seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 18: Warm
Today’s drabble was requested for Ladrien so I went all the way back to Ladrien June to dig up a drabble to continue this one from. :D
“You still have it,” Adrien said softly, reaching up to touch the red and black striped scarf circling Ladybug’s neck.
“Of course I still have it,” she laughed. “Why wouldn’t I?”
He winced, wiggling his finger through a large gap in the woven yarn. “It isn’t very good.”
Ladybug pulled the scarf away defensively, both hands scrunching it up to her cheeks. “You made it for me and I love it,” she pouted, voice muffled in the layers.
“I should get you something better this year now that you’re my, um...” Adrien trailed off, cheeks going red and Ladybug giggled, leaning closer.
“Now that I’m your what, Hot Stuff?”
His blush reached his ears. “You said you weren’t going to call me that anymore!”
“I can’t help it! You turn such a cute shade of pink when I do,” she teased. 
“I’m breaking up with you,” he groaned, covering his face with his hands.
“Aww. Well, in that case, I guess I’ll just take me and my little homemade Christmas gift for you and--” Ladybug erupted into another bout of giggles as Adrien tackled her to his couch, kissing her cheek.
“I take it back,” he said, voice a little breathless as he helped her sit back up.
“Anything for a gift.”
He grinned and held out his hand. Ladybug smirked and reached on the other side of the couch to produce a misshapen package in bright green wrapping with a black bow on top. Adrien felt his heartbeat speed up. “I like the green.”
“I thought you might,” she smiled, an amused twinkle in her eye.
He carefully unwrapped the paper to reveal a soft looking scarf done in bright green and black stripes, the same style as the scarf he had made her but in Chat Noir’s colors. He swallowed thickly and looked up at her but Ladybug only stared back at him, face pleasantly blank. Her eyes, however, were a bit too bright as if she couldn’t hold all of her emotions in.
Adrien lifted the scarf up and wrapped it around his neck, bringing a section up to his nose to smell. “Warm bread and cookies,” he murmured.
“What was that?”
“I said I love it.”
Ladybug smiled widely. “That’s not what you said but I’ll take it. Do you like the colors?”
“They, uh, they look like Chat Noir’s colors.”
“They are,” she nodded, the amusement back in her expression.
Adrien pursed his lips, looking back down at the scarf. “Is he going to mind?”
“I have a hunch that he won’t.” She reached up to readjust the scarf and then leaned it to kiss him. “I’m not the only one who needs to stay warm out there, you know,” she said softly. She then stood and stretched. “I have to go now but I should be able to come by in a couple of days. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Adrien stood with her, frowning. “Tomorrow? But you just said you would come by in a couple of days.”
She winked, balancing on his windowsill. “My mistake. I have patrol tomorrow night. I’ll see Chat Noir then. I must have gotten confused.” She blew him a kiss and lashed out her yoyo, disappearing into the night. 
Adrien went to the window to watch until he couldn’t see her anymore and then turned to Plagg who was now floating by his shoulder. “What do you think that means?”
“That you’re a natural blonde,” the kwami replied with a roll of his eyes.
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 19: Pretend Girlfriend for Family Dinner
Today’s drabble was requested for Chlonath by @auroralynne. I decided to write this story in the same universe as this drabble so Chloe and Nathaniel are long-time friends. :D
“What if someone asks me if I’m Jewish?” Chloe twisted her hair up in an elegant bun and Nathaniel handed her a clip to secure it.
“Believe me, no one is going to think you’re Jewish.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she frowned, messing with a few flyaway hairs.
Nathaniel shook his head with a grin. “Nevermind. Thanks for doing this. It’ll be nice not to be asked a million times in a two-hour span when I’m going to find a nice girl and settle down.”
“At least they care.”
He shifted uneasily. “Yeah, I guess.”
“I mean, I would invite you to dinner with my family as my pretend boyfriend, but that would mean there would actually have to be a family dinner,” she continued, picking up her mascara for a refresh. 
“Sorry, Chlo.”
“Don’t be. I’m not,” she sniffed, turning to him. “How do I look?”
“Gorgeous as always.”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” she winked, sauntering past him. Nathaniel inhaled sharply. It was going to be a long night.
“I don’t see a ring. Where’s the ring?” Nathaniel’s aunt demanded. “Look at these cheekbones and that pretty blonde hair! We need these genes in our family, Mouse.”
Nathaniel flushed and his arm tightened slightly around Chloe’s middle as he tried to pull her back. “This is still pretty new, Auntie.”
“Well, don’t let her get away.” She patted both of their cheeks and moved into the living room.
“Sorry,” he sighed. “That was what, the fifth time your genes have been brought up tonight? I think everyone’s tired of a bunch of redheads running around. My uncle Matthew claims we have a ginger curse on our line.”
Chloe laughed. “At least they aren’t stupid. We would make beautiful children.”
A blush raced across Nathaniel’s face and he coughed to clear his throat. “Thanks again for doing this. I think it makes them happy to believe there’s hope for me.”
“Oh, please. Stop being so self-deprecating.” Chloe pinched his cheek with a sly grin. “Mouse.”
“I knew I would regret this.”
“You have no idea. Can we step outside for a minute though? I’d really like to get some fresh air.”
“Sure, let’s go in the backyard.” They grabbed their coats and worked through the crowd of Kurtzbergs and Goldfelds to the back door.
“Man, it’s freezing,” Chloe complained, pulling her coat tighter around her.
“That happens in winter,” Nathaniel teased but wrapped his arm around her as they settled down on the bench of the picnic table.
“We need to talk.”
She leaned against him. “Stop. It’s not really bad.”
“What’s up?”
Chloe began to trace the wool edging on his gloves with her own gloved finger. “Why haven’t you ever brought anyone here before? You’ve dated.”
“Never anyone serious.”
“Then what made you decide that this was the year you needed to bring someone?”
“I don’t know. We’re graduating and I knew the marriage thing would come up and thought it would be nice not to be the awkward, single guy in the family for once,” he mumbled. 
