#(which he watches bc he is a discerning individual)
baladric · 1 year
one of my friends predicted a long time ago that i would end up married to a rat man, and i’ve been like nah i like pretty and fashionable people but now i definitely have what feels like the most fruitful crush i’ve had in a long time on a quintessential rat man and i’m like. äh, the ordeals of being known.
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3416 · 3 months
could you pls explain the bar graph thingy that you post after games? i can’t for the life of me figure it out and i feel silly…like is ‘longer’ a good thing? like mo and mr liljegren had very long ones tonight does that mean they were playing the best or the most or neither or both??
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LOLLLL, it's okay. it's a pretty simplistic chart to break down player performance per game and it's done by @ hockeystatcard on twitter, who's great. they use this guy's algorithm and this account's data to visualize players impacts on the game.
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so looking at tonight's chart... the y axis has all the players names and if you look along the bottom (x axis), there are numbers from -3 to 1.5. being in the negative quite literally means they're having a negative impact in the areas as indicated by the colors. the key along the bottom tells you what those colors mean. so like brodie and liljegren were both particularly terrible with on ice offense AND on ice defense, more so than anyone else on the team.... by a lot. if you go to the top, jt had almost an entirely positive impact on the team and was statistically the best player (players are in order of their 'gamescore' which is like a composite number based on their positive and negative impacts on the game). you could infer this because he scored the only goal, but it's not JUST that that contributes to the score. even less flashy stats like being defensively responsible (aka if the other team is getting less grade a chances when ur out there or if youre blocking shots or taking pucks away or whatever.. all that goes into it i believe) or penalty killing
i'm not a statistician, nor do i look at natural stat trick's individual data, so i'm not the best at discerning every individual stat that goes into those bars bc it can get really complicated. i mostly just use those charts as a gauge to see if the eye test as i was watching matches what the stats say in terms of the players who were the most influential and impactful on the game in both positive and negative ways. like two players had a terrible impact on us tonight sadly and it cost us.... many goals. i'd guess based on that chart that tj and lily were out there for multiple goals against.
if you want to see some examples from the other night... here are the stat cards of the oilers and the penguins game that ended up being 6-1 oilers
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the pens are almost all net negative, with the biggest bar reaching into the negatives being purple aka defense, and the oilers are almost all net positive, with a lot of bars into the positive being defense (bc they didnt let the pens score much) but ALSO offense bc they scored a lot of goals.
i hope any of this makes sense. i'm half asleep and very removed from schooling of any kind at this point, so i fear i'm not the best at explaining and prob have a rather simplistic understanding of this but..... data isn't EVERYTHING, but i do feel like these can explain player performance and production.
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glassandmetalwings · 3 years
Wings Talks Manga: A Year in Review, Part 1 (Completed stories)
Last year, I told myself I was going to actually really more manga and watch more anime, because despite it being my main style I hadn’t actually read much in awhile. And I actually managed to get a lot done for one year. So below is a list of stories I read/watched and a few quick thoughts on them. Despite having my list open, I’m still probably not going to get to all of them, but I can try.
Be warned for spoilers.
T.egami Bachi (manga)
I love. Anyone following this tag of mine knows this has been a long journey and that I loved every minute of it. The world is beautiful, the characters are great, the emotions run high...it’s incredibly cathartic and engaging. I will never stop lauding it.
Jiu Jiu (manga)
A short series I picked up from the library that I never really covered, but that I enjoyed. Sometimes it felt a little slow to work through, but it was cute and I got really attached to the characters over five volumes. Like the mangaka, I wish there had been more opportunity to delve deeper into some of the story elements, because especially near the end it got confusing. Also I’m assuming it ended in a poly relationship? The protag grows up and has babies but you can’t really tell which love interest is the father, if either are. They’re all together in the final picture and I support it but it also bugs me bc I am confused.
Dreamin’ Sun (manga)
Mixed feelings on this one. I honestly expected a modern fantasy involving a baku going into this based on the back cover. I was wrong. I was really cute, if not overwhelmingly emotionally frustrating/full of secondhand embarassment at some points. The characters are super well-developed and continue to evolve and grow through the series. I will forever complain about the protag falling in love and centering her life around an adult man, but there were also some very touching elements that I can’t help but remember fondly.
The Wize Wize Beasts of the the Wizarding Wizdoms (manga)
The first of a lot of BL I read this year, which is honestly very new to me. My introduction to Nagabe. I’ve mentioned there’s one story I’m not too fond of, but it could be my interpretation of it. Overall very much loved it and especially love the art style.
K.amisama Kiss (manga)
I series I kind of picked up on a whim and absolutely fell in love with. Cute, funny, touching, well-thought out. There were some elements I didn’t understand (like the end), but my enjoyment overall made up for it. The one thing I wish for was a little more development for some of the minor characters. Also I love Mizuki and his development throughout the series. He makes me emotional.
Our Dining Table (manga)
Another cute, simple love story about two guys making food. I don’t have a whole lot to say about this other than it’s cute and you should read it. Although I obviously have no issues with teenage protags, it was refreshing to have a love story about two working adults that didn’t have to involve sex. Also can totally understand one guy’s aversion to eating with others, even if my own isn’t as severe.
Love on the Other Side (manga)
More Nagabe. Really, really cute. I love the story with the bird (of course). The softness of the stories and Nagabe’s art style really have stolen my heart.
B.lack Butler: Book of Circus (anime)
We all know why I watched this. Sadly the ending is as gruesome as the manga, and the one or two scenes they added didn’t play well on the DVD. But still a delight (up until the end).
The Devil is a Part-Timer (anime)
Interesting. Funny. A good world base, but I feel they could have developed it a little more, and the last episode kind of soured it a little for me because there was no really wrap-up. But I liked the characters and had a lot of fun watching it while crocheting. Wish there was a season two.
The Bride was a Boy (manga)
A brief autobiographical manga about a trans woman, filled with lots of tidbits about transgender individuals and things like HRT. Short, sweet, cute, and full of love and joy. Again, not much to say other than I recommend it.
Fractale (anime)
A lot to process. I think I would need to watch it again to fully wrap my head around it, if not more than once. An interesting world, great character, engaging story, and beautiful animation. Plus just...kinda relevant in a way that’s hard to describe. Think ease of technology verses governmental control via tech. I really loved the episode about the mysterious photographer. Plus I just fell in love with the ending song.
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (anime)
Yes, I’d never watched this before. Gonna say, not my favorite Miazaki, but as usual an excellent story with a lot of background and development. And of course I loved the creature design. Glad to finally have it watched, after all these years, but I also can’t help but wonder what the original English release was like, knowing they cut/edited a lot. Because a lot of that violence and death was...kinda necessary to understanding character motives.
H.aibane Renmei (anime)
Again, another series that’s been at the top of my list for forever. I didn’t even have an excuse not to watch is as I own the DVDs. Excellent, and touching, if not cutting a little too close to home at times (like self-harm/BFRB). Really my introduction to ABe, and I have to say I never saw the ending coming. But would definitely watch again and again. Kinda wish I could do a cosplay for this series (I’d probably be Nemu, or one of the masked characters), but I feel like you need a group for it.
