#3 Houses Imagines
semisolidmind · 3 months
I'd like to ask for a family photo of Angel with their found family. Kissy and Poppy included if you please.
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a photo found on the bedside table of an upstairs bedroom of a long abandoned house in the woods. the owner was a recluse who supposedly died on the property.
it's strange... what are those things? like old toys that were popular a long time ago, but; they look too... alive to just be toys.
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rileyclaw · 1 year
they really didn't . get collected, idiots!!!
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queenie-official · 7 months
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doctor-dt · 1 year
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papyrus teaches frisk his special attacks!!!
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minjix · 11 months
cinderella → Vinnie Hacker x female!reader
summary: in which you’re the one catching his attention
warnings: fluff, and that’s a warning of itself lol + plus the standard swear word here and there. also I can’t for the life of me write an ending, so I apologize if it feels abrupt-because it is lol. also keep in mind that english is not my first language.
a/n: I write with breaks to actually be able to give it my all and not lose interest in writing- which is a genuine fear of mine
word count: 2.6k :)
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reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
It was all a stupid cliche in your eyes as you stared at the tweet Vinnie had posted. “who is she.” Simple as that, yet mostly everyone knew what he was referring to, but they didn’t know whom and Vinnie didn’t know either.
Like previously stated, it was all a stupid cliche- a masquerade party filled to the brim with influencers and small celebrities, crowding a huge mansion which felt tiny as you pushed your way through to get a much needed breath of fresh air, away from the liquor stained breaths.
You sighed in relief as you stepped into the cool L.A, two am breeze, the music thumping through the ground, vibrating your whole body. “I feel the same way,” a dark voice chuckled. Startled, you looked into the direction of which the voice came from, and there he stood, leaning on the wall, head tilted back and eyes on the night sky. He was dressed simple, something you rolled your eyes at, and his arms of which were folded in front of his chest was covered in tattoos. “Huh?” Was all that you managed to get out, your tongue deciding to twist on itself.
The corners of his mouth twitched as though he wanted to smile, but refrained from doing just that. “Wanting to get away for a few minutes,” his voice was velvety and , his skin shone red from the neon lights seeping through the huge windows.
“Oh- yeah, you answered stupidly, “totes.” You wanted to smack yourself. A laugh rumbled his chest and escaped from his lips as his head tilted in your direction, his eyes meeting yours. “Totes? Never heard that before-in real life that is.” Duh, because you’ve spoken like a bad stereotypical surfer dude.
You didn’t know how to respond so you simply nodded your head, very aware of his eyes trailing down your body. A tattooed hand entered your peripheral, “I’m Vinnie,” he introduced himself. It was then more sober you connected the dots, of course it’s Vinnie the Hacker. The only disguise he had was a black eye mask with black crystals in intricate designs; it looked expensive and it most definitely was, knowing who he was and all. You hadn’t bothered to wear a mask, but had regretted that decision the moment you stepped into the mansion.
You didn’t shake his hand. “Cool,” you shrugged mentally preparing yourself with whatever half assed excuse you could come up with to leave. ‘my apartment is on fire’ don’t want to jinx myself you thought afterwards. “Um, nice to meet you?” You sounded awfully unsure, and guilt brewed in your stomach when you saw Vinnie wince. “So,” he began carefully, trying to get an understanding,” what’s your name?”
But you didn’t feel like answering. “I’m hungry.” You spat out and his eyes widened. “What?”
“I’m hungry, so I’m going to leave. Bye.” You turned to leave but a careful grasp of your arm halted you, “do you want to get McDonalds with me? I’m kinda hungry too.” He sounded shy, and you couldn’t even imagine turning him down, he looked like a sad puppy for Christ sake.
The drive to the fast food chain was surprisingly comfortable, even though Vinnie tried his best to get you to tell him your name; to no avail. And soon enough the two of you were seated by the window, both with big macs in hand, awkwardness thrown out the window as the alcohol induced hunger made everything taste oh so much better.
“so fucking good,” Vinnie groaned through a mouthful causing you to almost choke on your fourth bite. Your eyes didn’t leave his form, his hair in a disarray and his eyes closed as he ate the burger.
You forced a chuckle, “won’t your friends get mad or something?” You mumbled, playing with your fries. The tattooed man shook his head, “no? Why would they?” His eyes were on yours now and you couldn’t help but feel bare under his intense gaze.
