#016 the job interview
stellastjamessongs · 1 year
The Job Interview
Aveva impostato la sveglia di buon mattino e l'aveva disattivata al primo trillo, essendo già più che cosciente. Era riuscita a dormire discretamente rispetto alle proprie (pessime) aspettative, sicuramente aiutata dalla serata in compagnia e dalla conversazione spensierata e non troppo concentrata sul colloquio che avrebbe avuto da lì a poche ore. Si era sollevata dal letto e, camminando con passo felpato per non disturbare il ragazzo o Pooka che ancora dormiva nella cuccetta, si era diretta verso la cucina. In verità il rimescolio all'altezza dello stomaco era ben diverso da quello che solitamente precedeva la colazione, ma aveva già optato per qualcosa di leggero che le desse energia ma non rischiasse di appesantirla o, peggio ancora, comportasse effetti collaterali ben poco gradevoli con la prospettiva di un incontro così importante. Aveva quindi sorseggiato una tazza di the e si era costretta a mangiare almeno tre biscotti. All'arrivo di un Pooka scodinzolante e allegro, si era affrettata a versargli acqua e croccantini nelle sue ciotole ed era tornata in camera, chiudendosi l'uscio alle spalle.
Quindi (dopo aver controllato l'orologio e aver constatato che sì, era perfettamente in orario con il programma pre-colloquio), aveva steso il tappetino e indossato un completino elasticizzato che le consentisse agevolmente di seguire la sedicente playlist rilassante di un'insegnante di yoga. Dopo circa un quarto d'ora, dovette arrendersi e ammettere che era difficile stabilire se la donna avesse sopravvalutato il proprio talento, o se avrebbe dovuto rassegnarsi al fatto che il proprio corpo fosse letteralmente incapace di rilassarsi. Non restava che cominciare a prepararsi con calma e con serenità. Aveva già estratto dall'armadio il completo confezionato da Quinn e nella valigetta aveva già inserito tutta la documentazione necessaria, gli spartiti e il MacBook.
Dopo la doccia si era spalmata la crema per il corpo e, attenta a non sgualcirlo, aveva indossato il tailleur: una camicetta di un rosa antico, sotto una giacca di una sfumatura più accentuata e abbinata ai pantaloni che ne fasciavano perfettamente le gambe. Aveva indossato le scarpe eleganti ma assai scomode il cui tacco avrebbe dovuto slanciarla (se non si fosse presa una storta prima, mandando all'aria il colloquio stesso) e si era applicata un trucco leggero, prima di dedicarsi ai capelli che erano modellati in una lieve ondulatura. Aveva quindi indossato orecchini abbinati, un orologio da polso più elegante di quello quotidiano e un bracciale. Studiò il proprio riflesso un'ultima volta, lisciando la camicia da pieghe invisibili e traendo un profondo respiro, prima di accennare a un sorriso. “Buongiorno,” cinguettò a voce bassa, “mi chiamo Stella St. James, ho sempre sognato di incidere le mie canzoni e...” si interruppe, scuotendo la testa e dovendo resistere dall'impulso di passarsi le mani tra i capelli. Inspirò ed espirò profondamente, prima di schiudere gli occhi e ricominciare. “Mi chiamo Stella St. James e... credo che darò di stomaco da un momento all'altro,” gemette con voce più stridula, accomodandosi sul bordo della vasca da bagno.
Si interruppe al suono del cellulare la cui suoneria personalizzata le segnalò che si trattava della madre, come prevedibile. Seppur avesse il timore che avrebbe rischiato di vomitare se avesse parlato a lungo e prima del colloquio stesso, si costrinse a ritornare nella camera da letto per rispondere. Ma, dopotutto, la madre aveva la straordinaria capacità di condurre quasi da sola un'intera conversazione, ragion per cui dovette limitarsi a dei mormorii che le dessero prova che stesse ascoltando e fosse d'accordo. Riuscì persino a ridere della minaccia non troppo velata di sporgere denuncia contro la casa discografica nel caso in cui le avessero fatto intraprendere a vuoto quel viaggio. Le promise che le avrebbe telefonato nell'esatto momento successivo all'esito del colloquio e sospese la chiamata. Solo allora lesse i messaggi di incoraggiamento e di auguri degli amici e delle amiche, quelli di Rebecca e di Karen e l'ansia, per brevi secondi, cedette il passo alla tenerezza e a un pizzico di commozione. Scosse il capo e le parve quasi di sentire la voce di Quinn che le intimava: “Non pensarci neppure! Non è un mascara waterproof!”
Si rimise in piedi e controllò la propria agenda e l'orologio: aveva spuntato tutte le voci della lista, aveva tutto il necessario addosso e nella valigetta. Quindi, in teoria, era pronta. Devo solo smetterla di tremare e uscire da questa stanza, si disse con un ultimo sospiro. Socchiuse gli occhi, appoggiò la mano sulla maniglia, rilasciò il respiro e infine uscì dalla propria camera.
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choco-pudding · 1 year
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi  Guide Book p. 110-117 (Translation by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
First part of Report 5
Also known as the part that everyone involved dreaded and hated the most. I was fighting for Fuse’s life during this.
Imgur link to all of the  Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below.
p. 110 Report 5: The Spies Get Revenge!
01 Person to Rescue, 06 Secret Inputs Location: Mystery Zone.
I requested help from Ulala and the others after I got intel on Purge's secret base. They always meddled in our investigations, but I felt that an unpredictable enemy like Purge needed an unpredictable force as opposition. That's right. I was just being thorough with my job.
Level 00 105
Up Down Up Down Chu Chu Chu
p. 111 Travel Guide
Mystery Zone · Robotic Silhouettes Room Mystery Zone · Robots from All Directions Room Mystery Zone · Back Room
Level 00 106
Up Down Up Down Chu Chu Chu
[Translator’s note: In Japanese “Robots from All Directions Room” is literally ‘Robots from Up, Right, Left, (and) Down Room.”]
p. 112 Mystery Zone · Robotic Silhouettes Room
Ulala’s Stars: 7 After sneaking into the secret base, we were forced into a series of rooms where robot silhouettes were projected one after another. They made no sound so we could only use our eyes to taken in their movements and dance accordingly. It was beyond confusing and so different from what we were used to.
