#1) i will be wearing hoops at any given time
soleminisanction · 4 months
I’ve been thinking about Steph and cass lately, especially with my recent re-read of Batgirl 2009. You’re totally right in that Steph does not even once spare Cass a single thought or even speak about her at all in the entire run. But it also got me thinking, didn’t this exact scenario already play out except with Tim? I’ll admit it’s been awhile since I’ve read her run as Robin, but I feel like once she got the mantle of Robin (again, taken from someone else- this time Tim) she never really spared him a second thought either. And then when she gets the Batgirl mantle from Cass, she never spared her a second thought. I know that the writers probably did not intend for this sort of characteristic to shine through, but it’s interesting nonetheless that this has happened twice. Does Steph just view people as disposable? Or as extensions of herself? And that’s why the second she gets what she wants from them or can’t get anything more from them, they drop in importance in her eyes and she doesn’t spare them a second thought? What are you views on it? (Also supergirl showing up in the middle was so damn random lmfao, did they have any previous links before that issue? Or even after that issue? I feel a bit bad for Kara that she constantly has to be besties with whoever the newest batgirl is T-T)
That is how I tend to view her, when I'm not taking steps to deliberately soften her character (like with Batgirl, Repentant). She does think about Tim a few times while she's Robin, but it's mostly in passing -- first explaining to Cass why she's in the Robin suit in Batgirl; then because he got a hold of her over the phone, briefly; and then because her last case involved an assassin, Scarab, who was hired to kill people who looked like him. Once that's established, he's out of her thoughts.
After that she thinks of him again in the lead-up to War Games, namely in the "Prelude," from Batman 12-Cent Adventure #1, which is partially an excuse to do set-up/recap flashbacks for anybody tuning into the event who hasn't been reading Batman regularly, but is also when we actually get to see the Incident that kicks off the gang war -- and it's told from Steph's perspective.
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And a little later on when she hears his school got shot up, she's devastated, fully bursts into tears and is terrified that she might've gotten him killed.
That said, her writing in War Games is largely an outlier -- for all the problems with that story (and there are so many problems, don't get me wrong), it legitimately has some of the best, most selfless and heroic characterization Steph has ever been given. It's tragic heroism, but it's still genuine heroism all the same.
The rest of the time... Yeah, she just doesn't really seem to make many connections or think much about other people when they're not directly involved in getting her what she wants. That's the vibe I get, too.
As for Supergirl: they did actually establish that. There was a 4-isuue World's Finest miniseries in 2009 that told one semi-ongoing story but also used each individual issue to team up a member of the new "Batman Reborn" Batfamily up with one of the similarly-revamped "New Krypton"-era Superfam.
Issue #1 was where Tim (as Red Robin) was reintroduced to the 15-year-old Chris Kent Nightwing (and Thara Ak-Var Flamebird). Issue #2 was Damian and the Guardian. Issue #3 had Babs call in Kara to rescue Steph from a death trap and then they teamed up. and Issue #4 had Dick-Bats and Clark come in to bring most of the threads together for a big finale.
The mini overall is... okay, though there's some characterization I'm not fond of, and something about the art style just. Really empathizes how much I fucking hate Steph's ugly Batgirl costume.
(Why. Does she wear her fucking belt so loose. They do it so it'll hang akimbo on her hips but it's made of huge weighted pouches, it'd spin around her waist when she tried to grapple like a goddamn hula hoop!!)
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
I recently acquired a collection of the Reign of the Superman arc, and there were some concept sketches in the back, including Kon's design, which features some interesting notes from artist/co-creator Tom Grummett.
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Mike: This design is an amalgam of what I thought were the best elements of those 'napkin sketches' we talked about. Any comments or suggestions are welcome & appreciated. Personally, I think this looks great! In addition, an independent poll (mine) of 10-16 year olds I know rated this outfit as 'cool.' --Tom
I love that Grummett ran the design past young people to verify if it was indeed sufficiently cool. This ensemble is 100% certified 90s youth-approved.
Some of the ideas for the earring include 1) a small 'hoop' ring 2) a 'stud' type earring 3) a 'Superman' symbol (although we'll only see it in extreme close-ups)
Note that at this stage there is no mention of the earring's being a replacement for a tag, which would first appear at the end of Kon's arc before his solo. The hoop was a suitable option, I think. Generic enough for him to acquired for himself easily but with more interest than a stud. I can't see Cadmus equipping him with a special S earring.
Superboy will 'layer over' his basic uniform with 'accessories' like the jacket, sunglasses[,] ripped jeans, et al. For two reasons 1) to satisfy his own sense of 'style.' 2) to hide out from Cadmus search teams. These outer layers will tend to get shredded or busted away in heavy combat.
