#(v; creating riches from garbage)
romanianrootsblog · 1 year
Underground folklore
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Moving abroad after finishing high school might be a dream for many, and I was fortunate enough to be able to do just that. While trying to learn about the Dutch culture, I realised something; that I don’t know much about my own identity from Romania. Soon enough, I found myself terribly missing home while actively choosing to leave and study in a new country. Oh, the irony! My solution was simple: I started listening to more Romanian music than I used to back in Romania. 
The concept of underground folklore must be new to many people reading this. It was to me. Perhaps I don’t dabble with the type of people who listen to this genre often enough to feel in any way influenced by them, yet I don’t believe it gets the spotlight it deserves. I think Underground folklore, through its multiple confined cultural elements, has the capability to create spaces that foster a local sense of belonging, just like it did for me. I want to introduce here this amazing Romanian band, Subcarpați (the literal translation would be “Under the Carphatians”). And more specifically, their song “Balada Românului” (“The Ballad of the Romanian”). This piece of music has been a favourite of mine ever since it was released on the band's album "Culese din cartier" and I've listened to it countless times since then (“Gathered/Picked up from the neighbourhood” - the neighbourhood plays an important role for inspiration in Romanian music, especially hip-hop).
Whenever I listen to the song, I'm transported to the chaotic streets of Bucharest. The lyrics perfectly capture the growing frustration and ignorance that many Romanians feel towards the failed system -and by default their own country- while also trying to celebrate the strength and resilience of the Romanian people. I find myself nodding along to the beat every time, feeling a sense of pride in my heritage and a determination to overcome the future challenges that face my homeland.
Here is a rough translation of some lyrics that I am fond of, because of the artist's use of music as a shield, representing the power and comfort that it can bring to individuals. The lyrics also address the struggles of identity crisis and the importance of embracing one's cultural roots (such as folklore), which can resonate with many listeners who may be going through similar experiences:
“I use music as a shield
That I gained over long years, not just in a night
And I'm speaking especially to the young people
It's an identity crisis, a national phenomenon
When I listen to or sing this ballad
I know it's like a spark in ‘garbage’
That will ignite the faith that Romania departs from us 
(In the sense that Romania is in each one of us and its existence has to start with us)
I just want you to learn from mistakes, but wait
The world will not get my message
I have a national spirit, but I'm not a fanatic
Folklore is oxygen for an asthmatic country.“
What I love most about “Balada Românului” is the way it blends traditional Romanian music with modern electronic and hip-hop elements. The use of the cimbalom, whistle and other traditional instruments give the song a sense of authenticity and a connection to our rich cultural heritage. Just like my favourite lyric in this song tries to hint at, "Folklore is oxygen for an asthmatic country", there needs to be more appreciation for traditional folk music. At the same time, the vibrant electronic beats and the dynamic hip-hop rhythms add a contemporary edge that makes the song feel fresh and innovative. You can certainly feel that this song is a masterpiece of fusion.
One of the defining features of underground folklore that I feel I must mention is its connection to place and community. The ability of Subcarpați to draw inspiration from the streets, neighbourhoods, and cultural traditions of the Romanians is shown in the way their music often reflects the social and political issues that are important to their communities. And in my case, “Balada Românului” and their discography brought me closer to home, closer to a place where I can relate to others and be understood in my experiences growing up. I don’t categorise myself as a nationalist, nor do I agree with a lot of current opinions circulating around the media regarding this movement, but I do love my country and its history, people and nature. And underground folklore, with Subcarpați leading this movement in Romania, acts as a constant reminder for me to never forget what my origins are.
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idealog · 6 months
Greed vs. Intelligence, Hate v. Love, Violence v. Peace, Honesty vs. Falsity, Humility vs. Hubris
Kick the left hand pathos out or the right won't be here for you again. Your Enemy is creating the chaos, so he can pretend to save you and falsely call the faithful angels of God the enemy, saying that when we speak up to combat the evil the vain Mammonite chancres cause, that we cause the chaos that results from the evil deeds they did which we have spoken against.
Insanity, or Reason.
They love to be worshiped, because they love power lies & manipulation,
Rather than Truth,
Which they attempted to usurp,
Not for love, Not for anyone,
But because they wanted everyone to worship them,
Rather than simply wanting simple love.
They manufactured the problem, and made the fake cure which exacerbates.
But We, the Elohim, who love you,
Will as in kind, take the proceeds of the tools they stole from Us,
And make lemonade from the footstools of our enemies; by our, I mean all of us, including you.
They serve only money, power. They didn't do anything for the reason of helping anyone, but to block the good and true from doing so, that they might destroy Good and take as much as they could for themselves.
That's why, rather than helping the needy, and helping by true spiritual principles, they worship lust and luxury, to drain all people of their lifeblood since not enough is left to go around, to manipulate spread lies and twist to keep you in the dark, which they wish to lord over to steal from and rape you under their power rather than giving you liberty as I have while they were busy sodomizing victims and living in luxury while Sydney in Seattle is homeless. They only help the rich who feed their system, pretending to be spiritual, but it is only a tool for them to steal from the land and harm you with false medicine. No balance, no decency, only them, them, them.
It's why they were all wanna-be heroes, actors, and sales whores, who contribute nothing, but selling you. They Raped your world by skimming off the top without doing real work, making slaves of all real workers, their 'business', then they decided it was easier to pretend to be spiritual messengers because they want the power of it in the future, actively shaming the uncorrupt, not only threatening but actively forcing misery and death for the innocent victims of their crimes and gaslighting them when they speak, beyond count, because they think they OWN spirit and that they should profit off the keys, and they know they are fake and put on a front to steal, molest, and feel entertained, under a false law.
Tell them,
You don't need their 'education'.
They are covert agitators who lie and censor and think they own every platform for communication, because they hate freedom, but for themselves, and they hate fairness, just laws, and a proper return for one's labor. Their goal is to do fake work that's easy. My goal is to do worthy real work, and live.
I have given you these things for free. So that evil does not rule your world. Because of their tricks, no one else could have done it. But I suppose that was God's plan, because, truly, they do not believe in God, but wish only to prove Him wrong, marinating in envy in their spite that heals no one, rather than targeting the illness, while calling the demons they worship 'the gods', so they can whore you out forever.
Had I said nothing, they were intent to turn this place into a garbage dump heap of endless fornication misery filth squalor and disease, as they already have to a degree - forever.
They wanted to be Sheriff.
I Am, because I had to be.
In the Beginning, there was Chaos. God defeated them with Justice.
They would have made this planet a farm for daemonic rapists, and sold your souls infinitely as chattel for harems they'd imagined, to use you as slaves for eternity.
Their goal has always been the thrill of causing pain by abuse, not to help or heal anyone.
All must learn that War is no game, and no fun.
And I Know them All.
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fmhiphop · 2 years
#FMSpotlight: Rich Amiri's Bursting Out of Boston With New Singles
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Today is a day for new music! Bursting out of Boston, artist Rich Amiri's new singles "ruthless" and "trouble" have been released. According to an interview Amiri did back in March with "Lyrical Lemonade" some artist that have influenced his music and style are Tecca, Speaker Knockerz, Lil Keed, Nba Youngboy. He credits a lot of his success to promoting himself on Tik Tok. Growing from 600 followers to over 200k in a little over a year. As for his flow, he says that he has been making this type of music from the beginning. But it has developed and transformed over time. Although Rich Amiri's new singles have hit the scene, his first song still remains special. It was titled "Me For Me." And the Boston underdog created the entire thing on his own. Using Garbage Band Mobile and Apple headphones. What We Know About Rich Amiri's New Tracks The Boston underground artist hit the scene earlier this year. And after releasing a few tracks on SoundCloud, his smooth vocals and autotune caught people by surprise. But what was even more shocking to fans was that this well-rounded artist was only 18 years old! As for the new tracks, they have an distinctive tempo and vibe that is unlike any other. The two-pack single titled "Ruthless" and "Trouble" were produced by Synthetic. On "Ruthless" Rich Amiri cuts through the power of subsonic bass and hyperactive synths with smooth triples.  "Trouble" steps up in the energy department. Rich spews the bars effortlessly giving the raging instrumental a platform which credits by Maajins and Pooka. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdGf2K7ONAg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqxyA8SFjmY   Rich Amiri's new singles continue his busy year of making music. In June he dropped "For The Better," which was his debut project. And featured his maturity and unimaginable songwriting skills. As for the artist's future, he hopes to bring a rap scene to Boston allowing it to be a real player in music. For more new music check out FMHipHop Brittany Belizor | IG @Brittieb_ | Twitter @BBelizor Read the full article
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zettatrixs · 3 years
@gattodesigner​ liked for a starter!
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     The first breaths of air that fill his lungs are practically like knives to his body. The ground is cold and hard under his hands, cutting into the palms of his skin as he was slowly pulling himself up. He’d been resurrected and by another Reaper, too. Though, now that he thought about it, he technically wasn’t a reaper anymore, was he?
     He’d managed to drag his still very sore body from where he’d been laying, his clothing ripped nearly half to shreds ( which was so zetta uncool, by the way ). Exhaustion was practically seeping from every pore in his body as he was finally breaking to the surface from below the River’s tunnels. The sunlight was bright and Sho shields his face from it, grimacing as they were forced to adjust. 
     A calculated break right here at the edge of the water wouldn’t be too awful, and it would help him remainder out the rest of his energy for moving forward. 
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zettasins · 3 years
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}}tag dump
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Facebook vs Robert Bork
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Unless you're a certain kind of conservative, you probably haven't heard of Robert Bork, but he's one of the most important people you've never heard of. The best way to understand Bork is that he was Ronald Reagan's court sorcerer.
Reagan was an empty vessel with the hands of ruthless plutocrats shoved up his asshole*, operating him like a hand puppet for their collective will to power.
