warehouse-staff-blog · 8 months
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
2023 MID SUMMER Lot 4064の入荷が全て終えましたよ。
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 CARY-GROVE \6.160-(with tax)
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(今回のプリントには戦士が描かれておりませんが) 映画にもなっている屈強な戦士が強さの象徴として使われているんですねぇ。
173cm,60kg SIZE:L
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. . . WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 NORTHVILLE \6.160-(with tax)
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ボディの色やプリントカラーが、 「あっさり」の中に添えられたトッピングとして良いアクセントになってますね。
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179cm,69kg SIZE:XL
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 NORTHREN \6.160-(with tax)
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王道でももう少しボリュームのある物や変わり種をチョイスする中、 逆にこのシンプルさが目を引くのでは?
無地じゃ物足りないけど多くは求めない。 そんな方、如何でしょう?
173cm,60kg SIZE:L
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 CENTRAL \6.160-(with tax)
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蜂であろうマスコット。 一昔前のようなアメコミヒーローのような昭和の香りのするアニメタッチも◎
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179cm,69kg SIZE:XL
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 HAWAII \8.250-(with tax)
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173cm,60kg SIZE:L
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. . .
後半は次回。お楽しみに~。 では失礼致します。
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
◎東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~20時 土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休
◎福岡店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎札幌店 【営業時間: 11時~20時】  木曜定休
今後の営業時間等の変更につきましては、 改めて当ブログにてお知らせ致します。 お客様におかれましてはご不便をお掛けいたしますが、 ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
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puppyeared · 5 months
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these two are so interesting to me
characters belong to @canisalbus
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yazthebookish · 10 months
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"I love you. Even when we are a whisper of existence among the stars."
Feyre and Rhysand's Secret Mating Ceremony commissioned by me with the amazingly talented Artcraawl (link to art post here).
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cinematic-phosphenes · 4 months
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Barry Keoghan as Oliver Quick & Jacob Elordi as Felix Catton SALTBURN (2023) | Dir. Emerald Fennell
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obsob · 10 months
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happy and proud!!
✷(print shop)✷
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tsunosagun · 4 months
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smoke and mirrors
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sakuraspoke · 20 days
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409 notes · View notes
chocmoon-latte · 3 months
I'm so normal about him right now guys
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561 notes · View notes
drrav3nb · 1 month
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kastle + physical intimacy poem by perry poetry
414 notes · View notes
catliker49 · 2 months
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We're almost Home!
Aahh I am so relieved! This was more of a Messy sketch and such, but I am Happy to have been able to draw something I can be proud of! I am a bit frustrated with the grass, but I'm super Glad I managed to finish this!!
I am very Excited for the March 1st update!! So much more inspiration.. colours.. just.. AAH!! Yay yay!!!! :o)
811 notes · View notes
bzjohndory · 4 months
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Thats just on floyd for biting the hand that feeds you
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2ND-HAND  Lot 4064 in 2023SS ②
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
2023 S/S セコハンTEE Lot 4064後半戦です。
WAREHOUSE & CO. 2ND-HAND Lot 4064 LARSEN BAY \5.280-(with tax)
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狼含む犬モチーフも数多くリリースしてますが、 其々が毎回人気のプリント。
そして、 アメカジ好きは何故か[ALASKA]のワードにも反応してしまいますよね笑
. . .
WAREHOUSE & CO. 2ND-HAND Lot 4064 VILLAGE 2 \5.280-(with tax)
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非常にユニークっ! 一応カレッジにカテゴライズされるのでしょうか(^_^;)
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クスッと笑える物はリリースしたことありますが、 これは振り切ってます笑 WAREHOUSEのプリントでここまでのものは中々見かけませんよ。
FR🚼SHとなっておりますが、 恐らく[FRESH]。 【FRESHMAN】=一年生(新入生)を意味しているのだと思います。
ピカピカの一年生ということで赤ちゃんを皮肉交じりにプリントしたのかな。 なんとも言えない表情も◎
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バブーと受け入れるのか、 はたまた、 死物狂いで進級を目指すのか。 このプリントが勉学等への励みになったのかは想像につきますね。
皆様も、 パートナーに対して、 仕事に取り組む姿勢等を見直し、 《初心に帰る》意味としても如何でしょう?
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WAREHOUSE & CO. 2ND-HAND Lot 4064 CYCLING \5.280-(with tax)
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カッコいい! と、 面白いっ! の要素が入ったプリントですねぇ。
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文字が入らず絵のみというのも珍しい。 リアルなタッチで描かれているからか風を感じますねー。
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. . .