G.osick (anime)
I didn’t complete this one, I’m sorry. I think the art is great, and the arcs in concept are amazing...but it falls through in the delivery. The characters don’t really feel like they have driving motives behind their actions, and sometimes the evidence and stuff are things you can’t discern from watching (’I can tell you aren’t the daughter of a coal baron because you walk short distances before turning sharply and walking the other way, like you’re pacing in a small psych ward cell’-yes, that’s a real example). Lots of potential, but not great. Sorry.
Wolf Children (anime)
Very cute. Beautiful anime. I don’t think I can say much about this that hasn’t already been said. My favorite part is the ending where she’s saying goodbye just because of how both painfully and empoweringly emotional it is.
5 Centimeters Per Second (anime)
Not bad, but probably not my favorite. It didn’t help that the version I was watching didn’t translate all of the writing, so I feel like I missed a lot of elements. While the story is definitely a sentiment I can get behind, it was also a little bit unsatisfying for me, especially at the end. But idk, maybe I just don’t like the idea of moving on when there’s the opportunity to not.
Colorful (anime)
It was...a film. About a suicide. Looking back I don’t particularly feel strongly either way about it. I think the ending was good, and giving the protag some sort of motivation, but it took forever to really get to a point where I cared about him (or he seemed to really care about the body he was inhabiting and the person he was trying to be). Some of the stuff was just...uncomfortable. It’s probably worth watching, but overall I wasn’t wowed by it.
Ibistu (manga)
My first shrink-wrapped manga. It ties together very well in the end, and the horror and violence elements did elicit some very visceral reactions in me (particularly the threat of the iron and, later, the staples). The short stories were also good, particularly the doll factory one, but I wasn’t the most fond of the one about the mangaka. Just know there’s a reason it’s shrink-wrapped and it’s not a ‘positive’ one.
A Silent Voice (anime)
Probably one of my favorite films. While I didn’t always understand the motivations behind some of the characters or their actions, it wasn’t in a way that made me uncomfortable like some of the things in Colorful did. It felt more natural for them to be irrational. Again, there is suicide, so be warned if you don’t want to deal with that. But the story is sweet and the characters are amazing. But I also have a weakness for things involving sign language and communication.
Children Who Chase Lost Voices (anime)
Very cool. Beautiful landscapes. Gave me very strong Princess Mononoke vibes at some points, but it also stood as its own story with interesting characters there are elements I wish we could have delved deeper into, though. Also...what war did the teacher fight in? It didn’t look very modern. Also also I will forever wince at the pronunciation of ‘Quetzalcoatl’. Death is a strong theme in it, so be prepared if you watch it.
The Boy and the Beast (anime)
Excellent character design. Excellent story. Excellent animation. My one complaint would be that the climax felt kind of thrown together, even though it tied back to the beginning in a good way. But overall a beautiful world with some great humor and intense elements.
The Garden of Words (anime)
Spoiler: again a story about a kid falling in love with an adult. From a platonic standpoint, the story still feels a little weird, particularly in terms of the woman’s motivations, but looking back her not getting too involved in him missing school...kinda feels like what I would do to, especially in her situation. It’s sweet, though. Maybe it’s just me and my preferences, but some elements feel a bit incomplete, and I wish had been explored/wrapped up.
Summer Wars (anime)
Probably a favorite on the films list. Again, beautiful animation. I’m not going to get over this style. But I especially liked the design of OZ and the excess of blank space in it. Characters were many but great (although I didn’t get the one baseball player was part of the family until almost the end, but that says more about me and paying attention). Even Mom got really engaged in it when I had her watch it with me (I also had her watch Wolf Children, which I thought she would like more, but apparently not). There is a character death, but if you don’t mind that it’s definitely a watch.
Beauty and the Beast Girl (manga)
A cute little story about a blind girl and a dragon girl falling in love-what more could you want? Their histories actually tie together in a really neat way. Honestly my one complaint would be that the ending feels a little too ideal and easily wrapped-up. But sometimes we need things to be that perfect, you know?
P.andora Heart (manga)
The other big story I tackled this year. There were points that were a bit slow/disengaging to me, but overall once I got hooked I really loved it. I think I need a second read to really fully understand it (if that’s possible), but equal parts cute, intense, and bittersweet. Elliot’s whole development was probably my favorite bit.
The God and the Flightless Messenger (manga)
My last story of 2020, and a very cute one at that. Another short story, with beautiful art. I don’t...really know what to say about it. It’s cute, and the love story feels both very natural and almost...secondary? Idk how to describe that. The relationship between the two of them is obviously key, but it’s the type of story where ‘I love you’ isn’t needed. It’s already there.
So yeah, there’s the list. It’s a long list. I probably still missed some. I might try to make a second list with ‘in progress’  series but I’ll be playing that by ear. I’d love to hear some of you all’s thoughts on these stories (if you’ve read/watched them), or which you now want to read/watch!
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caden · 4 years
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bluring out OPs name bc i genuinely dont wanna start drama or make it seem like im trying to get into an argument (if I did i would just reblog from them). what i’m about to say is maybe less a direct response to this post and more a response to the type of media criticism this post is promoting. 
First off, no, the movie absolutely does NOT depict him as a good father. He views his kid as a prize to be won in the divorce, not an individual with their own wants and needs. Escaping that toxic mindset is, like, the essential core of his character’s arc. His character is portrayed as a selfish, aggressive, borderline manipulative asshole who made (and continues to make) a series of bad decisions. And this isn’t in a charming way, it’s clearly portrayed as a harmful facet of his masculinity that he MUST OVERCOME. 
Honestly, this must be a fucking exhausting way to consume media. like when people on here say to start critically analyzing the movies and television you watch, they don’t mean “research the details of the creator’s life so that you can then cast harsher judgement on their work”. They mean look WITHIN the work and try to discern its messaging. Try to actually think about what it’s saying. In the case of “Marriage Story”, the messaging could be pretty uncontroversially interpreted as:  ��All couples do and say horrible things to one another, which is bad but also to some extent unavoidable in a serious relationship. However, men tend to have unique powers and privileges in a marriage, so their toxic tendencies can have more tangible consequences: they can strip away their partner’s agency and sense of identity. During the process of divorce, their partners often reclaim their power to make decisions and take control of their own lives in a dramatic way, which leaves the men confused and hurt. But male self-pity won’t do anything to improve the situation. You must learn to empathize with your partner in divorce and start treating them like a human being, even if you couldn’t while married. If a child is involved, you need to also treat that child like a human being, not a bargaining chip. Basically, men, stop feeling sorry for yourself and start just having empathy, and your relationships will all get much much better.”
It manages to do this without making either of the main characters look like horrible irredeemable monsters, because... if it did that... the movie would be unpleasant to watch, and the core message would be hugely undercut. I literally really really struggle to understand how you could watch this movie and have your take-away be “this was probably just some gross, cynical attempt by the director to make in-fiction excuses for his real life bad behavior”. But even if it was, honestly, who cares? If that was his goal, he failed. And it doesn’t really matter that he failed, because he succeeded at unintentionally delivering a much more profound and positive message. 
