#- copy + modify
mishapen-dear · 7 months
now's probably a great time to remind everyone that the QSMP HAS CHILD DEATH.
Child death in the QSMP is a constant threat- now more than ever. The streamers roleplay (and the ccs experience) grief over child death. they are very good roleplayers. it hurts a lot. the QSMP is a fantastic server with some incredible storytelling, but if child death is a trigger or a squick, there is NO shame in stepping back from it or blocking the tag entirely. Child death is one of the biggest “no thank you” subjects in common media- again, there is NO shame in stepping back if this current arc stresses you out too much.
(and warning for people who are already aware that child death isn't for them- we do try to tag for it, but we (i especially) forget a lot and you should proceed with that in mind). anyway have fun curate your online experience to your own needs etc etc
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amphibianaday · 4 months
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day 1547 and day 4 of amphibiuary prompt list
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im-still-a-robot · 10 months
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Ascii art I did in my computer science class <33
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streetofvampires · 10 months
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no thoughts just synth
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crvwly · 11 days
lost one of my recipes and im having a full meltdown :))
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i was flipping through a bunch of files while clearing a bunch of stuff off my laptop today and i found this file labeled "HOLY HEIGHT DIFFERENCE.png"
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lizzyverydizzyyo · 9 months
Astarion and Fenris are like peak stoic facade-wearing traumatized whumpee designs and I love that for them
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coffeeworldsasaki · 4 months
Well I wanted to take a break on bg3 until they got a patch out to be a bit safer but I had a fucking nightmare day so fuck it, hopefully nothing will break but I'm going to play because I need to relax
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
Got CC eclipses outline ref done. Not really anything changed with his design. I modified the cape to fit a little better but that was it. Otherwise it was just making sure that the whole costume actually looked like what I wanted him to wear, and not like the crappy sketch I had. Honestly the hardest thing to draw properly was a dang dress shoes.
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Also for anyone who doesn't know that weird square vest thing he has is a chest brace. Helps with his chest pain. Also writing CC Eclipse or CC Moon or CC Sun for anything is starting to get annoying. I think their universal code names might just be what their designs are mainly based on.
With CC Eclipse being Butler. CC Moon being cap/hat. CC sun being gladiator. CC blood moon being wolf or werewolf. CC Lunar being wizard. And although I don't have a concrete design for her I'll probably have CC Earth be a witch.
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boatslut · 7 months
hey so i guess im making an attempt at building a DnD inspired Kirby TTRPG.
so keep an eye out for that maybe.
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studentofetherium · 1 year
What does each himejoshi level entail
it's been a while since the original post, hasn't it?
lvl1 is reading a few yuri manga. this mostly entails stuff from the yuri canon like Bloom Into You, Kase-san, Girlfriends, but doesn't necessarily need to be that
lvl2 is like that, but more. nothing specific. just, y'know, more
lvl3 is reading lots of yuri. old stuff, new stuff, etc. you regularly check dynasty. this can also entail making some yuri or femslash fanworks
lvl4 is when yuri is a significant portion of what you read, but also you make a lot of fanworks
lvl5 is both reading and making fanworks but also doing so enough to be notable in your fandom
lvl6 would be the point where you’re not just notable within a specific fandom or yuri fandom, but someone people think of when they think of your particular ship or series
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luv-assangiebatch · 10 months
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Trying to decide if anime Assangie should have shark teeth or not...
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birdcatt · 8 months
Started playing EotS cuz of you (knowing Darkrai played a role also had a hand in it) and OOOOUUUGHHH IM SCREAMING
Thank you for introducing this game to me via my browsing the Darkrai tag
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THATS AWESOME!!!!!! it makes me really happy to hear that i was the source of getting someone else into a thing i like
admittedly i dont play a lot of eos romhacks, and eots is the 2nd one ive completed, but its great!!!!!!! the start was admittedly confusing and, at first, not that fun to me when i first started (hero get your aggression under control!!! damn!!!!!) but once i actually got past that, it was great! i rewatched the ending several times, and when i wanted to see my skitty hero instead of the yter's hero, just recorded it myself LOL and then watched the cutscene
(lettie and didi's actual in-game names are Leditor and Pudding! leditor as in level editor because i was streaming to a modding community when i restarted and we were bein goofy. this did not take away the emotional impact)
ANYWAYS glad theres another eots player around!!!!! its so <3 it consumed my brain for a few days
playing as your hero and partner pair ever will make eots emotionally hit you harder. thats my recommendation. i could Feel the missed potential impact bc i used an entirely new team (never had skitty or totodile before! mainly totodile!)
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dead-in-a-fun-sexy-way · 11 months
Someone trying to flirt with you via tex and you don't know how to respond to it and the five minuet gap in between texts is starting to become an issue? easy solution: get yourself a texting fic written by some 14 year old child and mirror the dialog in that.
Problem fucking solved
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neon-angels-system · 2 years
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please stop and admire my gal Lettuce, the shiny Sewaddle. I have had her for 5 minutes and I would kill for her
(note: this is Pokemon White played on a emulator, so although she is legit in the sense of being full odds, she’s technically a hacked mon n will forever be trapped in this save file)
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
Thinking about the Quirk Boost Drug theory - I thought it would have to be someone with a powerful quirk so, when it got stronger because of the drug, it could be strong enough to take down AFO
But what if it could be someone with a “useless” quirk (aka someone with a quirk that looks like it could be useless at first but, when boosted, could actually do some damage. like OFA’s quirks), but still powerful when the modified drug boosts their power? That would not only ensure a higher probability that the person comes out of it alive (not guaranteed but still better chances than a powerful quirk) but it would also ensure that the job still gets done
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