jelepermets · 1 year
Sorry I just gotta analyze the most heartbreaking part of today's chapter. I gotta. This might be slightly frantic, but I'm going to make you all read it:
"A last word in regard to Fantine.
We have all one mother - the earth. Fantine was returned to this mother [Literally this line is eating away at my soul, it's probably the only instance of the idea of Fantine getting peace in death. Returning to her mother, to something that loved and cared for her - that cares for us all. Literally the only bit of comfort/happiness Fantine is given.]
[...] And so Fantine was buried in the common grave of the cemetery, which belongs to everybody and to, and in which the poor are lost. [Yes in this case the image of being given to the Earth is shifted to something more tragic - belonging to everybody and nobody. This is not what was supposed to happen to Fantine. Even in her burial she was not given what was owed her.] Fortunately, God knows where to find the soul. Fantine was laid away in the darkness among the homeless bodies; she suffered the promiscuity of dust. [Again unwillingly, as unwilling as selling all she had and becoming a sex worker in life - play on the idea of promiscuity] She was thrown into the public pit. Her grave way like her bed. [Again, not her own. She owned nothing of her own. It was taken from her when she should have had it.]"
This last part makes me think of this passage when speaking about Valjean's family and then Valjean himself, again with the focus on darkness, on being subsumed into a pit - this time literally as well as figuratively:
"Each took a different path, perhaps, sinking little by little into the chilling haze that swallows up solitary destinies, that sullen gloom where so many ill-fated souls are lost in the somber advance of the human race." (1.2.6)
"Souls sunk to deepest misfortune, unfortunate men lost in the depths of limbo where they are no longer visible, the rejects of the law, feeling on their heads the whole weight of human society, so formidable to those outside it, so terrible to those beneath it." (1.2.7)
"He feels buried by the two infinities together, the ocean and the sky, the one a tomb, the other a shroud [...] O implacable march of human society! Destroying men and souls in its way! Ocean, repository of all that the law lets fall! Ominous disappearance of help! O moral death!" (1.2.8)
And also as a last thought, Fantine's burial was not the result of maliciousness, but of carelessness. Just as her descent was the result of the inhuman carelessness of Tholomyes. Active malice was not what killed her, but the fact that neither people nor the law cared one ounce about whether or not this woman lived or died. That is one of the greatest wrongs that a society can do. Be careless with the lives of the people who live within it.
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lesmisletters · 1 year
March 11th
Today was the end of Volume 1!
70 chapters read, 295 chapters left
19.18& thru the brick!
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cliozaur · 3 months
Is Hugo attempting to convey the idea that the majority of people are inherently ungrateful, short-sighted, and even malicious? Less than two hours after Valjean’s arrest, the entire city that thrived because of him turned against him, “all the good that he had done had been forgotten, and he was nothing but a “convict from the galleys.”” The most disheartening aspect is that he anticipated this before going to Arras. Now, everyone is gossiping about him, the factory is closed, and soon the city will decline. I don’t even feel sorry for them. Among the few with decency whom Valjean can trust are his portress (oh, Hugo’s portresses – I love all of them) and Sister Simplice.
As a lifelong escape artist, Valjean quickly managed to break free from prison. Then follows the incredible episode of him hiding behind doors while Sister Simplice learns that sometimes lying is the right thing to do. This encounter with Sister Simplice allows us to learn more about Javert’s adoration of all kinds of authorities.
It will be remembered that the fundamental point in Javert, his element, the very air he breathed, was veneration for all authority. This was impregnable, and admitted of neither objection nor restriction. In his eyes, of course, the ecclesiastical authority was the chief of all; he was religious, superficial and correct on this point as on all others. In his eyes, a priest was a mind, who never makes a mistake; a nun was a creature who never sins; they were souls walled in from this world, with a single door which never opened except to allow the truth to pass through.
It’s such a simple and comfortable worldview. No surprise, Javert will cling to it until the moment it shatters. Javert knew about Sister Simplice's inability to lie “and held her in special veneration in consequence.” Yes, they are similar in this respect, but fortunately, Sister Simplice’s mind is more flexible than Javert’s.
