#10 characters i would kiss
rosenfey · 12 days
the thing is I keep thinking about replaying dr*g*n age several times a year but I never do because I cannot think about these games as "something that helped me get through college" anymore without getting the immediate backlash of "people being harassed over a fictional choice in a fictional role playing game around 10 years ago"
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trainflyhigh · 1 year
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i played dgs it was good
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thatonegayship · 8 months
I loved the cowboy comic so much that I wrote a oneshot for it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50934235 🥺 your art is BEYOND amazing, ty for the food
#billdip#I honestly loved this story start to finish with the ambience and quick pace#hadn't considered the possibility of Bill and Dipper actually working *together* but it's always a good time when they do ❤️#sorry it took so long to reblog 🥲#I read it like- Right when you posted. But I had to catch a plane and then drive an extra hour home and immediately get on zoom for class#and today i was just all around exhausted so i slept roughly 70% of the entire day dndsjdndnd#all that to say that I had your fic in the back of my mind and I very much wanted to set some time aside and re-read it when I got the chan#honestly with how well you set things up I would've loved to see your own rendition of their first kiss#You established their relationship really well at the start and brought them together by the end after outsmsrtong those bandits#it feels like you have a better understanding of who they are to each other than even i do 😌 very much a fan#i love when stories incorporate those sort of 'habits' that the love interests fall into#that confuses character A while character B is so clearly using it as an excuse to get close and spend more time with them#i squealed like a maniac when Bill was like oooph lemme walk you home 😏🤠#sir i am going to wrangle you up if you don't compose yourself#and Dipper's just wary of him because people as handsome as bill used to pick on him 😢#little does he know he's grown into a 10/10 cutie patootie that any cowboy would be stupid NOT to smooch#I'm a simple man. I read oblivious low-confidence cowboy being pursued by a hottie on a horse. I lose my shit#Awesome wonderful writing!!! so happy to have caught your eye and i hope to continue pumping out content for this wonderfully weird ship
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wizardmarriage · 2 months
i want to hug deneb...
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harmoniouseclipse · 9 months
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Trying out some new coloring techniques with Eujean 😋
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guideaus · 16 days
tbh i think the anime dunmeshi fandom kinda turned me off a bit concerning farcille, and it makes me feel a little bad. im not obsessed with chilchuck and senshi or anything, so that's at least im not that bad, but still lol
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mandlovapusinka · 10 months
Also, why was there only one episode with Crowley in the black turtleneck? Asking for a... somebody, surely!
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Monsuno: Below Zero
Marianas VS Deepsix
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Just finished a scene for a Monsuno episode concept and I'm very, very pleased with the results. Later I will color it but right now my hand needs proper rest.
Episode concept:
As Monsuno essence is further drilling into the earth's core and sismic activity is rising, Team Coretech is on the desperate task to contain it for as long as possible, just enough for Jeredy Suno to complete his miraculous board which is the key for humanity's salvation.
Their search leads them to desolate frozen lands where a lone Storm base named 'The Aurora' is reported to perform drilling activities in search for resources hidden under the ice, such as oil deposits and Monsuno essence.
Hacking into their security systems, the heroes learn that the deposit of Monsuno essence Storm is after is not only under extremely unstable barriers but also the efforts to obtain it put the surrounding waters at great risk of contamination. Such an event would result in catastrophic proportions, risking uncountable lives as well the delicate balance of the local wildlife and bodies of water.
Infiltrating the greatly isolated base seems like a piece of cake, disarm the main drill and render Storm instalations useless to prevent disaster by brute force their specialty.
Until the team finds out way too late that the classified archive which they got the information is a faux code name for the Driller and undefeated Guardian of the Aurora base:
Marianas. The deep diving Monsuno.
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arklay · 2 years
did not just think about diana finding al just sitting on their bed holding their wedding photo in his hands after she brings him back, and he's just looking at it, visibly distressed, and the moment she touches his shoulder he starts crying and buries his face against her chest because he thinks he really ruined their relationship. good lord
#leah.txt#pair: ewskers#baby boy she would not have spent years regenerating your body if she hated you i am going to disintegrate i can't do this#i think when his viruses are stable his emotions are very much Not. i think the mutant strain changed specific brain chemistry and he lost#a lot of empathy and just the ability to really feel emotions. he was very numb. he knew he should feel a certain way and emulated that but#he didn't really *feel* and after everything is stable he's feeling things he hasn't in over 10 years and he's also in a very bad state of#mind from everything that's happened so oh boy things aren't going great for them#also numb except like anger. and hatred. he was being turned into a literal killing machine after all. notice how blood thirsty he got?#i have so much post volcano lore for them i can't do this i need to just. explodes. and like they are still working through things ofc (it#takes years) when diana is alerted of activity with the company and even though they go and do all of that like he is still trying to find#himself again and decondition everything spencer and umbrella drilled into his head. they are still evil and scheming don't worry there#besties. and they still think they are better than everyone else. this is fact in their minds. but like. there's a lot going on for him#i put him through a lot of pain and as much as i joke that i want to put him through a blender it actually makes me really sad. he doesn't#need more trauma lmao. yeah he is evil and fucked up but no child deserves what spencer did to him#fictional man making me really sad. i need to wrap him in a blanket#sir why did you have to go and try and kill everyone on the planet whadda hell is wrong with you i'm holding your hand#maybe if your wife was there kissing you then you'd calm down a little bit and not throw yourself into a volcano#not unfolding time coming on shuffle as i type this what is wrong with you spotify i can't go through this right now#i like to see powerful men weak and cry but also he is a ball of trauma and it hurts me#i have Many thoughts about why he did what he did in 5 cause yeah it's out of character for him to follow through with spencer's vision#but i don't think that's what he was doing. kinda hinted a bit at this with that one fight fic but also i have a whole essay somewhere
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ju-ji · 1 year
Msp our skyy was so cute but they’re really like u get 1 (one) kiss from this whole series including the extended multiverse. also any other show with these particular kids in it. hope this helps
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rainbowonice · 1 year
They really just said FUCK character development and let’s go full on hypocrisy on both Eddie w/ “you should never date someone you met on a call” just to go on a date with a girl he met during a call in witch he didn’t even.. interacted with?? She was the first latina available woman and they rolled with it (so blandly racist btw after Shannon all of his interest has been latino women??) and Buck “i don’t want to pick the wrong couch again” and then picking a couch with a girl that he had 3 dates in total, two ending terribly, she’s/was obsessed over his death, she got jealous of his past after 1 date, judged him and left saying the seme exact works Taylor said to him when they broke up. And yet she’s the right one for Gods knows what reason.
