#(with love of course)
pepper-pastry · 7 hours
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wear the full set coward
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perths · 2 months
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qvuvin · 10 months
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i was sad so i decided to draw him which makes for a good coping mechanism actually because i forget about my own problems and instead can laugh at his
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rags-hexx · 1 year
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soup-scope · 1 year
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freelancer texts this to anyone they introduce gavin to
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bansept · 1 year
You thought Mammon calling you human was annoying? Get ready to be called peon
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smallchaoscryptid · 4 months
some of my mutuals i see in my notes and i forget they follow me and im like ":o what are you doing in my home"
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mistmarauder · 3 months
Your trademark is affectionate bullying that makes me feel 🥹 xoxo princessfbi
Awwww. You're so precious. 🥺💗💗💗
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thepixelelf · 11 months
mutuals I am putting any random item on ur head and calling it a hat
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moonysfavoritetoast · 8 months
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stripedwolf88 · 7 months
Me coming back to inspect your list when it’s done. No pressure. 🤪
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No, of course. I definitely feel the warm, fluffy and safe environment you have created here
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lickingyellowpaint · 2 months
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@gwenweybourne biting you biting you biting you
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heart-diamonds-court · 2 months
hes back! i still cant believe hes back!
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shardkn1ght · 11 months
No your the coolest
*Runs away laughing maniacally*
You listen here Scribb
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When I say your cooler i mean it! You hear?!?!
You get back over here and take the ‘your cooler’ with you!
Good. Now have a good day.
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eternally--mortal · 2 years
I’ve got Demigod War Games on the brain and I won’t rest until it’s all been expelled.
So the Greeks are a bit less organized with their war games system than the Romans. We’ve seen that. They have games like capture the flag. But I’ve always wondered what happens when the campers get sick of powerful demigods monopolizing the game. So I’ve come up with a fun alternative (with some variations) that centers around Demigod Champions:
Version 1) The Camp splits into two or more teams, each with a Chosen Champion. Prior to the games, the Champions are hidden away in the forest. Rather than hunting for a flag to capture, each team hunts for their Champion and for the Champion[s] of the other team[s]. It’s a race to find your own Champion and a wild game of keep away. If you find an opposing team’s champion, you can relocate the Champion or guard them. The Champions aren’t allowed to actively join the game until a member of their team makes physical contact with them. Each game has a running clock, and once the time is up and the conch is blown, the Champions that have been found and freed battle each other to decide which team wins (thus the importance of the Keep-Away portion of the game. If a team can’t reach their Champion, that Champion can’t compete).
Fun pluses would be if there’s a panel of demigods who arrange the hiding places and design games and riddles hinting at the hiding spots. Whichever Champion won previously might get a sneak peak at the riddles Before the game and has the right to tip off their new team, even if they’re not a Champion in the new game.
I love this because it changes the purpose of the game. Like capture the flag, it’s a game of strategy: do you focus more forces on finding your Champion, or on keep-away? BUT if demigods are concerned about Power-Houses, they can make them into Champions so the game doesn’t become too overpowered or end too early. Or if demigods want a break from fighting and would rather design riddles — and maybe even traps — when they hide the Champions (all OK’d by Chiron, of course), they can step back and be a part of the planning panel. It also means that if someone like Percy is playing as an active team member rather than as a Champion, the latter part of the game won’t be about him overpowering the other campers, because the Champions are the ones who fight it out in the second half.
Version 2) There are more Champions than there are teams. You know who the Champions are, but not where they’ll be hidden. What is your strategy? To hunt down a specific Champion? To Guard a specific Champion so the other team[s] can’t get to them? To have a contingency plan for each match up?
In this version the secondary part of the game doesn’t specifically involve the Champions fighting each other. The randomized element makes it more fun if they become integrated with the rest of the team. Here the second half of the game would involve some other goal, like capturing the opposing flag, or having all teams go after the same item or goal and having to fight over it.
I’m a bit obsessed with these, mostly for the fun possibilities. I like the idea of neither Percy nor Annabeth being Champions, but spending all of their energy playing against or with each other to find / keep away Champions instead of just shellacing each other on the battle field. I have so many scenarios with just these two:
Annabeth and Percy are working together to find a Champion. The Planning Panel has set up a few different ways to find the Champions. One of them uses scavenger-hunt-style riddles. The other methods involve more tracking, brute force, or negotiating with the nymphs. The two of them challenge each other to find a Champion first by using a completely different method.
Annabeth and Percy are both Champions. Imagine different scenarios where they may or may not have to fight each other at the end of the game or where they have to face off against each other in a team setting.
Percy is a Champion. Annabeth is not. Does Annabeth go looking for Clarisse instead of looking for Percy? —meaning if another team finds him their teams will have to compete. Does she hunt down Percy to have him on her team, or specifically to ensure he can’t join the game by stopping the other teams from reaching him? What about Percy? What if he were a normal team member and Annabeth were the Champion? How would they change up their game play style for each game?
I can see it going so many different ways. Percy and Annabeth can be so competitive. But they’re also sometimes more relaxed about just messing with each other. Or maybe they just want a break.
Either one could finding the other and just go ‘you know what. Let’s just stay hidden. We can chill out here together for the rest of the evening instead of finishing the game.’
Or one of them finding the other and turning it into a game to see who can end the game of keep-away. Annabeth is a Champion and when her team comes in to get her she goes ‘ok. You can have me as your Champion, but only if you solve this riddle.’ And her team is like ‘What? Annabeth, come on! You’re supposed to be helping us!’ To which she’s like ‘I mean, you could always just fight Percy instead, but good luck with that.’ And then she proceeds to give a basically impossible riddle so they end up fighting Percy anyway and losing.
Or it could be flipped around where she’s guarding Percy in a game of keep away and she gives the opposing team a riddle and then kicks their butts when they can’t get the right answer.
Or they’re not Champions but get distracted fighting each other while trying to get to the same Champion to the point that another team sneaks past them and gets there first.
I’m just obsessed with the options. And the fighting. And the flirting. Honestly I just want to give them a game where I think they would have fun without creating too much chaos for the rest of the camp. And there are so many options where Percy and Annabeth don’t even run into each other during the game and end up engaging with other friends and campers. Or one of them is on the Planning Panel so they’re not playing that round. It just . . . It sounds fun to me.
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ghcstcd · 1 year
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