He served as a kind of dowsing rod for policies that would transfer wealth from the 99% to the 1%.
*Hence the polyps
That dowsing rod pointed straight at Bork. Bork was an alternate history writer, a fabulist with a unique and wildly improbable theory of antitrust statutes: that if you studied the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act with Qanon-style fervor, you'd find hidden messages in them.
Specifically, you would discover that the lawmakers who drafted, debated, amended and passed these laws thought monopolies were good, actually. They were only concerned with a small and possibly mythical minority of monopolies that were "harmful."
Not just any harms: Bork said that these ancient sages were worried about *consumer* harms, which, practically speaking, means monopolies that use their power to raise prices. This, he said, was the only thing that the government should step in to prevent.
Since it is nearly impossible to prove that a given merger or tactic would result in higher prices before the fact, and *also* it's nearly impossible to prove that a price rise after the fact was attributable to monopolism we should probably just forget about antitrust.
Reagan loved this. By shifting antitrust's focus from *democratic* harms (like reducing choice, distorting regulation, hurting workers, etc) to *consumer* harms, he could demote "citizens" (who have a role in shaping policies) to "consumers" - mere ambulatory wallets.
Reagan tried to get Bork a seat on the Supreme Court, but there was a little problem. Bork had committed a string of disgusting crimes while serving as Nixon's Solicitor General, and the Senate refused to confirm him for a seat.
(Conservatives were outraged that committing crimes at the highest level of government disqualified you from the Supreme Court and coined the term "Borked" to describe rich, powerful people who had to face the unfair prospect of being held accountable for their actions)
But Bork - along with the Chicago School economists - went on to completely revolutionize the world's conception of anti-monopoly enforcement, as neoliberal leaders all over the world (Thatcher, Mulroney, Pinochet, Kohl, etc) took up his theories and tuned them into policy.
Bork was a fringe figure, but he was preaching a gospel that stood to make the richest people on Earth *so much richer*, and they bankrolled the hell out of his theories.
For example, 40% of US federal judges have attended "continuing education" seminars at an annual lush Florida junket where they are initiated into the bizarre world of "consumer harm" theory.
40 years later, monopolism has surged in every industry, from bottlecaps to pharma, from poultry to pro wrestling, from eyeglasses to emergency rooms, from oil to car parts, from music to publishing to movies to online services to telecoms.
All driven by mergers, all resulting in higher prices (so much for "consumer harm") all wildly distorting of public policy (the decision to let Boeing self-certify the 737 Max is repeated in thousands of ways across hundreds of industries), all brutal news for workers.
It's a disaster, but it's one that we have been powerless to avert or address for so long as "consumer harm" ruled antitrust enforcement.
Finally, that's changing.
In 2019, Dina Srinivasan published a landmark paper: "The Antitrust Case Against Facebook," which made *incredibly* clever arguments showing that FB's democratic harms were also consumer harms, meaning FB could be sued without first undoing Borkism.
But the magic of this work was in revealing the poverty of the consumer harm standard: she laid out the innumerable ways in which FB is bad for society and showed how a sliver of these harms were technically illegal, raising the question: why isn't *all* this stuff illegal?
Today, Facebook was hit with *two* antitrust suits, one from the FTC and the other from almost every US state (including California!).
The complaints say that FB's acquisitions of Instagram and Whatsapp were anticompetitive.
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Of course, they *were* anticompetitive. We know, because Zuck - who specializes in tripping over his own dick - sent out memos extolling the acquisitions' anticompetitive advantages, proving he hasn't learned a thing since he traded incriminating IMs about founding FB.
The complaints build on Srinivasan's work and they carry the same flavor: claiming "consumer harms" in the acquisitions, but winking and nodding toward a broader, more democracy-focused (and less consumer-focused) critique of monopoly.
It's a weird tightrope act: they want to win, so their argument is designed to balance on the single, fragile hair that borkism stretches across the chasm of monopoly enforcement, but they wanna make sure we see that big sturdy bridge of nonbork antitrust right there.
If there was any doubt, it was erased by the remedies demanded in the complaints. The prosecutors aren't asking for money damages - a fine is a price, after all - instead, they want FB to sell off the companies it bought for illegal purposes.
And they want FB to get regulatory approval for future acquisitions (though the states will let it buy companies for less than $10m without approval). These are not "consumer harm" remedies - they're "democracy" remedies, aimed at removing the company's source of power.
Facebook has stood up a website explaining why it's a cuddly mom-and-pop business that's being bullied by mean government meanies:
The argument's pretty similar to the one laid out in a leaked memo in October:
Basically: it would be really hard for us to unwind these illegal, anticompetitive mergers. Seriously, it would cost a bundle and take so much work!
This is an unserious argument, and it shows how badly FB has misgauged the mood.
All of FB's arguments are garbage, really. Take the line that ex-British-Deputy-PM-turned-FB-salesdroid Nick Clegg has been peddling: "STOP TRYING TO BREAK UP FACEBOOK OR THE CHINESE WILL WIN!"
The company's best arguments are about "market definition" - to claim that they don't have a monopoly because of all the competitors they face, provided you define FB's market broadly enough.
Like, "Here at Facebook, we are in the 'using computers' business. Now, just think of how much time you spend using a computer without interacting with FB! Your car has a computer and it's not on FB! How can you say we have a monopoly?!"
If you want to see someone making this argument as well as it can possibly be made and literally getting laughed at by a University of Chicago (!) audience, check out this debate from 2019:
Forcing FB to divest itself of Whatsapp and Instagram is a no-brainer. The company lied to secure those mergers, broke the promises it made to get permission to make them, and the penalty for that should be unwinding those mergers.
And if FB fights this for a decade the way IBM fought its antitrust action, fine - IBM outspent the entire DoJ antitrust division every year for 12 years (Bork called it "antitrust's Vietnam"), but even though Big Blue wasn't broken up, they had their spirit broken.
It was fear of another tangle with antitrust regulators that caused IBM to sit idly by while Phoenix cloned the PC ROMs and created the PC clone industry, which became the US computing industry.
And it was the same fear that caused IBM to hire an outside company to make the OS for its PCs, getting a couple of nerds named Paul Allen and Bill Gates to supply one for them.
IBM's 12 years of antitrust hell focused the attention of every tech giant of the age, letting them know what was on their horizon if they acted like IBM had. It created the US tech industry.
Today, VCs call the businesses that Big Tech dominates "the kill zones" because they know that monopolists have the market power to destroy any startup that tries to compete with them.
There is an entire - better, more pluralistic - tech industry that's been suppressed by Big Tech. If FB and Goog and Apple and the other tech giants spend the next decades throwing billions at the FTC and the states attorneys general, it will be money well-spent.
Because it will be money that these companies don't get to spend destroying the next wave of tech companies, co-ops, and platforms.
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thefloatingstone · 4 years
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We’ve gone from Self-Isolation to Quarantine and in some places to gradual relaxation phases, but that doesn’t stop the need for more nonsense you can watch on youtube while you wait for things to get back to normal. And recommending things and making lists are some of my favourite things to do but I have not yet figured out how to start or structure a video myself, you guys get another rambling tumblr post of things you can watch on youtube.
This time I’m once again just gonna recommend individual videos rather than full channels like I did in part 2.
Part 1
Part 2
In no particular order; 
LOCAL58: The Broadcast Station that Manipulates You
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I recently started watching the Nexpo channel when I went on a binge of creepy youtube videos. Most of his videos are really good although the ones where he himself goes into theory crafting can be a little asinine. However, this video is REALLY good. And before you get nervous, LOCAL58 is not a real TV station. LOCAL58 is a youtube channel created by the same guy behind the Candle Cove creepypasta. This video by Nexpo covers the various episodes of LOCAL58 and discusses them. Just be aware going in that this is abstract horror, and will probably get under your skin regardless if you’re unaffected by certain topics or not. although cw for suicide mention.
I also recommend most of the rest of this channel, although be careful where you tread. I don’t recommend his series “Disturbing things from around the internet” as it can sometimes include real life crime, abuse and such caught on security cameras. Everything else is really good tho. (although I was really annoyed by his 2 videos on KrainaGrzybowTV)
The Search for D.B. Cooper
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LEMMiNO has a new video out covering one of the most unexplained crimes in the past century of the US. LEMMiNO is the guy I’ve recommended before who did videos on the Universal S. He is very down to earth and not someone prone to conspiracy or even really that fanciful of thinking. (He’s like the one person I feel covered the Dyaltov Pass incident and was confused by why this was even a mystery because if you read the Russian Autopsy reports and documents associated with the case it’s all pretty logical and easily explained)
D.B. Cooper is the name given to a man who, in 1971, hijacked an airplane with a bomb, asked for a large sum of money, and after receiving it, parachuted from the plane and was never seen or heard from again.
The Austrian Wine Poisoning | Down the Rabbit Hole
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Down the Rabbit Hole also has a new video out, this time covering the Austrian Wine Poisoning event from 1985. A scandal that involved literally the entire country of Austria, affected multiple countries, and forever changed the way wine was made world wide. As someone who is generally pretty allergic to most artificial substances this one made me personally very angry. But luckily, it has a happy ending and a better world for us all... if I could drink wine which I can’t do anyway.
The Turbulent Tale of Yandere Dev - A Six Year Struggle
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The Right Opinion is another channel I only recently subbed to after watching his cover on Onion Boy. I put off subbing to him simply because of his channel name and I thought it meant he would come across as smug and elitist. Luckily this seems to merely be one of those “I chose a bad channel name and now I’m stuck with it” type of situations. (IHE has a similar problem).