Artists will create work that reflects their real life experiences. That is a necessary ingredient in telling compelling stories. However, that doesn’t mean that we, as the audience, need to treat those experiences as if they’re the essential nugget of truth within the story.  If we want to abolish the toxic elements of celebrity worship, the toxic nature of parasocial relationships, etc, we HAVE to start viewing art as more than just a window into the lives of its creators. This approach to media criticism will not only keep you from being able to possibly enjoy any work of art you consume, but also from being able to critically engage with any work in the first place. 
I know that the post isn’t that deep, and I’m also NOT saying that an artist being a shitty person can NEVER have an effect on the work. It can have profound effects on their work, and on an individual basis I can also understand boycotting a creator specifically because they’re gross or problematic. But it especially bothers me in this instance because the condemnation of the AUTHOR comes off as a cynical attempt to condemn the work-- when, in reality, the thing that we’re condemning ABOUT the author is also DIRECTLY condemned by the work itself. 
I really don’t think this is TOO much of a crazy big-brain take. I’m not arguing for total death of the artist, just... not... total death of the art, either. 
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whatscallion · 6 years
don’t panic!
Pairing: Flirtatiously Quill x Unnamed OC ( it’ll make sense )
A/N: This is the first time I’ve really done an OC / Reader insert deal, but figured that the writing challenge set by @spxderbarnes would be a good time to start! Besides, who doesn’t enjoy Quill (okay, ignoring infinity war bc obvious reasons). Hope I did this remotely right. Lots of references to one of my favorite book series, and a fun film - ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’. Best if read in the voice of Stephen Fry. Summary: A failed date at Milliways, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, that is unabashedly crashed by a group of rowdy individuals - including one Star Lord. Shooting and great hair ensues. Word Count: 3,097
Special thanks to @cptsteven for dialogue help.
There were once stories written in the stars, carefully planned as to not tip any balance one way or another. There are those who wish to see this done, just for the sake of planetary chaos. This rarely bode well for the galaxy’s inhabitants. Yet amidst it all, there tended to be a common denominator, one that would surprise even the most powerful of beings.
And he had a knack for timing.
Milliways was, as always, a popular destination for all kinds of critters across the universe, both intelligent and not. The establishment boasted its exotic dishes through dismal advertising - most of which was by word of mouth, passing through the different curls of languages painting the cosmos. It was most known for its drinks, all of which required an incredibly high pain tolerance in order to consume. If that was survived, then surely the hangover would do the trick in granting untimely death. Fortunately enough, only about 5% of the universe’s populace could actually afford such a drink, so lesser beings didn’t have to worry, often opting for the local tap water, which was arguably just as bad.
But there she was - that bored girl from Terra who’d been unfortunately stood up in one of the most far-reaching restaurants anyone has or hasn’t heard of. How she managed to get there required a ridiculous amount of impossible abnormality. It was enough to require a change of clothing and sugary coffee to get by all those stars and that unending void. But it did end, in a sense, because that’s where Milliways was. There were all kinds of physics surrounding how it managed to ride the wave of the expanding universe, offering unparalleled views into a very true and very seamless abyss, but that was neither here nor there.
The tap water had something of a metallic taste to it, and our girl only took a sip or two before finally letting that scowl bleed through to compound her already lacking disposition. Through months of travelling as an unexpected guest aboard some intergalactic pirate ship, the novelty of alien compositions had worn off completely. Every possible color of the rainbow had come in every possible shape and texture any one being could think of. The excitement of the Final Frontier had waned, just as the restaurant’s atmosphere had over the course of several millennia. A once posh venue serving only the elite, Milliways had degraded itself to a tourist trap with questionable patrons and even more questionable dishes.
She grumbled about her absent date, expressing her disdain for what she’d been dressed in ( iridescent mesh had not been her choice, but that of the ship’s captain ) through a deep sneer and a subtle fidget. It was also incredibly uncomfortable, but of course, she’d been reassured she’d draw more attention than a Ta’avarian on the planet Nucleux, whatever that meant. It was becoming more and more apparent that the ship she’d been on had been waiting to unload their unwitting bounty to get on with their lives rather than pander to a fragile Terran who couldn’t even hold her breath for longer than a minute.
For a moment, she wondered how improbable it was to get a hamburger in this place that was made from a discernible meat. But thoughts were ceased as the doors to the restaurant whipped open to reveal a handful of very colorful individuals who immediately commanded attention through presence alone.
That and they were quite loud.
A tree ent, a raccoon ( that she assumed lived in a nest on the tree ent ), a scowling green woman, a larger scowling green man with intricate markings ( which she assumed was the reason he was shirtless in a restaurant ), and a man who looked surprisingly normal despite wearing green ( short ) gym shorts, a sweater, and flip flops. Never in her life had the Terran seen such a diverse group of individuals, prompting her to stare longer than what was deemed admissible, even by a Kloxin’s standards. For those unaware of the race known as ‘Kloxins’, they are an arachnid type species that can ensnare the mind if all eight eyes are met simultaneously. This would wreak havoc on the universe if everyone had eight eyes as well, so the Kloxins are doomed to simply control one another for the time being until evolution can throw them a bone.
The seemingly rowdy group went and sat in the corner of the restaurant, which held a perfect view of absolutely nothing while boasting about shooting this or slicing into that. The Terran girl only looked away when she felt the dryness of her tongue since her jaw had dropped somewhat. Right when she thought she’d seen it all, or at least became numb to it all, she became surprised at what this team was comprised of. She turned in her seat, greeted only with her reflection in the mirror at the back of Milliway’s bar, though it was frowning at her. Envy, curiosity, anxiety - they all wracked through her system, and she’d offered whatever imaginary greater force her soul in exchange for regular clothing. Her kingdom for denim. Whoever that was was obviously busy, for her attire didn’t change in the slightest, bringing her to groan in self-pity.
Hidden behind her hands that had been stained blue since first being picked up off her planet, there was a subtle shift in the space next to her. Some sort of extra-sensory thing she wished she could put her finger on, choosing to believe cosmic radiation had started to change her when really, she was just being perceptive and it was oddly quiet. She peeked through her fingers, finding that the most normal of that loud crowd had chosen to sit beside her, though he wasn’t looking at her.
She couldn’t help but glance down at the gym shorts that looked as if they’d gotten two inches shorter since he’d entered the place.
“You look normal,” he finally said, just before hailing down the robotic bartender for a glass of tap water, neat. “Like you’re not from anywhere near Centuri or anything.”
For those unaware, the radiation belt surrounding Centuri covers millions upon millions of lightyears of space, thus turning most inhabitants into something that resembles what your aunt would bring to Thanksgiving for dessert: globby, bits of things floating in it, and unappetizing in color.
“Uh,” she started, unaware that she’d been served something that resembled a hamburger, but strong suspicions would have her believe it was merely a facade for something tasting akin to celery. Mind reading robots tended to operate that way, acting on visual dreams rather than the substance that created them. “I guess I’m normal? I don’t know what to categorize as normal. Earth isn’t very normal to begin with.”
This managed to grab the man’s attention, bringing him to turn in his seat to face her completely, making it increasingly difficult to not steal another glance at the magically diminishing shorts. His eyes were alight with curiosity and relation, which forced the Terran to assume he knew the planet she was from. She could only hope that his opinions of the place were good, making him one of the very few she’d come across with the right attitude. More often than not, she feigned being from Earth’s moon which was the equivalent to being from America’s Alaska when traveling abroad.
