#.hack//AI Buster
liminalepitaph · 1 year
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AI Buster sketches by Rei Idumi [pixiv]
AI buster 詰め合わせその1
自サイトhttp://www1.ttcn.ne.jp/~izumiya/ で配布しているtwitterアイコン用に描きおろしたものです。せっかくなので全身でお披露目ですー。せっかくなのでリコリスも一緒!□そして、PSPゲーム「.hack//Link」収録壁紙用に描いたラフをおまけに追加してみましたー。当初おとなしめのラフ(2枚目の絵のような感じ)を描いてCC2さんにお送りしたのですが、「もっとアルビレオの目立つカッコイイ絵がいい」とのことで、試行錯誤紆余曲折、ラフを追加し、計10枚の候補から1枚選出されました。わたしのラフはあんまり綺麗じゃなくて恥ずかしいのですが、AI busterファンの方に楽しんでもらえたらうれしいです!□…結果壁紙がどういう絵になっているかは、製品版でぜひご確認くださいね!壁紙はAibusterのほかうででんのものを2枚、計3枚収録していただいております。Linkではアルビレオも仲間のキャラとして使えますよ!□アルビレオは、ほんとうに描くのが難しくていつも四苦八苦しています…。が、デザインは、ほくとと合わせてすごく気に入っていて、自分でもよくこういうデザインが出たなー!と感心することがあります(笑)親バカここに極まれりですね!□PSP用ゲーム「.hack//Link」 →http://www.hack.channel.or.jp/link/□小説「.hack//AI buster」→http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/lnovel/bk_detail.php?pcd=200206000136 □後日談「.hack//AIbuster2」http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/lnovel/bk_detail.php?pcd=200404000253
#.hack #AIbuster
#アルビレオ #ほくと #リコリス
#没ラフ #本家 #.hack100users入り
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swampwitchcreations · 2 years
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I had a request for Ai Busters characters so here’s one for you! I really struggled with this one lol but I think over all it ended up ok. Getting back into it after a break is rough but I certainly am working! 
Just a reminder that my commissions are open. I offer digital and traditional art and do sell these type of sketches as well. DM me for pricing or questions. 
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lumeha · 23 days
Got the two volumes of .hack//AI Buster in the mail today (thanks Vinted), which I am very excited about, but there is one thing that did make me laugh
Both books are in a good shape, especially for the kind of paper they are made of (that cover is sooo flimsy). One of them is a library copy that was weeded out from a London library, and
My inner librarian kicked in
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This is one of the most fascinating way of covering a library book I have seen ?? It's actually really cool, too ! Like a plastic book sleeve ! I really like it, it does protect the book cover really well
I am really used to seeing plastic covers, but usually they are either adhesive or made out of plastic sheets someone cut to size to cover the book and then taped together (I know exactly what I mean, I don't know how to describe it in English, hello)
And when I did weed out books in the libraries I worked at, we often removed, if possible, those plastic covers, rather than sell the books with them.
So it just feels really neat to hold a book that's covered in a way I've never seen before !
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eagle-writes · 9 months
How about "Everything falls out of balance, Even binary stars" it's from .hack//ai buster
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Everything falls out of balance
Even binary stars
Ink: Diamine Deck The Halls
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hellyeahdothack · 1 year
Now that Tumblr polls are a thing, let's bring some .hack into the mix.
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aideveloperss · 7 months
How Does Artificial Intelligence Improve Fraud Detection?
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In today's digital world, the battle against fraud is more crucial than ever. Global losses due to fraud have soared to an alarming 6.05% of the gross domestic product over the last two decades. To make matters worse, cyber breaches have inflicted financial losses ranging from 3% to 10% of revenue. Looking ahead, experts predict that digital fraud losses will skyrocket beyond a staggering $343 billion between 2023 and 2027. In light of these sobering statistics, organizations are racing to bolster their fraud detection systems. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI) certification, a vital asset in this battle.
