.
I need maximum insurance on every attys head that wrongfully harassed us with restraining orders like Ashby Clark Sorrenson & his former boss Mathew Roberts/Sherry Stone in Vista PD. 
My Forensic Psychologist Dr. Adam Cash- wrote "Psychology For Dummies" says I'm a genius with words in top .001%.
Already stated by Dr. Murphy in 2017 for Sandiego/Vista courts on Ashby Clark Sorrenson & Jay Curatolo's file.
Forensic Dr. Murphy of Vista, felt dumb officers were trying to kill my intelligence with hurtful toxic drugs then and was concerned. He tried to Avert danger, yet attys continually attack us in domestic in-house terrorism with violent "Oath-keeper" officers on bribes for wrongful perverted sexual-assaults/"wrongful" arrests on their own expired ROs! 
I shouldn't have to discuss gay dick's ego of Ashby Clark Sorrenson; my infertile X atty who lied to all of us 4 years ago. 
Please de-license all of them!
Re-instate my home at 1067 Neptune Ave in Encinitas 92024 along with business EncinitasBeachHome.com & rawalventures.com as well as #Fairshare4childrem & I of ponzi scheme rolling it into rawalconsulting.com- I was never "crazy" and shouldn't have been smeared by violent attys/judges/officers in this self sabotaging glutinous smear campaign over my fair access to my assets & kids; rightfully deserved Alimony and support on a 16+ year marriage, 20 yeard real estate career as a investor moghul, with two divine children; estranged in slavery for 6 years!  
Look at their files; lies, lies, lies!
PD Jay felt DA Summer Stephan failed to provide violent footage from investigator Mark Milton because she's blackballed by a racists "Boy's Club" community; cant be reached; with his own boss Mathew Robert's and DA's/Judges.
We were all disgusted with student Daniel Hidalgo's counter investigation in 2016 for us- no follow up or accountability held for racist violent court staff. Bad Customer Service & violation of investigation with fraud. 
We just need a "peace treaty" for family and own assets to get our homes, businesses and appropriate Dr's.
Forensic Dr. Cash wants me to have representatives who still have balls to testify in court. 
He has PTSD Like me and thank God finally diagnosed me appropriately! 
Dr. Cash is terrified of DA violence in Courts, after witnessing a decade of back room handshakes on divorcee murders in Riverside DA Michael Hestrin & gay cop Sheriff Chad Bianco/Jeremy Parsons militia too.
We absolutely don't want to work with anyone on existing x-team in CA and all appear bribed on smear campaign for domestic terrorists.
Press damages please, and stop this Sordid abuse on my family and all effected in #FreeBritney #WeHeardYou divorcees civil activists. 
Call it a new #nityalaw4eternity that brings moms and kids back into US Constitution.
My children need me.
Alienation is a disease of British courts.
We don't feel it serves our families in USA. 
To hate one's parents severs ones ties with faith, God, and morality. 
Military and Government hurt our families with in-house Domestic Terrorism thru Divorce Courts & PDs bribes- endless lies in smear campaign- and murders.
My kids need "Mom" now as do you- our world needs all of these strong Moms  back at home, to be a voice of reason in this time of turmoil and civil war.
No good Mother agrees to her Sisterhood and Children being raped.
We were sold out by Judge Kelly Mok, Commissioner Ratekin, Marine Vet pedo Mathew Brower to endless Criminal judges and dozens of PDs/Oath Keeper cops that also don't know law or ethics; nor respect and stay updated implementing government orders!
No understanding of current laws!
This is an expired restraining order Christopher Stapleton is currently bullying me on from one of your own public defender graduates- posing as a family lawyer on my case- and harassing many other celebrities/royals in my community.
Ashby Clark Sorrenson should not be practicing law, nor have custody of invitro, children he created in Mexican labs illegally for sex sting with body parts of Mexicans; stole my money for real estate family settlement with gigolos, while he lied and pushed Gag orders! 
I refused Vista court Gag orders 4 years ago with Ashby Clark Sorrenson & then fiance Darin David Joye as my witness- never served RO- no proof- and attys lie continually on police reports. ( For sex services with sting! 
Daniel Smachtenberger's wife, prostitute & Pole Dancer Roxanne DePalma, hooker services to all these Marine Officers, Judges and attys at pole-dancing facilities in Oceanside & Encinitas for court's criminal bribes. She supports her "pimp" husband, defiling millions of marriages globally, grooming businessmen to murder and rape harems of cultures in AI gencide with Physicists! 
My ex was also infected & exposed to their hooker massage therapist Sonya Sweitch Goodwin- also harassing and trespassing in our homes. 
I have her lingerie and hotel receipts for sex services rendered as proof. 
She's groomed by Marine pimp father from TX- but National Domestic Violence hotline there is aware of their military rape & pedophilia issue- yet take bribes to advertise in CA and refuse protection nationally to families- this is false advertising on court websites! 
Obviously they dont stop these sex sting originating in Texas either! )
PD Christopher Stapleton knows Ashby intimately from years as bros in court, enjoys same "boy's club," with Gof only knows what drugs & sex services to scratch his itches, and said he's "never known a cop to tell truth, "on any police report."
That's a fact from a Public Defender of 20+ years he failed to disclose appropriately in a timely manner to courts as did 1000's of his colleagues needing to provide reperations before reemployment for Elon in China. 
Why do you give uneducated morons (toilette monitors) in government testimony precedence over realtors/journalists and moms with masters and doctorates in court?
Attys and judges are not licensed nor educated to practice real estate law with their thugs and militia, they hire to murder community in name of Marshall Law, on vanity cases!
This is a civil war in Courts and it must stop! 
If you are a Judge of ethics with integrity you will settle this now, as requested of courts millions of times! 
If not- you need to go too- and we need a new system.
We suffer long term covid now in my family and PTSD from court abuse, yet therapist Dr. Tima Ivanova - of Inland Empire Health Plan #Obama insurance gaslighters, whom we completed several years of therapy with in Sep.- Says she has PTSD too from murder of our property manager Emily Pearson and husband last year. As medical witness- her BFF was there- she's also been forced to lie about pathology reports on bribes for Idyllwild Realty Shane Stewart/Atty Ken Carlsson & local Sheriff/brokers/attys/IEHP/UnitedWay/PNCbank in sex sting to Dr. Adam Cash & I! 
We felt it was a conflict of interest for IEHP insurance to refer an insider on domestic terrorism- like Dr. Ivanova- under circumstances. 
Tima tried to re-refer atty Ken Carlsson - another intimate relation of hers- whose also already my real estate atty and failed to perform since 2018 on 6+ estates he was retained for on lane website & promised to settle! He certainly gets fat dining at Idyology & nightly locally around town on our dime and bribes! I served him & gf weekly for 6 months- yet he failed to serve us back! 
Sex sting tries to hide abuse from Idyllwild Realty there too and United Way slumlording over 400+ tenants- losing Emily Pearson's murdered managers - raped tenants contracts- in a 40% housing crisis!
Shane Stewart and Sotheby's Neda Nourani broker in Sandiego- needs to be arrested with x-cop Keith Harper here on many big investors real-estate murder scams originating in Sandiego!
I'm a journalist of 30+ years.
All is posted at @nityalakshmi108 @nityalakshmi for legal empire with proof and notes to legal team on @twitter - full disclosure law. 
I miss my children, parents and homes.
All my Dr's are very impressed with my knowledge of nutrition and practice of Ayurveduc Indian medicine and vitamins to balance hormones and psyche; cleanse hospital toxins. 
I'm healing myself now after war on my family in covid Germ Warfare. 
They need me. As do you. 
One Woman taking stand for sisters creates global Miracles. 
Every divorcee in California needs you to stop #Obamacare (see: "I Care Alot" on Netfix & #FramingBritney) "care not court" people beg daily on twitter; stop murder AI Rape.
Many police reports available filed in Sandiego, Riverside & Metropolitan LA against x team pedos for rape & hospitalizations from Marine's head injuries.
I'm moving home to birthstate Illinois, school state Iowa, North Carolina Spiritual Center- I co-created, or my extended family in Hawaii, Canada and France beckon; if you can't mediate today; and expedite this professionally with ethical defenders. 
No More "continuances," on  bribed, smear play books.
I'm a mother #1.
That's my job.
If you are a Mom you know tbis role, and you have a duty to keep those bonds alive with respect and dignity to our kids.
It doesn't serve our officers to hate; murder and rape moms/kids- nor groom terrorists like Daniel Smachtenberger to breed incest from Riverside courts in Sandiego by age 16yo in colleges as a child prodigee of pedophilia. 
The 1000's of Officers we were abused by are weak terrified bullies, self sabotaging their own industry of defense like fools, and have nor been appropriate defense team for my Army family.
Please have all attys/officers/judges/DA delicensed on our cases. 
Elon Musk wants them for manufacturing in China! See Tesla jobs for attys there!
And, I need you all to "Rewind" this to 2017 and settle all real estate fraud on over a dozen homes, plus dozens of businesses, aps and foul play for decades against my father John D. Huntley of US Army & grandfather George Haydn Huntley of US Army & I. 
We decline all government services of slavery - need children- with full reperations of assets plus insurance and damages.
I'm happy to donate 10% comission to woman's housing charity in your name too; and any attys/officers that come clean like Sheriff Hanby, Mariano, Lopez & Lardaby - to stop honor Killings by accomplices Judge Clark, Dr. Singh, Dr. Anderson & Dr. Tongue in Las Calinas Detention- will be rewarded adequately by team Mother Maui. 
Legal professionals contributing to new peace orders for #FreeBritney #WeHeardYou and I will be compensated with voice to take a stand in our campaign for truth & #Justice4Children- fathered by Dalai Lama and Pope Francis @pontifex 
@Potus President Biden and mothered by DA VP Kamala Harris, her 2nd Husband atty Doug Emhoff, and atty sister Meena Harris with literary queen & mom Dr Jill Biden @flotus 
Nitya Huntley Rawal
Twitter Journalist: @nityalakshmi108 
PS Judge Nadia- last time I went to court with Atty Ashby Clark Sorrenson in 2017von this issue- my letters were sealed. 
I am posting this on @tumblr and uploading to @twitter Mathew Rosengart #FreeBritney team for copyright and full disclosure purposes for my extended families. 
I feel we have a civil responsibility to whistleblow on violent attys & officers/judges/DA creating crime in in-house domestic terrorism.
My Persian Armenian atty Roseline Farrel had to marry a judge to get protection after her and kids were abused in court's system. She doesn't like fraternising with alcoholic sex sting of courts, but has had no choice to survive- pimped in. 
Tulsi Gabbard also had to step down in Hawaii as Senator due to political terrorism. 
These "Mom" racist political crimes need to stop now! 
0 notes
jp-todd · 3 years
Watched the Snyder cut and here are my main criticisms (I did watch the Whedon one way back in 2017 and pretty sure I blocked it out from absolute rage):
1) THATS NOT HOW MOTHER BOXES WORK. They don't combine together to destroy worlds??? They're basically just sentient supercomputers that can combine with matter and teleport. The only "Unity" I can think of is that alien species in that one episode of BTAS.
2) I have a lot of issues with the characterization of Batman and how Gotham citizens in general act.
a. Several comments are made like "I didn't think [Batman was] real," an officer gives a sketch of a parademon that looks like Batman and insinuates it might be Batman attacking these citizens. And it would make sense for a new batman but they comment that Batman has been fighting crime for 20 years so it doesn't make sense? Especially for people who live in Gotham during the years Batman has been fighting crime to make these comments.
b. I generally don't like a lot of live action batman's because they always try to make him dark and grim and depressed and completely ignore the whole part of his personality where he cares so fucking much. This point is more a criticism of DCEU batman as a whole not just Snyder Batman
c. BATMAN WOULD NEVER JUST INFORM SEVERAL PEOPLE HES NEVER MET HIS SECRET IDENTITY. Like his man, who according to the writers and directors lost a Robin (they differ between whether it's Jason or Dick) would know secret identities are important! That you or someone you love could die if someone got a hold of that information and used it for evil. He doesn't know who the fuck Barry, Arthur, and Victor are and doesn't know whether to trust them with that info. Also he doesn't even let half the Justice League know who he unless he has to in most comics!
d. Honestly I could scream to high heaven about the characterization of Batman, Alfred, Robin, and the Gotham Rogues in the DCEU for a looooonnnnnggg time. Let me know if you are interested in my thoughts and maybe I'll do that.
3) Barry Allen has Wally West's personality and it generally annoys me that so many studios are doing this. They take the original superhero (ie. Peter Parker/Barry Allen) and replace their personality with the next version (Miles Morales/Wally West). I also feel like they depowered him a lot. Like his healing factor is soooooo slow, much slower than it should be.
4) They name dropped the Lanterns and the proceeded to do NOTHING with them. I'm sorry, the Lantern corps aren't going to come help when Darksied (who they 100% know about) is trying to take over Earth? Not even the Lantern who's sector that is??????
5) Martian Manhunter randomly shows up disguised as Martha Kent for like no reason????? Please explain???? No??? Okay I guess..... Is he gonna come help save the world? No? Okay????
6) Okay I absolutely love the Death of Superman/Reign of Supermen storyline and I'm generally so annoyed we didn't get a glimpse of Kon/Lex trying to clone Supes.
7) If the farm is foreclosed upon, why is all their shit still there??? Like they showed her leaving and moving away at the beginning????? I'm confused.
8) I generally feel if there were more movies made before this movie, several parts would make more sense/be more impactful such as when Superman comes back. That would have been a heart wretching to see Superman not remember any of his friends and colleagues and fight them. But the scene you end up with is just kinda a well what did you expect? And the characters would have been way more fleshed out if there were more movies giving us their origins/personality/goals/events in their life. Like Barry says as he's going back in time "Got to break the rules" which means he has been told by someone (Speed force god?) or there has been some event which he understands this is wrong (Like Flashpoint!)
9) I did not like Darksied coming to the planet to conquer it 5000 years ago and just leaving and accepting defeat??? Also where is Granny Goodness, Barda, the Furies, all the other Apokolipsians and New Gods??? They would help try to conquer Earth!!! (Also Darksied, bruh, put a shirt on, it's making me uncomfortable. I DONT LIKE IT)
10) I fucking hate Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor and Lex would have never been caught and thrown in a psych hospital but like why the fuck is he in Arkham????? Is there no mental hospitals in Metropolis??? And why is he hiring Deathstroke to kill Bruce Wayne? And Deathstroke doesn't know who Bruce is??? Is there no League of Assassin's in this universe????
