#11x05 thin lizzie
monstermoviedean · 5 months
i love it when dean wears heels. babe you are 6'1" you're doing just fine
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caslesbo · 1 year
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“you're wrong about humanity. they are your greatest creation because they're better than you are. sure, they're weak, and they cheat and steal and destroy and disappoint, but they also give and create, and they sing and dance and love. above all, they never give up.”
supernatural - season 11
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cockworkangels · 2 years
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normal guy behaviour to want to sleep in a room because a killer lived there
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bvtchcas · 2 years
Season 11
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seasononesam · 7 months
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Stackednatural- 81/327
Thin Lizzie (11x05) November 4th, 2015
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missjackil · 4 months
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Baby left Form and Void in her dust! I don't think she'll have any problem with the next!
Who's the next opponent Chuck!?
Chuck: Next in line we have Thin Lizzy - Sam and Dean investigate mysterious murders taking place at Lizzy Borden's home. They discover that Amara is now about 12 yrs old physically and sucking out people's souls!
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castiellesbian · 1 year
Nancy Won:
11x05 Thin Lizzie
11x12 Don't You Forget About Me
11x19 The Chitters
Brett Matthews:
6x05 Live Free or Twihard
6x10 Caged Heat
6x16 And Then There Were None
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dean-isms · 7 months
“Hi, I’m Agent Gabriel.”
Reference: Could Be - Dark Shadows (Gabriel Collins) - OR- Genesis (Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins)
Episode: 11x05 “Thin Lizzie”
Writer: Nancy Won
Spoken To: Local Authorities
Media Type: Television (DS), Music - Band (G)
Timeframe: 1966-1971 (DS), 1967-2022 (G)
Description: (DS) The rich Collins family of Collinsport, Maine is tormented by strange occurrences. Gabriel Collins is played by Christopher Pennock in the original, and is omitted from the 2012 Tim Burton remake.
(G) An English rock band. The band's longest-existing and most commercially successful line-up consisted of keyboardist Tony Banks, bassist/guitarist Mike Rutherford and drummer/singer Phil Collins. In the 1970s, during which the band also included singer Peter Gabriel and guitarist Steve Hackett, Genesis were among the pioneers of progressive rock.
NOTE: Sam’s alias in the episode is “Agent Collins.” I believe Genesis is probably what the reference is toward, but Dark Shadows I think works as well given the context and vibes of the episode (investigating Lizzie Borden’s house in New England), so take your pick!
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unhinged-jackles · 1 year
SPN Best Episode per Season
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
Season 11 anon here! And this might be short compared to my previous rambling because I’ve only watched two more episodes. I’ve just watched 11x04 and 11x05. I think 11x04 “Baby” would have been better had it been placed somewhere else in the series. It felt like there was so much tension in the first three episodes and then suddenly Sam has sex in the back of Dean’s car and all is forgiven and it feels like that episode is pushing for a reset and for Sam’s slate to be wiped clean. Other than that I loved seeing Dean’s fun goofy side shine. Like “werepires” it’s just chef’s kiss. I love it. And then I got into episode five “Thin Lizzie” and at first I was excited finally a standard haunting and then that wasn’t it, so that was disappointing. But I saw your post and ask about soulless Sam and regular Sam. And pairing that with how Len and the babysitter react when soulless I’ve begun thinking about morals and values. So the definition I’m using just so we’re on the same page cause in my personal experience things can get muddled in topics like this because people can hold slightly different personal definitions. Anyway, for me, values are personal beliefs and morals come in depending on culture and outside influences helping decide what is good and what is bad. Perhaps values show who you are without consequence and morals are who you become after outside forces are imposed on said values. Once the soul is gone, the morals go with it, as the person no longer has the outside societal influence or good and bad they