AI's Crucial Role in Fraud Management
AI certification is the gateway to understanding the pivotal role AI plays in combating fraud. AI technologies, especially machine learning (ML) algorithms, are game-changers in the field. They allow organizations to sift through massive datasets, uncovering hidden patterns and anomalies that could signal fraudulent activities. These AI-powered systems excel at identifying and thwarting various forms of fraud, from sneaky payment scams to identity theft and cunning phishing attacks. The beauty of AI lies in its ability to adapt and evolve, continuously learning from new fraud patterns and trends to enhance its detection prowess.
Machine Learning: A Fraud Buster
Machine learning, a subset of AI, wields the power of algorithms to spot patterns within vast datasets—a critical tool in the fight against fraud. This tech autonomously trains systems to recognize fraud by immersing them in historical transaction data marked as either fraudulent or legitimate. Two main approaches, supervised machine learning (SML) and unsupervised machine learning (UML), bolster fraud detection. SML employs labelled data to forecast outcomes, while UML delves into data to uncover hidden patterns.
For instance, SML algorithms use historical transaction data labelled as either fraudulent or not to train the model. In contrast, UML leverages anomaly detection algorithms to pinpoint transactions that deviate significantly from the norm based on given features. While UML models demand less human intervention, SML generally provides higher accuracy.
AI: A Pillar of Cybersecurity
AI also stands as a formidable shield against cybercrime, reinforcing traditional cybersecurity systems. AI and ML play a pivotal role in spotting online fraud, especially in real-time scenarios. These algorithms scrutinize online transactions, such as credit card payments, online banking activities, and e-commerce transactions, swiftly identifying and flagging suspicious behaviour.
Cybercrime, the second most common threat faced by financial services after customer fraud, encompasses technology-driven activities that cause financial losses, data theft, or reputation damage. Hacking, phishing, identity theft, and malware are among the most common cyber threats. Cybersecurity focuses on safeguarding systems, networks, and devices from malicious attacks. Leading companies like IBM integrate AI-powered technologies to bolster their cybersecurity solutions.
The Bounty of Benefits of AI in Fraud Detection
Incorporating AI into fraud detection yields a wealth of advantages:
Enhanced Accuracy: AI's knack for data analysis enables the detection of complex patterns and anomalies that often elude human detection.
Real-time Monitoring: AI enables real-time transaction surveillance, swiftly detecting and responding to potential fraud attempts.
Reduced False Positives: AI-powered systems minimize false alarms, ensuring that legitimate transactions are not mistakenly tagged as fraudulent.
Increased Efficiency: Automation of repetitive tasks streamlines operations, reducing the need for human intervention.
Cost Reduction: By curbing fraudulent activities, AI algorithms save organizations money and shield their reputation.
Mitigating Risks in AI-Powered Fraud Detection
However, incorporating AI into fraud detection is not without its share of risks:
Biased Algorithms: AI systems may inherit biases from their training data, potentially leading to incorrect results.
False Positives and Negatives: Automated systems can generate false positives, mistakenly identifying legitimate transactions as malicious, or false negatives, overlooking actual fraud.
Lack of Transparency: Some AI algorithms can be difficult to interpret, making it challenging to understand why a particular transaction was flagged as potentially fraudulent.
To tackle these risks, explainable AI solutions have emerged. They aim to provide transparent, understandable explanations for AI-generated decisions. Initiatives like the Montreal Declaration for Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence emphasize the importance of transparency and ethical AI development.
The Dark Side of AI: Criminal Exploitation
While AI offers immense potential for good, it can also be harnessed by criminals:
Adversarial Attacks: Fraudsters manipulate AI systems to deceive them, altering data to evade detection or tricking algorithms into classifying fraud as legitimate.
Malware: AI is employed to craft and disseminate stealthy malware designed to bypass security systems, leading to data theft and system disruption.
Social Engineering: AI-generated phishing attacks deceive users into divulging sensitive information or installing malware. AI also creates convincing fake identities on social media to deceive victims.
Botnets: AI assists in building and managing botnets—networks of compromised devices used for coordinated attacks, such as distributed denial-of-service attacks and malware propagation.