In conclusions, it's so much better than Whedon's shit show and I think it's great we get to see what could have been. I do honestly think with more movies leading up to this movie would have fixed most of my criticisms but all in all, it was decent.
(but like watch Justice League: War, it's better)
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h3l10tr0p3 · 5 years
I am obsessed with this, okay? please ignore my word vomit and scroll away (I can't seem to use the cut for some reason) Gomenasai!
Izuku cracking the exam like Akane Tsunemori and Katsuki being the Law Enforcer/ Latent Criminal with a police badge- (who is like 3 years older than Izuku). So the psychopass world is governed by this spontaneous cymatic brain scanner thingies which basically calculate your emotional state with a number (by a computer system called Sibyl, but here we'll call it A41) called Psychopass right? If this crime coefficient is above 100 it means you are likely to commit a crime (a Latent Criminal) and, the public safety bureau can paralyze you and imprison you, if over 300 it means you are lethal to society and they are authorized to kill you. And ofcourse they get their own cool Dominator guns to blast people to organic mush.
Psychopass is a fickle thing. When you are under stress it can shoot up easily, so regular mental care and strong minds are valued a lot in current society. Having a low psychopass or a ‘clear hue' is encouraged, while having a high psychopass or a ‘cloudy hue' is looked down upon. Criminals and Latent Criminals alike are considered harmful and recieve harsh treatment. They are not even considered human most of the times.
So enter newbie Midoriya Izuku, Inspector of the public safety bureau, who is supposed to learn the ropes under the guidance of his laconic senior Iida, an Inspector, as the newest member of Unit 1 MWPSB. Iida and Katsuki are always clashing and he refuses to believe that the Enforcers, being latent Criminals or ‘hunting dogs'( as they are referred to) are not to be trusted as they are sub-human. Shouto, Kyouka, Shinsou and Denki are also Enforcers like Katsuki who are appointed under Tenya and Izuku.
On their first case, Katsuki is haughty towards Izuku and constantly mocks him for his inexperience while chasing a criminal. He nicknames him Deku for being useless and letting the criminal get away. The search gets really intense and Katsuki proves himself to be a seasoned ‘hunting dog' to smoke out the criminal but his methods are near brutal. The criminal reveals his connection to the LoV when finally cornered and Katsuki flies into fury. During which Izuku is forced to paralyze Katsuki because his psychopass was skyrocketting on the chase and Izuku was afraid he'd exceed 300 and become a criminal irrevocably.
Katsuki has to be hospitalized and Izuku feels horrible as he let the criminal get away and hurt Katsuki. But Katsuki finally acknowledges that Izuku does have the balls to finally fire a Dominator gun, something he was reluctant to aiming at anyone before. But Katsuki says that firing a Dominator isn’t equivalent to earning the title of an Inspector, and that is something ‘Deku’ has to work for. Pouting at Katsuki's insistence to use that name, Izuku retaliates by calling him ‘Kacchan'. Katsuki almost breaks his bed restraints trying to get up and kick Izuku for such a cutesy nickname.
Izuku quickly understands that most Enforcers didn't approve of him yet, and even Katsuki ignores him for most of the time. He feels like they need him to prove himself in order to give him their acknowledgement. But as days go by and different cases are encountered, Unit 1 realizes that Izuku, with his unfaltering dedication, superb observation and analytical skills, is a force to be reckoned with. And if that weren't enough, Izuku reveals that he is an autodidact Mentalist – someone who is able to Trace the Criminal’s actions with exceptional psych profiling and sheer empathy. This makes Izuku's psychopass highly fluctuant- from single digits to numbers edging on 100. It makes him a little reckless and fearsome but the little Inspector soon makes friends with everyone except Katsuki, but Izuku, emboldened by his dear friend Uraraka’s advice, is determined to get him to open upto him.
Once, during a stakeout, when they are alone, Izuku tries to get Katsuki to open up and mentions why Izuku wanted to be an Inspector after Katsuki commented that he still considers his optimistic and cheerful personality inappropriate for the job.
Izuku tells him that as a child he was terribly sick all the time and he was really depressed because of it. Most children go through psychopass milestones like babies and toddlers have developmental milestones. Children are born with high psychopasses because they have yet to be integrated into society completely. It's one reason why A41 doesnt read psychopasses of children under 9 routinely, but once in 6 months. (Denki is also an example of a child whose pyschopass was abnormally high past the age of 10, and he was forced to become an Enforcer or go to jail, so he chose the former) Izuku's psychopass was too high for his age since he was 4 because of his extraordinary empathetic abilities, and people judged him superficially for it. His body was really weak too, and very few people knew that, so he was constantly bullied as well. When he was 9 he had to get brain surgery done so he was in the hospital a lot. Yagi Toshinori was admitted in the hospital around the same time and they became gast friends. The Inspector often enthralled Izuku with stories and cases, he often forgot Izuku's tender age and spoke of gruesome crime scenes to him as if it were natural to do so. Izuku, himself, was so awed by the courage and heroism of the Inspector that he has dreamt of becoming one himself since. Izuku ends by mentioning that after he finally went through the surgery, Toshinori never came back to see him again, but Izuku wanted to meet him. Katsuki grows pensive and remorseful at the name of Yagi Toshinori, which makes Izuku curious. When he asks if Katsuki knows the man, he is met with the curt answer, “ Toshinori is dead. Has been for a long while".
Shocked, Izuku gulps. He isn't too surprised to hear that because Toshinori was a very frail man when they had met. It was unlikely that he lived for long. But Izuku still cries profusely over him as Katsuki silently watches him sob and feels guilt rip through his chest.
There are countless times where Katsuki saves Izuku's life or reprimands Izuku for being so reckless, and each time, Izuku feels getting more intrigued and charmed by his explosive blond colleague. How can he not be? Especially after seeing how Katsuki takes down a combat bot with his bare fists at the training gym? (Izuku blushes a deep red, averting his eyes from sweat-glistened washboard abs and insisting that Katsuki wear a goddamn shirt because geez! You are so distracting, Kacchan!!!)
They grow close over the several life-threatening incidents they encounter. Izuku manages to get Katsuki to open up about the littlest of things and takes immense joy in each little successful interaction. Katsuki doesn't understand why Izuku is so happy for such small things, but it warms his cockles in an unfamiliar way. No matter how much he pushes it away, Izuku has wormed his way under his skin and made some kind of home in him. Katsuki eventually stops fighting this warm feeling.
Their relationship deepens over solving cases, they grow closer and closer. Katsuki starts to teach him how to fight, spars with him in training room. Katsuki comes to know that Izuku had a frail body and shot nerves (thus his high pain tolerance) and hardly any money for proper treatment. Izuku has put years of effort into overcoming his weaknesses. He might not be the strongest fighter, but he is efficient and knows to hit where it hurts. And frankly, Katsuki is impressed by his dedication. After a particularly exhausting case, when Izuku is bogged down about being too late to save some victims, Katsuki invites him to his quarters for some well-deserved dinner because Izuku has been running himself ragged without food for several days.
They start bonding over drinks and Katsuki finally feels it's time to tell Izuku about his past. He tells him how he was once a Inspector like Izuku himself, but because of his fault his senior, Enforcer Toshinori Yagi was murdered in a very gruesome manner. The perpetrators were related to LoV. The loss of his mentor and the associated trauma caused Katsuki's psychopass to rise beyond 100 and he was demoted to Law Enforcer. But despite that Katsuki continues his fervent search for the LoV. Izuku is shocked to hear this but he comforts Katsuki and tells him that he wants to help.
As their cases get harder to crack and Izuku starts spending more time with Katsuki, and he sees all the gruesome, traumatizing things that make his Psychopass climb steadily from stable 20s to 60s and so on – Iida confronts him and tells Izuku to stay away from Katsuki. He explains that Izuku is becoming more reckless, violent and brutal in his methods due to Katsuki, and although these methods always give results they are unreliable. but Izuku refuses to listen to him.
So an LoV related case comes up where Izuku gets seperated from the rest, Katsuki is going crazy to get him back and Izuku finally meets the guy behind the LoV, Tomura Shigaraki who has kidnapped Uraraka in an indirect attempt to lure out Katsuki buy baiting Izuku instead. LoV wants Katsuki to drop the investigation, maybe even lure him to their side since he has a penchant for destruction. Tomura threatens to kill Uraraka and goads Izuku to try and shoot him with the Dominator. However, the dominator refuses to acknowledge Shigaraki and his psychopass is shown unreadable. However, the dominator catches the psychopass of Uraraka, who under stress has a fatally high number. Izuku realizes the dominator will only hurt the victim and not Shigaraki. He refuses to wield the dominator, but Tomura goads him to shoot him anyway and throws an old-fashioned gun at him, urging him to make his own decisions instead of letting A41 making that decision for him.
For the first time ever since he fired a Dominator n Eliminator mode Izuku is torn about taking a life without A41's judgement.
Just when Katsuki breaks into the scene, he watches Izuku take the shot at Tomura. The shot grazes Tomura, but he is mostly uninjured. Uraraka is killed by Tomura. (r.i.p Uraraka T_T). Tomura escapes, but Izuku is a mess. He cannot accept that he tried to actually kill a person. Katsuki tries to comfort him, but soon Izuku's emotions swing from despair to cold rage.
At this moment Iida busts in and threatens Katsuki to stay away by aiming the Dominator at him
Katsuki tries to cover Izuku from the Dominator cause he knows Izuku's psychopass might exceed 100 right now in his emotional state. And it reads Katsuki's psychopass perfectly. But Izuku walks around Katsuki and in a quiet deadly fury he asks Katsuki to move away. Then he challenges the Dominator/A41 system to read his psychopass and give him a reason to believe that it works when it didn't work on Tomura.
Katsuki tries to drag him back but too late
The Dominator reads Izuku's pyschopass at it's highest limit 999. But before it can switch from the Non lethal paralyzer mode to Lethal Eliminator - Izuku's psychopass changes to 000.
Iida believes his Dominator is glitching. But Katsuki and Izuku both know from previous doubts that the A41 system is flawed and it cannot read psychopass of certain people.
Turns out, Izuku is one of them
(i love the idea of them weilding Dominators)
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atimefordragons · 4 years
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[ T S E S A R E V N A  ... ]
My incomplete audition for Gem Quest, didn’t have the time to participate properly, let alone finish my audition from all the other groups (yeah, I don’t know what time management is and have no idea how to pace myself). 
“В небе далеком горит звезда, | In distant heaven star shines Не одинока и не одна | It's not alone and not the one Каждый себе выбирает путь | Everyone choose their own way И она не даст свернуть | And star won't allow them to turn Не закрывай глаза | Don't close your eyes Смотри она ведет тебя.. | Look, it leads you...”
-  Звезда (Dima Bilan ft Anna Belan)
Real Name: Yekatrina “Katya/Rina” Anatolyevna Raevskaya
Age: 26
FC: Alia Bhatt
Species & Class: Dragonborn & Mage-Knight
Guild: Moonstone
Description of In-Game Powers: (what their fantasy species lets them do, basically, and all the associated drawbacks)
A dragonborn is a cross-bred species, born from the bloodline of either a human or an elf, and a Great Dragon (highly evolved, ancient dragons that can cast spells, and shit, and even speak the human tongue). Because great dragons are rare, most dragonborn are second generation or later. In the case of Tsesarevna, an ice dragon and a human (not a first gen).
Dragonborns have a natural affinity for magic, particularly elemental, even more specifically for the element of the dragon type whose blood they inherited, in the case of Tsesarevna, frozen water related magic, ice, frost, snow.
Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Appearance: (optional textual description/notes of wardrobe, features not represented by fc, etc)
Places Most Likely to be Found In-Game: Level 20 - A Midwinter Night’s Dream (I see what you did there Ayz) and Level 38 - Murias Pass (the snow reminds her of home, ya know. The cold never bothered me anyway), also sometimes Level 39 - The Dragon, but she’s technically stuck on that level because she refuses to kill the Dragon, issa zaldrīzo ānogar.
Current Inventory:
History Book: The Dragon King Festival
Strongest character trait: eurovision knowledge Confidence (in herself and some others)
Strengths: Katya is almost surprisingly determined, it contradicts with the rest of her “I’ve never had to work hard to get what I want in my life” type personality, but she is persevering and stubborn, when she wants something, she won’t stop until she gets it. Which in her real life was never very difficult getting.  
Weaknesses: Where to even start? Spoiled Princess Brat (she has never not gotten what she wants in her life, and it shows), impatient, impulsive, not exactly a team player (I mean, she is now, but that shady shit she pulled back when she first started playing kinda got her a rep), arrogant, prideful, kind of a bitch (doesn’t really think of it as a weakness, but ya know, it’s hard to make friends), dragon obsession (refuses to kill dragons, even in order to advance the game, got herself and party members killed early on in the game ‘cause of it), kind of an adrenaline junkie, and reckless af. She doesn’t really consider the consequences of the game, wholeheartedly believes her dad, fam and connections in the real world will get her out soon enough, so has no problem running head first into fire (”I’m too hot to die in a video game”).
Player Stats: (on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the weakest, 10 being the strongest. try to balance it out!)
Personality:  “Haven’t you ever seen a princess be a bad bitch before?”
Haha, yeah, but mostly, she’s just a massive nerd. She’s such a fucking nerd. Bitch learned Quenya and Sindarin just for kicks, and her own amusement. Literally no one else in her irl circle even fucking knows what those two things are (Elvish tongues in Tolkien).
As the baby of a two large families, and the only daughter of a Russian oligarch, Katya is incredibly spoiled, and very much self-centered. Something of a downplayed celebutante, she is not quite as present at every single high society, high fashion event in Russia, or elsewhere in Europe, she only goes to a handful. And really only for the free stuff, she loves stuff. Katya maintains a somewhat disinterested high social status, as she is the daughter of a major industrialist, and friends with other, higher profile wealthy Russian heirs and heiresses, and there are benefits (so many), but she isn't quite interested in attaining spotlight or attention. However, she also perceives it as something that is just naturally part of her life. She uses a lot of hand gestures when speaking, and tends to give off a naive-princessy vibe who seems to think the world revolves around her. Which, to be fair, it does in her house -she does know that it doesn’t actually, but ya know, can’t quite turn off that bitch, I’m a princess mindset.