“You don’t have to be single.”
“Yeah, they’re just lining up.”
Chloe pulled back. “Are you freaking kidding me, Red?”
He blinked in surprise. “What?”
“Girls are flirting with you constantly!”
“What?! No, they aren’t.”
“You’re either stubborn or oblivious. I know girls have even offered to model nude for you to draw.”
“Well, that was for art class.”
“They didn’t care about the class, you dense ginger.”
Nathaniel frowned. “None of them were right for me.”
“Why?” she demanded.
He shrunk in on himself. “Please, can we not do this?” he asked quietly.
Chloe snapped her mouth shut, irritation easing away at the look of discomfort on his face. She gave him a stiff nod and they looked over the dark backyard.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said. “i just can’t talk about it.”
“You know you can tell me anything.”
“Not this.”
She linked their fingers together, the action bulky and alien with the gloves. “You’re my best friend, Nath.”
“You’re my best friend too.” The other things he wanted to say to her sat on the tip of his tongue but Nathaniel kept his lips sealed tight. She was his best friend and pretend girlfriend for the night. He convinced himself once again that he could be content with that.
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 14: Secret Santa
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4:
Marinette looked down at the delicate charm bracelet in the gift box on her desk and found it a little hard to breathe. It was silver with pink beads and in the center a green paw was set beside a glittering crown. There were two possibilities. Chat Noir was in her class and had drawn her name for Secret Santa and was now teasing her or somehow someone had found out about their friendship (relationship?) and was holding it over her head. Her eyes darted around the room but her classmates all seemed focused on their own gifts. Nathaniel had wrapped the brightly colored scarf she had knitted around his neck and was smiling happily. Marinette squeaked, hands closing around the box when someone nudged her arm. 
“Easy, girl,” Alya chuckled. “What’d you get?”
“Uh, a bracelet. You?”
Alya held up a large bundle of hair nets. “I have a feeling I know who drew my name.” Both girls looked over at Chloe who smirked at them before turning back to Sabrina.
“She’s such a brat,” Marinette muttered.
Alya waved a hand. “Little does she know that these will be excellent for keeping my hair out of the way when I’m helping my mom over the holiday,” she winked. “And at worst, the twins can use them for slingshots.”
Marinette laughed. “Silver lining.”
“Let me see the bracelet.” Alya grabbed for the box and Marinette reluctantly let her take it. Her eyes sharpened on the paw print. “Do you know who it’s from?”
“It’s Secret Santa, Al,” Marinette said nervously.
Alya tapped her nose and leaned closer. “Except I know the secret.”
Marinette swallowed thickly. “You, uh, you do?”
“It’s possible that someone else had your name originally and I know for a fact that another person begged for them to switch.”
Marinette’s eyes darted around the room again. “Really?” She saw Nino turn around to glare at Alya. He saw Marinette watching him and quickly engaged Adrien in conversation.
Alya chuckled and nodded her head towards the young men at the desk in front of them. “Well, I can promise you it wasn’t my boyfriend, so...”
“Adrien?” Marinette breathed.
The other girl winked.
“Hi, Marinette. Did you have a good day?”
Marinette jumped to find Alya had vanished from her side and somehow Adrien had taken her place on the steps outside the school. “Adrien! Uh, hi!” She waved awkwardly, the pink pom-poms hanging off her mittens swinging out. “How are you?”
“Good,” he nodded, looking around. “A little cold.”
“This snow kind of came out of nowhere, huh?”
“Yeah.” He shifted his weight, eyeing the silver car that had pulled up to the curb for him, Gorilla sitting patiently behind the wheel. “Hey, so, um, what did you get from your Secret Santa?”
Marinette lifted her left hand and pulled her mitten up to reveal the charm bracelet, the paw print and crown charm knocking together with a soft sound. “It’s really pretty, isn’t it?”
Adrien watched the charms sway for a moment before looking back up at her. “Do you like it, Princess?” he asked, voice soft.
“I love it,” she whispered back, a fierce blush flowing over her cheeks. “Adrien, I--”
A horn honked and Adrien looked back at the car in frustration before turning back to her. “I have to go to tutoring now, but can I come over tonight so we can talk?”
She nodded. “I’ll leave the skylight unlocked.”
A warm smile spread across his face and he leaned in quickly to kiss her on the cheek before darting off towards the car. Marinette brought her mitten-covered hand to her cheek in a daze as she watched him drive away.
“Well,” Alya drawled from behind, “looks like someone figured out their Secret Santa after all.”
“Funny how that happened,” Marinette replied, unable to wipe the smile off her face.
“Sure is since I originally pulled your name,” Alya grinned. “I do have one question though.” Marinette stiffened as Alya hugged her close. “Wanna explain the green paw print, M?”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 11: The Tree
Today’s prompt was requested for Tikki and Plagg by @talvin-muircastle. Season 2 spoilers from Dark Owl.
Plagg zipped into the Christmas tree and followed the sound of a tinkling giggle. “You look like an ornament in here,” he complained when he finally found Tikki resting against the metal pole of the artificial tree.
“Don’t be jealous. How’d you know I was in here?”
“I think I can sense you now. As soon as we walked in the door, I knew you were in the tree,” he answered, casually batting at one of the blinking lights. 
Tikki’s eyes sharpened. “You haven’t said anything to Adrien, have you?”
He made a crossing gesture over his heart. “I know how you feel about it, Tik. I’m not going to betray your trust. Although you should know that he is beyond curious now. If I have to hear one more time about how he and Ladybug touched hands skin to skin, I’m going to revolt.”
She laughed softly. “It’s funny. Usually everything is Adrien this and Adrien that, but the past week all Marinette has been able to talk about is the trust Chat Noir has in her and how important it is and how much he means to her.”
“And round and round we go,” he grimaced. “Don’t you think they can know by now?”
The kwamis moved closer to the edge of the tree and peered out. Marinette was throwing a holiday party for her friends and almost the entire class had shown up. Tom and Sabine had hidden away in their bedroom for the most part and Marinette was smiling and laughing and bustling around as the host. Adrien was watching her with a small smile.
