#100 man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru
otakween · 6 months
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I'm Standing on a Million Lives - Volume 15
I'm impressed that this series has made it this far. Literally no one talks about it, but there are much dumber things being published, so I guess it deserves its spot. It's definitely a mixed bag of highs and lows, but I'm mostly enjoying the ride. Still have no clue how many volumes there's going to be. No end in sight yet.
Ch. 70
Iu is goin badass mode and I'm loving it. Kinda giving Joan of Arc vibes.
The disconnect between Iu casually chopping off someone's fingers in one panel and then freaking out because she killed someone in the next was pretty wacky. Like...girl...what did you think was going to happen? Either way, I guess she got over the shock pretty quick because by the end of the chapter she's just slaughtering everyone lol.
It's kind of surprising that it took the characters this long to be worshipped for their immortality/resurrection ability. Then again, I guess living long isn't as rare in this world since there are sorcerers and dragon bishops and what not.
Ch. 71
This chapter was 100% fantasy politics. It was a struggle reading through all those silly made up names, but there were some interesting nuggets here and there.
We're jumping from one hot button to the next, first was human trafficking as seen in...many places, and next was attacks on journalistic freedom which the characters compare to recent events in Hong Kong.
I hope they give the new girl more to do than be a genki background character. She's on the cover after all! I will say her singing Immigrant Song was pretty hilarious. Certified Shrek moment.
It's kinda funny how this world/game uses community service as its goal. It's not like a twisted death game where you have to kill the other players you just have to...contribute to society lol. I guess that's what makes it interesting because the challenges take a lot more brain/strategy than a death game or RPG-style game might.
Ch. 72
Eh, this chapter was kinda messy. Overall I enjoyed it, but why did they have to bring in a damn awkward narrator every two seconds!? The mangaka does this occasionally and it drives me nuts. This story does not need a narrator and it definitely doesn't need one spelling out exactly what's going on to the reader! It took me out of the story every time. :(
I did like Iu's internal struggle and her analysis of the tricky spot she's been put in. As I've said before, this mangaka is skilled at explaining difficult concepts (politics, sociology, war strategy etc.)
Thank God they sent Glen to help Iu and not Yusuke. This way it's a child asking an adult for help and not a "dumb" woman needing a man. Also, Iu needed Glen because she's emotionally intelligent (unlike Yusuke) and was good at calming her down and validating her choice.
Ch. 73
Okay, I kinda struggled to stay awake reading this one, it was a pretty boring info dump about the politics of the area Yusuke's in and how neither side is great.
Changing someone's entire political trajectory with one song? What is this, an idol anime!? (That scene was stupid lol)
The concept of force feeding someone monster meat to turn them into a berserker is pretty chilling. Fantasy human trafficking is even more brutal than irl trafficking I guess.
I continue to really dislike the made up names of this world. In this chapter it was the Sotaga vs. the Faida. IDK why but they just don't sound like real names to me, my brain rejects them. (IDK what magic makes some made up names sound good and others sound like you threw Scrabble letters at the wall...)
Ch. 74
This chapter was all about berserkers and how they relate to all of the ongoing storylines. I find this kind of fantasy slavery pretty interesting. Instead of IRL slavery where slaves were/are used for work, they're transformed into mindless weapons. Very dark, but I could see this kind of exploitation happening if monsters were real.
Of course the main big bad, president dude is wearing a turban...as this whole arc is a thinly veiled reference to extremists in the middle east. (Just feels weird to make this fantasy world so similar to the real world).
Some pretty brutal kills in this chapter, especially Ling getting curb stomped. I do enjoy that most of the gore is stake-less so it can get extreme like that. (Well I say "gore" but the player character deaths are actually bloodless).
Damn, dat fanservice at the end there. Overall this series hasn't been that fanservicey so it feels a little weird when it's tossed in like that. The art was decent, so I ain't mad.
The over-the-top evil all around (including Yotsuya's sociopathy) is a little eye-roll worthy. Verging into cringey edgy territory a bit.
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animedogoftheday · 2 years
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Today’s anime dog of the day is:
A Kobold from I’m Standing on a Million Lives (2020)
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tellmybodyidied · 1 year
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goldenfirefox · 11 months
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Friendship with umbrella over, raincoat is my best friend now.