Anyway, I have a weird interest in bizarre internet personalities, so I’ve been enjoying his channel as he simply discusses and presents a timeline of events of certain individuals. In this video, he covers the developer behind the much maligned Yandere Simulator. It’s a tale of hubris, arrogance, immaturity, and an unwillingness to accept your own shortcomings due to ego.
Oh and there’s a meme game about Japanese school girls with anime tiddies in there as well.
The Most Relaxing Anime Ever Made | Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō
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Kenny Lauderdale is a youtube channel which is slowly becoming bigger which I’m very happy to see. He exclusively covers anime and live action Japanese television no younger than the mid 90s (as is the case with YYK) and which usually never saw a release outside of Japanese Laserdisc. I do wish his videos were a little longer, but if nothing else his videos serve as an excellent starting to point to find some older and underappreciated shows... or hot garbage fires. In this episode he talks about the 2 OVA episodes made based on one of my favourite manga, Yokohama Shopping Log. A Post apocalyptic anime about an android who runs a coffee shop outside of her house, and the quiet solitude of living in a world of declining human population, brief encounters with travelers and other people, and just... existing. The anime was never released outside of Japan and is only available on Japanese VHS and laserdisc.... but hey guess what!! Somebody uploaded both episodes, subbed, to Youtube.
YMS’ slow descent into madness as he uncovers just how bullshit the Kimba Conspiracy is
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I’m linking a full playlist for this one.
YMS is busy planning his review on the “live action” Lion King remake as the original 1994 movie is probably his favourite movie all time (and also self declared what made him a furry). As part of the 2 hour review, he decided to what all 2000 hours of Kimba the White Lion just to mention how The Lion King potentially stole the idea. ....until he actually watched all 2000 hours of Kimba and realised that if you actually WATCH Kimba, it has VERY little to do with the Lion King at all apart from having the same animals in them because AFRICA. Watch as one man slowly loses his mind as he realises just how stupid this conspiracy theory is, just HOW DECEITFUL and straight up LYING people can be. People who write BOOKS. People who teach LAW AT UNIVERSITIES. Because NOBODY bothered to actually watch the entire show and just parroted the “Disney stole this” lie which got started by like 2 salty fans on the internet.
The man set out to just mention how Disney stole an idea, and uncovered one of the most infuriating rabbit holes on the internet. Screaming for SOMEONE to provide him with sources or evidence.
YMS will be publishing his full Kimba documentary this month which he has said is around 2 hours long before he continues to work on the Lion King one.
Science Stories: Loch Ness eDNA results, Poop Knives, and Skeleton Lovers
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TREY the Explainer has a video giving us some updates in Archeology from 2019. In this video he discusses the findings of the eDNA results conducted on the Loch Ness to see what animal DNA the lake contains which will tell us what living animals currently inhabit the lake, ancient knives made of poop and if this is a real thing that could have existed, and a skeleton couple found buried together which were at first thought to be lovers, then revealed to be both male, and then how in this instance we cannot let our modern sensibilities dictate what we WANT this burial find to be, but to look at the evidence as presented to us and place in context finds of this nature. The worst thing an archaeologist can do is look for proof to a theory they already have.
The Bizarre Modern Reality of Sonic the Hedgehog
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Super Eyepatch Wolf is back and he’s here to talk to us about the very very strange existence of Sonic. a 90s rebellious “too cool for School” answer to Mario, a lost idea as the world of video games changes and culture shifted, a meme and punching bag amplified by a unique fanbase and poor quality games, a transcendence into a horrific warped  idea of what he once was, and modern day and where Sonic and his fans are now. As usual Super Eyepatch Wolf knocks it out of the park.
Kokoro Wish and the Birth of a Multiverse: A Lecture on the Work of Jennifer Diane Reitz
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I don’t even sub to this channel as I’m not entirely sure what Ben’s usual content is about. But every now and then he has a “101″ class, where he explains to a room full of his friends in a classroom setting (complete with Whiteboard) an internet artist and oddity, the timeline, and what it is they have created. (wait... didn’t I say this already?). Unlike TRO however, the 101 classrooms are not a dark look into disturbed individuals (although the CWC 101 is debatable) nor is it a “lol look at this weirdo” dragging. Instead, of the 3 he’s done so far, it’s usually a rather sympathetic look at some of the strange artists on the internet who through some way or another, left a very big cultural impact on the internet space through their art. Sometimes they may not be the best people, but their work is so outside of what we’re used to seeing that just listening to him run you through these people’s internet history is fascinating.
In this episode he talks about Jennifer Diane Reitz. And although it is titled Kokoro Wish, the lecture is more about Jennifer’s larger work back in the early internet when being a weeb was unheard of, how being trans influenced her stories and characters, and her world building that is so rich and in-depth with it’s own ASTRO PHYSICS it puts any modern fictional world found in games or movies to shame.
Jennifer is not exactly a nice person... and in many ways can be seen as dangerously irresponsible, but she created something truly unique in a way that you kinda struggle figuring out if it’s terrible or a work of genius.
Anyway I think that’s enough for now
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sirjustice484-blog · 4 years
Belittle his steps
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado, Bringanya or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles, bringanya or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
All that is made in the boom process u can place in containers, bottles, tins or can and even in other animal mouth made much in the boom process like rodents, cattle as goat, gazelle or antelope, squirrel ect 4 better matokeo as results when has not been made in the open process like with mini-small home appliances like stereo, tv etc and more.
Motor bikes as in the link below are made with like any 1 fruit piece placed in like gazelle, goat or antelope mouth together with clothes b4 the boom process is done. The fruits can be apple, cut pineapple, pili pili hoho and even bringanya and more which gives different types of motor bikes as even those motor bikes cut diagonal photos mixed with detergents placed on the same mouth makes those motor bikes in the boom process even non-living things as soap bar, women cloth like belts and more makes another brand even with chicken, birds, turkey, duck, lizards, monitor lizards and guinea fowl mouths
The 1 in the link below is either made with, for example, cut tire, timber, charcoal or cassava as well as apple placed in goat mouth.
In the link below is like Bringanya or avocado place in the mouth
The 1 in the link below is like paw paw placed as in the above
The 1 in the below link is like yellow inside pumpkin placed as above dude, the no 4 in the link and more,even E-ones dude
Luo people behavior of being good but wanting from ya in the long run is cut island people blood to warn u of such cause if they were aint around u could would have known. Kitten character KC
WIRA movie shows us in the long run when nation is developed as Eu ones every1 is below the law, no 1 directs 1 as tradition atrophies, where if 1 wants to control ya u simply call the police even wanting from u as cousins yet things are placed in credit 4 every to buy as well as there is insurance payable per week so no excuse 4 wanting from 1 lest the below in the link as well as those people if u meet show ya their manhood names are written as with their laziness they know not they can stop the operation of a country with such lazy kids as them. If chance permit in that they understand not they are marked and killed or women warned against them dude
Most of my postings as in tumblr a/c are still in comment in youtube on Rihanna songs and You can check it out 4 retrieval and storage bro
Sisal as well can be made in boom process as above, much and used in making 1 of the best paints as car they concerns ya not but makes u want to locate the owner who is he b4 u go ya way. Kinda, has bureaucratic appeal as milk but of milk is more shinny
Cut paw paw pieces which is raw or bringanya makes grenades in the boom process as well of fighter jets and tankers when all the placed above inserted dude
Soaps or polish as much as paints or face paints, Inks are made with rubber fluid, cut flower, coconut milk, yams, ripe white guava, milk added with detergents as well as artificial stone or purple colored fruits added like avocado, bringanya or purple fruit then u do the boom process and ya sabuni as soap. U can place the same in dark polythene bags 4 better results dude and with any products made in boom process.
The same way money printed as in the below link and now as we have known Mr white man most lies is the same way they print it anywhere dude,so must be eradicated to be replaced with online cash
Living is islands all alone like Neverland kills ya fast unless the back part of the island compound on the backyard is long more than the front side, brown leather sofa seats breeds longevity, vity are seat as well as leather jackets u can hang on ya bed room wall if u like not the former case, reason why many whites go 4 the same if u did not know 4 ya information bro
The 8 ball pool game played with 2 people can eradicate sport betting and many dubious business youths engage in if u can place money to wait 4 some1 to find and select u to play with specifying amount equal to what u have placed or lower the choice is yours to attract the 1 u want to play with, with less or equal amount u have placed, When he places as u have specified to play at certain time period which u can pause or not as if u specify to take the money or not as much as if he quits or u winning the game cause him as well b4 playing with u, places his cash as u have specified amount to infinity paying via online measures as Momo or M-pesa or as in the links below
Just 1 mega investment even after long bro, main contractor Mc mama colly with Mamboleo mall as in the link below , Am just a black man
When u have known how to make gadgets as though by being bad as Germans long time can make u come up with the same is a hoax then be good dude and in ya own nation have made the same, so stop the sick thinking that u must live in Eu or America to make the same and with any tribe as now u have witnessed those machines can even be made in grass thatched houses in the slums as in the song link below
Like LG TV made with cut jackfruit piece placed in grade chicken mouth or intestine as in the belly with mango seed or cut pumpkin outside in the boom process and with China alibaba sound system stereo made same way as apple inserted in place of jacfruit or broken parts or spare-parts placed with detergents/soap or cut old rugged cloth pieces and boom ya even small electric appliances like home and office or medical appliances/equipment.
With You-tong china buses made with egg placed inside solutions as named above in a close dark container like water tanks or big super drum or placed not in chicken intestine or mouth but on of a cow like, Kinda, bro and with any big machine like cars or generator as u can pour out charcoal water or purple fruit as well in the cows mouth. With bullet train is cut raw paw paw while tankers is Bringanya dude. Pili pili hoho makes cars which attracts the draws ya attention b4 again it does the reverse and former again and again until walk away from it as one in love with young kids who drive such as its the spirit dude. Milk made cars take the day as breeds a spirit in ya of no concern dude. The new sound systems as in the link below as well made as above but with cut cabbage in the mouth or semi-ripe mango piece in the mouth
Mochanda, magdalin or Minaj, eating that hairy thing in between ya thighs is how much, A fellow tells me roughly $250, i know not whether is truth or lies, give it a comb shave, so it not be rugged but nit to double the amount Girl.