Our last glimpse is of Valjean on his way to Paris. We won’t hear from him for quite some time, not until Hugo shares all his thoughts about Waterloo (almost twenty chapters).
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - A Suitable Tomb, LM 1.8.5 (Les Miserables 1925)
This was Sister Simplice, who had never told a lie in her life. Javert knew it, and held her in special veneration in consequence.
“Sister,” said he, “are you alone in this room?”
A terrible moment ensued, during which the poor portress felt as though she should faint.
The sister raised her eyes and answered:—
“Then,” resumed Javert, “you will excuse me if I persist; it is my duty; you have not seen a certain person—a man—this evening? He has escaped; we are in search of him—that Jean Valjean; you have not seen him?”
The sister replied:—
She lied. She had lied twice in succession, one after the other, without hesitation, promptly, as a person does when sacrificing herself.
“Pardon me,” said Javert, and he retired with a deep bow.
O sainted maid! you left this world many years ago; you have rejoined your sisters, the virgins, and your brothers, the angels, in the light; may this lie be counted to your credit in paradise!
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
And the sadness continues.
(Almost) everyone immediately abandoning Valjean because of his past? Fantine being buried in an unmarked grave in spite of Valjean’s attempts to care for her? Absolutely devastating.
There were many highlights as well, though. I think it’s very funny that some people continue to think Valjean’s punishment is just not because he’s an ex-convict, but because they think he’s a Bonapartist. I also love that he casually talks about breaking out of prison and specifically takes the bread with him. Even better, it’s referred to as the “prison-bread” and is used as evidence of his flight.
Sister Simplice lying for Valjean – in spite of her beliefs – is also really moving, although I wish it hadn’t come after Hugo said the recent shock had made her return to being “a woman” rather than “a nun.” Given that he specifies she should be in Heaven, though, I think it can still overall be understood as a statement on the dangers of being absolutist in one’s morals. Sister Simplice’s refusal to lie is admirable in most cases, but we’ve already seen how she has to stretch what counts as a lie to be merciful; she let Fantine believe Valjean had gone to find Cosette so that she would have hope, even though she didn’t know if that was true or not. And here, the truth would have been cruel. She would have condemned Valjean when he was trying to make sure Fantine (who she regards as an innocent) was cared for after her death and that his money went to a good cause. Her lie is described as a sacrifice, but it ultimately remains a moral one.
In contrast, Javert’s sense of morality and order is so rigid that he thinks it’s impossible for Sister Simplice to sin just because of her identity (a nun). Knowing the situation she was in, we can tell that for her, either option available would have been sinful: lying to conceal Valjean (the sin of dishonesty) or revealing his presence (a sin against Fantine, and against Madeleine as she has always known him). Regardless of one’s goodness, it’s always possible to face a dilemma with no good choices. (We’ve also seen this with Valjean, who had to choose between condemning Champmathieu or himself; while his ultimate decision seems to be the right one, he wasn’t wrong to weigh the loss of Mayor Madeleine in that, given how quickly the town’s focus on his ideals disappeared). Javert is unable to understand that because he sees the world in absolute terms: the law is good and disobedience to it is bad. Everyone’s identity is fixed, with the poor risking becoming criminals at any moment (and thus meriting worse treatment) and the authorities (religious, political, economic, etc) are permanently respectable.
I also like the distinction made between what Valjean requests of the curé and what he does (even if it’s sad). Although he does at least give the money to the poor, we also see how he automatically devalues Fantine and Valjean for their social status, rather than acting on their inherent worth as people. He’s not the most corrupt religious official we’ve seen mentioned; he’s not even corrupt, exactly. But he’s subject to the prejudices of the society around him, and that affects his ability to be equally compassionate to everyone.