“I don’t skate through life... I walk through life. In really nice shoes.” - Alexis Rose (Schitts’ Creek 3.04)
Notably, she speaks with a vocal fry when speaking English. She says “like” a lot, has a bit of a condescending tone, but, she like, does care. About a lot of stuff, but also humanity in general. Spoiled baby she may be, she does have a moral compass, and was amongst the public figures who signed an open letter against the Saint Petersburg Anti-”Gay Propaganda” bill (it’s some bullshit about “protecting” minors from “non-traditional sexual relationships”). She believes in doing the right thing, that the goal of any organization or even person should just be to decrease the net suffering of humanity, but also, she is a super proud Russian. Very anti-american, thinks they’re all stupid, always says shady shit in Russian whenever she runs into americans online. However, it’s not like she’s a fan of United Russia (Putin’s party), they’re right-wing nutjobs, she does not like them. Her main political party is A Just Russia, who are much less then left than her (officially, they be centre-left), but they’re the only ones (of her favoured parties) who have seats in the State Duma (the lower house of the Federal Assembly, Russia’s legislative body - the Duma is like parliament, or congress, I think, I don’t really know what congress is tbh, house of representatives maybe? Idk, the place where Nancy Pelosi is charge, equivalent to that). Katya also supports Patriots of Russia, a socialist, left-wing party, but they only have seats in regional parliaments, and only one seat in the Federation Council (similar to the senate, the upper house of Russia’s legislative body). There’s also Russia of the Future, but it’s not been formally registered yet. In the 2018 election she voted for the communist party’s candidate just for kicks (it’s different in Russia, there’s was zero possibility of Putin losing, come on, grow up).
As a side note, if this helps with the explainary-stuff, I basically envision her as a slavic-desi cross of Alexis Rose from Schitts’ Creek, and Gina Linetti from Brooklyn-99, also this hindi song; Sheila ki Jawani. The song is basically about owning the fact that you’re super sexy.
Biography: Katya is half-Russian, half-Indian, born to a Russian father, industrialist (and oligarch) Anatoli Ivanovich Raevsky, and an Indian mother, activist and journalist Mishti Syeda Khan. Her parents eventually separated, though technically are still married, when she was about 14, and her mother moved to Manchester in the UK, while Katya remained in Russia with her father. Katya is from a large family, on both sides, and at the time of her birth, was the first baby to be born in quite a few years (the elder cousins were like tween-teen, too old be constantly coddled and cuddled, and too young to make babies), so she was hella spoiled by everyone. The problems her maternal family had with her mother marrying a non-Muslim white boy? Well, we still hate him, but look how cute Rina is.
Despite the... complications between her family members - the whole religion/marrying a shada (white) boy thing, not to mention that Mishti herself is like agnostic at “best”, in general, as the baby, Katya (or Rina as her mother and maternal family call her), get along - well, okay, there’s always the shady auntieji’s, and bullshit drama, but like, that’s just brown families yo. We like that. We’re all 100% those bitches (see ya at Eid Nanu [grandma], ya messy bitch). While there is some distance between Katya and her mother, metaphorically and literally, she really does look up to her mother and her work, and followed in her footsteps, studying journalism at Moscow State University, and moving on to work at Известия (Izvestia), the “national” paper of Russia, formerly the state newspaper of the Soviet Union. Currently, she’s a glorified fact checker, and maintains the website with a handful of other colleagues. She’s also authored small “puff pieces” for Nedelya (a weekly Friday section about leisure actives, culture, that kinda stuff).
Katya is not exactly an avid gamer. She likes games, but it’s not like a 24/7 thing, whereas she is 24/7 thinking about like ASOIAF or Stars Wars (fuck you JJ, you were supposed to destroy the Sith R*ylo, not join them), not to mention Eurovision. Anyone who thinks Eurovision only lasts for a week is a fake fan, and anyone who thinks it’s a one day thing is an american. Ziben ziben ilulu motherfucker. Anyway.... she prefers immersive, high fantasy worlds, she likes the story and plot, so her types of games are The Witcher and Dragon Age Series, Elder Scrolls, that sort of thing. She doesn’t put in daily hours, ‘cause she got other stuff to do, but will dedicate weekends to leveling up her characters in order to accomplish quests and missions quickly and not waste time to get to the story cut scenes. She hates, hates, hatessss microtransactions and those stupid fucking mmorpg phone games which are literally just farmville repackaged with a dragon or an orc; FUCK YOU. What a fucking waste of time, quit advertising as having a plot and story, or cool character customization, ‘cause you don’t have any of that you basic ass bitch!
Gem Quest was regifted to Katya by a coworker, who had gotten it as a present, but didn’t have a VR set (of course she had one, she’s rich, and also she needed it to play Batman: Arkham VR - she’s still waiting on a game that’ll let her make out with Nightwing while playing as a custom character). She got a bit of a bad rep (understatement) in the beginning of the game. Katya hates being stuck because she doesn’t have enough exp or whatever, so she always levels up in the beginning of a game before taking the time to fuck around and do whatever, which, in the case of Gem Quest, means teaming up is the easiest way to do that. So, whenever a party member was holding them back from leveling up, she would straight up kill them in order to move on. She killed her own irl friends, to be fair, she doesn’t do that anymore, that was just in the beginning, but ya know, the rep of being that bitch kinda hard to get of.
G.’s announcement didn’t particularly freak out Katya. Whatever kind of evil Kaiba Corp execs bullshit he was pulling didn’t matter, he still had a body out there in the real world, and there’s no fucking way her dad would let die in a fucking game. There’s perks to being Oligarchs in Russia, and even if she did die in-game and was unable to return to reality, wherever G. and his real body were, motherfucker will die in excruciating pain. Polonium-210 ain’t pleasant, and the Novichok series is so much worse.
Relationships: (OPTIONAL, fill out whenever you want to)
Silverwing - rn. Anastasia “Anya” Gagarina (fc: Anna Belan), a fellow moonstone, and real life friend - well, the younger sister of an ex-boyfriend whom she still gets along with (the sister, not necessarily the ex).
Inferna - I don’t really have any plotting ideas, but Inferna’s whole; “It’s very important that I am both cute and powerful” is so relatable (to me and Katya xp)
Enthroned -
Morningstar -
Extras/Trivia (aka unnecessary information):  
Her mother, and thus maternal family, are from Kolkata, in the state of West Bengal in India, thus making Katya fluent (relatively) in Bengali as well (well, a dialect of it - West Central, you’d think as an actual Bengali person, I’d know the proper name of it, but nope. Idk, shudobasha maybe, but I think that’s for people from Dakha, which is in Bangladesh, not India. Whatever. Not like my dad will check this and be disappointed in me.)
Apart from her native Russian, Hindi, and Bengali, she speaks English, and Japanese (100% learned it because she’s a weeb), as well as the fictional languages; Quenya, Sindarin (and can use the Tengwar script to write them), High Valyrian, Mando’a, Dovazhul, and Klingon. As a teenager she also created a dictionary for ancient “Black Speech”, an in-universe constructed language in Tolkien’s legendarium, but her version is not canon, so it doesn’t count - she’s also forgotten a lot of it. She was a baby, she still has the hard copy she made somewhere in the Raevsky Manor in Saint Petersburg.  
After graduating from MSU, her father bought her, her own apartment in the Kudrinskaya Square Building in Moscow, adjacent to the ones he owned already, which she had lived in when she moved to Moscow for school. 
Katya’s family is religiously mixed (well, she’s the one who’s mixed), her maternal family are largely Muslim, some Hindu (very few though, like, you can count them on one hand), and her paternal family are either Orthodox Christian or atheist (usually depending on how long they were alive and how into the Soviet Regime they were). Katya’s parents are agnostic (Mishti), and atheist (Anatoli), Katya herself is also atheist, but sometimes she’ll say she prays to the Seven or R’hllar, or Lord Jashin, or some other made up nerd ass religion (’cause she that bitch).
But for real, she can be a real bitch about religion. The Soviets got a lot wrong, but banning religion was not one of them <- so she says. She gets super pissed when someone brings up religion during a politics chat, that fake shit should have nothing to do with running a country. 
hates starbucks with every fibre of her being, it’s such an american staple and the first time she saw one in Russia, she nearly had a heart attack.
Will die mad about:
The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker; the fuck was that bullshit? We trusted you JJ! 
the garbage show’s gaslighting and murder of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, Rightful Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Queen of Meereen, The Prince who was Promised, The Unburnt, Slayer of Lies, Breaker of Shackles, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, and Mother of Dragons.
Hrithik Roshan still being so fucking hot (he’s 45, please like chill a little, holy fuck)
Catarina de Lurton dying 
Former american politician John McCain constantly saying “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country” - bitch, we’re a thousand years old, how’s your 250 year old failed experiment of a garbage nation going? 
Urstyle Collection (aesthetics, and other shit)
Social Media
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
~By Willem Verhappen~
Photographs by Sally Townsend
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When Billy asked me to review Roadburn Festival 2019 for Doomed & Stoned, I was a bit hesitant. Live reviews have never been my specialty and I prefer to enjoy shows instead of being critical. However, when he suggested a diary-style review, I got the idea to do just that; write a diary.
I went all out and paid a whopping two Euros and some change to buy a notebook. After four days of Roadburn, it will probably be as wrecked as I expect to be, but hopefully it will still be readable. [In hindsight it was money well spent, as the notebook survived Roadburn without too much damage.] Whether its pages will be literary gold or the drunken ravings of a madman, only time will tell. The truth will probably be somewhere in the middle. [The fact that I had not been feeling well all week and decided to drive to Tilburg by car each day probably helped me not fucking this up, though.]
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Day 1
14:30 -- Ticket booth
The sun is out, Crypt Trip's Haze County was blasting through my car speakers on the way here and the queue to get my wristband went smooth. That's about as good a start as it can get. Sadly, my first dilemma of the day is already coming up: See Myrkur perform her Folkesange set or Bismuth. For now I'll just sit and wait in the sun for my friends T and S to arrive.
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Tanya Byrne of Bismuth
16:30 -- Studio Tilburg
We compromised. We started Roadburn with Bismuth engulfing us in the epic 'The Slow Dying Of The Great Barrier Reef' in the Hall of Fame. Sadly the band had some technical issues which fucked up the dynamics in the beginning, but otherwise it was an intense experience.
before the end of the Bismuth set, we moved on to the main stage. On the way there, we ran into some friends who decided to join us to see Myrkur. The Scandinavian folk songs were moving and well performed, but not what we needed, so we set our sights for Vile Creature, who were preparing to destroy the Patronaat.
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Vic of Vile Creature
Arriving outside, we noticed that we weren't the only ones. The queue to the Patronaat was leading pretty much up to the Cul de Sac. Since the weather was still nice, we decided to go for a beer in the sun instead.
19:05 -- Veemarktstraat
Molasses was something I had been looking forward to, since it was for a large part a The Devil's Blood reunion. Their set was in general an honest and loving tribute to TDB leader Selim Lemouchi. At some points though, the band seemed possessed by Selim himself. I desperately hope they will release this as a live record. [Later, at the merch I discovered that the band had already recorded an EP. That satisfies me for now, but I still need a live record!]
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Farida Lemouchi of Molasses
After that intense show, it was time to get some food. I decided to go for some Vietnamese street food. A good choice, but I should have been more careful with the sambal. I love that stuff, but a full bite at once was a bit much.
19:30 -- Green Room balcony
Luckily, I was just in time to hear the last, hauntingly beautiful song of Lingua Ignota. I had a hard time getting in and when I managed to get in, I couldn't get closer than the back of the balcony. Only when the show was over, I could see that she sat behind her keyboard in the middle of the Green Room. An eccentric choice that befits the woman.
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Kristen Hayter of Lingua Ignota
21:20 -- Ladybird Skatepark
Emma Ruth Rundle was more Doomed & Stoned appropriate than I expected. Last time she did a solo show, but this time she brought her full band. Her songs were sometimes dark and doomy, sometimes rocking, but always unique.
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Emma Ruth Rundle
But the best kept secret of today are certainly the heavy psych astronauts of Mythic Sunship. Even though it's not crowded, they know how to throw a party on a skatepark. [Mythic Sunship was the first band to be programmed on the Skatepark, but during the weekend more bands were scheduled to perform on this special location. More on that later.]
22:45 -- Koepelhal
I'm not sure why a band like Midnight is performing at Roadburn, since it's pretty much the odd one out this year, but I'm not complaining. I really enjoyed their filthy, sexually laden mix of Venom and Motörhead sleaze. And judging from the large crowd that gathered in the Koepelhal, I wasn't the only one.
00:40 -- Main Stage
Post rock is a hit or miss for me, but the combination of guitars and classical instruments often brings a smile to my face. The latter convinced me to watch MONO perform their Hymn to the Immortal Wind record, supported by the Jo Quail Quartet. I'm happy I did this, since the show was pure aural bliss. Rarely have I heard such a natural mix of metallic guitars and classical instruments. Although it certainly wasn't boring, the floating melodies did make me a bit sleepy.
2:xx -- Eindhoven
I guess I went full circle today. I started with Crypt Trip and ended with them as well. After MONO, these Texan rockers were exactly what I needed. Their country infused hard rock really got my energy levels back to par. Then again, anyone who can stand still during a Crypt Trip show, must be dead. It was also very nice to see my Doomed & Stoned colleague Calvin again. Roadburn is off to a good start.
Day 2
15:25 -- 013
T, S and I started our second day at Roadburn queuing up for Gold. I lost sight of the Dutch band after being disappointed by their second record, when they traded in their occult rock for a more post rock sound. Today, however, I was not disappointed at all. Their pounding post black/punk/rock really grabbed me by the balls. Charismatic frontwoman Milena Eva and her accomplices are back on my radar.
I'm currently enjoying one of the three sets of Seven That Spells. Between all the avant garde stuff, it's nice to see some proper heavy psych/stoner rock. Very well executed!
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Milena Eva of Gold
17:00 -- Ladybird Skatepark
Between all the good stuff, Triptykon was my most anticipated concert of the festival. As I said, I'm a sucker for metal mixed with classical music, so I wouldn't want to miss the Swiss band performing with the renowned Metropole Orkest, the world's leading pop orchestra. Today they are playing something heavier, namely the requiem penned by Tom G. Warrior. The first and third parts date back to the Celtic Frost days, namely Into The Pandemonium (1987) and Monotheist (2006). The piece never had a middle section, until now.
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Tom Gabriel Warrior and Vanja Slajh of Triptykon
The show wasn't perfect. There were some flaws here and there and at certain moments it felt like the orchestra was overtaking the band. Altogether it was an impressive performance, but somewhere I feel like there could have been more. Still a highlight, though.
I'm currently enjoying some surprise sludgy goodness of Vile Creature, while the queue for the Hall of Fame is reaching new lengths while A.A.Williams is performing there as part of the Holy Roar x Roadburn showcase.