Hair blower technology with rotating red hot filament mouth, so 1 filament stays not so to avoid burning, in a circular manner from below like every 30-60 minutes 4 drones and jets, where it is placed in-front of the armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder, which has a hollow pas-way in the middle of the siren gas cylinder but not to the behind, as 70% of the cylinder where the heat from the blower accumulates to heat the gas cylinder to be push by cold air from behind to propel the drone forward dude as in the links below
Super drum and big plastic tanks made with city garbage, placed inside ripe cut banana pieces or mango seed both in the boom process as u enclose the garbage in a can or plastic wrapping bags dude.
Clothes as jeans made with cotton wool added much water, detergent placed or cut many samples of plastic containers as well as placed mango seed both in the boom process dude.
I want to be left all alone like missiles in Arsenal as tampered with can detonate as in the song links below
When the self charging battery made in Zimbabwe as in the link below placed in Mini-drones as well don’t atrophies and can reach u to the USA or Eu from another continent above or below the earth routes or even in E-motor bikes eliminates the syndrome of not going up the mountain easily as mentioned earlier, defile that law as it always climbed the hill dude
Getting songs out YouTube and many writings, pretending such aint good 4 them, yet want to blow up the servers as with Lebanon and create another war to take such and make their bro, after long many have forgotten. But happy we are now many nations can face another, no fear as they got equal nuclear power as missiles to sway their such dubious thoughts as above away.
Sometimes when u want to move ahead, he crops up with lame excuses, saying now u belittle his step and no the case, wanting ya to stay around with him as not get to another place. Let me get far so we don’t share that, he wants not, they had marked u from birth to want to eat ya corpse which if u stay a way from them, kinda, is like a poison to them dude. Stop that bro, fight 4 ya life 1st not community, let other die is they cant fight like u, just like with in a shoot out, people don’t save others 1st but their lives 1st, if u want to love another, 1st love thy self properly by even sleeping on the ground 4 the bullet to get no hold on ya. After the whole incident is when u locate 4 ya brother as police reports, in hospitals, jails or Morgue don’t do the reverse as with esp Kikuyu blooded to create a public look they are good bro
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sirjustice483-blog · 4 years
Just 1 mega investment even after long bro, main contractor Mc mama colly with Mamboleo mall as in the link below
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado, Bringanya or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles, bringanya or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
All that is made in the boom process u can place in containers, bottles, tins or can and even in other animal mouth made much in the boom process like rodents, cattle as goat, gazelle or antelope, squirrel ect 4 better matokeo as results when has not been made in the open process like with mini-small home appliances like stereo, tv etc and more.
Motor bikes as in the link below are made with like any 1 fruit piece placed in like gazelle, goat or antelope mouth together with clothes b4 the boom process is done. The fruits can be apple, cut pineapple, pili pili hoho and even bringanya and more which gives different types of motor bikes as even those motor bikes cut diagonal photos mixed with detergents placed on the same mouth makes those motor bikes in the boom process even non-living things as soap bar, women cloth like belts and more makes another brand even with chicken, birds, turkey, duck, lizards, monitor lizards and guinea fowl mouths
The 1 in the link below is either made with, for example, cut tire, timber, charcoal or cassava as well as apple placed in goat mouth.
In the link below is like Bringanya or avocado place in the mouth
The 1 in the link below is like paw paw placed as in the above
The 1 in the below link is like yellow inside pumpkin placed as above dude, the no 4 in the link and more,even E-ones dude
Luo people behavior of being good but wanting from ya in the long run is cut island people blood to warn u of such cause if they were aint around u could would have known. Kitten character KC
WIRA movie shows us in the long run when nation is developed as Eu ones every1 is below the law, no 1 directs 1 as tradition atrophies, where if 1 wants to control ya u simply call the police even wanting from u as cousins yet things are placed in credit 4 every to buy as well as there is insurance payable per week so no excuse 4 wanting from 1 lest the below in the link as well as those people if u meet show ya their manhood names are written as with their laziness they know not they can stop the operation of a country with such lazy kids as them. If chance permit in that they understand not they are marked and killed or women warned against them dude
Most of my postings as in tumblr a/c are still in comment in youtube on Rihanna songs and You can check it out 4 retrieval and storage bro
Sisal as well can be made in boom process as above, much and used in making 1 of the best paints as car they concerns ya not but makes u want to locate the owner who is he b4 u go ya way. Kinda, has bureaucratic appeal as milk but of milk is more shinny
Cut paw paw pieces which is raw or bringanya makes grenades in the boom process as well of fighter jets and tankers when all the placed above inserted dude
Soaps or polish as much as paints or face paints, Inks are made with rubber fluid, cut flower, coconut milk, yams, ripe white guava, milk added with detergents as well as artificial stone or purple colored fruits added like avocado, bringanya or purple fruit then u do the boom process and ya sabuni as soap. U can place the same in dark polythene bags 4 better results dude and with any products made in boom process.
The same way money printed as in the below link and now as we have known Mr white man most lies is the same way they print it anywhere dude,so must be eradicated to be replaced with online cash
Living is islands all alone like Neverland kills ya fast unless the back part of the island compound on the backyard is long more than the front side, brown leather sofa seats breeds longevity, vity are seat as well as leather jackets u can hang on ya bed room wall if u like not the former case, reason why many whites go 4 the same if u did not know 4 ya information bro
The 8 ball pool game played with 2 people can eradicate sport betting and many dubious business youths engage in if u can place money to wait 4 some1 to find and select u to play with specifying amount equal to what u have placed or lower the choice is yours to attract the 1 u want to play with, with less or equal amount u have placed, When he places as u have specified to play at certain time period which u can pause or not as if u specify to take the money or not as much as if he quits or u winning the game cause him as well b4 playing with u, places his cash as u have specified amount to infinity paying via online measures as Momo or M-pesa or as in the links below
Just 1 mega investment even after long bro, main contractor Mc mama colly with Mamboleo mall as in the link below , Am just a black man
When u have known how to make gadgets as though by being bad as Germans long time can make u come up with the same is a hoax then be good dude and in ya own nation have made the same, so stop the sick thinking that u must live in Eu or America to make the same and with any tribe as now u have witnessed those machines can even be made in grass thatched houses in the slums as in the song link below
Like LG TV made with cut jackfruit piece placed in grade chicken mouth or intestine as in the belly with mango seed or cut pumpkin outside in the boom process and with China alibaba sound system stereo made same way as apple inserted in place of jacfruit or broken parts or spare-parts placed with detergents/soap or cut old rugged cloth pieces and boom ya even small electric appliances like home and office or medical appliances/equipment.
With You-tong china buses made with egg placed inside solutions as named above in a close dark container like water tanks or big super drum or placed not in chicken intestine or mouth but on of a cow like, Kinda, bro and with any big machine like cars or generator as u can pour out charcoal water or purple fruit as well in the cows mouth. With bullet train is cut raw paw paw while tankers is Bringanya dude. Pili pili hoho makes cars which attracts the draws ya attention b4 again it does the reverse and former again and again until walk away from it as one in love with young kids who drive such as its the spirit dude. Milk made cars take the day as breeds a spirit in ya of no concern dude. The new sound systems as in the link below as well made as above but with cut cabbage in the mouth or semi-ripe mango piece in the mouth
Mochanda, magdalin or Minaj, eating that hairy thing in between ya thighs is how much, A fellow tells me roughly $250, i know not whether is truth or lies, give it a comb shave, so it not be rugged but nit to double the amount Girl.
Hair blower technology with rotating red hot filament mouth, so 1 filament stays not so to avoid burning, in a circular manner from below like every 30-60 minutes 4 drones and jets, where it is placed in-front of the armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder, which has a hollow pas-way in the middle of the siren gas cylinder but not to the behind, as 70% of the cylinder where the heat from the blower accumulates to heat the gas cylinder to be push by cold air from behind to propel the drone forward dude as in the links below
Super drum and big plastic tanks made with city garbage, placed inside ripe cut banana pieces or mango seed both in the boom process as u enclose the garbage in a can or plastic wrapping bags dude.
Clothes as jeans made with cotton wool added much water, detergent placed or cut many samples of plastic containers as well as placed mango seed both in the boom process dude.
I want to be left all alone like missiles in Arsenal as tampered with can detonate as in the song links below
When the self charging battery made in Zimbabwe as in the link below placed in Mini-drones as well don’t atrophies and can reach u to the USA or Eu from another continent above or below the earth routes or even in E-motor bikes eliminates the syndrome of not going up the mountain easily as mentioned earlier, defile that law as it always climbed the hill dude
Getting songs out YouTube and many writings, pretending such aint good 4 them, yet want to blow up the servers as with Lebanon and create another war to take such and make their bro, after long many have forgotten. But happy we are now many nations can face another, no fear as they got equal nuclear power as missiles to sway their such dubious thoughts as above away.