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onlineecono · 2 years
Arduino 1.8.5 themes
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It generates the clock, acts like a serial port, acts like a disk drive, and so on. The little computer project uses a real Z80 chip and uses an ATMega32A for almost all the support functions. In another way, it is very difficult because the tools want to help you so badly. How hard can it be to update the buffer? In one way, it is trivial. It did seem to work with the default 64-byte buffer, but XModem sends more data than that and it would be easy to imagine it getting overrun. But the upshot was that for XModem transfers, felt like the default Arduino serial buffer wasn’t big enough to be reliable. Details are available in a discussion on Hackaday.io, if you really want to follow it. I won’t bore you with the details about getting the board to work since you will only care if you have one. The Issue: Arduino Serial Buffer Size Limit It’s a trick worth knowing as it will come in handy beyond this single problem. What I ended up with is a way to make your own menus in the Arduino IDE to set compiler options based on the target hardware for the project. I wanted better, and that sent me down a Saturday morning rabbit hole. It looked like the best bet was to do Intel hex files and transfer them copy and paste across the terminal. The only problem was there were not many good options for transferring data back and forth to the PC. But I finally found time to finish it and had CP/M booted up. I got the PCB and - you guessed it - it sat some more, partially assembled. The parts sat partially assembled for a while and then a PCB came out for it. I rarely have time to build things I write about, but I really wanted to try this little computer. A while back I’d written about the $4 Z80 computer by. No matter how you craft your personal environment, the minute your code hits the Internet, someone will try to use it in the IDE. But when you produce things for other people to use, you almost can’t ignore it. On the other hand, I was impressed with how extensible it was if you can dig out the details of how it works internally.įirst, you might wonder why I use the IDE. On the one hand, I despise the lackluster editor for hiding too much detail from me and providing little in the way of useful tools. The solution I arrived at might help you do some other things, so even if you don’t need that exact feature, you still might find it useful to see what I did.įollowing this experience I am genuinely torn. I realized just how much heartburn the other day when I wanted to something very simple: increase the receive buffer on an ATmega32 serial port. But the original IDE always gives me heartburn.
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Granted, these days you have more options with the pro IDE and Platform IO, for example. It is pretty well-known that I’m not a big fan of the Arduino infrastructure. Locks and security are our bread and butter, so enjoy some physical key appreciation and digital lock love. We are in advanced territory now, but keep this inspiration train going and drop us a tip to share something you make with this miniature deadbolt. You will be compiling your sketch in Arduino’s IDE, but uploading through ST-Link across some wires you will have to solder. There are a couple of tables for the controller pins and header for your convenience.
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The Github upload instructions are illustrated, and you know we appreciate documentation. Three, it’s a piece of (minimal) security hardware, but who knows where that can scale. Two, someone saw a tool they wanted to control and made it happen.
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One, the Arduino banner covers a lot of programmable hardware, and it is a powerful tool in a hardware hacker’s belt. connected a Rothult unit to the Arduino IDE in response to Ripping up a Rothult. We are continuously inspired by our readers which is why we share what we love, and that inspiration flows both ways.
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gamexplode-gxp · 2 years
Idle Egg Factory
Idle Egg Factory is a business-themed simulation game offered by Solid Games. It puts you in charge of an egg business, which you must manage from the bottom up. The secret to success in this game is to take care of your hens and create a conducive environment for them to lay eggs. This means feeding them well, providing comfortable housing, and keeping them safe from predators. As your hens lay…
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bethanythebogwitch · 3 months
Prophet: bother, I have received a message from God!
Scribe: quick, you must tell me so I can record it
Prophet: God hath said: "reality version 1.8.5 patch notes: made geese 10% more aggressive, added seventeen new black holes, there is now 0.001% chance of a female mule spawning a mule foal, outcome of light traveling through slits now depends on observer's status..."
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bobcatmoran · 1 year
Les Mis chapter 1.8.5, "A Suitable Tomb," is yet another example of the gossip of the people giving light to how society works: “Well! I suspected as much. That man was too good, too perfect, too affected. He refused the cross; he bestowed sous on all the little scamps he came across. I always thought there was some evil history back of all that.”
Despite all that Madeleine had done for the people of the town, once the authorities determined he was a criminal, people were all too willing to see him as such.
Arai adapts this chapter from pages 169–182 in Volume 3 of the manga as published in Japanese. In less than two weeks, it will become available in an English translation as part of the second omnibus volume (links to purchase here!)
He keeps in the townspeople's gossip and pretty much all the rest of the chapter. Of note, when Sister Simplice knocks on his door, Valjean says, "Ohairinasai," which is the exact same phrasing that Myriel used whenever someone would knock on his door. There are many ways in Japanese to say, "Come in," so this was clearly done purposely.