“You kinda ditched them…” you trailed of as a smirk grew on his lips, his tongue quickly darting out to lick them. “Trust me they won’t notice.” He sounded sure. “Why?” You asked and this time he laughed softly, “you’re very curious, huh?” You shrugged, “I guess.”
He continued, “but no, they were pretty busy trying to get laid so I really doubt they’d notice me missing.” He stressed the word ‘really’.
“Oh.” He laughed again as he stared you down, “you’re really weird, y’know that?”
You and Vinnie had spent an hour talking nonsense, and when the two of you noticed the hard stares from the workers you both decided to leave. Vinnie had insisted on dropping you off at home but an uncomfortable feeling grew in the pit of your stomach as you politely declined, telling him a white lie to soothe his worries about leaving a girl in the streets of LA at three am.
The morning after, curiosity had you in its grip as you reluctantly opened Twitter and searched for his handle.
@/vinniehacker: who is she. posted at five am. Quicker than lightning you exited the app, contemplating on deleting it completely, but you refrained from doing it.
You grew frustrated at yourself, you had an amazing night last night with an amazing attractive guy, and you full out blew everything to bits.
Your best friend tended to call you a flesh ball of anxiety, a saying that left a sour taste in your mouth and cheeks aching from faking a laugh. You were a people pleaser, but at the same time you hated everyone and preferred to be by yourself. So you did everything to stay out of the spotlight, simply rooming with your childhood best friend who went viral on TikTok months ago. And Vinnie was the opposite of staying out of the spotlight.
Before your brain had caught up to what your hands were doing, you had already entered the cursed bird app again, entering his handle, tapping on the tweet and reading through the comments. ‘she????’, ‘what?!’, all in a similar fashion. Speculations were thrown left and right and thirty minutes had passed of you endlessly scrolling, biting your lip raw until you tasted iron.
“Get up! We have an event to go to!” You wanted to cry, to come up with a lie that you were sick and didn’t want to spread it further. You lied a lot, at least tried to before your brain took you through the endless possibilities of consequences coming from said lies. So you heaved a sigh and got ready.
The event was extremely overcrowded and overwhelming, the LA sun beaming down on bodies dripping in expensive perfumes, a cloud of strong smells begging for a headache to form. You were a plus one, a non famous one at that, so you stood awkwardly to the side as your friend and her famous friends took promo pictures. In your hand was a mimosa, minus the champagne, so orange juice.
You didn’t bother to keep up the happy charade, settling on frowning while sipping your expensive orange juice. You had half a mind to ask what brand of juice it was but decided that you were already looking stupid so there was no point of making it worse.
You were painfully aware of how lonely you looked so you grabbed your phone and entered the weather app, wondering how the weather in Hamburg was.
“So, uh, how’s the weather looking?” A velvety voice asked from above your right shoulder, warm air tickling your skin and you froze. Shit. “Uhm, cloudy with a chance of rain,”
You turned towards him and tried not to gape at what you saw. He was wearing a half buttoned white blouse with his hair slicked back except for a few strands in the front. He wore black and expensive looking trousers, and silver rings wrapped around almost each finger with a silver braided bracelet. His sleeves were rolled up revealing his tattoos on his sun kissed skin. And he smelled so fucking good.
He gave you a mischievous grin, “hey, you.” His eyes trailed over your form, several times with a glint in his eyes. You whispered a hey back, flustered for some reason and you were also ashamed, for what, you had no idea.
“I never got your name,” he muttered, his hands in his pocket. You could only shrug, words not agreeing with you. And there it was, that nauseating shameful feeling you got, you were ashamed of yourself for some reason, well you know why, but actually taking the bull by its horns are the hard part.
“I know,” he frowned at your answer, raising an eyebrow. “So you’re not going to give me your name, so I’ll just have to call you Cinderella then. “ he smiled smugly at the end of his sentence, as though he had conquered the world with his pinkie.
“Cinderella?” You asked confused and a smit insulted. “I didn’t drop my shoe…” you trailed off, combing through your memory, and sure enough, you had both your shoes on, or you would’ve noticed otherwise.
He laughed out loud, his teeth on full display and eyes closed. “No, you didn’t drop your shoe. But you did leave me with not being able to stop thinking of you…” he said, his eyes unrelentingly searching yours as if he could simply read your name in your irises. Your eyes widened and you felt as though your stomach was turning inside out. This has to be a cruel joke, you thought to yourself as you glared at him.