WAREHOUSE & CO. 2ND-HAND Lot 4064 BAHAMAS \5.280-(with tax)
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と、まぁ、不明な点が多いのですが、 FOOTPRINTがあるだけで私は「おっ!」と反応しちゃいます。
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. . .
WAREHOUSE & CO. 2ND-HAND Lot 4064 I WAS THERE! \5.280-(with tax)
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「I WAS THERE!」とそこで務めていた乗組員によって作られたものでしょうか?
カタログでは「何でカッパなんやろ?」と思っていたのですが、 人(軍人さん?)だったんですね(^0^;)
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. . .
これで2023 S/S セコハンTEE lot 4064の新作は全て御案内出来ました。
173cm,60kg SIZE:L(NON WASH)
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173cm,60kg SIZE:M(NON WASH)
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179cm,69kg SIZE:XL(NON WASH)
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179cm,69kg SIZE:L(NON WASH)
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今回のWネームの内容は、 外装にベイカー社 ロシアンカーフ、 内装にはベイカー社 フルグレインブライドルレザーを使用します。
受注頂きました商品はお渡しの際に10% OFF & スタンプカードのポイント2倍の特典が付きます。
また、 各直営店にて下記日程でサンプルを御用意しております。
東京店:2023年4/24(月)~4/30(日)・・・サンプル展示終了 名古屋店:2023年5/3(水)~5/8(月)・・・サンプル展示終了 大阪店:2023年5/11(木)~5/15(月)・・・サンプル展示終了 福岡店:2023年5/18(木)~5/22(月)・・・サンプル展示終了 阪急メンズ東京店:2023年5/26(金)~5/30(火)・・・サンプル展示中! 札幌店:2023年6/3(土)~6/11(日)
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
◎東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~20時 土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎福岡店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎札幌店 【営業時間: 11時~20時】  木曜定休
今後の営業時間等の変更につきましては、 改めて当ブログにてお知らせ致します。 お客様におかれましてはご不便をお掛けいたしますが、 ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
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minryll · 1 year
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For as long as the heavens could remember, it is rumored that Hua Cheng has a spouse whose identity is hidden behind a veil.
3K notes · View notes
martyrbat · 4 months
my secret confession is i think a lot of current art in comics is pretty but sometimes way too glossy and lifeless... it kinda feels like a sticker sheet where they just swap out generic stock poses that they have on hand for that character rather than the art being reflective of the actual story and moment the character is currently in
561 notes · View notes
vixstarria · 5 months
Are you mine?
So I was initially going to do maybe 500 words worth of them being cute and cuddly, but then this happened. I have no control at this point, I am just the messenger. 
Astarion x F!Reader, Astarion x Tav, Astarion x Bard Tav, soft Astarion, Astarion POV 
Mostly fluff and comfort with a bit of hurt (Astarion’s past recollections), basically just pillow talk, cuddling, banter, non-explicit, no spoilers 
Very late Act 1 / early Act 2 (pre-confession). I’ve already written past this point earlier, but I think it’s such a fun time to return to for anything flirty, with Astarion being in love but being pissed off and / or in denial about it.  
Approximately 2,000 words 
Being able to get by with little sleep was both a blessing and a curse. In no time at all you were ready to take on whatever the day would throw at you. You were rested, alert, ready for battle. The downside? The amount of time you had to spend alone with your thoughts.   
You weren’t fully alone, not exactly. You laid on your side with your nose buried in her neck, one of your arms underneath the pillow, the other wrapped around her, your leg following the bend of hers like you were chasing her warmth, bare skin on bare skin, your bodies filling each other’s nooks so perfectly.  
You could have been up and doing something useful, you supposed, but you didn’t want to waste a precious second of being able to just hold her. 
You winced and sighed, having caught yourself on that thought.  
Pathetic idiot... 
The truth was, you knew you were living on borrowed time.  
Oh you toyed with the idea of amassing more tadpoles for more powers and seeing how long and how far you could take this, but in your heart of hearts you knew this was a lunatic idea. The absolute best-case scenario was that one way or another, the tadpole would be removed from your brain, removing all its benefits alongside it. 
Then, you would spend the rest of your eternal life in the shadows, forever looking over your shoulder in fear of being dragged back to Cazador.  
You would never see the sun again.  
You would probably never see her again.  
Suddenly feeling choked up, despite not really even needing to breathe, you pressed your lips against the small of her neck, pausing then landing a few more small, soft kisses along her shoulder. 
She stirred and rolled over onto her stomach, looking at you with a knowing smile through her mess of hair. 
“Oh... I thought you were asleep,” you said. 