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And then we get Sister Simplice's crowning moment of awesome.
Javert asks, "Sister, are you alone in this house?"
"Yes," she replies, after a one-panel pause.
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And then, he asks, "Have you seen the brutal, escaped criminal, Jean Valjean, this evening?"
"No," she replies, in strong, bold lettering.
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londonsimblr · 5 months
Milkshape in Parallels/Windows 11
Edit: I fixed this - see this post for instructions
This is such a niche one but maybe a follower can help 🙏
Do any of you have Milkshape running on Parallels or via any other method on an M1 (64 bit ARM) Mac?
Do you remember if you installed any other required bits and pieces to get it to work?
I'm using a Windows 11 VM. Everything else one could possibly need (TS3, S3PE, TSRW, Blender, etc) works fine on the VM except for Milkshape! It just does nothing. Doesn't launch. Tried 1.8.5 betas 1&2 as well as 1.8.4.
The Milkshape 3d and developer's website are both long gone and I can't find a list of requirements to run it anywhere to check against.
So I'm starting up this clunky Windows computer all the time purely to convert an obj to wso and whack the wso on a USB stick to take back to my Mac (the Windows computer doesn't even connect to wifi loool). It feels really silly and so I would love to know if anyone else experienced this or fixed it 🙏
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jelepermets · 1 year
Today’s chapter is sadder to me than the last tbh, I’ve read it three times already and cried every. single. time.
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mx-metronome · 9 months
Sky: Checklist of the Light has been updated!
Ver 1.8.5 (August 31, 2023)
- Adjusted date of latest appearance of this week's Traveling Spirit, Jellyfish Whisperer
- Rearranged their table to better reflect the order the nodes are unlocked on the spirit tree (You're no longer required to buy the hair to reach the pants!!)
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saocoderegister · 1 year
SAO Code Register - Chapter Titles (JPN)
1.0.0 1st Season
1.1.0 SAO Chapter 1 剣の世界 ソードアート・オンライン」にようこそ!
1.1.1 冒険の始まり!
1.1.2 初めてのクエスト受注!
1.1.3 いざホルンカ村へ!
1.1.4 病気の女の子を救え!
1.1.5 森の奥に踏み込め!
1.2.0 SAO Chapter 2 アインクラッド第一層のボスを討伐!
1.2.1 トールバーナへ!
1.2.2 モンスター退治に協力せよ
1.2.3 モンスター退治に協力せよ 2
1.2.4 第一層迷宮区を攻略!
1.2.5 第一階層ボスを倒せ!
1.3.0 ALO Chapter 1 妖精たちの世界 「アルヴヘイム・オンライン』 にようこそ!
1.3.1 古森から抜けだせ!
1.3.2 洞窟の奥へ
1.3.3 シルフたちの都へ
1.3.4 めざすはアルシン
1.3.5 サラマンダーたちと遭遇?
1.4.0 ALO Chapter 2 央都アルンへの道
1.4.1 高山地帯を超えて
1.4.2 ルグルー回廊を突破せよ
1.4.3 塞がれてしまった回廊を開通させよ
1.4.4 ルグルー回廊突破!
1.4.5 アルンへの最後の道のり
1.5.0 GGO Chapter 1「銃の世界「ガンゲイル・オンライン」にようこそ!
1.5.1 GGOでのバトルを体験
1.5.2 スコードロン加入の試練
1.5.3 最初の対人戦闘
1.5.4 強豪スコードロン戦
1.5.5 スコードロンを救え!
1.6.0 GGO Chapter 2 スコードロン戦を戦い抜け
1.6.1 草原のモンスター退治
1.6.2 久しぶりの狩り
1.6.3 吊り橋での待ち伏せ
1.6.4 モンスターの急襲
1.6.5 キャロラインと対決!
1.7.0 SAO Chapter 3 第二層での冒険の始まり
1.7.1 新たな階層を進もう
1.7.2 ミルクを手に入れよう
1.7.3 再び牧草地帯へ
1.7.4 次の拠点、マロメへ!