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fmhiphop · 2 years
#FMSpotlight: Rich Amiri's Bursting Out of Boston With New Singles
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Today is a day for new music! Bursting out of Boston, artist Rich Amiri's new singles "ruthless" and "trouble" have been released. According to an interview Amiri did back in March with "Lyrical Lemonade" some artist that have influenced his music and style are Tecca, Speaker Knockerz, Lil Keed, Nba Youngboy. He credits a lot of his success to promoting himself on Tik Tok. Growing from 600 followers to over 200k in a little over a year. As for his flow, he says that he has been making this type of music from the beginning. But it has developed and transformed over time. Although Rich Amiri's new singles have hit the scene, his first song still remains special. It was titled "Me For Me." And the Boston underdog created the entire thing on his own. Using Garbage Band Mobile and Apple headphones. What We Know About Rich Amiri's New Tracks The Boston underground artist hit the scene earlier this year. And after releasing a few tracks on SoundCloud, his smooth vocals and autotune caught people by surprise. But what was even more shocking to fans was that this well-rounded artist was only 18 years old! As for the new tracks, they have an distinctive tempo and vibe that is unlike any other. The two-pack single titled "Ruthless" and "Trouble" were produced by Synthetic. On "Ruthless" Rich Amiri cuts through the power of subsonic bass and hyperactive synths with smooth triples.  "Trouble" steps up in the energy department. Rich spews the bars effortlessly giving the raging instrumental a platform which credits by Maajins and Pooka. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdGf2K7ONAg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqxyA8SFjmY   Rich Amiri's new singles continue his busy year of making music. In June he dropped "For The Better," which was his debut project. And featured his maturity and unimaginable songwriting skills. As for the artist's future, he hopes to bring a rap scene to Boston allowing it to be a real player in music. For more new music check out FMHipHop Brittany Belizor | IG @Brittieb_ | Twitter @BBelizor Read the full article
0 notes
sirjustice482-blog · 4 years
8 ball pool games beauty
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado, Bringanya or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles, bringanya or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
All that is made in the boom process u can place in containers, bottles, tins or can and even in other animal mouth made much in the boom process like rodents, cattle as goat, gazelle or antelope, squirrel ect 4 better matokeo as results when has not been made in the open process like with mini-small home appliances like stereo, tv etc and more.
Motor bikes as in the link below are made with like any 1 fruit piece placed in like gazelle, goat or antelope mouth together with clothes b4 the boom process is done. The fruits can be apple, cut pineapple, pili pili hoho and even bringanya and more which gives different types of motor bikes as even those motor bikes cut diagonal photos mixed with detergents placed on the same mouth makes those motor bikes in the boom process even non-living things as soap bar, women cloth like belts and more makes another brand even with chicken, birds, turkey, duck, lizards, monitor lizards and guinea fowl mouths
The 1 in the link below is either made with, for example, cut tire, timber, charcoal or cassava as well as apple placed in goat mouth.
In the link below is like Bringanya or avocado place in the mouth
The 1 in the link below is like paw paw placed as in the above
The 1 in the below link is like yellow inside pumpkin placed as above dude, the no 4 in the link and more,even E-ones dude
Luo people behavior of being good but wanting from ya in the long run is cut island people blood to warn u of such cause if they were aint around u could would have known. Kitten character KC
WIRA movie shows us in the long run when nation is developed as Eu ones every1 is below the law, no 1 directs 1 as tradition atrophies, where if 1 wants to control ya u simply call the police even wanting from u as cousins yet things are placed in credit 4 every to buy as well as there is insurance payable per week so no excuse 4 wanting from 1 lest the below in the link as well as those people if u meet show ya their manhood names are written as with their laziness they know not they can stop the operation of a country with such lazy kids as them. If chance permit in that they understand not they are marked and killed or women warned against them dude
Most of my postings as in tumblr a/c are still in comment in youtube on Rihanna songs and You can check it out 4 retrieval and storage bro
Sisal as well can be made in boom process as above, much and used in making 1 of the best paints as car they concerns ya not but makes u want to locate the owner who is he b4 u go ya way. Kinda, has bureaucratic appeal as milk but of milk is more shinny
Cut paw paw pieces which is raw or bringanya makes grenades in the boom process as well of fighter jets and tankers when all the placed above inserted dude
Soaps or polish as much as paints or face paints, Inks are made with rubber fluid, cut flower, coconut milk, yams, ripe white guava, milk added with detergents as well as artificial stone or purple colored fruits added like avocado, bringanya or purple fruit then u do the boom process and ya sabuni as soap. U can place the same in dark polythene bags 4 better results dude and with any products made in boom process.
The same way money printed as in the below link and now as we have known Mr white man most lies is the same way they print it anywhere dude,so must be eradicated to be replaced with online cash
Living is islands all alone like Neverland kills ya fast unless the back part of the island compound on the backyard is long more than the front side, brown leather sofa seats breeds longevity, vity are seat as well as leather jackets u can hang on ya bed room wall if u like not the former case, reason why many whites go 4 the same if u did not know 4 ya information bro
The 8 ball pool game played with 2 people can eradicate sport betting and many dubious business youths engage in if u can place money to wait 4 some1 to find and select u to play with specifying amount equal to what u have placed or lower the choice is yours to attract the 1 u want to play with, with less or equal amount u have placed, When he places as u have specified to play at certain time period which u can pause or not as if u specify to take the money or not as much as if he quits or u winning the game cause him as well b4 playing with u, places his cash as u have specified amount to infinity paying via online measures as Momo or M-pesa or as in the links below
1 note · View note
sirjustice481-blog · 4 years
living in island
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado, Bringanya or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles, bringanya or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
All that is made in the boom process u can place in containers, bottles, tins or can and even in other animal mouth made much in the boom process like rodents, cattle as goat, gazelle or antelope, squirrel ect 4 better matokeo as results when has not been made in the open process like with mini-small home appliances like stereo, tv etc and more.
Motor bikes as in the link below are made with like any 1 fruit piece placed in like gazelle, goat or antelope mouth together with clothes b4 the boom process is done. The fruits can be apple, cut pineapple, pili pili hoho and even bringanya and more which gives different types of motor bikes as even those motor bikes cut diagonal photos mixed with detergents placed on the same mouth makes those motor bikes in the boom process even non-living things as soap bar, women cloth like belts and more makes another brand even with chicken, birds, turkey, duck, lizards, monitor lizards and guinea fowl mouths
The 1 in the link below is either made with, for example, cut tire, timber, charcoal or cassava as well as apple placed in goat mouth.
In the link below is like Bringanya or avocado place in the mouth
The 1 in the link below is like paw paw placed as in the above
The 1 in the below link is like yellow inside pumpkin placed as above dude, the no 4 in the link and more,even E-ones dude
Luo people behavior of being good but wanting from ya in the long run is cut island people blood to warn u of such cause if they were aint around u could would have known. Kitten character KC
WIRA movie shows us in the long run when nation is developed as Eu ones every1 is below the law, no 1 directs 1 as tradition atrophies, where if 1 wants to control ya u simply call the police even wanting from u as cousins yet things are placed in credit 4 every to buy as well as there is insurance payable per week so no excuse 4 wanting from 1 lest the below in the link as well as those people if u meet show ya their manhood names are written as with their laziness they know not they can stop the operation of a country with such lazy kids as them. If chance permit in that they understand not they are marked and killed or women warned against them dude
Most of my postings as in tumblr a/c are still in comment in youtube on Rihanna songs and You can check it out 4 retrieval and storage bro
Sisal as well can be made in boom process as above, much and used in making 1 of the best paints as car they concerns ya not but makes u want to locate the owner who is he b4 u go ya way. Kinda, has bureaucratic appeal as milk but of milk is more shinny
Cut paw paw pieces which is raw or bringanya makes grenades in the boom process as well of fighter jets and tankers when all the placed above inserted dude
Soaps or polish as much as paints or face paints, Inks are made with rubber fluid, cut flower, coconut milk, yams, ripe white guava, milk added with detergents as well as artificial stone or purple colored fruits added like avocado, bringanya or purple fruit then u do the boom process and ya sabuni as soap. U can place the same in dark polythene bags 4 better results dude and with any products made in boom process.
The same way money printed as in the below link and now as we have known Mr white man most lies is the same way they print it anywhere dude,so must be eradicated to be replaced with online cash
Living is islands all alone like Neverland kills ya fast unless the back part of the island compound on the backyard is long more than the front side, brown leather sofa seats breeds longevity, vity are seat as well as leather jackets u can hang on ya bed room wall if u like not the former case, reason why many whites go 4 the same if u did not know 4 ya information bro
The 8 ball pool game played with 2 people can eraduicate sport betting and many dubious business youths engage in if u can place money to wait 4 some1 to find and select u to play with specifying amount equal to what u have placed or lower the choice is yours to attract the 1 u want to play with, with less or equal amount u have placed, Wher he places as u have specified to play at certain time period which u can pause or not as if u specify to take the money or not as much as if he quits or u winning the game cause him as well b4 playing with u, places his cash as u have specified amount to infinity paying via online measures as Momo or M-pesa or as in the links below
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sirjustice480-blog · 4 years
And even shoe polish
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado, Bringanya or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles, bringanya or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
All that is made in the boom process u can place in containers, bottles, tins or can and even in other animal mouth made much in the boom process like rodents, cattle as goat, gazelle or antelope, squirrel ect 4 better matokeo as results when has not been made in the open process like with mini-small home appliances like stereo, tv etc and more.
Motor bikes as in the link below are made with like any 1 fruit piece placed in like gazelle, goat or antelope mouth together with clothes b4 the boom process is done. The fruits can be apple, cut pineapple, pili pili hoho and even bringanya and more which gives different types of motor bikes as even those motor bikes cut diagonal photos mixed with detergents placed on the same mouth makes those motor bikes in the boom process even non-living things as soap bar, women cloth like belts and more makes another brand even with chicken, birds, turkey, duck, lizards, monitor lizards and guinea fowl mouths
The 1 in the link below is either made with, for example, cut tire, timber, charcoal or cassava as well as apple placed in goat mouth.