001 ⬆ ⬇ ⬆ ⬇ x 002 ⬅ ⬅ ⮕ ⮕ x 003 ⬆ ⬇ ⬅ ⮕ x
Level 00 107
Up Down Up Down Chu Chu Chu
p. 113
004 ⬆ ⬇ ⬆ ⬇ ⬆ ⬇ x 005 ⬆ ⬇ ⬆ ⬇ ⬇ ⬆ x 006 ⬆ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬆ ⬆ x
007 ⮕ ⮕ ⮕ ⬅ ⬅ ⬅ ⬅ ⮕ ⮕ ⮕ x 008 ⬇ ⬆ ⬇ ⬆ ⬇ ⬆ ⬇ ⬆ ⬇ ⬆ x 009 ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⮕ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬅ ⬅ ⮕ x 010 ⬆ ⮕ ⬅ ⬇ ⬆ ⮕ ⬅ ⬇ ⬇ ⬆
- Lv. 10 Groove 108
Right Left Chu Chu Chu
p. 114 Mystery Zone · Robots from All Directions Room
Ulala’s Stars: 9 We fell down a hole into a pitch-black room, countless shining robot eyes surrounding us. I could hardly hear their voices but I couldn't rely on my sight either; I could barely distinguish between the lefts and downs. I had a rough time… I need to study those commands. I do remember that the "Stay Tuned" was a secret input spot.
“Loads and loads and loads of robots!”
011 ⮕ x x x ⬆ x x 012 ⬅ x x x ⬇ x x
- Lv. 10 Groove 109
Up Down Up Down Chu Chu Chu
p. 115
013 ⮕ ⮕ ⬆ ⬆ ⬅ ⬇ x 014 ⬆ ⬆ ⬅ ⬅ ⬇ ⮕ x 015 ⬅ ⬅ ⬇ ⬇ ⮕ ⬆ x 016 ⬇ ⬇ ⮕ ⮕ ⬆ ⬅ x 017 ⮕ x x x 018 ⬆ x x x x 019 ⬅ x x x x x 020 ⬇ x
“Staaaay Tuned!” [1]
- Lv. 10 Groove 110
Up Right Left Down Chu Chu Chu
p. 116 Reference Material Fuse's Fanservice Supercut of Women (Reporters): A Collection of Videos Created by the Director of Channel 5
While investigating the Space Arena, we found footage that appears to be edited by Fuse, the director of Channel 5's Special Report Team. Although the video seems voyeuristic, technically the clips are taken directly from the news broadcasts, as opposed to anything original, so there's no evidence of any foul play. But, since it's possible that there could have been other intentions in mind, aside from using the footage for reports, we interviewed the person in question. Fuse admitted the video was made as a side-hobby but vowed that there was no intention for the video, nor the woman's poses, to be anything beyond that.
Location: Space Park On the left is Ulala innocently flashing her panties while rescuing Recorder Primary Schooler and his pals in the rerun. In the center are the rest of the space primary schoolers (naturally, they're not the video's focus; while one should always watch out for dangerous people, Fuse is just offbeat and on the fruity side). On the right is a panty shot from Padding, a talented comedian who still going strong at 48 years old.
On the left is a shot of the Space Bird Mistress, or maybe it's the Space Dog Mistress, not sure. On the right's Ulala in the Greenhouse. Clips of her struggling against the vines were also included. It's an outrageous claim but we can't shake the suspicion that Fuse may have a penchant for SM.
- Lv. 10 Groove 111
Right Left Chu- Chu- Chu
[Translator’s note: This part sucks. Anyway, the actual title is is called “Fuse’s voyeuristic video,” which is why the first body of text make reference to that. I have no idea if Fuse named it that or if the Space Police did. Unfortunately, the thing about the Space Primary Schoolers was originally worded much, much worse as well. Also they call Fuse “moho-like” there, which was (at the time) a work-safe way of saying homo.]
p. 117
Location: Space Symphony On the left is a Bartender Girl from the first rerun report. There were also clips of the rarely seen Spaceship Lounge Girl and the Woman in Yellow. Next is a modest panty shot of the Chorus Lady. Finally, on the right is a still of Ulala from a sweeping shot executed by the camera's autopilot.
Location: The Playgirl On the left is Texas (not Pine), followed an image of her comrades, Sexy 1 and 2. They seem to be a point of interest in the reruns. On the right is Ulala flying towards Channel 5's HQ. This is exemplary of how even long skirts are not free from wardrobe mishaps at certain angles.
Location: Channel 5 HQ First is a close-up of a Space Cheerleader's leg. If anything can be seen, the camera is too close to tell. Next is flash from Evila, but her scary face is far more imposing. Last is a low angle shot that occurs after Ulala rescues Michael. Ulala herself has a mature attractiveness here.
- Lv. 10 Groove 112
Down Up Down Chu- Chu- Chu
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the-true-boomer · 28 days
O5-2: Next, O5-14 has requested permission to speak on his findings in the investigation of TL-04. O5-14, procede. O5-14: Thank you. I apologize for keeping us longer than planned, but I feel I must inform you all that I believe I have found the dimension Tarsa is located in. O5-1: O5-12, you may speak. O5-12: Yeah, so, whose Tarsa? O5-1: I’m assuming that means you forgot to read the summary of events from meetings 2942 and 2945, correct? O5-12: Nah, actually, Margaret got in an accident on the way to my office and lost the papers. She’s fine now, but again, who’s Tarsa? O5-14: Te explains briefly, that she was the overseer - a being made to watch over and protect a universe - before me. However, instead of doing what she was supposed to, she turned our universe into a gameshow for other overseers where we try and contain all the monsters she makes. She was killed and now I do her job, but we discovered that alternate timelines are running concurrently to ours. There are other versions of people we have in our timeline, leading me to believe there is another version of Tarsa. I believe it irresponsible to let her live if this is the case as the harm she has either already caused or is yet to cause should be stopped if we have the capability.  O5-14: Now, if I may, I will continue. Through my investigation, it’s been revealed that the residents of this timeline use a letter-numerical number to differentiate specific dimensions. The dimension A-016, where the woman with a strong physical resemblance to Tarsa, whom I’ve uncovered is named Astra, is also the base of operations of a self-proclaimed “superhero team” called the Sharp Gang. I could spend my time summarizing their motives, but I will default to the crux of what I want. Fellow councilmen, I humbly request your permission to get this Astra for an interview to progress in my goal of locating Tarsa. O5-1: The floor is now open for questions. *O5-4 raises hand* O5-4, you may speak. O5-4: If this decision is passed, would I be the one gathering this woman? O5-14: I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but you weren’t the one I had in mind. Recently I’ve been working with someone you could call a protege. Agent Landon Harker. He would have been the one I suggested to both gather and conduct the interview. O5-7: If I may interject, why has this man’s existence not been made known to us before this point? O5-14: Nowhere in the level 5 employee handbook is it stated a councilman must inform the council of an apprentice if it does not relate to the council. As Landon is a protege for my work at Site 236, it would not fall under that jurisdiction. O5-1: O5-6, you may speak. O5-6: Can we vote, now? O5-1: Indeed, all in favor of granting O5-14 permission to interview this “Astra” person about the location of Tarsa, say aye. If not, say nay. Aye. O5-2: Aye. O5-3: Nay. O5-4: Aye. O5-6: Aye. O5-9: Aye. O5-10: Nay O5-11: Aye. O5-12: Aye. O5-1: With a majority vote, O5-14 has been granted permission to gather Astra for an interview. You are to comply with all Foundation interviewing ethics restrictions, per the handbook. Now, the last decision for today-
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strifestriken · 1 year
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task 016 || wardrobe
strife’s style can best be described as forest witch who is heavily influenced by stevie nicks met a biker gang and is interviewing for some government job. it is out of time and place- a mixture of sleek and feral and fantasy and whimsy. she tends towards fringe, dramatic lengths or cuts, feathers, and free flowing fabrics that are easily caught by the wind. strife embodies a range of dark or jewel toned colors with lots of pewter baubles and accessories. strife sports combat boots, sneaker, or ballet slippers regularly. she wears an excess of rings, symmetrical piercings litter both her ears, and a piercing in the center of her lip that accentuates her birdlike features. altogether it is a very theatrical look. [ fashion ]
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lgcjunkyu · 2 months
solo trainee mission 016
this experience was definitely one of difference, one which junkyu truly wanted to at least try, and being given the opportunity to, he could now safely say that he understands the whole idea of it better.