Tikki turned on Plagg. “He knows!”
“He does not know,” he huffed.
“He hasn’t ever watched her like this and you know it!”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Tik. I haven’t said a word.”
The ladybug kwami glared at him before returning her attention to the young man. Adrien scratched at the back of his neck and his long shirt sleeve rode up, revealing the lucky charm bracelet Marinette had given him. “Oh,” Tikki said softly.
“Figures,” Plagg grinned. “Marinette decides to fancy Chat and Adrien is all smitten with Marinette now.”
Tikki put a paw to her forehead. “And all of this is supposed to be about taking down Hawkmoth.”
“Aww, don’t be so hard on them.” Plagg floated back to the where the branches met the pole and settled down. “They deserve a little happiness.”
She joined him and curled up beside him. “I guess you’re right. Something bad is coming.”
“I can feel it too.”
“We’ll let them enjoy what they can for now.”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 5: Shopping
“Why are you wearing that scruffy old thing?” Chloe asked, lip curled.
Nathaniel adjusted the strap on his backpack. “Survival.”
“Excuse me?”
“Last night you said we were going to do all of our Christmas shopping today. That means we’re going to be out for hours. I want to be prepared.”
“We’re not going out into the wilderness, Red; we’re going to the mall.”
“Same thing in December,” he shrugged.
“And you say I’m the dramatic one.”
“My feet,” Chloe groaned. “My pretty but in agony feet.”
Nathaniel led her to a bench and dropped his backpack to the ground, kneeling down to unzip it. WIthout a word, he pulled out a pair of black ballet flats and began to unbuckle her heels.
“But my outfit...”
He quirked an eyebrow and Chloe waved a hand. “Carry on.”
“Are they serious with these lines?” Chloe huffed. “I’m starving. It’s going to be half an hour before we even get to order. Do they have any idea who I am?”
Nathaniel reached behind his back and produced a bar. “Granola?” he offered.
Chloe grumbled under her breath, snatching the snack out of his hand and primly tearing it open.
Chloe put a check next to Marinette’s name on her list and dropped her phone back in her purse. “We’re done! We did it! All the Christmas shopping is finished.”
Chloe stomped her foot. “No, Red. We made this list together and we’ve gotten everything and I’m tired and my hair is flat and my makeup is mostly gone and I just want to go home.”
He chuckled. “I have to pick up one last thing.”
“Na-than-nielllllll,” she whined. “I don’t want to.”
“Fine, you sit here and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Chloe watched him make his way to a jewelry store and quickly got up on her sore feet and hobbled over to him. He shook his head in amusement when he saw her.
“Order for Kurtzberg, please. First name is Nathaniel.”
“Yes, sir.” The jeweler went behind the counter and returned with a box. He eyed Chloe. “Did you want to see it, sir?”
Nathaniel pursed his lips. “Yes, please.”
The man lifted the lid to reveal a glittering necklace with a bee charm done in white and yellow diamonds. Chloe inhaled sharply and Nathaniel nodded. “Looks wonderful. Thank you.” He took the offered bag with the necklace box and turned to Chloe. “Ready?”
“Is that for me?”
He grinned. “What makes you think that?”
“I happen to love bees.”
“You don’t say.”
“And diamonds.”
“That’s shocking.”
“And that necklace would look wonderful on me,” she finished.
“I guess you’ll just have to wait until Christmas and find out,” he winked.
“But you don’t celebrate Christmas! Hey! Don’t walk away from me!”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 23: Mistletoe
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3:
“I think she knows,” Adrien said as soon as his transformation dropped. “She asked me if I was cold. She’s never asked that before. It felt like she was hinting at the scarf.”
“It is freezing outside,” Plagg shivered, going straight for his mini-fridge. “Maybe she was just being a good friend.”
“So yesterday you tell me I’m dumb for not picking up on signals and today you try to dismiss them?”
The kwami glanced back at him with a smug expression before stuffing a large slice of cheese in his mouth.
Adrien touched the green and black scarf at his neck. “At least I had it on under the suit.”
“Kid, you weren’t wearing anything under that suit if it wasn’t already abundantly clear.”
“You know what I mean.” Adrien rolled his eyes and dropped down on the couch. “I don’t know what to do. If Ladybug knows that I’m Chat and she’s just teasing me, then I should just tell her I know that she knows. But what if I’m just reading into this wrong and I think she knows but she doesn’t actually know but then I tell her and then she knows for sure and is upset that I knew I was Chat but she didn’t know I was Chat?”
Plagg blinked at him, mouth opening in reply before he snapped it shut again and returned his attention to his cheese.
“You’re less than helpful,” Adrien groaned, covering his face.
A tap at the glass got his attention and he froze when he saw Ladybug crouched outside his window. He looked back at Plagg who blinked at him, cheeks full. Ladybug followed his gaze and nodded.
“Hi,” she smiled once he let her in, helping her down to the floor.
“I can explain,” Adrien said quickly, glancing back at Plagg again.
“No need, Chaton. I’ve known for a while.”
“I’m so sorry, my Lady. I promise I wasn’t trying to lie to you. Everything happened so fast between us and then I--”
She cut him off with a gloved finger to his lips, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Why in the world are you apologizing?”
“I don’t know. I feel like I’m supposed to?”
She laughed and pulled him over to the couch. “You don’t owe me an apology. Sure, I was a little surprised at first when I found out, but then it all made sense. Of course you’re my Kitty.”
“You’re not upset?”
“You don’t know my real name, Adrien. Are you upset with me?”
He frowned. “No. Your name doesn’t change who you are.”
“Exactly. I was having fun teasing you but I don’t want you to be anxious about the situation.”
“So you’re really okay with the fact that I’ve been living a double life with you? Because I’ve got to tell you, it was taking every bit of strength I had not to kiss you on patrols. And I was having a hard time keeping stories straight.”
