vhscorp · 7 months
Tu as la langueur de l’automne, la vigueur de l’hiver, la chaleur de l’été, la douceur du printemps, tu es toute ma raison, tu es toutes mes saisons…
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nicoscheer · 7 months
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andi-studies · 7 months
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15/11/2023 • 319/365
did a bit of reading today and had a workshop on referencing
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elicatkin · 7 months
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Dall'altra parte del mondo.
Mi faccio le spalle larghe con zaini troppo pesanti.
Occhi al cielo per cercare le parole che mi mancano.
Presto riuscirò a guardarti negli occhi sapendo cosa dire.
Solo aspettami.
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aewmoves · 7 months
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tungle-squentacles · 6 months
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huecember 15! could be better but I'M FINALLY FYCKING FREE WAAHHAAHAHAHA
and now that I've completed huevember/huecember for 2023 i've compiled some stats under the cut
total pieces: 25 (missing 5)
fanart: 14 non-fanart pieces: 9 ocs: 2
most figures: day 18 (8 total) pieces with 2 figures: 5 pieces with 1 figure: 15 pieces with no figures: 4 average amount of figures per piece: 1.32
by fanbase: aurora (3), scythe (2), e2068 (2), mob psycho 100 (2), murder drones (1), sorry to bother you (1), leverage (1), calvin & hobbes (1), mario (1) (9 total)
true huevember (colors ONLY from one hue): 8 i think ()not sure about citizens
pieces on time (before midnight of the next day): 8 pieces late: 17 earliest piece: day 2 (skateboarding), 10:56 pm before midnight latest piece: day 8 (verm), almost 3 days after midnight
favorite: day 14 least favorite: day 12
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glimmerofawesome · 1 year
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tuntetesinfo · 8 months
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A Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösség számos intézményt tart fent, köztük szociális, oktatási, egészségügyi, családsegítő intézményeket, amikkel több mint 20000 embernek segítenek. Ezt az államtól átvállalt munkát a rendszerváltás óta, sőt bizonyos fontos részeit már azt megelőzően is teljes szívből végezték. Iványi Gáborék nem kapják meg az államtól azt a normatívát, ami a különböző szociális feladataikért járna nekik. A közel ezer munkavállalójuk többsége már két hónapja nem tud fizetést kapni, közülük 10% már fel is mondott. Akadályozzuk meg, hogy ezek a létfontosságú intézmények megszűnjenek!
Szolidaritási eseményt szervezünk Iványi Gábor és munkatársai mellett október 1-jén, a Megbékélés Háza 25. születésnapján. Csatlakozzunk minél többen, támogassuk a MET-et és az Oltalom Karitatív Egyesületet.
Támogatni itt tudjátok a Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösséget: https://noar.hu/MET-tamogatas Számlaszám: OTP Bank Nyrt. 11708001-20520380
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ohworm-writes · 2 years
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“I love YOU.” “A horrible decision, really.”
This is primarily a SAFE FOR WORK blog. Although I am willing to write NOT SAFE FOR WORK fanfiction, that is not the focus of this blog. I prefer to write safe for work fanfiction, but, if you happen to share a thought, idea, or request I'm keen on, I'll answer it to my comfortability. That being said, if it's something that in nature of being suggestive (ex. innuendos, heavy petting, and cut-offs before the actual act), I'm completely willing to write for this without hesitation!
This is also a ‘X READER’ blog strictly, as has been stated, which depicts a ‘character x reader’ relationship. I am not a shipping blog, I am a self-shipping blog. If this is not what you are looking for, look elsewhere.
If not specified, readers will remain GENDER-NEUTRAL. I am completely fine and willing to write for ANYONE, no matter physical features, mental abilities and et cetera. If I am unfamiliar with the topic, prompt or whatever else may be in the request, believe me when I say I will do research to fulfill this prompt in a way that is as accurate as possible. 
Please do SPECIFY the fandom and character you wish for me to write for. You can give me a pre-written prompt, choose from a prompt list I may reblog, or leave me to my own devices. If you want me to write something that might be seen as an ORIGINAL CHARACTER, this including a name, very specific attire or accessories, et cetera, please send it to me via DM or ask box while off of anonymous. I have no problem writing it, but I don’t want to clog people’s dashes or the tags with something not many people could relate to.
I have no problem writing gore, so request as you please. I am alright with writing polyamorous requests. I will do Female!readers, but i’m slightly uncomfortable with that. As a gender non-conforming person, it is something that i’m not too fond of, but I will write it. All I ask is that you don’t only request it. That being said, I am completely alright with writing for Male!readers.
I CANNOT PROMISE that all requests will be written. I only answer requests that I find joy in writing for. I may take a while to write requests, so give me time and don’t rush me.