it was definitely different than the previous missions had been, but in all honesty, he quite enjoyed this one. it was different and although his initial fears about it came to the surface, he feels like he did a pretty decent job for someone who was more introverted and reserved. one thing he had really noticed was the people around him helped ease him into it, brought out sides of him that would be good for variety aspects.
so when it came to the interview portion, junkyu feels like he had a handful of things he can talk about.
"what was your favorite moment for today?"
junkyu has to think, because a lot had transpired but one definitely sticks out. "i think, considering i could only do friday and saturday, i think saturday was my favorite day, it was probably the most fun i had i think." he starts off, head bobbing along as he thinks back. "i found it really fun, and not just because my team won, but the whole thing was enjoyable. one thing i was worried about was being more reserved and introverted, that i wouldn't be able to make things exciting and all but, i think being around everyone, it helped me kind of come out of my shell a bit, especially with misaki. that was probably my favorite, i really enjoyed that."
he hums for a few moments when the next question is thrown his way, "how did you feel about the challenge/activity given to your team?" before he answers. "i think it was fun, the teamwork was fun but i think.. being able to just enjoy the game and kind of let loose in a way? was really good. i'm competitive but i enjoyed it more because it kind of felt like everyone was just enjoying themselves, and one thing i kind of realised with that is sometimes, just being able to enjoy yourself makes things more fun to watch too."
the rest of the interview pretty much flows the same, with junkyu answering his favorite parts, things he had learned from the experience, but the one he really learned was that despite how introverted and reserved he could be, he could still make variety shows work.
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aboutteagan · 3 months
Entry 7: Reflection on the subject with respect to your starting point, new learnings and experiences, and how this will assist you from a career development perspective.
438 words
Before starting this subject, I was so unaware on how unprofessional my resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile were and how unprepared I was to go into a professional job or further internship. This subject assisted with my confidence and ability to perform interviews to my best ability and editing and expressing my experiences when publishing them on resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles.
When it comes to my resume, I have been able to add all work experiences, volunteering and education to the two pages, which has helped me expand the information on each experience and include all required elements into the resume. I have taken the photo off it, as we learnt that some employers can be bias when it comes to seeing a photo on a resume of an applicant but I still have one on my LinkedIn profile for them to see, if they choose to do a further search to review me. As seen below in Laurenson (2024), there is a lot of information in the two pages, but I have been advised that most employers would rather more than less information on my previous duties and abilities.
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Teagan Laurenson 2024 Resume (Laurenson, 2024).
As I had a shocking start with no prior cover letter experience, I have now learnt the importance of a cover letter, as Waung et al (2017) acknowledges, the level of research, attention and information done prior to applying for a job is showcased through the ability to write cover letters. I have now been able to create 4 cover letters for a job I applied for and the three required mock internship applications. I have attached the cover letter I had used when applying for a Membership Sales Coordinator job at Hawthorn Football Club below (Laurenson, 2024). This has obviously been a huge development as I have never written a cover letter, but this subject has assisted me in my confidence and ability to create one for each job or internship I apply for.
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Teagan Laurenson 2024 Hawthorn Football Club Cover Letter (Laurenson, 2024).
When it comes to mock interviews, I have previously experienced them in high school through another assessment. It was to also help prepare us for applying jobs and university back then. When it came to participating in the current mock interviews, I was still nervous but when given the opportunity to hear from peers in the feedback forms, it had helped level the nerves out, give me confidence and prepare me for the real interview assessment. I personally think I have grown more confident as a student and I am more prepared to go into the professional sports industry and this subject has been the main contributor to that development.
Laurenson, T. (2024). Teagan Laurenson 2024 Hawthorn Football Club Cover Letter [Screenshot].
Laurenson, T. (2024). Teagan Laurenson 2024 Resume [Screenshot].
Waung, M., McAuslan, P., DiMambro, J. M., & Miegoc, N. (2017). Impression Management Use in Resumes and Cover Letters. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32(6), 727–746. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-016-9470-9
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lgczoe · 3 months
♥︎ ╱ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴠɪᴇᴡ ⤿ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴢᴏᴇ: ᴛʀᴀɪɴᴇᴇ ᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴ 016 ꜰᴛ. ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ @lgcxsarang
After spending the entire day working outside and building fences with the Baek family, it was finally time for Zoe's interview. Her hair was a bit messy due to the wind, so she quickly pulled her scrunchie off her wrist to put her hair up into a high ponytail. She put on some lipgloss and then walked into the interview room with a smile on her face, feeling both excited and exhausted. As she sat down, she couldn't help but quip, "Well, at least I know I can handle a little wind and hard work."