AI's Role in Crime Prevention
AI is not only a tool for fraud detection but also a means of preventing crime:
Predictive Policing: Machine learning algorithms analyze historical crime data to predict future crime hotspots, aiding law enforcement in allocating resources more effectively and proactively preventing crime.
Blockchain Fraud Prevention: Companies like Chainalysis employ AI to monitor and analyze cryptocurrency transactions, identifying suspicious activities and tracking fund flows across blockchain networks.
Ethical Considerations: Some crime prevention systems, such as China's social credit system, raise ethical concerns due to extensive data collection and surveillance. Ensuring responsible AI deployment and safeguarding individual rights is crucial.
AI in Forensic Investigations
AI's prowess in data processing and pattern recognition extends to forensic investigations:
Pattern Recognition: AI algorithms trained to recognize patterns assist in analyzing handwriting, fingerprints, faces, and other case-related data.
Language and Media Analysis: AI can analyze written and spoken language, as well as images and videos, helping investigators identify objects, individuals, and events.
Predictive Modeling: Predictive modelling leverages historical crime data to create models that assist law enforcement in anticipating and preventing future crimes.
The Significance of AI Certification in the Age of Technological Transformation
With AI reshaping industries and how we live and work, getting certified in AI is a valuable asset for professionals who want to stay at the forefront of this field. AI certification exams do more than just test your knowledge and skills, they provide a clear path for you to learn more about AI concepts and applications. The advantages of AI certification are many. Firstly, it proves that you're skilled in AI, which can boost your credibility in the job market. Employers are increasingly seeking candidates with expertise in AI to drive innovation and tackle complex challenges. Secondly, AI certification offers structured learning, ensuring you gain a solid understanding of AI principles, algorithms, and technologies. This knowledge is vital for using AI to its fullest potential, such as in fraud detection, cybersecurity, and crime prevention, as discussed in the article. Lastly, being AI certified shows your dedication to ongoing learning in a field that's always evolving. By maintaining your certification, you can keep up with the latest advancements and ensure your skills stay relevant in the fast-changing world of AI. In essence, AI certification isn't just a piece of paper, it's a key to unlocking the incredible potential of AI and contributing to its ongoing revolution across various industries.
In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the world of fraud detection, offering enhanced accuracy, real-time monitoring, and reduced false positives. However, it comes with inherent risks and ethical considerations that need to be addressed to harness its full potential for safeguarding finances and data in an increasingly digital age. As AI continues to evolve, its role in both crime prevention and forensic investigations promises to be transformative.
If you're looking to obtain an AI certification, platforms like Blockchain Council can be your guide. Blockchain Council is a reputable group of experts and enthusiasts dedicated to advancing blockchain research, development, and knowledge for a better world. They understand that blockchain technology is not just a trend; it's a rapidly emerging force with vast potential. By providing AI certifications, they empower professionals to harness the power of AI and contribute to the exciting future of technology.
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roirence · 2 years
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.hack dump
Kofi / Twitter
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kara-knuckles · 3 years
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Made a Lycoris to put next to my copy of AI BUSTER.
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ndragoon · 2 years
Sometimes I forget that .hack had such a huge effect on everything I do when interacting with media.
Every character I create in any game has light pink (Aura) or platinum blonde hair (Lycoris) and goldenrod eyes (also Lycoris).
When I played PSO Part 1 and 2 on the GameCube, I named my character Reki2 because the huforce male outfit looked a lot like how he looked, and because I always liked the concept of usurping even as a kid. Of course I used the 2 because clearly he was first and I was the second. Afterwards, I just started using Reki3 - though don't assume that all of them are me. I had to change how I used it because apparently there were other Reki3s on many games and forums all around (plus most of them are gone so most records under that name are gone as well).
And all of that let to me always being a caster in one way or another or picking out the caster characters before any others, even though I do sometimes mix armor with magic when I am able to. In fact, it made me give hex casting a try in Dark Souls 2 because the hex staff reminded me too much of the wavecaster staffs.