“That’s not funny,” you murmured through clenched teeth. He looked confused, brows furrowed. “It-it wasn’t a joke,” he said sheepishly. He looked genuinely hurt, and it made you doubt your insecurities.
“I genuinely had a great time with you last night, and I want to get to know you.” He kept his eyes on yours the entire time. “So please, what’s your name?” He sounded desperate, as though your name would unlock every story there was to know about you.
“Y/n,” you whispered and you watched in awe as he tested your name on his tongue, several times before settling with a “I like it, it suits you.” Vinnie telling you that your name suits you felt like a thousand suns were shining down on you. You bit your lip to repress the grin that was threatening to grow and instead you settled for a shy smile, praying that you didn’t have anything between your teeth.
“Y/nn!” A voice called, it seemed as though your friend had finished with her promo pics. “I got you a goodie bag-oh,” she paused when she saw the Vinnie Hacker standing beside you. “Hey,” she smiled and fluttered her eyelashes and a boulder dropped into your stomach. Of course, you thought. She’s so much prettier than me, and famous.
He only nodded in acknowledgement with a small ‘hey’, it didn’t deter your friend from asking a lot of questions. You took that as your queue to leave, slowly walking backwards whilst Vinnie’s eyes were on yours the entire time, looking confused as to what you were doing.
You quickly nodded towards your friend, who was still animatedly talking, whilst wiggling your eyebrows suggestively, ignoring the knot in your stomach.
Once again Vinnie looked confused before the dots in his head connected. His eyes widened before he shook his head, something your friend hadn’t noticed as she was too busy scrolling through her TikTok to show Vinnie a specific video of her. He mouthed the word ‘NO’ several times whilst staring at you with his wide eyes.
It was kind of endearing to watch him panic. A chuckle escaped you before he turned to your friend, an apologetic smile on his face. “Excuse me,” he said softly, eyes still on you before walking towards, grabbing your hand with utter care before he led you inside the building.
He stopped in an empty hallway, staring down at you with a smirk on his lips. “Trying to set me up with your friend,” he murmured lazily, eyes tracing your lips. “When you know fully well that I’m interested in you…”
It felt like a fever dream, and you had to mentally force yourself to focus on the situation at hand. Is Vinnie about to kiss me?
“You don't even know me,” you retaliated, a frown on your lips, your lips of which he still stared at. He shrugged at your answer, a serious look taking over his face. “So let me,” he began. “Let’s get out of here.”
You shook your head, “I can’t just leave my friend-“.
He interrupted you, “your friend who seemed very busy, in fact, I recall you standing by yourself.” You had nothing to say to that except for a gentle nod with a smile on your lips. Vinnie grinned in return before tugging out of the building and into his car. You had sent a simple text to your friend-‘ i’m going out, don’t wait for me <3’
Vinnie treated you to McDonalds, once again and took you to a look out, the city of angels to stare at whilst you both ate. His shoulder touched yours as you sat on the picnic blanket filled to the brim with greasy and mouth watering food.
“So tell me, how come I can’t find you anywhere?” He asked, his hand playing with yours, twisting your rings. It created a warm feeling in your stomach.
“I’m a private person,” you began, hearing Vinnie murmuring a ‘couldn’t have guessed,’ and you nudged your shoulder into his playfully, drawing a laugh from his lips. “I guess, uhm I don’t see myself in the spotlight, having people constantly judging my every move.” He nodded in agreement, looking lost in thought.
“I can understand that, it’s just unusual to see someone not famous in parties held by influencers.” You nodded, agreeing with him. “My friend is pretty famous and always makes me her plus one.”
“I like it though,” you stared at him confused whilst he stared at you with a small smile on his lips, almost looking shy. “Like what?”
“I don’t know, it’s hard to explain…” he looked lost in his thoughts.
“Try,” you pushed, his hand tightening around yours.
“I like that I can pursue this,” he gestured whilst you stared at him with wide eyes. “That you’ll be somewhat safe from the onslaught of comments you would’ve gotten if you were a public figure. This feels normal to me, y’know. Like it’s not for show, it’s just me and you.”
“Me and you?” You asked with a grin, his smile grew and he gave you a wink, “of course, this is our second date after all.”
“Is that so?” You bit your lip when he leaned towards you, his lips so close to touching yours, before he planted a small, almost phantom-like kiss on them. “It is so,” he gauged your expression before ultimately seeing the contentment in your eyes, and pressed his lips to yours firmly. You felt his hand grasp your cheek as he tilted his head to gain more access.