Interviewer: Hi, Zoe! Can you tell us about your experience today? What was your favorite moment? Zoe: Hey there! I had an amazing day today - it was seriously one for the books. The highlight of my day was definitely when we finished building the fence. It was so cool to see all of our hard work pay off and have it all come together like that. And the cherry on top was getting to share the experience with my friend Sarang, we had fun! Interviewer: That's great to hear! How did you feel about the challenge/activity given to your team? Zoe: I have to admit, I was a little nervous at first. I'm not exactly known for being the outdoorsy type, and I was worried I'd get a splinter or something. But I didn't want to let my team down, so I put on my gloves and dove in. And you know what? It was actually really fun! Sure, it was tough work, but we all pulled together and got it done. Interviewer: Who did you feel you got closer to during the experience? Zoe: Obviously, Sarang, but definitely the rest of my team as well. We all had to work together and rely on each other to get the job done, and I think that really brought us together. Plus, the family we were helping out was just so sweet and welcoming. It was really cool to be able to do something for them. Interviewer: That's so wonderful. What's one thing you've learned from this experience? Zoe: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually had fun building a fence! At first, I was so nervous about working with wood and all the tools, but I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and gave it a try. And you know what? It was totally worth it! I feel like I learned so much and now I'm itching to do it again. Who knew I had a secret talent for DIY?"
She finished up her interview with a smile and a sense of relief. She stood up from the chair, thanked the interviewer, and made her way out of the room. She had hoped she'd made a good impression, but she couldn't wait to head back to take a relaxing shower and call it a night.
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nlportfoliobsm308 · 2 years
2- Preparedness for an internship
Microsoft Word - Document1
A range of skills I have gained from previous work experiences, study and extracurricular activities makes me confident that I am more than ready to attack my first internship. While participating in Transition to Professional Practice, I have been given a glimpse of the potential sponsorship partners along with the roles each organisation has offered to students in my position in previous years. This has allowed me to start focusing on certain internship applications I want to put forward in the coming months. Motorsport Australia is my top priority and has been from the moment I read their descriptions.
As I am currently creating my own content for motorsport within my Formula 1 blog, I truly believe I am ready to put my writing, digital media and social media skills into professional practice.
Resumes and cover letters are widely used by organizations to screen large numbers of job applicants, making them an important part of the hiring process and worthy of increased research attention (Burns et al. 2014). Resume writing is a crucial first step to applying for an internship, and while I have been writing resumes for years the difference in producing a basic document that covers all aspects in one, and a well written targeted resume is now abundantly clear. I remember contacting Sharyn Meade to improve my resume writing skills while building an application for an internship opportunity with Premier Cricket, and while I had thought I had written such an amazing resume, I was shocked to see how many minor errors I had made along the way which could be detrimental to my chances of success. Although I was disappointed in myself at the time, I am now happy that I had the opportunity to learn from these mistakes in future resume writing.
Writing a cover letter was a similar experience for me, as I thought I had nailed the ins and outs of the letter I soon realised that was not the case. I did not realise how important cover letters were to a job application, always following along with the mindset that a cover letter is just a different version of a resume, that does not matter and is not a necessity in my applications. These letters allow the employer to get a sense of what type of person they are dealing with, away from a sheet of listed facts about my life. It creates a good opportunity to really put my interest forward and make a good first impression before the job interview is even considered.
Waung, McAuslan, P., DiMambro, J. M., & Mięgoć, N. (2016). Impression Management Use in
Resumes and Cover Letters. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32(6), 727–746.
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amararoleplays-blog · 6 years
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[001] the face of any products
sadie is the current face of louis vitton she also has a partnership with covergirl for their all day every day natural finish foundation.
[002] open about their private life
to some extent, she doesn’t hide her relationship with matt matson, however she does prefer to keep some things close to the cuff. she’s very protective of her sisters ( and family in general ), matt, and her friends. so when the press does go after them she does get annoyed.
[003] an advocate for any charities
since her mother passed away from breast cancer, sadie is very much involved with several charities focused around breast cancer research she tries to do the run for the cure every year. she’s also a goodwill ambassador for unicef and a huge advocate for the #metoo & timesup movements.
[004] involved in a relationship for publicity
she’s luckily never had to have been.
[005] where they are because of dishonest / shady moves
sadie’s parents were very very adamant of preserving her integrity and although there were some “casting couch” opportunities sadie declined all of them. her career ( as she will admit ) is built upon sheer dumb luck and some hard work. 
[006] @ / retweet regularly
twilight meme accounts, cute dog pics, charities she’s involved with & her sisters
[007] mention most in interviews
her sisters/family & matt
[008] go to when they need some help
her sister for like general life advice and matt when she needs to feel better in general.
[009] idolize / adore more than life itself
her mother
[010] want to end up with (in their dreams)
honestly, ever since matt came into her life three years ago she hasn’t really thought of anyone else. but sixteen year old sadie would say leonardo dicaprio ( cliche she knows )
[011] the first thing they tweeted
@sadiedunne am I allowed to be here if I’m terrified of birds? that hitchcock movie still has me scarred, #crowsbegone
[012] the first event they got invited to
kids choice awards
[013] the last (non work related) vacation they took
she went to mexico with matt for their three year anniversary
[014] the first thing published about them on lounge
a few years ago when sadie did her very first indie film that garnered massive critical acclaim, she played a lesbian. lounge did an “expose” on this which sadie never commented on. she feels as though her sexuality is no one’s business and she’d rather just celebrate the people she loves.
[015] the project that made them want to act / write / sing / etc.
she grew up on musicals like sound of music & wizard of oz and all of shirley temple’s movies. as a child star,  she aspired to be like shirley temple and groomed herself to be a triple threat.
[016] do they put up with all of the bs that comes with the business
to some extent, she’s been in the business since she was six. so she knows being a public figure, people will ultimately be curious about her. however she draws the line and calls people out on bs. she has zero filter.
[017] did they pursue the career they’re currently in
since she was a kid, she just loved entertaining people. she’s so full of energy this career really suits her because she’s an energizer bunny but also has just a great deal of empathy.
[018] did they choose the media persona they did
sadie’s not even sure she has a “media persona” her M.O. is just being awkward and loud and for some reason people like it.
[019] do they hate gossip magazines so much
she could honestly care less on what gossip mags have to say, she’s proven them wrong through her actions.
[020] would they ever make a sex tape
I mean.... there’s probably one floating around there somewhere. if it ever went public she’d laugh and say that she feels sorry for anyone that had to view it because she feels she looks awkward having sex.
[021] did they hear their first song on the radio
she actually heard an irish radio play in her mom’s study in their home in dublin when she was four. that’s the oldest memory she has of hearing something on the radio
[022] did they find out they’d landed their first project
at her sixth birthday party, she was thrilled because she’d booked a sitcom in the states.
[023] did they go on vacation after their first big project
yes, her parents took her to disneyland, it was no pun intended magical.
[024] do they live when they want to get away from it all
sadie goes back home to dublin
[025] was their first big press conference
in toronto, one of her indie films debuted there as a part of the toronto film festival.