The weirdest part, though, is that it was one of the earliest Special Interests I ever had. Every other weekend everyone knew it was My Show and I was allowed to watch it when it came on even if we were visiting family or anything like that. And even now, I remember a lot of it, whether SIGN, AI Buster, or Legend of the Twilight Bracelet.
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dothackxcross · 7 years
This video will explain what Dot hack is....
This Video explains why it’s important to buy .// GU recode...
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kyndaris · 4 years
Date with Destiny (with a Capital D)
When I watched the announcement at E3 about Final Fantasy VII Remake, I was terribly excited. Though the Final Fantasy series has been one of my favourites since I first played Final Fantasy X, I have never actually played the original Final Fantasy VII.Instead, I read everything I could find and watched walkthroughs (including Dirge of Cerberus) as well as the film: Advent Children and Advent Children Complete. When Crisis Core released on PlayStation Portable (PSP), I also bought that to immerse myself in the entirety of the Final Fantasy VII universe. And when I told one of my close friends, Bleachpanda, about it, they were surprised that I had never played the original. But while I could have purchased the re-release on the PlayStation 4, I wanted to see the game that had captured the imagination of so many people in high definition quality.
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As most people in Australia know, the game released a whole nine days earlier than it was supposed to: on 1st of April. After I had mistakenly taken the express train, I was perusing my messages and saw my friend post her excitement that Final Fantasy VII Remake was out. Immediately, I used my situation to my advantage and went to buy the game - despite the fact that I had no facial mask and was entering a shopping centre with a possible high risk of infection. After sweating up a storm by rushing to all the stores, I finally had the copy in hand. 
However, it would not be until I had finished Yakuza 4 that I could begin my journey with Cloud and the Avalanche team. Suffice it to say, I was incredibly excited. From the score to Cloud’s lovely cheekbones. In fact, I could not believe my good fortune that I was actually playing the game. It didn’t seem real that I would have in my hands despite the ongoing pandemic. From there, my hype built as I defeated the Scorpion sentinel and moved on to the Seventh Heaven. When Tifa’s theme sounded, I had to resist the urge to shed a tear. 
I might not have played the original, but gosh darn it, I loved the characters as much as any fan.
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Even the little details were so exciting to see. Though there were several changes to the game, it was clear that the developers loved the game as much as its fans did. I liked how Cloud and the gang kept their victory poses for when they were in the Coliseum. The up-scaled Church, the bar, Wall Market and Aerith’s house. Learning more about many of the side characters also helped build a solid connection to them. From Jessie’s tragic backstory of her dad collapsing in Mako storage in her debut as the role of Princess at the Golden Saucer (goodness me, if she knew about the shenanigans of Cloud and the rest of the party, she’d probably throw a fit), to Bigg’s contribution to the Sector 5 orphanage. This even extended to the differences in Tifa’s and Aerith’s cleavage sizes. Not that I was paying particular attention...
Okay, maybe a little. But I’m glad that they also gave appropriate footwear and gear for the characters. 
But my goodness, that pull-up challenge took me fifty minutes! It wasn’t even in the original! And the trophy did not feel worth it after how difficult Jules was. Never again! 
Then the characters also called me out for going in the wrong direction. I’m not! I’m trying to explore every nook and cranny of this world Square-Enix has bequeathed us and to find as many items as I can find! 
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The combat, though, was the one that had the most changes. Gone is the turn-based battle system. While players can play on classic, according to my friend Bleachpanda, it was less than exciting. Particularly when the AI just stood around guarding most of the time. As for me, I played on Normal Mode. The battle mechanics felt like they used bits and pieces from other games: such as Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy XIII. It also incorporated elements of the original Active Time Battle system, but I found it frustrating that all of my more powerful abilities, and even items, were gated behind a slowly rising bar - particularly for the AI-controlled party members. Of course, Final Fantasy VII Remake also allowed players to switch between members and I found I had to do this on a fairly regular basis depending on the battle. 
Also, your ATB abilities, spells and item usages could also be interrupted. This proved particularly frustrating in difficult battles where I was hoping to take advantage of an enemy’s weakness, only to be batted to the side because of an air attack.