Same neighborhood, but unassociated to those who don’t know better.
“Earth? Really? Hey, I’m from there. What a coinkidink. Did ‘Temple of Doom’ just blow Indiana Jones out of the water or what?” He looked too hopeful for that, but the truth was out of her mouth before she could really stop it.
“What? No. It’s the worst of the original trilogy. Earth collectively doesn’t even talk about the fourth one.” The girl sounded harsher than she intended. Probably.
“Trilogy? They made another one after ‘Temple of Doom’? And another after that?” While he looked minutely downcast, there was an eagerness to know more about the planet she came from. Which was his planet as well. “What uh- What else did they do?”
“Remade ‘Footloose’.”
His exclamation was enough to draw the attention of the restaurant’s patrons, all of whom were now settle with varying gazes upon the two at the bar. While she seemed a bit shy about the attention, her neighbor seemed unphased by it, as if he were used to being watched with differing states confusion.
He was oblivious, until someone spoke up.
“‘Footloose’? You’re kidding me.” It was more a growl than anything, followed by the unmistakable noise of a chair skidding across worn laminate flooring. The man in the shorts turned before the Terran girl did, both now looking across the dining room at what could only be described as a heaping pile of slimy ropes mushed together to vaguely resemble a bipedal . . . thing.
This was a member of the Gliphtrin race, who are infamous for finding sheer joy in throwing small rocks at bigger rocks, then eating said smaller rocks. But eating was unnecessary since they were all collections of smaller beings that greatly resembled boiled hagfish, absorbing their needed nutrients from the air around them. They are, collectively, notorious for having tempers and holding grudges. In fact, they hold the record for longest grudge held, which predates the universe’s creation by three and a half days.
No one is really sure what the grudge is, or who it is against, but it is known to be fierce and misplaced.
“Ooooooh, heeeey . . . you.” The green-shorted man had obviously forgotten this particular alien’s name, and it was apparently the wrong thing to do. The Terran girl could just sit there and watch as if a fly on the wall, wishing she had a glass of water she could hide behind - preferably one that didn’t threaten her livelihood. “Haven’t seen you in a while. How’s it hanging? Low and a little to the left?”
“You stole my fuel! And left me deserted on a desert planet! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW BAD THAT IS FOR MY SKIN?!” This growing conflict between green shorts and rope monster was growing a bit comfortable as far as the Terran was concerned, which would explain why she slipped from her seat to put distance between her at the verdant booty shorts. This felt like an inevitable disaster, which would be truly fatal considering they were in a place that was nothing more than a pocket of air in the vastness of space, which had no air.
The lingering sensation of possible death sat heavily at the back of the Terran’s mind as she continued to sidestep away from the only other Earthling she’d met in roughly six months. This felt like a bad mix of whatever was going between the two and tainted water, which was proving to be volatile, even by the universe’s standards.
“Hey! YOU said you had spare fuel! YOU said I could have what you had in order to get to Knowhere! YOU CAN’T BLAME ME FOR TRUSTING ONE OF YOUR WEIRD TALKING FACE HOLES!” The flipflopped man had a way with words, it seemed.
Nowhere? Huh, thought the Terran, now at the edge of the bar.
The rope monster roared with all billion mouths it apparently had, which rightfully incited chaos almost immediately. The Terran girl dove behind the bar in a shimmering flash of iridescence, quick to curl into a ball against the shattering of numerous bottles that had been adorning the back counter. Fear held her tightly, keeping her from even imagining the war carrying on just a few feet away from her small safe haven in the corner of a dingy countertop. Imagine her surprise when a body had hopped over and fell to the floor beside her.
The booty shorts man. And he had a gun. Or what she assumed to be a gun. It wasn’t a gun by Terran standards, but it was definitely something you pointed at something else to make it stop moving one way or another. Part of his sweater was burned off.
That got the Terran’s attention. She hadn’t quite noticed there could’ve been muscle beneath that poly-blend.
“DAMN IT!” He wasn’t nearly as happy that his clothing was ruined. “Rocket! ANY LUCK?!”
There was nothing but cackling in return, which had actually been a good answer since the tension of the situation slowly dissipated from him as he sat up, checking the gun thing in his hand and finally noticing the girl he’d been talking to was right beside him.
“Oh, hey. Didn’t think you were alive. So that’s cool. I’m Peter, by the way.” He held out his free hand, and took her own, but the destruction raining down around them kept her from really returning the favor and giving him her name. From the pocket of his shorts ( which she really could not get over ), he produced a small device - an MP3 player. “This calls for some mood music, yah know?”
She immediately recognized the tune as he put it on.
‘Kiss’ by Prince. A classic.
“If we all get out of here alive, wanna come with? Couldn’t help but notice that whole forlorn doe-eyed look you had going on earlier. We could use a girl on the crew.” It was mind boggling to the Terran that Peter was so calm as glass and splintered wood peppered the air so continuously. This must be a somewhat common occurrence.
“I-...what? That green woman-..”
“Gamora? She’s alright. Bit rough around the edges. Actually, a lot rough around the edges. Did you know she slept with that Iron Dude once? She said he cried.” There was ample snickering on his part, which made up for the complete lack of comprehension on the Terran’s part. “But hey, you should definitely think about it. It’d be fun and nice. We’re cool. I’m the coolest, because I’m the captain. I have my own ship and everything. And music.”
She was just so . . . flabbergasted.
“Peter, I don’t mean to sound rude or anything since we just met, and there’s a lot going on, but are you flirting with me?” Part of her hoped he wasn’t, just because the timing would be so strange - almost too cinematic and cliche.
But a much larger part of her hoped he was.
“I don’t know, maybe?” He spoke as he reloaded his gun thing, or so she assumed. “Is it working? Because if it is, I’m definitely flirting.”
This man wearing shorts that left so little to the imagination and ( what she knew to be ) Old Navy flip flops was being so smooth despite the complete hot mess he made himself look like. The crooked smirk beneath the slightly grown facial hair was the kicker. It was then that the Terran found herself budding a whole new appreciation for the jaded hue and a new take on casual wear.
Before she could answer, the entire bar area fell prey to what had been a nega-space hand grenade, which had instantly condensed the entire bar structure to one single atom before exploding it outward in a grand display of absolute annihilation. But in the wake of something so absolute, there was only silence. Who had lived through that?
The Gliphtrin had scattered after basically being disassembled during the blast, and most of the patrons had been dubiously ( and conveniently ) knocked out as well. It was undoubtedly the crew that Peter had arrived with that were the first to stir from where they’d landed during the fight and subsequent explosion, murmuring curses at both parties involved. It was pertinent that they leave immediately before word of their usual shenanigans got to the Vogons who would almost literally bury them in necessary paperwork.
“That was less than I expected,” the raccoon cackled as he scrambled for the door, Treebeard following with only one arm less than he’d shown up with. “I’m disappointed in kids these days. Ain’t a good fight in the stars.”