[026] project embarrassing
her first “project” was a chocolate bar commercial for an irish brand of sweets and sadie got to eat chocolate for the whole day she’ll say to this day it was one of the best jobs she’s ever had. 
[027] talk show appearance a wreck
no, sadie is unbashedly honest and people find that endearing. she told a story about how she befriended a squirrel that lived by the set of the movie she was working on. 
[028] public relationship heavily followed
not really, she dated one of her fellow disney alums. the relationship lasted a year but never garnered too much press as neither of them were “big names”
[029] fan encounter awkward / nice / sweet / etc.
it was kind of awkward because she was thirteen and a middle aged man wanted her autograph. her mother allowed it but she and sadie were a little uncomfortable even though the guy was fairly nice.
[030] relationship (while famous) talked about at all
not particularly, she was never a household disney name, she played the best friend so it was reported on briefly.
[031] they ever open any sort of business
sadie has recently started dabbling in executive producing and she loves it. so in the future, she’d love to open her own production house.
[032] they ever win a major, prestigious award
she’s won a golden globe, a few BAFTAs, and was nominated for an oscar last year. midnight city’s already getting a ton of critical buzz so hopefully next year will be her year *fingers crossed*
[033] they ever host the smn version of saturday night live
she did last year just before the oscars. she’d love to do it again.
[034] they ever work tirelessly for years to get a project going
she has for midnight city, and now that she’s a little more settled in her career she would love to be a champion for female led and diverse/inclusive projects because she feels she has a voice.
[035] they take pictures with fans who approach them on their off time
absolutely ! she’s happy to do it as long as they’re polite
[036] invest their money wisely
I mean sadie’s fairly frivolous with her spending habits, but she’s not spending her money on designer handbags it’s on twilight collectibles, candy, and random tidbits she likes to collect.
[037] work only on projects they love
since her career’s taken off and she’s being taken seriously as an actress, yes.
[038] care more about the fame than anything
no, fame isn’t something she’s concerned with. she’d be acting even if it was in a community theatre setting she just loves entertaining people.
[039] often find they’ve put their foot in their mouth
absolutely, she’s a rambler and she says stuff without thinking so she’s constantly doing this
[040] hide things from the public because they are afraid / ashamed of what the reaction could be
no she’s fairly open about who she is and feels no need to hide anything
[041] is a good person
objectively yes, I think she tries to be at least.
[042] will have career longevity
I think so, she’s wise about the projects she chooses and is committed to never doing the same thing twice.
[043] deserves the career they have
yes, she’s worked so hard for it
[044] can remain unjaded by hollywood
she’s managed for the last twenty four years so I hope so !
[045] will spend the rest of their life with the person they marry
depends on who she marries, because that person will require a lot of patience
[046] date / marry a fan
she would date a fan, sure. just as long as they tried to get to know who she is with all her complexities
[047] star on any type of reality show
no, she’s not a fan of reality shows
[048] donate to charity / do good deeds without publicity
yes, she doesn’t engage with charity for the publicity. she would do it even if she weren’t famous
[049] say exactly what they think about the ins/outs of fame
yes she’s fairly candid about this and will throw shade where shade needs to be thrown
[050] walk comic con without any security (in or out of disguise)
yes, she’d love it !! she’s a huge fangirl herself. however, she’s never had the chance to go to fan conventions.
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ammapreker · 6 years
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[001] the face of any products: her team is currently working on a deal with burberry that should be finalized shortly. 
[002] open about their private life: no. not even slightly. she’s intensely reserved and prefers that her private life remain exactly that — private.
[003] an advocate for any charities: yes, specifically st. jude’s children’s research hospital, unicef, and various environmental causes. more recently, she’s become heavily involved in the #metoo and time’s up movements.
[004] involved in a relationship for publicity: not at present, but who knows. if she truly believes that it would benefit both her and her career, sylvie’s not going to say never. but she is incredibly picky about who she dates, and that would like extend to “fake” dating as well.
[005] where they are because of dishonest / shady moves: not due to her own. what her mother might have done or been willing to do in order to make them famous... sylvie doesn’t want to know.
[006] @ / retweet regularly: willow, former and current cast mates to support their projects, and the charities that she supports. 
[007] mention most in interviews: probably her twin sister, willow. after seeing them together for so many years on their variety show, it’s hard to separate the two from audience’s minds. additionally, after the rather public break with her mother, sylvie tends to get asked questions about that particular relationship, which she evades to the best of her ability.
[008] go to when they need some help: again, willow. nothing like having a twin sister.
[009] idolize / adore more than life itself: nicole kidman. if sylvie met her, she’d probably freak. 
[010] want to end up with (in their dreams): young sylvie would have said cartoon aladdin or dimitri. current sylvie is more comfortable being by herself and waiting for the right person instead of guessing who it might be. 
[011] the first thing they tweeted: @sylviehugo welcome to my universe, twitter! 
[012] the first event they got invited to: likely the premiere of whatever film the twins first cameoed in. sylvie likely doesn’t remember much of it, only being bored and uncomfortable in whatever dress her mother picked out. 
[013] the last (non work related) vacation they took: she’s a frequent flier to paris and london, and she’s been known to spend vacations there after long shoots. 
[014] the first thing published about them on lounge: probably that she was incredibly snobby, very demanding during her variety show. it probably listed “events” and “reasons” that never actually happened.
[015] the project that made them want to act / write / sing / etc.: acting was more or less forced upon her, but during one of her first cameos, sylvie caught a peek of a scene between the two lead actors that took her breath away. she’s desperately wanted it ever since.
[016] do they put up with all of the bs that comes with the business: at this point in her life, pushed into the industry as a child and having grown up in it, sylvie simply can’t see herself ever doing anything else. so it’s less of a choice, more something that she’s been saddled with and forced to face with no alternatives. 
[017] did they pursue the career they’re currently in: acting was very much forced upon both sylvie and willow from a young age by their mother, who sought the fame and — even more importantly — money that she could get out of her two golden cash cows. she got her wish and, even after the twins separated from her after reaching the age of eighteen, acting had become too ingrained as a part of sylvie to try anything else. she loves it, she does, but even if she didn’t, sylvie can hardly imagine doing anything else. 
[018] did they choose the media persona they did: her media persona is slightly more open than she allows herself to be in public. it reveals a bit of her life — stories about her cats, pictures of her and willa — while always ensuring not to reveal anything too deep. at the very least, it helps to satiate the curiosity. 
[019] do they hate gossip magazines so much: sylvie hates them because of the lies that fill them, guessing at the truth of her private life and never failing to cause her problems. 