It also felt, on numerous fights, that I had to think of these battles less like a turn-based battle and more like an action adventure, hack and slash. Instead of just absorbing spells and attacks, I needed to evade and guard. This was clearly evident in several solo battles with Roche and even Rufus Shinra. I had to read attack patterns, avoid some of their deadly moves and strike when they had an opening. All the while, trying to keep my ATB gauge up and ready for some quick healing or spell casting. 
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Let’s move on now to the characters and the story. But where to begin? How about the ending that proved incredibly divisive among many fans. My friend, Bleachpanda, was sorely disappointed by the presence of the Whispers and how the last two chapters transpired. She, unlike me, had been banking on nostalgia to pull her and was more excited to seeing the original recreated in perfect high definition. If you read her posts on Final Fantasy VII Remake you will learn that she was mightily disappointed that how Cloud manages to obtain his dress was very different (although she probably still liked our ex-Soldier shaking his tush on stage. Heck, I think everyone was channelling Aerith and shouting at our screens for Cloud to work it). 
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The whole talk of destiny and changing fate, though, probably left many fearing that the rest of the Final Fantasy VII Remake would be a very different beast from their childhoods. What with talk about alternate timelines and the possibility of time travel. As well as that last parting shot of Zack Fair. In fact, there are plenty of videos on YouTube that try to explain the ending. 
Now, I profess, time travel has always sat ill with me. And Square-Enix has not always used it well. The first Bravely Default comes to mind as does Kingdom Hearts 3 and the time loops of Type-0. Or even what they tried to do with the Final Fantasy XIII franchise. All those retcons in FFXIII-2 made me wonder if it was all worth it. Lightning’s character development in the first game was all but forgotten and rehashed over Lightning Returns. Still, as this was mostly penned by the original writer (though people will still blame Nomura), I feel like much of the motivations and several story beats will remain the same. The settings will also not change and I am eager to see Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim, Junon and so many other places.
In saying that, though, I’m not sure if Aerith will die. Or if she does, whether it will have the same shocking effect that it did in the original. Of course, by now, everyone and their mothers know what to expect and perhaps this was a way for Square Enix to keep players on their toes. What about Cloud falling into the Lifestream and Tifa trying to sort out his memories from the false persona he created? The slap fight between Tifa and Scarlet? My friend, Bleachpanda, just wants to see Professor Hojo surrounded by girls that are trying to flirt with him. Who knows. It might happen. Or it might not. Hence why so many are terrified at the direction of the new games.
The rest of the narrative, however, proved just as exciting with a few little additions along the way. Sephiroth appearing, though, in the second chapter threw me for a loop, even though I appreciated the foreshadowing. Chapter 4 was all devoted to learning and bonding more with the other members of Avalanche. I very much liked their expanded roles, although casting Gideon Emery as Biggs was a bit of a distraction as I could clearly hear his Balthier trying to break through, particularly in the earlier scenes. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Balthier. And Biggs is quite good looking himself.
This whole Midgar portion of the game also remained mostly faithful to the original Final Fantasy VII and its timeline. It also made things a little more realistic and showed fans of the original, more sides of the characters they had come to love. Also, I like that despite the love triangle being set up between Cloud, Tifa and Aerith, there was a strong sense of camaraderie among the girls. They lifted each other up rather than tear each other down. Even Jessie was trying to get in on the action with all the flirting she did. In fact, I just wanted to ship Aerith and Tifa for the long haul. 
What I also thought cute was the little swear the left Aerith’s lips when the ladder fell and Cloud had to help lift her up. It was also comical to see Cloud try to pull his Buster Sword out when confronted by one of the other Sephiroth clones and having it catch on the door jam. 
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Barret, on the other hand, was a little preachy in the first few chapters. There can be no denying his love for Marlene, but it grated on me how much exposition he provided on the train ride back to Sector 7. Still, once we finally get into the meat of the games, I would love to see all their backstories, cry when appropriate and cheer for them when they finally emerge victorious. 