19:55 -- Studio Tilburg
After getting my eardrums destroyed by Vile Creature, it was time for a beer with friends. Consequently, that meant I missed Conjurer, but I did manage to see the last half hour of Anna Von Hausswolff on the main stage. On record I find her music very calming, but live the tiny lady and her band deliver a massive tidal wave of sound. 'The Mysterious Vanishing of Electra' was even more impressive than on record.
22:20 - Koepelhal
After enjoying watching Calvin struggle with a massive burger from the Studio café and between the neck snapping sets of Svalbard and Pijn (both part of the Holy Roar showcase), I conquered my first queue at the Koepelhal. This was for the collaboration between artist in residence Thou and Emma Ruth Rundle. It was well worth the effort. This noisy matrimony sounded exactly as you'd expect from the two factors.
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Bryan Funck of Thou
3:xx -- Eindhoven
After Pijn's set, it was straight off to the Patronaat to grab a good spot for another show I highly anticipated. That turned out to be a good decision, since I heard afterwards that the queue for Messa turned out to be huge.
My love for these Italians stems from their ability to make old school doom sound fresh again. The band manages this through the incorporations of jazz elements, as well as sporadic black metal outbursts. Today, the band brought along a saxophone player, which truly added an extra dimension to their music.
Day 3
17:20 -- 013
Today we started off with Have A Nice Life. The new wave was enjoyable, but we had other priorities, for Wolvennest was about to perform their latest effort, Void, in its entirety. The Belgian band went all out for this show, bringing several guest musicians, as well as brand new visuals. Musically, Wolvennest definitely made a step up from their debut, WLVNNST. Their black metal with psychedelic and doom influences pleased the many people who came to witness this ritual. The only negative comment one could have, is that the altar looked very small on the large main stage.
Henrik Palm is no stranger to most Roadburners. The Swede used to be a member of In Solitude and Ghost. You can clearly hear this in his solo work, but his eclectic rockers always feel unique. I remain with only one question. Why the early Judas Priest videos?
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19:20 -- Ladybird Skatepark
I'm not much of a fan of most of the bands from the Exile on Mainstream roster, but Treedeon I had to see. These Germans make for some noisy, primitive doom, which is right up my alley. There are some clear Conan vibes here, but the double vocals make it just a tad more brutal.
23:15 -- Koepelhal
I always enjoy good times with good people, so I was happy to join a small Doomed & Stoned meetup with Calvin and Sally [whose photos add some color to this article]. Contrary to my instincts, I left my friends behind to make it in time for what is probably the highlight of this year’s Roadburn. Coming near the 013 was like walking into a coffee shop (the Dutch kind), with the smell of weed greeting you from far away. Not surprising, since it wouldn't be long before the almighty Sleep would perform their classic record Holy Mountain in one go. When I arrived, some 20 odd minutes before the show, the hall was already crowded, with people queuing up, not more than five minutes later.
It was quite the magical experience to hear one of my all-time favorite records being performed live. The first notes of 'Dragonaut' already gave me goosebumps and headbanging became a priority for nearly two hours. Sleep performing 'The Clarity' and a part of 'Dopesmoker' surely was an extra treat.
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Al Cisneros of Sleep
4:xx -- Eindhoven
Doolhof was a typical case of the right band at wrong time. The drone outfit, with Aaron Turner of Old Man Gloom and Sumac fame in its ranks, sounded highly intense and mesmerizing, but after Sleep, I was looking for something more energetic.
Luckily, I received a push message after the Sleep show, saying that Thou would perform a special set at the Skatepark. There had been rumours that the band would perform a set of Misfits covers somewhere during the weekend and this was it. A couple hundred people had shown up and the band was going through classics like 'Die, Die My Darling' and 'Hybrid Moments' like the audience was going through beers.
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This set was absolute mayhem with the crowd moving as one mass and there was pretty much constant crowd surfing. The band was joined by Emma Ruth Rundle on a couple of songs, and for their final song, 'Last Caress', they were joined by Converge/Old Man Gloom's Nate Newton and Gilead Media chief Adam Bartlett. The former even went stage diving. If anyone was doubting why Thou is the artist in residence this year, they get it now.
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Recharged by the insane show I had just witnessed, it was time for some after-partying in the basement of the 013 until the lights came on.
Day 4
Up until a few years ago the Roadburn Sunday was more of an after party, or Afterburner as it was called, but in recent years it changed into a full day. This year, all stages but the Koepelhal have bands playing, but thankfully my schedule is far less busy than the previous days.
17:30 - Main Stage
The intensity of three days of Roadburn appears to have had an effect not only on me, but on most of the visitors. That's why T and I decided to take it easy. This meant we missed Lucy in Blue because we arrived in Tilburg at 3pm. Since for the first time this weekend, temperatures reached comfortable levels, we decided to enjoy the sun a little before diving into another day of musical adventure.
my first band of the day was Supersonic Blues, a last minute addition to the program. The young band from The Hague had the honor to play the now infamous Ladybird Skatepark. Their heavy blues rock wasn't that special, but it surely was a welcome energizer for the rest of the day.
The first highlight of the day was TankZilla, a newcomer from my hometown Eindhoven, who got to warm up the Hall of Fame. Even though this was their second gig ever, the two members are anything but new to the scene. Singer/guitar player Peter van Elderen has enjoyed success for over twenty years with Peter Pan Speedrock, but also has more stoner credits with bands like Repomen and Four Headed Dog and drummer Marcin Hurkmans is known for his work with rockers Wolfskop. Although there's just two guys on stage, they manage to produce some fat-sounding stoner rock with the signature riffs and lyrics of van Elderen. Today saw the release of their first 7", but this show leaves me hungry for more!
20:45 -- 013 Lobby
With an hour to kill, I decided to walk to the 013 to check out a few songs from today's Thou set. Even though it was their fourth set this weekend, the main stage was packed with people wanting to see the artist in residence one more time. And rightfully so. Even after four days of playing, the last time being only 16 hours before, the band played another energetic set of nasty doom.
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Mitch Wells of Thou
This made it somewhat difficult for me to leave early, but I had been looking forward to my second chance of seeing Bismuth ever since it was announced this morning. The Skatepark has become my favorite venue and the acoustics are perfect for the intensity of "The Slow Dying of the Great Barrier Reef". This time not troubled by technical difficulties, the UK duo's perfect performance of 'The Slow Dying of the Great Barrier Reef' is one of my absolute highlights of the festival.
Fuel is important on days like these, so I decided to skip the beginning of Old Man Gloom to grab a delicious pancake filled with spinach and goats cheese, walnuts and honey. By the time I reach the crowded main stage, the OMG set is almost over, but judging from the enthusiastic crowd, the New Mexico sludge machine managed to deliver.
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Aaron Turner of Old Man Gloom
2:xx -- Eindhoven
Roadburn is over, but not before we were treated to another two-hour set of Sleep. This time the sonic titans performed their most recent effort, The Sciences, in its entirety, with the addition of "Leagues Beneath", "Dragonaut" and another section of "Dopesmoker". Sadly, the band was troubled by technical difficulties, to the great annoyance of Matt Pike, who even had to switch amps mid-set. This prevented the show from being the legendary event it could have been.
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Matt Pike of Sleep
After Sleep, the time had come to slowly start Brexiting (saying you are leaving, but staying as long as you can).Saying goodbye to friends, both old and new, is always difficult, but it was fun to hear all the great stories everyone lived this weekend and see the joy in everyone's tired eyes. And just like Great Britain, we stayed until we were kicked out, leaving Tilburg behind with many new memories.
11 notes · View notes
Camilla Leach
Today’s post, entitled “Camilla Leach: A sophisticated spitfire (1835-1930)”, comes from Paula Seeger, Design Library, University of Oregon, with significant contributions from Ed Teague, Retired Director of Branch Libraries, University of Oregon. All photos are courtesy of University of Oregon Libraries.
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Ultimately known for her role as the founding librarian-manager of the Design (formerly Architecture and Allied Arts) Library at the University of Oregon, Miss Camilla Leach left a legacy of caring for student success and ambition throughout her long career. Only in the last third of her life did she find a role in the library, with the majority of her time spent in the classroom or dormitory, supervising and guiding the lives of young adults, especially girls. Miss Leach constantly updated her position during a long career trajectory, never losing her love of the arts and French culture and design. She travelled to Paris in her 30s, was committed to the plight of French orphans during WWI, and translated Auguste Racinet’s L’Ornement Polychrome (Paris, 1869-73) for the benefit of the students of the University of Oregon.  This fascination with French culture and artistry bestowed an air of sophistication to Miss Leach. Combined with her “go-getter” determination that impressed the administration and faculty, Miss Leach’s keen observational skills and broad knowledge let her anticipate the needs and interests of her loyal colleagues and patrons. This unique mix allowed Miss Leach to win over those who doubted she could take an active role in organizing a new library and departmental administration office at the age of 79. Even though she “retired” twice from the libraries at the University, Miss Leach remained active in the community and social circles, giving talks on the relation of art to library work to civic groups into her 90s. Piecing together her history, as well as reflecting on her legacy, is a worthy exercise that re-emphasizes a lifelong commitment to arts education and wisdom born from the strength of longevity.
Background and Early Career
Miss Leach’s history has been difficult to completely trace. We assume certain facets of her life and try to fill the gaps within her story for which we do not yet have evidence, such as Miss Leach’s education and much of her early life. While we know she was born in Rochester, New York in 1835, and there are some accounts of her attending East Coast schools, we next find definitive mention of her in 1855. While still living at home in New York, her profession was listed as “teacher” at age 19 in the New York state census of 1855, indicating she began her teaching career early.  Using broad searches of historical newspapers, we can see that she travelled south and west, taking a position at a teaching college in 1859. Her title was Governess and assistant teacher of the “English branches” at East Alabama Female College (also called “Tuskegee Female College” at its founding in 1854, later “Huntingdon College” after the institution moved to Montgomery). By 1865, she arrived in Chicago and was granted a teaching certificate to teach at a number of public schools including Skinner school and the main Chicago High School. It is during this time Miss Leach was elected to be “Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature” at the high school and a wage dispute was noted (1870):
Miss Camilla Leach was recently elected professor of English literature in the Chicago high school, but the board of education refuses to pay her over $1000 for work for which her male predecessor received $2,200.1
It is unknown whether this dispute led to her resignation, but shortly after, in 1871, Miss Leach applied for a passport to travel to Europe to study art and visited Paris in 1871-72, becoming well-versed in French art and architecture. After Europe, she returned to a position as a high school teacher in St. Louis in 1872-73, and was announced as a teacher at the Washington school for Minneapolis Public Schools in 1878. Another newspaper account in August 1878 mentioned that she was an art instructor in a Placerville, CA, ladies’ seminary and private school (TAE Academy). Having settled in Oakland, CA, from 1879-89, Miss Leach taught drawing and French at the Snell Seminary, a “boarding and day school for girls” that operated from 1878-1912. While at the Snell Seminary, Miss Leach perhaps learned more about opportunities that could be found in Oregon. During her tenure, one of the Seminary’s founders, Dr. Margaret Snell, began an affiliation with Oregon State University (then called the Corvallis College and the State Agricultural College of Oregon) through a Corvallis resident who happened to be staying in the Oakland area caring for an ailing relative. Dr. Snell went on to found the department of “Household Economy and Hygiene in the Far West,” the first in the western U.S. and went on to a great legacy at Oregon State.3
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Perhaps also influenced by Dr. Snell’s continuing education in the East, Miss Leach attended Bryn Mawr with “Hearer” status in 1889-902 and it is assumed that this is where she completed her education about “library methods”. Returning to California, Miss Leach was introduced as Mistress of Roble Hall, a ladies’ dormitory at Stanford University in 1891, the first year Stanford started enrolling students. After administrative and facility restructuring, she was let go from Stanford in 1892, heading north to Portland, OR.
Miss Leach stayed five years in Portland working as a private tutor and head of a private school, perhaps of her own creation, within a wealthy businessman’s household. These many years spent as an educator, administrator, and overall caregiver of young student lives had now prepared Miss Leach for a more significant career transition as she was recruited by the University of Oregon in 1897 to become their first dual registrar-University librarian, beginning her new role in libraries. It is unknown what motivated this career change for Miss Leach at about age 60--or age 50: In subsequent census records Miss Leach somehow gets ten years younger.
University of Oregon Career
In 1897, the University of Oregon in Eugene recruited Miss Leach to be the school’s first registrar while also serving as the University’s librarian in a combined position. The dual job was split in 1899, when Miss Leach became “only” the University librarian and, later, the school’s first art librarian. She contributed to the school’s publications, offering a review of Bryn Mawr and several original pieces of poetry for the University’s yearbook and monthly journals.  The University originally had a small library collection, based mainly upon generous donations from professors before state allocations were negotiated, and the collection was relocated several times before the first purpose-built library opened in 1906.  In 1912, Miss Leach retired from her library position, but continued to teach in the art school as a drawing instructor and teacher of art history, which she continued throughout her next role. At the time of her “retirement” as a reference librarian from the main library, the local newspaper told of her reputation:
Miss Leach is perhaps better known than any other one character upon the Oregon campus during this time. She knew personally every student from freshman to senior, and has hundreds of sincere friends among the Oregon graduates all over the state.4
Resistant to fully retiring, and beloved by faculty and students, Miss Leach continued to work in the new main library until 1914 when, at the age of 79 years, she became the founding librarian and administrative assistant at the new School of Architecture and Allied Arts. Her transfer to the new location was met with doubt by the founding Dean of the school, Ellis F. Lawrence, who was resistant to hiring a 79-year-old to the post. He expressed his doubts to the University President, and was reassured that Miss Leach could hold her own and make worthy contributions. Dean Lawrence described his first meeting with her as particularly memorable:
When I [met] her at the first staff conference I was very conscious that there was a divine fire in the proud little figure before me. It was shining through the brightest pair of the darkest eyes I have ever felt boring into my soul. After listening to my outline of procedure and objectives, Miss Camilla leaned over the table and in the snappy, crisp utterance I was later to know so well, she said, “Sir, I was teaching art before you were born.” If she had said ‘thirty years before you were born’, I feel sure she would have been within the truth. Naturally I thought – here is a Tartar to deal with, and anticipated plenty of excitement. Little did I know how deliciously that excitement was to be; how surprising and invigorating it could be! Miss Camilla was placed in charge of the Art Library. Before I knew it she had that department functioning more efficiently than I had thought possible, even in my fondest dreams. But her work did not stop there. She became our matriarch, tradition builder, exemplar of manners, personnel officer – and very much in evidence as advisor to the Dean.5
Indeed, students took to calling her the “Mother of Our Library” and Aunt Psyche (Pidgy), a
[G]uiding spirit since its inception….All of us have been visited by her kindly interest, -- the serious have been led to that exact niche where Volume X lies; the frivolous (and everyone knows that some of us often go to the library on missions quite foreign to study), -- we have been ushered into her acquaintance by the sharp tap of her pencil or by the censure of her warning nod. But however that may be, each of us, as we step out into the world, is to carry a pleasant recollection of Miss Camilla Leach.6
Another story of Miss Leach helping students, while displaying her expertise in French architecture, is noted in the Eugene Guard newspaper from Saturday, April 20, 1918: A girl on campus had a friend stationed in France, but the US military would not reveal the location. The girl’s friend sent her a photo with a cathedral in the background. The girl didn’t recognize it but another friend suggested she take it to Miss Leach, the art librarian. Sure enough, Miss Leach immediately identified the cathedral and the girl was able to locate her military friend.7
In addition to her teaching, library, and administrative duties, Miss Leach consulted with library colleagues and was in attendance at the earliest foundational meetings of the Oregon Library Association (1904). Her attendance at local arts events is well-documented in the local newspapers, as are the frequent talks she would give to local civic organizations (one titled “The Relation of Art to Library Work”), and her reputation as a fine sketch and free-hand artist was known throughout the Northwest.