“We’re not really looking to fight, Rocket,” the green woman spoke, sheathing a sword that had been hidden away when she’d entered the restaurant. “We’re running out of places we’re not banned from. If we keep this up, we’ll be eating whatever Drax feels like cooking.”
“I make great meals. I don’t know what you’re talking about, making it sound like torture,” the large tattooed man said, flicking what looked to be a finger off his bare shoulder. “If I wanted to actually torture you, it would not be with life-sustaining food.”
“On the bright side, we’re all alive, right?” Peter had gotten up, somehow forgetting the Terran’s existence in the process. Maybe the blast had scrambled his brains a little. “And I know, I know - I say that every time, but I’ll stop saying it when it stops being true.”
They were heading out when they heard a very meek ‘hey’ from the collateral left behind them. When Peter turned to look back at the noise, almost expecting one of the mini-rope monsters egging him on, he could only do that damned crooked smirk again at the site of torn mesh.
The Terran girl.
“Hey, buttercup, you’re alive! Wanna come with?” Even if he’d been unabashedly flirting before in the midst of a firefight, there was still some semblance of sincerity there as he watched her stand, completely ignoring the incredulous looks from his cohorts. “We’re heading to uh . . . I think it’s Gre’qrium next. Right?”
He had to look to those standing around him for confirmation, which he got by way of enthusiastic nods before they began to amble off.
“Whaddya say? I heard it’s got rivers of pearls, incredible food, and a really relaxed policy on clothing.”
“Hell yes, I do,” she answered, more than thankful that her date had stood her up at that god awful restaurant. She started to walk with him towards a teal and orange ship that looked a lot cooler than the pirate ship she’d previously been on. “Wait, what do you mean relaxed policy?”
“It’s a nudist planet,” the green woman answered from inside the ship.
“Oh,” said the Terran. “That’s uh . . .”
“Don’t worry,” Peter said, throwing an arm around the girl in what she hoped was a comforting gesture. “It’s not like they look like us.”
“They look worse,” said the one she assumed was Drax. “Beautiful, but worse.”
“We’ve got a trip ahead of us. Tell me what I’ve missed at home. Clothing optional.”
Peter winked.
Everyone but the Terran rolled their eyes.
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engmjr419 · 4 years
Skipping along the Surface: Exaggeration in the Antebellum Era
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Illustrations from a collection of animal fables, The Public and Private lives of Animals from 1877. Source.
       In the early half of the 19th century, the cities were where you wanted to be. An unexpected number of young people were suddenly packing their humble, rural lives and going to the city in hopes of wealth, social life, and to join the tail end of the industrial revolution.
From the moment people set foot in these utopias of stone and iron, the culture around them shifted. These people were no longer in their small towns where everybody knew everybody else (think Huckleberry Finn) instead they were in large cities, with streets full of bustling strangers (who you could never know every single of as more arrived daily). This caused a massive cultural shift in how people interacted with each other (not unlike our technological age), where people feared each other, the unknown, the stranger.
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An illustration of a New York Street from the book “Nooks and Crannys of Old New York” (1899). Source
Granted, a fear of strangers has always been present, however there is a stark difference between a single carpetbagger (a lovely word I know) entering your small farming town and an entire street being filled with faces you don’t know. This fear of being unable to discern who can be trusted and who cannot from face alone, caused people to turn to Advice manuals, psuedosciences, and become interested in the externality of the human form with daguerreotype (a form of early photography) galleries, the “art” of Minstrelsy, and what the surface of the form tells. This use of Exaggeration of the human form in the 19th century, from Literature to the pseudoscience of Physiognomy to Minstrelsy, served as the surface of underlining societal fears and beliefs.
The term “Exaggeration” typically simply means, as defined by Merriam – Webster “an act or instance of exaggerating something, overstatement of the truth.” However, I will be asking you to, well, exaggerate the meaning a bit, to include any act twists the truth, draw excessive notice to certain aspects to something, or overall, to make a situation seem comedically unrealistic.
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Count Alfred D’Orsay’s 1843 Help Manual on Proper Etiquette, Howe’s 1856 Complete Ball-room Hand Book. Source / Source
        This mass migration of the youth to urban areas caused moralists to worry over how these young middle-class people separated from the “surveillance” of their families, towns, and churches would learn how to “properly” live life. Thus, this issue was solved by dozens of teachers, clergymen, and writers in the 1830s who published numerous manuals for living life, in an endless number of topics, like the ones pictured above. These manuals instructed young readers how to have proper manners, morals, appearance, good habits, along with more specific topics like proper dress, ball room dance, what to eat, when and whom to marry, among all other things (Haltunnen 1).
While some were simple etiquette books other manuals exaggerated the dangers of the city, likely only furthering this fear of strangers. While new arrivals were likely easy targets for what these authors describe as “Confidence Men” who preyed on trust, the descriptions of them and their influence was often fantastical. One manual stated, “The moment the inexperienced youth sets his foot on the sidewalk of the city, he is marked and watched by eyes that he never dreamed of” later on in the same passage, “There is she…who now makes war upon virtue and exults in being a successful recruiting-officer of hell.” (2)
These manuals would use words and phrases like “Seducer” and “Force of Evil” to describe the criminals in the cities, linking them to the devil and hell (as Christianity still held a firm grasp on people). Some even claiming the mere presence of these young people in the city can “corrupt them”:
“Feel as they may, contact with evil it is impossible to avoid. If they walk the streets of the city, or tread the floors of the hall, it is to see the sights, and hear sounds, and be subjected to influences, all of which, gradually and imperceptibly, but surely and permanently, are drawing the lines of deformity on their hearts” (5).
They would twist and exaggerate these conmen into masterful archetypal villains, cloaked in the shadows of the large city buildings. In the antebellum advice literature, the dramatic plot became an “inexperienced young man had just set foot in the city when he is approached by a confidence man seeking to dupe and destroy him” (3). This exaggeration of these conmen simply stood in because of people’s fears about strangers in this era (and their influence), along with the fears people had about being duped and deceptions.
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The Norton Critical Edition Cover for The Confidence-Man. Source
      Herman Melville, famously known for Moby Dick, published a satirical book in 1857 about “Confidence Men” simply titled The Confidence-Man, commenting on people’s fears of these conmen and the general fear of “the other” people held. In this book, nearly every character is questionable regarding their motives, personality, and “truth” as it were, with very little description regarding them beyond appearance. Some characters only characteristic is their appearance, like “the man in the gray suit” who is a supposed charity man, making light of how people constantly questioned the people around them on surface level characteristics. The man in the grey suit makes a plea of charity, of confidence, to a rich man after explaining his dream of a “world-wide” charity fueled by the taxation of the entire globe:
"Eight hundred millions! More than that sum is yearly expended by mankind, not only in vanities, but miseries. Consider that bloody spendthrift, War. And are mankind so stupid, so wicked, that, upon the demonstration of these things they will not, amending their ways, devote their superfluities to blessing the world instead of cursing it? Eight hundred millions! They have not to make it, it is theirs already; they have but to direct it from ill to good.” (The Confidence Man, pg. 61)
The expanse and exaggeration of this scheme was obviously a prodding to the audience, as the man repeats the phrase “Eight Hundred Millions” to draw the listener back in time and time again as they get lost in his words. While this man is purposely left grey, he uses the language help manuals specified to “Confidence Man” later in the book egging a woman on by preying on her religion and morals. “"Entire stranger! …Ah, who would be a stranger? In vain, I wander; no one will have confidence in me… No one can befriend me, who has not confidence” He says, stretching a hand out to the woman in true or mock desperation, exaggerating his words so it seems he has no assistance in the world (despite the fact two other people gave money to him earlier in the book) (68). The book allows a fog to be cast over everybody, the conmen might be a singular conman in costumes, multiple conmen, or not conmen at all, it is up for the reader to decide after all.