are left with who they are at the core. Len seemed to just be good at his core. But if we look at the babysitter, while technically she was an axe murderer once her soul was eaten, protecting and caring for the boy was still a priority for her, perhaps because caring (and I’m using caring in less of an emotional sense and more of a providing sense) for the boy (and maybe other children) is something she believes in without morals telling her she should. So one value being “children should be protected” didn’t conflict with her morals so it didn’t change when she lost her soul vs the value that “bad parents deserve to be punished/killed” did conflict with her morals and therefore without her soul/morals in the way she was able to act on that value. I have some thoughts on Len and how he’s too hard on his soulless self but this is already get much longer than I anticipated and it’s not that relevant. Anyway, taking the moral/value theory and applying it to Sam, I’d argue that most of Sam’s morals are weak, as he often as he is doing the same things (your examples were Roy/Lester, the anger Sam holds, his want to be a “strong and effective hunter”) just that with his soul Sam holds more shame/guilt about that action when caught. Not to mention as time goes on he shows less remorse, like claiming he’d release the darkness again despite the consequences. Another thing you mentioned was his abandonment of Dean, first with the fairies (I still can’t believe they had Dean microwave one) and then in purgatory. In the first instance (soulless) he didn’t care and in the second there was no one around to catch him ignoring his morals therefore no consequences, no shame, no guilt really, certainly not enough to change his course of action. And finally, to the point that is bothering me the most, soulless Sam allowing Dean to get turned by that vampire. For me, it shows that caring for Dean/Deans’s wellbeing isn’t in Sam’s values rather it might be his strongest moral. The. I saw you mention a “selfish” Sam anon and I’m thinking that might be what I’m getting at is that Sam at his core, in his values, is selfish. All of his motivations boil down to him and his feelings and how things affect him. This is far longer than I anticipated, anyway I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Also ld love to hear how you think the value/morals theory would apply to Dean, because we’ve seen him with a corrupted soul (demon!Dean) but not soulless. Part of me holds the belief that like the babysitter, he’d possiblystill have a caretaker value
Hello again!  And welcome back!
I do agree that “Baby” kinda came out of nowhere… I still love it, of course, don’t get me wrong — as you said, it has Dean’s goofy side; it also showcases a lot of the rest of his character, too, since, for all Baby’s both of their homes, she’s Dean’s more so than she is Sam’s — and I confess that I went into the episode knowing enough about it that I wasn’t too caught off-guard when the episode was a lot less… high-stakes, almost?  Than the ones before it.  Nonetheless, definitely agree that, tone-wise, it’s a bit removed from the episodes before it.  And I completely get what you’re saying about “Thin Lizzie”... I really miss the Monster of the Week episodes — though I will say: I grew up with X-Files, and I distinctly remember there being a marked shift in my enjoyment between MOW and arc episodes, whereas I feel like Supernatural was kept more consistent across the two types, which is nice — so it definitely would have been nice if this ep were back to the regular-haunting sides of things.
I love this point (and also, may I just say how much I appreciate that you defined your operational definition!  It’s definitely useful, and has, honestly, helped me arrange my own thoughts on the difference between the two; I agree with how you characterized them!  Anyway, thanks, and nice touch!)  I do agree with your summaries of Len and the babysitter, too.  I, personally, tend to think of ‘soullessness’ in terms of D&D alignments (and I’m hoping this makes some degree of sense, and isn’t just off-topic or something, but)... you’ve got the lawful vs. chaotic side of things, and losing one’s soul pushes one’s alignment towards chaotic (e.g. not bound by authority/laws, more likely to go against those rules, which is the “loss of morals” side of things you were talking about) but doesn’t affect the good vs. evil side of things.  Thus, at root, Len (and, kinda, the babysitter, since she’s kinda still trying to do good, and it just presents in a violent, problematic way) is good, and losing his soul didn’t change that.  