1.7.5 フィールドボスを倒せ
1.8.0 SAO Chapter 4 第二層のボス攻略に挑め!
1.8.1 タランの村へ
1.8.2 強化素材を集めよう 1
1.8.3 強化素材を集めよう 2
1.8.4 迷宮区を進め
1.8.5 最強の牛型モンスター
1.9.0 ALO Chapter 3 インプのパーティーを追いかけて
1.9.1 アルンを後にして
1.9.2 再びルグルー回廊へ
1.9.3 インプたちを救え!
1.9.4 サラマンダーの襲撃
1.9.5 シグルドの急襲!
1.10.0 ALO Chapter 4 インプへの道のり
1.10.1 スイルペーンを出発
1.10.2 意外な遭遇
1.10.3 サラマンダーの将軍
1.10.4 オアシスを求めて
1.10.5 ユージーン将軍と対決
1.11.0 GGO Chapter 3 BoB 予選開始!
1.11.1 シノンの武器を探せ 1
1.11.2 シノンの武器を探せ 2
1.11.3 新ルールでの一回戦
1.11.4 負けられない準決勝
1.11.5 決勝戦のアクシデント
1.12.0 GGO Chapter 4 BoB本戦の激闘
1.12.1 本戦前の対策
1.12.2 BoB本戦開始!
1.12.3 VS夏侯惇
1.12.4 VS闇風
1.12.5 謎の武器の正体は?
1.13.0 SAO Chapter 5 スノーエイブキング討伐!
1.13.1 リズベットの頼み
1.13.2 雪山の洞窟
1.13.3 落とし穴からの脱出
1.13.4 めざせ温泉!
1.13.5 エリアボスを倒せ!
1.14.0 SAO Chapter 6 氷の花畑をめざして
1.14.1 シリカの頼み事
1.14.2 花畑までの道のり
1.14.3 富山への洞窟
1.14.4 氷の花はどこに?
1.14.5 フロアボスを追え!
1.15.0 ALO Chapter 5 大切な宝物
1.15.1 共通の存在
1.15.2 地下通路の道程
1.15.3 忍びよる追手達
1.15.4 強襲 村雨隊!