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arbitrarygreay · 1 month
I'm Standing on 1M Lives (anime)
This is a story that looks like what the Narou-kei Isekai genre could actually be. It's a story that could not exist in another form. The video-game isekai elements are a critical part of making the story possible. What it does is allow the modern perspective to interact with the medieval fantasy world, but without needing to spend too many logistics on why the people from the modern day don't have to worry about the survival or societal integration issues of a regular portal fantasy story. This changes the kind of story that can be told, and 100-man knows that. I was really surprised to find that the source material is manga rather than light novels, because it reminded me of Grancrest, the way that it feels like the author is operating from a creative influence base composed of a lot more literature than animanga. The video-game elements never challenge the power scaling too much. All of Yusuke's munchkinning can't break the mission. Rather, the leveling and job elements operate as mostly mini-puzzle flavor spice, allowing the author some "get out of corner free" latitude to focus on the themes they actually care about. A major one is that the protagonists from the modern day come in with genre-savvy awareness that are reinforced by being inserted as video game heroes, but that mindest dashes up against the part where the world is not actually a confined narrative, but always moving on outside of what they see. 100-man also has the distinction of having writing more like Hunter x Hunter, where the resolution of plotting is never "more dakka", but letting the world-building determine the turns of the narrative. And this is because of the above, where one of the primary themes of the story is that fantasy worlds are not actually clean confined narratives. Everyone is still just living with the incentives of their environment. The author also very notably breaks from Narou conventions by having a true ensemble cast who aren't just database archetype manifestations. Which as of season 2's second arc, includes an out adult queer woman! Who gets shit done! What a pleasant surprise that character was.
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immoren · 3 months
Continuing emptying my "planning" list on anilist and I'm not sure if I ever had connection to cast of "I'm Standing on a Million Lives" and still S2E1 managed to hit me in the feels with "bitter-sweet reunion after decades& what-could-have-beens" cliches
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heronetworkgg · 10 months
La actriz de voz Risa Kubota anuncia su retiro de la industria
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La reconocida actriz de voz Risa Kubota ha anunciado su retiro de la industria a través de su cuenta oficial de Twitter. En una emotiva publicación escrita a mano, Kubota expresó sus sentimientos encontrados sobre esta decisión, pero finalmente ha optado por dar un paso atrás en su carrera. Agradeció a sus fans por todo […]
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littleeyesofpallas · 19 days
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100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru[100万の命の上に俺は立っている]
aka I'M STANDING ON 1,000,000 LIVES
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anm-blog · 1 year
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setoruwu · 3 years
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru
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新堂 衣宇Iu Shindou
                          ╰►ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ɪᴛ
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otakween · 1 year
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I’m Standing on a Million Lives - Volume 13
Woah, it's been almost an entire year since I read volume 12...oopsies. Luckily, volume 14 comes out at the end of this month, so at least I can get two volumes without a giant hiatus.
Also, heck yeah! Fatina's on the cover :D
Ch. 60
-This was a politics and battle strategy chapter. The explanation of how the 1% ruin everything for everyone sounded verrry familiar.
-Malita's arc is very weird. Also, she low-key high-key feels like an Attack on rip-off with her design. Kinda expecting her to either go out in a blaze of glory (self-sacrifice) or be mercy killed by the end of this arc.
-Yuusuke shows back up at the end of this chapter, because god forbid we go any longer without the main character! This series actually feels pretty different when you take the teens out of it. Less isekai nonsense and more just straight fantasy (well duh)
Ch. 61
-I've probably already complained about this at some point, but I really don't like the naming sense of this series. "Jangani," "Cathean," "Vikie." I don't know how to explain it but some fake fantasy names just work and these don't. They feel very "scrabble letters thrown at the wall."
-Yuusuke comes back to life and immediately goes on an edgy rant about how smart he is and how that's going to be his downfall. Ignoring the humble brag, I do kinda get what he was going for. He was basically saying that a lot of book smart people don't feel the need to rely on others so they isolate themselves and "die out" (like the Neanderthals apparently). The idea that Homo Sapiens survived due to their social nature and reliance on others was interesting, I've never heard it put that way before. His rant seemed to boil down to being frustrated with not having any street/social-emotional smarts, which I can definitely relate to.
-Not sure what Yuusuke's goal is at this point. It kinda seems like he's growing away from his "I want to kill humanity" aspirations, but it's not super clear...
-It was pretty brief, but I enjoyed the Fatina vs. Oku battle. It was nice that Oku got to die as his true self and Fatina got to inherit his battle to fight the dragons. That's kind of like revenge for Oku in a way.
Ch. 62
-Oop. I was wrong. Yuusuke is still very much into his "kill humanity" plan lol.
-Yuusuke pretending to be nice to Futashige was pretty brutal lol. At least it gave Futashige some tiny inkling of joy in his miserable life.
-And suddenly we're in a court case. It's kinda a fun idea to have a real battle and a legal battle going on at the same time. Really shows how the work is distributed amongst the players too.
-Fatina's owl is adorable in sleep-mode
Ch. 63
-I thought this chapter was really good. 100% politics + economics mode with some real world stuff tossed in for good measure. I was thinking "why does this feel so American??" when they were like "this is based on America btw lol" in an aside. Basically all about the wealth hoarding of the 1%. I didn't expect them to throw in the bit about the internet destroying everyone's mental health and Idiocracy-style eugenics.