[020] would they ever make a sex tape: yes. there’s still a big part of sylvie that wants to completely distance herself from the reputation her mother built as a darling. it was — and, really, still is — incredibly restraining. in her more impulsive moments, sylvie would certainly see a sex tape as being a perfect tool to eliminate that image and absolutely go for it. 
[021] did they hear their first song on the radio: she hasn’t. though her mother did force her to see a vocal coach and her talent will be put on display in the upcoming anastasia adaptation, sylvie has never before recorded songs that could be heard on the radio. 
[022] did they find out they’d landed their first project: their mother’s one bedroom apartment, likely eating leftovers. 
[023] did they go on vacation after their first big project: while living with her mother, most of the money went to obtaining a more luxurious lifestyle. after her first big independent project, though, sylvie travelled to paris. 
[024] do they live when they want to get away from it all: her home in la? it’s... hard to get away from it, but at least she’s got the comfort of home. 
[025] was their first big press conference: in utah, after the first feature she filmed independently premiered at sundance. 
[026] project embarrassing: her first project was some baby commercial that her mother got the twins into. so, probably. 
[027] talk show appearance a wreck: it was with willow, the better spokesperson of the two even at a young age, so not as much as it could have been.
[028] public relationship heavily followed: sylvie was “too busy” for many relationships during her teenage years. her first public relationship was directly after the split from her mother, which meant that it got more attention than it likely would have gotten otherwise.
[029] fan encounter awkward / nice / sweet / etc.: yes! their childhood consisted — post variety show — of a lot of cute fans who would come up to sylvie and willow, telling them that they wanted to be exactly like them growing up.
[030] relationship (while famous) talked about at all: since it was right after the start of her career move, which was getting attention, it unfortunately was.
[031] they ever open any sort of business: perhaps? right now, sylvie’s thinking long-term in regards to acting and not much else so she’s hasn’t given that much consideration.
[032] they ever win a major, prestigious award: currently, sylvie has been nominated for a golden globe and won an emmy for her portrayal in a limited series in 2017. she hopes that she’ll continue to be recognized for her work, especially after she begins to put more distance between herself and the reputation her mother fostered. 
[033] they ever host the smn version of saturday night live: i imagine that with her child star popularity and the attention anastasia will receive, that’s certainly likely to happen shortly. 
[034] they ever work tirelessly for years to get a project going: yes. now that sylvie can make her own choices regarding the projects she takes on, she is completely and utterly committed to them. her passion knows no bounds and her tendency to commit herself whole-heartedly to them would push her to make them succeed. 
[035] they take pictures with fans who approach them on their off time: occasionally? if they can read the room? there are certainly times where sylvie expects to go out and be bombarded by fans or the press, which means that she’s more likely to accept when someone asks for photos. the rest of the time, especially during private dinners or heading back from the gym, she’s unlikely to agree.
[036] invest their money wisely: she tries to be incredibly frugal. her home is the largest purchase that she’s ever made, but she does have a penchant for buying expensive shoes.
[037] work only on projects they love: nowadays, yes. if sylvie doesn’t connect with the script or the character, then it’s unlikely that she’ll pursue it. 
[038] care more about the fame than anything: it’s not so much the fame as the job. despite the rough beginning, sylvie really loves what she does. the fame is just what — sometimes unfortunately — comes with it. 
[039] often find they’ve put their foot in their mouth: absolutely. of the hugo twins, sylvie is the least able to speak professionally. somehow, too often when she opens her mouth on camera or in front of paparazzi, she ends up either saying something or cursing them out. because of this, willow more or less became the spokesperson for the twins and sylvie couldn’t be more thankful for it. 
[040] hide things from the public because they are afraid / ashamed of what the reaction could be: if sylvie chooses to hide things from the public, it’s not because she’s afraid of what people will say — though that certainly has affected her in the past — but because she wants to maintain some semblance of a private life. 
[041] is a good person: she really, truly tries to be and uses her platform to help others.
[042] will have career longevity: i truly believe so. sylvie’s passionate, talented, and her devotion to her projects is easily seen both onscreen and off. 
[043] deserves the career they have: heck yeah. she works her ass off. 
[044] can remain unjaded by hollywood: she’s already pretty jaded, but it’s up in the air whether or not that will get better or worse. 
[045] will spend the rest of their life with the person they marry: if it’s up to her, absolutely. she commits herself completely to those she’s with and her perfectionistic tendencies leave her unable to quit much of anything, even if it would be better for her in the long run.
[046] date / marry a fan: possibly, but unlikely. sylvie is committed to finding deep, genuine relationships that help her form an emotional connection. while that’s certainly not impossible with fans, she considers it to be unlikely and knows that wading through that particular pool of people would be incredibly difficult. 
[047] star on any type of reality show: as said above, sylvie is an intensely private person and that doesn’t tend to match with the reality tv set up. but, if it happened to be the best decision for her career... there isn’t much that sylvie wouldn’t do for that.
[048] donate to charity / do good deeds without publicity: yes. she does always sign her name to the donations, but she doesn’t do so to bring it to the attention of the public. most of what she does use her platforms for are to bring attention to the causes rather than her involvement in them. 
[049] say exactly what they think about the ins/outs of fame: yes and no? if she’s asked a specific question about it, sylvie’s likely to be candid. but she won’t volunteer the information in fear of seeming like she’s complaining (another of her mother’s voices in her head). 
[050] walk comic con without any security (in or out of disguise): i doubt it. 
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jtoybox · 5 years
Research and Critical Thought Pt II: The Rational Economy of Public Education
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My maternal grandfather was a TV repairman until the late 1990s.  Around the same time, I repaired VCRs for a short while.  Neither of those jobs exist anymore.  Over time, globalization has made it far more economical to discard and replace our consumer electronics.  In his theory of Rationalization, sociologist Max Weber labeled this phenomenon Appropriation, whereby "all physical means of production [become] disposable property (University of Regina, 1999)."   
I would argue that while the profession of teaching persists, the job itself, as it was in those days, also no longer exists. Public education has become a means of producing employable members of society, all of whom will ultimately make good consumers.  As Shelley Wright (2014) tells us, "Essentially, this imposition seeks the most efficient (read, easiest) way to get a student from kindergarten to grade 12."  George Ritzer (1983), speaking to what he calls the McDonaldization of society, wrote, "Administrators have difficulty assessing teaching quality and thus substitute quantitative scores. Of course each score involves qualitative judgments, but this is conveniently ignored (p. 104/375)."  With the 2001 passage of No Child Left Behind, public educators have been placed under an even broader microscope.  A Colorado teacher named Kathleen B. complains, “Reducing children (and teachers, too) to data points and numbers demoralizes us. Children (and teachers, too) are more than a number or a rating on a rubric (Education News, 2015)." 