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I also liked many of the environmental story telling. Particularly in Chapter 2 and seeing the aftermath of what Avalanche’s actions had done. Granted, Heidegger and President Shinra had a hand in it, but it was clear that Jessie and many others were devastated by the damage they had wrought. It was also gut-wrenching to see the remains of Sector 7 after the plate fell. Reeve, in the form of Cait Sith, tried and failed to save the people and even though he was controlling an animatronic cat, you could still see his devastation.
Overall, I have to say that I enjoyed my time with Final Fantasy VII Remake. By the time the game ended, I felt a little bereft, wanting to see more of each character and really dive down deep into their psych. Just like before, Tifa is much more reticent and closed off. It warmed my heart that in Hojo’s lab, Aerith asked Tifa if she was okay. As someone who is also similarly guarded, it’s good to know that someone else cares. Red XIII was also a great addition in the last two chapters, though it was a shame we could not play as him. 
The ending might have left a sour taste in the mouths of many, but I know that I, for one, am eager to see where the unknown journey takes us next and seeing old familiar faces. We still have Cid, Yuffie and Vincent to find! Also, Marlene is so cute and precious and must be protected at all costs.
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eight people I’d like to get to know better.
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one   /   (  alias / name  ) : Maxi
two   /   (  birthday  ) :  May 28th
three   /   (  zodiac sign  ) :  gemini
four   /   (  height  ) :  5'2 or 5′4 idk which
five   /   (  hobbies  ) : Rp’ing, spacing out, plotting stories, and movies
six   /   (  favourite colour  ) :  Light green
seven   /   (  favourite books  ) :  .hack//AI buster (Sorry I don’t read much.)
eight   /   (  last song listened to  ) :  Heart by kamijo
nine   /   (  last film or show watched  ) :   a dog's journey (a dog's purpose is better for the soul reason that it made me cry!)
ten   /   (  inspiration for muse  ) : Going Quinn with this one! Just like little John, it came from a place of hate. I was sick of how people on tumblr where with writing  trans characters or said how some of them should act or be like with out being a character. So I said “Fuck that!“ and made him the way I wanted to. A character! But for inspiration as much as I hate to say it, but a youtuber who goes by the name of Clemps made a  Drakengard Analysis videos, and a lot of what I learn from those videos and the characters of the series was a eye opener. The series is a bit.. putting it very lightly a bit triggering, but eye opening! So every horrible thing that goes into Quinn’s story as well as his thoughts and actions can be thanks to that.
eleven   /   (  story behind url  ) :  I wanted a cool url so I just thought about cool words like eternal and the rest came naturally.
tagged by: @despondentdruid​ tagging: Anyone who wants to do this.
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seasidefallenangel · 5 years
do you play any idol games??? do you have any hcs for characters who would play them?? (ignore pls if u dont im sorry)
○ ichiro is the idol game god. sif, bandori, deresute, ichu, enstars, shining live and even a few non idol games like fgo and dragalia
○ his favorite is sif because nico is his overall best girl from anything and he thinks it has the best gameplay and music (he’s right)
○ is the type to save and then never get the card he wants until the very last pull
○ his favorite songs from games are psychic fire - bibi, hello happy world’s cover of alien, alien and the LOVE & PEACH cover sung by anzu, kirari, uzuki, mio and rin
○ his dream card from anything is slg nico
○ ramuda’s best girl from anything is also nico but in his defense they’re like half the same person
○ he plays deresute the most but because he likes using the in game models as reference for his clothes and sometimes does his own spins on them for fun
○ adopted sachiko the second he saw her. that’s his daughter now
○ also would totally bang reiji or ranmaru if they were real
○ has only whaled once - even though he could more often if he wanted to - and it was for bokuhika nico
○ favorite songs from games are little riddle by littlePOPS, triangle beat by natsuki, syo and ai, and trouble busters by bibi
○ his dream card from anything is cyber nico and halloween sachiko
○ jiro plays because ichiro got him hooked but isn’t nearly as into it as him
○ has sif bandori and utapri downloaded but plays sif and utapri the most
○ however his best girl from anything is moca, but bandori’s gameplay always kills him (just turn the fucking speed up jiro)
○ has a “no homo i swear” crush on cecil aijima and the only thing he has ever tiered was cecil’s “try new stage!” event. nobody knows how he ended up in 19th place without dying
○ his favorite songs are lyrcoris no mori sung by otoya, cecil, ren and tokiya, anone ganbare by lily white and popipa’s cover of senbonzakura
○ dream card is comic book moca
○ of course dice plays idol games it’s gambling but without real money
○ he sucks at them though. doesn’t matter which game it is he’s bad at all of them
○ the only time he skipped out on gambling was to buy jp itunes cards and try and get summer tamamo. he did not get her
○ speaking on above hc, he loves fgo because you don’t actually have to be talented to play.