In the link below is like Bringanya or avocado place in the mouth
The 1 in the link below is like paw paw placed as in the above
The 1 in the below link is like yellow inside pumpkin placed as above dude, the no 4 in the link and more,even E-ones dude
Luo people behavior of being good but wanting from ya in the long run is cut island people blood to warn u of such cause if they were aint around u could would have known. Kitten character KC
WIRA movie shows us in the long run when nation is developed as Eu ones every1 is below the law, no 1 directs 1 as tradition atrophies, where if 1 wants to control ya u simply call the police even wanting from u as cousins yet things are placed in credit 4 every to buy as well as there is insurance payable per week so no excuse 4 wanting from 1 lest the below in the link as well as those people if u meet show ya their manhood names are written as with their laziness they know not they can stop the operation of a country with such lazy kids as them. If chance permit in that they understand not they are marked and killed or women warned against them dude
Most of my postings as in tumblr a/c are still in comment in youtube on Rihanna songs and You can check it out 4 retrieval and storage bro
Sisal as well can be made in boom process as above, much and used in making 1 of the best paints as car they concerns ya not but makes u want to locate the owner who is he b4 u go ya way. Kinda, has bureaucratic appeal as milk but of milk is more shinny
Cut paw paw pieces which is raw or bringanya makes grenades in the boom process as well of fighter jets and tankers when all the placed above inserted dude
Soaps or polish as much as paints or face paints, Inks are made with rubber fluid, cut flower, coconut milk, yams, ripe white guava, milk added with detergents as well as artificial stone or purple colored fruits added like avocado, bringanya or purple fruit then u do the boom process and ya sabuni as soap. U can place the same in dark polythene bags 4 better results dude and with any products made in boom process.
The same way money printed as in the below link and now as we have known Mr white man most lies is the same way they print it anywhere dude,so must be eradicated to be replaced with online cash
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sirjustice479-blog · 4 years
Place in cans or containers as tins
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado, Bringanya or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles, bringanya or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
All that is made in the boom process u can place in containers, bottles, tins or can and even in other animal mouth made much in the boom process like rodents, cattle as goat, gazelle or antelope, squirrel ect 4 better matokeo as results when has not been made in the open process like with mini-small home appliances like stereo, tv etc and more.
Motor bikes as in the link below are made with like any 1 fruit piece placed in like gazelle, goat or antelope mouth together with clothes b4 the boom process is done. The fruits can be apple, cut pineapple, pili pili hoho and even bringanya and more which gives different types of motor bikes as even those motor bikes cut diagonal photos mixed with detergents placed on the same mouth makes those motor bikes in the boom process even non-living things as soap bar, women cloth like belts and more makes another brand even with chicken, birds, turkey, duck, lizards, monitor lizards and guinea fowl mouths
The 1 in the link below is either made with, for example, cut tire, timber, charcoal or cassava as well as apple placed in goat mouth.
In the link below is like Bringanya or avocado place in the mouth
The 1 in the link below is like paw paw placed as in the above
The 1 in the below link is like yellow inside pumpkin placed as above dude, the no 4 in the link and more,even E-ones dude
Luo people behavior of being good but wanting from ya in the long run is cut island people blood to warn u of such cause if they were aint around u could would have known. Kitten character KC
WIRA movie shows us in the long run when nation is developed as Eu ones every1 is below the law, no 1 directs 1 as tradition atrophies, where if 1 wants to control ya u simply call the police even wanting from u as cousins yet things are placed in credit 4 every to buy as well as there is insurance payable per week so no excuse 4 wanting from 1 lest the below in the link as well as those people if u meet show ya their manhood names are written as with their laziness they know not they can stop the operation of a country with such lazy kids as them. If chance permit in that they understand not they are marked and killed or women warned against them dude
Most of my postings as in tumblr a/c are still in comment in youtube on Rihanna songs and You can check it out 4 retrieval and storage bro
Sisal as well can be made in boom process as above, much and used in making 1 of the best paints as car they concerns ya not but makes u want to locate the owner who is he b4 u go ya way. Kinda, has bureaucratic appeal as milk but of milk is more shinny
Cut paw paw pieces which is raw or bringanya makes grenades in the boom process as well of fighter jets and tankers when all the placed above inserted dude
Soaps are made with rubber fluid, coconut milk, yams, ripe white guava, milk added with detergents as well as artificial stone or purple colored fruits added like avocado, bringanya or purple fruit then u do the boom process and ya sabuni as soap. U can place the same in dark polythene bags 4 better results dude and with any products made in boom process.
The same way money printed as in the below link and now as we have known Mr white man most lies is the same way they print it anywhere dude,so must be eradicated to be replaced with online cash
Ice cream made with cut flowers, rye dough or wheat or succulent fruit juice where u place sugar in the boom process and ya cream dude .
jumia Kenya online shopping door
Ethiopian wheat feeds u not fast as reverse of Canada but both makes you not want it again as bores ya off dude 1st.
Zambarau made cars also best but shinny got with small utility cars as it creates a picture of loving Big bodied people but u want them to as well recognize small people, also good with huge bodied people in love with small things as women or men dude, 4 ya information if u did not know bro. Jamna, purple fruit bro
Purple fruit as well makes, white ripe guava as well makes paint which has the feeling of chamama made paint as much as jack-fruit esp ripe white guava that makes people to leave ya all alone dude.
Human blood as plasma through blood donation as well is used to make machine and paints that are deep red as of mango and that’s it utility if u don’t know as few sample can be gotten and artificial made gravel placed to make much in the boom process, of blood machine attracts ya attention like of a kid who if u get used to will disturb ya, so u leave such people driving the same as of Zambarau as they got burden u assumed, the reverse is of lemon as 1 see u week in life and makes u wild as it brings the reality of people driving the same as loving themselves dude
collected many grass hopper as well makes cars as well as with other insects, birds, fish or arachnids as of grass hopper made car or paint makes u think of a blunt object as people in class who don’t listen as 4 the dummy more but has good feeling as people set u free if u ride on such.
Of Garbage, makes u think of 1 who has plots as of deals as u distance ya self from such as many hopeless women are drawn into such. Dala hera even makes TOTO 645 selling cabins as that, that is in Kondele stage Kisumu meaning the got the mobile to be fixed toilets and showers to be permanent dude. Sell to people to diffuse the puzzle directed to those who are deemed poor to be using like Pit latrine to be of a certain smell, so we eradicate that syndrome we look to tackle another vice. Govt to introduce toto 646 as its lenient as opposed to sports betting, as of sports are deal to get back the money most people where going to be paid, anyway life is cash dude
Tomato as well make cars but good 4 public commuter vans as well as paints that turn ya attention from loving posh things of this life.
Am bow wow brother/son and he doesn’t want to help me, i was adopted in Nigeria from Atl, which can build another city apart from ATl on its coast that boarders Atlantic ocean to avoid encroaching on fertile land as we got barren lands to do the same bro, refute another person, they are of wow lineage.
Place yellow sweet potato on city garbage and do ya boom process to get this house in the link below as Nigerians did
Ya security dude if u got no gun in the link below bro
Tear gas canister, purple fruit or grenade can take the place of gravel made in the boom process as state above or below. If u placed purple fruit in city garbage makes the concrete the cut lemon makes that is all in all process when making any gadget in the boom process as well as the canister when placed in City garbage makes the same dude. Worker and vineyard parable to remind us dude and the parable of the tenants as those who failed to invest the money will be crush as the stone the builder rejected has became the chief corner stone of making every gadget and diverting many people attention from many lands as eliminating jealousy as with Manhattan or like Rusinga Island on Lake Victoria which many think after the local tribe get rich as knowing the boom process can be much more than many island cities to create jealousy as the local tribe is 1st in that dude as in the link below, as they can make their own islands as some big ships are 300 meters in length while breadth is 50 meters, where such made big stone of same size like 20 is the size of Manhattan island and more dude. They can be interlocking from the sides if 1 such big stone or armored glass cant be made at once as to heap another on top got holes, the down 1 where the placed above got projections to fit on the holes as the the 1 with projections on top got holes and on and on
Women esp with slanting chest backward towards the head are Iranian blooded and are known that way, In-fact when next to them, kinda, u feel like vomiting. Pussy sweet dude, Kikuyu blooded from far.
If u want to know English, u get to USA, Canada, Australia or Britain, to take intensive English classes within no time like 1 year u know that dialect and even those who are from nations that speaks English not like West Africa, its not eating corpse dude and with u who eat eats 4 many years why don’t u know exactly the same English as those from non English speaking nations as seen in the USA or Canada dude. Stop ya shit dude and let the world move on bro as in the link below
Green grams makes detonators even uranium when placed in city garbage solution with with much water and much food in many nations as in the link below, in the USA grows in Like Midwestern states like Kansas dude
Nigeria space ship demo in the links below dude
Garbage made machines when next to them breeds contempt dude as people don’t hold that respect on ya, people see ya as that naked child around ya needing help yet grown up, so only as the headline, inner parts of the machine spare-parts and building rods are Garbage made products respected utility dude. Championing high population as the garbage be much 4 that, which within no short time can be scraped dude, to place the huge population in jeopardy as currently witnessed in Kenya with planed hooliganism among dignitaries dude
Words with many meaning as u can check in oxford dictionary as in the below link
Jambo shopping are French products while alibaba are Uganda products as kilimall Ethiopian as well as Kamba, so think twice b4 u make another nation rich or tribe forgetting yours dude. Tuskys super-market are luo made products 4 ya information dude. The lord still alive 4 ever ever as in the link below song
Brown feces, ripe red guava, Ginger, used gun bullets, Hay, Dry chaff or vegetation, Groundnuts, red beans and any thing grown with red/brown appeal when placed in Garbage of like the whole estate and the artificial made stone, tear gas canistar placed or sewer water added makes Gold bars as u like.