You were both breathing heavily before you disconnected your lips, but Vinnie took it upon himself to kiss your cheeks before traveling down your neck, leaving you even more breathless.
“I’m taking you on dates everyday this week,” he breathed into your neck and you felt your eyes roll back from the sensation and his sultry voice.
“I expect you to-“ he stopped you from talking with another kiss. “Shut up and kiss me,” he ordered and you did, for several hours, the once bright sun in the middle of sky, now dipping down on the horizon covered by the Los Angeles skyline.
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demonadelem · 4 months
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The funny part is that I will always find someone in the fandom that denies the sibling dynamic because B doesn't think of the caretaker as a parent. Buddy, B doesn't need to.
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Hey, I had a thought for the fantasy au! So on one of the previous versions of the WH website, there was a rhyme for the show that went:
A house is a place with four walls and a floor,
with a ceiling above and a lovely front door.
There's a bed to cradle you safely at night,
and windows to bring in the morning sunlight.
Your house is a mirror of just who you are,
A reflection that tells you to never stray far.
Which I thought might make a good incantation for when Wally properly summons Home (I can't remember if that's ever required for Warlocks but hey, it's still a fun poem regardless).
ohhhh this. i like this...
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bonus og sketch! big ol eyes...
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& no capalet because uhhhh eh nah and also i wanted Home's pendant to be on full display!
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thankstothe · 11 months
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madame-fear · 9 months
Do you think Rhaenyra would give Lucerys a little push for him to talk to the reader, his crush, because he's too shy for it?
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Absolutely! Lucerys is just like a little shy boy, who seems to be too scared to approach you, and at the same time, he would be like an eager puppy to get to know you better and become close to you.
Luke wouldn’t even need to say anything to Rhaenyra about his crush on you, she just notices it straight away by the way he stares at you, faintly blushes and looks down for a brief moment when you both are in the same room/exchange staring, bites his lower lip to hide his smile — all clear signs. She knows him better than he knows himself; Rhaenyra is his mother, after all.
Nyra would definitely invite you and your House to feasts hosted on Dragonstone, or would simply invite you to spend some days in there, and any chance she has of pairing you next to Luke, she will take it, and she will insist on both of you to talk.
And, it works like charm. Both of you always end up chatting and laughing together, and he even manages to toss away his shyness to offer you his arm, and walk you around the castle, with his green puppy eyes full of love and care only for you, smiling absolutely lovestruck. Rhaenyra’s insistsnce is what he needs to talk to you and approach you, and it never fails to work.
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fangsandfeels · 4 months
It's never explained why Mizora tries to tempt Tav with sex, aside from the fact that she simply wants to: she is curious, she is bored, she likes messing with mortals and this was yet another way for her to get them hooked on hellish influence, etcetera, etcetera.
Personally, I prefer to imagine that it's also her way of sowing the seeds of discord in the group because if Wyll refuses to enter a forever pact to save his father, Mizora is extremely salty.
It's logical for her to put everyone he calls friends in a bad light, to set them up and show how she can get anyone wrapped around her claw - how anyone can choose her over him. I expected her to try and take away one of the few things Wyll had left: his trust in his friends by making them fall to temptation.
She tried to break him so many times. She would whisper lies in Florrick's ears painting Wyll as the usurper. Why wouldn't she try to ruin this as well? Like, her whole intention of lingering in the camp is to be a painful reminder to Wyll of the choice he made and expect him to run back to her for a new deal.
This makes me think that Mizora tries to flirt and offer sex not just to Tav, but to almost everyone else in the group. And gets rejected fabulously.
Lae'zel sends her to the Zarielland before she can even finish. And repeats it so as many times as it takes for Mizora to get the hint.
Astarion just goes "Ah, sorry darling. It's not me, it's you. Also, maybe, do something about that sulfur stench before you try to seduce anyone who is not a mephit?" *trademark bratty laugh*
Gale hints that he is a man of immense encyclopedical sexual knowledge that encompasses some truly divine techniques, but the privilege of experiencing this type of Gale magic shall be bestowed on his true love, which is certainly not Mizora. But, if she apologizes for her abhorrent behavior and promises to leave the camp and Wyll alone, he might be so kind as to give her a brief introductory lecture and let her take notes.
Halsin basically offers Mizora to go fuck a deep rothe in the most polite way possible.
Shadowheart would agree. But when Mizora shows up for the night of passion, instead of Shadowheart there is Dame Aylin with a steel chair.