“You weren’t always great at that. It’s actually how I found out.” She laughed again and Adrien felt the sound like actual warmth rushing through his body. “And I know that feeling well, believe it or not.”
“I know you too, don’t I?”
Ladybug bit her lip and nodded, watching him through her eyelashes. “To be honest, I was feeling all brave and was going to come here tonight to tell you I knew about you and reveal myself but I think my courage went for a stroll.”
He took her hand. “Your name doesn’t change who you are, remember?” he smiled softly.
“Right.” She took a deep breath. “Spots off.” Marinette looked up at Adrien hesitantly and his smile widened. 
“Hi, my Lady.”
She flushed. “Hi, Chaton.”
From behind them there was a put-upon sigh and a high giggle and Plagg and Tikki appeared above them, holding up a sprig of mistletoe Adrien had been keeping on his desk. “Well, what are you waiting for, Kid?”
Adrien grinned and leaned forward. “Merry Christmas, Marinette,” he said before pressing his lips to hers.
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seasonofthegeek · 7 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 1: Santa ‘Claws’
Today’s drabble is for the amazing @ktwesterna. Thanks for the request for Ladynoir, sweets!
“What are you wearing?” Ladybug giggled when Chat Noir landed beside her with a wide grin.
“I’m Santa Claws,” he said proudly, curling his fingers to show her his claws. A bright red Santa hat was set precariously on his head. 
“How in the world did you get over here without that falling off, Chaton?”
“Very carefully,”  he frowned, pulling the hat off. “My ears don’t seem to want to cooperate.”
“Maybe your kwami isn’t a fan of Christmas,” she teased. “Let me see it.”
Chat Noir handed her the hat and watched her gloved hands run over the material turning it inside out with a look of pure concentration. “I think I could fix it for you,” she finally said. “I could open holes for your ears to fit through. I’d have to bring a couple of things with me to measure so there’s enough room, but it should be easy enough.”
“Because I was hoping to wear it all month. I thought it would be good for publicity.”
“And because you love Christmas?” she asked, brows rising behind her mask.
He laughed softly. “Some years more than others, but yeah, I have a good feeling about Christmas this year.”
She handed the hat back to him. “I’m really glad, Chat. I think it’ll be a good Christmas this year too.”
“Anyone you’re hoping to catch under the mistletoe, my Lady?” he smirked, leaning in.
She tapped his nose. “That’s just something you’re going to have to wait and find out, Kitty.” 
Chat Noir blinked in surprise, cheeks warming under his mask. “Merry Christmas to us all then.”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 16: Family
“What do you think?” Adrien beamed, proudly putting a hand on the soccer goal taking up half of their living room. “I got it put together all on my own.”
Nino took in the large metal framework and netting and then looked back at the entryway to their living room. “It’s a little bigger than I imagined.”
“I know! I was surprised when I was assembling everything but that just makes it better! Vic is going to have a lot of room to practice now.”
“I think this is great,” he said gently, “but how do you plan to get it outside?”
Adrien’s smile drooped as he looked at the large goal and the smaller door. His shoulders slumped, hand falling away from their son’s gift. “Oh.”
Nino laughed softly, moving further into the room. “You precious man.” He kissed his husband’s forehead. “Victor is going to love it. We can just take it apart and put it back together outside tomorrow afternoon.”
“I was so excited to put it together on my own that I didn’t even pay attention,” Adrien sighed, picking up the screwdrive. “We can take it apart now if--”
Nino plucked the tool from his hand and dropped it to the floor, pulling Adrien close with his other arm. “Don’t you dare, Mr. Agreste. Our son is lucky to have a father who spent most of his Christmas Eve evening putting together a gift he knows he will enjoy.”
Adrien flushed and leaned against Nino. “We’re the lucky ones to have him.”
“We really are.”
The couple stood in front of the large soccer goal and twinkling Christmas tree, arms wrapped around each other. “Do you ever think of wanting another?” Adrien finally asked, voice soft.
“Sometimes,” Nino nodded, “but we went through so much to get Victor that it’s exhausting to think about doing it again.”
“I know, but...” Adrien trailed off and Nino squeezed him.
“That isn’t to say I wouldn’t be willing to try though.”
Adrien relaxed into his touch. “I don’t ever want him to feel lonely. I know we love him more than anything, but I think there’s a part of me that still mourns never having a sibling. i don’t want him to ever feel that.”
“They aren’t all that great,” Nino teased. “They take your stuff and break your toys.”
“You love your brother.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Adrien laughed and turned in his arms. “So we can start talking to adoption agencies again?”
“I love you and Victor more than anyone in the whole world. How could I ever say no to adding to that love?”
Adrien kissed his husband. “Merry Christmas, Nino.”
“Merry Christmas, my Adrien.”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 12: Christmas Movie
Today’s drabble is continued from this one.
“Does everyone have everything they need?” Marinette asked, looking around her full living room. Friends covered every bit of couch and floor in front of the television.
“Everyone’s fine, girl,” Alya grinned. “Come sit down.” She patted the space beside her on the couch and Marinette stepped between people to get to her seat. Alya nodded over Marinette’s head at Nino and he winked.
“Oh, no! Would you look at that? We’re out of ice. I’ll go downstairs and get some more,” Nino said loudly as the beginning of the Christmas movie began to play on the tv. There were a few snickers from around the room but no one turned around. 
“I can get some.” Marinette began to stand up and Alya pulled her back down to the couch.
“I’ll go with him. Adrien, come keep my seat warm.”
Adrien flushed and nodded, moving into Alya’s space as she and Nino maneuvered their way to the door with matching smug smiles. “I think that might’ve been planned,” Adrien admitted quietly.
“Troublemakers, the both of them,” Marinette smiled. “Have you seen this movie?”
“Not yet. You?”
“Alya and I saw it in theaters but I’m excited to watch it again.”
“I bet I could outrun a reindeer,” Kim piped up, tossing popcorn in the air and catching it in his mouth. 