Under NO circumstances will I write about any of these topics. Few may change in the future, although that is highly unlikely, so do respect and understand I will not be swayed here. I am not the blog to look at if you like these things. If you're unsure if something you're thinking about requesting is something that aligns with my rules or what I will not write, send me a DM or ask and I'll tell you.
Yandere, kidnapping, dark content, abusive or toxic relationships, suicide, non-consensual or dubious-consensual interactions, ABO dynamics, outright self-harm (I can write about scars, but I will not write about the action happening whatsoever), ‘Character x Character’ ships
Minecraft Youtubers & Other Content Creators
c!Origins!Technoblade, c!irl!Origins!Wilbur Soot, c!irl!dad!Origins!Jschlatt, c!irl!Origins!Tubbo (Platonic), c!irl!Origins!Tommy (Platonic), c!irl!Origins!Ranboo (Platonic), c!irl!Origins!Niki, c!Origins!Philza, Michael, c!irl!Quackity, c!Cellbit
Boku no Hīrō Akademia (My Hero Academia)
Aizawa Shouta, Histoshi Shinso, Ochaco Uruaka, Denki Kaminari, Tamaki Amajiki, Rumi Usagiyama, Toshinori Yagi, Tamaki Keigo, Tokoyami Fumikage, Eijiro Kirishima, Mina Ashido, Touya Todoroki, Atsuhiro Sako, Himiko Toga
BNA ビー・エヌ・エー (BNA: Brand New Animal)
Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami, Nazuna Hiwatashi, Marie Itami, Pinga
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Captain John Price, John "Soap" MacTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alex Keller, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell (Platonic), Nikolai, Vladimir Makarov, Phillip Graves
Actors & Actresses
Note: I will only be writing for their characters, not the real people.
Tom Hiddleston (Character(s): Loki Laufeyson, James Conrad, Robert Laing
Pedro Pascal (Character(s): Din Djarin, Javier Peña, Maxwell Lord, Ezra, Dieter Bravo, Marcus Moreno, Francisco “Catfish” Morales, Joel Miller
Sophia Lillis (Charcter(s): Sydney Novak
Frank Grillo (Character(s): Leo Barnes
Andrew Garfield (Character(s): Spider-Man
Alfred Molina (Character(s): Otto Octavius
Willem Dafoe (Character(s): Norman Osborn
Oscar Isaac (Character(s): Santiago “Pope” Garcia, Poe Dameron,  Duke Leto Atreides, Moon Knight (all associated characters), Jonathan Levy
Ethan Hawke (Character(s): Todd Anderson, Arthur Harrow
The Batter, Zacharie
Imawa no Kuni no Arisu (Alice in Borderland)
Shuntaro Chishiya, Ryohei Arisu, Suguru Niragi, Daikichi Karube
Guzma, Kabu, Raihan, Leon, Nessa, Clavell, Larry, Milo, Piers
Night in the Woods
Mae Borowski, Bea Santello, Gregg Lee
Legoshi, Louis, Pina, Haru, Juno, Jack
The Outer Worlds
Phineas Welles, Parvati Holcomb, Felix Millstone, Ellie Fenhill, Maximillian DeSoto, Nyoka Ramnarim-Wentworth III, Martin Callahan
Jinx, Viktor, Caitlyn Kiramman, Silco, Vi, Ekko, Vander
Far Cry
Faith Seed, Joseph Seed, The Judge, Grace Armstrong, Dani Rojas, Antón Castillo, Diego Castillo (Platonic)
Spider-Man, Iron Man, Wanda Maximoff, Loki Laufeyson, Doctor Strange, Deadpool, Hank Pym, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Matt Murdock, MJ (Michelle Jones)
Jurassic Park
Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler
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George in Dream's Snapchat 2023/11/15
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thisismyobsessionnow · 5 months
Wishing I was good at video editing so I could make a super cut of all my ASTP videos and go "my 2023 was like" or something without having to spend 3 full days on it for a mediocre edit
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imekitty · 7 months
Today I worked on:
Disillusioned: 87 words
Planned: 47 words
Ghost on the Couch: 63 words
Last sentence written (from Ghost on the Couch):
He gulped in a shaky breath as the threat of tears faded and he lifted his head to find Brandan looking at him with tears shining in his own eyes.
I didn't write much, I was really sleepy today after running some errands and ended up taking a long nap with my cats lol.
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is-rottmnt-trending · 7 months
Yep! As of 12:45 pm EST, we're trending in 2nd!
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acelululala · 7 months
Two weeks ago the western media put all their blood and swaet to prove that the bomb on Al Shifa hospital was insider . Now its completely raided , surrounded by tanks and snipers killing everyone that fleets the place.
The western media is 100% complicit.
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aewmoves · 7 months
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