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venus-haze · 5 months
Pretty Tied Up (Otis Driftwood x Reader)
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Summary: Or, the perils of working at Red Hot Pussy Liquors.
Note: Female reader, but no other descriptors are used. This takes place between House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects. Based on the Guns N' Roses song. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. Armed robbery and implied kidnapping. Sexually explicit content that involves extremely dubious consent and sadism, gags, bondage, groping, and gunplay. Otis is pretty much his own warning. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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Having regulars at a liquor store was a double-edged sword. You got to know some customers well enough to like them, but over time you’d notice they looked increasingly worse for wear as they came up to the checkout with their usual purchases. The exception, of course, were the Fireflys, who you always found unsettling, despite Baby’s attempts to seem affable. 
“My brother likes you,” she said one day, leaning against the counter as you rang up three bottles of vodka and two six-packs of beer.
“RJ?” you asked, glancing at her brother standing a few feet behind her.
RJ was always nice enough. Didn’t say much. Tall. Burly. Strong. Ruggedly handsome. You’d be open to going out with him.
She laughed in her usual high-pitch that always toed the line of being spine-chilling. “No silly! I’m talkin’ ‘bout Otis.”
You stared at her blankly. “Who’s Otis?”
“You know, long hair, blue eyes, scruffy ol’ beard. He came in here the other night. You must’ve made one hell of an impression. He won’t shut up about ya.”
Oh yeah. Him. Bought a bottle of whiskey and a stack of hardcore BDSM porno magazines. ‘You ever look at this stuff?’ he’d asked, eyeing you as you put a magazine with a nude, distressed-looking woman suspended by intricate ropes on the cover into a brown paper bag. When you first started working there, you could hardly stomach the sight of the rougher fare. As time went on, you found yourself hesitantly intrigued. ‘Gotta have something to do besides go to church on Sundays,’ you replied, earning a wicked grin from him. 
“That’s nice,” you said.
She snickered. “My brother’s not nice.”
“Is this everything?” you asked, hoping to move the interaction along.
“Hey RJ, you gettin’ anything else?” Baby asked over her shoulder.
He shook his head, approaching to pick up the crate you put the bottles in.
Baby handed you a wad of cash. She almost always overpaid, letting you keep the change, which was most of the reason you humored her antics in the first place. “Thanks darlin’! See ya real soon!” she said, wiggling her eyebrows, keen to something you were yet to be aware of.
Two nights later you were working the store alone. Your coworker Billy didn’t even have the decency to call and let you know he wasn’t coming in–or quit. He just didn’t show up at 9:30 when he was supposed to, and your phone call to his house was met with a busy dial tone. Asshole.
It’d been a slow night anyway, but you would have appreciated the heads up, or at least another body in the place when the front door was kicked open.
“This is a robbery! Don’t fucking move or I’ll shoot!”
Despite the bandana covering the bottom half of his face, you knew who it was right away. Long, graying hair and piercing blue eyes that were burned into your memory from his last visit to the liquor store.
You lifted your hands in the air. Your manager had told you on your first day that there was always a possibility of this happening. Better to just let them take whatever cash and booze they wanted and report it to the police once they left. ‘Don’t go playin’ hero. We got insurance.’
“Keep those hands up,” Otis said, slowly approaching the counter. “I’m gonna walk back there, and you’re gonna open the register for me.”
You nodded, eyes glued to him as he slithered around the counter like a snake, gun steadily pointed at you. 
“Go on,” he said.
With a trembling hand, you opened the register, the cash-filled drawer popping open for him. He pressed the gun to your temple, instructing you to put the cash in one of the brown paper bags by your side. You tried not to glance at him too much while you stuffed the paper bag with the money, finally pushing it toward him and sticking your hands up again.
“Alright, now turn around.”
“I ain’t got all night.”
You glanced at the door. No way you could make a run for it, but maybe someone would walk in and be able to do something.
He followed your gaze and let out a cruel scoff. “Ain’t nobody coming through that door who can save you. I’m the closest thing to salvation you’ll ever get. Now turn the fuck around.”
With a shaky breath, you did as you were told, freezing when you felt the barrel of the gun press against the back of your head. His free hand grabbed your ass through your jeans, his strong grip almost painful as he squeezed each cheek. “Wonder how much it’d take to make you bruise?” he mumbled, almost to himself. He squeezed again, harder this time, as if he were trying to dig his fingers into your flesh. “Too much work when I can just cut into ya.”