As for Sam… I definitely agree that he doesn’t really have great values, and the various things you bring up are on point.  They kinda inspired a whole essay thing about Sam’s alignment — accessible here — which addresses the soulless Sam bit… I hope you’ll do me the honor of taking a look!  And, before I continue, I do want to say that I’d love to hear your thoughts about Len!  I don’t know the extent to which my subsequent feedback will be interesting — to be honest, I might rewatch the episode(s) at some point to have better points to bring up — but I’d love to hear!  (And, btw, if you’re concerned about length, please feel welcome to spread stuff out across multiple asks!  I’m ambivalent when it comes to format, so the only real difference between one long ask and a bunch of short ones is how quickly I’ll be able to write them up :)  Anyway, it’s up to you!)
I definitely agree that Sam is selfish.  (And yeah, I’ve had a number of conversations with the person dubbed Selfish-Sam anon :)  They were basically the first person to ever send me asks, in fact!  I don’t know if you’ve checked out the posts — last I heard, anon had paused in their rewatch, so the last few posts have been less SPN-centric — but here’s a link to all posts under their tag, should you want to check them out!)  He cares about his brother, to some degree, but, as you say, it’s far more moral than it is value.  Which, as I mentioned in the linked post, is why his interactions with Dean often suffer.  Sam is shown time and time again to say that he’ll be there (for Dean, yes, but for other people — e.g. Kevin — too) but not back it up with actions.  He asks Dean to talk to him, claims he won’t judge, and then derides him for it.  He says he won’t drink demon blood/develop his powers, and then he does anyway.  So on and so forth.  He knows what he wants to do, but he doesn’t really know how to stick to that because his inner motivation is selfish.
I'm addressing the Dean part in a separate post, too, just in the interest of keeping this answer short enough so as not to be oppressive... Here's the link!
Thank you so much for the ask (and I'm still answering the second ask; it'll be posted soon!) and I'm glad you reached out again! Until next time!
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 11x05 Thin Lizzie
“I was just about to ask” “to bone in some abandoned house or whatever the fuck? I must have missed something” “oh they’re provoking the shit to get it on the film, because it’s ghostfacers” laughter “nice” “I thought the sign said “bad breakfast” instead of “bed and Breakfasts” laughter 
“Are they making fun of the true crime stuff?” “What’s the wire?” I think it was a show
“Take those danishes now” “fuck I really want a donut�� “I used to laugh uncontrollably hard at the word “doily”” laughter
“I just wanted to see if it would work” “are we going to see the ghostfacers?” they broke up
“So we never see them again?” No
“If its locked, there must be something good in there” “of course no door has lubed hinges; they all squeak” “I mean couldn’t that be part of the gimmick of the hotel?” laughter
“Some random ass large format camera running around” “maybe don’t hit that with a piece of iron” “this is the most evil shit to do before you sell your house. Set it off so it doesn’t go off for a year” “doily coffin” “they’ve got to clean it again” “hair” “that’s a color” “wait. Did he just poke her tit?” laughter “seriously dean? Jesus Christ”
Laughter “it’s a convenient we’ll lead the plot forward now” “why the hell would he write that down? Like if she’s 12 or something?” “until this conversations, it wasn’t out of spacial uJust were” “oh” “total ass weird now” “is Dean agreeing with the guy?” “these street lights are very white. Or they faked up the white balance” “oh they’re garage lights or some shit’ ‘it’s fkn dark, man” laughter
“Sam’s like e good for you” in th non-fee hadn’t” laughter “dodging bullets” “wait what the fuck. He has no soul why would he care?” “I suppose that’s where you go when you have no soul.” “why? Because she’d be 50ft tall or something?”
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monstermoviedean · 5 months
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he thinks he's adorable and he's right!!!
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trials-era-sam · 2 years
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... are you sure about that? ;)
Inspired by this post by @winchesterwhorehouse <3
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cockworkangels · 2 years
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sam and his freaky fetish for serial killers <3
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caslesbo · 3 years
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jensensgotyoudean · 5 years
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11x05 | Thin Lizzie (x)
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