Philosophy of Academic Rigor and Student Advocacy
Miss Leach had a sense of humor that she rarely indulged, but there were certain topics that were sure to raise her ire. In one instance, as regaled by Dean Lawrence in his memorial writing, a painting professor teaching Civilization and Art Epochs was discussing symbolism with his class. It was reported that he used the example of the serpent, once a symbol of wisdom, but over the years mixed together with many ingredients and encased in a skin, much like a sausage. This description, when relayed to an incensed Miss Leach, caused her to question why culture and wisdom should be treated with levity. She often wondered why artists and architects could not have higher academic standards. Dean Lawrence described her struggle with the habits of scholarship:
Knowledge was to her the basis of her philosophy and conduct, though she little knew how much her intuitions and her fine intellectual common-sense tempered that knowledge. … [T]he idiosyncrasies of the creative artists often irked her. Yet she came to participate valiantly in the methods of the School which called for the freedom necessary to bring out the creative urge in each student.8
To demonstrate how Miss Leach advocated for her students, Dean Lawrence told of a new student who worked extremely hard and produced decent results for one who had no artistic background, which thrilled Miss Leach. However, after flunking out at the end of the term, causing the student to leave without even a good-bye, Miss Leach arrived at the Dean’s office, furious at a system that would let go of a potential genius and lobbied on his behalf. She urged the Dean to reconsider the student’s case and bring it before the Faculty. Together they won the case and the student was reinstated and went on to “make good,” much to the satisfaction of Miss Leach.
Miss Leach completed a handwritten history of the University of Oregon in 1900, likely one of the first written of the 24-year old institution, with a volume still found in the library’s Special Collections and University Archives department. During her time at UO, Miss Leach, along with other library and University staff, were interested in caring for French children affected by the war, particularly in 1919. This seems entirely appropriate and in line with Miss Leach’s fascination with French culture and arts.
Camilla Leach finally truly retired in 1924, primarily due to declining health after a fall, and losing her eyesight. She moved back east and died in Jonesville, Michigan (near Battle Creek) in 1930, while staying with a relative. Dean Lawrence wrote a tribute to Miss Leach after her death, describing her ultimately as an “exquisite cameo who was classic in her perfection.” He noted that she was in the process of translating Auguste Racinet’s L’Ornement Polychrome (Paris, 1869-73) for the benefit of the students. The Racinet volume can still be found among the collections of today’s Design Library, which in 1992 was the focus of an expansion of Lawrence Hall, the home of the College of Design. 
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There are several other books still containing the bookplates indicating they were purchased with the fund set up for the “Camilla Leach Collection of Art Books,” a special collection in the University Library that remained well after Miss Leach’s death. The fund, set up in 1923, was described as a perpetual fund designed for purchasing art books from the interest earned each year. Mrs. Henry Villard, widow of one of the pioneer founders of the University, donated and suggested that a portion of the yearly endowment to the libraries from the Villard gift should be set aside to build up the Leach fund. There are several newspaper accounts of faculty members, and their families, donating books and financial support to the fund. In addition to books purchased, over the years as Miss Leach’s history became better known, library staff have unofficially named a two-story reading room the “Camilla Leach Room” in her honor. The room enables study and research and is used to present selections from the library’s collection of artist’s books, rare books, and other artifacts. 
Perhaps the most touching of Miss Leach’s legacy is how she influenced her initial detractors. Dean Lawrence fancied himself a bit of a creative writer, and one can find several complete and incomplete short stories and novella manuscripts among his personal writings in the archives of the University of Oregon Libraries. In addition to the 6-page memorial tribute that Lawrence penned that was devoted to Miss Leach (excerpted above), one can also read an incomplete 60-page murder-mystery novella. The protagonist who is able to solve the case faster than the sheriff?  A Miss Marple-like character named “Miss Camilla Chaffin” described as wearing a Paisley shawl, lace collar, and a lavender ribbon in her hair. She was the “oldest of the old-timers” and was friendly with the “dear old doddering Dean.”9 
As we piece together Miss Leach’s legacy, her strength is revealed in her loyal determination to provide the best resources and environment for students in order to nurture their creativity and scholarly output. Her ability to expose interests, and proactively anticipate the materials needed for letting those interests flourish, were among her special gifts to the students she served and the colleagues she assisted. Her legacy continues today in the resources and services that are at the forefront of today’s Design Library.
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1 “Untitled News Article,” Weekly Oregon Statesman, March 18, 1870, 3.
2 Program, Bryn Mawr College, p. 252. Accessed through Google Books.
3 “The 'Apostle’ of Fresh Air...Margaret Comstock Snell (1844-1923)” George Edmonston Jr., OSU Alumni Association, undated. http://www.osualum.com/s/359/16/interior.aspx?sid=359&gid=1001&pgid=536
4 “Veteran U.-O. Librarian Retires with Honor,” Oregon Daily Journal, October 4, 1912.
5 Ellis F. Lawrence, “Miss Camilla – A Portrait” (Eugene, Ore., 1930), in Ellis Fuller Lawrence papers, Ax 056, Box 13, Special Collections and University Archive of the University of Oregon Libraries, Eugene, 2.
6 “Miss Camilla Leach,” in Oregana, 1912 vol., 23.
7 “Censor Sleeps on Job,” Eugene Guard, April 20, 1918, 4.  
8 Ellis F. Lawrence, “Miss Camilla – A Portrait” (Eugene, Ore., 1930), in Ellis Fuller Lawrence papers, Ax 056, Box 13, Special Collections and University Archive of the University of Oregon Libraries, Eugene, 4-5.
9 Ellis F. Lawrence, “The Red Tide,” in Ellis Fuller Lawrence papers, Special Collections and University Archive of the University of Oregon Libraries, Eugene, also in Harmony in diversity : the architecture and teaching of Ellis F. Lawrence, edited by Michael Shellenbarger, Eugene, Or. : Museum of Art and the Historic Preservation Program, School of Architecture and Allied Arts, University of Oregon, 1989.
  Other sources consulted
●        1903 Webfoot (University of Oregon Yearbook)
●        Bishop’s Oakland Directory for 1880-81 "Containing a business directory, street guide, record of the city government, its institutions, etc." (varies). "Also a directory of the town of Alameda" (issues for <1880-81-> also include Berkeley). Compiled by D.M. Bishop & Co. Description based on: 1876-7. Published: San Francisco : Directory Pub, Co., <1880-> Open Library            OL25463540M. Internet Archive bishopsoaklanddi187778dmbi. LC Control Number 11012620. https://archive.org/details/bishopsoaklanddi188081dmbi  (Listed as teacher at Snell’s Seminary)
●        “Board of Education,” Chicago Tribune, October 9, 1865, 4.
●        “Board of Education,” Minneapolis Tribune, June 22, 1878, 4.
●        “East Alabama Female College,” South Western Baptist, November 17, 1859, 3.
●        “Former Undergraduates That Have Not Received Their Degrees,” in Program Bryn Mawr College, 1903-04, 1906, 283, https://books.google.com/books?id=GKRIAQAAMAAJ.
●        “General Register of the Officers and Alumni 1873-1907,” vol. 5, no. 4, University of Oregon Bulletin (Eugene, Ore.: University of Oregon, 1908), http://hdl.handle.net/1794/11152.
●        “Gift of $100 Received,” Eugene Guard, November 6, 1924, 12.
●        Henry D. Sheldon, The University of Oregon Library 1882-1942, Studies in Bibliography, No. 1 (Eugene, Ore.: University of Oregon, 1942), http://hdl.handle.net/1794/23064.
●        "New York State Census, 1855," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9BPY-97K6?cc=1937366&wc=M6G3-GZ7%3A237407901%2C237457701 : 22 May 2014), Orleans > Kendall > image 15 of 40; county clerk offices, New York. (teacher at 19)
●        “Salary Dispute,” The Illinois [Chicago] Schoolmaster A journal of educational literature and news v. 4 1871, 260 https://ia601409.us.archive.org/5/items/illinoisschoolma41871gove/illinoisschoolma41871gove.pdf
●        “SPOTLIGHT ON A LEGACY: Treasures of the Design Library” Ed Teague, 2014, https://library.uoregon.edu/design/century
●        “TAE Academy,” Placerville Mountain Democrat, August 10, 1878, n.p.
●        "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MSDX-B6R : accessed 15 April 2018), Camilla Leach in household of Mary E Cox, South Eugene Precincts 1 and 2 Eugene city, Lane, Oregon, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 112, sheet 8A, family 162, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,241,348. (age = ten years younger)
●        “Untitled News Piece,” Eugene Guard, May 1, 1928, 6. – Talk “Relation of Art to Library Work”
●     “What’s in a Name? Design, and Library” Ed Teague, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. Sept. 12, 2017. http://www.acsa-arch.org/acsa-news/read/read-more/acsa-news/2017/09/12/what-s-in-a-name-design-and-library
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linkbumble796 · 3 years
Catholic Dating Apps For Young Adults
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“Catholic Match is the winner for me when it comes to the best dating apps for Catholic singles. It’s mainly because the app is easy to use, very reasonably priced, and has a good track record in the industry.” – Christina Anne, Contributing Writer. Date young adult Catholic singles with Catholic Singles.com, the authentic Catholic online dating service for matches who share your faith. PRINCIPLES FOR CHRISTIAN DATING A Young Catholic Man's Perspectives by Andrew Schmedieke There is much that could be written and discussed concerning dating and courtship. The activities involved in finding a suitable marriage partner has never been easy, but the climate of modern society with its constantly changing rules makes it even more. Best Overall Christian Dating Apps. There are over 8,000 online dating sites in the world, and no one has time to try them all. No one except our dating experts, that is. Hiv singles. We’ve spent countless hours scouring the online dating scene to find the best of the best in terms of features, membership, pricing, and success rates.
While dating at any age can be an emotional minefield, few adults would choose to relive their turbulent teenage years when at the best of times the first jolts of romantic angst typically had seismic results on our psyche.
Until age 25, the prefrontal cortext—the area that forms cognitive maturity—is still developing.1 Obviously, this lack of discernment during a life period in which impulsivity and heightened passion rule, further diminish the ability to navigate new and daunting life stages.
According to a 2016 study of more than 4,000 Australian youths, over 50% of young people have started dating by the age of 15.2 Adolescents and young adults already have so much to deal with besides dating: navigating social and academic pressure in high school, separating from and individuating from parents, transitioning to college, struggling to figure out who they want to become… A colleague who specializes in treating adolescents says, “Most of them say, ‘I’m lost. I have no idea what I’m doing and it feels like everyone else has it all figured out.’”
Statistics also show 1 in 5 young people in the country—20%— suffer from a mental illness such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and self-esteem issues.3 Certainly growing up in an era where social media is omnipresent—frequently overshadowing in-person contact—the awkwardness, confusion and sometimes desperation of trying to forge romantic relationships is even more stressful.
While an adolescent ‘relationship’ might last just a few weeks, it can be extremely impactful on a young person’s subsequent romantic life in a positive or negative way. Typically the patterns of relating with a love interest follow what a young person has witnessed from his or her romantic role models—their parents. If mom and dad treated one another and/or their child with frequent displays of temper, belittling and emotional carelessness, that is normal and therefore acceptable.
The Emotional Hurdles of Youthful Dating
Catholic Dating Apps For Young Adults Without
*Ann came for therapy at age 21. The college junior, a veteran of numerous short-term relationships, suffered crippling anxiety and self-doubt whenever she started dating someone new. “I keep waiting for the guy to stop calling, or I’m petrified I’ll say something stupid and push him away. I excel in school when I’m single, but if I’m seeing someone, I start failing classes. I’m waiting for my boyfriend to realize I’m deeply unlovable and dump me.”
I asked Ann the first time she felt unlovable. “As long as I can remember. My father always finds fault with me. He’s never paid me a compliment—I’m too thin; my voice is piercing; I don’t know how to be a good daughter. I’ll never get a boyfriend. Once in a while, I think there is a glimpse of something approving in his eyes, but then it fades.”
As we worked together Ann came to realize that her experience of dating was traumatic because she was unconsciously replicating the cruel pattern repeatedly instigated by her father—constantly reaching out to feel safe and loved for who she was, and being continually rejected.
“I see now that my father is the one with issues,” she told me recently. “But my mother never stood up for me or for herself when dad picked on her so I thought that was all she or I deserved.”
Then I tried to simply sum it up for her: “The first person you need to focus on having a loving relationship with is yourself,” I said. “A boyfriend should ADD to your life, not BE your life!”
The Risks of Sex
A 2014 survey of Australian teens reported that one-quarter of the sexually active participants had experienced unwanted sex. The reasons included feeling too frightened or pressured by their partner.
While the #MeToo movement may have shed beams of light on the prevalence of sexual abuse, many young women still remain uncertain about what does and does not constitute healthy sexual relations. Further evidence of the perplexity exists in a 2017 study that examined the prevalence of teenage girls feeling pressured by boys into texting nude selfies. The author concluded that many young women take on the responsibility for handling coercive behaviors due to societal pressure and other factors but lack the tools to do so.4
Galactic Love: Free Online Dating Site Join the best free online dating site in the galaxy! Find my love dating site. As dating sites multiply, it's not always clear which one should get our attention. Indeed, there are a legion of dating sites, some less serious than others. 10-love-dating-websites.com offers you rankings, site reviews and articles to help you in your search for love on the internet. These dating sites aren’t just for women either. The detailed description of the freebie is published on the blog. JerkBoy – This app has been called the most honest, accurate dating service out there. It’s a tool for users to showcase themselves for the right kind of person. LoveAgain.com is the only place on the web for you if you are interested in online dating. This site is home to countless members who enjoy flirting with other single users. If you want to meet girls, you will want to check out everything we have to offer. There are so many single men and women who use our online dating service every single day. Find Love Dating Site - If you are looking for love or just want to make friends then our service is worth checking out. Sea of love dating site, help find love dating site, find love dating site online, free, dating sites Tuchin Bogdanoff amp quot preventable that arrive on land that considers rehabilitation recommendations.