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Leonine specimens: Illustration in Giambattista della Porta’s De humana physiognomia (Naples, 1602). Source
      This fear of strangers pushed people to figure out methods of determining who is “malicious” and “conniving” in the streets. What better place to turn than a pseudoscience entirely focused on outer appearance? Physiognomy is a pseudoscience about determining people’s inner characteristics by their outer appearance. It focuses on how people’s heads, features, and sometimes limbs are shaped, sized, and compared with themselves and each other. It is readily apparent why people in the 19th century readily enveloped this, choosing to exaggerate people’s appearance for the sake of satisfaction.
Physiognomy have roots dating back to 500 BC, where “Aristotle wrote that large-headed people were mean, those with small faces were steadfast, broad faces reflected stupidity, and round faces signaled courage”. In the 1600s, the first book regarding Physiognomy was published by Giambattista della Porta, believed to be the “Father” of the psuedoscience. The above illustration is from that book, comparing humans to animals (that one being a rather odd-looking lion), implying shared personalities. He guessed that humans have a “pure essence”, suggesting “that one could deduce an individual’s character from empirical observation of his physical features” (Waldorf).
Various books were published regarding Physiognomy in the 19th century, including Comparative Physiognomy: or, Resemblances Between Men and Animals in 1852 and Portraits of Patients from Surrey County Asylum in 1855. We can see the fascination of Physiognomy continue into the 1900s with books such as Vaught's Practical Character Reader from 1902, and The Physiognomy of Hands from 1917.
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An illustration from Comparative Physiognomy, comparing “Negreos” to the profile of a fish, pg. 171. Source.
     Comparative Physiognomy: or, Resemblances Between Men and Animals thus calls back to the first book of Physiognomy, comparing the human form to that of animals and implying shared traits with an emphasis on nationality. From simply reading the chapter list it becomes obvious there is some racial bias in play (Which comes all too easily to Physiognomy).  Germans, Englishmen, and Prussians are compared to animals representing strength and cunning like lions, bulls, and cats while “Negroes”, Jews, and “Chinamen” are compared to prey and service animals like fishes, goats, and hogs. The book states, “Are not those half-closed, drowsy eyes, as seen in the portrait on the following page, a striking element of Chinese beauty?”  and “The best point in the character of a hog is not a ravenous disposition, but simply a taste for anything and everything—an un-bounded appetite, perfect digestion, and great tendency to grow fat” (Redfield, 167-168).
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An illustration from Comparative Physiognomy comparing a portrait of a woman to that of a hog, pg. 167. Source
In the chapter that compares Africans to the fishes along their coast, the author states an interesting argument:
Catching negroes is akin to fishing, and the caught are stowed away on board vessels like cod-fish and whale oil; and were it not that they resemble fishes, and that there is a feeling of this, and a dim perception of it, the business would be perfectly infernal. There is always something to relieve men from the charge of being devils incarnate, and to place them in a position in which their reformation is not to be despaired of  (81).
James W. Redfield, M.D. (the author of this strange fiction) implies, moreover states, that Physiognomy, the exaggerated dehumanization, enables them to conduct the act of slavery without being condemned in the eyes of god. By dehumanizing the people they are enslaving, comparing them to mere fish on a pole, it enables them to characterize the other. By exaggerating the African form, they enable themselves to follow the beliefs they hold, primarily the act of slavery.
It is curious then that Physiognomy manages to survive to our present day, from the stereotype of the “jewish” nose and exaggeration of African Americans lips, to my mother saying my hands are “piano players hands” to people being described as “mousey” to the term “stuck-up” which comes from Physiognomy thinking.
          Various works of the time touched on the topic of Physiognomy either by using the pseudo-science, either seriously or satirically, reversing it as means of discussion, or using it as a means to explore identity. We return to our friend Herman Melville, as he forces the reader to use Physiognomy to decern people, primarily a character called “Black Guinea”. “Black Guinea” is described as “cut down to the stature of a Newfoundland dog; his knotted black fleece and good-natured, honest black face rubbing against the upper part of people's thighs” he later is continually being described as having a “Newfoundland-dog face”. This use by Melville is both a racial and Physiognomy comment, as “Black Guinea” is first treated as if he literally were a dog and later he is considered a conmen, a white man in black makeup (Melville, 13-25).
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Lydia Maria Child in her older years. Source.
Lydia Maria Child, known for her skills at letter-writing and endeavors for racial justice, fights this pseudoscience by stating the “incongruities” plain in life. Child writes to an unknown, probably nonexistent, recipient about a Scotsman she met:
“A regular Sawney, with tartan plaid and bag-pipe. And where do you guess he most frequently plies his poetic trade? Why, in the slaughter house!...There, if you are curious to witness congruities, you may almost any day see grunting pigs or bleating lambs, with throats cut to the tune of  Highland Mary, or Bonny Doon, or Lochaber No More.”
Alongside this, she talks about a sea captain, “Few have interested me more strongly than an old sea captain, who needed only sir Walter’s education…his familiarity with legendary lore, to make him, too, a poet and romancer” (Child, 58). By revealing these incongruities in life, she breaks this simplicity Physiognomy attempts to create, by showing a Scotsman playing beautifully in a place of slaughter, and a sea captain as a poet, a romancer of the masses (a slight jab at “Confidence  Men” as well).
Walt Whitman, a poet famously attributed as creating the modern poem, also comments on Physiognomy. In his poem Faces he has lines “Do you suppose I could be content with all if I thought them their own finalé (truth)?” and “This face is a dog’s snout sniffling for garbage. Snakes nest in that mouth, I fear the sibilant threat” And later in, a whole stanza criticizing judging people from the surface:
“I saw the face of the most smear’d and slobbering idiot they had at the asylum,
And I knew for my consolation what they knew not,
I knew of the agents that emptied and broke my brother,
The same wait to clear the rubbish from the fallen tenement,
And I shall look again in a score or two of ages,
And I shall meet the real landlord perfect and unharm’d,
Every inch as good as myself” (The Portable Walt Whitman, 103-105).
Whitman argues that the exaggeration and focus on the human outer form, does not truly state the complexities a human has reducing them to, as he says, a “smear’d and slobbering idiot”. He says you cannot be content if you simply took people at face value, quite literally in this context.
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An advertisement for the Virginia Minstrels, a pioneer minstrel show company from 1843. Source.