“I know...” she replied, stretching lazily. “You only kiss me like that when you think I’m sleeping.” 
So many implications in that statement. Your mind immediately churned out a dozen ways to respond, deflecting, denying, joking or otherwise brushing it off. But you wanted to see where leaning into it might take you.  
“Do I..? Here, I’ll fix that.” 
You leaned toward her, placing a soft kiss on her lips. Just your lips brushing against hers, petal-soft. She closed her eyes and hummed in pleasure as you trailed your lips further along her skin, leaving featherlight kisses from the corner of her mouth further up the side of her face.  
You were careful to keep the kisses tender rather than sensual. Not something you were accustomed to, at all. She smiled and squirmed a little as your lips dipped below her jawline near her earlobe. 
“That tickles...” she murmured, making you chuckle.  
“My sweet girl,” you whispered, nuzzling her ear. 
Ugh, where in the hells did that come from..? you thought, startled. 
She noticed. Of course she noticed. 
She shifted onto her side, propping herself up with an elbow and resting her head on her hand.  
“Am I? Yours?” There it was again, that knowing, quizzical look.  
“Are you not?” you asked.  
“Hmm... How can I tell?” 
“Isn’t it obvious?” you flashed her a roguish grin, which she ignored. 
“Should it be? Is there something you’ve done to claim me as yours?” 
Her words might have stung, had her tone not been so playful rather than mocking. She was encouraging, not denying you.  
I don’t suppose she’s going to count all the unspeakable things we’ve done to each other. I guess I wouldn’t either. 
“Is that what you want me to do?” you asked, slowly tracing a finger down her arm.  
“That depends... Do you want me to be yours?” 
This conversation was idiotic. Why was it making you increasingly giddy? 
“Come now, we have been doing this for how long? Are we really going to be coy about whether or not we like each other?” you asked, trying to sound assured rather than flustered.  
She leaned forward, as if to reveal a secret for your ears only. 
“That’s not quite what we’re being coy about, now is it?” she whispered, before placing a lingering kiss on your lips.  
You were completely out of your depth in this kind of flirting, if one could call it that. Concentrating on the physical and sexual, dropping innuendos, hinting at promises you had no intention of keeping, teasing, arousing, adding in just the right amount of vulgarity to otherwise honeyed words to make them blush and stammer in trepidation... That you could do all day as an afterthought, all while mulling over something you had read earlier, or otherwise being a thousand leagues away with your thoughts.  
But this... It was like she was playing with and delicately caressing your innermost, rawest feelings, all whilst inviting you to do the same with hers. Sex was barely even a consideration. This was an entirely different dance. And it was exhilarating. 
Before you could think of what to say, she moved on. 
“You know, Lae’zel propositioned me earlier,” she said, briefly burying her face in her hands and shaking her head with a quiet, incredulous laugh.  
“She did what? ...And how did that go?” 
“It was very... Lae’zel. I wasn’t sure whether she was offering to kill me or fuck me at first. I had to politely decline.” 
“And you didn’t tell me?” you frowned. 
“Should I have?” She studied you with a curious look, resting her chin on her hands. “How would it make you feel? If I accepted her offer?”  
Like the whole world was pulled out from beneath my feet. Again. 
“You and Lae’zel? Hmm. Sounds like something I’d pay to watch.” 
“That’s not what I asked.” Her eyes seemed to be piercing straight into your soul. You had to quickly do a double-take on whether your tadpole might have been betraying anything to hers, before rebuking yourself. She wouldn’t pry like that.  
Your eyes roamed around the tent as you tried to assemble some words that weren’t too far from or too close to the truth. 
“Lae’zel is... exotic. Far be it for me to stand between anyone and such an... ‘outlandish’ experience. But I would prefer to have you all to myself, if it’s all the same to you. I don’t devote all that time to making sure that pretty head of yours stays on your shoulders just to have Lae’zel decapitate you in her throes of passion.” 
“That’s still not what I asked, but I’ll let it slide,” she rolled her eyes. “Getting a straight answer from you is like trying to seduce a blushing maiden.” 
“A riveting challenge?” 
“A tiresome one. That’s most likely not worth the effort.” 
How many blushing maidens have you seduced?   
“Alright, fine, I admit I might be a bit jealous. ...On top of being concerned for your wellbeing, darling.” 
“Just a bit jealous?” she teased. 
“Matters of honour would demand that I challenge her to a duel,” you sighed. 
“You have no honour. And she would crush you.” 
“I know. But I would die a hero’s death. Songs about me would live through the ages. ...You might need to write them for me.” 