-Basma literally reminds me of Elon Musk with his "lol you should just try not being poor" attitude. It almost hits too close to home, but it's also cathartic cuz I know the good guys will win. Futashige is the perfect hero for this arc since he's repping the downtrodden working class.
-Mangaka is based for anti-capitalist sentiments. Makes me curious to know more about him. I feel like you don't hear takes like this too often in anime/manga
-There were parts of the trial that I unfortunately think would have hit harder had I not read the last volume a whole year ago lol. I've definitely forgotten some things. (Like what the decree even is)
Ch. 64
-I always appreciate it when the mangaka goes into a lengthy description of the strategy used to defeat the boss. This is a very brains-over-brawns series. Although straight up action has its place, it can get pretty boring after awhile.
-I'm a bit skeptical about the "if you remove the stomach lining the acid will disintegrate everything!" logic. I mean sure, it would do damage, but I dunno if stomach acid is really that OP. (Well, it is a fantasy creature, so whatever).
-We get that Ace Attorney moment where the perpetrator finally snaps and the gang clears the mission (what was that again? lol)
This volume felt super short for some reason! I guess because it was pretty fast paced. Guess we'll wrap up this arc in the next volume, so it will be interesting to see where things go next. Hope we get more real world time in-between.
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nhkamira · 3 years
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Summer, it's here, and not only the ridiculously hot weather but the season we have ahead! Again I may be watching too much, but probably I ended up with a few more depending on how this season advance. Here my watchlist:
Sonny Boy. Madhouse is bringing us an original. Set during summer boys and girls from a high school find themselves in another dimension awakening to their supernatural abilities. The poster caught my eye, looking forward to it. Episode 1 was streamed in advance on June 19, 2021, on YouTube. Regular broadcasting began on July 16, 2021
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu. Studio Passione is bringing us this marvelous sequel with 15 episodes, we're finally are going to see was the faith for our pair Satoko and Rika. Started on Jul 1, 2021, with 2 Episodes.
Peach Boy Riverside. Shocked by the dangers of the outside world, Sari decides to set off on a journey of her own. Little did she know that she would set in motion a chain of events that will come to determine the fate of this magical world. Brought by Asahi Production, started on Jul 1, 2021
Vanitas no Carte. Studio Bones is in charge, hoping for a great animation for this anime of the same creator as Pandora Hearts! Vanitas no Carte follows Noé, a young man traveling aboard an airship in the 19th century Paris with one goal in mind: to find the Book of Vanitas. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... the second season it's here and I don't have an idea of how it's going to end but I hope we see a good romance story for our dear Katarina. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei. A spin-off of the popular Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei and surprisingly made by Connect studio, this new story follows the events of the original series as seen through the eyes of Miyuki Shiba, Tatsuya's sister. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Kageki Shoujo!! It's been a year since studio Pine Jam worked on something, and this one seems dramatic and good. The music school life full of hope and conflict, where everything is disjointed, is about to begin! Started on Jul 4, 2021
Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. Resolving to live an ordinary high school life this time, Kimizuka spends a year maintaining a low profile. However, as fate would have it, a girl comes crashing into his life, threatening to throw his peaceful days into disarray. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu. Well since I didn't saw any isekai last season here it is. Brought by C2C the fantasy centers around Makoto Misumi, an ordinary high school boy summoned to an alternate world as a brave warrior. Unfortunately, the goddess of the world said with disdain, "Your face is ugly," stripped him of his title, and banished him to the outermost fringes of the wilderness. Starts on July 7, 2021
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S. Our precious KyoAni is bringing us Miss Kobayashi second season and I'm so so happy ^^ Starts on July 8, 2021
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season. For some reason I don't know, I need to see how this story is going to end. Starts on July 10, 2021
Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi. MAPPA is giving us something this season. While the "peaceful generation of the gods," who have never fought since they were born, are out of peace, someone has revived the demons from a long sleep! Bring armed forces, wisdom, politics, conspiracy, whatever you can use! No-rule & no-limit three-way battle royale is about to begin!!! Tbh this one looks a bit weird for me, but let's see. Start on July 23, 2021
Plus we have some continuing this season way more than what I normally have. From my regular watch:
ONE PIECE (of course)
Detective Conan
Digimon Adventure 2020
From previous season (Spring 2021)
Tokyo Revengers
Edens Zero
Fumetsu no Anata e
Shaman King
Boku no Hero
Marimashita Iruma-kun
God🤣 how I managed to have time to watch all this
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xanimepapi · 3 years
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I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 2
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tetrix-anime · 3 years
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100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru - Episode 22 Preview
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goldenfirefox · 6 months
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Just stop already.
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tellmybodyidied · 3 years
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