Weber's Calculability, wherein "Results can be ... estimated by adopting assumptions and considering the methods by which results will be achieved (University of Regina, 1999)," has become the de facto standard of public education. Making the situation even worse, administrators aren't even good at it.  Two weeks ago, a local middle school teacher asked for my take on the samples and methodologies applied to two research studies, which allegedly demonstrate that connection is essential to a child's education, presented to her and her fellow middle school teachers during a training session.  
The first was an observational propensity score analysis from Zurich, Switzerland.  The heterogeneous sample of 1067 students were examined over several years, and the student-teacher relationship of each was assessed via 105 covariates against the backdrop of several variables of attitude.  What they found was that a positive relationship between the students and the teachers had a bearing on the students' later academics, as well as their lives in general (Obsuth, Murray, Malti, Sulger, Ribeaud, & Eisner, 2017).   My first point to her was that, being an observational study, causality cannot be inferred. The correlation, however, is impressive.  My second point was that, while the sample is clearly reflective of the overall population of Switzerland, that democratic socialist country is an entirely different world from the United States.  This is my first objection.
The second research study presented to me was not a research study at all.  Nevertheless, it was presented to her as evidence that the Zurich study applies here in the U.S.  As Dr. Donyall D. Dickey (2019) states, "Wanting to better understand the impact of student-teacher relationships and teacher expectations on student achievement, I extensively interviewed eight African American middle school boys in a high-poverty, urban middle school in the Northeast." No disrespect to Dr. Dickey, but this sample hardly reflects the student population of this country.  Therefore, his conclusions can be overlooked as assumptive, and based entirely on anecdote.  My first objection still stands.  It's not that I don't think that student-teacher connection won't demonstrate similar results here as was seen in Switzerland.  The issue is that it hasn't been properly examined, and assumptions are not a good foundation for policy.  
My second objection is that connective relationships are subjective.  This was qualitatively well addressed within the Zurich study (Obsuth et al., 2017), but that doesn't necessarily mean that their definition will translate to our society.  My third objection, and this is key, is that even if we were to give those trainers the benefit of the doubt and grant them that student-teacher connection is key, what the Zurich study (Obsuth et al., 2017) actually found was that by the time students reach middle school, it's already too late to see high retention rates.  Clearly, these administrators, pushing the Socratic Seminar Protocol, did not comprehend the very lesson that they intended to hand their teachers.  In fact, I am increasingly convinced that bureaucratic organizational structures don't truly understand the consequences of the rational economy under which they reside. 
Dickey,D. (2018, December 3). What do high expectations have
to do with authentic student engagement? Retrieved March 20, 2019, from https://educationalepiphany.com/what-do-high-expectations-have-to-do-with-authentic-student-engagement/
Education News. (2015, February 20). Educators share how No
Child Left Behind has affected their classroom. Retrieved March 20, 2019, from https://educationvotes.nea.org/2015/02/20/educators-share-how-no-child-left-behind-has-affected-their-classroom/
Obsuth, I., Murray, A. L., Malti, T., Sulger, P., Ribeaud, D.,
& Eisner, M. (2017). A Non-bipartite Propensity Score Analysis of the Effects of Teacher–Student Relationships on Adolescent Problem and Prosocial Behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(8), 1661–1687. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-016-0534-y
Ritzer, G. (1983). The “McDonaldization” of Society.
Journal of American Culture, 6(1), 100–107. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1542-734X.1983.0601_100.x. Retrieved from http://fasnafan.tripod.com/mcdonaldization.pdf
University of Regina. (1999, October 14). Sociology 250
- Notes on Max Weber. Retrieved March 20, 2019, from http://uregina.ca/~gingrich/o14f99.htm
Wright, S. (2014, August 16). The McDonaldization of Education:
the rise of slow. Retrieved March 20, 2019, from https://shelleywright.wordpress.com/2014/08/16/the-mcdonaldization-of-education-the-rise-of-slow/
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umbramatic · 7 years
Worldbuilding June 2017 Episode 3: People and Races
Now I wish to talk of the peoples of this world, both human and Keeper.
Humans are the most familiar to most who would be reading this, so I shall start with them. Tall and lanky apes who stand on two legs. They are highly intelligent, curious, and creative, but also belligerent, reactionary, and petty. In this world they live a medieval existence, with at most a bit of steam power. However, they make up for this by having an innate ability to tap into the powerful force known as magic, and emphasis on that has permeated their societies worldwide.
 The Keepers, meanwhile, live in elaborate, technologically advanced cities, and come in eight distinct types:
 Sprinters or SP-016s, are round quadrupeds with four spindly legs and two spindly arms. They are quick-moving and have a fine touch, making them good as scouts or tasked with working with delicate code or materials. They are stereotypically independent yet headstrong.
 Titans, or TT-678s, are much larger and slower-moving quadrupeds, with extending arms attached to their upper chests. They have long necks that give them a good view of things, making them excellent guards. They also carry resources long distances and protect smaller Keepers in times of danger. Stereotypically easygoing when not on the job.
 Scarabs, or SB-343s, are flying Keepers resembling oversized beetles in shape, with two dangling arms for manipulating things. They zoom around and do jobs that Keepers with less agility and aerial prowess can't. Stereotypically skittish and flighty.
 Crawlers, or CW-680s, are spider-like Keepers with six legs circling a round body and two small arms in front. They are nimble and have highly refined sensors that make them great for surveillance and getting into tight spots. Stereotypically irritable and snippy.
 Healers, or HL-797s, are slender Keepers with humanoid torsos and heads with four arms, antigravity thrusters instead of legs, and pointy ear-like antennae that detect Keeper distress signals. This makes them excellent for mending injured Keepers and fixing damaged Keeper structures and devices. Stereotypically sagely and philosophical.
 Diggers, or DG-568s, are thickly built bipeds with a large carapace and two sets of arms - one pair with normal Keeper hands and one with two potentially projectile drills. They are primarily miners, with some use in general demolition and excavation work. Stereotypically gruff workaholics.
 Panthers, or PN-999s, are quadrupeds anatomically resembling large cats. Acrobatic and packing a punch, they are frequently used in rescue missions and for heavy duty work. Stereotypically aloof and, well, catty.
 Securerers, or SU-026s, are bipeds with long-reaching arms and a head with a single eye that can retract into the body's core. Their main role is as law enforcement officers, but they are popular as no-nonsense announcers, news reporters, and the like. Stereotypically aggressive and loud.
 Now, while those are the dominant beings of Mecharcana, there are also others. The long-lost gods... The strange shifters that lurk where neither humans or robots dwell... and then the demons, like Demon Lord Thekk. I had the... fortune of interviewing him, as you will see below.