“Don’t hurt me,” you pleaded, though hearing your own voice, you weren’t quite sure how convinced you were that you didn’t want him to do his worst. Knowing what you did about the Firefly clan, the rumblings around Ruggsville about the strange family–it would be pretty damn bad.
“C’mon now, mama. You led me to believe you liked it rough,” he said, voice gravelly and low as he slipped his hand between your legs from behind, rubbing the rough denim material and your cotton panties against your pussy, the friction hitting your clit in just the right spot for you to let out a shameful moan. Your hand flew to your mouth, the other clenched in a fist as you tried not to give him the reaction he wanted. Didn’t want to prove him right. Show him how curious you were. You didn’t even have it in you to fight back, not when you were on the edge, so achingly close until suddenly you weren’t anymore.
You nearly whined when he pulled his hand away, horrified at yourself, your reaction to his groping you. He grabbed each of your arms, roughly pulling them behind your back and tying your wrists together with something itchy and uncomfortable that dug painfully into your skin as you fruitlessly tried to free yourself from the secure knot he made. What the fuck did he use? Your eyes widened at the carpet burn-like sensation that’d begun to sting your skin. The roll of twine beneath the register. You used to secure some customers’ more sensitive purchases sometimes. 
Fingers and cloth forced their way into your mouth until you were gagged with the bandana Otis had pulled off of his face. He turned you around, looking you over with a slow, satisfactory nod. “I was having trouble getting over this mental block in my art. Started drivin’ me crazy. Y’know, they showed this nature documentary about a group ‘a lions a while back. How they protect and provide for their families, stalk their prey and go in for the kill–do you ever think about how we’re the only species where killing is taboo? For the rest of the animal kingdom, it’s just nature, part of the circle of life. There was a scene where the lion saw a gazelle from way across the savannah, and it was like nothing else existed except for its prey. It couldn’t rest until it tore that damn thing apart. That’s how I felt when I saw you.”
You shook your head frantically, your pleas of mercy muffled by your gag. Fat tears blurred your vision until he morphed into something monstrous, straight out of a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from. 
“I ain’t gonna kill ya,” he said, roughly petting your head, “not yet anyway, that’d be a waste when I’ve barely even started.” He gave you a mean grin as he grabbed a hold of your hair by the roots. “I got a lot planned for you. Those magazines gave me a lot of ideas too.”
He lowered the gun, dragging it between your breasts and further down your abdomen until he reached the waistband of your jeans. Using his other hand, he unbuttoned and unzipped them with alarming ease, pulling them down until they fell to your ankles. Your breath hitched as he pressed the barrel of the gun against your cunt, the thin fabric of your panties the only thing stopping him from being able to slide it inside of you. 
Still, the cool metal sent a shiver through you as he rubbed it against your clit, black spots creeping into your peripheral as you hyperventilated through his sadistic experiment. He was hard. That much you knew, but what frightened you, perhaps most of all, was how wet you had become since he tied you up. Your skin still screamed against the rough twine that’d been cutting into your flesh, soon to draw blood as you kept struggling.
Your hips jerked, pressing the gun barrel closer to your pussy that was eager to betray you and clench around it if he just pushed past your panties and shoved it up there. You didn’t want him to do that, not in your right mind. But no one in your situation could be considered in their right mind, could they?
“Don’t fight it,” he encouraged gruffly, blue eyes piercing through you as he watched your knees threaten to give out as you neared orgasm. “Give the devil his due, mama.”
Your hands curled into fists, nails threatening to break through the skin of your palm. Then he did it. Slipped the barrel of the gun past your soaked cotton panties. Your brain short-circuited in a rush of terror and thrill at the sensation. You came, eyelids fluttering shut, a guttural moan tearing from your throat and pushing through your gag. Your limbs felt like ghosts, incorporeal parts of you that could only offer a vague sense of feeling compared to the sensation that overwhelmed your body, pleasure and adrenaline coursing through your veins all the same.
Gun be damned, you collapsed against the checkout counter, unable to support yourself any longer. Your chest heaved, unable to catch your breath with the now saliva-soaked bandana still shoved halfway down your throat. An astounded whine escaped your lips when he brought the gun up to his nose and sniffed. “This is it, mama. This is the devil’s salvation.”
He wasn’t making any damn sense, or your brain was too fuzzy to comprehend what he was saying. All you knew about the devil was from the Bible and that stupid Dr. Satan story people regurgitated like spoiled food. If Otis was the devil, you’d believe it, though.