       Finally, exaggeration of the human form in this era is blatantly seen in the tradition of Minstrel shows, otherwise called Minstrelsy. Minstrelsy in the basic sense was white men in blackface, performing the enslaved African Americans dances and songs in an exaggerated caricature. Popular performers of this style were Jim Crow and Tom Rice (jokes on African Americans skin color and occupations). Minstrel shows were popular from the early 19th century, reaching its high point in the years 1850 to 1870. The advertisement above is from one of the most popular and pioneer minstrel groups, the Virginia Minstrels (“Minstrel Show”). This tradition typically had the performers exaggerating their lips and nose, performing a form of theatrical physiognomy.
Again, we return to our friend “Black Guinea” from Melville’s Novel, The Confidence-Man. A part of “Black Guinea’s” implied con is that he is accused of being a white man in black face. “He's some white operator, betwisted and painted up for a decoy. He and his friends are all humbugs” states a man with a wooden leg (Melville, 18). Prior to this, “Black Guinea” is acting extremely exaggerated as these minstrels would be, stating he lives “On der floor of der good baker's oven, sar” then reveals that the baker is the sun, and crawling around like a dog as stated previously. Additionally, he performs a popular minstrel act that readers in the era would know,
“Still shuffling among the crowd, now and then he would pause, throwing back his head and, opening his mouth like an elephant for tossed apples at a menagerie; when, making a space before him, people would have a bout at a strange sort of pitch-penny game, the cripple's mouth being at once target and purse, and he hailing each expertly-caught copper with a cracked bravura from his tambourine” (15)
This exaggeration is used to further cloud what “Black Guinea” really is, is he a crippled black man exaggerating his identity for the sake of the white crowd, or is he a white man in black face performing the illusion of blackness in exaggeration? The book never tells for sure.
      Exaggeration in art has, is, and will always be a part of the process. As humans focus on certain aspects, those aspects get enlarged, spotlighted, exaggerated to the point their impossible to ignore. These exaggerations can reveal concerns and beliefs of that society, from the Antebellum help manuals fears of young getting conned, to Melville’s pessimistic satire on way people interacted, to cartoons depicting grown men as cowering children, to comparing humans to fish, to the overtly racist acts of Minstrel shows. These over-the-top, fantastical views of the world reveal to us, in the present, the society’s deepest beliefs and fears of the new age.
It is peculiar then how some of the Antebellum era manages to reflect our own, from the polarized political state, to the discussions of race as unanswered, silenced minorities seek a voice, to the new era of interaction we have over the metaphorical city of the internet.  I may be making yet another exaggeration to add on top of the ones I have already shown. What can I say but, it is just another skipping stone along the surface of our culture.
Works Cited
Child, Lydia Maria. “Letters from New-York”. 1841. Pg. 58.
Halttunen, Karen. “Confidence Men and Painted Women : A Study of Middle Class Culture in America, 1830-1870.” 1982, pg. 1-5.
Melville, Herman. “The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade.” 1857. Pgs. 13-25, 61, 68.
“Minstrel Show”. Encyclopædia Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, September 2nd, 2020. https://www.britannica.com/art/minstrel-show
Redfield, James W. M.D., “Comparative Physiognomy or Resemblances between Men and Animals.” 1852, pgs. 81, 167-168.
Waldorf, Sarah. “Physiognomy, The Beautiful Psuedoscience.” The Iris, October 8th, 2012. https://blogs.getty.edu/iris/physiognomy-the-beautiful-pseudoscience/
Whitman, Walt. “The Portable Walt Whitman.” Edited by Michael Warner, December 30th, 2003. Pgs. 103-105.
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
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cortezgrier017-blog · 6 years
The History Of Tooth paste And Floss.
Ancient bucketsThe earliest pictures from these beneficial items are located on carvings dating from around 3200 BC, which show the Pharaoh Narmer along with a servant bring a container. It was actually in the course of medieval opportunities that the concept of eating together while constructed at dining room dining tables stemmed. The thinkers that are going to help us with these troubling however never prophetic opportunities are going to be those which educate us ways to discern undesirable realities in the midst of dilemmas as well as how to show each vigilance as well as slick. Nonetheless a lot of chroniclers have actually confirmed that the trick signs of prediction are actually relatively more mature going back to the early opportunities from individual creating.
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The old Roman historian Pliny was therefore relocated by emerald green's rich colour he wrote, absolutely nothing is actually much more rigorous compared to the dark-green from emerald and sight is actually freshened and also repaired through gazing upon this rock Observing his encourage, Roman king Nero used emerald sunglasses to watch the gladiators. Weeds have been actually made use of because early times to treat weaknesses and also disorders which impede regular method of obtaining construction in a guy. In the course of one of the early Classical durations, there is actually a record of the hair being short, chin-length and also curly. As necessary, the Universal Thoughts is the communicator to the Universal Soul, which consequently obtains Words. In historical times, dining tables were actually created off various materials and also in unique concepts off today: for instance the Egyptians utilized timber or stone and their tables were actually fashioned like platforms, whereas the Assyrians used metal. Series students photographs or even on the internet recreations of wall art works coming from ancient people that explain facets from life as this was lived in old opportunities. Tribe tattoo concepts have actually continued to be prominent throughout the ages, ever since they wased initially utilized in the early opportunities. The historical Sumerians, among the earliest human beings which decorated feet with wristlets, wore ankle chains as an indicator for riches of her spouse. I am actually certainly not visiting point out a lot more listed below, apart from that this publication gones on my (very brief) listing from ultimate must-reads for anybody that wants devoutness and our roots. In ancient opportunities that was necessary to get rid of bacteria and lice off the heads from people making use of the hairbrush. Over recent millennia there were numerous strategies from clairvoyancy carried out through people from ancient opportunities in addition to astrology, which was actually at first crafted for this was the first offered automobile or even means of divination utilized through our ancient ancestors. Repeated pronouncing of a label possesses an influence on skills, attributes, as well as understandings, as well as interaction type. In historical opportunities bouquets made from garlic and also various other sweet-smelling weeds were actually carried by new brides to thwart bogeys to always keep the bride secure on the day of her wedding ceremony. It is realized that there could be troubles in properly translating a word or even suggestion. Today, modern-day opportunities have a bunch of choices when it relates to the differing approaches in astrology. Movie theater as we understand this today has its origins in historical Greece, where misfortune as well as dramatization played to swelling crowds. The 'somewhat modern-day' from the historical Classical hairstyles consisted of 'kinking' - a style where surges were actually produced in the hair, utilizing a curling iron. Oenophiles may be without the vocabulary to illustrate it, yet an archaeological drug store is actually certain residues he located on 9,000-year-old pottery shards from the historical Chinese village of Jiahu are off the planet's 1st fermented refreshment. German's nevertheless could invert common syntactic arrangement, beginning a sentence along with various other option from words. This bar-code amount lets you confirm that you're receiving precisely the ideal model or version from a publication. As demand is actually the word that steers all service, the garments organisation is also viewing a boosted demand for organically refined cotton materials compared to chemically refined ones. The only variation along with the ancient glass bottles and the modern glass bottles remains in its style. The best current is actually For Sales Benefit Meditate by Vincent J. Daczynski (offered through ). This manual is about encouraging salesmen outward themselves. In Old Greek and also Rome both the couple put on crowns around their back. If one phrase is shouted in a step-by-step fashion trend, tunefully and also with correct rhythm in metrical gauge continually, a cyclic activity is created. She also described dressings for other flies used at numerous times from the year. The Old human being from Egypt started with the South American's relationship with an early African leader named Kufu for whom they created the very first pyramid in Africa.andnbsp; Consistently trying to find far better agrarian property, the Ancient Egyptians laid out to discover a andquot; land of richesandquot; as well as found that in the Middle East. If you browse, you will certainly discover that quite a few furnishings or on the web establishment, with early Classical products as their forte could supply you with these dazzling decor objects. The 1994-1996 battle in Chechnya emphasizes historical accuracies to which policymakers and pundits typically could not accept. Folks connect along with each other on a daily basis, as well as a lot of opportunities this is because one person needs something from the various other. They are straight successors of the general pedestal type tables which were so well-liked in the historical times. Marble sculptures, especially water fountain figures in ancient Rome, usually had their content from folklore or one thing along with specific reference to the proprietor from your house. They possess effective natural herbs as components in all of them, like Ashwagandha as well as Shilajit, which have actually been used because historical times to remedy numerous sexual concerns. You will certainly penalized early scarabs, feline satues, amounts, mummybeads, necklaces, all type of jewelry. Over masturbation is among the major explanations triggering Wet Dreams When a man masturbates really often like various times during the course of a day, then the male body organ carries out not get enough remainder in between successive masturbating treatments, triggering this in order to get worried. The historical Greeks and also Romans felt they were tears of the Gods and splinters coming from brokening celebrities.
