#**oc lore**
mysticdragoni · 2 days
Episode 1 - The Lotus
Oh my god it’s finally DONE! I hope you guys enjoy this! I have been working on this nonstop since May 10th. Even longer since I’ve had her story in the works since last year! Thank you IMMENSELY for the support over the last few weeks, I never would have actually finished this without your help! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Samura Jade is my Ninjago original character, this is episode one of hopefully a series of episodes. I hope that her lore is believable and matches the quality that is Ninjago. I intend and hope that I was able to tell a story that makes a believable supporting character.
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ronkeyroo · 9 hours
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❌ The 𝘞𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴 Inside You Are a 𝐋𝐢𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬
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mithoskuu · 2 days
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Had a desire to dip into the lore of my tallbird race, the Rokas
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Standing approx 3m (9' 10"), these distant relatives of the Kobolds and Vobolds live primarily in the high mountains and valleys of the Dragon's Jaw mountain range. Juveniles have thick coats of brown feathers, molting into stark white plumage in adulthood. Males have a distinctive beard just behind their beak, while females tend to be physically larger.
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Rokas Priests ritualistically bath themselves in a dust bath of fine ruddy soil, and are often called upon to perform rituals or recount legends. The Rokas view the great river that cuts through their mountains as a spiritual representation of life itself. More traditionalist individuals view these tales as literal rather than metaphorical, and believe the lowlands downstream of their mountains to be the lands of the dead.
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Warriors bath themselves in charcoal, and are usually found guarding temples or hunting in the valleys. Some enterprising warriors make their way out west to the coastal lowlands to sell their services as mercenaries to the local human kings, they are often referred to by humans as the Bone Eaters
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While generally isolationist, they do have a thriving trade with their Kobold neighbors, exchanging coffee beans and other high mountain crops for precious gems, metals, and for colorful cloth woven in the human lands
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juniper-vz · 9 hours
More about Wine Glass :D
Despite being the main character, I haven't really talked about this guy a lot
TW: Abuse
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Read more about him ! ⤵️
Before being invited to the mansion, Wine Glass was the second child of a rich couple, Martini and Beer Bottle. Wine Glass always feels the need to show a more manly side of himself, since he is a very closeted bisexual and insecure. When he went to college he joined a fraternity and for "hell day" (the most difficult day and last day before joining a fraternity) he was told to climb up to the top of the campus. Only a quarter the way through, he fell and broke his ankle. He was able to recover but has become really terrified of heights ever since.
He has a cockney / London English accent.
One thing that really helped Wine Glass get through everything was music! His favorite artists are Crywank, Radiohead, and Blur.
Wine Glass's only hobby is reading, but he was forces to participate in lots of sports as a kid.
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Here's the little aesthetic board I made for him!! Here's the image credits:
Finally, his personality. He tries to fit in to a lot of groups by being kind, but he never feels like he actually fits in anywhere. He's a really chill guy though! ;_; 💜
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solace-star · 1 day
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Work in Progress
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svampira · 4 months
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snack time🤤
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sarahdraws16 · 8 months
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The Feast 🍽️🫀
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fishtrouts · 4 months
I’m sorry if this has been already asked but could we have a bit more lore on Avoryx? I’m sorry if I’m bothering or pressuring you.
Hi anon! This is not a bother at all, in fact I’m delighted to loredump about my favorite menace :D
Many probably already know, but Avoryx is Hopper’s mother! Now although she’s known as a particularly destructive, even for a dragon, she’s actually a pretty alright parent. Before Hopper was born she arrived at wherever my comics take place and just.. wreaked havoc. Slaughtered and ate all the other dragons that lived there and then laid a single egg.
Avoryx is not at all bothered by Hopper’s pinkness. In fact as soon as Hopper was old enough to venture out on her own she stopped caring. Hopper was out there doing her own thing and the sooner her hatchling grows independent the better. If her whelp came running back to her lair with knights giving chase she’d eat them and then she’s usually aggravated enough to slink out of the ruins she made her lair in and rip apart whichever settlement she stumbles on.