○ like 80% of his five stars are from random ass summon tickets he didn’t care about but he rarely ever gets the card he wants when using quartz
○ likes the music in idol games and does try to play he just gets frustrated as ramuda laughs in the background
○ fave songs are knights the phantom thief by knights and yappy! school carnival by hello happy world
○ dream cards are new years kokoro (pour one out bc she’s lim) and archer artoria (who is also lim)
○ doppo doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing but likes playing more idol raising type games as a stress reliever
○ he’s rank like 400 on enstars
○ he won’t download sif because he saw a video of nico puri master and is too scared
○ enstars, on air and dragalia are his go-to games
○ likes dream collection by ra*bits (it calms him down) and DROPOUT!? by saint snow - just because he doesn’t play sif doesn’t mean he can’t slap to the songs
○ dream cards are angel nazuna and fluffy dreamland sora
○ jyuto logs into sif and will not spend anything or play any songs - he is only there to scout for coptori
○ that’s it
○ saburo plays more than you’d think
○ maki is his overall best girl but he also really likes nono and mysterious heroine x
○ has stupidly good luck in everything he plays - jiro thinks he hacks the games
○ likes fgo because he knows which moves to make which skills to use etc.
○ defeated solomon without command seals
○ favorite songs are my mai tonight by aqours, afterglow’s cover of lost one’s weeping and last lament by valkyrie
○ dream cards are crayon maki, individuals nono, mysterious heroine x and her alter, and dreamfest sayo
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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otakween · 5 years
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.Hack//G.U. Light Novels Vol. 1-4 - Final Thoughts 
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WELL. That was...that was something. These books were a TRIP man. I’m kind of speechless. 
-I liked the novel-version of the story better than the games. There, I said it. It was waaaay more about the lore and philosophical stuff and waaaay more in continuity with IMOQ/SIGN than the games. It cut out the fat of having too many characters, too much focus on the arena and it actually EXPLAINED THINGS. -mind blown- 
-I was wondering why this was a 4 volume adaptation of a 3 volume game but then I got to book 2 and it was basically a book long recap of IMOQ/SIGN and I was like...oh. But it was so worth it! I understand so much more now. 
-I don’t care if the novels aren’t canon, they are in my heart.Just the fact that Ryo acknowledges Sora in the novels already makes them superior. I was screaming of joy when they FINALLY mentioned him:
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-Ovan’s even more of an annoying asshole in the novels but it’s better because they call him out on it! They call him a weirdo like a hundred times and the fact that he talks in riddles is a plot point instead of something we’re supposed to find cool.
-SO much attention given to the player characters in this. Their real names are used constantly. This is what was missing from the games and the anime, this is what I wanted. Yesssssss.
-I liked Endrance a lot better because he didn’t randomly fall in love with Haseo for no reason and he was a lot more cynical and sassy. He felt more realistic and less of a weird predator gay stereotype.
-Ovan saying the word “vagina” several times was hilariously surreal
-DEEP explanation of how Aura works, how epitaphs work, how Morganna worked, how Anthroposophy inspired The World etc. I liked how they incorporated the “6 senses” into how the epitaphs work and the Buddhist concepts. I was pretentious af but interesting nonetheless 
-The changes made to Aina’s character were heartbreaking and added an interesting angle to Ovan’ character. It made him feel more pathetic and crazy
-I really enjoyed the moment when Haseo told Ovan “we’re not the type” when talking about how they aren’t heroes like Kite. It’s interesting to think that IMOQ was the archetypal hero legend and GU is more of an anti-hero story
-More queer baiting with Ovan calling Haseo “beautiful” and Haseo thinking about his love for Ovan. Although Haseo doesn’t really end up with anyone in this so...?