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Couple Shirt Design
Marc Anthony Crewe, and his child, Marc Lewis Crewe, flaunt the first drawing that the senior Crewe carefully controlled to make a Couple Shirt plan. We convey distinctive items like, packs , shirts , wallets , couple shirts , dresses , divider stickers , underwear and that's just the beginning. Almamater gives you the stage on which you can make and furthermore change the outline on the round neck tee, hoodies or neckline tees. Custom tee shirts are additionally prominent for intramural outfits and presents for companions and family. They're the long lasting New Yorkers set for allow their neighbors to wear their pride on their sleeve. Insofar as you are wearing a couple of expansive dark mouse ears on your head you can be as great or imaginative as you need.
An intense and particular touch for your easygoing closet, these Mickey Mouse all-over print shorts have a vintage vibe that will keep your day looks new. Continuously email us first with the points of interest of your request and we will send you directions on the best way to trade the Couple Shirt (It ought to be unused and unworn). Prime individuals appreciate Free Two-Day Delivery, Free Same-Day Delivery to Toronto and Vancouver, Twitch Prime, Amazon Originals, early access to bargains, and boundless photograph stockpiling. Or, on the other hand regardless of the possibility that you are excessively vocal, your cherished may need, making it impossible to hear it again and again and couple shirts can bring those affection confirmations. Switch your straightforward investigate a lively one with these powerful choices of Mickey T-shirts at Myntra.
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With a specific end goal to be more financially savvy - and remain genuine their neighborhood roots - Mailman knew she would need to figure out how to screen-print Couple Shirt at home. He said they initially began making dedication shirts for Luke Tamatea, a Kiwi corporal who passed on in 2012 when the Humvee he was going in hit a 20kg roadside ad libbed touchy gadget. The weaving isn't flawless however that is obviously with the shabby cost, and isn't that discernible unless you get nearer to it. The fit is precisely similar to pictures for me (5'2'', XS) Definitely a decent fundamental tee to have! We got this shirts for a Mickey themed birthday party and as general Disney darlings.
The hoodies accompany twofold fixed hoods together with shading coordinating are strongly imprinted on the front favor the crowns gorgeously imprinted on the highest point of the principal letters of the words ruler and hoodies have spandex base front parts of the hoodies have front pocket pockets. Andrea I had a similar thing the first I put in the dryer drained onto the back of the shirt. Cool and agreeable in unadulterated cotton, these shorts night wear from Disney include a brilliant I Heart LA trademark on the front with a trademark Mickey Mouse theme. I got it for myself bc i like larger than average Couple Shirt and this one was plain and basic. Postings keep the family occupied - from testing new formulas for occasion treats to outlining and building coasts for an area parade to making texture moves to hold colored pencils to making themed parties. You can watch that couples who are partial to wearing a similar shirts are absolutely pleased and glad to have each other.
I generally get a turtleneck, shirt, and scoop neck long sleeve of white, dark, and darker (which looks more like a dim). Is Cebu's Biggest, Southern Philippines' Most Active, and the Philippines' Strongest Online Community! Mickey Mouse has loads of companions and in case you're a similar then look at these fun ensemble thoughts! Measuring: sizes accessible in stock are womens tank tops s-xl, womens tee shirts s-xl, mens tank tops s-3xl, mens tee Couple Shirt s-3xl these run consistent with size. There are couple shirt plans that come inadequate without seeing the other half.
The outline is made in artist and prepared to be utilized as a part of any idea, can fit to sites, shirts or any plan classification. Give the characters a chance to wake up as you wear the retro Mickey T-shirt for a cappuccino date at a bistro. I cherish that the Minnie Couple Shirt configuration has red and white polka spots for the letters. We give you an easy to use modifying stage so you can without much of a stretch and flawlessly redo your couple shirts and make your shopping worth at Give us delight to treat you better with coordinating couple tees on sensible value extend and simple installment to our quick conveyance administrations.
On the off chance that an ensemble doesn't rush to assemble, we aren't sprucing up. I have some good times shirt ensembles for couples that can be put together rapidly and worn with pants. Keep in mind to leave a remark beneath with respect to your considerations on the gathering and on which couple shirt thought was your top pick. Along these lines, simply ahead and show your commitment toward your most loved character and purchase Mickey Couple Shirt from Myntra. Everybody adores Disney and this retro Mickey Mouse shirt is ideal for dressed down days.
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Maybe the main thing that they like more are determinations like our at Ask Me About My Ninja Disguise flip-up shirt. At Almamater the route stream of planning your own particular shirt is stacked with many elements contrasted with whatever other customized shirts sites. White cotton T-shirt from Philipp Plein including a group neck, short sleeves, a free fit, a straight trim, gemstone embellishments and a dark Mickey Mouse print to the front. These shirts have a low neckline and have a windy and easygoing vibe about them, making them the ideal party or excursion wear. Get Couple Shirt from the greater part of your more distant family to make a unique memory sew for grandparents! A Beautiful vector T-shirt plan, the thought is a wavy worm flying out of an apple.
The couple required something to help them pay the bills that were heaping up. Flute player had seen T-shirts sold as an effective raising support thing, so she thought they ought to try it out. I cherish the shirt even is somewhat tight and I am utilized to looses shirts is excellent and the photo dazzling and ideal for Addams Family fans :). Mickey is outlined in his great posture for a striking pop craftsmanship print on this sheer, sleeveless form tee for ladies with light scoop neck. While couple outfits are the standard in Asia, I can't resist the urge to take a gander at this pattern from my American viewpoint. Estimating: sizes accessible in stock are womens tank and tee Couple Shirt xs-xl, mens tank and tee shirt xs-xxl these run consistent with size. Organizations can arrange logo outline, web architecture and more through Sribu and get 100+ plan decisions in under 7 days.
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