Also, instead of the classic dragonfire, Avoryx expels black smoke from her maw, and a scalding tar-like liquid drips from between her blackened teeth. Her presence is announced by a cloud of smog, a telltale sign of impending death. The unknown liquid she leaves behind on her path of destruction can be collected. It’s sticky, corrosive, and smells vile, but dragon slayers and alchemists need to collect whatever samples they can if they hope to one day slay this beast.
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Oh and she has an old “pet” raven that acts as an alarm clock and reports activity near her vicinity. It also picks scraps from between her teeth - a personal dentist!
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It’s kind of a mystery how the bird has been spared from becoming a morsel.
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storieldraw · 5 months
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◇ Sonya and Barkhat
Sonya is a teenager who lives in a wonderful world with big creatures. She has made a friendship with a giant wolf and gave him a name Barkhat (means Velvet on english) and explores new views with him.
I adore this duet a lot. Their trips remind me of some Lord of the Rings vibes.
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breadcheese444 · 5 months
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That one meme but make it malleyuu
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itsxroxannex · 15 days
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Slash's lore? 👀
Slash and G belong to me
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snowflake-sage · 2 months
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Rock Bottom Angel
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extremely-nervess · 7 months
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I had wanted to do a more thematic picture for halloween this year, but I just didn't manage to make time u_u But I am at least delivering on my promise of more Needle. Honestly I had a bunch of things I wanted to add to this but It was also just taking too long, so I'll leave some of it to text... ---- Lore ---- Artificial Vampire: Needle Age: 21 Age of death: 17 Height: 156 cm Weight: 70 kg (She has a decent amount of brass in her body) Needle comes from an alternate earth setting similar to modern life that we know on the surface, but with shadows thick with supernatural horror just below. One such horror is vampires, of which several kinds and cultures exist, but most major governments co-operate with the largest most organized group of them - Afterlight Agency, which has grown to be more of a sort of government than a unified origanization. Agency vampires negotiate the protection of humans from other supernatural entities in return for feeding rights, information control, legal protections, whatever else they can squeaze from their hosts. Naturally this is a carefully kept secret, and for the most part genuinely beneficial to humans on a population level, if not on an individual one. Still there are those who resent Afterlight and its 'people' convinced that this is nothing more than a large scale protection racket (okay it sort of is) and bristle at the idea of keeping the masses ignorant sheep, sheparded by those who consume them for sustenance. Needle is the product of one such group -The Steel Masons, an extremist secret society that seek to secure occult power for the benefit of man, and to expose vampires for the parasites that they are. Needle was created by Dr. Tilly Hornwood, by gradually saturating the flesh of a living human with specially treated vampire blood and various surgical interventions. Dr. Hornwood hoped to instill vampiric power into a living human and do away with their less desirible traits. In this regard Needle is a failure, for while she technically never died during the long and painful process she is certainly not alive now (not conventionally anyway) She does possess some of the common advantages of the undead - regeneration, strength, speed but to a lesser degree than even a young vampire, and still has most of the typical weaknesses flaws one might expect of their kind. Needle's most unique trait is that anything in which a sufficient portion of her cursed blood flows acts as a part of her body, and she can feel, perceive and control it as if it were a natural extension of herself (After some adjustment). The effect attenuates rapidly if the blood does not make a round trip to her heart, but still last a few minutes in ideal cases. Anything affected by this also enjoys the benefits of her vampiric powers allowing her to integrate with all sorts of attachments - like her injector tail - or various weapons and devices devised by the Steel Masons. Her blood is most effective on dead flesh, including that of vampires, and brass. I'll leave this here for now since my self-consciousness is getting unbearable and I'm sure I've already made 10000 typos u_u
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buzzkillchainsaw · 2 months
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Last part of the pearl comic
Previous part:
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clownpalette · 4 months
Someone call Kisuri to calm the boy down!!!
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passacalia-bg3 · 3 months
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"they spoke correctly. the last stage of love is grief"
the art refers to the distant future where Afaleon became a dragon again, and despite all their common achievements with Minthara, they were unable to live together for a long time. Minthara sleeps in his skull in an attempt to feel close to him again.
not quite a canon of their story, more of an option for how it could have ended. It was drawn more for my tragic mood in that day
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