The jacket and sunglasses became part of the iconic look, but ripped jeans were never a thing, not even when he's in civilian clothes. Hiding from Cadmus never happened either; in the final version, they track him down the first day but chose not to take him back quite yet. Everything was still in development at this point, and it's interesting to get a glimpse of what other directions the creators could have gone.
Note to Karl/Mike: If we assume Superboy generates the same aura that his adult counterpart did, his Cadmus-made Superboy outfit will be indestructible. However this property would not extend to his leather jacket, which, like Superman's cape, will tend to show some wear and tear. I visualize a scene where Superboy survives a massive explosion in an attack. And savagely retaliates to avenge his jacket! ("You goons ruined my jacket! I'm gonna kill ya!") Since Ma Kent isn't likely to be sewing leather jackets in any quantity (if at all) they'll be harder to come by than Supes' capes ever were. --Tom
Grummett's visualized scene got incorporated into the final story! And became a running gag. Kon ends up getting a seemingly endless supply of replacement jackets from the news station that's using him, at first. But it's rough having no mother with sewing skills to keep one supplied with clothing!
Some thoughts about 'Project Superboy'... If we run into a timeline problem with a Superboy running around within a week or two of Supes['] funeral (and having Pa Kent's life hanging by a thread for too long a period of time), we may have a way to get around it.
Suppose we say that 'Project Superboy' was begun when Supes was apprehended by the Hounds and brought to Cadmus for study[.] (This was in one of Jurgens' issues, I'm not sure which number) An analysis was done on Supes that formed the basis for the 'Superboy' experiment, which was, by the time of Supes['] death, already underway, with a Superboy in progress. When Cadmus later took Supes['] body after the funeral, a further, more detailed analysis was done. The results of which were used to enhance the Superboy subject, and further accelerated his development.
This suggestion was not used. In the final timeline, Kon was developed to adolescence in under a week after twelve previous attempts failed. However, it's clear that Grummett has given this a lot of thought, and his suggestion for justifying the seemingly too rapid timeline fits plausibly into established information. This is a collaborative process, with writer and artist jointly building character and story.
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livealittleoc-cb · 8 months
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:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: The Avatar of Pride
⋆。°✩ Biblical Name: The Devil
⋆。°✩ Human Name: Mochizuki Ryōsuke
⋆。°✩ All sins are contained into the Underworld unless with their guardian, given special permission from a deity of the underworld or have someone outside of hell to take care of them
⋆。°✩ Pride is not one to take interest in others all that easily! He is much more obsessed with himself then anyone else so his interest being peaked would take longer then the other sins. She should not be trusted without her guardian around! Very manipulative and narcassistic. [please take this into consideration when interacting!]
⋆。°✩ Just like other supernaturals/gods/etc. the sins have a human form if allowed to walk on Earth/Human Realm
⋆。°✩ In "human" form Harajuku, Japan, in Astria he's from Otril
⋆。°✩ He / She | Homosexual, Poly | 21 [Human Years], is actually about 1,000+ years | 06/01 [Gemini] | 5'8"
⋆。°✩ He is:
a show off
the hottest shit [in his mind]
is better then everyone else [again in his own mind]
over the top
Demon, Hybrid, Animal && Human Forms/Sin Info
⋆。°✩ was prince of the 3rd Circle [Gluttony]
⋆。°✩ contained into the form of a Indian Peafowl, Black Fancy Mouse or a Maine Coon [Depends on how nice Ari is feeling that day or if he's in hell] 
⋆。°✩ in his demon form he is 6'8", has a purpleleathery wings [20 ft/ 610 cm wingspan], a set of up curled black && purple horns on the sides of their head, his ears are pointed && wears silver hoop earrings, has a tattooes of a triangles && lines in multiple areas, purple long claws, he has a long leathery tail with dark purple fluff at the end [16 ft/ 488 cm], their legs are similar in shape to goats legs, his tongue is long && pointed [2 ft/ 61 cm long], has 1 set of fangs, his whites are all black && his pupils glow purple, his crown would sit on his head when he was prince [amethyst gems && silver], they typically wears shorts, knee high boots with garter belts && a crop top everything in black && purple tones
⋆。°✩ his horns have a period of being sensetive, DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS CLOSE && TRUSTED!