In making Tv or radios as well as much elctronics, u place cut ginger pieces or mixed with the solution b4 placing broken parts into like dough, cereal or fruit smashed pieces of about 20-30 % of weight of the gadget u want to make or insert the made artificial stone, coconut African broom stick pieces, mango seed, pumpkin pieces or pineaple, purple fruit, orange outer peel, water lilies or charcoal water. In the 20-30 % mixed described above with Tv u can inserted 1 piece of groundnut or garlic and boom ya stereo dude. With radios u place cut pieces of tomato or ripe mango and boom ya Stereo bro.
Ginger also makes paints as artificial made 1 makes easy to peel paints dude and machines both in the boom process. So nations with much ginger growing keep an eye on dude as grown ginger GG treats Covid and its utility as well as if taken with Skari ngulu the hindu cant shift ya mind with another some1 and even body parts unless near to ya bro which artificial 1 cant and the distiction between grown and artificial ginger.
U cant bring people who have known how to make gadgets to another nation cause they can make the same and injure the natives as the Negros as Rwanda showcase their military prowes to signal the same and with plastic chair as u wash hands with covid is the same when 1 stands u spray the seat if u think they are dirty provided they aint smelling as their clothes dude. Make work easy, wanna eat rotten corpse and the next minute saying u hate nasty things, how comes dude and if 1 holds u to the later reasoning u say u r replica of jew in the desert who did not listen to Moses, well, u r but the 1 whom u claim to be moses says he is not moses. What do u want homey, after that saying u r negros, where 1 tells u to get ya self togther and get to the usa not wanting to engage 1 with ya shear stupidity which never ends dude and saying againg usa poor yet now u goy it, is Kenya which is poor as tea using the steps above can be made in boom process bro as much as pyrethrum, maize or coffee as much as vegatable which u had knwon to make earlier to be ahead of others which those others have known to reduce ya leverage to want to start to hate them as they rob ya, ya self hood and dignity other countries had bestowed in ya. If u continue with such absurdities calls 4 annihilation bro. Crysrtal,loud and clear am just a man not Christ or Moses, period, Got me Mr wanna be who will not be like Kebi was 1 as many thought but in final ends be dude— Beatitude Mathew tano as 5, Fight, five bro. Ginger also used as appetizer in tea as in the link below
Speed boat up-to 10 k meters to withdraw from 2goinvoice along time b4 the name changed esp Mr Hindu and many more people currently in hidden in business as in the link below, Even on lofty inclination as mountaintops dude or on fissures that leads to below or outside the earth swears Emanuel Mkora Of Eastern province provided their is cabled internet as currently installed in Kenya dude
Balcony support or bar china made dude in the link below as don’t buy like shoes and clothes many now in the market that are British made as they fund hooliganism around which hard to explain dude
Don’t say 1 is poor when u employ them, pay them well so they live in good ways so u don’t find measures to do the same above as even as the work u give them they do better, u silly stupid animal who opens false a/c 4 people if they come to complain u plan their ambush, Cut throat dogs and lazy!!
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sirjustice478-blog · 4 years
airplane fall a thing of the past with new improved technology
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
Ice cream made with cut flowers, rye dough or wheat or succulent fruit juice where u place sugar in the boom process and ya cream dude .
jumia Kenya online shopping door
Ethiopian wheat feeds u not fast as reverse of Canada but both makes you not want it again as bores ya off dude 1st.
Zambarau made cars also best but shinny got with small utility cars as it creates a picture of loving Big bodied people but u want them to as well recognize small people, also good with huge bodied people in love with small things as women or men dude, 4 ya information if u did not know bro. Jamna, purple fruit bro
Purple fruit as well makes, white ripe guava as well makes paint which has the feeling of chamama made paint as much as jack-fruit esp ripe white guava that makes people to leave ya all alone dude.
Human blood as plasma through blood donation as well is used to make machine and paints that are deep red as of mango and that’s it utility if u don’t know as few sample can be gotten and artificial made gravel placed to make much in the boom process, of blood machine attracts ya attention like of a kid who if u get used to will disturb ya, so u leave such people driving the same as of Zambarau as they got burden u assumed, the reverse is of lemon as 1 see u week in life and makes u wild as it brings the reality of people driving the same as loving themselves dude
collected many grass hopper as well makes cars as well as with other insects, birds, fish or arachnids as of grass hopper made car or paint makes u think of a blunt object as people in class who don’t listen as 4 the dummy more but has good feeling as people set u free if u ride on such.
Of Garbage, makes u think of 1 who has plots as of deals as u distance ya self from such as many hopeless women are drawn into such. Dala hera even makes TOTO 645 selling cabins as that, that is in Kondele stage Kisumu meaning the got the mobile to be fixed toilets and showers to be permanent dude. Sell to people to diffuse the puzzle directed to those who are deemed poor to be using like Pit latrine to be of a certain smell, so we eradicate that syndrome we look to tackle another vice. Govt to introduce toto 646 as its lenient as opposed to sports betting, as of sports are deal to get back the money most people where going to be paid, anyway life is cash dude
Tomato as well make cars but good 4 public commuter vans as well as paints that turn ya attention from loving posh things of this life.
Am bow wow brother/son and he doesn’t want to help me, i was adopted in Nigeria from Atl, which can build another city apart from ATl on its coast that boarders Atlantic ocean to avoid encroaching on fertile land as we got barren lands to do the same bro, refute another person, they are of wow lineage.
Place yellow sweet potato on city garbage and do ya boom process to get this house in the link below as Nigerians did
Ya security dude if u got no gun in the link below bro
Tear gas canister, purple fruit or grenade can take the place of gravel made in the boom process as state above or below. If u placed purple fruit in city garbage makes the concrete the cut lemon makes that is all in all process when making any gadget in the boom process as well as the canister when placed in City garbage makes the same dude. Worker and vineyard parable to remind us dude and the parable of the tenants as those who failed to invest the money will be crush as the stone the builder rejected has became the chief corner stone of making every gadget and diverting many people attention from many lands as eliminating jealousy as with Manhattan or like Rusinga Island on Lake Victoria which many think after the local tribe get rich as knowing the boom process can be much more than many island cities to create jealousy as the local tribe is 1st in that dude as in the link below, as they can make their own islands as some big ships are 300 meters in length while breadth is 50 meters, where such made big stone of same size like 20 is the size of Manhattan island and more dude. They can be interlocking from the sides if 1 such big stone or armored glass cant be made at once as to heap another on top got holes, the down 1 where the placed above got projections to fit on the holes as the the 1 with projections on top got holes and on and on
Women esp with slanting chest backward towards the head are Iranian blooded and are known that way, In-fact when next to them, kinda, u feel like vomiting. Pussy sweet dude, Kikuyu blooded from far.
If u want to know English, u get to USA, Canada, Australia or Britain, to take intensive English classes within no time like 1 year u know that dialect and even those who are from nations that speaks English not like West Africa, its not eating corpse dude and with u who eat eats 4 many years why don’t u know exactly the same English as those from non English speaking nations as seen in the USA or Canada dude. Stop ya shit dude and let the world move on bro as in the link below
Green grams makes detonators even uranium when placed in city garbage solution with with much water and much food in many nations as in the link below, in the USA grows in Like Midwestern states like Kansas dude
Nigeria space ship demo in the links below dude
Garbage made machines when next to them breeds contempt dude as people don’t hold that respect on ya, people see ya as that naked child around ya needing help yet grown up, so only as the headline, inner parts of the machine spare-parts and building rods are Garbage made products respected utility dude. Championing high population as the garbage be much 4 that, which within no short time can be scraped dude, to place the huge population in jeopardy as currently witnessed in Kenya with planed hooliganism among dignitaries dude
Words with many meaning as u can check in oxford dictionary as in the below link
Jambo shopping are French products while alibaba are Uganda products as kilimall Ethiopian as well as Kamba, so think twice b4 u make another nation rich or tribe forgetting yours dude. Tuskys super-market are luo made products 4 ya information dude. The lord still alive 4 ever ever as in the link below song
Brown feces, ripe red guava, Ginger, used gun bullets, Hay, Dry chaff or vegetation, Groundnuts, red beans and any thing grown with red/brown appeal when placed in Garbage of like the whole estate and the artificial made stone, tear gas canistar placed or sewer water added makes Gold bars as u like.
In making Tv or radios as well as much elctronics, u place cut ginger pieces or mixed with the solution b4 placing broken parts into like dough, cereal or fruit smashed pieces of about 20-30 % of weight of the gadget u want to make or insert the made artificial stone, coconut African broom stick pieces, mango seed, pumpkin pieces or pineaple, purple fruit, orange outer peel, water lilies or charcoal water. In the 20-30 % mixed described above with Tv u can inserted 1 piece of groundnut or garlic and boom ya stereo dude. With radios u place cut pieces of tomato or ripe mango and boom ya Stereo bro.
Ginger also makes paints as artificial made 1 makes easy to peel paints dude and machines both in the boom process. So nations with much ginger growing keep an eye on dude as grown ginger GG treats Covid and its utility as well as if taken with Skari ngulu the hindu cant shift ya mind with another some1 and even body parts unless near to ya bro which artificial 1 cant and the distiction between grown and artificial ginger.