“Reindeer fly, you moron,” Alix said, snatching the next flying piece of popcorn before he could eat it.
“In his defense, actual reindeer do not fly, Alix,” Max corrected. “Theoretically, he could outrun a reindeer, although I do have doubts realistically.”
“They have reindeer at the petting zoo set up in the Square,” Rose said. “And baby goats that are so cute!” She clutched her girlfriend’s arm. “We have to go back, Jules! I need to feed them again!”
Juleka patted Rose’s arm with a smile.
“Ivan’s going to dress up as Santa at the Children’s Hospital this weekend.” Mylene looked back at Marinette as the big man beside her blushed. “You did such a good job on the suit, Mari.”
“Ivan is going to be a great Santa Claus,” she smiled back.
“Thank you,” he said quietly. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Nathaniel got up from the other side of Ivan and stepped over Alix’s outstretched legs. “Does anyone want anything while I’m up?” A chorus of orders were shouted and his shoulders slumped. “I was just trying to be nice.”
Marinette laughed. “Here, I’ll help.”
Mylene jumped up. “I’m coming, Nath! You stay right where you are, Mari.”
“This was so nice of you to put together, Marinette,” Adrien said, offering her some of the popcorn from the bowl Max had passed to him.
“Thanks! I just really wanted everyone to have a chance to hang out together.”
“You’re always doing so many nice things for everyone. We’re lucky to have you.”
Marinette blushed and couldn’t think of a single coherent thing to say in reply.
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 15: Caroling
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5:
Chat Noir was surprised to see Marinette waiting on her balcony as he neared the bakery. The cold wind was biting at his face as he ran along the rooftops and the last thing he expected was to find her waiting outside for him in this weather. A light snow had begun to fall and he paused to take in how beautiful she looked in the soft glow.
He had been fluctuating between excitement and anxiety ever since he had kissed her cheek and ran to the car that afternoon. She knew now. Marinette knew that it was Adrien she cuddled with and slipped treats to and talked to for hours. It was Adrien she had cried in front of after a stressful day and Adrien who had convinced her to apply for the Gabriel student internship. He was afraid she might see it as deceitful, but he was hoping for the best. 
He knew the moment she spotted him, a soft smile spreading across her face as she pulled the large blanket around her shoulders closer. The smile was probably a good sign at least. 
“Aren’t you cold?” he asked as soon as he landed, feeling a chill despite the magical protection of his suit.
She nodded. “I didn’t want to miss them though.”
“Miss who?”
She laughed softly and reached up to tug on one of the black ears at top of his head. “Listen, you silly kitty.”
A chorus of voices floated on the air and Chat Noir realized there was a group of carolers on the street below. They were bundled up and smiling and singing as they passed by. 
Marinette lifted the corner of her blanket, offering it to him and he pressed in beside her, hesitantly putting his arm around her waist to keep them both close enough. She rested her head against his chest with a sigh.
“So this is okay?” Chat Noir finally asked, unable to hold off his anxiety any longer.
“This is perfect,” she smiled up at him. “Do you want to go inside now?”
He nodded and followed her and the trailing blanket down the skylight. A plate of fresh Christmas cookies was sitting on her desk and she gestured to them, but he shook his head. “Maybe in a bit.”
“Can I see?”
Chat Noir frowned. “See?”
Marinette blushed, ducking her head and watching him through her eyelashes. “Can I see you become Adrien?”
“Oh! Uh, yeah. Claws in.” Green light flashed up his body and Adrien waved shyly. “Hi, Mari.”
“All that practicing in the mirror and that’s what you decided to go with?” Plagg taunted. “Ridiculous.”
Adrien flushed and Marinette stepped closer, studying his face with a soft smile. “I feel like I should have known it was you.”
“Yeah, you two can be pretty dense,” Plagg sighed. “Got anything to eat around here? The kid ran around forever building up his courage before he got here.”
“Oh, for crying out loud, Plagg!” Tikki admonished, zipping down from Marinette’s bed. “You know how important this is to them. Stop being an ass.”
Marinette covered her mouth and giggled and Adrien’s eyes widened, looking between the kwamis and then down at her with a shocked expression. “Well, you can’t blame me!” she laughed. “It seemed only fair after your little stunt with this.” She held up her hand and the crown and paw print charms on her new bracelet swung happily. 
“My Lady?”
She tilted her chin up with a sly smile. “Yes, Chaton?”
Adrien let out a whoop of joy and pulled her close, swinging her in a circle. Marinette laughed, her hand coming to rest on his cheek as they slowed. “I’m so glad it’s you,” she whispered as she leaned in for a kiss.
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 13: Christmas Cookies
Today’s drabble is a continuation. Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3:
Adrien said goodbye to Marinette as she walked everyone to the door once the party finished. Every part of him itched to hug her and thank her for such a nice night but they weren’t like that. She wasn’t as comfortable around his as she was with Chat Noir so he would have to wait. He could be patient.
He snuck around the corner of the bakery and waited for their friends to disperse before he transformed and lept up to her balcony. He hoped Marinette wouldn’t be too tired to hang out for a little while with him still. He wasn’t ready to leave her just yet.
He took a moment to appreciate the twinkling lights she had strung around the balcony railing and the festive bows and wreaths that had been placed sporadically. Chat Noir knelt down to peer into her skylight and saw the trap door pushing upwards and Marinette appearing. She looked exhausted but a wide smile spread across her face when her eyes found his. She let the door shut behind her and motioned for him to come down.
“What are you doing creeping around so late, alley cat?” she teased, pulling her hair up into a messy bun.
Chat Noir watched the motion enchanted before he remembered to speak again. “I saw you were having a party and wanted to come check that it went well.” 
Marinette blushed. “I would’ve invited you, but I wasn’t sure...”
He waved a hand. “I appreciate it, but I already had something going on. I wanted to come say hello, although if you’re too tired?”
She shook her head. “I mean, I am tired but you’re good company,” she smiled. “I have some Christmas cookies left. Would you some?”