A tragically-common scenario: *Tina blames herself for a forced sexual assault she endured 11 months ago. The 18-year-old cried, “I said no several times when he started sliding inside of me but I didn’t try to fight so it was mutual, right? That’s what *Ken told me. He still texts me to get together even though I never answer.”
When I informed her that she said no! It was rape—no man ever has the right to force or intimidate her, she dissolved in tears of shock and dawning power. “I felt so ashamed like I didn’t have the right to be angry.”
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Do you feel depressed?
Take one of our 2-minute Depression quizzes to see if you or a loved one could benefit from further diagnosis and treatment.
The profile text in the above example is written for a site like Match.com, where longer profiles are the norm. For online dating sites, a good rule of thumb is keep the length of your profile down to about 300 words or less. She doesn’t have time to read a novel, and you want to leave her wanting more. Super Short Online Dating Profile Examples On some apps like The League, your bio has a 140-character limit. That means you’ve got a couple sentences max to make a good impression, which is crucial if you want a shot at meeting her in person. Super Short Profile Example #1. Dating site profile examples.
The young and emotionally insecure are particularly susceptible to peer pressure. *Tim, 26, was haunted by an event that happened in his college years. He recounted feeling ‘coerced’ by his fraternity brothers to take advantage of a date’s drunkenness and have sex. “I knew it was wrong but it felt so good to be treated like one of the guys.” He asked plaintively, “Am I a terrible person? I would never, ever do anything like that again.”
I responded by telling him, “You are a person who did a terrible thing.”
Though he hadn’t seen his victim in years, after a few months of our sessions he located her on Facebook and Dm’ed her. He told me the upshot. “She never wants me to contact her again but said it made her feel a little better that I apologized.” Whitman speed dating central.
Doing This Is Crucial
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Parents need to help their children develop healthy, caring relationships and to never accept (or dole out) behavior that is less than respectful. Let your child know you want him or her to feel safe asking questions and confiding experiences. And don’t be reticent about finding your child a therapist to aid with this hugely important job
Uncertain how to approach this difficult topic? Read “How to Talk to Teens about Sex and Sexual Harassment” by author, parenting expert and Psycom Editorial Advisor Katie Hurley, LCSW. You can also access more tips by consulting this guide to helping teens develop healthy relationships by experts from Harvard Health.
What Are The Best Dating Sites For Young Adults
In the meantime, forgive yourself for not being a ‘perfect’ parent (haven’t met one yet!) and role model to your child. After all, you too were reared by imperfect people. What counts is that you want your son or daughter to not suffer from witnessing your mistakes up close and personal, but to learn and grow from them.
Last Updated: Feb 1, 2020
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nityarawal · 1 year
Dear Judge Nadia-
I've been working with Supervising PD Mathew Robert's office since 2016 on this case- in all it's forms- which originated from atty Lori Clark Viviano's office on real estate fraud.
My x- husband hired her & Christopher Sunnen to complete real estate and Settlements of assets on divorce in 2017.
Instead They hired investigator Mark Milton to beat me into ICU out of Blue Shield Insurance, home, kids, Support, assets, etc. And screamed "crazy" at legitimate appraisals & pre-approvals from lenders on buy out of 1067vNeptune Ave. Beachcomber in Encinitas, cA 92014.
Atty Ashby Clark Sorrenson and Paralegal Grant Funk lied about defending my real estate and family. 
They're not licensed for those two important legal tasks so quit with restraining orders and attempted life with X's team of attys dozens of times coupled with slumlordingd and financial cyber abuse to hide complicit lies; similar to #FreeBritney in extreme psychologicial warfare and abuse.
I passed mental competency numerous times and what National Board of Realtors and I have found- as a Realtor for over 20 years in California- is that these attys failed to practice "Ethics" and "Race" laws with officers and judges on endless bribes and slumlordings/murders! 
Attys Ashby & Grant bullied me into a plea bargain with gigolo actor rockstar paralegal poser Darin David Joye to hide Marine violence in 2017- I said no to 3 min later in right of recision!
I reported all to US and Global leaders - Congressman Scott Peters stated this to be a "civil emergency" to all legal aid hotlines in Sandiego on a 211 recorded line in 2021 - and said I was to have kids and assets returned! Instead tgey raped me for 10 mo in detention thru 2022! I couldn't even go to tax appointment he set up for me since wrongfully increased. I paid CPA Amy Arronson several hundred dollars to do taxes and IRS failed to comply with rebates! It's December! Dmv.org is also blackbalking moms w/ x team consultants! 
VP Kamala Harris - as DA- was aware of these crimes and murders against women at large in California and promised to help as Senator- yet 5 years later- friends & I are still witnessing endless rape, murder, DNA theft, data exploitation with all cellular, wireless, wifi, banks, cars, dmv, IRS etc. Because of current divorce frauds. 
It's been massive smear campaign against women.
We'd like to press charges against Judge Mathew Brower & PD Mathew Robert's and their DAs for in-house domestic racist terrorism against my family with employees Christopher Stapleton And Jay Curatolo, Olesya Adam's, Jordan, Peter Pwen & countless rotation newbie Minions. Colleagues atty Ashby "Clark" Sorrenson, officer Mark Milton, murderer Mark Ritchie and all bribed nazi cops/drs/attys involved in insurance court custody scam with IEHP Obama care & Blue Shield insurances losing class actions; slumlordings with local brokers like Sothbys- who stole beach home listing from own agent; and referred agent to settle with; Persian broker Neda Nourani!
My profession & colleagues have been attacked by a gross criminal system;
Complicitly breed in Sandiego/Riverside/LA courts for many years; and my x's BFF Daniel Smachtenbergerwas groomed as a child in weaponising divorce and Pedophilia with Dr. Gardner method and drugs.
My children and I were victim of same Psyche drugs as Daniel Smachtenberger's Guru "Osho" Rajneesh pushed on people, in, "Wild Country," on Netflix documentary. Drug Halidol is illegal! 
It freezes sex organs & sterilized me and millions of good moms! Need damages for #FreeBritney & I!
911 Charles also raided homes on bribes for Obama phone request and raped with local gay cops on 54398 Valkeyview Idyllwild, CA 92549 home/ Idyology work raids for atty atty Ashby Clark Sorrenson & boss Psychologist Carmel Benson/ RE atty Ken Carlsson/ x team on wrongful arrests with Lexus/Idyllwild Realty to smear me as a Mom- realtor- songer- journalist & create "crazy" narrative that's not true.
I passed mental competency countless times yet PDs have time to read docs and represent us etgically- Mr. Robert's continually threatened to rape and murder me- his terrorists still harassing me- as you can see on falsified orders of hos defense fraud. 
I want to press maximum charges against all attys and sex workers on X team through Dr's & attys of choice funded by my own assets! 
Dr. Sunil Christopher Rawal was duplicitous with BFF (f*** buddy?) Daniel Smachtenberger- Famous Ted X Talk- Guru Coach on "weaponising kids & women!"
Diane Monteil Silverman- "my" real estate client and cheating paralegal "W" - lied about our case to CPS and referred her "retiring" brother in law atty/psychologist pedo Alan Silverman of bay area and Carlsbad; her "Retiring" atty Jeff Fritz- whom we also worked with tirelessly for 7 years- to help get her multi million dollar home thru Vista Court custody battle with Jewish bany dady Philanthropist harem owner Jim Greenbaum!
Yet all Charlatan attys refused to help my family settle.
Then Diane Monteil Silverman referred X to atty Lori Clark Viviano- also conflict of interest- as she represented my clients Bonnie Fletcher (of attempted murder scandal with x Hans Peterson on news!) and famous global Hera Hub owner Felena Hansen!
There's been many conflicts of interests!
Daniel Smachtenberger's girlfriends & wife are famous hookers on "Married & Dating" polyamorus x-rated Showtime Show.
My X Husband is fraternising with sex stings in their homes. No one wants our kids exposed to hornet sting!
See homeworks before you ever judge my mental health again!
Atty Lori Clark Viviano is nothing but a prostitute of Courts for Charles Viviano & larger atty pimps like her divorce atty Jeff Fritz! 
Most 1000's of attys interviewed said in so many words; there was a "conflict of interest" because they've slept with Lori, enjoyed sex sting services of her sordid clients murdering and raping our families and communities, or were scared of Bazi services & suffered as victims.
I need maximum insurance on every attys head that wrongfully harassed us with restraining orders like Ashby Clark Sorrenson & his former boss Mathew Roberts/Sherry Stone in Vista PD. 
My Forensic Psychologist Dr. Adam Cash- wrote "Psychology For Dummies" says I'm a genius with words in top .001%.
Already stated by Dr. Murphy in 2017 for Sandiego/Vista courts on Ashby Clark Sorrenson & Jay Curatolo's file.
Forensic Dr. Murphy of Vista, felt dumb officers were trying to kill my intelligence with hurtful toxic drugs then and was concerned. He tried to Avert danger, yet attys continually attack us in domestic in-house terrorism with violent "Oath-keeper" officers on bribes for wrongful perverted sexual-assaults/"wrongful" arrests on their own expired ROs! 
I shouldn't have to discuss gay dick's ego of Ashby Clark Sorrenson; my infertile X atty who lied to all of us 4 years ago. 
Please de-license all of them!
Re-instate my home at 1067 Neptune Ave in Encinitas 92024 along with business EncinitasBeachHome.com & rawalventures.com as well as #Fairshare4childrem & I of ponzi scheme rolling it into rawalconsulting.com- I was never "crazy" and shouldn't have been smeared by violent attys/judges/officers in this self sabotaging glutinous smear campaign over my fair access to my assets & kids; rightfully deserved Alimony and support on a 16+ year marriage, 20 yeard real estate career as a investor moghul, with two divine children; estranged in slavery for 6 years!  
Look at their files; lies, lies, lies!
PD Jay felt DA Summer Stephan failed to provide violent footage from investigator Mark Milton because she's blackballed by a racists "Boy's Club" community; cant be reached; with his own boss Mathew Robert's and DA's/Judges.
We were all disgusted with student Daniel Hidalgo's counter investigation in 2016 for us- no follow up or accountability held for racist violent court staff. Bad Customer Service & violation of investigation with fraud. 
We just need a "peace treaty" for family and own assets to get our homes, businesses and appropriate Dr's.
Forensic Dr. Cash wants me to have representatives who still have balls to testify in court. 
He has PTSD Like me and thank God finally diagnosed me appropriately! 
Dr. Cash is terrified of DA violence in Courts, after witnessing a decade of back room handshakes on divorcee murders in Riverside DA Michael Hestrin & gay cop Sheriff Chad Bianco/Jeremy Parsons militia too.
We absolutely don't want to work with anyone on existing x-team in CA and all appear bribed on smear campaign for domestic terrorists.
Press damages please, and stop this Sordid abuse on my family and all effected in #FreeBritney #WeHeardYou divorcees civil activists. 
Call it a new #nityalaw4eternity that brings moms and kids back into US Constitution.
My children need me.
Alienation is a disease of British courts.
We don't feel it serves our families in USA. 
To hate one's parents severs ones ties with faith, God, and morality. 
Military and Government hurt our families with in-house Domestic Terrorism thru Divorce Courts & PDs bribes- endless lies in smear campaign- and murders.
My kids need "Mom" now as do you- our world needs all of these strong Moms  back at home, to be a voice of reason in this time of turmoil and civil war.
No good Mother agrees to her Sisterhood and Children being raped.
We were sold out by Judge Kelly Mok, Commissioner Ratekin, Marine Vet pedo Mathew Brower to endless Criminal judges and dozens of PDs/Oath Keeper cops that also don't know law or ethics; nor respect and stay updated implementing government orders!
No understanding of current laws!
This is an expired restraining order Christopher Stapleton is currently bullying me on from one of your own public defender graduates- posing as a family lawyer on my case- and harassing many other celebrities/royals in my community.
Ashby Clark Sorrenson should not be practicing law, nor have custody of invitro, children he created in Mexican labs illegally for sex sting with body parts of Mexicans; stole my money for real estate family settlement with gigolos, while he lied and pushed Gag orders! 
I refused Vista court Gag orders 4 years ago with Ashby Clark Sorrenson & then fiance Darin David Joye as my witness- never served RO- no proof- and attys lie continually on police reports. ( For sex services with sting! 
Daniel Smachtenberger's wife, prostitute & Pole Dancer Roxanne DePalma, hooker services to all these Marine Officers, Judges and attys at pole-dancing facilities in Oceanside & Encinitas for court's criminal bribes. She supports her "pimp" husband, defiling millions of marriages globally, grooming businessmen to murder and rape harems of cultures in AI gencide with Physicists! 
My ex was also infected & exposed to their hooker massage therapist Sonya Sweitch Goodwin- also harassing and trespassing in our homes. 
I have her lingerie and hotel receipts for sex services rendered as proof. 
She's groomed by Marine pimp father from TX- but National Domestic Violence hotline there is aware of their military rape & pedophilia issue- yet take bribes to advertise in CA and refuse protection nationally to families- this is false advertising on court websites! 
Obviously they dont stop these sex sting originating in Texas either! )
PD Christopher Stapleton knows Ashby intimately from years as bros in court, enjoys same "boy's club," with Gof only knows what drugs & sex services to scratch his itches, and said he's "never known a cop to tell truth, "on any police report."
That's a fact from a Public Defender of 20+ years he failed to disclose appropriately in a timely manner to courts as did 1000's of his colleagues needing to provide reperations before reemployment for Elon in China. 
Why do you give uneducated morons (toilette monitors) in government testimony precedence over realtors/journalists and moms with masters and doctorates in court?
Attys and judges are not licensed nor educated to practice real estate law with their thugs and militia, they hire to murder community in name of Marshall Law, on vanity cases!
This is a civil war in Courts and it must stop! 
If you are a Judge of ethics with integrity you will settle this now, as requested of courts millions of times! 
If not- you need to go too- and we need a new system.