“Sure, right after I wrote songs about how I conquered a githyanki,” she snorted. “Or perhaps songs about being conquered by one myself? I could spin it either way. Which do you think would stir more loins?” 
“I don’t know and my own loins are taking no part of this. Now are you going to keep talking nonsense, or will you go back to sleep already?” 
“Why, so you can sneak more tender little kisses on me?” she laughed. 
You didn't really want her to fall back asleep. Talking with her kept your darker thoughts at bay. What you did want, was to feel her wrapped around you again. 
“You know what? If you’re not going to sleep, you may as well carry on with your business, and I’ll meditate sitting up for a change.”  
You snatched the blanket from her, making her exclaim a sharp “Hey!” as the cold mountain air touched her bare skin, and wrapped it around yourself, settling in a cross-legged position. Moments later, she was on your lap, facing you with her legs wrapped around your hips. Just as you anticipated. You smirked and accepted her in your blanket cocoon, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her close as you kissed her. 
“So, my blushing maiden,” she said as she leaned away from you, slightly, stretching her arms around your neck and resting her forearms on your shoulders. “It seems I have you backed up against a wall. I won’t force you – do what you will with your virtue. But you must decide. Will you give in willingly? Or deny me, and spend the rest of your life wondering: what if?” She leaned in to whisper the last two words dramatically. “I will ask you again: do you want me to be yours?” 
You wondered if she had any idea how apt that comparison really was to how you felt. 
Or how eerily similar it was to some of the tactics you yourself employed when luring in your victims. Hells, even the words were almost identical to some of the ones you’ve used. To make them surrender with reckless abandon, throwing all caution to the wind, blinded by your promises. Cattle rushing happily to the slaughter. 
You knew all this. You’d seen it countless times. But just then, you also saw there was no malice in her eyes. Only something like hope that she was trying to mask with mischief.  
Wherever she was leading you, you wanted to follow.  
“Fine,” you said softly, looking into her eyes. “I do want you to be mine. And no, I don’t want to share you with anyone.” You felt oddly elated as the words left your mouth. “I’d feel compelled to dismember any hand that touched you, so to give me a fair chance at survival, could you stay away from Lae’zel? Please?” 
She grinned and grasped your face in her hands, pressing her lips against yours. 
“Good girl,” she purred, still grinning, earning herself a sharp pinch on her bottom, making her jolt before she continued. “This leads me to my next question: do you want to be mine?” 
There it was. The trap beyond the lure. You saw it clear as day. And still, you wanted to follow her. 
“Darling, after the past 200 years, I’m really not disposed to letting anyone else claim ownership of me”. You watched her smile falter, and you hurriedly continued before it turned to sadness or disappointment, or worse, pity, and spread to her eyes. “But I just might make an exception for you… If the offer is mutual.” You took one of her hands in yours. “So, are you? Mine?” you asked, placing a kiss on her knuckles.  
Who’s backed against a wall now? 
"Of course I am. As if you even needed to ask.” She touched her forehead against yours before placing another kiss on your lips. Did she have to sound so triumphant saying that? “I am yours and no one else’s. Now you say it.”  
Ah, still me. 
Still, you fought hard not to laugh as a feeling of relief spread warmly throughout your body. You hadn’t even noticed how tense you were. 
“Alright, alright...” You cleared your throat and held a dramatic pause before continuing. “You are mine and no one else’s.” 
She let out an exasperated growl and grabbed and twisted one of your nipples. You chortled even as you yelped, grabbing the offending hand and holding it behind her back. She immediately made another attempt with her other hand, which you also successfully intercepted, now holding both her arms behind her. Refusing to give up, she went for your shoulder with her teeth, with a maniacal giggle, as you laughed and tried to fend her off with your chin.  
“Yes, I’m yours, I’m yours, you feral wildcat! I’m yours... Only yours.” you declared hastily into her hair somewhere near her ear, as she calmed down. “I mean it. Now behave! I always ask before I bite, don’t I?” you said, releasing her arms. 
She attempted to glare at you, her eyes narrowed, but couldn’t keep her face straight and broke into a grin again.  
“Well... Look at us...” she drawled, placing her arms back onto your shoulders. “Snatched up onto the nautiloid with nothing but the clothes on our backs, and now we’ve each got a whole other person.” 
She looked so pleased and happy... Why..? This couldn’t last. No matter how much you wanted it to. …Could it..?  
You were falling, deeper and deeper. 
My love... My sweet, sweet love... Where are you taking me? 
Next in series - Gentle warding bond
Want more of these two? There’s more. Series master list. 
712 notes · View notes
obsob · 5 days
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one small step for. kitties
662 notes · View notes