U cant bring people who have known how to make gadgets to another nation cause they can make the same and injure the natives as the Negros as Rwanda showcase their military prowes to signal the same and with plastic chair as u wash hands with covid is the same when 1 stands u spray the seat if u think they are dirty provided they aint smelling as their clothes dude. Make work easy, wanna eat rotten corpse and the next minute saying u hate nasty things, how comes dude and if 1 holds u to the later reasoning u say u r replica of jew in the desert who did not listen to Moses, well, u r but the 1 whom u claim to be moses says he is not moses. What do u want homey, after that saying u r negros, where 1 tells u to get ya self togther and get to the usa not wanting to engage 1 with ya shear stupidity which never ends dude and saying againg usa poor yet now u goy it, is Kenya which is poor as tea using the steps above can be made in boom process bro as much as pyrethrum, maize or coffee as much as vegatable which u had knwon to make earlier to be ahead of others which those others have known to reduce ya leverage to want to start to hate them as they rob ya, ya self hood and dignity other countries had bestowed in ya. If u continue with such absurdities calls 4 annihilation bro. Crysrtal,loud and clear am just a man not Christ or Moses, period, Got me Mr wanna be who will not be like Kebi was 1 as many thought but in final ends be dude— Beatitude Mathew tano as 5, Fight, five bro. Ginger also used as appetizer in tea as in the link below
Speed boat up-to 10 k meters to withdraw from 2goinvoice along time b4 the name changed esp Mr Hindu and many more people currently in hidden in business as in the link below, Even on lofty inclination as mountaintops dude or on fissures that leads to below or outside the earth swears Emanuel Mkora Of Eastern province provided their is cabled internet as currently installed in Kenya dude
Balcony support or bar china made dude in the link below as don’t buy like shoes and clothes many now in the market that are British made as they fund hooliganism around which hard to explain dude
Don’t say 1 is poor when u employ them, pay them well so they live in good ways so u don’t find measures to do the same above as even as the work u give them they do better, u silly stupid animal who opens false a/c 4 people if they come to complain u plan their ambush, Cut throat dogs and lazy!!
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sirjustice477-blog · 4 years
To avoid airplane fall solved
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
Ice cream made with cut flowers, rye dough or wheat or succulent fruit juice where u place sugar in the boom process and ya cream dude .
jumia Kenya online shopping door
Ethiopian wheat feeds u not fast as reverse of Canada but both makes you not want it again as bores ya off dude 1st.
Zambarau made cars also best but shinny got with small utility cars as it creates a picture of loving Big bodied people but u want them to as well recognize small people, also good with huge bodied people in love with small things as women or men dude, 4 ya information if u did not know bro. Jamna, purple fruit bro
Purple fruit as well makes, white ripe guava as well makes paint which has the feeling of chamama made paint as much as jack-fruit esp ripe white guava that makes people to leave ya all alone dude.
Human blood as plasma through blood donation as well is used to make machine and paints that are deep red as of mango and that’s it utility if u don’t know as few sample can be gotten and artificial made gravel placed to make much in the boom process, of blood machine attracts ya attention like of a kid who if u get used to will disturb ya, so u leave such people driving the same as of Zambarau as they got burden u assumed, the reverse is of lemon as 1 see u week in life and makes u wild as it brings the reality of people driving the same as loving themselves dude
collected many grass hopper as well makes cars as well as with other insects, birds, fish or arachnids as of grass hopper made car or paint makes u think of a blunt object as people in class who don’t listen as 4 the dummy more but has good feeling as people set u free if u ride on such.
Of Garbage, makes u think of 1 who has plots as of deals as u distance ya self from such as many hopeless women are drawn into such. Dala hera even makes TOTO 645 selling cabins as that, that is in Kondele stage Kisumu meaning the got the mobile to be fixed toilets and showers to be permanent dude. Sell to people to diffuse the puzzle directed to those who are deemed poor to be using like Pit latrine to be of a certain smell, so we eradicate that syndrome we look to tackle another vice. Govt to introduce toto 646 as its lenient as opposed to sports betting, as of sports are deal to get back the money most people where going to be paid, anyway life is cash dude
Tomato as well make cars but good 4 public commuter vans as well as paints that turn ya attention from loving posh things of this life.
Am bow wow brother/son and he doesn’t want to help me, i was adopted in Nigeria from Atl, which can build another city apart from ATl on its coast that boarders Atlantic ocean to avoid encroaching on fertile land as we got barren lands to do the same bro, refute another person, they are of wow lineage.
Place yellow sweet potato on city garbage and do ya boom process to get this house in the link below as Nigerians did
Ya security dude if u got no gun in the link below bro
Tear gas canister, purple fruit or grenade can take the place of gravel made in the boom process as state above or below. If u placed purple fruit in city garbage makes the concrete the cut lemon makes that is all in all process when making any gadget in the boom process as well as the canister when placed in City garbage makes the same dude. Worker and vineyard parable to remind us dude and the parable of the tenants as those who failed to invest the money will be crush as the stone the builder rejected has became the chief corner stone of making every gadget and diverting many people attention from many lands as eliminating jealousy as with Manhattan or like Rusinga Island on Lake Victoria which many think after the local tribe get rich as knowing the boom process can be much more than many island cities to create jealousy as the local tribe is 1st in that dude as in the link below, as they can make their own islands as some big ships are 300 meters in length while breadth is 50 meters, where such made big stone of same size like 20 is the size of Manhattan island and more dude. They can be interlocking from the sides if 1 such big stone or armored glass cant be made at once as to heap another on top got holes, the down 1 where the placed above got projections to fit on the holes as the the 1 with projections on top got holes and on and on
Women esp with slanting chest backward towards the head are Iranian blooded and are known that way, In-fact when next to them, kinda, u feel like vomiting. Pussy sweet dude, Kikuyu blooded from far.
If u want to know English, u get to USA, Canada, Australia or Britain, to take intensive English classes within no time like 1 year u know that dialect and even those who are from nations that speaks English not like West Africa, its not eating corpse dude and with u who eat eats 4 many years why don’t u know exactly the same English as those from non English speaking nations as seen in the USA or Canada dude. Stop ya shit dude and let the world move on bro as in the link below
Green grams makes detonators even uranium when placed in city garbage solution with with much water and much food in many nations as in the link below, in the USA grows in Like Midwestern states like Kansas dude
Nigeria space ship demo in the links below dude
Garbage made machines when next to them breeds contempt dude as people don’t hold that respect on ya, people see ya as that naked child around ya needing help yet grown up, so only as the headline, inner parts of the machine spare-parts and building rods are Garbage made products respected utility dude. Championing high population as the garbage be much 4 that, which within no short time can be scraped dude, to place the huge population in jeopardy as currently witnessed in Kenya with planed hooliganism among dignitaries dude
Words with many meaning as u can check in oxford dictionary as in the below link
Jambo shopping are French products while alibaba are Uganda products as kilimall Ethiopian as well as Kamba, so think twice b4 u make another nation rich or tribe forgetting yours dude. Tuskys super-market are luo made products 4 ya information dude. The lord still alive 4 ever ever as in the link below song
Brown feces, ripe red guava, Ginger, used gun bullets, Hay, Dry chaff or vegetation, Groundnuts, red beans and any thing grown with red/brown appeal when placed in Garbage of like the whole estate and the artificial made stone, tear gas canistar placed or sewer water added makes Gold bars as u like.
In making Tv or radios as well as much elctronics, u place cut ginger pieces or mixed with the solution b4 placing broken parts into like dough, cereal or fruit smashed pieces of about 20-30 % of weight of the gadget u want to make or insert the made artificial stone, coconut African broom stick pieces, mango seed, pumpkin pieces or pineaple, purple fruit, orange outer peel, water lilies or charcoal water. In the 20-30 % mixed described above with Tv u can inserted 1 piece of groundnut or garlic and boom ya stereo dude. With radios u place cut pieces of tomato or ripe mango and boom ya Stereo bro.
Ginger also makes paints as artificial made 1 makes easy to peel paints dude and machines both in the boom process. So nations with much ginger growing keep an eye on dude as grown ginger GG treats Covid and its utility as well as if taken with Skari ngulu the hindu cant shift ya mind with another some1 and even body parts unless near to ya bro which artificial 1 cant and the distiction between grown and artificial ginger.
U cant bring people who have known how to make gadgets to another nation cause they can make the same and injure the natives as the Negros as Rwanda showcase their military prowes to signal the same and with plastic chair as u wash hands with covid is the same when 1 stands u spray the seat if u think they are dirty provided they aint smelling as their clothes dude. Make work easy, wanna eat rotten corpse and the next minute saying u hate nasty things, how comes dude and if 1 holds u to the later reasoning u say u r replica of jew in the desert who did not listen to Moses, well, u r but the 1 whom u claim to be moses says he is not moses. What do u want homey, after that saying u r negros, where 1 tells u to get ya self togther and get to the usa not wanting to engage 1 with ya shear stupidity which never ends dude and saying againg usa poor yet now u goy it, is Kenya which is poor as tea using the steps above can be made in boom process bro as much as pyrethrum, maize or coffee as much as vegatable which u had knwon to make earlier to be ahead of others which those others have known to reduce ya leverage to want to start to hate them as they rob ya, ya self hood and dignity other countries had bestowed in ya. If u continue with such absurdities calls 4 annihilation bro. Crysrtal,loud and clear am just a man not Christ or Moses, period, Got me Mr wanna be who will not be like Kebi was 1 as many thought but in final ends be dude— Beatitude Mathew tano as 5, Fight, five bro. Ginger also used as appetizer in tea as in the link below
Speed boat up-to 10 k meters to withdraw from 2goinvoice along time b4 the name changed esp Mr Hindu and many more people currently in hidden in business as in the link below, Even on lofty inclination as mountaintops dude or on fissures that leads to below or outside the earth swears Emanuel Mkora Of Eastern province provided their is cabled internet as currently installed in Kenya dude
Balcony support or bar china made dude in the link below as don’t buy like shoes and clothes many now in the market that are British made as they fund hooliganism around which hard to explain dude
Don’t say 1 is poor when u employ them, pay them well so they live in good ways so u don’t find measures to do the same above as even as the work u give them they do better, u silly stupid animal who opens false a/c 4 people if they come to complain u plan their ambush, Cut throat dogs and lazy!!
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