1.15.5 引き裂かれた二人
1.16.0 ALO Chapter 6 ヒカリを救出せよ!
1.16.1 リーファとの再会
1.16.2 夜の砂漠を抜けて
1.16.3 集結する仲間達
1.16.4 夜明けの開戦
1.16.5 兄の足跡を求めて
2.0.0 2nd Season
2.1.0 【1章】兄の背中を追って
2.1.1 情報集め ・ 1
2.1.2 スウェイド再戦
2.1.3 死銃の影・ 1
2.1.4 死銃の影・3
2.1.5 熱帯雨林の狙撃戦1
2.1.6 熱帯雨林の狙撃戦 3
2.1.7 共闘まで 1
2.1.8 ダインとの共闘
2.1.9 兄との再会 1
2.1.10 兄の背中を追って
2.2.0 【2章】 死銃との死闘
2.2.1 朽ちた高架下の戦い・ 1
2.2.2 朽ちた高架下の戦い・3
2.2.3 死銃との戦闘まで・1
2.2.4 VS死銃
2.2.5 少し場所を変えよう・1
2.2.6 ゴーストアバター
2.2.7 決戦まで 1
2.2.8 VS死銃ゴースト
2.2.9 決着まで 1
2.2.10 死銃との死闘
2.3.0 【3章】謎の少女
2.3.1 強制ログアウト
2.3.2 SGP ß
2.3.3 デメテルへの干渉者
2.3.4 待ち伏せ
2.3.5 死銃の正体
2.3.6 到着
2.3.7 不可解な点
2.3.8 シャムについて
2.3.9 絡みあう謎
2.3.10 スウェイド
2.4.0 【4章】殺人鬼たちの復活
2.4.1 SAOでの調査開始
2.4.2 デスゲ���ムの舞台2
2.4.3 赤い影の噂1
2.4.4 赤い影の3
2.4.5 不気味な棺桶1
2.4.6 不気味な棺桶3
2.4.7 ラフコフとの対峙1
2.4.8 ラフコフの裏
2.4.9 殺人鬼の頭目1
2.4.10 It's show time....
2.5.0 【5章】いるはずのない妖精
2.5.1 ALOでの調査開始
2.5.2 レコンの下へ2
2.5.3 スイルベーンを目指して
2.5.4 サクヤの下へ2
2.5.5 ケットシーの噂
2.5.6 アリシャの下へ2
2.5.7 ケットシー領での再会1
2.5.8 驚くべき人物
2.5.9 妖精王の足跡1
2.5.10 いるはずのない妖精
2.6.0 【6章】集結するプレイヤー連
2.6.1 風妖精 GGOに降り立つ
2.6.2 グロッケンへ2
2.6.3 グロッケンの特別バトルフィールド1
2.6.4 グロッケンの特別バトルフィールド3
2.6.5 フィールドの不具合1
2.6.6 キバオウとのPvP戦
2.6.7 不具合修正
2.6.8 鉄屑の大地の火将軍2
2.6.9 キリトの決断1
2.6.10 集結するプレイヤー達
2.7.0 【7章】亡霊ラフコフ討伐戦
2.7.1 亡霊ラフコフ討伐戦
2.7.2 風の作戦2
2.7.3 討伐隊集結
2.7.4 討伐隊のリーダー エギル2
2.7.5 ラフコフ達の根城
2.7.6 妖精世界の魔物たちの顕現2
2.7.7 ダンジョンの深部1
2.7.8 VS ザザ& ジョニー
2.7.9 一 対決! 亡霊となったラフコフ
2.7.10 PoHとの最終決戦
2.8.0 【8章】シャムと呼ばれた少女
2.8.1 残されたナビゲーションピクシー
2.8.2 ビクスの証書2
2.8.3 GM権限を持つプレイヤー
2.8.4 シャム追跡2
2.8.5 記憶の中の少女
2.8.6 幼馴染の面影2
2.8.7 二人だけの時間1
2.8.8 シャムの幼馴染
2.8.9 シャムと呼ばれた少女
2.8.10 次なる道
2.9.0 【9章】 シルフ領主の選挙戦
2.9.1 妖精王はゴーストアバター ?
2.9.2 ゴーストアバターの行動指針
2.9.3 候補者たちの公約
2.9.4 現時点での一番人気は······
2.9.5 不自然な聴衆たち
2.9.6 シグルドの声明
2.9.7 オペイロンの登壇
2.9.8 扇動者シグルド
2.9.9 妖精王の陰に
2.9.10 干渉者の嘲笑
2.10.0 【10章】BoB-EXの開幕
2.10.1 神聖剣の噂
2.10.2 ヒースクリフの話題
2.10.3 BoB-EX予退開幕
2.10.4 見知らぬ人物
2.10.5 謎のアバター・クラネル
2.10.6 よみがえる想い
2.10.7 一方その頃••••••
2.10.8 ヒースクリフの標的
2.10.9 神聖剣の再臨
2.10.10 消えたグラネル
2.11.0 【11章】 妖精王の虚実を暴け!
2.11.1 妖精王の姿を追って
2.11.2 演説の場へ赴く
2.11.3 ホンモノの聴衆
2.11.4 銃の世界からの救援
2.11.5 グラネルの贈り物
2.11.6 グラネルの正体
2.11.7 我が名は妖精の・・・
2.11.8 女王ティターニア
2.11.9 凋落した王
2.11.10 干渉者の目的は······
2.12.0 【12章】干渉者オズ
2.12.1 新シルフ領主の誕生
2.12.2 ピクスの決断
2.12.3 干渉者の思惑
2.12.4 無限リポップ
2.12.5 新領主が打ち立てた
2.12.6 対策部隊
2.12.7 再び、 モンスター群の死線へ
2.12.8 深黒の湖
2.12.9 湖の底の神殿
2.12.10 干渉者オズ
2.13.0 【13章】 BoB-EX 戦
2.13.1 本戦前の気分転換
2.13.2 シャムの涙
2.13.3 最期に会いたい
2.13.4 残された希望
2.13.5 助言を乞う相手
2.13.6 AIの心
2.13.7 戦場、 それぞれの決意
2.13.8 猛炎の将
2.13.9 切り拓かれた活路
2.13.10 最強の剣士との決着
2.14.0 【14章】 鉄宮の地下ダンジョン
2.14.1 思わぬ協力者の再来
2.14.2 いざ迷宮へ
2.14.3 最難関の迷宮
2.14.4 仲間を背に
2.14.5 オズを倒すための手段
2.14.6 思い出
2.14.7 コンソール部屋の対峙
2.14.8 希望の結晶
2.14.9 宣戰布告
2.14.10 オズの猛攻
2.15.0 【最終章】仮想世界に生きる者として
2.15.1 侵されゆく剣の世界
2.15.2 浮遊城の異変
2.15.3 アルヴヘイムへの侵食
2.15.4 崩壊する妖精の大地
2.15.5 規格外の銃撃戦
2.15.6 切迫
2.15.7 援軍要請
2.15.8 オズの空間
2.15.9 臨戰態勢
2.15.10 仮想世界に生きる者
3.0.0 リコレクション・オブ・ヨツンヘイム
3.1.0 第1章 の巨人
3.1.1 復活の地下世界!?