He thought about the three he had had at the party and knew he should say no, but it was hard to turn down Marinette’s cookies. “I would love some.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Chat Noir settled down on the chaise and looked around the room. Marinette had set up a fiberoptic pink Christmas tree on her desk that softly changed colors. It was mesmerizing to watch and Chat Noir realized he was probably more tired than he realized when Marinette was suddenly back in front of him with a plate of cookies. 
“You seem a little out of it,” she commented, sitting on the edge of the chaise. 
Chat Noir nodded, taking a cookie. “It’s been a long day.”
“But a good one, I hope.”
“A very good one,” he grinned. “Better even now.”
Marinette tucked a stray bit of hair behind her ear and felt her cheeks warm. She watched Chat Noir’s gaze go to her tree and she stood, moving towards the lightswitch. “Wait until you see it in the dark. It’s even prettier.” She cut the lights and spots of color danced along her walls from the tree.
Chat Noir held open his arm and after a moment of hesitation, Marinette curled against him, nibbling on her own cookie. “This is nice,” he breathed. “Cookies and Christmas lights and my favorite Princess at my side. The perfect end to a perfect day.”
Marinette relaxed against him, inhaling deeply. “I know exactly what you mean.” 
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 25: Merry Christmas
Today’s prompt was requested for Marichat by @sodokachi and is a commissioned continuation of this drabble for @labyrinthofchaos. It actually goes through the whole Love Square because that’s just what happened when I started writing, haha. Thanks, friends! <3
“I was beginning to think you were standing me up,” Marinette smiled as Chat Noir dropped down into her room, shaking snow from his hair. 
“Sorry, it ended up being a little more difficult to get away than I thought.”
“If you wanted to stay with your family, you didn’t have to come. I wouldn’t have been too upset,” she teased.
He grinned a little too widely, eyes tight. “Everything’s fine. I wanted to come.”
“Okay.” Marinette eyed him suspiciously. “If you say so.”
“I do.”
She nodded, feeling a blanket of awkwardness settle over them. “Did you want to go downstairs or...”
He shifted uneasily. “Can I do the reveal thing up here with you first maybe? I’m not sure how it’s going to go and it might be easier if I need to leave.”
Marinette frowned. “Chat, you’re my friend no matter what. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, I do, it’s just this might get weird.”
Marinette sat down on the edge of her chaise and looked up at him expectantly.
Chat Noir chuckled nervously. “You know, I did this in the mirror like ten times and had no problem with it.”
“It would be hard to reveal myself to someone. Take your time,” Marinette said gently. She saw Tikki peek her head out from her hiding spot on the desk, but Chat Noir didn’t seem to read anything into her words. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed.
He took a deep breath. “Okay, Plagg, claws in.” Adrien stood before Marinette in a flash of green light, a tentative smile in place. “Hi.”
“Of course you’re you,” she finally said, voice soft. 
“Is that a good thing?”
“It’s the best thing,” she nodded quickly. “It seems a little obvious now honestly.”
He grinned, scratching at the back of his neck. “I think it’s part of the magic? It makes it harder to figure out our identities.” He held his hand out and Plagg dropped into it with a sly expression. “This is Plagg. He’s the one who turns me into Chat Noir.”
“Oh, he’s cute!” Marinette squealed, standing and reaching out to run a finger across Plagg’s forehead. He reached up into her touch with a purr and she giggled.
“He’s ridiculous,” Adrien replied, rolling his eyes. His expression became serious as he watched Marinette pet Plagg. “Is this really okay? You’re not freaked out?”
She looked up at him with a small smile. “Not freaked out, promise.”
“Good. Actually it feels really good to have someone know.”
Marinette worried her lip. “It does?”
“Yeah, like, I don’t know, less lonely maybe.”
She glanced at Tikki and the kwami gave her a reassuring smile. 
“Mari, we’re about to start our Christmas movie. You coming down?” Tom called.
“I’ll be down in a few minutes, Papa!” she replied back quickly, Adrien’s eyes widening a little. 
“I guess I can’t exactly come down from your room,” he laughed quietly. 
“That might not go over well,” she agreed. “Uh, before you transform again, can I tell you a secret of my own?”
“Sure, literally anything at this point.” 
Marinette didn’t miss the way his eyes shone as he spoke to her. It was something entirely different than the way he had before as Chat Noir or Adrien, as if a weight had been lifted that she didn’t realize was there. She wanted that with him too. He deserved it. She rolled her shoulders back and lifted her chin. “Tikki, spots on.”
Adrien gaped at Ladybug for a moment before he dissolved into laughter. “I feel like I should’ve seen it.”
“Right?! Like when you know, it seems so obvious!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands up.
He stepped closer and looked down at her fondly. “My Lady,” he said, voice soft.
“Chaton.” The air between them seemed to crackle with electricity as Ladybug lifted her face to his, the distance between them closing quickly.
“Mari, we’re--” Tom let the trapdoor fall backwards with a thud and the teens jumped apart before their lips could touch, each turning bright red. The man looked between Ladybug and Adrien, pursing his lips and nodding. “Come downstairs. We need to talk.” He disappeared again, leaving the trapdoor open.
“Please kill me,” Ladybug muttered, dropping her transformation and burying her face in her hands. 
“And leave me alone? No way, Princess. We’re in this together.”
Tom sat between Adrien and Marinette on the couch, a big arm thrown around each. The credits rolled on the television screen as the movie ended and Sabine turned on a lamp. 
“We’re so glad you could spend Christmas with us, Adrien,” she smiled.
“Thanks for having me,” he gulped as Tom finally released his hold on him and stood. 
Marinette looked across the empty spot at Adrien. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, cheeks turning pink.
“From now on,” Tom said turning to them, “there will be no secret meetings in your bedroom, Marinette. If Adrien is here, the door will remain open.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And just because you have superpowers, don’t think it’s okay to go sneaking off. Official business only.”
“Right, of course, sir.”
Tom nodded stoically and looked at his watch. “Looks like there is exactly one hour left before Christmas is officially over. Do you have a curfew, Adrien?”