The sound of a car door slamming shut made your eyes widen, and you glanced over your shoulder, your muffled screams of either help or warning to however was approaching.
“Sorry about this, darlin’. We’ll have a lot more fun later,” he said, hitting you across the face with the gun, sending you to the brink of consciousness. 
The bell on the door faintly jingled, and the last thing you remember seeing was a large, familiar figure walking towards you.
“C’mon and help me get ‘er in the car,” Otis said just as you passed out. "Don't forget the cash."
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ayo (if you feel like it) write a fanfic about your fav slasher's reaction to y/n stealing their shit like a lil goblin rat; could be a shirt, a jacket, a fav dessert, their hat etc, etc lol
I am so sorry this took so long 😭 I hope this is ok and you like it 💕
I did Rusty Nail, Bo Sinclair and Michael Myers (I had peepaw in my head but I guess you could read this for any version)
Rusty and Bo call the reader baby Bo also calls the reader a little minx
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Rusty Nail
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Gif by @tinalbion
Rusty had put his jacket on the couch momentarily while he went to fetch his phone from upstairs. He came back down and went to grab his jacket only to find it had gone. Rusty chuckled to himself as he walked towards the kitchen where you were making a cup of tea.
"Baby could I have my jacket back please I gotta go."
"But I'm freezing and this is really warm plus it smells like you."
"I could just stay here but then we wouldn't have anything to eat"
"Can't I just come with you. Pleasee?" Giving your best puppy dog eyes.
Rusty rolls his eyes pretending to be annoyed "well come on then, hurry up and put some shoes on."
You quickly but carefully poured your tea into a travel mug to drink on the drink into town. Putting your shoes on while Rusty went upstairs to get another jacket.
Bo Sinclair
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Bo had come back home from working in the gas station to have some lunch. He was in the middle of making a sandwich when he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind.
"Hey baby" he says as he turns around in your grasp to kiss your forehead. "You had any food yet?"
"No, I was planning on taking some and Jonesy to that lake in the forest."
"M'kay, just be careful"
"I will" you place a quick kiss on his lips before making your own sandwich. You also pick up a packet of crisps and a can of pop.
"I'mma get back to work, ya gonna be ok?"
"I'll be fine honey" giving him a sweet kiss before taking his hat off his head and it on yours.
"Oi ya little minx, that's mah hat"
"I gotta go byeee" you wave as you walk out the door.
Michael Myers
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Michael was looking around for the new hoodie you brought him last week. He had checked the bedroom, the entire wardrobe and the drawers had been emptied, their contents lying all over the floor. He had checked the washing basket. Picked it up and emptied it on the bathroom floor. His hoodie wasn't there either. Michael walked into the living room to ask if you knew where it was, only to find you curled up on the couch wearing the exact hoodie he was trying to find. Michael let out a sharp of air out of his nose before deciding to lie down on the couch and pull you on top of him.
Tags: @sketchy-rosewitch @rottent33th @phantomcat394 @lanamiller comment or send an ask to be added or removed from the list.
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rileyclaw · 1 year
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new scars, new facepaint
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maidragoste · 4 months
Every time Aegon turns one year sober. You and Aemon make him a cake and fill the room with balloons. The first time he totally cried because he didn't expect that kind of gesture, he feels so lucky to have you and your son in his life and he feels so love. You know how important this is to Aegon, you know how his family had stopped having faith in him after having so many relapses. then you remind him how proud you are of him and how you love him while you and Aemon hug him.
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galoogamelady · 1 year
Buttons is so unsexy to me but he’s blorbo shaped. I think he’s neat
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minjix · 1 year
valorant → Vinnie Hacker x female!reader
summary: in which Vinnie defends you
warnings: men being boys, slurs, hate towards women. speed like behavior - hate that man, boy. swear words , mentions suicide + pissed of Vinnie – overprotective!Vinnie, mad!Vinnie, angsty!Vinnie & soft!Vinnie
a/n: women can’t do anything without some men being butthurt about it :) I also don’t know ANYTHING about valorant, men scares me so I will never touch that game so I apologize in advance for all the incorrect information in this imagine <3
word count: 1.0k
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You two had been playing for hours on end, Vinnie’s comforting voice in your ears as your eyes were stuck to your screen. It was your first time playing the game and when you had told him this; the boy immediately begged you to play with him, so here you were– tongue out in concentration whilst Vinnie carefully guided you through everything.