This isn’t even about Buddie just a bit shh it’s about ruining two characters for the sake of an heteronormative happy ending that makes no sense at all. They really thought that this was going to be the season finale and instead of just leave them single they HAD to pair them with some women as if Eddie wasn’t a whole homosexual
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Hi, so I'm feeling fucking unhinged.
I'm on a Cooking Companions kick and I swear to fuck whoever made Gregor the way they made him knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Big hairy beefy himbo man with a gigantic heart of gold?! Dilf energy?! Sign me tf up.
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bobtheacorn · 1 year
If anon is throwing rocks at your window in the middle of the night, I am bringing you baked goods of your choice at a decent hour. Actually it rules that you're proship. Keep up the good work (minding your own business, not being a bully, not falling for reactionary nonsense, thinking for yourself, having common sense, and so on and so forth)
Genuinely, THANK U I appreciate that!! I'm doing my best!! I'm just tryin'a write my silly lil fanfics and vibe and everybody else should be allowed to do the same.
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#asked#i'm trying not to be a DOWNER but my god#I keep accidentally getting into fandoms that seem to have a high BS rate??#there's a tiny niche of ppl minding their own business and then a huge swatch of ppl that are like...........#aggressively yelling abt pretend threats to their Pure and Superior Thoughts on Fictional Characters#i don't know how to tell them that Jesus Christ is not gonna kiss them on the forehead for being hate mongering goblins#im just sayin#he would probably be the first to throw a table into the thick of y'all#like i get it u don't like incest that's valid#if u hate it so much why do you keep bringing it up?????????????????#tcest was literally trending on twitter a while ago bc baby antis were hollering abt it and the Algorithm was like U Want?? Here.#and then they took psychic damage abt it#i had to laugh#i guess i'm built different#nothing desensitizes you to stuff you don't want to see quicker than being 10 years old on the brand new interwebs#and googling your favorite digimon bc u want a cool desktop pic#NO search filters NO tags#just u as a kid fighting for ur life in google images sweeping past pages of weird grown up shit with ur eyes the size of dinner plates#let me just wave my cane and rant for a minute!!!!!!!!!! sorry!!!!!!! lmao#i'm just Old and Tired and I think ppl should be thankful for tumblr and ao3 and their fantastic fucking tagging systems and no algorithm#u can literally block things u dont wanna see#also u can just mind ur own business abt it
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kirnet · 2 years
i beat valkyria 4. i am free (until they maybe release a 5th)
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You can tell by the reaction people have to Penelope asking Colin to kiss her whether they ever experienced being a wallflower/insecure fat girl at a party or not.
Because you say it's pathetic, I say it's relatable, no matter how desperate it may sound. If you've never had your insecurity eat you up from the inside (but also the outside, as Portia literally told Penelope that she was delusional for thinking she was gonna find a husband in her third season out) to the point you genuinely, wholeheartedly believe no one will ever love you unless you physically change, then obviously the scene is off to you.
But Pen literally told Colin she felt stupid for thinking she's gonna find a husband (she just started believing what the ton and her mother said) and that she knows no one would want to kiss her. And for a romance girl like her, do you think the thought of never having a kiss, never experiencing that passion, would be easy to bear? I can so relate to being the most romantic of the bunch but also being the loneliest and aching for physical and emotional romantic love.
She is so vulnerable and so real in that moment but y'all gotta bitch about it because it doesn't make sense to you. It doesn't make sense to me either because she's gorgeous, but that's the thing - no one ever told her she's gorgeous and actually meant it. And even if they did, there must be 10 more people who didn't that keep that insecurity in her, specifically her sisters and her mother.
Nicola said this one was for the wallflowers, and it truly is, so if you find scenes like this cringe, you just don't relate to the character enough to feel it and recall moments when you had the same thoughts as her.
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ahhh I finished reading stormsong and I loved it!!!
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