Adrien flushed. “Not exactly.”
“Your father doesn’t know you’re here, does he?”
Sabine tried not to smile as she held Tom’s arm. The older man sighed and nodded towards the stairs. “Go on. Enjoy what’s left of Christmas together. But door open!”
Marinette pulled the blanket around her shoulders tighter. The snow had stopped but there was a nice blanket of white over her balcony. She glanced over at Adrien’s nervous face. “He said nothing about being up here,” she grinned.
“I feel like that’s skirting the line.”
“Isn’t that what you do best, Kitty?” she teased. 
He chuckled and took her hand as they looked out over the city. Marinette scooted closer to him, feeling his warmth even through their blankets. “Thank you,” he said finally.
“For what?”
“For this. For letting me be me and inviting me in and the reveal and just everything. Believe it or not, this is the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”
“Even with my dad?”
“Your dad is great.”
Marinette nodded with a fond smile. “He is.”
“I guess this kind of changes everything, huh?”
She looked down at their joined hands. “I guess it kinda does.”
“Do you mind?”
Marinette leaned over, kissing his cheek. “Not a bit.”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 8: Jingle Bells
Today’s drabble is a continuation of this one.
“My Lady, it hurts me to admit this, but I think you win,” Chat Noir said, putting a hand to his chest.
Ladybug preened, shaking her head so the jingle bells attached to the ribbons holding her pigtails up made a soft tinkling sound.
“Come on, I want the whole show,” he prodded.
She giggled and danced around, the jingle bell bracelets, anklets, necklaces, and earrings all joining together for a ringing chorus. She slowed down and let out a breathless laugh. “Are you satisfied now?”
Chat Noir poked his own bell sadly. “This just seems so mediocre now.”
“Silly Kitty. I like the bow you added. It’s cute.” She tapped his bell and Chat Noir’s chest puffed up with pride. 
“I did add a little something else too,” he grinned, his tail curling up to reveal a sprig of mistletoe tied to the end with another bow.
“Nice try,” she teased, “but no dice.”
“I had to give it a shot.”
“I expected no less,” she chuckled, dropping down to the roof ledge to rest. “You should have heard me on my way over here. I’m pretty sure all of Paris knows I’m out right now.” She shook her wrist and sent the jingle bells ringing again. 
“Maybe they’ll think you’re Santa’s helper tonight.”
“It’s a little early for Santa, don’t you think?”
“He has to deliver presents all over the world! You think the guy doesn’t get a headstart?”
Ladybug laughed again and realized with a start that this was the most relaxed she had felt in days. Between school and trying to make all her Christmas gifts this year and the influx of akuma attacks, she had woken up every morning already on edge. She didn’t know what it was about Chat Noir’s company that made her feel so comfortable but she craved it now. 
“Thanks again for fixing my hat.” Chat Noir fingered one of the black cat ears that popped through the thick red material. “This works much better.”
“I’m glad, Chaton.”
“You seem tired.”
Ladybug sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “I am. I love this time of year but I always forget how exhausting it is.”
“Then rest,” he said simply, putting an arm around her shoulder.
“I don’t have time.”
“You do now.”
“We were going to patrol.”
He waved his free hand. “Any akumas have already fled by now if they heard your jingle bell war cry.”
She smiled and let herself relax into his touch. “Maybe just for a minute.”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 7: Gift
Today’s prompt was requested for Kimax by @queenkubdel. Thanks! <3
Alix slid into the empty chair beside Kim. “We don’t have much time. Tell me what you got Max for Christmas.”
“Oh, uh, I was thinking of getting like a nice pen or something? He’d like that, right? He writes stuff,” Kim replied.
Alix facepalmed. “You can’t get him a pen, man. This is your first Christmas together.”
“What do you care? I thought you said all this relationship stuff was a waste of precious brain space.”
She sighed. “It is but you guys are my best friends and I don’t want you screwing this up.”
“Hey, what makes you think I’m going to screw it up?” Kim asked, offended.
“Because I know what Max is getting you and believe me, a pen isn’t going to cut it.”
Kim blanched, grabbing her arm. “You’ve got to help me. Max is the one who usually picks out my gifts for me.”
Alix pushed his hand off her arm. “Don’t worry. We can figure something out.”
“Well, it’s hopeless,” Alix sighed, slumping down on a miraculously empty bench in the mall. “I guess you guys have to break up.”
Kim’s eyes widened. “You can’t give up yet. Don’t be a quitter.”
“Dude, we’ve been at this for hours, and I’m beginning to think you don’t know Max all that well.”
Kim slumped down on the bench beside her. “It’s not that I don’t know him. It’s just...he’s Max, you know. He’s so smart and he creates all these awesome inventions and he knows about everything and he doesn’t care about sports and that should bother me but it doesn’t and how in the world am I supposed to find him a gift that shows how much I care about him? Nothing’s enough!”
Alix blinked at him. “Wow. I didn’t realize you even knew that many words.”
“Ha ha,” he said dryly. He dropped his face in his hands. “What am I going to do?”
“Tell him that.”
“Everything you just said. Just because I’m not into all this doesn’t mean I’m an emotionless robot. You obviously love him.”
“I...” Kim looked up at her with wide eyes. “I love him.”
“Oh geez, you didn’t even know?”
“I love him!”
“Yeah, I’m the one who told you that, Einstein.”
“I have to tell him! How the hell am I going to tell him?”
Alix slapped a hand on his shoulder. “One problem at a time, big guy.”
Kim offered the small box to Max nervously. “I, uh, I have to tell you something before you open it.”
Max took the box and looked at him expectantly. “Yes?”
“I...well, this week I realized just how much you mean to me and this relationship means to me...uh...” Kim rubbed his palm along the back of his neck. 
Max smiled encouragingly.
“I know this isn’t the most popular gift this year or anything and it may not be something you want yet but Iloveyouandpleaseopenit.”
“I didn’t catch--”
“I love you?” Kim shrugged, cheeks going pink.
