nolwally · 11 months
Multimedia Journal #3, Shina Nova
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Shina Nova (Novalinga) is a Canadian Inuk throat singer who teaches people about her Inuk culture as well as advocates about problems faced by Native Americans through her Instagram account @shinanova. In 2020, Shina Nova began posting on her Instagram videos of her and her mother throat singing, a traditional part of her culture, but she has also spoken out about a variety of issues including mental health. She quickly gained a large following on Instagram and TikTok and is most well known for her throat singing videos where she shares a part of her culture that has been oppressed and disappearing. In her videos, she often wears beaded and feathered jewelry as well as other handmade fur and patterned items of clothing, and she proudly embraces her family's culture and history. Shina Nova and her mother can be seen throat singing in the image below.
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Inuit throat singing among women in Inuit groups in Canada was banned in the early 20th century by Christian missionaries because they thought that the music sounded "satanic." Now, the practice is greatly at risk and Shina Nova and her mother are trying to revive this tradition in the younger generation of Inuit people. Shina Nova has said, "I'm bringing back what was shamed upon." More about Inuit throat singing can be read in the article below.
In class, we read about what happened at Wounded Knee in Ronald Takaki's "A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America." In the mid to late 1800's, Ghost Dancing became popular on Sioux reservations as the Native Americans danced to their great spirit in order to revive the plentiful game of the land and to protect them from the "whites" (Takaki 214-215). Afraid of Native American resistance and this misunderstood ritual, the Indian bureau of Washington arrested two Sioux chiefs which would start a chain of events that would ultimately lead to the massacre of hundreds of Native Americans at Wounded Knee. Here, a cultural practice of the Sioux people, dancing to talk to their sprits, was misunderstood as dangerous by the white people and not only prevented the Sioux people from the practice but led to tragedy. The way that a Native American practice was misunderstood and banned is a very similar story to how throat singing was banned, because it sounded "satanic," and how lots of Native American culture has been covered up and lost. In order to attempt to assimilate the Native Americans into white culture, they were also forced into harsh education and discipline on the reservations (Takaki 220). Children were forced into boarding schools and had to give up their native language and customs and faced brutality and horrible conditions, further causing a loss of many Native American traditions (link below with more information).
The issues at boarding schools is another thing that Shina Nova brings into discussion on her social media. Shina Nova's account both teaches people about her Inuk culture and the history of her people, but she also works to continue the conversation about what can happen moving forwards and also tackles current issues.
Balsam, Joel, and Stephanie Foden. “A Revival of Indigenous Throat Singing.” BBC Travel, 15 Apr. 2021, www.bbc.com/travel/article/20210414-a-revival-of-indigenous-throat-singing.
Cooper, Anderson. “Canada’s Unmarked Graves: How Residential Schools Carried out ‘Cultural Genocide’ against Indigenous Children.” CBS News, 6 Feb. 2022, www.cbsnews.com/news/canada-residential-schools-unmarked-graves-indigenous-children-60-minutes-2022-02-06/.
“Shina Nova and Her Mother Throat Singing on TikTok.” CTV News, 24 Jan. 2021, https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/this-inuk-throat-singer-and-her-mom-are-keeping-their-culture-alive-on-tiktok-1.5280181?cache=.
“Shina Nova/Facebook.” Canculture, 7 Mar. 2022, https://www.canculturemag.com/arts/2022/3/7/these-5-women-advocates-are-championing-for-change.
Takaki, Ronald T. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. Back Bay Books, 2008. 
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mình luôn vậy
kiêu hãnh (hoặc cố tỏ ra như vậy) như một con mèo đẹp.
mà bản thân, chắc chỉ là 1 bạn mèo đen hoặc cùng lắm là tam thể.
kiểu vậy
mình đã quyết định viết đơn nghỉ việc.
đưa cho cấp trên, đợi quản lý cấp cao nữa thôi là mình có thể vui vẻ mà rời đi.
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