We suffer long term covid now in my family and PTSD from court abuse, yet therapist Dr. Tima Ivanova - of Inland Empire Health Plan #Obama insurance gaslighters, whom we completed several years of therapy with in Sep.- Says she has PTSD too from murder of our property manager Emily Pearson and husband last year. As medical witness- her BFF was there- she's also been forced to lie about pathology reports on bribes for Idyllwild Realty Shane Stewart/Atty Ken Carlsson & local Sheriff/brokers/attys/IEHP/UnitedWay/PNCbank in sex sting to Dr. Adam Cash & I! 
We felt it was a conflict of interest for IEHP insurance to refer an insider on domestic terrorism- like Dr. Ivanova- under circumstances. 
Tima tried to re-refer atty Ken Carlsson - another intimate relation of hers- whose also already my real estate atty and failed to perform since 2018 on 6+ estates he was retained for on lane website & promised to settle! He certainly gets fat dining at Idyology & nightly locally around town on our dime and bribes! I served him & gf weekly for 6 months- yet he failed to serve us back! 
Sex sting tries to hide abuse from Idyllwild Realty there too and United Way slumlording over 400+ tenants- losing Emily Pearson's murdered managers - raped tenants contracts- in a 40% housing crisis!
Shane Stewart and Sotheby's Neda Nourani broker in Sandiego- needs to be arrested with x-cop Keith Harper here on many big investors real-estate murder scams originating in Sandiego!
I'm a journalist of 30+ years.
All is posted at @nityalakshmi108 @nityalakshmi for legal empire with proof and notes to legal team on @twitter - full disclosure law. 
I miss my children, parents and homes.
All my Dr's are very impressed with my knowledge of nutrition and practice of Ayurveduc Indian medicine and vitamins to balance hormones and psyche; cleanse hospital toxins. 
I'm healing myself now after war on my family in covid Germ Warfare. 
They need me. As do you. 
One Woman taking stand for sisters creates global Miracles. 
Every divorcee in California needs you to stop #Obamacare (see: "I Care Alot" on Netfix & #FramingBritney) "care not court" people beg daily on twitter; stop murder AI Rape.
Many police reports available filed in Sandiego, Riverside & Metropolitan LA against x team pedos for rape & hospitalizations from Marine's head injuries.
I'm moving home to birthstate Illinois, school state Iowa, North Carolina Spiritual Center- I co-created, or my extended family in Hawaii, Canada and France beckon; if you can't mediate today; and expedite this professionally with ethical defenders. 
No More "continuances," on  bribed, smear play books.
I'm a mother #1.
That's my job.
If you are a Mom you know tbis role, and you have a duty to keep those bonds alive with respect and dignity to our kids.
It doesn't serve our officers to hate; murder and rape moms/kids- nor groom terrorists like Daniel Smachtenberger to breed incest from Riverside courts in Sandiego by age 16yo in colleges as a child prodigee of pedophilia. 
The 1000's of Officers we were abused by are weak terrified bullies, self sabotaging their own industry of defense like fools, and have nor been appropriate defense team for my Army family.
Please have all attys/officers/judges/DA delicensed on our cases. 
Elon Musk wants them for manufacturing in China! See Tesla jobs for attys there!
And, I need you all to "Rewind" this to 2017 and settle all real estate fraud on over a dozen homes, plus dozens of businesses, aps and foul play for decades against my father John D. Huntley of US Army & grandfather George Haydn Huntley of US Army & I. 
We decline all government services of slavery - need children- with full reperations of assets plus insurance and damages.
I'm happy to donate 10% comission to woman's housing charity in your name too; and any attys/officers that come clean like Sheriff Hanby, Mariano, Lopez & Lardaby - to stop honor Killings by accomplices Judge Clark, Dr. Singh, Dr. Anderson & Dr. Tongue in Las Calinas Detention- will be rewarded adequately by team Mother Maui. 
Legal professionals contributing to new peace orders for #FreeBritney #WeHeardYou and I will be compensated with voice to take a stand in our campaign for truth & #Justice4Children- fathered by Dalai Lama and Pope Francis @pontifex 
@Potus President Biden and mothered by DA VP Kamala Harris, her 2nd Husband atty Doug Emhoff, and atty sister Meena Harris with literary queen & mom Dr Jill Biden @flotus 
Nitya Huntley Rawal
Twitter Journalist: @nityalakshmi108 
PS Judge Nadia- last time I went to court with Atty Ashby Clark Sorrenson in 2017von this issue- my letters were sealed. 
I am posting this on @tumblr and uploading to @twitter Mathew Rosengart #FreeBritney team for copyright and full disclosure purposes for my extended families. 
I feel we have a civil responsibility to whistleblow on violent attys & officers/judges/DA creating crime in in-house domestic terrorism.
My Persian Armenian atty Roseline Farrel had to marry a judge to get protection after her and kids were abused in court's system. She doesn't like fraternising with alcoholic sex sting of courts, but has had no choice to survive- pimped in. 
Tulsi Gabbard also had to step down in Hawaii as Senator due to political terrorism. 
These "Mom" racist political crimes need to stop now! 
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chettyo2802 · 5 years
My experience of prac prep and first week of prac...
Abraham Lincoln once said “Give me six hours to chop a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” This quote emphasizes the importance of planning and preparation to ensure success or achievement of an end goal. Similarly, prac prep serves as the initial stages of sharpening our so called “axe” or in more literal terms our OT related skills.
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The prac prep organised prior to this psych block was one that was much needed. This is due to the fact that my previous psych fieldwork was about 18 months ago. The prac prep day covered various aspects namely, diagnostic and psychodynamic formulation, how to write up SMART aims correctly, intervention planning and so on. I found it extremely refreshing and informative. Competence, knowledge and confidence are factors that go hand in hand for students embarking on any fieldwork journey (Holland, Middleton & Uys, 2013). The knowledge gained from prac prep has enabled me to feel a little more confident in both myself and my abilities as a developing OT.
Apart from the academic aspect of prac prep, it also served as a means of getting acquainted  with my fellow colleagues and supervisor. I strongly feel that having a support system on prac is extremely beneficial. At times, fieldwork can be demanding and may not always be a bed of roses. It is during these times of distress that one can debrief with other members of the group, who are likely to understand and support you better, as they have probably experienced your dilemma before. Students could find emotional relief from sharing as well as devise coping skills together (Cook, 2018).
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Regardless of the numerous advantages of prac prep, I am aware that it does not mean that the “axe” ( or our OT skills) can be fully perfected during prac prep alone. Constant work, reading several knowledge sources and reflecting on previous years notes are all critical in contributing toward my OT growth.
As this first week of prac comes to an end, it is now time to reflect on my experiences over this period. I have to admit it has not been overwhelmingly stressful up to this point (not yet at least!). This week was focused on meeting with my clients, building up a rapport with them and beginning with assessment. With one of my clients,  an introductory interview was not suitable due to his decreased social communication. I therefore attempted to make a collage with him on the topic of himself, in order to get to know him better, and to prompt verbal and non-verbal communication through discussion about the collage. Although verbal communication was still very limited, I did get to know him a little better. In the upcoming week, I would like to manage my time well in order to ensure the completion of assessment of both my clients.
In conclusion, the venue in which I have been placed, is extremely homely and offers a warm atmosphere. The clients are also such sweet and friendly souls. I am looking forward to to my time at this place, interacting with these lovely individuals and creating wonderful memories.
Cook, J. (2018). Student-led mental health groups are important — with supervision. Retrieved 2 August 2019, from https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/395414-student-led-mental-health-groups-are-important-but-with-supervision
Holland, K., Middleton, L., & Uys, L. (2013). Professional Confidence: Conceptions Held by Novice Occupational Therapists in South Africa. Occupational Therapy International, 20(3), 105-113. doi: 10.1002/oti.1340
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wethelocals · 5 years
Like most people, I get a little peeved being told how to run my own business.  But I do like it when someone comes up with an idea that will help me do things better!
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We’ve all been there. Had a great idea, meant to follow through with it but got distracted by one of the many other issues that come up in the day to day running of our business.
I can’t count the times that I’ve taken time to think about my business strategy and implementation
What are the most important things that need focusing on?
How are we going to implement them?
How are we going to own them and get others to embrace them?
How do we make sure they stay in place and are effective?
What are the success measures?
I come out of these sessions psyched with great action plans. Only to find that a few days later, I’m focusing on something else and I have no trigger to pull me back on course. 
I loved the analogy Elizabeth Lyle used in a Ted Talk the other day on how to break bad management habits, describing herself as a serial dish stacker as she allowed them to pile up in the sink, always finding excuses not to take care of them!
My solution came when a friend of mine suggested I buy a plant for my desk!
Apart from sounding a little O.T.T., you’d think that this would be pretty simple but, after a few failed attempts, it became obvious that a little thought needed to go in to this.
What type of plant best suited my environment  – I wasn’t so sure so I asked my colleagues?
What does that plant say about me?
How much care would it need?
Would I be prepared to take care of it?
Who would take care of it if I was gone?
What would I do if it turned out to be the wrong plant – how would I Know?
Ok, so you can see where this is going if you compare both lists.
But, actually the most important part of having a plant on my desk is the fact that it acts like a constant trigger.  Every time I look at it, it reminds me that projects have to be nurtured -
And just like everything else, if I ignore it, it will fail and die.
So, even if it’s not a plant, get yourself a trigger that sits near your place of work and reminds you that your business and the very structure and systems that you have set up need nurturing.
Here’s an additional bonus. It also encourages conversation when colleagues  visit your work station. And so you start to encourage similar behavior in others!
Tony Powe has 20 years+ experience in the hospitality industry with 3 neighborhood restaurants, a bar, a speakeasy and a prehistoric cave (!) under his belt. He is also the founder and CEO of WeLocals® - he specializes in customer service training for small businesses, incentives and loyalty programs and providing tools to level the field with the big guys. He can be reached here and you can receive his weekly report The Big SMALL® at welocalsreport.com
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tikilimawmaw · 7 years
On the rare occasions that I care about my news feed, some things actually get my attention, aside from cute puppy gifs and stupid political fanaticism like wtf. Anyway, a “friend” shared this blog post about UPLB--my dear UPLB--and how uh-mazing that place is. I mean, I get it; it is a mystical, magical university (but not in a Hogwarts way) and, well, who could resist writing about, or instagramming it?
I apologize. I’m just at this point in my college life where I see everything under gray clouds, and I don’t mean the silvery kind. I mean dark, nimbus, let’s-do-relief-operations-after-this-storm, gray clouds. I hate that place, but every Monday when I return to the apartment there I’m always looking forward to walking the streets of Elbi. It’s weird.
Anyway, what I’m about to do is kind of a parallel narration according to the places described by the author/blogger. It’ll be a whiny, age-inappropriate sulking about how bad I feel in that wonderful place, but hey, I don’t know how to properly feel anymore. I need to do this.
(1 Baker Hall) The only fun I had in Baker Hall was Elbikon. Seriously. For one thing, the interior is very old--wooden steps, dramatic windows. Nothing wrong there; someone’s doing a splendid job on preservation (except that the temperature rises over unbearable degrees). Here’s the problem: the string ensemble of UPLB practices there. I hear violins, and I hate that. I hate missing the violin. It’s a piece of me that just doesn’t fit perfectly anymore when I try to get my shit together again. I mean, it fits, but not exact-o.
(2 Carillon Tower) For four years I’d lived in the same dormitory and every time I needed a jeepney ride, I pass by the Carillon Tower. It’s peaceful there; I hang around on my own and no one disturbs me because everyone else is too busy cuddling with his/her SO. It’s too peaceful actually, that all I could think about is that a pool of blood is too obvious at the foot of the tower. Besides, the gates are locked. No potential here.
Backspace. BACKSPACE.
(3 Student Union Building) Sigh. SU. Where do I even begin? Oh, wait, I need to get a number before I begin. Approximately 56 minutes before I get called. LIES! It’s like all you want to do there is rush in, get things done, rush out. But you can’t. Because you’re queued. The bathrooms are okay, I guess. I thought that SU was supposed to symbolize the university embracing the student, making them feel welcomed and that they are free to do whatever hell they want (bleargh). That’s funny, because I feel more welcomed by the river behind it. 
(4 Trees) I have this theory that the trees in UPLB are majestically large because they feed upon the souls and hopes and dreams of thousands and thousands of students, on-time and delayed, every semester. This may be only in my head, but I honestly feel like my energy is always drained when I’m there. Maybe that’s why Thursday is drinking day: so students can at least carry on through Friday and the weekends without feeling like shit. Me? I drink Mondays. And Tuesdays. And We--
(5 DL Umali) I don’t think I’ll ever walk the stage of DL Umali with pride and confidence ever again. I used to be a student achiever: college scholar and honor roll, promising GWA. I shake hands with the dean; I get a certificate. Now, I’m just a probationary student with nine failed units and one INC that all happened in one epic semester. Epic fail, that is. 
That’s not all. Our org holds our annual exhibit in the gallery at the basement. And I haven’t had any WIPs for a year. I can’t stress enough how I lost my will to draw. Recently, art has only been a way to calm me down. That’s great, right? At least I still have it. God.
(6 Nihon Koen) I think I’ll be seeing this torii regularly starting Tuesday. It’s a fun way to travel down from the UHS, where the psych is in TTh 2-5 pm. 
UPLB Tip #562: There are desperate pervs in pretty decent bathrooms. DO NOT give in to the temptation no matter how much of your life you’ve given up, because you can get sick. Or pregnant. Or worst, videoed. Besides, his dick was tiny.
(7 Thai Pavillion) Hang around this exotic gazebo every afternoon before dusk if you want to ogle at fit people stretching, and jogging, and basically all other things you don’t have the energy for, a.k.a taking care of your body. Plus, they have dogs. Dogs are one of the reasons I don’t let go.
(8 Freedom Park) Again, a haven for healthy people: F-park. Fit park. Food park. Fuck park. Whatever you wish: it’s Freedom Park. Here’s a tip: unless you’re a Jesus person, don’t sit on the benches alone. Or at least have the guts to say “no, I don’t wanna hear about the five things that I need to know to be saved.” And besides, sitting alone on a bench in front of a lot of parked cars for a few hours is creepy. There was this one time I thought this old guy in his car was actually watching me. I could take the attention but that just sounds really slutty. Try sitting at the grandstand instead. 
(9 Mariang Banga) It doesn’t matter what religion or cult you belong in: Mariang Banga is real. Ask permission before picking a flower, apologize for stepping on grass, always appreciate the weather no matter how insufferable it is, because she has power over this land, you mortal. (I still think she cursed me with a hole for a heart and a jelly for a brain.)