 I interviewed Thekk under the guise of someone working for a extra-universal tabloid, for an article titled "Interview With A Demon Lord!" I was able to glean the following:
 WW: So, Thekk, how long have you been in the whole demon lord business?
 Thekk: Oh, several millennia! It's been a good gig, for the most part. Those robots showing up during a thousand-year slumber was a pain in the ass, but I'm working on using it to my advantage. Gotta stay on top of things, you know.
 WW: What are you demons like in this world anyway?
 Thekk: Pretty much all like me! We can shapeshift into whatever, but our natural forms are beings made of darkness and haze with a nice-looking animal skull on top. I like to think I'm more imposing than most.
 WW: Sure you are. How were you demons born anyway?
 Thekk: Back when the gods were still around there was this goddess named Nyxade, and he was a real hotshot, to the point the other deities couldn't handle his style. So they did away with him and we demons were born from his remains! We reproduced... The old fashioned way from then on out.
 WW: What do you think of humans and Keepers?
 Thekk: Humans, been there, done that. I take the shape of a human to amuse myself. Those Keeper robots were a bit more of a thorn in my side, but I learned their forms quickly enough and they're all to willing to do what I want if I pull the right strings.
 WW: I see... Any closing notes?
 Thekk: Buy my new mixtape! It's called "Living It Thekk!"
 He was an... interesting individual. Though, he may have made me even more curious about this world's history...
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americajobsusa · 5 years
[Full-time] Urgent requirement for IT Recruiter at Key people
Location: Andhra Pradesh Description: Walk-in from 27.11.2018 to 01.12.2018, Interview Timings: 10am to 6pm. Experience : 0 to 3 Years Work Location: Begumpet,White House Building Job Description Hi All, We have a requirement for the position of Domestic IT Recruiter This role seeks a strong Recruitment professional with strong client relationship skills able to build recruitment process delivery through sourcing, screening, assessing and positioning candidates to the client. Key Responsibilities  Excellent Communication Skills,  Excellent sourcing skills from Professional Networking Sites, Social networking sites,  Experience in Tech screening skills and responsible for detail evaluation of -- candidates against  Specific IT requirement. Venue Details: Key People Solutions Pvt Ltd. #501, Block-1, White House Kundhan Bagh, Begumpet, Hyderabad – 500 016 Email : [email protected] M : 7780640015. Reference : Urgent requirement for IT Recruiter jobs Apply to this job source http://www.america-jobs.net/job/13783/urgent-requirement-for-it-recruiter-at-key-people/
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cnrgcommons · 6 years
Counselor III - Housing Outreach
Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare, one of the largest community behavioral health providers in the state of Oregon, delivers whole health care -- integrated mental health and addiction services, primary care and housing -- to support our communities. Our approach is recovery-oriented and trauma-informed. Cascadia hires innovative, compassionate and dedicated staff who are aligned with trauma-informed care and who are committed to working effectively with diverse community populations, and who are expected to strengthen such capacity if hired.
There are two positions available: These are full time positions at 40 hours per week. The majority of the work is performed during normal business hours Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm. The position will mainly be working at Cascadia's outpatient Health Center in NE Portland.
The Counselor III position will provide and coordinate a wide range of supportive and therapeutic mental health and dual diagnosis services for adults who are diagnosed with mental illness, substance use issues, and other health issues who are participants in a Housing Outreach Team supportive housing program. With the high prevalence of trauma among individuals receiving mental health services, it is required the Counselor III understand the effects of trauma on health, coping, and other aspects of the lives of those we serve. This position will work on the Housing Outreach Team which provides home and community based services to participants, individuals and families, who experienced homelessness and have a mental health disability. Services are focused around supporting the participant and/or family to stabilize their housing, end their experience with homelessness, improve their health, and move forward in their mental health recovery. Through this program, participants will be assisted in obtaining income, medical care, and support systems in their community. This position involves participation and implementation of program goals and objectives to promote a strengths-based, client-centered approach to assisting supportive housing program participants in achieving individual goals and ultimately transitioning from supportive housing to independent housing.
A Master's Degree in a behavioral science field from an accredited college or university. Demonstrate the competencies to become credentialed as a Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) as outlined in OAR 309-016-0005.
A minimum of three years of clinical experience providing inpatient or outpatient services is preferred.
Experience working with individuals who experience homelessness and with individuals experiencing substance use issues is preferred.
Specialized Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Conduct a Mental Status assessment and formulate a diagnosis according to the most current DSM
Understand recovery model, harm reduction model, motivational interviewing, illness management and recovery, evidence-based practices, and strength-based case management philosophies and strategies
Operate computer hardware and software at a level needed to effectively perform job functions
Enter data and retrieve data
Prepare reports
Possess a valid driver's license, three-year driving history; clean driving record, ability to pass Driver Motor Vehicle (DMV) check and complete the Cascadia online Defensive Driving course.
Must have own car and be able to use it to travel to home visits and community appointments.
Able to perform CPR, First Aid, and properly use AED equipment. CPR/ First Aid certifications are required and must remain current.
To review and/or apply directly, please use the link below: 
To view information about benefits, applying and our FAQs, visit our careers page at (www.cascadiabhc.org/careers) 
Inquiries can be directed to [email protected]
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soundslikenyc · 6 years
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🎙📸 On Episode 016 of @SoundsLikeNYC , @davidlozadanyc had the opportunity to catch up with sculptor Ing Hwang🎨 (@inghwang ) and interview him! I got to know him through a cashier job and we both became really good friends. We had a chance to speak about the double edged sword that is focusing on something, if it’s better to go fast or slow, and how art and math coincide. ——————————————— 🎧 Are you guys listening to our podcast? Click the link in our bio! 🖥 More of a video person? Check us out at: FB.me/SoundsLikeNYC (at Studio Square)
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Response to Zachary
@zachwwrd110-016, I think you did a great job at picking an issue that all of the students, and people on this campus and the surround area as well, can relate to. Construct is a big problem for me, as I live in Jewell Hall on North campus, and every night around 3:30am, I am abruptly woken up by the sound of the extremely loud construction outside my window. The problem you have presented is clear. Your PowerPoint was well put together, the pictures clearly illustrated the point you were trying to get across, and the text was effective without being overwhelming. Your pitch would've been stronger if you had better addressed the research you were going to include in your podcast. For your project in the future, I think the research will be something you should focus on, and I think the interviews with students will really be a key component of the effectiveness of your message. Your delivery was great, you held the attention of your audience and made your presentation easy to relate to. All-in-all, you did a good job 
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