-Shino waking up in the end was such an after thought like...okay. 
Things I didn’t like:
-WTF was up with the scene where Ovan tortures Pi to death randomly? First of all, it’s really gross and creepy that he singles out PI. Second, uhhhh we’re supposed to sympathize with him after that? Yeah it’s a game but...they make it very clear she can feel it IRL. That whole scene was gratuitous.
-They kept calling Ovan stuff like “beautiful beast” -barf- stop feeding his ego
-The implications that Pi had the hots for her half brother were definitely unnecessary
-They must have used the phrase “connected to their PCs beyond their monitors and controllers” about 50 thousand times. Like...we get it...they’re special.
-Haseo’s winged form was pretty cheesy and over-the-top anime. I did like his Skeith staff tho.
-Some lines just threw me off completely and didn’t make sense. For example, in the last chapter Pi was like “Ovan let you name his daughter,” to Haseo. I’m guessing this was a typo or something because whaaaat?
-Confusing expressions. Like...wtf is an archetype and what’s a “borderline MMORPG”? Half the time I felt like they were just using random words to sound cool...
-No Alkaid :’( 
I feel like I have so much more to say and now I’m mad that I didn’t make a post volume-by-volume. I think Dot Hack works best in novel form. I can honestly say that I enjoyed AI Buster, CELL, Another Birth, and GU more than their respective games and anime. In game form especially, the complicated concepts of the story kind of get lost in the gameplay. These concepts need to be fleshed out with long exposition dumps and deep conversation. All in all, it’s probably just best to read the books alongside the games and anime to get the full experience as the creators intended. 
I give the .Hack//GU novels an 8 out of 10. Very enjoyable reads. 
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doubleddenden · 5 years
tonight’s Demon Slayer and Black Clover really made me want to write.
trying to pick between two of my babies to concentrate on
1. VR Survival, basically my attempt to make a better SAO that actually has an ending, set more in a Guardians of the Galaxy type game and more like a .//hack/G.U. type mixed with Digimon. MC is a teenager with silver hair and an eyepatch that uses a lightsaber and a bayonet rifle in a psuedo duo wield style, and has a gigantic robot tiger as a summon. Comes with sassy mid-twenties detective protege with a wind scythe and a robot snake, a shy pink white mage with a sea-serpent angel, a badass girl in a suit with guns and an affinity for fire with a gigantic tortoise tank, a duo swordsman in all black (and purple!) with an affinity for darkness and a dark robot cerberus summon (also rivals mc), and an ai cat girl addicted to oranges and money. Basic plot synopsis is the players are trapped in a game because the game world gets overlapped with a similar world from another universe, and have to both find a way out and stop viruses from not only destroying the game world but also from catestrophic effects on the real world. More of a serious story that takes a look at struggling with being taken seriously as a kid, survival, and unrequited romance.
2. Two brothers, a grumpy goblin genius and a handsome jock comedian, are taken to another world where they have to rescue other earthlings taken by some evil assholes. Grumpy genius is a water elemental that uses two swords, Jock comedian uses a gigantic chainsaw buster sword with a lightning, both fight perfectly in sync. Accompanying them are twin sisters, both geniuses. One is a goth dark detective type that manipulates shadows and a walking suit of armor, and another is a bubbly airhead scientist light elemental with super strength and an endless source of knowledge, both also have healing abilities. They also have a redhead best girl that’s friends with the boys that is a spazzy dorky athletic sniper type that controls earth, wind, and fire elements. Serious at times, but definitely more of a comedy with a lot of crushy moments.
i hope someday i can make something as beloved as my favorite animes and games someday, but it sure is difficult picking which to write with.
anyways, good night
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kara-knuckles · 5 years
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Cross Rengeki!! Part 2/6
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