Max blinked. “Oh,” he breathed. “I love you too.”
“You do?”
He nodded. “For approximately 635 days, well, 636 today.”
“Your surprise is to be expected. Our relationship is barely out of the beginning stages.”
“You love me too,” Kim repeated. He threw a fist in the air with a loud whoop. “You love me too!” He picked Max up and spun him around as the other man laughed. 
“Did you want me to still open the gift?”
Kim set him down and put a hand on his cheek. “It can wait,” he murmured, leaning in for a kiss.
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 24: Christmas Eve
Nino looked up from his laptop in surprise at the tap on his window to see the heroes of Paris beaming at him from the fire escape, bright red santa hats on their heads. 
“I wasn’t expecting to see you guys until breakfast,” he grinned, stepping aside so Ladybug and Chat Noir could climb into his apartment. 
“Well, that was the plan,” Ladybug began.
“But then we thought about how nice it would be to wake up with you on Christmas morning,” Chat Noir finished. “Claws in.”
Ladybug dropped her transformation as she walked past them to the bathroom and Nino gestured to the kitchen, the kwamis nodding and zipping off. 
“Can I borrow some pants?” Adrien asked, already opening a drawer.
“I need some too,” Marinette called from the bathroom.
Nino rolled his eyes. “Make yourselves at home.”
Adrien tossed a pair of green plaid pants into the open bathroom door and turned to the other man. “About that...”
Marinette appeared behind him, pulling the drawstring on the pants as tight as she could though they still sagged around her waist. “We were hoping maybe you would want to move in with us.” She hooked her chin over Adrien’s shoulder and they both watched Nino expectantly.
“Move in with you?” he repeated slowly.
They exchanged glances. “No pressure if you aren’t ready. The three of us spend so much time together that it seemed like the next move, but we don’t want to push you,” Adrien added, tone gentle.
Nino flushed, ducking his head in an attempt to hide his burning cheeks. “It isn’t that.”
“Then what?” Marinette moved around Adrien to stand between them.
“I guess...oh geez, this is going to sound dumb.”
“Tell us.”
Nino worried his lip. “I didn’t realize I was, uh, that important to the relationship. Like you guys are great together, and I love getting to be a part of it, but at the end of the day, I kinda just thought...I don’t know, that I’m the third wheel or something.”
Adrien and Marinette were on him within seconds, hugging him tight and peppering kisses on both sides of his face until Nino was a blushing, laughing mess between them. “Okay, okay,” he gasped, eyes squeezed shut in joy, “I’m important!”
“We love you,” Marinette huffed, kissing his cheek again.
“Very much,” Adrien said with his own added kiss. “And we want you with us.”
“You’re our boyfriend, Nino,” Marinette beamed. “Our gorgeous, talented boyfriend who lets us steal his pajama pants after patrols and doesn’t even complain too much.”
“Mari even cleaned out half her sewing room for your music equipment already.”
Marinette nodded happily and Nino took a moment to kiss each of them, his arms holding them both close. “This is the best Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten.”
“We feel the same way,” Marinette crooned. “Cuddles and a Christmas movie?”
“I can’t think of anything better.”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
25 Days of a Miraculous Christmas, Day 21: Freezing
Today’s prompt was requested for Julerose by @chaos-and-cake. 
Rose waddled out to the car, one gloved hand on her bulging belly and the other grasping the handles of a duffel bag. Juleka rushed out of the house behind her, slamming the door closed and quickly locking it. 
“Are you okay? Can you make it to the car?”
Rose nodded without speaking, continuing her trek to the car. Snow crunched under her feet as she slowly moved, keeping her eyes forward. 
“I should call an ambulance. I think we should go back inside and--”
“Jules,” Rose said softly. “It’s going to be okay.” She finally reached the car and opened the door to the backseat, tossing the duffel bag in. “Did you get your overnight bag?”
Juleka popped herself in the head and hurried back to the house, momentarily sliding on a patch of ice.
“Be careful,” Rose called. She opened the passenger side door and inhaled deeply, preparing herself for the next step. She huffed, pulling her weight up into the SUV. She tried twice to get the seatbelt over her belly before finally giving up. Despite the freezing temperature, she wished she had taken off her coat before she’d gotten in the car. Her skin felt hot.
Another contraction began and Rose furrowed her brow in concentration as she watched her wife slide along the walkway again trying to get to the car. Juleka got behind the wheel and turned the engine. “Contraction?”
Rose nodded. “I think so. It mostly feels like cramps.”
“Are they painful?”
“Not really, more uncomfortable.”
“I called Nath. He’s meeting us there.”
“Oh, good.” Rose closed her eyes and tried to relax as Juleka eased the car down their driveway. They were going to meet their baby soon. It almost didn’t seem real. 
When Juleka had to have an ovary taken out due to complications with a cluster of cysts, the couple had gone back and forth about the possibility of children in their future. The thought of going to a sperm bank and creating a child with a stranger’s DNA didn’t sit well with Rose, though Juleka didn’t mind as much. After almost a year of discussion, they asked their closest male friend to be a sperm donor. Nathaniel had been thrilled, accompanying them to the ultrasounds and painting a fairytale mural in the nursery. Rose rubbed her belly with a fond smile, the thought of seeing their prince or princess so soon almost too much to process.
Snow was coming down harder now, thick and fluffy flakes hitting the windshield before the wipers whisked them away. “I can’t believe it’s finally happening,” Juleka said, eyes trained on the dark road. “We’re going to be mothers.” She spared a quick glance at her wife and Rose melted at the glassy sheen in her eyes.
“You’re such a softie,” she cooed.
“Don’t go spreading that around.”
Rose laughed. “Your secret is safe with me.” The hospital loomed into view and both women let out a sigh of relief. “You ready?”
“You’re the one who’s going to be doing all the work.”
“Right. So rest up because you’re on duty as soon as I push this sweetpea out of me.”
Juleka grinned as she pulled into a parking space. “It’s a deal.”
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