He made it less stressful, his whispers of ‘that’s my girl’, every time you managed to kill someone. His voice burning a hole in your chest, your wound on display. Your nervous laughter only grew the smirk on his lips. He wished to be sat besides you instead of listening to your laughter and frustrated grunts over discord. But he gladly stayed, constantly asking how you felt about the game, quietly asking you for this to be yours and his thing; playing Valorant together.
Everyone had been respectful, since they respected Vinnie, but it all went to shit when one of your teammates decided to blame you for losing that round. Swear words were thrown your way, so loudly that his mic went static.
‘go back to the kitchen, you whore’
‘ugly fucking bitch’
You sat frozen in your seat, dumbfounded with a slack jaw. Your heart was beating so fast you were sure it’d fall into your stomach. Your mouth turned dry and your eyes wet with tears as the abuse continued on. You were embarrassed for some unknown reason.
Vinnie still couldn’t understand what was happening, one moment jokes were thrown around and then the abuse towards you came out of nowhere.
“The fuck did you just say?” His voice was low as he spoke into the mic, his eyes dark and the muscles in his arms flexing as he gripped his controller.
“This fucking bitch is ruining everythi–“
Vinnie interrupted him. “Shut the fuck up.” His face was red as he could only imagine how you felt.
The coward on the other end laughed, a mocking one that made Vinnie’s controller crack under his grip. Other players tried their hardest to get him to shut up but to no avail.
“What are you gonna do about it, bitch?” And before Vinnie could say something; the coward disappeared from the party.
You were still quiet and then you left too. Vinnie quickly exited the game and grabbed his phone, sending you a simple text.
‘on my way.’
He blamed himself for putting you in that situation, knowing how bad the abuse gets. The dark pit in his stomach growing as he floored it to your apartment downtown, his eyes constantly glancing to see if you texted him back, but nothing.
The rapid knocks quieted the sobs from your lips. “Y/n, please open the door.” You quickly got up and opened the door despite the confusion you felt about him taking his time to check up on you.
Your face was wet from tears and your breaths came out in gasps as the pain in your chest wouldn’t lessen. “Shit,” he swore to himself before inviting himself in and embracing your shaking body. Over your cries he could hear several plings, one after another. Your computer was placed in your living room, right where you both stood.
His eyes squinted, recognizing it. Someone was chatting with you on valorant. He carefully let go of you and walked over to your computer despite his name leaving your lips in a warning.
His eyes widened at the words that burned a hole into his irises. Threat after threat came in, all from the very same player who couldn’t handle losing a match.
“What the actual fuck?” He whispered as he quickly muted the guy before blocking him. His arms rested on the table, his head hanging in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
Your brows furrowed in confusion, his back to you as you spoke, your voice hoarse and cracking with each word. “Why are you apologizing?”
He slammed his hands down on the desk, needing to let go of the weight on his chest. “I knew that this shit happens all the fucking time,” he gestured to your computer, “and I still convinced you to play, all because I’m a selfish fucking asshole,” you quickly crossed the room to him to stop him from saying more.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You sniffed as you stared at his shoulder which were rapidly moving up and down in beat of his rapid breaths. “Vin, calm down…” you trailed of as he faced you, his eyes red and the veins in neck standing out from withholding his cries.
“I wanted to have something with you, and it ended with some fucking asshole telling you to off yourself?!” He was near hysterics now, hands in his hair as he looked everywhere but you.
He continued to speak over you trying to calm him down, “I can’t lose you because of this!” Your hands grabbed his arms and pulled him towards you. You held him tightly while he tried to catch his breath.
“Hey-it’s okay, you won’t lose me over this; I promise.”
His voice cracked, “that’s not what I meant.” He spoke quietly, begging you to understand so he didn’t have to say it himself.
“I know,” you whispered into his chest. “I’m with you til’ the end, remember?” A teary chuckle left him from the memory of you and him, drunk, sitting in a bathtub together, promising to never leave each other.
He took a shaky deep breath to gather his courage. “I really like you, Y/n. Really, really like you.”
You hugged him tighter, a smile growing on your lips from his confession. You’ve always dreamt of this moment except for the tears and the situation that brought you two here, embraced by each other.
“I really, really like you too, Vinnie.” His grip on you loosened, his lips met your hairline to softly whisper, “can I kiss you?”
You whispered a ‘yes you can’ before his lips carefully placed themselves on yours. The knot in your stomach snapped and exploded into millions of butterflies as his lips moved together with yours.
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