3.1.2 いざ、地下世界へ!
3.1.3 丘の巨人の眷属
3.1.4 トンキーを追って
3.1.5 ウルズの泉
3.1.6 霜の巨人族
3.2.0 第2章 ミュルクヴィズの幼き巨人
3.2.1 霜の巨人の居城
3.2.2 猛獣の母
3.2.3 昏き森の珍道中
3.2.4 城の周辺へ
3.2.5 未来の時女神
3.2.6 対決/ 密林の主!
3.3.0 第3章 妖美統べるフリングホルニ
3.3.1 見渡す限りの大海原
3.3.2 その名はヒュロッキン
3.3.3 海底の館
3.3.4 ヒュロッキンの館へ
3.3.5 策略の実
3.4.0 第4章 策謀のニブルヘイム
3.4.1 氷の世界
3.4.2 ニブルヘイム
3.4.3 凍てつく猛威
3.4.4 求めるもの
3.4.5 語られた秘密
3.4.6 ユウキの決意
3.4.7 賢王の居城
3.4.8 ヴァフスの真意
3.5.0 第5章 鳴動するスリュムヘイム
3.5.1 もう一度、地下世界へ
3.5.2 トンキーを救え!
3.5.3 スリュムヘイムへ
3.5.4 対のミノタウロス再び
3.5.5 女神の所在は・・・・・・?
3.5.6 王の部屋へ
3.5.7 巨人の王と相対する者
3.6.0 第6章 影迫るミュルクヴィス
3.6.1 ヴァフス・クエストへ
3.6.2 ミュルクヴィズ
3.6.3 猛獣の母との再会
3.6.4 不穏な影
3.6.5 変化するクエスト
3.6.6 憂善なる城内
3.6.7 邪悪なる森の女巨人
3.7.0 第7章 悪逆のフリングホルニ
3.7.1 シ��ムの調査結果
3.7.2 ギミック
3.7.3 深海を進む妖精たち
3.7.4 分断
3.7.5 海底の攻防
3.7.6 傷ついた女神
3.7.7 女神を救え!
3.7.8 邪悪な気配
3.7.9 ヒュロッキンとの死闘
3.8.0 最終章 神たちの戦い
3.8.1 ウルズの回想
3.8.2 灰色の影の正体
3.8.3 ヴァフスが求める相手
3.8.4 大切なこと
3.8.5 蘇る闘いの申し子
3.9.0 外伝 前編 アルヴヘイム南方トライアスロン
3.9.1 ユーザー主催イベント
3.9.2 イベントルール
3.9.3 央都アルン
3.9.4 トライアスロン
3.9.5 ルグルー回廊入り口
3.9.6 ルグルー回廊
3.9.7 死角からの奇襲
3.9.8 風の加護
3.9.9 白熱!海のサバイバル
3.9.10 意外な伏兵
3.10.0 外伝 後編 アルヴヘイム南方トライアスロン
3.10.1 砂漠の熱中注意報
3.10.2 砂塵舞う戦い
3.10.3 地下洞を抜けて
3.10.4 一時休戦
3.10.5 猛攻! ユージーン将軍
3.10.6 オンユアマーク!?
3.10.7 竜の脅威
3.10.8 決着!