(10 Palma Bridge) There was a time in my early college years when Palma Bridge was called Sperm Bridge but I won’t give any hints. Get it? Hint? Like, odor? No? How about “call of the void”? “High place phenomenon”? Urge to jump? Still no? Good.
(11 Molawin Creek) This river is the same river I was talking about. It actually runs pretty far. In one of my stupid adventures pre destructive semesters, I tried to discover what was behind my then-dormitory. You guessed it: a forest. Hah okay, the river comes after it. There was this spot that I liked--clear and cold water, decently dry rocks, some shade, no one else around. Bathing naked was fun. But on my next adventure, I got lost, so uh-uh I’m not going back. Or will I? (I conclude that these adventures comprise a death wish.)
(12 Park behind humanities) Behind CAS Building is this construction where we get rubble from. And the mound of gravel that was never removed served as another seat for our tambayan, where I always feel so awkward. 
(13 NCAS) One question: how the hell can I get on the NCAS rooftop? Ideation aside, a top view of O-park would be nice. 
(14 Office of the University Registrar) Soon enough, the registrar will not include me in the list of officially enrolled students because ma’am, I am tired. I need a break. And probably my TOR.
(15 Hum/CAS) Pretend to be a younger batch if you look the part. I always do. It gives the illusion that I’m still full of hopes and dreams, and it’s a good excuse for asking about things that I should know. The three CAS buildings and Physci are the good places to do it. And Copeland gym. 
(16 Two roads diverged by O-park) Lots of walks to clear the mind // Beware acquaintances, tell them you’re fine. // Groups of friends walking, pretty intimidating // Cross the road, the other side is empty: your thing.
(17 Gamma SIgma) Yeah, well I always thought it was a shade for the CSB. Sorrynotsorry.
(18 Heritage Tower) My happy memories include playing UNO with my friends under the Kwek-kwek tower and reading the ridiculous vandals like “Jherehmie luv Ehllah 4rvr 24″. I have nothing against Jherehmie and Ehllah, but come on, that tower was [awfully] repainted. I miss the times when I don’t suddenly stop and stare at nothing while I play UNO or sing karaoke with my friends. It’s awkward; I catch myself doing it. Nope. Nope.
UPLB Tip #847: It never hurts to be observant. Get really observant until you’re almost being a stalker. But not really. There are always patterns for everything, and you just really need to be good at knowing them. For example, your crush. Your crush has a schedule; on TTh he walks out of this building at this hour, on WF he enters another. Where does he live? Which jeepney does he usually ride, kanan or kaliwa? Observation, not stalking.
(19 UPLB Gate) I’ll be back, I promise.
(20 CEM...thingy) Forget that weird piece of artsy nonsense, that buried building at the back with the swastika is the mystery. I never bothered to know the history, but hey, it’s dark, wet and eerie--must be zombies. 
(21 Raymundo) I always dub this as “not my turf”. Since I’m not familiar with it, I also have adventures here (just to be clear, adventure meant walking and exploring, nothing else). I’ll miss rolling under the gate after curfew and deciding where to eat (usually takes around 15 minutes).
(22 Never-ending bridge) Again, with the bridges. Look, it’s a long way down but the aesthetics are great. There’re these pretty purple (or were they blue?) flowers and a thick canopy of ferns and broad leaves. Die pretty.
UPLB Tip #1036: Don’t shut everyone out. Ever heard of “don’t burn your bridges”? Yeah, well if you’re that kind of person who possibly needs to utilize people in the future, then go. But geez is that all there is to connections, the utility? What about just having fun conversations together, and lunches and dinners? IMHO, the people you meet at your later years in college are more likely to become “colleagues” than “friends”. Unless he’s the one. Squeal.
(23 Forestry route) While the torii is my way down, this road takes me up to the psych.
(24 UPLB) I hate my house. I hate my school. I just want to be in between, in the journey. I know I’ll get to the two points at some time in my life but not now. A view from afar would be nice. “I’ll be there,” I would say, “just give me a moment to catch up.” I’ll be right back.
Welp. That was awfully long. So here’s the blog, again. Vivid pictures, beautiful words, I am nothing. 
Edit: She’s on Tumblr. OH NO.
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erraticfairy · 5 years
Join Us for a Free Day-Long Happiness Webinar Event: World Happiness Agora
I’m so grateful for all the years of support and guidance Dr. Grohol has brought our work at iFred, and am so grateful to be sharing the PsychCentral message of community with the broader public through the first ever World Happiness Agora. The event is taking place online, with free access for all with an internet connection, bringing together leading scientists, educators, innovators, technologists, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and youth to share why and how mental health must be addressed today, as; there is no health without mental health.
Each is providing ‘Calls to Action’, and we encourage you to share far and wide with friends, family, and coworkers, to join together in solidarity and learn from these global experts, including the great work of Dr. Grohol.
You can register online or watch live from iFred’s Facebook page and see live tweets on Twitter @ifredorg.
The World Happiness Virtual Agora is a five day event from 8:00am-6:00pm EST Monday, March 18 through Friday March 22, and is offering the first day “The Future of Health” free. As over one billion people globally have a mental, neurodevelopment, or substance use disorder, it impacts everyone in some way.
Luis Gallardo, Founder of the World Happiness Agora states that “we have recognized mental health as one of the key contributors to illness, loneliness and overall misery in the world, so we have given it a fundamental role in the agenda and make it the first topic to be addressed during happiness week. We give it this significance, with the aim to eradicate mental health stigma, knowing that normalizing mental health as we do physical health, and making it a part of in everyday conversation, is a fundamental factor in creating a world of equality, health, and happiness for all.”
I curated the first day of World Happiness Virtual Agora, because I’ve been working in the field over 15 years and believe we need to bring science and mainstream together, for a collective conversation. We have a growing challenge with mental health, as depression and anxiety in youth are rising at alarming rates, and the stigma of mental health is strong. Yet we have proven, effective treatments, there is a positive return on investment for many solutions, and there is a great deal of hope to be celebrated. It is an honor and privilege to bring together these thought leaders, including my great mentor Dr. John Grohol, to share work with the broader community interested in creating a happier and healthier future for all.”
The ‘Future of Health’ Day is comprised of Ted-type 20-minute talks, with key insights from experts with calls to action we collectively need to take to address this significant issue.
The Future of Health March 18th Agenda (All times EST)
8:00am –  The Future of Health Luis Gallardo, MBA, Juan Jose Reyes, MD, and Kathryn Goetzke, MBA
8:05am- Mental Health and Our Future Shekhar Saxena, MD, FRCPsych, DAB, MRC, Psych
8:30- Making the Business Case for Mental Health Patricio V. Marquez
9:00- Health & The Women’s Brain Dr. Antonella Santuccione Chadha, MD, Co-founder & CEO, The Women’s Brain Project
9:30- Time to Change Direction Barbara Van Dahlen, PhD, PhD
10:00- Connecting with Community Online John M. Grohol, PsyD
10:30- Connecting Generations through Communities Dr. Dixon Chibanda, MD
11:00- Making Happiness a Habit Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD
11:30- One Mind for Brain Health Garen Staglin
12:00pm – How do Cities Rise? Moitreyee Sinha, PhD
12:30- How to Cities Thrive Gary Belkin, MD, PhD, MPH
1:00- Sharing Your Story Bill Bernat
1:30- Operationalizing Hope Myron Belfer, MD, MPA; Kristy Stark, EdM, MA, BCBA; Kathryn Goetzke, MBA
2:00- Mental Health and Sustainable Development (UN SDGs) Professor Sir Graham Thornicroft and Nicole Votruba
2:30- Bringing Dignity to Mental Health Dr. Gabriel Ivbijaro, MD
3:00- Leading technologies for treatment Walter Greenleaf, PhD
3:30- Mind, Meet Body; Merging mental and physical healthcare Rohan Dixit
4:00- Well. Being. Trust. Tyler Norris, MDiv
4:30- Creating Our Future Vikram Harshad Patel, MBBS, PhD
5:00- Launching a Movement with Peers Charlene Sunkel
5:30- The Future is Youth Lian Zeitz, Brooks Kenny, and Matthew Jackman
* * *
This event is free, and available around the world to all those that have internet access. Feel free to create an event, and watch with your colleagues or friends. The event is also livestreamed from iFred’s Facebook page, and all talks are being recorded, so that individuals can watch in the future if they are unable to watch live. Anyone can sign up for online or find out more about the event and its speakers on the iFred facebook page and twitter page @ifredorg.
Please join us and help spread the word to make this world happier and healthier for all.
About iFred: The mission of International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression (iFred) is to shine a positive light on depression and eliminate the stigma associated with the disease through prevention, research and education. Its goal is to ensure 100% of the 350 million people affected by depression seek and receive treatment.
iFred is creating a shift in society’s negative perception of depression through positive imagery and branding—establishing the sunflower and color yellow as the international symbols of hope for depression. To further its mission, iFred engages with individuals and organizations to execute high-impact and effective campaigns that educate the public about support and treatment for depression and teaches Hope to young kids through Hopeful Minds.
iFred also just launched Hope Training through 7 Cups, a Peer to Peer support app used around the world.
About World Happiness Agora: The World Happiness Agora is the world’s largest, most diverse, polycentric and comprehensive forum of happiness with well-being experts, thought leaders, activist, shapers, and game changers. We are connecting the world through our social media hub and using communications technology to maximize the impact of our social interactions to connect online and offline.
from World of Psychology https://ift.tt/2Fgfzzm via theshiningmind.com
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Join Us for a Free Day-Long Happiness Webinar Event: World Happiness Agora
I’m so grateful for all the years of support and guidance Dr. Grohol has brought our work at iFred, and am so grateful to be sharing the PsychCentral message of community with the broader public through the first ever World Happiness Agora. The event is taking place online, with free access for all with an internet connection, bringing together leading scientists, educators, innovators, technologists, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and youth to share why and how mental health must be addressed today, as; there is no health without mental health.
Each is providing ‘Calls to Action’, and we encourage you to share far and wide with friends, family, and coworkers, to join together in solidarity and learn from these global experts, including the great work of Dr. Grohol.
You can register online or watch live from iFred’s Facebook page and see live tweets on Twitter @ifredorg.
The World Happiness Virtual Agora is a five day event from 8:00am-6:00pm EST Monday, March 18 through Friday March 22, and is offering the first day “The Future of Health” free. As over one billion people globally have a mental, neurodevelopment, or substance use disorder, it impacts everyone in some way.
Luis Gallardo, Founder of the World Happiness Agora states that “we have recognized mental health as one of the key contributors to illness, loneliness and overall misery in the world, so we have given it a fundamental role in the agenda and make it the first topic to be addressed during happiness week. We give it this significance, with the aim to eradicate mental health stigma, knowing that normalizing mental health as we do physical health, and making it a part of in everyday conversation, is a fundamental factor in creating a world of equality, health, and happiness for all.”
I curated the first day of World Happiness Virtual Agora, because I’ve been working in the field over 15 years and believe we need to bring science and mainstream together, for a collective conversation. We have a growing challenge with mental health, as depression and anxiety in youth are rising at alarming rates, and the stigma of mental health is strong. Yet we have proven, effective treatments, there is a positive return on investment for many solutions, and there is a great deal of hope to be celebrated. It is an honor and privilege to bring together these thought leaders, including my great mentor Dr. John Grohol, to share work with the broader community interested in creating a happier and healthier future for all.”
The ‘Future of Health’ Day is comprised of Ted-type 20-minute talks, with key insights from experts with calls to action we collectively need to take to address this significant issue.
The Future of Health March 18th Agenda (All times EST)
8:00am –  The Future of Health Luis Gallardo, MBA, Juan Jose Reyes, MD, and Kathryn Goetzke, MBA
8:05am- Mental Health and Our Future Shekhar Saxena, MD, FRCPsych, DAB, MRC, Psych
8:30- Making the Business Case for Mental Health Patricio V. Marquez
9:00- Health & The Women’s Brain Dr. Antonella Santuccione Chadha, MD, Co-founder & CEO, The Women’s Brain Project
9:30- Time to Change Direction Barbara Van Dahlen, PhD, PhD
10:00- Connecting with Community Online John M. Grohol, PsyD
10:30- Connecting Generations through Communities Dr. Dixon Chibanda, MD
11:00- Making Happiness a Habit Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD
11:30- One Mind for Brain Health Garen Staglin
12:00pm – How do Cities Rise? Moitreyee Sinha, PhD
12:30- How to Cities Thrive Gary Belkin, MD, PhD, MPH
1:00- Sharing Your Story Bill Bernat
1:30- Operationalizing Hope Myron Belfer, MD, MPA; Kristy Stark, EdM, MA, BCBA; Kathryn Goetzke, MBA
2:00- Mental Health and Sustainable Development (UN SDGs) Professor Sir Graham Thornicroft and Nicole Votruba
2:30- Bringing Dignity to Mental Health Dr. Gabriel Ivbijaro, MD
3:00- Leading technologies for treatment Walter Greenleaf, PhD
3:30- Mind, Meet Body; Merging mental and physical healthcare Rohan Dixit
4:00- Well. Being. Trust. Tyler Norris, MDiv
4:30- Creating Our Future Vikram Harshad Patel, MBBS, PhD
5:00- Launching a Movement with Peers Charlene Sunkel
5:30- The Future is Youth Lian Zeitz, Brooks Kenny, and Matthew Jackman
* * *
This event is free, and available around the world to all those that have internet access. Feel free to create an event, and watch with your colleagues or friends. The event is also livestreamed from iFred’s Facebook page, and all talks are being recorded, so that individuals can watch in the future if they are unable to watch live. Anyone can sign up for online or find out more about the event and its speakers on the iFred facebook page and twitter page @ifredorg.
Please join us and help spread the word to make this world happier and healthier for all.
About iFred: The mission of International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression (iFred) is to shine a positive light on depression and eliminate the stigma associated with the disease through prevention, research and education. Its goal is to ensure 100% of the 350 million people affected by depression seek and receive treatment.
iFred is creating a shift in society’s negative perception of depression through positive imagery and branding—establishing the sunflower and color yellow as the international symbols of hope for depression. To further its mission, iFred engages with individuals and organizations to execute high-impact and effective campaigns that educate the public about support and treatment for depression and teaches Hope to young kids through Hopeful Minds.
iFred also just launched Hope Training through 7 Cups, a Peer to Peer support app used around the world.
About World Happiness Agora: The World Happiness Agora is the world’s largest, most diverse, polycentric and comprehensive forum of happiness with well-being experts, thought leaders, activist, shapers, and game changers. We are connecting the world through our social media hub and using communications technology to maximize the impact of our social interactions to connect online and offline.
from World of Psychology https://ift.tt/2Fgfzzm via IFTTT
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