⋆。°✩ in hybrid form [mouse] he has cute round mouse ears, whispers or no whiskers && a mouse tail [cat] he has two cat ears, whiskers or no whiskers && fluffy brown tail, will never see him in his peacock form
⋆。°✩ in human form his skin is pale, has a tattoo on his right arm, has many piercings especially on his ears, always has makeup on && is well groomed all the time, wears a lot of rings && necklaces, he wasn't allowed to keep anything from his past life, has twinkly && cool dark purple eyes, nails always nicely manicured, always has acrylics or his nails are always painted, always wears the best clothes
⋆。°✩ his wings sometimes come out [his leg shape might also change]
⋆。°✩ when angered or annoyed his eyes will glow purple with little bursts of purple "explosions" pop around them
⋆。°✩ Resides: District 6 [former], District 1 [current]
⋆。°✩ Languages: As a demon speaks all languages, focuses on Japanese && English, can speak in tongues
⋆。°✩ Representative Colors: Grey, Dark Purple, Black
⋆。°✩ Guardian: The Black Rose [5th in Command for the Reaper Council]
⋆。°✩ Guardian Mark: Mirror on his Left Pec
⋆。°✩ Curse: N/A
⋆。°✩ likes: himself, mirrors, HIMSELF, very revealing clothing, being well groomed, makeup, H I M S E L F!
⋆。°✩ dislikes: everyone else, messes, dirt
can become smaller when they feel threatened
can create idle view of himself [causes people to be entranced && obsessed with him]
gender switching
impressive lie [can tell any lie && you'll believe it]
⋆。°✩ a switch, has no real preference but does like being taken cared off during && after sex; some of his kinks are marking [receiving && giving], collaring [receiving && giving], pet play [will be your kitten only if partner is okay with it], breeding [receiving && giving], size kink, public, impact play [receiving && giving], praise [receiving && giving], hair pulling [giving && receiving], orgasam control [receiving && giving, oral [receiving && giving], free use [giving && receiving], humilation [giving && receiving], choking [giving && receiving], bdsm [most elements], double penetration [receiving], overstim [giving && receiving], mirror sex, hate sex, whipping [giving && receiving]
⋆。°✩ hard nos: feet, watersports, wasteplay
⋆。°✩he prefers harder kinks but will not force this on his partner[s], does also like softer kinks
⋆。°✩ his eyes turn a deep deep purple if he is arroused
⋆。°✩ safe word: reflection
⋆。°✩ uses 🪞 or 💜 on dash
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faceclaim: @/ruki_nilduenilun on ig
0 notes
pandorabracelet1 · 2 years
10+ Best Waterproof SweatProof Jewelry, You Can Wear All Summer Long
Fortunately, really focusing on waterproof and sweatproof gems is like really focusing on some other kind.
Clean your extra every a few wears by washing it in warm water with a gentle cleanser. Then, at that point, wipe it off and allow it to air dry totally prior to putting away it in a protected spot. 
1. Mejuri Croissant Arch Circles
This sets of bands has an immortal style that is ideal for summer. The white gold band is supplemented by a sensitive vault setting that causes it to show up as though you're wearing a couple of blossoms on your ears.
They're sufficiently little to wear day to day yet large enough to affect at a little more than an inch. Get it here! Accessible at Mejuri for $295.00
These hoops come in your decision of 14k white gold or 18k rose gold and are hypoallergenic and high quality. MORE Data Snap NOW
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The pair has a complete jewel weight of .51 carats, which is barely sufficient bling to get you seen yet not an excess of that it feels awkward at a pool party. They're additionally ideal for wearing to work!
2. Ellie Vail Anika Band Hoop
This gold-conditioned treated steel scaled down loops sneak up suddenly in a little bundle. These are effectively one of my #1 sets of studs;
I wear them on normal a few times each week, and they've never given me any issues. Furthermore, more significantly, they look perfect with all that I wear!
0 notes
shoppound4 · 2 years
Apartments To Survive Off Campus
One-bedroom suites are the most difficult type of apartment to find, with availability rates (the number of units that happen to be vacant as well the ones anyone be considered available given that existing tenant has not signed another lease) the cheapest in metropolis at five.1 percent. Larger families will a great easier time finding a setting to live, as accessibility rate for finding a three-bedroom unit was 5.2 percent. https://vnptvinaphone.net.vn/chuong-trinh-khuyen-mai-lap-mang-vnpt-ha-noi-thang-1-2021/
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If you evaluate other properties, put on paper everything. What amount are they charging for rental? What what is offer their residents? Simply how much they are asking regarding any deposit? Type of of lease they hold? Do they provide you with a weekly rates or only monthly interest rates? Prices. Check this stuff out at commercials to learn what typical rent prices are for your neighborhood. Also, some features of town could possibly be more costly than many people. Make a decision on the price range that could vnpt internet line for rent afford, can be earning ! to think of the associated with utilities and gasoline off and away to work and school. Usual rule truth rent should not be much upwards of 30 percent of your earnings a 4 weeks. Don't forget that you possibly really should pay most important (and often last) month's rental fee and security deposit, in start-up fees for utilities, shortly right or soon after moving wearing. Getting financing for several things is an expanded and long process. You ought to realize excellent credit, a large down payment in order to get a full interest rate, and jump through a whole lot of hoops. Ought to finally find yourself in a home, then you locked into owing someone a involving money, and they have to continue paying that for the future. With renting, as long as get yourself a new your rent, you don't have anything to worry about, just in case the lease comes up, you possess a choice whether they should call stay longer, or find someplace healthier. Unfortunately this hotel isn't air programmed. However, Costa del Sol's wonderful Mediterranean weather help it become hospitable to imagine regardless of air conditioning (which means that I imagine they still haven't invest inside it for this apartment). Don't pay too much. This may seem obvious, a person have to understand when walking away via rental opening. If another team is near last place and expecting top value for a gamer you'll enhance your roster for quite an short time then will need to attempt. You're better off going without the pain . team that put you near ideal to begin with, as compared to make an anxious move for accommodations just an individual feel as you should. The greatest benefit because of these Craigslist search programs, besides from the capability to search Craigslist nationwide will be the filters they have. Some programs have search filters which might be designed for choosing homes or renting studios. What may contain?