4.0.0 ラビリンス・オンライン
4.1.0 第1章 ラビリンス・オブ・デザイア
4.1.1 深奥へのメッセージ
4.1.2 失われた領域
4.1.3 再会
4.1.4 メイズという名の少女
4.1.5 迷宮世界の探索
4.1.6 テーマは、遊び?
4.1.7 踏破は目前!
4.1.8 虚ろなる死神
4.2.0 第2章 ブレイブエクスプローラーズ
4.2.1 霜の巨人への招待状
4.2.2 アネットファンクラブ
4.2.3 猛威を振るうトラップ
4.2.4 縦横無尽の大暴れ
4.2.5 繋がる絆
4.3.0 第3章 ブライトホーム
4.3.1 霜の巨人に再挑戦!
4.3.2 FPSを学ぶ霜の巨人
4.3.3 ガンラーズ
4.3.4 グラズヘイムの主
4.3.5 死闘の果てに
4.4.0 第4章 ミスティック・ミステリー
4.4.1 光の大空洞
4.4.2 泉の底で
4.4.3 ケンカ発生!?
4.4.4 LROの謎とは・・・
4.4.5 隠された書庫
4.5.0 第5章 アウタースペース
4.5.1 宇宙に到着! ?
4.5.2 別れた戦士
4.5.3 無重力状態へ
4.5.4 エイリアン
4.5.5 一片の資料
4.6.0 第6章 ウェア・ザ・トゥルース・ライズ
4.6.1 LROの起源
4.6.2 ロスト・チャイルド
4.6.3 メイズを探して
4.6.4 異界の食
4.6.5 闘いの神
4.7.0 最終章 フェイス・ザ・フューチャー
4.7.1 最後のモジュールへ
4.7.2 キーワードを探して
4.7.3 血路を開いて
4.7.4 悲しき世界の終末
4.7.5 博士の遺した手記
4.7.6 迷い子の未来
5.0.0 ラビリンス・オンライン 外伝
5.1.0 第1部 とある姉妹の物語
5.1.1 VR世界のアイドルは天才科学者?
5.1.2 セブンに会う条件
5.1.3 セブンとの出会い
5.1.4 セブンの姉 レイン
5.1.5 七色博士の所見
5.1.6 ブラックボックス解析ソフト
5.1.7 新たなキャンペーンクエスト
5.1.8 ボスエリア
5.2.0 第2部 とある姉妹の物語
5.2.1 炎の浮遊島ムスペルヘイム
5.2.2 アイドルのファンサービス
5.2.3 DAWS解析の攻略情報
5.2.4 レインの過去
5.2.5 DAWS のエラー・・・?
5.2.6 激情火の歌声
5.2.7 ユニーククエスト発生の原因とは
5.2.8 眠れる主と怒れる歌姫
5.3.0 第3部 とある姉妹の物語
5.3.1 迷宮の世界へ
5.3.2 業火の迷宮
5.3.3 妖精たちを包むブーカの歌声
5.3.4 失敗こそが成功への一歩
5.3.5 激する主
5.3.6 スルトを侵す存在とは
5.3.7 怒りの原因
5.3.8 業火に響く凍土の歌声
6.0.0 コード・レジスタ エピローグ
6.1.0 エピローグ コード・レジスタ エピローグ
6.1.1 もう一人のナビゲーション・ピクシー
6.1.2 クロージング・クエスト
6.1.3 懐かしき冒険の再記録
6.1.4 ALOとGGOのダイジェスト攻略
6.1.5 巨人との戦いの地へ
6.1.6 追体験の真実
6.1.7 作戦名 《コード・レジスタ》
6.1.8 わたしたちの言葉で
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В игру RENNSPORT добавлена новая трасса и автомобили
Бета-обновление 1.8.5 принесло в игру: новую трассу, новые автомобили и ряд нововведений. Приготовьтесь ощутить под своей машиной легендарное асфальтовое покрытие Международной гоночной трассы Фудзи, она представляет собой настоящее испытание мастерства и производительности автомобиля, заставляя вас...
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/05/19/995-v-igru-rennsport-dobavlena-novaya-trassa-i-avtomobili-grss-308926100.html
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