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jongintricacies · 4 years
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posting these in the dead of night so I don’t subject too many ppl to my face but! this is in response to the ~check in tag~ ty Acsa for checking in ily @pilot-kun
- posted a selfie first instead of last, and posted a bunch I’m sorry skdjsjd but since I’m not in lab/on campus every day anymore, now is a good time to experiment with the makeup I hardly use!! ....which would be more interesting if I owned things that weren’t 99% neutral shades lmao
- how has your day been? this whole work from home business is rly more draining than it seems it should be. got to a late start bc I was up till 2am last night, and puttered through the day. wasn’t super great but wasn’t terrible either!
- what was the last thing that made you smile? I’m currently FaceTiming with one of my best friends, who moved 2 hours away and I was already hardly seeing pre-quarantine. we’re both animal crossing fans so she just locked in miss Marina as a new villager on her island and I’m so jealous but excited for her!!
- what’s keeping you entertained these days? definitely animal crossing haha! And unfortunately.....kpop
- if you are in some kind of quarantine/self isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve in this time? yeah actually - ever since starting grad school, my lifestyle has become so sedentary...and that shift coming after yeaaaaars of dancing almost every day has really taken a toll on my both physically and mentally. I’ve been taking this time to re-focus and give my body the attention and care it deserves, nourishing it with good food and challenging myself to get a good sweat in. I also joked about it at the beginning of quarantine, but learning a kpop dance or 2 counts as activity haha
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ninjahijabimuse · 5 years
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
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samsalamander · 5 years
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
138K notes · View notes
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
138K notes · View notes
thefridgeisonfire · 5 years
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
138K notes · View notes
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
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undyke · 5 years
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
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rabbureblogs · 5 years
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
138K notes · View notes
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
138K notes · View notes
rainbowmoonbean · 5 years
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
138K notes · View notes
it’s hilarious to me when people call historical fashions that men hated oppressive
like in BuzzFeed’s Women Wear Hoop Skirts For A Day While Being Exaggeratedly Bad At Doing Everything In Them video, one woman comments that she’s being “oppressed by the patriarchy.” if you’ve read anything Victorian man ever said about hoop skirts, you know that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth
thing is, hoop skirts evolved as liberating garment for women. before them, to achieve roughly conical skirt fullness, they had to wear many layers of petticoats (some stiffened with horsehair braid or other kinds of cord). the cage crinoline made their outfits instantly lighter and easier to move in
it also enabled skirts to get waaaaay bigger. and, as you see in the late 1860s, 1870s, and mid-late 1880s, to take on even less natural shapes. we jokingly call bustles fake butts, but trust me- nobody saw them that way. it was just skirts doing weird, exciting Skirt Things that women had tons of fun with
men, obviously, loathed the whole affair
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(1850s. gods, if only crinolines were huge enough to keep men from getting too close)
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(no date given, but also, this is 100% impossible)
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(also undated, but the ruffles make me think 1850s)
it was also something that women of all social classes- maids and society ladies, enslaved women and free women of color -all wore at one point or another. interesting bit of unexpected equalization there
and when bustles came in, guess what? men hated those, too
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(probably also 1880s? the ladies are being compared to beetles and snails. in case that was unclear)
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(1870s, I think? the bustle itself looks early 1870s but the tight fit of the actual gown looks later)
hoops and bustles weren’t tools of the patriarchy. they were items 1 and 2 on the 19th century’s “Fashion Trends Women Love That Men Hate” lists, with bonus built-in personal space enforcement
138K notes · View notes